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ENNIS FLEADH NUA - Comhaltas Archive

ENNIS FLEADH NUA - Comhaltas Archive

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POLKA SETS AT LISTYCROSSROADSA dying tradition has been revivednear Killarney in Co . Kerry.The open air crossroads dances, sopopular in years gone by, have beengiven a new lease of life by CornhaltasCeolt6iri Eireann members in the villageof Listry - eight miles from Killarney.On Sunday last the original roadsideplatform was again the setting for traditionalpolka sets, old time waltzes andthe ever popular Highland Fling. Adultsand children alike braved the unfavourableelements to exhibit their dancingprowess on the same platform that wasused back in the 1920s.It was 32 years since a crossroaddance was staged in the area. And traditionconscious locals felt that it was32 years too many.Prior to last Sunday's gala eventlocals worked tirelessly resurfacing theoriginal concrete platform which wasfust laid way back in 1915. And playingan active role was dancing veteranPaddy O'Brien whose father, Charlie,built the original platform 72 years ago." I'm really delighted that the' traditionhas been revived", said Paddy. "Itshould never have ceased in the fir-stplace."Another local who remembers theearly days of the cross-road dances isTim O'Brien. "Those dances were thehighlight of my youth and I have veryfond memories of those days", he said." It was the only real entertainment ofthat era and people travelled up to 20miles to attend."Tom disclosed that many romancesstarted and finished at the Listry crossroadsdance. " Singing pubs and discoswere not even heard of then and theplatform dances was one of the onlyplaces where boys and girls got thechance to meet," he explained.The organisers were delighted withthe turnout of the Listry event, whichsaw people of all ages anxiously awaitingtheir turn on the platform as a groupof local traditional musicians churnedout all the old favourites.• Reprinted from "TheSunday Press"• Mila O'ConftOr, from Castlemaine, belts out the firstpolka et Listry crossroads dancing · platform.49

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