BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine

BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine
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Biophile Magazineis published every two months,in February, April, June, August,October and December. Deadlinesfor advertising and articlesubmissions are the 15th day of themonth preceding publication.Mission StatementOur mission is to impartknowledge with truth and integrityfor the highest good of all. Biophileis not affiliated to any religious,political or philosophical ideologyor organisation. Our ethos is oneof co-operation and sharing. Wetherefore actively encourageyou to reproduce and share theinformation in this magazine, butplease contact us first to confirmthe availability of the materialyou’d like to use.DisclaimerNo guarantee is madeconcerning the validity of theinformation in this publication andno responsibility will be acceptedfor any errors or omissions,or comments made by ourcontributors.The TeamEditor: Anthea Steve Editor: Ian Coral 709 782 Des du Plooy,Shahied Ishmail, Debbie EnslinCartoonist: James Wolfaardt(Wolf Art) usTel: (021) 709 0390Fax: (021) 709 0392Postal: Box 39277Capricorn Square 7948Email: us magazine has been freedby copyleft. Unless otherwisenoted, you are free to redistributethe content of this magazine ifyou clearly credit the author andsource.ISSN: 1813-1395inside issue 16 [June/July 2007]16 Electrical SensitivityThere is much scientific proof that electromagnetic pollution is detrimental to ourhealth.18 ElectrosmogTVs, computers, wireless technologies and cellphones all add to the smog ofelectromagnetic radiation which surrounds and affects us all.20 The Global Ecovillage MovementImagine a village where people of all ages live together in harmony; where diversityis celebrated; where all villagers devote their goodwill, intelligence, capital andlabour to meet the common goals of caring for the Earth.22 Khula Dhamma Ecovillage24 A Touch of Madness, Touched by Modernity26 Auroville: a Blueprint for Living28 The Magic of Findhorn30 How to be a Greener Cloth Nappy UserIf you wash your child’s cloth nappies incorrectly, you could be doing as much harmto the environment as ifyou were using disposables.35 To the Bush with CarnivoresPatricia Glyn travels to Botswana to find out if any San communities have gone backto their homelands after several years’ exile.38 Eden CampusEden Campus has launched a number of student businesses.40 2007: the Year of EventualitiesThe official version of what is going on has very little to do with the truth of what isgoing on.43 Healing Mother EarthA global project of healing intention.46 What’s Your Headache?Some headaches are mild and disappear after a while, others are more seriousmigraines, which keep coming back.48 Horses Reconnecting HumanityExploring the potentials of horse/human relationships.50 Welcoming WinterAyurvedic tips and recipes from Dr Ram Garg.52 ADHD: an Illness of GenerationsADHD children are very sensitive to pollution, noise, poor nutrition and overstimulation.54 The Truth about Cholesterol-Lowering DrugsCholesterol-lowering drugs are the most widely sold prescription medicine inhistory, and are ruining lives with their serious side-effects.56 Colloidal SilverA necessity for both good and bad times.58 What Goes On... Goes InPetrochemicals in the mix.59 Blatant DeceptionA simple bottle of shampoo... a reflection of our society, culture, and way of life!02 Inbox09 Editorial10 The Biofiles31 Green Directory34 Subscriptions & Back Issues60 Soil for Life63 Books to Change Your Life64 Cosmic DirectionsPrinted with lead-free inkson recycled paperMinimum 10% of profitsdonated to charity1

<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>is published every two months,in February, April, June, August,October and December. Deadlinesfor advertising and articlesubmissions are the 15th day of themonth preceding publication.Mission StatementOur mission is to impartknowledge with truth and integrityfor the highest good of all. <strong>Biophile</strong>is not affiliated to any religious,political or philosophical ideologyor organisation. Our ethos is oneof co-operation and sharing. Wetherefore actively encourageyou to reproduce and share theinformation in this magazine, butplease contact us first to confirmthe availability of the materialyou’d like to use.DisclaimerNo guarantee is madeconcerning the validity of theinformation in this publication andno responsibility will be acceptedfor any errors or omissions,or comments made by ourcontributors.The TeamEditor: Anthea Steve Editor: Ian Coral 709 782 Des du Plooy,Shahied Ishmail, Debbie EnslinCartoonist: James Wolfaardt(Wolf Art) usTel: (021) 709 0390Fax: (021) 709 0392Postal: Box 39277Capricorn Square 7948Email: us magazine has been freedby copyleft. Unless otherwisenoted, you are free to redistributethe content of this magazine ifyou clearly credit the author andsource.ISSN: 1813-1395inside issue <strong>16</strong> [June/July <strong>2007</strong>]<strong>16</strong> Electrical SensitivityThere is much scientific proof that electromagnetic pollution is detrimental to ourhealth.18 ElectrosmogTVs, computers, wireless technologies and cellphones all add to the smog ofelectromagnetic radiation which surrounds and affects us all.20 The Global Ecovillage MovementImagine a village where people of all ages live together in harmony; where diversityis celebrated; where all villagers devote their goodwill, intelligence, capital andlabour to meet the common goals of caring for the Earth.22 Khula Dhamma Ecovillage24 A Touch of Madness, Touched by Modernity26 Auroville: a Blueprint for Living28 The Magic of Findhorn30 How to be a Greener Cloth Nappy UserIf you wash your child’s cloth nappies incorrectly, you could be doing as much harmto the environment as ifyou were using disposables.35 To the Bush with CarnivoresPatricia Glyn travels to Botswana to find out if any San communities have gone backto their homelands after several years’ exile.38 Eden CampusEden Campus has launched a number of student businesses.40 <strong>2007</strong>: the Year of EventualitiesThe official version of what is going on has very little to do with the truth of what isgoing on.43 Healing Mother EarthA global project of healing intention.46 What’s Your Headache?Some headaches are mild and disappear after a while, others are more seriousmigraines, which keep coming back.48 Horses Reconnecting HumanityExploring the potentials of horse/human relationships.50 Welcoming WinterAyurvedic tips and recipes from Dr Ram Garg.52 ADHD: an Illness of GenerationsADHD children are very sensitive to pollution, noise, poor nutrition and overstimulation.54 The Truth about Cholesterol-Lowering DrugsCholesterol-lowering drugs are the most widely sold prescription medicine inhistory, and are ruining lives with their serious side-effects.56 Colloidal SilverA necessity for both good and bad times.58 What Goes On... Goes InPetrochemicals in the mix.59 Blatant DeceptionA simple bottle of shampoo... a reflection of our society, culture, and way of life!02 Inbox09 Editorial10 The Biofiles31 Green Directory34 Subscriptions & Back Issues60 Soil for Life63 Books to Change Your Life64 Cosmic DirectionsPrinted with lead-free inkson recycled paperMinimum 10% of profitsdonated to charity1

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