BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine

BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine

BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine

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ElectricalSensitivityby Barbara Baum“All around us now flows a mighty oceanof electro-magnetic waves of a myriaddifferent frequencies and strengths. Allday and night they are passing throughthe delicate cells of our bodies whichare by no means prepared by evolutionto withstand their diverse influences.We are continually bombarded by thesame invisible energies from militaryand commercial radar, microwaves andradiowaves, and the entire apparatusof the worlds telecommunicationsindustry… A single century ago none ofthis technology had been invented”.~ R. Coghill, Something in the Airhave worked for over 35 years as aI nursing sister, midwife, practisenurse, in a war in the Middle East andvarious fields of Western medicine, butI had never heard of anyone sufferingfrom what has been termed ‘electricalsensitivity’.In the late 1980s I began running theHealth Centre at Middlesex Universityin the UK, despite being dubious aboutthe substation that powered the wholeUniversity sitting six metres from myoffice wall. The Health and Safety officertold me that it was covered in lead, andhe assured that I would not be affected.I loved the job, the beautiful green surroundingsand the term time hours.The effects of the substation wereat first subtle: feeling frazzled andfatigued. When I started complainingabout the station, I was belittled andundermined at work and by some of myfamily. I had always been an energeticand healthy person: qualifying as ashiatsu practitioner and giving treatmentspart-time, running tennis teamsand a home with two boys, studying fora diploma in crystal healing, exploringnew avenues of health and healing. Iwas not a complainer, and was used toworking hard.When given a computer aroundseven years into the job, and jammedbetween it and the substation, the situationdeteriorated drastically. Shiatsu,crystal healing and holiday time nolonger reversed the symptoms, as I nowrealise that chronic exposure had slowlyweakened my defences extensively.Physicist Professor David Melville statesthat even chronic exposure as low as0.2MT may cause significant changeswithin the cell membranes, which inturn may trigger changes in cellularbiochemical processes (Cyril Smith,Electromagnetic Man).Indeed I could feel my red and whiteblood cells changing polarity whichwas extremely uncomfortable. I begansuffering from insomnia, palpitations,tinnitus (from frequencies outside myhead), muscle pains, headaches, flushing,not being able to think clearly andforgetting people’s names. My skinlost all elasticity, and was dry and fullof red blotches, and I would often turngrey and start shaking in front of thecomputer.At full moon symptoms were exaggeratedand unbearable. I was soexhausted, finding it difficult to movemy body to get up in the morning. I’dalmost pass out when using the photocopier,and struggled in places witha lot of radiating technology suchas banks, and around supermarketfreezers. The television at home was anightmare, and I could feel the radiationcoming through my bedroom wallwhen my son turned on his computer: itfelt like a live current passing throughmy body. Certain people such as thosewho work on computers extensively,people with negative thought-forms, orthose with certain illnesses, affectedme immediately. I remembered readingabout a child in America who had to beseparated from her father because shewas ‘allergic’ to him. I can well understandthis now as of course each personhas an energy field and if there is any‘negative’ or un-harmonious aspectsto it they can really have a detrimentalaffects on someone who is sensitive (oranyone for that matter).Eastern Electricity and the NationalGrid came to my office and said theelectromagnetic fields were ‘acceptable’.My GP told me it was menopause, andprescribed me anti-depressants, whichI refused. At the time I didn’t knowquite what was happening and it wasquite scary, but I knew I had to changethe polarity of my body back to resonatingin harmony with the earth. When Iwent for a crystal healing session withmy teacher Ivy, she told me I had toleave my job as I had enormous tears inmy aura and she didn’t know how I wasfunctioning. She sent me to Harry Oldfiedwho had computer equipment thatcould take pictures of the aura just soI could see for myself. Harry again expressedthat he didn’t know how I waswalking around, as my aura, consideredthe body’s etheric shield amongst otherthings, was in shreds. He said I was onno account to return to work.At the Royal National HomeopathicHospital I was told that a number ofpeople suffered from these symptomsand couldn’t hold down a job, or goanywhere at all. I was referred to DrCyril Smith who had written on electricalsensitivity. Professor Smith saidthat people exposed to pesticides orchemicals, as I had been while workingon a kibbutz when younger, were farmore likely to be electrically sensitive.He later e-mailed me saying it wasremarkable I had survived ten years ofworking there and that I hadn’t died ofleukaemia. He referred me to Dr Munroat the Environmental Hospital.At the Breakespeare EnvironmentalHospital Dr Jean Munro explained mysymptoms and that electrical sensitivitywas a big problem for many people. Shesaid her patients suffering from allergieswere also sensitive, and peopleall over the world were coming to seeher. Indeed when eating anything in aheightened state of ES, I became allergicto it. As a Doctor she was able to putme off work for six months. However,as the condition was not recognized inthe UK at the time it was put down as‘Chronic Fatigue Syndrome’.This was all over a period of aboutthree years. My last year I was mostly offsick, and then had to take early retirement.I knew I had to avoid all electricalappliances. A Japanese film crew cameto interview me about the subject, asthis is a condition that is extremelyprevalent in cities such as Tokyo thatare wall to wall radiating un-harmoniouselectromagnetic fields. Thepopulations of other ‘overdeveloped’areas of the world such as NorthAmerica and Western Europe arealso subject to mass exposure ofvarious fields, frequencies, andwaves.I knew I had to change mylife radically, and with my boysolder now, I returned to South<strong>16</strong> <strong>Biophile</strong> Issue <strong>16</strong>

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