BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine

BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine BIOPHILE 16 — JUNE/JULY 2007 R25 - Biophile Magazine
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Dolphin a decade ago a group ofyoung holistically minded SouthAfricans had the honor of meetingand interacting with the Dolphinsof Ponta do Ouro. It was through these magicallyenlightening dolphin meetings that the mission becamevery clear. Dolphin EnCOuntours was to establish herselfin eco-tourism as the pioneers of Sustainable DolphinSwim Programs in Southern Africa, with education,investigation and conservation steering her.Dolphin EnCOuntour works closely with cetaceanecologists worldwide and has developed an intensivecode of conduct to limit the negative effects of swimmingwith dolphins. A % of our tours goes to research and conservation.Dolphin EnCOuntours initiated dolphin swimactivities in 1996 after a two year trial. Angie Gullan hassubsequently developed dolphin swim programs insouthern Mozambique which follows the highest ethicsand strictest codes of conduct. Our boat launches fromthe protection of the bay in Ponta Do Ouro. Our mission is sharing the watery realm of thedolphin with man in a sustainable manner, thus ensuring our vision to protect and conserve isaccomplished through an experience that awakens the soul to the call of help from our planetearth, the very being that supports us all.8 Biophile Issue 16Ray Lacey winsCover DesignCompetitionSteve Venter (right)congratulates the winnerof our cover designcompetition, Ray Lacey ofKommetjie, at Anthea Torr’searth-friendly house inNoordhoek. Ray designedthe covers for Issues 14 and15, and has won a DolphinEco Tour in Mozambique,courtesy ofDolphin

EDITORIALeditorial“The mind is a house ofquestions, and the heartis a library of answers”We occasionally get lettersfrom irate readers asking ushow we can possibly mix matters ofscience with matters of spirit. Someeven complain about us mixingenvironmental matters with spiritualmatters!It makes us realize that the teachingthat is going on in the majority of ourschools and in most homes has beencarried forward from our dark past,where these exact issues of separationand fear have caused devastation andchaos in all areas of our lives. Most of uswould simply not even think of puttingour planet in danger if we knew that shewas a fully conscious spiritual being!I was reading a book the other dayand this sentence jumped out at me:“the mind is a house of questions,and the heart is a library of answers”.To me, this says it all in one simpleThe courage to beginseparates dreamers fromachieversYour difficulty and the difficultyof every individual who everDesired to achieve anythingworthwhile, comes in the movement.Don’t always be intending to livea new life, but never find the timeto begin living it.Most people fail because theynever get started.They don’t go. They don’t overcomeinertia.They don’t begin.Begin to freeyourself at onceBy doing all that is possible withthe means you have.As you proceed in this spirit theway will open for you to do more.The worst thing you can do is notto try. ~Daily Gurusentence; it’s just that our materialisticallydriven, spiritually detachedculture has forgotten how to listen toour hearts for all the answers we need.The early scientists knew this, and,throughout history, most of the menwith great minds were the ones witha close connection to the spiritualworld.In 1930 Albert Einstein was quotedin the New York Times as saying: “Imaintain that a cosmic spiritual feelingis the strongest and noblest motivefor scientific research.”When asked what motivated hislifelong devotion to mathematics andscience Einstein replied: “I want toknow God’s thoughts.”So what is science if not a search tounderstand creation? And how can wepossibly understand creation if we arenot working with — or understanding— the creator?The creator is not some male, despoticfigure sitting away somewherein a place called ‘heaven’ and only accessiblethrough some special personwho has a connection as we have beenlead to believe. The divine creativeforce or principle is everywhere andin everything, including us!The notion that some so-called‘scientists’ clad in white coats and sittingin sterile laboratory conditions,guided by some totally unscrupulous,commercially-driven venture, canbetter Mother Nature by geneticallymodifying her plants is ludicrous.They are so far removed from anything‘natural’ or ‘God-like’ that itwould be laughable if it were not sodevastating to our natural world.When are we going to start workingagain with the nature spirits or Devas?When are we going to teach ourchildren that they are real and love towork with us? They can restore life toour depleted soil, which will restorelife to our sick bodies. Without thislife force our bodies decay and witherand although our cells were meant tostay young forever and never age, theyBiophile Issue 16lack the life force to sustain themselves.Group consciousness dictatesthat we grow old and die, as that iswhat the masses believe. This is whatwe have been taught!We have moved further and furtheraway from the things that will restoreus to the state of perfection and joythat is our birthright as we are constantlyfed fear-based limited information.The Idea that we live in a dangerousworld and won’t have enoughis so deeply ingrained in us that webelieve it and thus we manifest it.We are encouraged to be greedy;to gather more and more; to refuse toshare. We need to connect with thesoil, the water, the trees, the animalsand move away from the conditioningthat is not serving our planet or us.Sitting in the ivory towers of technologyand trying to prove things ‘scientifically’seems such a waste of timeand energy when we have all we couldpossibly dream of right outside thewindow. And it is free!We have some amazing articles inthis issue which show how peoplehave taken back their power and aremanifesting a life full of joy and miracles.They are working in harmonywith nature and each other, and connecting— on a deep level — with thecreative principle (both in the physicaland etheric) to bring harmony andlove to all and everything, and notneeding to prove anything to anyone.It is the way we should all be living;in peace and love for all and everything.It can be done: we just need tochange our minds!Anthea9

Dolphin a decade ago a group ofyoung holistically minded SouthAfricans had the honor of meetingand interacting with the Dolphinsof Ponta do Ouro. It was through these magicallyenlightening dolphin meetings that the mission becamevery clear. Dolphin EnCOuntours was to establish herselfin eco-tourism as the pioneers of Sustainable DolphinSwim Programs in Southern Africa, with education,investigation and conservation steering her.Dolphin EnCOuntour works closely with cetaceanecologists worldwide and has developed an intensivecode of conduct to limit the negative effects of swimmingwith dolphins. A % of our tours goes to research and conservation.Dolphin EnCOuntours initiated dolphin swimactivities in 1996 after a two year trial. Angie Gullan hassubsequently developed dolphin swim programs insouthern Mozambique which follows the highest ethicsand strictest codes of conduct. Our boat launches fromthe protection of the bay in Ponta Do Ouro. Our mission is sharing the watery realm of thedolphin with man in a sustainable manner, thus ensuring our vision to protect and conserve isaccomplished through an experience that awakens the soul to the call of help from our planetearth, the very being that supports us all.8 <strong>Biophile</strong> Issue <strong>16</strong>Ray Lacey winsCover DesignCompetitionSteve Venter (right)congratulates the winnerof our cover designcompetition, Ray Lacey ofKommetjie, at Anthea Torr’searth-friendly house inNoordhoek. Ray designedthe covers for Issues 14 and15, and has won a DolphinEco Tour in Mozambique,courtesy ofDolphin

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