BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine

BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine

BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine

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About SchoolHe always wanted to explain things, butno one cared.So he drew.Sometimes he would just draw and itwasn’t anything.He wanted to carve it in stone or write itin the sky.He would lie on the grass and look up inthe sky and it would only be the sky andthe things inside him that needed saying.And it was after that he drew the picture.It was a beautiful picture.He kept it under his pillow and would letno one see it.And he would look at it every night andthink about it.And when it was dark and his eyes wereclosed he could see it still.And it was all of him and he loved it.When he started school he brought itwith him.Not to show anyone, but just to have itwith him like a friend.It was funny about school.He sat in a square brown desk like allthe other square desks, and he thought itwould be red.And his room was a square brown roomlike all the other rooms.And it was tight and close.And stiff.He hated to hold the pencil and chalk,with his arm stiff and his feet flat on thefloor, stiff, with the teacher watching andwatching.The teacher came and spoke to him.She told him to wear a tie like all theother boys.He said he didn’t like them and she saidit didn’t matter.After that they drew.And he drew all yellow and it was the wayhe felt about the morning.And it was beautiful.The teacher came and smiled at him.“What’s this?”, she said.“Why don’t you draw something likeKen’s drawing? Isn’t it beautiful?”After that his mother bought him a tieand he always drew aeroplanes androcket ships like everyone else.And he threw the old picture away.And when he lay out alone looking at thesky, it was big and blue and all of everything,but he wasn’t anymore.He was square and brown inside and hishands were stiff.And he was like everyone else.All the things inside him that needed sayingdidn’t need it anymore.It had stopped pushing.It was crushed.Stiff.Like everything else.Anonymousour nutrition, but today’s soils are soempty that there is no way of replenishingour cells. If we look at the effect ofdepleted soils, we can easily establishwhy we have lots of immune diseases inSouth Africa.The soil in this wonderful countrycontains no more Selenium, the mostimportant immune booster. We cancompare this to Senegal, their soils arevery rich in Selenium and immune diseaseshardly occur. This small exampleshows the importance of nutrition (…and agricultural practice)!The loss of minerals is not onlycaused by almost empty nutrition andbad eating habits, but is also due to anunsuitable sleeping place, increasingelectrical and environmental pollution,stress and many other reasons.However, even when we can’t get theminerals from the food, with tissue saltswe have a subtle and very effective alternativethat refills the empty mineraldepots! They are triturated and so thinthat they can enter the cells immediatelyand are quickly available to supportthe body in its vital work.Vitamins and nutritional supplementsare too big to enter the cells. Butwhen taken together, tissue salts supportthe absorption of Vitamins and wecan achieve optimal results.If you take vitamins, but the deficiencydoesn’t disappear, then you haveforgotten to refill the deficiency on thecellular level with Schuessler’s tissuesalts!Case study:My 6-year old daughter was diagnosedwith ADD, which put a lot of stresson her and all of her family. Me as themother had to put up with a lot of pressurefrom the professionals to give herRitalin, which is supposed to be thewonder cure for ADD.Neither my husband nor I believein using drugs on children, so I had tolook at other options. I read as manybooks as I could and realized thathealthy food and mineral supplementscan make a big difference. Eva came tosee my daughter and analysed whichtissue salts she needs to take.Within the first week of cutting allsugars, preservatives and colorants andtaking all the prescribed tissue salts wecould see a huge improvement in mydaughters ability to concentrate. Herteachers also saw the difference in herwork.As long as I keep her on healthy foodand all her tissue salts and vitamins,she has a better appetite, is not so hyperactiveand sleeps a lot better.<strong>Biophile</strong> Issue <strong>16</strong>Mardie R. MotherWhen I met this girl, she jumpedaround, couldn’t sit still and her behaviourwas unnatural. I did a facial analysisand could see many deficiencies.However, I detected something elsein her face — but what? I insisted onchecking the girl’s bedroom.Here was the answer! The bed stoodin a corner and when I checked it, allmy hair stood on end. There may havebeen water veins, field lines or a crossingof the earth grid, this place was avery bad sleeping place.This was the reason for the higherconsumption of minerals in her bodyand also the girl’s insomnia.My question about nutrition waseven more shocking. Megan was onlyeating chocolate and sweets. She refusedall other food! No wonder she wasso wriggly — her level of acidity wasvery high.Together with her mother we developedthe following plan:1. Megan had to replace urgently themissing tissue salts, which wouldenable her to abstain from sweets! Inaddition to the tissue salt mixture, I offeredher some related vitamins (mainlymagnesium)2. The second component was a completechange of nutrition. I appreciatehow much her mother was in favour ofthat!3. And the third component was changingthe bed position.Never before I have seen parentschanging all the necessary things soquickly. Megan’s mother has done anincredible job, so good that Meganobviously accepted everything.In the first few days Megan’s sleepwas not really better, but slowly herbody — supported by tissue salts andhealthy food — started to adjust to amore relaxed way of being. Her cravingfor sweets and chocolate disappearedquite quickly. She likes to take tissuesalts as a healthy replacement forsweets.Four weeks later, I met her againand I couldn’t believe what I saw: shewas a completely different girl. What achange!My experience as a tissue salt consultanthas really convinced me of thevalue of tissue salts when supportingADHD children and their parents.Before considering the use of behaviouraltering drugs, I would stronglyurge you to try nourishing your ADHDchild’s body, restoring the mineral levelsand appreciating the special geniusof these special, precious, wonderfulchildren.53

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