BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine

BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine

BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine

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HEALING MOTHER EARTHvisions and auras. I was more than a littlefreaked out. As time passed, I wouldask “ What do you want of me?” Theyexplained that humanity has spiralledout of control, and has lost its true connectionto God and to the Earth. Theywanted desperately for me to spreadthe message that we have inside of usthe power to unite everyone, with peaceand prosperity for all.This power lies inside us, and whencombined with the loving energy ofHumanity has spiralled outof control, and has lost itstrue connection to God andto this Earth.other humans, we can do for this planetwhat we did for my son. We can revivethis Earth and catapult it into healing.With this healing will come a newphase of humanity. We will have a timeof peace and harmony. All it will takeis our intention, as a united group, andone hour of our time.We need to unite enough peopleto fire the divine energy system ofthis planet and jump start it likewe did with my boy.This global project of lovingintention is completely possible.Your intention to make it happencan change the outcome of thisplanet. I will discuss the detailsof the plan on my website:www.firethegrid.comI will give you the directions tofollow, and you will see how littleit will take for you to becomean ambassador of light to ourhome, planet Earth. I beseechyou to join me when we fire theEarth grid on July 17, <strong>2007</strong> at 11:11Greenwich Mean Time (13:11 inSouth Africa) and add your energyto this project.I promise you, just one hourof your time and you can helpheal this planet, and help createpeace among all people. My sonand I are examples of the powerof positive energy, and what humansare truly capable of whenthey unite with the intention oflove. Love is the universal languageof our world, and the worldbeyond.Be part of the excitement andplease join us.Stone walltreated withProNature RockStaircase treatedwith ProNatureOutdoorPAINTyou do havea choiceby Bernhard Lembeck,EnviroTouch44<strong>Biophile</strong> Issue <strong>16</strong>

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