Ysgol Gyfun - Eteach

Ysgol Gyfun - Eteach

Ysgol Gyfun - Eteach

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2 <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> ystalyfera‘Gan ystyried safonau cyflawniad rhagorol y disgyblion a’r myfyrwyr,ansawdd rhagorol yr addysgu, y ddarpariaeth gwricwlaidd ragorol,ansawdd rhagorol y gefnogaeth a’r arweiniad i’r disgyblion a’r myfyrwyrac ansawdd rhagorol arweinyddiaeth yr ysgol, mae’r ysgol yn rhoigwerth da iawn am arian.’ Estyn 2007‘Given the outstanding standards of achievement of the pupils and students,the outstanding quality of the teaching, the outstanding curricular provision, theoutstanding quality of the support and guidance for pupils and students and theoutstanding quality of school leadership, the school provides very good value formoney.23<strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> Ystalyfera,Heol Glanyrafon,Ystalyfera,Abertawe,SA9 2JJ.Ffôn/Phone:01639 842129Ffacs/Fax:01639 845681e-bost/e-mailSwyddfa/Office:ygystalyfera@npted.orgPennaeth/Head:ygyyf-m.evans@npted.orgOed y disgyblion/ Agerange:11-18Cadeirydd yLlywodraethwyr/ Chairof Governors:Mr Eirion RichardsPennaeth/Head:Mr Matthew Evanswww.ysgolgyfunystalyfera.co.uk

6 <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> ystalyferaTrefniadaeth yr <strong>Ysgol</strong>School OrganisationCyffredinolRhennir yr ysgol yn Flynyddoedd. CeirCydlynydd Dysgu i Flwyddyn 7 (sydd hefydyn gyfrifol am gyswllt â’r ysgolion cynradd),Cydlynwyr Dysgu i Flynyddoedd 8, 9, 10 ac11 a Chydlynydd Dysgu i Ganolfan Gwenallt,sef Blynyddoedd 12 a 13. Gweithia’rCydlynwyr hyn yn agos gyda’r Pennaeth a’rTim Arwain i sicrhau dilyniant a chysondebwrth weithredu trefniadau a pholisïau’rysgol a gofal cyffredinol dros holl agweddaubywyd ysgol y disgyblion.Dysgir disgyblion Blwyddyn 7 o fewndosbarthiadau cymysg eu gallu, ar wahani ddisgyblion sydd ag arnynt AnghenionAddysgol Ychwanegol. O Flwyddyn 8ymlaen, gosodir disgyblion mewn setiauyn ôl eu gallu ar gyfer rhai pynciau, tra’naros yn eu dosbarthiadau arferol ar gyferpynciau eraill.Asesir gwaith y disgyblion yn rheolaidda chynhelir arholiadau ffurfiol i bobblwyddyn. Cofrestrir disgyblion mewngrwpiau cymysg eu gallu, a’r grwpiaucymysg hynny yw sail cyfnodau Tiwtorial,Addysg Bersonol a Chymdeithasol a rhaigwersi eraill ar y cwricwlwm.Erbyn Blwyddyn 10 bydd disgyblion wedidewis pynciau arholiadau allanol a fydd ynsail i’w hastudiaethau am ddwy flynedd.GeneralThe school is organised horizontally on aYear basis. There is a LearningCo-ordinator with responsibility for Year7 (and primary-school liaison), LearningCo-ordinators for Years 8, 9, 10 and 11, anda post-16 education Learning Co-ordinator(Years 12 and 13). All work closely withthe Head and Leading Team to ensurecontinuity and consistency of approachin the implementation of school policies,arrangements and general pupil welfare.Pupils in Year 7 are taught in mixed abilitygroups, apart from pupils with AdditionalLearning Needs who have their ownspecialist provision which includes a degreeof integration. From Year 8 onwards, pupilsmay be placed in ability sets in somesubjects, whilst remaining in their normalforms for others. Pupils’ work is monitoredcontinually and formal examinations areheld annually.Pupils are registered in mixed-abilitygroupings in all Years; Tutorials, Personaland Social Education and some subjectlessons are also conducted in mixed-abilitygroups.On entry into Year 10, pupils choosesubjects which will be the basis of a twoyearprogramme of study leading to anexternal qualification.

<strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> ystalyfera7AdnoddauResourcesSefydlwyd <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> Ystalyfera ym 1969 ym mhenuchaf Cwm Tawe, yn ysgol gyfun benodedig Gymraeg.Rydym yn gwasanaethu dalgylch mawr yn ymestyn oFrynaman yn y gorllewin, i Gwmafan yn y dwyrain. Maeamrediad da o adnoddau i addysgu’r cwricwlwm trwy’rysgol. Cryfderau’r adeiladau yw’r cyfleusterau chwaraeona’r adeiladau mwyaf newydd ar gyfer Cymraeg, Cerdda Drama a’r Labordai Gwyddoniaeth. Rydym ynbuddsoddi’n helaeth er mwyn sicrhau bod yr adnoddauTechnoleg Gwybodaeth diweddaraf ar gael i bob disgyblar draws y pynciau.Pwll nofioDefnyddir y pwll ar gyfer rhan o’r cwricwlwm AddysgGorfforol gan bob Blwyddyn ysgol.Neuadd ChwaraeonAgorwyd Neuadd Chwaraeon ac Ystafelloedd FfitrwyddGymunedol newydd ar safle’r ysgol ym Mawrth 2006.CyfrifiaduronMae bron 500 o gyfrifiaduron yn yr ysgol, yn rhoicymhareb cyfrifiadur-disgybl o lai na 2.5:1. Gall disgybliongael mynediad i’w gwaith o’u cartrefi drwy ddefnyddio’rporth i’r we (school web portal).Gwisg <strong>Ysgol</strong>Rhaid i’r holl ddisgyblion wisgo dillad swyddogol yr ysgol.Ni chaniateir gwisgo gemwaith na cholur yn yr <strong>Ysgol</strong>a disgwylir i ddisgyblion fod â steil gwallt addas aderbyniol. Gwerthfawrogir pob cefnogaeth gan rieni isicrhau ein bod yn cynnal ein safonau.<strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> Ystalyfera was established in 1969 atthe top end of the Swansea Valley as a designatedWelsh medium school. We have a wide catchment areastretching from Brynaman in the West to Cwmafan inthe East of the County. The school has a good, broadrange of facilities which ensures that the curriculum iseffectively taught across all the Key Stages. The schoolhas excellent sporting facilities, a new Welsh block,an excellent performing arts centre and Science Labs.We invest heavily in the latest Information Technologyresources which are available to every pupil across all ofthe departments.Swimming PoolThe school pool is used for part of the Physical Educationcurriculum by all Year groups.Sports HallA new Community Sports Hall and Fitness Suite wasopened in school in 2006.ComputersThe school has nearly 500 computers, giving a pupilcomputerratio of approximately 2.5 :1. have their owncomputers.Pupils are also able to gain access to their work fromhome via the school’s web portal.School UniformAll pupils are expected to wear full school uniform, asagreed upon by the Parents’ Association.Wearing jewellery and makeup as well as unacceptablehairstyles incompatible with school uniformrequirements are not permitted. We use a commonsense approach at all times and appreciate parentalsupport in maintaining standards within the school.

8 <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> ystalyferaY CwricwlwmThe CuriculumCyfnod Allweddol 3Yn ystod y tair blynedd gyntaf, mae’rysgol yn cynnig cwricwlwm cyffredin sy’ncynnwys Cymraeg, Saesneg, Mathemateg,Gwyddoniaeth, Hanes, Daearyddiaeth,Addysg Grefyddol, Cerddoriaeth, Ffrangeg,Dylunio a Thechnoleg, TechnolegGwybodaeth, Celf, Drama, Addysg Gorfforolac Addysg Bersonol a Chymdeithasol.O Flwyddyn 9 ymlaen cynigir Almaeneg ynail iaith fodern.Key Stage 3During the first three years at Ystalyfera,pupils follow a common curriculum ofWelsh, English, Mathematics, Science,History, Geography, Religious Studies,Music, French, Design and Technology,Information Technology, Art, Drama,Physical Education and Personal and SocialEducation.In Year 9, German is offered as an optionalsecond modern foreign language.Cyfnod Allweddol 4Ym Mlynyddoedd 10 ac 11 mae pawbyn dilyn cwricwlwm craidd sy’n cynnwysCymraeg, Saesneg, Mathemateg aGwyddoniaeth (gyda dewis o WyddoniaethYchwanegol). Mae pob disgybl hefyd, ynunol â Llwybrau Dysgu 14-19 yn astudioTechnoleg Gwybodaeth a Chyfathrebu,Addysg Grefyddol, Addysg Gorfforol acAddysg Bersonol a Chymdeithasol. Ynychwanegol at hyn, bydd disgyblionyn dewis hyd at bedwar pwnc arallo ddarpariaeth gynhwysfawr. Ynogystal â chyrsiau TGAU, cynigir cyrsiauGalwedigaethol a chyrsiau BTEC.Manylir ar y ddarpariaeth a’r dewisiadau ynLlawlyfr Dewisiadau Blwyddyn 10, sydd argael o’r ysgol.Key Stage 4In Years 10 and 11 (Key Stage 4) pupilsprepare for external examinations. Allpupils follow a core curriculum of Welsh,English, Mathematics and Science inaccordance with the Learning Pathways14 – 19 requirements. Information andCommunications Technology, ReligiousEducation, Personal and Social Educationand Physical Education are also taughtto all pupils. In addition, pupils will selecta further four subjects (three for pupilswho choose additional Science) from acomprehensive range which includes GCSE,Vocational GCSE and BTEC courses.All provision is detailed in the Year 10Options Booklet, available from the school.

<strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> ystalyfera9Cyfnod Allweddol 5Key Stage 5Cynigir dewis eang o bynciau Uwch Gyfrannol ymMlwyddyn 12 (o fewn Cymhwyster Bagloriaeth Cymru)a Safon Uwch (A2) ym Mlwyddyn 13, gan gynnwysCymraeg, Saesneg, Mathemateg, Ffiseg, Cemeg, Bioleg,Cyfrifiadureg, Hanes, Daearyddiaeth, AstudiaethauCrefyddol, Cerddoriaeth, Frangeg, Almaeneg, Celf,Technoleg, Drama, Cyfryngau Creadigol, Addysg Gorfforol,Astudiaethau Busnes, Seicoleg, Y Gyfraith, Peirianeg,Cymhwyster <strong>Ysgol</strong> Roc a Gwyddoniaeth Gymhwysol.Cynigir hefyd Dystysgrif a Diploma CACHE mewn GofalPlant yn gyrsiau amser- llawn ym Mlynyddoedd 12 a 13.Yn unol â gweledigaeth Llwybrau dysgu 14-19 cynnigircyrsiau galwedigaethol gan staff yr ysgol ac mewnpartneriaeth â Choleg Castell Nedd, <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> GymraegBryntawe ac <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> Gŵyr.Students in Years 12 and 13 are offered a widerange of Advanced Supplementary (within the WelshBaccalaureate Qualification) and Advanced (A2)subjects including Welsh, English, Mathematics (Pureand Applied), Physics, Chemistry, Biology, ComputerScience, History, Geography, Religious Studies, Music,French, German, Spanish, Art, Technology, Drama, CreativeMedia Studies, Physical Education, Business Studies,Information and Communications Technology, Psychology,Law, Engineering; Rock School Qualification and AppliedScience.Vocational qualifications, including Childcare (CACHE) arealso available in Years 12 and 13.The school fulfils the requirements of the LearningPathways 14-19 curriculum and works in partnershipwith Neath College, <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> Gŵyr and <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong>Bryntawe.

12 <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> ystalyferaGofal a chyngorSupport and GuidanceMae cyfrifoldeb ar bob athro ac athrawes i ofaluam les a chynnydd disgyblion yn ogystal â chynnalsafonau academaidd. Nod yr ysgol yw creu amgylchfyddiogel a chefnogol lle gall pob disgybl dyfu a datblygu’nunigolion effeithiol.Every teacher has a responsibility to look after thepupil’s welfare and progress in addition to maintainingeducational standards. The School aims to ensure asupportive and secure environment where pupils candevelop all aspects of their character and talents.Tiwtor DosbarthWrth ymuno â’r ysgol rhoddir pob disgybl mewngrŵp tiwtorial o dan arweiniad ac arolygaeth tiwtordosbarth. Cyd-gysylltir gwaith y tiwtoriaid dosbarthgan Gydlynydd Dysgu’r Flwyddyn. Y tiwtor dosbarth,mewn ymgynghoriad â’r Cydlynydd Dysgu priodol sy’ngyfrifol am arolygu cynnydd academaidd a gofal bugeilioly disgyblion. Mae Cydlynydd Dysgu’r flwyddyn yngyfrifol am les academaidd a chyffredinol, presenoldeb,prydlondeb ac ymddygiad disgyblion y flwyddyn.Form TutorOn entry to school each pupil is assigned to a tutorialgroup under the guidance and supervision of a formtutor. The form tutor, in consultation with the YearLearning Co-ordinator is responsible for monitoring theacademic progress and pastoral care of pupils. LearningCo-ordinators are responsible for the general welfare,and the monitoring of attendance, punctuality, behaviourand educational progress of pupils in their respectiveyear groups.

<strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> ystalyfera13Mentoriaid CymarBellach mae’r ysgol wedi sefydlu system ofentoriaid cymar lle mae disgyblion yr ysgolganol yn cefnogi a chynghori unigolion aramrywiaeth eang o faterion gan gynnwyscymorth â gwaith ysgol, problemaucymdeithasol a thangyflawni.BydisPan fydd eich plentyn yn dechrau ei yrfayn ysgol Ystalyfera bydd yn cael ‘Bydi’ oflwyddyn 12. Bydd y ‘Bydi’ yn gallu helpu`rdisgybl i ymgartrefu yn gyflym ac yn hapusyn yr ysgol. Bydd y ‘Bydi’ yn cwrdd â`chmab/merch unwaith yr wythnos, drwyymweld â`i ddosbarth cofrestru i sgwrsioam unrhyw broblemau, ateb cwestiynau,cyd-ddarllen a rhoi unrhyw gyngor syddangen. Mae`r Bydis yn gweithio danarweiniad Cydlynydd Dysgu blwyddyn 7.JigsawFel rhan o’n rhwydwaith o gefnogaeth ymayn Ystalyfera mae gennym gwnselyddproffesiynol yn gweithio ar gampws yr<strong>Ysgol</strong> am dridiau o bob wythnos. Mae’rcwnselydd yn gwneud cyfraniad allweddoli ddatblygiad personol pob disgybl trwygynnig gwasanaeth cwnsela i rai unigoliona thrwy gyfrannu i raglen ABCh yr <strong>Ysgol</strong>gyfan.BwlioRydym wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod <strong>Ysgol</strong><strong>Gyfun</strong> Ystalyfera yn lle diogel a hapus abydd unrhyw achosion o fwlian yn cael eigymryd o ddifrif. Mae gan yr <strong>Ysgol</strong> bolisigwrth-fwlian a gellir cael copi ohono trwygysylltu â swyddfa’r ysgol.Asiantaethau AllanolGwna’r ysgol ddefnydd llawn owasanaethau ategol yr Awdurdodmegis y Gwasanaeth Lles Addysgol, yGwasanaethau Cynnal (e.e. ymddygiadol)a’r Gwasanaeth Seicolegol. Cynhelircyfarfodydd cyson rhwng y CydlynywrDysgu, y Nyrs, a Swyddog Lles Addysgol yrAwdurdod Addysg.Peer MentoringAs a School we have recently establisheda ‘Peer Mentoring’ system where trainedpupil mentors from Year 10 mentorindividuals on a wide variety of issues suchas specific subject problems, social issuesand underachievement.BuddyWhen your child enrols at Ystalyfera he/she will be assigned a ‘Buddy’ from Year12. The ‘Buddy’ will help your child to settlequickly and happily within the school. Theywill have regular weekly meetings under thesupervision of the form tutor and togetherthey will chat about any problems thathave arisen, have an opportunity to askquestions, read books / magazines and giveadvice where needed. The ‘Buddies’ workunder the guidance of the Year 7 LearningCo-ordinator.JigsawAs part of our network of support here arYstalyfera we have a professional councillorwho works on site three days a week. MrsKirsty Bilsky is a key member of staff whomakes an invaluable contribution to thepersonal development of pupils throughher individual counselling sessions and PSElessons.BullingWe are commited to ensuring thatYstalyfera is a safe and happy environmentand any incident of bullying is takenseriously. The school has a clear Anti-Bullying policy, a copy of which can beobtained by contacting the school office.External AgenciesExternal AgenciesThe school makes full use of the Authority’ssupport services such as the EducationWelfare Service, Support Services (e.g.behavioural) and the Schools PsychologicalService. Regular meetings are held betweenYear Learning Co-ordinators, the schoolNurse, the school’s Educational WelfareOfficer and Attendance Officer.

14 <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> ystalyferaY Trefnydd PersonolThe Personal PlannerRydym yn ymwybodol iawn o bwysigrwydd trefnu amsera gwaith yn effeithiol ac er mwyn hybu’r sgil o fod yndrefnus rhoddir Trefnydd Personol yn rhad ac am ddim ibob disgybl.Disgwylir i ddisgyblion gadw Trefnydd Personol, sydd yncynnwys manylion pwysig fel yr amserlen, tasgau gwaithcartref a manylion am lyfrau ac offer sydd eu hangen bobdydd.Mae’r Trefnydd yn gyfrwng cyswllt rhwng yr ysgol a’rcartref, ac fe’i llofnodir yn wythnosol gan riant a’r TiwtorDosbarth. Mae’n cynnwys lle i gofnodi llwyddiannaupersonol a chyfrifoldebau, clodydd, sgiliau dysgu a SgiliauAllweddol, cyngor i ddisgyblion, gosod targedau personol aChalendr yr ysgol.The ability to organise time and study is essential andin order to improve these skills we provide a PersonalPlanner annually, free of charge to every pupil.Pupils are expected to maintain their Personal Planner,which incorporates a homework diary section, the dailytimetable and details of necessary equipment and books.The Planner is a channel for communication betweenschool and home, and is signed weekly by a parent andthe Form Tutor. It includes space to record personalsuccesses, responsibilites undertaken and communityinvolvement. It also provides advice, guidance andinformation on essentials such as Key Skills acquisitionand the setting of personal targets

<strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> ystalyfera15Y Rhieni a’r <strong>Ysgol</strong>Parents and the schoolY bartneriaeth effeithiol rhwng y rhieni a’r ysgol yw’r allweddi lwyddiant pob disgybl ac rydym yn hyderus y byddwn ynsefydlu perthynas dda, agored a chyfeillgar â’n holl rhieni. Ytrefnydd personol yw’r llinell gyswllt cyntaf rhwng yr ysgola’r cartref.An effective partnership between parents and school iskey to the successful development of pupils and we areconfident that we can establish an effective, open andfriendly relationship with all parents. The first point ofcontact between the home and school is the PersonalPlanner.Trefniadau ar gyfer ymweliad gan rieniMae croeso bob amser i rieni ymweld â’r ysgol, ondgofynnir i chi gysylltu â’r ysgol i drefnu amser cyfleus.Wedi cyrraedd, dylech fynd i Swyddfa’r ysgol. Byddy Pennaeth yn barod i gwrdd ag unrhyw riant sy’ndymuno trafod materion ag ef.Sut i gysylltu â’r ysgol –ar y ffôn: 01639 842129 neu drwye-bost: ygystalyfera@npted.orgArrangements for Parental VisitsParents are always welcome to visit the school and weask that they contact the School Office to arrange amutually convenient appointment. On arrival parentsshould report to the office. The Head will be pleased tomeet parents wishing to discuss matters.How to contact the school –telephone 01639 842129;e-mail (office): ygystalyfera@npted.orgCymdeithas y rhieniThe Parents’ AssociationGwahoddir yr holl rieni i ymuno â Chymdeithas Rhieni<strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> Ystalyfera.Gwerthfawrogir pob cefnogaeth i’r gweithgareddau adrefnir gan Gymdeithas y Rhieni.All parents are invited to join <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> Ystalyfera’sactive Parents’ Association which provides the schoolwith invaluable support in all its activities.

16 <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> ystalyferaWrth ymuno ag <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> Ystalyfera, fe fydd gofal achefnogaeth gref mewn amryw o ffyrdd :Tiwtor Dosbarth a fydd yn cynnig pob cymorth iymgartrefu yn yr ysgol o’r newydd ac a fydd yn Diwtoriddo hyd at Flwyddyn 11.Cydlynydd Blwyddyn a Staff Hŷn a fydd ar gael i drafodgyda rhieni.‘Bydi’ ym Mlwyddyn 12 a fydd yn barod i helpu a chyfeirio,gofalu a chyfarwyddo. Mae pob plentyn yn cyfarfod â’i‘fydi’ yn wythnosol o leiaf.Cwrs Pontio yng Ngwersyll Llangrannog er mwyn dodi adnabod athrawon Ystalyfera a chyd-ddisgyblion oysgolion cynradd eraill.Clybiau Gwaith Cartref a Chlybiau Adolygu Gwaith. ClwbLlawysgrifen.Sesiynau Mentora ar gyfer Llwyddiant.Cefnogaeth Llythrennedd a/neu Rhifedd.Noson i Rieni yn gynnar yn ystod y tymor cyntaf i drafodymgartrefu ac unrhyw gefnogaeth neu sylw i faterionpenodol sydd ei angen.Athrawon yn anelu at addysgu drwy ddefnyddioarddulliau dysgu’r disgyblion.Gosod targedau SMART a thrafodaeth bob hanner tymorgyda’r Tiwtor Dosbarth ar gynnydd tuag at y targedau.Annogaeth i ymuno â gweithgareddau allgyrsiol penodoli Flwyddyn 7 e.e. Côr Blwyddyn 7, Twrnament Rygbi aPhêl-rwyd Blwyddyn 7.Cynlluniau Clod a Gwobrwyo er mwyn codi cymhelliant ahybu cyrhaeddiadClybiau pynciol – e.e. Mathemateg.

<strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> ystalyfera17Cefnogaeth iflwyddyn 7Support for year 7When your child is joins Ystalyfera, care and support willbe provided in a number of ways :A Form Tutor who will offer help in settling in to the newschool and its routines and expectations. The Form Tutorwill remain with the Tutor Group until Year 11, providingcontinuity and support in all matters.A Year-Group Co-ordinator (Head of Year) and SeniorStaff who will be available for discussions with parents.A ‘Buddy’ in Year 12 who will be a constant guide,offering advice and help in any matters to do with school.All Year 7 pupils meet their ‘buddies’ weekly.The Llangrannog Transition Course is an excellentopportunity to get to know Ystalyfera teachers, fellowpupilsfrom other primary schools and to set social andlinguistic patterns which will aid settling in to Year 7.Homework Clubs and revision Clubs. Handwriting Club.Subject-specific Clubs – e.g. Mathematics.‘Mentoring for Success’ sessions.Focussed support in Literacy and/or Numeracy.A Year 7 Parents’ Evening early during the first term todiscuss issues such as settling in, friendships and anyspecific support or attention which is needed.Teachers aim to teach using the pupils’ preferred learningstyles.SMART targets are set and progress towards thosetargets discussed half-termly with the Form Tutor.Encouragement to join extra-curricular activitieswhich are specific to Year 7 – e.g the Year 7 Choir, Year7 rugby and netball tournaments, as well as wholeschoolactivities.Merit and Prize schemes in order to provide incentives,increase motivation and raise attainment.

18 <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> ystalyferaDisgyblaeth i ddysguDiscipline for LearningYn Ystalyfera mae gan bawb yr hawl i ddysgu ac mae einpolisi disgyblaeth wedi selio’n gadarn ar hynny. Rhoddirpwyslais ar ymddygiad da, gofal am eraill a pharch at eiddo.O fewn cyfundrefn Glod a Chanmol yr ysgol, gwobrwyirdisgyblion am waith o ansawdd dda, ymdrech arbennig,presenoldeb da, ymroddiad uchel i ymarferion a nifer orinweddau eraill.Mae gan yr ysgol hefyd ddisgwyliadau uchel o’i disgyblion, aamlinellir yn y Polisi Ymddygiad a Disgyblaeth. Bydd copi o’rdisgwyliadau hyn gan bob disgybl a gall rhieni dderbyn copio’r Polisi llawn o Swyddfa’r ysgol.Cefnogir Polisi Disgyblaeth yr ysgol, sy’n cynnwysegwyddorion Disgyblaeth Gadarn/Assertive Disciplinegan yr holl staff a bydd disgyblion sy’n torri canllawiauac yn cwympo’n is na’r safonau yn cael eu cosbi. Gall ygosb gynnwys atal breintiau, cerydd, gwaith ychwanegol,gwaharddiad o rai o weithgareddau’r ysgol, rhoi arAdroddiad Dyddiol, ataliad, ac mewn achosion difrifol iawn,gwaharddiad o’r ysgol.Absenoldeb disgyblionPupil absenceAt Ystalyfera every child has the right to learn and ourdiscipline policy is firmly based on this basic right. Emphasisis placed on standards of good behaviour, consideration forothers and respect for property.Within the school’s Merit system, pupils are praised andacknowledgment given for quality work, good attendanceand other attributes.The school has high expectations of its pupils, as outlined inthe Behaviour and Discipline Policy. All pupils are issued witha copy of the school’s expectations with regard to behaviourand copies of the full Policy are available to parents form theschool Office.The school’s Disciplinary Code is based on the AssertiveDiscipline model and is supported by all staff. Pupilswho transgress are sanctioned. These sanctions includereprimands, the withholding of privileges, extra work,exclusion from some school activities, detention, and, incases of serious indiscipline, suspension.Hoffai’r <strong>Ysgol</strong> bwysleisio mantais presenoldeb uchela’i effaith ar lwyddiant a lles disgyblion. Byddwn yngwborwyo disgyblion â chanran presenoldeb uchel yngyson ym mhob blwyddyn academaidd. Gofynnwn i rieniegluro pob absenoldeb pa hyd bynnag bo’r cyfnod naill aidrwy lythyr neu neges ffôn ar unwaith pan fo disgybl ynabsennol.The school would like to emphasize that pupils’attendance at school is essential to ensure effectivelearning. We aim to regularly award high percentages ofattendance within every year group.Parents are asked to provide an explanation for allabsences, whatever the duration immediately either byletter, telephone or e-mail.

<strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> ystalyfera19CyffredinolGeneralCinioDarperir cinio iach a maethlon ganol dydd yny Neuadd ac anogir pob disgybl i fanteisio ar yddarpariaeth hon. Mae gan yr ysgol bolisi o fwyta’niach ac o hybu iechyd.Bysiau <strong>Ysgol</strong>Trefnir y bysiau yn gyfan-gwbl gan Adran Cludiant<strong>Ysgol</strong>ion Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Castell-nedd PortTalbot (01639 763333). Ceir gwybodaeth ynglŷn agamserau’r bysiau a’r arosfannau priodol oddi wrthyr Adran honno. Cynghorir disgyblion i fod wrth yrarosfan priodol bum munud cyn yr amser swyddogol.Os digwydd i ddisgybl golli’i fws ar ddiwedd y dydd,dylid mynd yn union i Swyddfa’r ysgol ac nid i unmanarall.Rhaid i ddisgybl gario’i docyn bws bob dydd er mwyndangos i’r gyrrwr. Yn ôl rheolau’r Cyngor BwrdeistrefSirol, gall disgybl sy’n camymddwyn ar fws ysgol golli’ihawl i gludiant rhad ac am ddim.Gellir cael copi o lyfryn yr Awdurdod Addysg Cludiantar Fysiau <strong>Ysgol</strong> o swyddfa’r ysgol.CymorthdaliadauCinio rhad, Grantiau gwisg, Grantiau cynhaliaeth.Mae hawl gan unrhyw riant wneud cais am unrhywun (neu’r cyfan) o’r grantiau uchod.Dosberthirffurflenni cais i’r disgyblion ar ddiwedd tymor yr hafond cyfrifoldeb rhieni yw sicrhau bod y ffurflen wedi eidychwelyd i’r ysgol mewn pryd iddi gael ei harchwilioac i anfon gwybodaeth i’r rhieni cyn dechrau’rflwyddyn newydd.Sylwer na all disgybl dderbyn cinio rhad os nachafwyd llythyr oddi wrth yr ysgol yn caniatáu hyn arhaid adnewyddu’r hawl ar ddiwedd tymor yr haf.MealsA mid-day meal is provided at the school and allpupils are urged to partake. Meals are served on aCafeteria System and pupils have a choice of ‘healthyeating’ menus. Pupils pay daily for their selectedchoice of menu.BusesPupils are conveyed to school by contracted vehiclesand all transport arrangements are made by the LocalEducation Authority Transport Section (01639 763333)who will inform all parents of the route and times ofarrival at the various pickup points. It is suggestedthat pupils should be at these points five minutesbefore the scheduled times. Should a pupil miss thebus at the end of the day, he or she must report to theSchool Office.All pupils must carry their bus passes daily. TheUnitary Authority’s School Transport guidelines stateclearly that any pupil who misbehaves on a schoolcontract vehicle may lose his or her right to free travel.A copy of the Authority’s booklet A Guide to Transporton School Buses is avilable from the School Office.GrantsFree meals, Clothing grants, Maintenance grants.Parents are given the opportunity of applying for any(or all) of the above named grants.Application forms are distributed to pupils at theend of the summer term, but it is the parents’responsibility to send the completed forms to theschool in time for processing to occur before the startof the new school year.Please note that no pupil is allowed a free mealunless the parents and the school have been notifiedof this concession. The application must be made/renewed at the end of the summer term.

20 <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> ystalyferaDysgu y tu allan i’r ystafell DdosbarthLearning Outside the Classroom“Mae’r ysgol yn cynnig ystod ragorol o gyfleoedd allgyrsiol ac amrywiaetho weithgareddau yn yr ysgol a thu allan sy’n cyfrannu’n sylweddol atddatblygiad personol a chymdeithasol y disgyblion a’r myfyrwyr.(Adroddiad Estyn 2007)”‘The school offers an outstanding range of extra-curricular opportunitiesand a variety of activities both inside and outside of the school thatcontribute considerably to pupils’ and students’ personal and socialdevelopment.’ (Estyn Report 2007)Mae sicrhau cyfleoedd allgyrsiol yn greiddioli ethos <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> Ystalyfera a thrwyein rhaglen helaeth rydym yn llwyddo iddarparu(i) Profiadau diwylliannol trwy amrywiaetho gystadlaethau a pherfformiadau. Mae’rysgol yn cefnogi eisteddfodau a gwyliaulleol a chenedlaethol ac mae’r disgybliona’r myfyrwyr yn cael profiadau helaeth,cofiadwy a Chymreig drwy’r gweithgareddauhyn;(ii) Cystadlaethau a phrofiadau pynciolallgyrsiol e.e UK Maths challenge, MenterBusnes NPT.(iii) amrediad eang o glybiau, ymarferiona thimau chwaraeon, gyda llawer oddisgyblion yr ysgol yn cynrychioli’r sir a’ugwlad;(iv) ymweliadau a theithiau niferus, lleola thramor, sy’n cyfoethogi’r cwricwlwm aphrofiadau disgyblion;(v) amrywiaeth eang iawn o glybiau agweithgareddau i hybu dysgu, addysgua lles disgyblion, y tu allan i oriau arferolysgol.Ensuring extra-curricular opportunitiesis a core part of the ethos of <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong>Ystalyfera and through our extensiveprogramme we succeed in providing:(i) Cultural experiences through a varietyof competitions and performances. Theschool supports eisteddfodau and local andnational festivals. Pupils and students havewide, memorable and Welsh experiencesthrough these activities;(ii) Subject specific competitions e.g UKMaths challenge, NPT Business Enterprise(iii) a range of sport clubs, training activitiesand teams, with many pupils in the schoolrepresenting the county and their country;(iv) numerous local and foreign visits andtrips that enrich the curriculum and pupils’experiences; and(v) a wide provision of clubs and activities topromote learning, teaching and pupils’ wellbeing,outside normal school hours.

<strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> ystalyfera21Urdd Gobaith CymruMae’r ysgol yn cefnogi holl weithgareddauUrdd Gobaith Cymru, ac anogir disgyblion iymaelodi â’r mudiad hwn.Cerdd a DramaRhoddir cyfle i ddisgyblion gymrydrhan mewn cynhyrchiadau ysgol gyfan,dramâu adrannol, gwasanaethau ysgol achymunedol, corau, cerddorfa a grwpiauofferynnol.Siarad CyhoeddusManteisir ar gystadlaethau megis y Rotari,CEWC, Oxford Speaking Union er mwynymestyn disgyblion galluog a thalentoga darparu llwyfan ar gyfer ein siaradwyrcyhoeddus brwd.Addysg GorfforolMae’r Adran Addysg Gorfforol yn cynnalnifer o glybiau yn ystod yr awr ginio neuar ôl ysgol: Criced, Rygbi, Pêl-droed, Pêlrwyd,Pêl-fasged, Hoci, Pêl Fâs, Tenis,Athletau, Badminton, Dringo, Nofio, Dodge-Ball, Dawns, Gymnasteg, Aml-Gampfa.Cynhelir gemau cystadleuol yn ystod oriauysgol, ac ar ôl ysgol. Mae timau ysgolo bob oedran yn cystadlu yn gyson ynerbyn timau o ysgolion eraill a cheir cyfle iddisgyblion gynrychioli rhanbarth Nedd PortTalbot, Gorellwin Morgannwg, De Cymru,Cymru a Phrydain Fawr mewn amrywweithgareddau.Urdd Gobaith CymruThe school supports all the activitiesprovided by Urdd Gobaith Cymru and weencourage all pupils to become members ofthe movement .Music and DramaPupils are given the opportunity toparticipate in a wide variety of music anddrama activities: whole school productions,drama production, religious services bothwithin the school and the community,school choirs, school orchestra and variousensembles.Public SpeakingThe school regularly competes in variouscompetitions for example The Rotary, CEWC,Oxford Speaking Union in order to provideopportunities for our able and talentedstudents and for those who have anenthusiasm for expressing their views.Physical EducationThe PE department have an extensiveprogramme of lunchtime and after schoolactivities: Cricket, Rugby, Football, Netball,Basketball, Hockey, Baseball, Tennis,Atheltics, Badminton, Climbing, Swimming,Dodge-ball, Dance, Gymnastics, Multi-gym.Competitive games are played during andafter school hours. School teams, at all agegroups, compete regularly against othersecondary schools and pupils have theopportunity to represent Neath Port Talbotdistrict, West Glamorgan, Wales and UK in awide range of activities.

22 <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> ystalyferaClwb CEIArweinir y clwb gan ddisgyblion blwyddyn 12 a darperircyfleoedd i ddigyblion Iau i ymuno mewn clybiauamrywiol yn ôl dymuniad y disgyblion e.e. clwb coginio,clwb gwyddbwyll, clwb ffasiwn ac ati.Gwobr Dug CaeredinAnogir disgyblion o flwyddyn 10 i flwyddyn 13 iymgymryd â chymhwyster Dug Caeredin a rhoddir pobcefnogaeth iddynt gan hyfforddwyr arbenigol.Clybiau CyffredinolClwb Amnest Rhyngwladol, Clwb Darllen, ClwbLlawysgrifen, Clwb Ffrangeg, Clwb Gwyddbwyll, ClwbCelf amser cinio ac ar ôl ysgol, Pwyllgor 6ed, PwyllgorDyngarol,Clwb Rhifedd, Radio Gwifren (Radio’r <strong>Ysgol</strong>)Gwersi OfferynnolTrefnir gwersi offerynnol dan arweiniad athrawonperipatetig ar gyfer: telyn, offerynnau llinynnol,offerynnau chwythbren, pres, llais a tharo. Maedisgyblion sy’n derbyn gwersi offerynnol yn sefyllarholiadau y Bwrdd Arholi Brenhinol. Disgwylir hefyd iddisgyblion sydd yn derbyn gwersi offerynnol ymaelodi âcherddorfa’r ysgol ac yna yng ngherddorfa cylch GorllewinMorgannwg.Clwb CEIYear 12 are responsible for the Keep Your Welsh clubwhich encourages year 7 pupils to socialize during lunchhour in a variety of clus e.g cooking club,chess club,fashion club etc.Duke of Edinburgh AwardDuke of Edinburgh AwardFrom year 10 onwards pupils are encouraged to aimfor Bronze, Silver and Gold awards and are given everysupport and encouragement by school staff and awardtrainers.General ClubsAmnesty International Club, Reading Club, HandwritingClub, Modern Foreign Language Club, Chess Club, ArtClub (lunchtime and after school) 6th Form Committee,Numeracy Club, Humanitarian Fund Club.Gwifren Radio(School Radio)Instrumental TuitionInstrumental music lessons, offered by the tuition ofperipatetic teachers, include string, woodwind andbrass instruments, harp, percussion, and voice. Pupilswho receive lessons are entered for Royal School ofMusic Examinations and are expected to join the schoolorchestra and the county music ensembles.

<strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> ystalyfera23Y GronfaDdyngarolHumanitarianWorkMae’r Gronfa Ddyngarol yn nodwedd ganolog athrawiadol o fywyd yn Ystalyfera ac adlewyrcha ein gofaldros ein gilydd o fewn ein cymuned lleol a’r gymunedehangach ar draws y byd. Ers y cychwyn cyntaf mae’rGronfa wedi bod yn allweddol yn ein bywyd dyddiol athrefnir pob math o weithgareddau gan ddisgyblioner mwyn codi arian ar gyfer elusennau amrywiol.Drwy ymdrechion y disgyblion, cynhelir amrywiolweithgareddau i godi arian at achosion da a chyfrennirmewn blwyddyn hyd at £10,000. Mae ein disgyblionhefyd yn weithgar yn eu cymunedau eu hunain ac rydymyn cydnabod eu gwaith yn flynyddol trwy wobr ‘Gwaithyn y Gymuned’ yn ein Noson Wobrwyo.The Gronfa Ddyngarol or Humanitarian Fund is a strikingfeature of life at Ystalyfera and embodies our care andconcern for human suffering world-wide. Since theearly days the Fund has been a central part of schoollife and pupils arrange and hold all manner of activitiesin order to raise small sums of money throughout theyear. Equipment or money gifts are then donated toworthwhile causes. Annually Ystalyfera pupils raiseand distribute over £10,000 to a range of local, nationaland international charities. Our pupils are also active intheir own communities and it gives us great pleasureto acknowledge their voluntary contributions throughthe ‘Work in the Community’ award at our annual PrizeGiving Evening.Yn y gorffennol cyflwynwyd sieciau i’r canlynol / In the past we have donated to the following charities:Jeans for Genes, Apêl Rwmania, Marie Curie – Cancer Care, Plant mewn Angen, Cymorth Cristnogol – Apêl Haiti,Cyrenians, Samariaid, Barnados, Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru, Oxfam, Operation Christmas Child, Apêl Mr. X, YmgyrchCefnogi Nicaragua Cymru, Nyrsys Macmillan, Y Lleng Brydeinig, Cymdeithas Alzheimers, Latch, Ysbyty TreforusUned Myrddin,

24 <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> ystalyferaCanlyniadau Arholiadau 2011Examination Results 2011T.G.A.U.Enillodd 81% 5 gradd A*-C, sy’n sylweddoluwch na ffigwr 66.5% Cymru gyfan. GydaLlywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru yn gosodgymaint o bwyslais ar lythrennedd arhifedd, mae’n arbennig i ddathlu llwyddiantmyfyrwyr Ystalyfera oddi fewn i Fathemateg,Gwyddoniaeth, Cymraeg a Saesneg. Yn 2011myfywyr Ystalyfera oedd yn rhagori unwaitheto yn y sir, oddi fewn i’r pynciau craidd.Enillodd 95.5% o ddisgyblion TGAU raddauA*-G. Mae’r canlyniadau rhain yn golygu fody mwyafrif llethol o ddisgyblion yn parhauoddi fewn i Addysg Cyfrwng Cymraeg, wrthiddynt ddychwelyd yn ôl i Ystalyfera ar gyfereu cyrsiau Safon Uwch.G.C.S.E.81% achieved 5 A*-C grades, far exceeding theall Wales average of 66.5%. With the WelshAssembly’s increased focus on Literacyand Numeracy, it is particularly pleasingto see Ystalyfera students excelling withinMathematics, Science, English and Welsh.The school gained further ground within theAuthority, reaching the top of the table in thecore subjects. 95.5% of pupils achieved A*-Ggrades. These results mean that the vastmajority of students remain within WelshMedium education, returning to Ystalyfera tostudy Advanced Level courses.

<strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> ystalyfera25ÔL-16 2011Mae <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> Ystalyfera hefyd yndathlu llwyddiant ei myfyrwyr SafonUwch. Gwnaeth 70.7% ohonynt ennillgraddau A*-C eleni. Mae <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong>Ystalyfera wrth rhagori yn galluogiei disgyblion i ddilyn llwybrau gyrfaoleu dewis. Mae 95% o’n myfyrwyrSafon A yn sicr o le mewn prifysgol.Ychwanegodd Cymhwyster BagloriaethCymru at lwyddiant nifer, a hynny ar ytro cyntaf i’r ysgol gynnig y cymhwysterhwnnw.POST - 16 2011The school also celebrated the successof its A level students, 70.7% of whomachieved A*-C grades. <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong>Ystalyfera takes great pleasure inenabling our students to achievetheir career choices. 95% of our A levelstudents have been guaranteed a placeat university this autumn. The successof many was enhanced by achievingthe Welsh Baccalaureate Qualificationwhich was offered at Ystalyfera for thefirst time this year.

26 <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> ystalyferaBeth ddywed ein disgyblion amdanomWhat the pupils say about us‘The Salad Baris definitely thebest thing in thecanteen. We cancreate our ownsalads and have atake out if we’vegot activities…’‘Y Bar Salad yw’r peth gorau yn yffreutur. Ni’n gallu creu ein salad einhun a mynd a fe allan i weithgareddau’‘Mae’r <strong>Ysgol</strong> yn fawr iawn ond maefy Bydi wedi helpu fi i setlo mewn..mae’n gwrando arna’i pan fi’n becsoam bethau ond hefyd ni’n cael llawero sbort’‘It’s a really big school but my Buddyhas helped me settle down, he listensto me when I have a problem but wealso have lots of fun.’‘Mae’r Labordaiyn grêt…fi wrthfy modd yn neudarbrofion’’‘The science Labs are great….I love itwhen we do experiments’‘Mae gen i lwyth o ffrindiau newydd.Roedd fy <strong>Ysgol</strong> gynradd yn fach iawnond fan hyn ni’n gallu cymdeithasumewn grwpiau mawr. Fi’n hoffi gallusiarad gyda gwahanol pobl.’‘I’ve made loads of new friends. Myprimary school was really small but inYstalyfera we socialise in large groups.I love being able to chat with differentkinds of people.’‘Mae stafell Stwnsh yn ffantastig. Ynystod awr ginio ni’n cael twrnamentiauWii a fi ‘di ymuno gyda chlwbffotograffiaeth’‘’Stafell Stwnsh’ is fantastic, duringlunch time we have Wii competitionsand I’ve joined the photography class..’‘Dwi methucredu cymaint ogyfrifiaduron syddyma.’‘I can’t believe how many computersthe school has.

<strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> ystalyfera27Beth ddywed yr arolygwyr ohonom?What the Inspectors say about us‘Mae hon ynysgol dda iawngydag amrywo nodweddionrhagorol. Mae’rdisgyblion a’rmyfyrwyr wedi’uparatoi’n ddai gymryd rhanlawn ym mywyda gwaith ygymdeithas.’‘This is a very good school with manyoutstanding features. Pupils andstudents are well-prepared to takea full part in the life and work of thecommunity.‘‘Mae datblygiad medrau personol,cymdeithasol a dysgu’r disgybliona’r myfyrwyr yn dda gyda rhainodweddion rhagorol. Mae’r disgyblionyn arddangos agweddau cadarnhaolac aeddfed iawn tuag at ddysgu.Maent yn gweithio’n galed, ynymddwyn yn dda iawn ac yn dangosparch at eraill a thuag at amrywiaethmewn cymdeithas. Mae’r lefelpresenoldeb yn uwch na’r cyfartaleddar gyfer Cymru.’‘The development of pupils’ andstudents’ personal, social and learningskills is good, with some outstandingfeatures. Pupils display a very positiveand mature attitude to learning. Theywork hard, are very well behaved andshow respect towards others and todiversity in society. The attendancelevel is above the average for Wales.’The quality of theteaching is one ofthe outstandingfeatures of theschool.‘Mae ansawdd yr addysgu yn un oragoriaethau yr ysgol. ‘‘Mae’r gofal, cyfarwyddyd a’rgefnogaeth i ddysgwyr yn dda gydanifer o nodweddion rhagorol.’‘The care, guidance and support forlearners are good with a number ofoutstanding features.’‘The school has aclose family ethos.The school is ahappy and caringcommunity inwhich pupils feelsafe and happy.’‘The school has a close family ethos.The school is a happy and caringcommunity in which pupils feel safeand happy.’‘Mae llawer o nodweddion rhagorolyng nghwricwlwm yr ysgol. Maeystod dda iawn o gyrsiau ym mhobbob cyfnod allweddol. Sicrheirmynediad llawn a chyfle cyfartal ibob disgybl i sicrhau cymwysteraupriodol. Mae’r cwricwlwm yndatblygu’r medrau allweddol asylfaenol yn dda. Mae ansawdd yddarpariaeth er hyrwyddo medraudwyieithog y dysgwyr yn nodweddragorol.’‘There are many outstandingfeatures in the school curriculum.The curriculum develops the keyskills and basic skills well. Thequality of the provision to promotethe learners’ bilingual skills is anoutstanding feature.

<strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> YstalyferaHeol Glanyrafon, Ystalyfera, Abertawe, SA9 2JJ.Ffôn/Phone: 01639 842129 Ffacs/Fax: 01639 845681www.ysgolgyfunystalyfera.co.uk

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