BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine

BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine
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007passing through a confused period of2007the year of eventualitiesPaul Theroux, author of theforthcoming novel The ElephantaSuite, writes in an editorial forthe New York Times that “ We areaggression and fear, characterized byour confrontational government, thedecline of diplomacy, a pugnaciousforeign policy and a settled belief thatthe surest way to get people to tell thetruth is to torture them.”“It is no wonder we have begun tosquint at strangers. This is a corrosivesituation in a country where more andmore people, most of them strangers,are a feature of daily life. Americansas a people I believe to be easygoing,compassionate, not looking for a fight.But surely I am not the only one whohas noticed that we are ruder, more offhand,readier to take offense, a nation ofshouters and blamers.”Unfortunately he is not telling evenhalf the story. We are just one countryamong others (notably Germany andEngland) that has conspired to destroythe heart and soul of humanity throughthe use of the capitalist impulse toreach unlimited power, wealth and totalcontrol of the masses.Money has been at the heart of agrowing evil that was begun long agowith the antics of money changers.No wonder Jesus Christ’s momentof unconcealed anger was reserved forthem. Some even believe that it is thesame families, from that time, that havepulled the financial strings of civilizationbut certainly the Rothschild familyqualifies as a central modern day dynastythat has impacted modern civilizationin ways few understand.We are in a country and ina world that is being run byunbelievably sick people.David IckeThe people at the top have set no limitsto how nasty, cruel and evil humanscan become in the search for moneyand power. The richest 2 percent ofadults in the world own more than halfThe official version ofwhat is going on hasvery little to do withthe truth of what isgoing Mark Sircus (Ac., omd)the world’s wealth, according to a newstudy released by the Helsinki-basedWorld Institute for Development EconomicsResearch of the United NationsUniversity.The richest 1 percent of adults owned40 percent of global assets in the year2000, and that the richest 10 percent ofadults accounted for 85 percent of theworld’s total. This is a hard and a mostdisgusting reality and does nothing tomake our world beautiful or fair.There is nothing beautiful orevolutionary about evil.Evil is destructive in everymeaning and sense of the word.Evil is wrong, not in a moralisticsense but in an absolute sense.Those who have taken on the taskof driving humanity with the motive ofaccumulating and maintaining enormouspower and wealth have created asystem where anything goes as long asit is hidden from plain sight. They havecreated an educational system that hasconditioned (hypnotized) the minds ofthe vast majority, one that has succeededin hiding their atrocities behindwalls of ignorance, misinformation, andoutright lies.The battlements of rationalizationmixed with denial have led to a steadilydeteriorating situation with dire consequencesthat many have already metup with, especially in terms of health.2007 is probably the year where it willbecome almost impossible to not seethe beginning of the end, the time whenthe system begins to collapse in on itsown inherent evilness (wrongness).We have become passive in the face ofmonstrosities against our planet and allthe people on it and the interest on thatpassivity is coming due.Their greatest feat of controlhas been to hypnotize us tothink we are free when in realitywe are being fundamentallymanipulated and dictated to.Some really good people that I knowbelieve that the populace needs to seea glimmer of light, a sliver of hope thatwe will turn things around, and then ina sudden world wide change, when consciousnessevolves to a point of criticalmass we will achieve world peace.It is hard to disappoint them withsuch naked truth but evil has triumphed,or is in the process of windingup to a finale of truly unpleasantproportions. It certainly is not the goodguys destroying the earth….or are weall guilty of participating to one degreeor another?We are living in a world of ourown creation though the superwealthy hold a disproportionatepercentage of the responsibility.“The contribution of Americanculture to humanity is consumptionobsession. Our epidemic of obesity, ourland gluttonous suburban sprawl, ourmonster-size environmental footprint,our ravenous automobile addiction, andour heartless greed are symptoms ofa deep-seated, sick mental state thatkeeps the economy humming.And it keeps increasing economicinequality and apartheid,” writes Joel S.Hirschhorn for COA News.Americans are enslavingthemselves with theirspending and delusionalprosperity.Joel S. HirschhornBesides poisoning the minds of billions,the richest people on earth havebeen very busy building their modernday empires on physically poisoningevery man, woman and child on earth.It is a very lucrative endeavor so it has40 Biophile Issue 16

een fully exploited and will continuebe so until a total collapse occurs.So tough and so tightly do the richesthold the reins that even a full collapsewill not wipe them from the face of theplanet. With all the money on earththey are more than likely prepared withtheir underground bunkers and willprobably evolve into the same monsterspreviewed by H. G. Wells in his storyTime Machine.But as indicated by Icke, perhapsthere is no need to project that into thefuture since they truly seem to be actingin grotesque ways right now.Another terrorist attack, awarmer planet, death anddestruction from a naturaldisaster. These are amongAmericans’ grim predictionsfor the United States in2007.Associated PressProphecies of the end have alwaysbeen around but now it is basic sciencethat is screaming out dire warnings,which of course we deny in our mindsto the maximum possible. We are collectively,through unbalanced humanactivity, changing the weather and thevery fabric of life on earth throughintense pollution but people commonlybelieve everything is all right.In fact for some of us life has neverbeen better!The fantastically wealthy seem alsoto ignore reality or in all likelihood areeven welcoming events as the continuingsaga of a destiny that has been deliberatelycreated by them. From theirpoint of view times of adversity are agood time to start more wars to distractour attention and to generate morewealth and economic expansion.My goal in writing thisdocument is to provide peoplewith the gritty truths that theyneed to protect themselves.It is the year 2007 and the greatesttragedy to ever face humanity is well inprogress and will eclipse all the movieswe have watched these past years. Evenour snow storms are intensifying andthis last month we saw how they toocan paralyze modern day life. “This is avery significant storm; it’s in the recordbooks,” said Scott Blair, a meteorologistwith the National Weather Service, talkingabout the first of a series of threebig storms in January. “The magnitudeof the snow out here is astounding,”said Ed Cordes, project manager forPioneer Pork.In Australia, which is strugglingthrough its worst drought on record,the impact on farmers of global warmingis already devastating. The countryhas registered its smallest wheat harvestin a decade, food prices are rising,and severe water restrictions have putthousands of farmers at risk of bankruptcy.British climate scientists predict thata resurgent El Nino climate trend combinedwith higher levels of greenhousegases could touch off a fresh round ofecological disasters — and make 2007the world’s hottest year on record.Experts at NASA’s Goddard Instituteare saying that 2006 was the fifthwarmestyear since modern recordkeepingbegan.It was reported on December 12that exhaustive computer simulationscarried out at the National Center forAtmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo.,suggest that the Arctic Ocean will bemostly open water in the summer of2040 — several decades earlier thanexpected. The rapidly opening artic watersare speeding up the warming effectbecause of the additional absorption ofsolar radiation.The weather and global warmingare both connected intimately to waterissues. The weather cares little for ourneeds and concerns and demonstratesa power that should humble us but stilldoes not. Physicians for Social Responsibility,in their 2006 Briefing Bookfor Congressional, Gubernatorial andMayoral Candidates, lay out a list of theMAJOR crises facing us in 2007 andbeyond.Their list:I. Climate changeII. Species loss & ecosystem disruptionIII. Air pollutionIV. Drinking water contaminationV. Food safetyVI. Toxic substancesVII. Environmental injusticesVIII. Environmental threats to childrenIX. Worker safetyX. TransportationXI. Urban sprawlXII. Stratospheric ozone depletionXIII. Global population growthXIV. Nuclear energyXV. Sustainable energyThe accountant-in-chief’ of theUnited States, David M. Walker’s professionalopinion is that the Americanpublic needs to tell Washington it’stime to steer the nation off the path tofinancial ruin.“ You can’t solve a problem until themajority of the people believe you havea problem that needs to be solved,”Walker says. Every year that nothingis done about it, according to Walkerthe problem grows by $2 trillion to $3trillion. According to Walker economicdisaster is looming but no one is reallypaying attention least of all the politicians.He is one of the few in Washingtonwilling and capable of telling the truthfor he has complete job security with afifteen year appointment. Believe it ornot others calculate the problem withhigher numbers. “ What really jumpsout is that the US financial position hasdeteriorated by over $22 trillion in only4 years and $4.5 trillion in the last 12months. The problem did not ‘get better’as a result of the excellent economicgrowth over the past 3 years but rathergot worse and is apparently acceleratingto the downside,” writes Dr. ChrisMortensen.Dr. Mortensen points out that anyeconomic weakness will only exacerbatethe problem. Budgetary assumptionsof the US government are fargreater than 5% nominal GDP growththrough at least 2011.In other words, because no economicweakness is included in the deficit projectionsbelow, $53 trillion could be onthe low side. Further, none of the longtermcosts associated with the Iraq andAfghanistan wars are factored in any ofthe numbers presented (thought to beupwards of $2 trillion more).Yet the greatest standup comedian inthe world spoke from the White Housesaying, ““By holding the line on spendingand continuing our pro-growthpolicies, we can balance the budgetand address the most urgent needs ofour nation.” One can truly wonder whoBush was talking to or who he thoughtwould listen to his ramblings.Crises rarely hit when investorsexpect them. Instead, theyshow up when investors arecomplacent. And that’s exactlywhat we have right now.Some watch the weather others thehousing market and many the dollar,which is set up on the wall like Humpty-Dumpy set for a great fall. With moredebt measurable in dollars than starsin the universe, the world has a greatproblem on its hands.Michael Nystrom writes, “Americans— consumers and the government alike— are spending money as fast as the FedBiophile Issue 16 41

een fully exploited and will continuebe so until a total collapse occurs.So tough and so tightly do the richesthold the reins that even a full collapsewill not wipe them from the face of theplanet. With all the money on earththey are more than likely prepared withtheir underground bunkers and willprobably evolve into the same monsterspreviewed by H. G. Wells in his storyTime Machine.But as indicated by Icke, perhapsthere is no need to project that into thefuture since they truly seem to be actingin grotesque ways right now.Another terrorist attack, awarmer planet, death anddestruction from a naturaldisaster. These are amongAmericans’ grim predictionsfor the United States in<strong>2007</strong>.Associated PressProphecies of the end have alwaysbeen around but now it is basic sciencethat is screaming out dire warnings,which of course we deny in our mindsto the maximum possible. We are collectively,through unbalanced humanactivity, changing the weather and thevery fabric of life on earth throughintense pollution but people commonlybelieve everything is all right.In fact for some of us life has neverbeen better!The fantastically wealthy seem alsoto ignore reality or in all likelihood areeven welcoming events as the continuingsaga of a destiny that has been deliberatelycreated by them. From theirpoint of view times of adversity are agood time to start more wars to distractour attention and to generate morewealth and economic expansion.My goal in writing thisdocument is to provide peoplewith the gritty truths that theyneed to protect themselves.It is the year <strong>2007</strong> and the greatesttragedy to ever face humanity is well inprogress and will eclipse all the movieswe have watched these past years. Evenour snow storms are intensifying andthis last month we saw how they toocan paralyze modern day life. “This is avery significant storm; it’s in the recordbooks,” said Scott Blair, a meteorologistwith the National Weather Service, talkingabout the first of a series of threebig storms in January. “The magnitudeof the snow out here is astounding,”said Ed Cordes, project manager forPioneer Pork.In Australia, which is strugglingthrough its worst drought on record,the impact on farmers of global warmingis already devastating. The countryhas registered its smallest wheat harvestin a decade, food prices are rising,and severe water restrictions have putthousands of farmers at risk of bankruptcy.British climate scientists predict thata resurgent El Nino climate trend combinedwith higher levels of greenhousegases could touch off a fresh round ofecological disasters — and make <strong>2007</strong>the world’s hottest year on record.Experts at NASA’s Goddard Instituteare saying that 2006 was the fifthwarmestyear since modern recordkeepingbegan.It was reported on December 12that exhaustive computer simulationscarried out at the National Center forAtmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo.,suggest that the Arctic Ocean will bemostly open water in the summer of2040 — several decades earlier thanexpected. The rapidly opening artic watersare speeding up the warming effectbecause of the additional absorption ofsolar radiation.The weather and global warmingare both connected intimately to waterissues. The weather cares little for ourneeds and concerns and demonstratesa power that should humble us but stilldoes not. Physicians for Social Responsibility,in their 2006 Briefing Bookfor Congressional, Gubernatorial andMayoral Candidates, lay out a list of theMAJOR crises facing us in <strong>2007</strong> andbeyond.Their list:I. Climate changeII. Species loss & ecosystem disruptionIII. Air pollutionIV. Drinking water contaminationV. Food safetyVI. Toxic substancesVII. Environmental injusticesVIII. Environmental threats to childrenIX. Worker safetyX. TransportationXI. Urban sprawlXII. Stratospheric ozone depletionXIII. Global population growthXIV. Nuclear energyXV. Sustainable energyThe accountant-in-chief’ of theUnited States, David M. Walker’s professionalopinion is that the Americanpublic needs to tell Washington it’stime to steer the nation off the path tofinancial ruin.“ You can’t solve a problem until themajority of the people believe you havea problem that needs to be solved,”Walker says. Every year that nothingis done about it, according to Walkerthe problem grows by $2 trillion to $3trillion. According to Walker economicdisaster is looming but no one is reallypaying attention least of all the politicians.He is one of the few in Washingtonwilling and capable of telling the truthfor he has complete job security with afifteen year appointment. Believe it ornot others calculate the problem withhigher numbers. “ What really jumpsout is that the US financial position hasdeteriorated by over $22 trillion in only4 years and $4.5 trillion in the last 12months. The problem did not ‘get better’as a result of the excellent economicgrowth over the past 3 years but rathergot worse and is apparently acceleratingto the downside,” writes Dr. ChrisMortensen.Dr. Mortensen points out that anyeconomic weakness will only exacerbatethe problem. Budgetary assumptionsof the US government are fargreater than 5% nominal GDP growththrough at least 2011.In other words, because no economicweakness is included in the deficit projectionsbelow, $53 trillion could be onthe low side. Further, none of the longtermcosts associated with the Iraq andAfghanistan wars are factored in any ofthe numbers presented (thought to beupwards of $2 trillion more).Yet the greatest standup comedian inthe world spoke from the White Housesaying, ““By holding the line on spendingand continuing our pro-growthpolicies, we can balance the budgetand address the most urgent needs ofour nation.” One can truly wonder whoBush was talking to or who he thoughtwould listen to his ramblings.Crises rarely hit when investorsexpect them. Instead, theyshow up when investors arecomplacent. And that’s exactlywhat we have right now.Some watch the weather others thehousing market and many the dollar,which is set up on the wall like Humpty-Dumpy set for a great fall. With moredebt measurable in dollars than starsin the universe, the world has a greatproblem on its hands.Michael Nystrom writes, “Americans— consumers and the government alike— are spending money as fast as the Fed<strong>Biophile</strong> Issue <strong>16</strong> 41

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