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ENNIS FLEADH NUA - Comhaltas Archive

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TreolrIris Oifigiuil Chomhaltas Ceolt6iri EireannThe Book of Traditional Music, Song and DanceIml 19 Uimhir 3 & 4 41 SSN 0790-004XE A G ARF HOCA L . .. . .. ... . . .. . . .... .. . . . .... . . . . . . . .. .... . . ... • .. . 1G E NERA L MOTORS TO SPONSOR IRISH TOUR ....•• • . . . 3ROSE MAKES IT THREE IN A ROW . . ....... . ..... .. .... . .... 3A MUSICAL SON O F KNOCKNA SKA .. .... . ............... . . 4KILKENNY T O HOST 1988 ALL -IRELAND ........... .. .. . .. 5130,000 E NJOY THE " GREA TEST <strong>FLEADH</strong> OF ALL" .... . 6WHAT'S IN A NAME ................... . .... .......... ... .. ...... 7M A RCHING BANDS ....... . .... . .. . . .. ..... . .. . ................. 76M6s DO PHIL ROONEY ...... . ...... .. . . . . .. .. .. . ..... . •.. ... 8THE THATCH - WEAVERS OF SUCCESS . ....... . .. . .. . . . . 8FIDDLERS, E XILES AND BROADCASTING .... . . . . . ... .. . 9F L E ADHFACES ........ . .... . ..................... . ....... . ...... 10THE SPIRIT OF IRELAND IN COPENHAGEN ........... . .. 14CEOLANN - A CULTURAL SUCCESS STORy ..... .. .... . . 16A TRIBUTE TO THE LATE pADRAIG 6 GRioFA ... . . .. .. 17R E M E MBERING GEORDIE ............... ..................... 17LEO WAS A TRUE ARTISTE ...... .. .. ... ................ .. .... 18JIMMY WARD ............ .. ..... . ...................... . . .. . .. . .. 18BOSTON TO HOST CONFERE NCE .... . . .. . . ... ... . . . . .. .. .. . 19SOLUS LILLIS ............ . .. . ........................... . ......... 20TRIBUTE TO MARTIN MUL VIHILL . . ... . .•.•............. ... 20A STAMP OF APPROVAL .......... . .. .. .. . .. ................ . .. 2 1<strong>FLEADH</strong> N U A ' 88 ' .. ... .... . ............................... ...... . 2 2MELODEON TITLE F OR DIARMA ID ... . . . .. . .... . .......... 2 2 .THOUSANDS OF ACCORDIONS AND J E WS HARPSIN AUSTRALIA .. ........ .... .... . .. . .... . .......... . .......... 23A WEE K OF MUSIC ............. ........... . .... . ..... . .. . ....... 24PIC TORIAL ROUND-UP .. .. ............. . . .... .. .... ... ... •.... 25CON O 'SULLIV AN OF CASEYVILLE .. ....... . ......... . ..... 26COMHALTASAGUSANGHAEILGE ...... .. . ............... 26i L E MO CHROi .. . .......... . ... ................. . .............. . .. 27A SON OF MILL TOWN HONOURED IN HARTFORD . .. .. 28AG DEANAMH CEOIL . . .................. . .... . " .. Centre pagesTHE BREAKING OF PUNCH ............ . .... .. .. ........... . .. 30LEOHRA THIOBRAID ARANN AMHRANAGUS FiLOCHT ..... . ..... . ................ .. .. ..... ....... . .. 33cEnLi AT CROSSROADS .. . ....... . ......................... ... 37THE BIRDS A RE SILENT IN DRIMNEEN .... .. ..... . . .••.... 38JIM LYNCH: MUSICIAN AND PUPPETEE REXTRAORDINARY ..... . ... ... . . ... . .. . . .. .. . .... . . .. . . . . .... 39MORE WEXFORD BALLADS . . . . . ..... .. .... .. .......... . . .... 42SOUL SEA RCHING MUSICIANSHIP ...... . •... .......... . ... 4 3MELOS ... .. . ............ .. . ...................... .. ...... .. ........ 44SUPPORT FOR TORY ISLAND . " . . ..... .. ..... ... ... . ... ... ... 45A CALL FOR LOCAL ARTS COUNCILS .......... . ........ . . 45THE BARD OF OUL' ARBOE ............... . ........ .. ...... . 46DROGHEDA CELEBRATES . . . . . . . .. . . .... ... .. . .. .. . .. . . . ... .. 46THE CElL! BARN AND THE BOTTE BLOWERS ... . .. . . ... 47CHURCHTOWN TO CELEBRATE THEIR 10th YEA R ..... 48UTV CONTRIBUTE TO CLE .............. . ..... . ............... 48POLKA SETS AT LISTY CROSSROA DS .............. .. ...... 49THE GENIUS OF CHRISTOPHER O ' CONNELL ............ 50AUST RALIA N MARRIAGE ... .. ............... .. ........ .... ... 51TION6L TIME........ .... . ....... . ... .. . ... ... ....... ..... . .... ... 52CHA MPIONS OF NOTE 1987 . . .. .. . ... . . . ... . ................ .. 53BUDWEISER BACK TRIUMPHANT TOUR . . . .. . ... . .. . . .. .. 56CLUDACH - TREOIR wishes to acknowledge the kind permission of An Post toreproduce the Fleadh Nua stamp on the cover of this issue.Single copies 70pSubscription Rates: Ireland and Britain £5Other European Countries £6U.S.A. and Canada $10Australia and New Zealand £12Treoir:Orders in the U.S.A. to be forwarded to:Treoir, 70 Westminster Dr., West Hartford CT 06107Second Class Postage paid at Hartford, Conn. V.S.P.S. 062-790Orders in Canada to be forwarded to:Ms. Sally Carroll , 891 Coxwell Ave. , Toronto M4C 361.cornbal"tosceOl"tOIRfelRearJrJCearnog Be!grave , Baile na Manach ,Co. Bhaile Atha Cliath . Ireland . Fa nEagarfhocalWe regret to announce that due to fmancialrestrictions TREOIR was curtailed to three issues in1987. However, we are making this issue a specialbumper one which we hope you enjoy. We are indebtedto all those who support our journal and we promise tokeep it alive come what may!It is timely to note that even though our movementhas been subjected to unprecedented financial deprivationin the last six or seven years we have not "goneunder". We have rallied with each new onslaught -strengthened in our detennination but, nevertheless,puzzled as to why we have been singled out for suchpunitive treatment. There are some who would treat usas beggars in our own land but it would seem that theIrish people at large hold us as kings in their estimation.We find it difficult to say "no" when our services arerequested not only throughout Ireland but worldwide.Our enthusiasm - yes, our patriotism - knows nobounds when it comes to cultivating our nationalidentity. Being denied the meagre fmancial resourceswhich we require will not force us to place a boundaryto the cultural march of the nation. This follows in thebest traditions of our race. ¥e we wrong? The glorythat was Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann in Listowel is ananswer in itself: 130,000 people gathered in the nameof Ireland and her ancient heritage. Ignored we may bein many ways and victimised unashamedly but, yet, weare totally undaunted.The Fleadh Nua blossoms in Ennis, Co. Clare, andearns the prestigious stamp of approval of An Post. Ouryoung people are exposed to and educated in ourtraditions through 600 classes. Over 40 fleadhannacheoil proclaim the good news each year that our nativeculture is alive and well. International concert toursspread the message far afield while Culturlann nahEireann is a beacon of hope and stability for the wholemovement.We have not "gone under" because we have a loyalmembership and generous friends. Each time when wewere on the brink and another push was threatened oursupporters rallied and the flag was hoisted even higher.Our music was more vibrant in defiance while we continuedto spread friendship, reconciliation and nationalpride in the villages, towns and cities of Ireland and tothe far corners of the earth.Some day the full story will be told. Many will havea place of pride in this chronicle: others a place ofshame. In the meantime, we may have to brace ourselvesonce more for even further deprivation in 1988. Butwe are fortified by the knowledge that 1987 has been agood year - a great year - and the cultural harvest wasbountiful. We are buoyant and ready for the challenge.We will respond with even more music, song and dance.We will quicken the pulse of the nation - as we did inListowel - and set feet tapping as never before. We willconfuse the begrudgers: this will be our legacy to ourpeople.Your continued support will be required. We are confidentthat you will respond positively as in the past. Goraibh mile maith agat - thank you.

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