ENNIS FLEADH NUA - Comhaltas Archive

ENNIS FLEADH NUA - Comhaltas Archive

ENNIS FLEADH NUA - Comhaltas Archive

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Westering Home with a song in the airLight in the eye and it's goodbye tocare,Laughter 0' love and a welcoming there,Isle of my heart my own one.Tell me of lands of the Orient Gay,Speak of the riches and joys of Cathay,Ah! but its grand to be waking all day,To find yourself nearer to Islay.Where are the folks like the folks of theWestCanty and Couthy and kindly the best,There I would hie me and there I wouldrestAt home with my ain folk in Islay., ,ILEMO CHROIOh! the happy schoolday memoriesthat the above lines remind us all of, butlittle did we know of the folk in Islay.The little isle is within view of the coastof Antrim but travel thereto by air orcar ferry is very involved, tedious andlong. The people there depend on theirdistilleries for their livlehood (only 8distilleries on the isle! !), and arefriendly and relaxed, with a special affinitywith the Irish.I was fortunate to be asked to take asmall group to a Celtic Festival in Islaylast year and again this year. Othergroups, some professional were presentalso, from Shetland Islands, Wales, Brittany,Isle of Man and Scotland. Dailyworkshops were conducted by Scottishexponents on fiddle, chiirseach, pipesand singing. The groups performed atconcerts organised at various venuesthroughout the island.We discovered that the groupspresent specialise in either singing, dancingor music. The Irish appear to bethe only people who combine all threeforms. Everyone marvelled at the versatilityand professionalism of the Irishand found it hard to credit that Irelandis bursting at the seams with groups ofthat standard. When I explained to thelocal committee that such groups areproducts of our Summer EntertainmentScheme, they envied us our nationalfreedom. However, they were extremelyangry to be told that Seisiun hasbeen axed by the Arts Council and thatour Government to date has notremedied the situation.The Islay people understood and appreciatedour airs and songs, not tomention our dance music. However, Iwas amazed that it was the sets andANNETTE and JIMMY SINCLAIR (centre)of Islay photographed with <strong>Comhaltas</strong> officialsat Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann.stepdancing that intrigued them. Theisland itself is rich in songs of oppres-Enjoying the Half-set in Islay are MAl READLlDDY and MICHAEL HOGAN, MARY andDAN LlDDY. The musicians are DEN IS andSHANE LlDDY.sion, hardship, tragedy and of course,love.I was involved in 1984 and 1985 inorganising exchange groups throughAIYCOE but believe now that more exchangesshould be concentrated withour Celtic neighbours just across the sea.Already a group is organising itself forFleadh Amhran agus Rince in Ballycastlein 1988!.27

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