BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine

BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine

BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine

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007As all of this builds up like a pressurecan print it. There is no end in sightto this liquidity trend, and everybodyknows it. Because Ben Bernanke ismanning the printing presses at the Fed,deflation is an impossibility. He’ll justprint more money. Everybody knowsthis.”The year <strong>2007</strong> will in all likelihoodshed some intense light on this entireprocess. If there is a sudden shock tothe US economy that causes a drasticslowdown (like a lot of central banksdumping dollars because of a recordtrade deficit), homeowners will bescrambling to make their payments.cooker modern medicine and the pharmaceuticalcompanies are assaultingchildren all over the world with a hideousform of medicine that is devastatingthem.Add to that the deliberate poisoningof populations with toxins hidden in thefood and water supplies and you havemassive crimes against humanity thatno-one is being held accountable for.For all those who support the hangingof Saddam Hussein, it should be knownthat scores of politicians, corporate executivesand health officials should beswinging next to him on the gallows forthe murder of literally millions of men,women and children.Water fluoridation, aspartame andMSG, and the use of mercury in vaccinesand dentistry jointly illustrate thispoint of madness in modern medicine.Crimes against humanity have neverbeen greater and the FDA takes the leadtelling everyone is all fine and safe andokay for our kids.The government only loves us if weact like cattle, feeding ourselves and<strong>2007</strong>: THE YEAR OF EVENTUALITIESour children to their corporate sponsors.Are we railing loudlyenough over health issues,proclaiming our angerat vaccinations infestedwith pollutants and toxins,deadly radioactive fluoridein our water, testing of ourchildren in schools to justifyforced drugging, and more?Emma HolisterBut everything is fine! Don’t worry;no one is going to get rid of our preciousdoctors no matter how enslavedthey are to the pharmaceutical people.Who cares that there is such a thingas pharmaceutical terrorism and thatmedicine has turned an insane corner,killing millions around the world eachyear through iatrogenic causes. It is allperfectly normal in a world that evil hasconquered.Enjoy life; eat, drink and be merry.And don’t forget to borrow some moremoney and spend, spend and spendsome more. Do your part to keep theparty going as long as possible and certainlydon’t lose any sleep over our collectivecatastrophe waiting to happen.For the masses this is the preferredstance until all choice is taken fromtheir hands. What most of us should reallybe doing is saving emergency fundsand taking care of certain fundamentalsthat will facilitate our comfort when thehuge downdraft takes civilization downa few notches.Though this might make sense tomany of us the secret power of themasses is found in the opposite. Consumerscould bring down the insanesuicidal system quickly just by curtailingtheir spending. Though the richand powerful rig many aspects of theeconomy, financial markets, and internationaltrade, they remain dependenton consumer spending to createnational wealth and keep the economyhealthy, because it accounts for some 70percent of the GDP.In one sense, they are not able tophysically force people to spend moneyyet through huge marketing campaignsand total control of the media they doan excellent job of keeping us spending.The world as we know it is about toend. And this actually is a very goodthing. It’s the fundamentals that willshape our future; there is absolutelyno question about that. Even in financeand economics there are fundamentallaws like gravity that have be abused,manipulated and stretched to theirultimate limits.But everything that goes up mustcome down eventually and this is especiallytrue with spending sprees basedon debt creation. Those in control havepostponed this eventuality for theirgain is our loss.The year <strong>2007</strong> is the year of eventualities,a year for us to begin to confrontreality; only those who are used toliving with truth will not be shockedwhen American society and our globalcivilization hits the hard wall of realitythat ‘we’ have created. This is that kindof reality that no one on earth has thepower to manipulate us out of.42<strong>Biophile</strong> Issue <strong>16</strong>

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