BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine

BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine

BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine

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inbox our readers writeWorth every centI was recently introduced to yourmagazine by our local health shop.It was suggested as noteworthyreading in conjunction with theOdyssey magazine that I buy. I wasa little suspicious as the cover didnot look all glossy etc., but, as theysay, do not judge a book by itscover. In your case, magazine.Well, it was worth every cent.We have decided to find an alternativeto the IAMS dog food thatwe have been feeding our sausagedogs. Also I have quit using Canderellsweetener.I have also joined Earth Life.So, thanks! Us citizens of theworld need to have a platformof unbiased truth to digest andmanifest on.George RodinisIssue 13’s coverHi there. Would it be possible foryou guys to explain somethingto me? I am not going to bediplomatic nor am I going to beobnoxious or hateful in speech.On the cover of Issue 13 thereis written in pencil: “I must notexpress myself/I must not be creative/Punishmentand detention.”Now... let us say that a childread that. What would she orhe think? Saying that someoneshould not express themselves orbe creative and that they will bepunished basically takes away themeaning of being human.Mentally, that is. A person isbound to be creative and they willalmost always have the insatiableneed to be expressive, no? Takingthat away from a growing mindwith racing thoughts is just asbad as taking away life, paralizingsomeone.Now please explain to mewhy this was put on the cover.(I am still just a young person. Iexpressed myself here.)Ricky WheelerThe reason that we put that on thecover is that children are rarelyallowed to truly express themselveswhen they are in the classroom,Hence the bound mouth andthe backdrop to the child. If youread the articles you will see theethos that is running through theinformation is about allowingchildren much more freedom toexpress themselves, we at <strong>Biophile</strong>feel strongly that the current systemis not serving our children in a waythat is allowing them to reach anythinglike their full potential.AntheaSend your letters to inbox@biophile.co.zapost them to PO Box 39277 Capricorn Square 7948or fax them to 021 709 0392Star Letters win a free subscription to <strong>Biophile</strong><strong>Biophile</strong> is part of the movementagainst lies and propagandaMuizenberg’scob houseMany thanks for printing the articleabout our house last month — exceptfor the misleading information that the cobhouse in Muizenberg has been finished.It hasn’t! We have nearly cobbed up tofirst floor level at the time of writing (thereare two floors to the building). We are verymuch still busy, offering building workshopsfor the public on the last Sunday ofevery month, and also hoping that peoplewill take up the offer of future accommodationin our organic Bed and Breakfast inreturn for paying now.This would help with getting the last fewpennies to complete the house — as we mentioned,there is no chance of getting a bankloan at present for this kind of building.Thank you for the amazing work you do ofraising awareness and increasing publicknowledge on so many issues which impacton the lives of millions of South Africans.Much of what we have come to know as‘modern life’ has been the result of ill-communication,manipulation and outright liesby those in political and economic power.I recognize that <strong>Biophile</strong> is part of themovement against the lies and propagandapumped by the money hungry that have verylittle regard for our Great Mother Gaia andhumanity.I have recently been exposed to <strong>Biophile</strong>and all the copies I have are at least 2 yearsold. Everything in them, however, is stillrelevant and serves as timeless carriers ofmodern truths.I do have a request with regard to the wayin which articles are written. As a concernedperson I am often disturbed by what I readin <strong>Biophile</strong> in terms of how we are having anegative impact on the earth and ourselvesbut I do not know how I can do somethingpractical.I would greatly appreciate if more informationcould be supplied as to what us average“on-the-bread-line” South Africans cando to turn the tide against the abuse of ourland and humanity in favour of a sustainablefuture.Often I find that it is mostly people whohave access to facilities that are able to be involvedin the fight to save the earthand humanity.(For example: I do not have a vehicleand do not live close to a recycing depot, andcannot afford to pay someone to move myplastic and paper for me.)What can I do? My idea is to use a publicationlike <strong>Biophile</strong> to create a network ofpeople in my area who are also keen to recycleand collectively transport our recyclablewaste... just an idea!)I am also just about to become a fatherand read your article on polio vaccinationsin <strong>Biophile</strong> Issue 1. I was vaccinated and sowas my partner and we are both healthy butwe also see the dangers of such vaccines. Iwould be very interested in learning moreabout alternatives, their advantages and risksand what dangers exist in the modern ageif we step out of the mould which has beencreated by many generations of people takingvaccines.If we choose not to vaccinate our daughterare we just being stupid as we now live in thecity and she will at some stage be surroundedby many children who carry the virus insidethem as well as the anti-virus?Once again I commend you for an amazingpublication, for creating awareness andbringing knowledge, information and powerto the people.Mikal (Gaia’s Kitchen, VegetarianResturant, Durban 084 961 9985 )For more information ring us on 021 7886613, or watch the progress on our blog,www.cobhouse.blogspot.comSimric and Carey Yarrow2 <strong>Biophile</strong> Issue <strong>16</strong>

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