'The Wart's Comeuppance' - The Woody Back to School Unit

'The Wart's Comeuppance' - The Woody Back to School Unit 'The Wart's Comeuppance' - The Woody Back to School Unit

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Dedicated<strong>to</strong>My Beloved Jojo

ContentsA Running Bender ................................ 1<strong>The</strong> Wart Under Fire ........................... 11A Total Muff ....................................... 19

1A Running Bender“Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>n wants <strong>to</strong> see you up in thelibrary,” the House Grubby informed Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n.Debs scowled. <strong>The</strong> grubby <strong>to</strong>ok a stepbackwards, nervous that Debs might hack her in theshins.“Don’t shoot me I’m just the messenger,” saidthe grubby hurriedly. “By the way, Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>ninstructed me <strong>to</strong> tell you <strong>to</strong> cut along sharpish. Shewas looking pretty shirty.”Deborah just rolled her eyes and noddeddismissively at the grubby. She did not feel the leastbit inclined <strong>to</strong> cut along sharpish <strong>to</strong> anywhere andmost certainly not <strong>to</strong> the library for a chin-wag withthe Wart. A summons <strong>to</strong> appear before the Mistressof the House was never pleasant in Deborah’sexperience and rarely ended favorably for the healthor safety of her bumbags.She wracked her brains <strong>to</strong> think of any reasonthat could have caused her <strong>to</strong> have been summonsed.To the best of her knowledge she had fulfilled all her

<strong>The</strong> Wart’s ComeuppanceHouse duties including acting as a kitchen assistantearlier in the day.Deborah was not generally of a nervousdisposition but as she cut through the labyrinth ofhallways, corridors and stair-wells of the vast complexshe grew increasingly dejected. Her relationship withthe Wart had never been good and she was quitecertain that the Mistress of the House would havesome heinous plan <strong>to</strong> make things unpleasant for her.She was resigned <strong>to</strong> the fact that there was a ninetyfiveper cent certainty that she was beingsummoned <strong>to</strong> be caned, for some unknown reasonand undoubtedly bogus pretext. That would beunpleasant enough, although six strokes from theHouse Captain, Sally Cobb, would be nothing morethan a minor inconvenience <strong>to</strong> a whop-hardenedveteran like Debs. She was more concerned by theprospect of having <strong>to</strong> endure an unsavory ration of<strong>to</strong>ngue pie from the odious Wart.She finally reached the long landing that led <strong>to</strong>the unit library and trudged <strong>to</strong>wards the large oakdoor. Over the past six years Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n hadspent a considerable amount of time standing in thecorridor outside the library door, with her hands onher head and her nose pressed <strong>to</strong> the wall, waiting <strong>to</strong>be caned.She <strong>to</strong>ok a deep breath and swung the dooropen. She crossed the light and airy reading area untilshe reached a second door. She knocked. She heardthe unmistakable sound of the Wart’s voice bellowing“Come” as if she was a lost puppy. With tremblingfingers she opened the door and stepped in.

3It <strong>to</strong>ok several seconds <strong>to</strong> acclimatize herself <strong>to</strong>the shadowy darkness after the bright lights of thestudy area. <strong>The</strong> Wart was seated in a leatherarmchair positioned beside the fireplace at the far endof the library. Debs blinked her eyes. To her surprisestanding alongside the Wart was Patsy Butcherdressed in her official Elite regalia. <strong>The</strong>re was no signof Sally Cobb. To Deborah’s consternation shecouldn’t help noticing that Patsy was tapping the tipof a long crook-handled cane against the side of herhigh-heeled shoe.Patsy Butcher had completed her sevenyear sentence at the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> atthe end of the previous year. She was now releasedon probation and lived in the local <strong>to</strong>wn, where shewas training as a sports therapist. For twelve monthsshe remained under the jurisdiction of the <strong>Unit</strong> andher activities were moni<strong>to</strong>red <strong>to</strong> ensure that she wasadhering <strong>to</strong> the requirements of her socialrehabilitation certification.During her last year at the unit Patsy hadserved as the Captain of the Red House. Patsy andDebs were tight, they worked out <strong>to</strong>gether regularlyin the Wellness Center. Nonetheless, Patsy’s tenurehad coincided with Deborah being branded PublicEnemy Number One at the unit and open seasonbeing declared on her bumbags. As Mistress of theRed House the Wart had exploited Deborah’sunfortunate position and she had been subjected <strong>to</strong>several painful altercations with Patsy’s cane on MsWhar<strong>to</strong>n’s instruction.With a sense of trepidation Debs made herway down the library. <strong>The</strong> Wart <strong>to</strong>ok a long snort of

<strong>The</strong> Wart’s Comeuppancetequila and rose unsteadily <strong>to</strong> her feet. Deborahsuspected that she might be some way in<strong>to</strong> her cups.She couldn’t help noticing that Patsy was lookingdecidedly uncomfortable.“Put your hands on your head, young lady,”snapped the Wart.Deborah glared at her but did as she was <strong>to</strong>ld.“You are a bone idle, inconsideratedegenerate, Mor<strong>to</strong>n,” said the Wart. “You failed <strong>to</strong>turn up for weeding duty and the Blue House hasapplied for our House <strong>to</strong> be fined fifteen penaltypoints.”“Weeding duty?” asked Deborah incredulously.“I wasn’t on the roster for weeding duty.” She wastaken by surprise and her incredulity was genuine.“<strong>The</strong> roster was revised; one of our work-forcehad <strong>to</strong> visit the infirmary. <strong>The</strong> new roster was postedat lunch-time, so there was plenty of time for you <strong>to</strong>review you schedule, there is absolutely no excuse foryour wan<strong>to</strong>n dereliction of duty,” snapped the Wart.Debs heart began <strong>to</strong> beat uncomfortably fast.She did not like the direction the conversation wastaking.“You have already been beaten twice this yearon House Business. Remind me Mor<strong>to</strong>n, what wereyour offenses on those occasions?” asked the Wart.Debs sighed. “Cutting work details, but …”Debs was forced <strong>to</strong> admit.“No buts’, Mor<strong>to</strong>n!” snapped the Wart. “Andthe House was fined on both occasions?”“Yes, Ma’am but,” started Debs.“No buts I said, one more but out of you and Iwill put you over my knee and spank you,” said the

5Wart. She leaned forward in Deborah’s face with herhands on her hips. “Your serial negligence isunforgiveable,” she s<strong>to</strong>rmed. “<strong>The</strong> rest of the Houseis working hard and you just fritter away points due<strong>to</strong> your inconsiderate indolence.”Debs stared at the Wart. It was ridiculous.Even taking the fines in<strong>to</strong> account she was by far thehighest accumula<strong>to</strong>r of credits in the whole House.“But …” she began <strong>to</strong> object.“Do you really want me <strong>to</strong> spank you?”screamed the Wart.“No, Ma’am,” muttered Debs.“I intend <strong>to</strong> make an example of you Mor<strong>to</strong>n, Ihave drafted Butcher in <strong>to</strong> give you a runningbender,” the Wart informed Debs.“Is this really necessary, Ma’am?” interjectedPatsy.<strong>The</strong> Wart span around, her eyes blazing. “It isabsolutely necessary and seeing as none of my RedHouse prefects’ are certified <strong>to</strong> give running bendersthen it is your responsibility as a former Captain ofthe House <strong>to</strong> deliver the beating. It will look very badon your probation report if you should choose <strong>to</strong>willfully disobey a direc<strong>to</strong>rder from one of yourprobation observers.”Patsy pursed herlips. Momentarily sheshot a glance and theireyes met. <strong>The</strong>y wereboth being stitched uplike kippers.“You have the

<strong>The</strong> Wart’s Comeuppanceright <strong>to</strong> appeal and go before the House Council,” saidPatsy."That is correct, Butcher, Mor<strong>to</strong>n can file anappeal and I shall file an application for her <strong>to</strong> besubjected <strong>to</strong> a Formal House Beating for SerialDereliction of Duty," re<strong>to</strong>rted the Wart.Debs considered this option. She felt thatshe might have a reasonable defense due <strong>to</strong> the lateposting of the roster. However, most of her close Elitechums were on the Blue House council and were ofno help. She didn’t think that she had any particularenemies, aside from Sally ‘Be-yotch’ Cobb on the RedHouse Council but she was not confident that any ofthe prefects would risk defying the clear wishes of theMistress of the House just <strong>to</strong> save her bumbags.If she lost the appeal she was certain that theWart would be successful in her move that sheshould <strong>to</strong> be subjected <strong>to</strong> a Formal House Beating.Not only would that doubtless involve twelve strokesinstead of six but she would also face the abjecthumiliation of a full-collar walk-through the landings.During the dark year of Operation Scorched Arse shehad been forced <strong>to</strong> endure the ignominy of beingescorted through the landings with a prefect roughlyholding her by the scruff of her neck and twisting herarm up behind her back on three occasions. <strong>The</strong>thought of another repeat of these appallingepisodes made her feel quite bilious.“I’m not appealing,” she said tightly, “I’ll takemy whops.”Deborah watched Patsy shrug off her blazer.<strong>The</strong>re was no question her chum was a magnificentcreature. Standing over six-feet in her high-heels, her

<strong>The</strong> Wart’s Comeuppance<strong>The</strong>re was a momentary silence in the room.“I’m not authorized <strong>to</strong> do that Ma’am,” objectedPatsy.“I am authorizing you, Butcher, just do as youare <strong>to</strong>ld,” said the Wart.“But Ma’am, the House Charter does not allowme <strong>to</strong> deliver a bare bender,” said Patsy.“<strong>The</strong> House Charter allows the House Mistress<strong>to</strong> decide such matters,” snorted the Wart.“But Ma’am, the <strong>Unit</strong> Charter over-rides that, Iam not authorized,” said Patsy emphatically.“I can assure you Butcher that I am workingwithin the pro<strong>to</strong>cols, I shall write up the justification,now get on with it,” snapped Robin Whar<strong>to</strong>n.“And if I refuse?” asked Patsy.“I’ll put in a report <strong>to</strong> the probationary arm ofthe System,” said the Wart and poured anotherhealthy hit of tequila. “You’ll be resentenced.”“That’s bullshit, I’ll take my chances,” saidPatsy obstinately.“Oh for gawd’s sake Patsy,” muttered Debsfrom her s<strong>to</strong>oped position. “Just kill the bumbags!!!”Patsy contemplated poking the Wart in the eyewith one of herlong fingernails,but finally thoughtbetter of it. Shefinally laid asidethe cane andreached forward.She put herthumbs inside the elastic waistband of Deborah’stautened navy blue gossamer bumbags and slowly

<strong>The</strong> Wart’s Comeuppancegive the odious Dame the satisfaction of seeing justhow terribly the cane was hurting her.Patsy licked her lips and set off at a trot,accelerating as she made her final approach andswooping down. She slashed the cane down acrossDeborah’s unprotected bare flesh with a resoundingthwack.She hated being forced <strong>to</strong> participate in theWart’s dastardly plan. <strong>The</strong> problem with deliveringrunning benders was there was no way <strong>to</strong> pull thestrokes. All she could do was <strong>to</strong> make sure everystroke landed in the safe zone across the crown ofDebs but<strong>to</strong>cks, known amongst the <strong>Woody</strong> Wags asthe sweet spot.<strong>The</strong> Wart poured another large shot of tequila.She was having tremendous fun. She had alwaysdisliked Deborah intensely. She had beaten Debs onnumerous occasions but Deborah had never treatedher with anything but the utmost contempt. <strong>The</strong>sound of the cane rebounding off Deborah’s nakedflesh was music <strong>to</strong> her ears.

2<strong>The</strong> Wart Under FireCathryn Cassidy hurried in<strong>to</strong> Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>riaBromp<strong>to</strong>n’s study.“<strong>The</strong>re’s something going down in the library,”she <strong>to</strong>ld the Red-shirt urgently. “I just got word thatthe Wart has drafted Patsy in <strong>to</strong> beat Debs on RedHouse business. <strong>The</strong>re’s something fishy going on.”Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>n grabbed her smart-phoneand speed-dialed.“I’m sorry <strong>to</strong> bother you Grand Master, but Ithink we may have a situation up in the library,” shesaid.Debs was not having a good time of it. Overthe past decade and a half Deborah’s rear end hadbecome a highly calibrated whopometer. She was inno doubt whatsoever that she was experiencing someworld class whops. <strong>The</strong> first five strokes had beensensational. Somehow she had managed <strong>to</strong> keep herfingers glued <strong>to</strong> the tips of her pointed shoes so that

<strong>The</strong> Wart’s Comeuppancethe Wart couldn’t call foul strokes for jerking. It hadtaken all her willpower <strong>to</strong> put it up and keep it up.She knew the worst was still <strong>to</strong> come.Patsy sliced the cane down diagonally. It was aperfect strike. A red line immediately etched acrossDeborah’s naked nates, intersecting with the first fivestrokes <strong>to</strong> create a five-bar gate.Debs whole body convulsed, her head shookfrom side <strong>to</strong> side in anguish, but somehow shemanaged <strong>to</strong> stay down. She panted in consternationbut at least it was over.Debs reached down <strong>to</strong> retrieve her bumbags.“Oh no you don’t, Mor<strong>to</strong>n,” hissed the Wart.“We haven’t finished with you yet.” She turned <strong>to</strong>Patsy. “Give her another six.”Patsy gaped at the Dame. “I’ll do no suchthing,” she spluttered. She glanced over at Debs.Deborah’s face was flushed and her mouth set in athin line. Her eyes were wide open as Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>n’swords penetrated through the blur of pain she wasexperiencing.“Miss Cobb failed <strong>to</strong> beat Mor<strong>to</strong>n for her lastact of dereliction of duty, I shall be dealing with herlater,” said the Wart. “In the meantime bend Mor<strong>to</strong>nover and give her six more. That is an order.”Patsy continued<strong>to</strong> gape. Debs facehad con<strong>to</strong>rted in<strong>to</strong> aghastly grimace.“This isridiculous Ma’am,” saidPatsy. “You’ve gone<strong>to</strong>o far already. I won’t

13do this.”“You may be on probation Butcher but I canstill have you flogged for insubordination,” snappedthe Wart, “and as for Mor<strong>to</strong>n, if you do not beat herimmediately I shall convene a special session of theHouse Council and charge her with Serial Malfeasanceand Bringing the House in<strong>to</strong> Disrepute. I feel surethat I shall carry the vote.”Deborah’s mind was racing. It was all <strong>to</strong>oterrible.“Let’s get this over with,” Debs said finally andturned around and bent over in front of the fireplace.Patsy Butcher turned and walked back downthe library with a heavy tread. She was just about <strong>to</strong>set off at a run when the door swung open.Mr Humphries walked in with his hands in hispockets. “Stand down, Butcher,” he said as he walkedin<strong>to</strong> the room. “Deborah, you can get up now.” Heapproached the Wart who looked shocked.“What’s going on here?” he asked the Dame.<strong>The</strong> Wart wrang her hands and gnashed herteeth while she waited outside the Grand Master’sstudy. Inside the office Patsy and Deborah weregiving their account of events that had occurred inthe library. Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>n had no doubt that they werepainting a bleak picture. She heard her name beingcalled and went in<strong>to</strong> the study.“But she deserved <strong>to</strong> be thrashed,” wailed theWart. “I am Mistress of the House and I have fullauthority <strong>to</strong> discipline members on a discretionarybasis.”

<strong>The</strong> Wart’s ComeuppanceSo far the interview had not gone well for theWart. Mr Humphries did not appear in the least bitsympathetic <strong>to</strong>wards her explanations of why she hadfelt it necessary <strong>to</strong> have Deborah subjected <strong>to</strong> arunning bare bender. In fact he had been ratherdismissive of her arguments. It was all mostdisconcerting.Mr Humphries leaned back in his seat. He hadbeen the Grand Master at the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>Unit</strong> for eight weeks now and was justifiably proud ofthe progress he had made. <strong>The</strong> previous year hispredecessor Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n had instituted an austereregime code-named Operation Scorched Arse in anattempt <strong>to</strong> curb the rise of the subversive Cult ofMega-Minxdom. She admitted that the campaign hadnot been a success and had been open <strong>to</strong> abuse fromthe cruel Dames from the Radical Right and theSecret Sorority of Serial Spankers.Upon his arrival Mr Humphries had outlawedthe practices of hostile targeting and insisted that theDames submit written justification for theirdisciplinary activities.Over the past weeks he had becomeincreasingly impressed with the performance of LadyVic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>n as Red-shirt at the facility. Despiteher reputation as a pugnacious potty-mouth she wasproving <strong>to</strong> be even-handed and level-headed. She

15ruled over her Elite corps with an iron fist and theback of her lethal wood-backed hairbrush. She hadprohibited her Elite from indulging the heinouspractices of collaring, sweating and sporting spanking,and the Secret Sorority of Serial Spankers was now aspent force.Nonetheless, the Grand Master was aware thathe still had much work <strong>to</strong> do. Patty Hodge, theDeputy Grand Dame and Commandant of the RadicalRight, considered that his <strong>Woody</strong> Glasnost, as shetermed it, was an error of judgment and covertlyinstructed her cronies <strong>to</strong> continue <strong>to</strong> lay siege <strong>to</strong> thebumbags of the inmates. Miss Robin Whar<strong>to</strong>n wasone her key aides and <strong>to</strong>p operatives.Like his predecessor the Grand Master faced adilemma. Ten years earlier when the government hadfirst introduced the experimental <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Unit</strong>’sand the social rehabilitation programs they hadscoured the nation for the <strong>to</strong>p disciplinarians. Foralmost two decades Robin Whar<strong>to</strong>n had appearedamongst the highest echelons of the Ministry ofEducations list of leading martinets, which coupledwith her reputation as a fine educa<strong>to</strong>r had made her aprime candidate for recruitment.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master had studied Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>n’srecords during her time at <strong>Woody</strong>s. Her whop-ratewas prolific; every year she caned significantly moreinmates than any other member of the Brass. He alsoobserved that she rarely issued the warning yellowcards suggested in the ‘Guidelines for Thrashing’.Curiously nearly every offence the inmates werecharged with in her lecture room were of the naturethat attracted a ‘manda<strong>to</strong>ry caning’. He also observed

<strong>The</strong> Wart’s Comeuppancethat the number of gals beaten on Red HouseBusiness far out-weighed the beatings carried out bythe Blue House. <strong>The</strong> majority of Red House beatingswere carried out on the specific instructions of MsRobin Whar<strong>to</strong>n in her position of Mistress of theHouse.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master had no doubt that MsWhar<strong>to</strong>n’s used her harsh interpretations of the rules,regulations and pro<strong>to</strong>cols <strong>to</strong> satisfy her need <strong>to</strong>maintain the fix’s she required as a certified WhopJunkie.Nonetheless, in the current prevailing liberalattitudes <strong>to</strong>wards corporal punishment finding areplacement martinet of the Warts caliber andexperience would be a challenging task. As MsWhar<strong>to</strong>n had pointed out, “she is a necessary evil.”He was also aware that the bumbags of DebsMor<strong>to</strong>n were particularly at risk. Although he hadformally rescinded her status as Public EnemyNumber One and warned the Brass that she was nolonger <strong>to</strong> be targeted with extreme prejudice she stillspent a considerable amount of time bending forwardat the waist. Despite her legions of admirers Deborahalso had an unfortunate habit of attracting enemies,not the least of whom was Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>n. During theyear of Operation Scorched Arse the Wart had takenadvantage of Deborah’s unfortunate status as MsLaw<strong>to</strong>n’s bête noir and had caned her more than anyother inmate at the facility. He had no doubt that theevents in the library were the result of Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>n’smalicious obsession with creating havoc insideDeborah’s bumbags.

17He was barely listening <strong>to</strong> the Wart’sincreasingly indignant justifications for her actions, itwas grating on his nerves.“Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>n, that is enough,” he said finally.“As far as I am concerned you have stepped welloutsidethe boundaries of your authority. I am going<strong>to</strong> offer you several choices. I shall leave it for you <strong>to</strong>decide how we will proceed.”Deborah and Patsy had <strong>to</strong> revive the Wart withsmelling salts after she had fainted. <strong>The</strong>y helped herin<strong>to</strong> an easy chair.“Take your time, Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>n,” counseled theGrand Master. “I would not like you <strong>to</strong> make any rashdecisions.”<strong>The</strong> Wart promptly burst in<strong>to</strong> floods of tears.“Katie,” the Grand Master instructed, “pleasefind Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>n a set of clobber. Once she is suitablyattired take herdown <strong>to</strong> the GreatHall and set up thevaulting horse. Atsix o’clock assemblethe unit; we aregoing <strong>to</strong> haveourselves a PublicFlogging.”Katie Beckgaped at the Grand Master. She knew from personalexperience that Mr Humphries was willing <strong>to</strong> go <strong>to</strong>

<strong>The</strong> Wart’s Comeuppanceunusual lengths <strong>to</strong> demonstrate his point of view. Ontwo occasions the Grand Master had consideredKatie’s interpretations of the pro<strong>to</strong>cols known as the‘Politics of Clobber’ <strong>to</strong> be overly conservative. He hademphasized his opinion with Katie head down, arseup over his knee.Patty and the Wart had teased her mercilesslyin the saloon bar of the Bunch of Grapes.“He can do that <strong>to</strong> you because you’re onlysemi-Brass, he’d never dare <strong>to</strong> do that <strong>to</strong> real Brass,”the Wart had <strong>to</strong>ld Katie imperiously. It had givenKatie a severe dose of the pip.“I’ll be happy <strong>to</strong>o,” Katie Beck said gleefully.“Come with me, Warty one.”“Have you ever used a cane?” <strong>The</strong> GrandMaster asked Deborah after Katie and the Wart hadleft the study.Debs shook her head.“Well this is the time for you <strong>to</strong> learn,” said MrHumphries. “Patsy, take Deborah down <strong>to</strong> thepractice range and get her fully certified. We’llreconvene back here in an hour.”

3A Total MuffDeborah’s best chums Rosemary, Jojo and Nixwere concerned for the well-being of their friend’sbumbags. She had not been seen since she had beensummoned <strong>to</strong> the library and she was noticeable byher absence when they assembled in the Great Hall.Unusually when Katie Beck had issued theinstructions over the intercom for the inmates <strong>to</strong>repair <strong>to</strong> the hall <strong>to</strong> witness a public flogging she hadnot announced the name of the unfortunate recipient.<strong>The</strong> ominous vaulting horse on the stage andDeborah’s absence gave her chums good reason <strong>to</strong>believe that it was poor Debs who was about <strong>to</strong> beflogged.Rosemary, Jojo and Nix sighed in unison as thedoors <strong>to</strong> the hall swung open and Mr Humphriesentered followed by Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n. <strong>The</strong>ir sighschanged <strong>to</strong> gasps as seconds later Robin Whar<strong>to</strong>nshuffled in<strong>to</strong> the hall.

<strong>The</strong> Wart’s Comeuppance<strong>The</strong> Dame was dressed in ill-fitting clobber.Katie had found a gymslip that was indecently shortand barely covered the Warts navy blue bumbags. Ashield with the letter ‘W’ had been sewn on<strong>to</strong> the bib.Robin Whar<strong>to</strong>n was a creature of significant girth andshe looked as if she had been shoe-horned in<strong>to</strong> thegarments. She followed the Grand Master andDeborah up on<strong>to</strong> the stage with her head lowered.She looked pitiful and bereft of dignity.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master gave a brief but pointedspeech assuring the inmates that abuse of privilegeby the Brass would not be <strong>to</strong>lerated. He promised <strong>to</strong>review the appeals process, which he acknowledgedthe inmates rarely resorted <strong>to</strong> as under the currentpro<strong>to</strong>cols a failed appeal resulted in the inmatesreceiving double the amount of strokes.Throughout the speech the Wart s<strong>to</strong>od withher head hung low and her shoulders pumping as shesobbed and blubbered in her despair.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master looked over at Deborah.“Are you ready?”“Yes, Sir,” she responded with as muchconfidence as she could muster.Patsy stepped forward and helped Deborah ou<strong>to</strong>f her blazer. Debs rolled up her cuffs and loosenedher tie before accepting the thirty-six inch long rattancane.“Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>n, please remove your blazer andbend over the horse,” instructed the Grand Master.Katie Beck stepped forward and retrieved theWart’s red and black striped blazer. She made noeffort <strong>to</strong> disguise her glee at Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>n’smisfortune.

21<strong>The</strong> Wart <strong>to</strong>ok some persuading before shebent over. She pleaded and begged, sobbed andwailed that it was all a terrible misunderstanding. Itwas only when Mr Humphries threatened <strong>to</strong> have herphysically bound down over the equipment that shefinally complied.Robin Whar<strong>to</strong>n felt the hem of her navy bluegymslip being slowly turned back. Huge wet tearswere dripping on the floor of the stage. She felt giddyand befuddled; she still had difficulty grasping howshe had come <strong>to</strong> be in this ignominious position.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master had offered the Dame twooptions, she could pack her trunks and leave thefacility for good, or she could accept a suitablepunishment <strong>to</strong> amend for her sins.<strong>The</strong> punishment on offer was <strong>to</strong> allow herself<strong>to</strong> be subjected <strong>to</strong> a public flogging. In addition shewould spend the subsequent four weeks required <strong>to</strong>dress in full clobber and would be assigned <strong>to</strong> work asa grubby on the Elite landing. Members of the Elitewould be granted full spanking rights while the Damewas on duty.Unpalatable as the latter option was <strong>to</strong> theWart, the first option was even worse. In the worldoutside the bricked walls of the <strong>Woody</strong> compound useof the cane had become unfashionable. If she chose<strong>to</strong> resign she was sentencing herself <strong>to</strong> a life as aWhop Junkie with little or no chance of ever scoring afix. It was just <strong>to</strong>o terrible <strong>to</strong> consider.

<strong>The</strong> Wart’s ComeuppanceDeborah Mor<strong>to</strong>nflexed the cane betweenher hands and <strong>to</strong>okseveral deep breaths <strong>to</strong>calm herself. She hadspent forty-five minuteson the practice rangetaking instruction fromPatsy in the fine art ofcaning and getting certified. After overcoming herinitial nerves she had shown herself <strong>to</strong> be a naturalwith a cane. Even by the normal high standards of aprofessional tennis player her eye-ball coordinationhad been considered as<strong>to</strong>nishing and her racquetcontrol exceptional. Years of hitting hundreds ofthousands of tennis balls had made her wristsremarkably strong. She quickly learned that she didnot need <strong>to</strong> use much of a back-swing, the secret <strong>to</strong>controlling the shaft and tip of the cane was <strong>to</strong> finishthe stroke with a flick of the wrist, accelerating thewhippy stick <strong>to</strong> Mach One.Nonetheless, raising the dust from thebumbags of a mannequin was one thing but theprospect delivering her first thrashing in real-life wasal<strong>to</strong>gether more daunting.Debs set her feet and concentrated. Shetapped the cane down once, twice, thrice across thetautened bumbags that appeared <strong>to</strong> be constructedfrom enough material <strong>to</strong> make a set of drapes for areasonable sized bay window. She pulled her armback and swung the cane.

23<strong>The</strong> Warts response was instantaneous. Shescreamed and squealed, her body convulsed, her legsscissored, her head shook and her fists pummeled theair.<strong>The</strong> inmates in the hall exchanged glances.<strong>The</strong>re were very few of them who had not beensubjected <strong>to</strong> a beating from the Wart. She was themost despised member of the Brass; the sight of hergetting her comeuppance was a treat that they hadnever expected <strong>to</strong> experience. However, her responsehad as<strong>to</strong>nished them. <strong>The</strong> inmates of the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong><strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> lived by the credo that ‘only muffshowl’. Over the years they had witnessed dozenspublic floggings; the recipients gracing the stage withpride and s<strong>to</strong>icism. Never had they seen a reaction ofthe theatrical scale of Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>n’s.Deborah felt her nerves dissipate. <strong>The</strong> firststroke had gone off swimmingly; the cane had landedperfectly within the sweet spot. She settled in. Sheplanned <strong>to</strong> deliver a long, leisurely caning with thirtysecond intervals between strokes. However, the Wartwas not cooperating. She continued <strong>to</strong> wriggle andsquirm long after the interval had elapsed.Mr Humphries was not given <strong>to</strong> irritability buthe was clearly becoming vexed. “Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>n, ceasethose ridiculous noises and stay still,” he <strong>to</strong>ld her. “Ifyou do not put it up and keep it up I shall becompelled <strong>to</strong> have you restrained.”Deborah forced herself <strong>to</strong> maintain herconcentration and not allow herself <strong>to</strong> be distractedby the Dame’s pathetic blubbing and sniveling. Debswould not have been blamed if she had succumbed <strong>to</strong>the temptation <strong>to</strong> thrash the bejaysus out of the Wart

<strong>The</strong> Wart’s Comeuppancebut she showed admirable restraint. She deliveredevery stroke with the same measured control andaccuracy.“She’s good,” whispered Nixdown admiringly.Jojo and Rosemary nodded sagely. “This is aworld class whopping,” agreed Jojo.“What a fucking muff,” Rosemary opined aboutthe Wart.<strong>The</strong> flogging was proving <strong>to</strong> be a laboriousprocess. Despite Mr Humphries chiding the Wartcontinued <strong>to</strong> blub and howl, and her bumbagsconstantly wriggled like an unset jelly. She <strong>to</strong>okconsiderable coercion between each stroke <strong>to</strong> settledown so that Deborah had a steady target <strong>to</strong> aim at.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master considered dispatching Katie <strong>to</strong>collect some striped ties from her inven<strong>to</strong>ry and tyingthe Wart in<strong>to</strong> position but figured it would justprolong the performance.Debs <strong>to</strong>ok a deep breath. She was determined<strong>to</strong> close the flogging with the same consummate skillwith which she had delivered the first eleven strokes.She adjusted her stance slightly and slashed the canedown diagonally.<strong>The</strong> Warts response was deafening. Herscreams were in danger of shattering the windows.“Holy smoking bumbags, that was one helluvawhop,” giggled Nixdown.“Looked like it was designed <strong>to</strong> cut the Wart intwo,” agreed Jojo.“Well now we know that <strong>The</strong> Wart might beable <strong>to</strong> dish it out but she certainly can’t take it,”observed Rosemary.

25“What a fucking muff,” chorused the threechums cheerily.Robin Whar<strong>to</strong>n s<strong>to</strong>od on the stage sobbing andmoaning. She looked disheveled and forlorn.“Katie take this fool upstairs and clean her up,she looks like she’s been dragged through a hedgebackwards, I’ll see her in my study in thirty minutes,”said the Grand Master. “We need <strong>to</strong> discuss hergrubby schedule.”<strong>The</strong> inmates s<strong>to</strong>mped their feet and whoopedand cheered as Robin Whar<strong>to</strong>n was dejectedlyescorted from the stage.“I’m really sorry about earlier, sis,” said Patsyashamedly. “I should have s<strong>to</strong>od up <strong>to</strong> her.”“And risked being sent back inside?” repliedDebs. “She stitched both of us up like kippers; therewas nothing either of us could do.” She reached overand hugged Patsy. “Don’t worry; you can’t break mewith a cane, but sis I have <strong>to</strong> say you are still hotstuff.”Patsy returned Deborah’s hug. “Talk about thepot calling the kettle black, next year when you’re amember of the Elite gawd help the gal’s bumbags.That was a sensational swishing!”“He had no right <strong>to</strong> treat me like that,” wailedthe Wart in the saloon bar of the Bunch of Grapes.Understandably she had elected not <strong>to</strong> perch herfrazzled rear end on a bar-s<strong>to</strong>ol and was propping up

<strong>The</strong> Wart’s Comeuppancethe bar slamming back tequilas at Olympic rate. “Ihave a good mind <strong>to</strong> report him <strong>to</strong> the Ministry.”“Yeah rock on Warty-one,” grinned PattyHodge. “<strong>The</strong> only reason you agreed <strong>to</strong> be flogged isbecause you’re a Whop Junkie and this is the onlyplace you’re guaranteed a fix. Hey, it was onlywhops.”“So much for your theory that he wouldn’t daredo that <strong>to</strong> real Brass,” gloated Katie.“Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!” growled the Wart andslammed down a healthy shot of tequila that shecharged <strong>to</strong> Katie Beck’s tab.

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