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Download Brochure - Bajaj Allianz

Download Brochure - Bajaj Allianz


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Lehrbrief für Fußball-SchiedsrichterSprachschatz abhängig ist vom Bildungsstand derMenschen.Doch die aktive Sprache ist so trainierbar wie ihreUmsetzung im Alltagsgeschehen, denn dieFähigkeiten zur Kommunikation werden einemnicht als Geschenk in die Wiege gelegt. Diesbedeutet, dass die Schiedsrichter, ebenso wie dieMitarbeiter in großen Unternehmen, Organisationenund Verwaltungen regelmäßig eineausgefeilte Sprache mit der dazu gehörigenKörpersprache üben müssen.Bekommen sie hier eine größere Sicherheit, sokönnen sie vor, während und nach dem Spiel imUmgang mit den Spielern und Offiziellen besserargumentieren, um sich dann in Konfliktsituationenintelligenter und mit geringem Stressdurchzusetzen.2. Vorüberlegungen zum ThemaSolche Stress-Situationen, gehören auch für dieSchiedsrichter während und nach dem Spiel nichtselten zum „Tagesgeschäft“. Sie müssen sichdarauf vorbereiten. Mit diesem Lehrbrief geben wirdeshalb zum Thema „Kommunikationskompetenz“einige Übungsmöglichkeiten, die bei Lehrabendenund Lehrgängen in Gruppen von ca. 6 bis 8Personen als Rollenspiele, als Argumentationshilfenoder einfach als Sprachübungen bearbeitet(besprochen) werden können.2.1. . Folgendes Beispiel zum „Strafstoß“ machtdies deutlichJeder Schiedsrichter hat sie wohl schon erlebt, dieklare Entscheidung auf Strafstoß, für jeden aufdem Platz sichtbar. Eine Entscheidung, diedennoch von der verteidigenden Mannschaftkritisiert wird. Was kann passiert sein? War es derviel zu leise Pfiff, der in dieser Situation das Spielunterbrochen hat? Ist es die nicht eindeutigeKörpersprache, mit der der Schiedsrichter indiesem Moment in Richtung Strafstoßmarke trabt?Oder ist es die unsichere sprachliche Darstellung,mit der der Unparteiische gerade jetzt auf dieaggressiven Äußerungen der Spieler reagiert?Fakt ist in diesem Augenblick für den Unparteiischen,dass er in seiner für ihn so sicherenEntscheidung plötzlich unsicher wird und nochmehr Kritik hervorruft. Erst auf dem Weg nachHause fallen ihm viele Möglichkeiten ein, wie er indieser Situation hätte reagieren können, was erhätte besser machen können. Wohl jedem von unsist so etwas schon mehr als einmal passiert, nichtnur auf dem Fußballplatz.3. Lernziele3.1. GrobzieleDie Teilnehmer sollen...• …einige Grundlagen der verbalen undnonverbalen Kommunikation kennenlernen undin der aktuellen Situation anwenden können,• ...die rhetorischen Möglichkeiten der Kommunikationlernen, vertiefen und umsetzen können.2

What are my Investment Options and Funds?The plan variant <strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Life Assure Plan - Sure provide you with an opportunity to invest in the AssuredReturn Fund.The investment objective of this fund is as follows:Assured Return Fund - Risk Profile – Medium(SFIN: ULIF06127/01/11ASSRDRETRN116)The investment objective of this fund is to provide capital appreciation by investing in a suitable mix of debtand equities. The fund strategy would be to invest in following mix of assets:Indicative Portfolio Allocation:Equity & Equity Related Instruments : 0% - 50%Debt & Debt Related Instruments : 0% - 100%(a)Mutual Funds and Money market instruments : 0% - 40%(a)Mutual fund exposure will be as mandated by the IRDA guidelinesThe exposure to money market securities may be increased to 100%, keeping in view market conditions,market opportunities, and political, economic and other factors, depending on the perception of theInvestment Manager. All changes in the asset allocation will be with the intention of protecting the interests ofthe Policy holders.If there is any cancellation of units under the Assured Return Fund due to any reason, the same would be atprevailing unit price.The plan variant <strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Life Assure Plan - More provides you with two unique portfolio strategies,which can be chosen at the inception of your policy or on any subsequent policy anniversary:Investor Selectable Portfolio StrategyWheel of Life Portfolio Strategya) Investor selectable Portfolio Strategy: If you want to allocate your premiums based on your personalchoice and decision, you can opt for this strategy and chose from among the seven (7) funds below to suityour investment needs.I) Equity Growth Fund II- Risk Profile – Very High (SFIN: ULIF05106/01/10EQTYGROW02116)The investment objective of this fund is to provide capital appreciation through investment in selectedequity stocks that have the potential for capital appreciation.Indicative Portfolio Allocation:Equity : Not less than 60%Bank deposits and *Money market instruments : 0% to 40%

II) Accelerator Mid-Cap Fund II- Risk Profile – Very High(SFIN: ULIF05206/01/10ACCMIDCA02116)The investment objective of this fund is to achieve capital appreciation by investing in a diversified basketof mid cap stocks and large cap stocks.Indicative Portfolio Allocation:Equity : Not less than 60%, Out of the equity investment, atleast 50% will be in mid cap stocksBank deposits and *Money market instruments : 0% to 40%III)Pure Stock Fund - Risk profile - Very High(SFIN: ULIF02721/07/06PURESTKFUN116)The investment objective of this fund is to specifically exclude companies dealing in Gambling, Contests,Liquor, Entertainment (Films, TV etc.), Hotels, Banks and Financial Institutions.Indicative Portfolio Allocation:Equity : Not less than 60%Bank deposits and Money market instruments : 0% to 40%The exposure to government treasury bills (non-interest bearing) may be increased to 100%, keeping inview market conditions, market opportunities, and political, economic and other factors, depending on theperception of the Investment Manager. All changes in the asset allocation will be with the intention ofprotecting the interests of the policyholders.IV) Asset Allocation Fund - Risk Profile – High(SFIN: ULIF04528/09/07ASSETALLOC116)The investment objective of this fund will be to realize a level of total income, including current income andcapital appreciation, which is consistent with reasonable investment risk. The investment strategy willinvolve a flexible policy for allocating assets among equities, bonds and cash. The fund strategy will be toadjust the mix between these asset classes to capitalize on the changing financial markets and economicconditions. The fund will adjust its weights in equity, debt and cash depending on the relative attractivenessof each asset class.Indicative Portfolio Allocation:Equity : 0% - 100%Debt & *Money market instruments : 0% - 100%V) Bluechip Equity Fund - Risk Profile - High (SFIN: ULIF06026/10/10BLUECHIPEQ116)The investment objective of this fund is to provide capital appreciation through investment in equitiesforming part of NSE NIFTY.Indicative Portfolio Allocation:Equity : Not less than 60%Bank deposits and *Money market instruments : 0% to 40%

Years toMaturityProportion in following three Funds (%)BluechipEquityFundEquityGrowthFund IIAcceleratorMid-CapFund IITotalBondFund (%)20 20 50 30 100 0 019 30 50 20 100 0 018 30 50 20 100 0 017 30 50 20 100 0 016 30 50 20 100 0 015 40 40 15 95 5 014 40 40 10 90 10 013 40 40 5 85 15 012 40 40 0 80 20 011 40 35 0 75 25 010 40 30 0 70 30 09 40 25 0 65 35 08 40 20 0 60 40 07 40 15 0 55 45 06 40 10 0 50 50 05 40 0 0 40 55 5LiquidFund (%)4 30 0 0 30 60 103 20 0 0 20 65 152 10 0 0 10 70 201 0 0 0 0 80 20

You will not have the option to switch units or change the apportionment of premium to various funds,under this portfolio strategy.You can switch out of this portfolio strategy at any policy anniversary by giving a written notice to thecompany 30 days in advance.In case of partial withdrawal, the withdrawal of units from each fund will be done in the same proportion asthe value of the Units held in that Fund as on date of withdrawal. You will not have any choice to opt the fundfrom which the partial withdrawal of units is to be done.Premium Apportionment: Under the Investor Selectable Portfolio Strategy, you can choose to invest fully in any one fund or allocateyour premiums into the various funds in a proportion that suits your investment needs. The premiumapportionment to any fund must be at least 5%. The company will reserve the right to revise the minimum apportionment percentages upon giving writtennotice of not less than three months subject to obtaining clearance from the IRDA. Under the Wheel of Life Portfolio Strategy, you will not have the option to choose the proportion. Theapportionment of the allocated premium will be as per the Wheel of Life Portfolio Strategy table. Miscellaneous charge, as mentioned below, will be applicable for change in premium apportionment orportfolio strategy.DefinitionsRegular Premium Fund Value: is equal to the number of units pertaining to base regular premium under apolicy multiplied by the respective unit price on the relevant valuation date.Top up Premium Fund Value: is equal to the number of units pertaining to top up premium under a policymultiplied by the respective unit price on the relevant valuation date.Fund Value: The fund value is equal to the number of units under a policy multiplied by the respective unitprice on the relevant valuation date; i.e., equal to the total of the regular premium fund value & any top uppremium fund value.Sum Assured: is the sum total of the sum assured with respect to regular premiums and the sum assuredwith respect to top up premiums.Primary Life Assured: In case of individual life, life assured is the primary life assured. In case of joint life,first life assured is the primary life assured.Unit Price: The unit price of each fund is arrived at by dividing the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the fund by thenumber of units existing in the fund at the valuation date.

Regular Premium: is equal to base regular premium plus rider premiums, if any.All requests received for any unit transaction till the cut-off time of a day shall be processed at the unit priceof the same day. The requests received after the cut-off time of a day shall be processed at the unit price ofthe next day. The request for unit transaction can be premium payment/surrender/partialwithdrawal/death claim. Currently the cut-off time is 3.00pm for applicability of unit price for a particularday.Discontinued Policy Fund: is the fund maintained by the Company that is set aside and is constituted by thediscontinuance fund value of the Discontinued Policies determined in accordance with the “IRDA(Treatment of Discontinued Linked Insurance Policies) Regulation, 2010”.Discontinuance Value:a) The discontinuance value of a policy will be the higher of The regular premium fund value less the discontinuance charge, plus the top up premium fund value, ifany, all as on date of discontinuance, accumulated at the rate of return earned on the discontinuedpolicy fund net of fund management charge OR The regular premium fund value less the discontinuance charge, plus the top up premium fund value, ifany, all as on date of discontinuance, accumulated at the minimum guaranteed rates of investmentreturn. The minimum guaranteed rates of investment return is same as the rates of interest asapplicable to the Savings Bank Account of State Bank of India during the period the policy was indiscontinuance.b) In accordance with the IRDA regulation, the current applicable fund management charge ondiscontinued policy fund is 0.5% per annum.c) The fund management charge and the minimum guaranteed rates of investment return as mentionedabove may change from time to time as per the IRDA guidelines.Valuation Date: We aim to value the funds on each day the financial markets are open. However, we mayvalue the funds less frequently in extreme circumstances, where the values of assets are too uncertain. Insuch circumstances, we may defer the valuation of assets for up to 30 days until we feel that certainty as tothe value of assets is resumed. The deferment of valuation of assets will be with prior consultation with theIRDA.

Death BenefitIn case of a single life policy: The death benefit will be sum assured plus fund value, subject to minimumguaranteed death benefit, as on date of receipt of intimation of death at the Company's office.In case of a joint life policy where your spouse is also covered under your policy: The death benefit will beas follows subject to the minimum guaranteed death benefit in the following paragraph:Death Benefit payable on the death of the primary life assured: If death of the primary life assured occurs first, the death benefit will be the sum assured with respect tothe primary life assured. Thereafter the policy will vest on the life of the spouse. If death of the primary life assured occurs after the death of the spouse, the death benefit will be the sumassured with respect to the primary life assured plus the fund value as on date of receipt of intimation ofdeath at the Company's office.Death Benefit payable on the death of the spouse: If death of the spouse occurs first, the death benefit will be the sum assured with respect to the spouse. If death of the spouse occurs after the death of the primary life assured, the death benefit will be the sumassured with respect to the spouse plus the fund value as on date of receipt of intimation of death at theCompany's office.Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit Death before attaining age 60 years: In case of death of any life assured before attaining age of 60 years,the minimum guaranteed death benefit will be equal to 105% of regular premiums paid plus any top uppremiums paid till date; reduced by the value of the units withdrawn through partial withdrawals fromregular premium fund value and top up premium fund value in the 24 months prior to the date of death. Death on or after attaining age 60 years: In case of death of any life assured on or after attaining age 60years, the minimum guaranteed death benefit will be equal to 105% of regular premiums paid plus anytop up premiums paid till date; reduced by the value of the units withdrawn through partial withdrawalsfrom regular premium fund value and top up premium fund value during the 24 months prior to attainingage 60 and all subsequent partial withdrawals on or after attaining age 60.If the death of the primary life assured and/or the spouse is due to an accident and the age at the time ofdeath is 7 years & above, an additional benefit equal to the regular premium sum assured of the primary lifeassured and/or spouse shall also be paid.

Maturity BenefitUnder plan variant <strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Life Assure Plan - Sure, the maturity benefit will be the Top Up Premium FundValue (if any) and the higher of the Guaranteed Maturity Value or the Regular Premium Fund Value, as on thematurity date.Guaranteed Maturity Value is the value of all the base regular premiums paid less guarantee charge, premiumallocation charge, policy administration charge, mortality charge less all applicable service tax on the abovecharges less all partial withdrawals from the regular premium fund, all accumulated at 3% p.a. compoundingmonthly till the maturity date.Under plan variant <strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Life Assure Plan - More, the maturity benefit will be the total Fund Value as onthe maturity date.Surrender BenefitYou have the option to surrender your policy anytime from the 6th (sixth) policy year. The surrender value willbe equal to the Fund Value as on date of surrender of the policy. The policy will terminate thereafter uponpayment of full surrender value.Additional Rider BenefitsYou can enjoy extra coverage by choosing the optional additional rider benefits at the inception of the policy ata nominal extra cost, subject to the maximum sum assured of 20 times of the total annualized premium. Theriders available with <strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Life Assure Plan are: <strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Extra Cover Benefit Rider <strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Super Premium Waiver Benefit Ride <strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Accelerated Critical Illness Benefit Rider(UIN: 116C028V01)(UIN: 116C029V01)(UIN:116C027V01)<strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Accelerated Critical Illness Benefit Rider can be taken on your spouse's life also if the primary lifeassured has opted for this rider. The other two riders can be availed only on the primary life assured.(Please refer to Additional Rider Benefit brochures for more details)

Computation of NAVThe NAV of the Fund shall be computed as the market value of the investment existing in the fund plus value ofcurrent assets plus any accrued income net of Fund Management Charge less value of current liabilities andprovisions, if any. This calculation will be done before creation/redemption of units.Sample Illustration*Age MaturityAgePolicyTermPremiumPaymentTermPremiumSumAssuredPlanVariantGuaranteedMaturityValueFundValue atmaturity@ 6%FundValue atmaturity@ 10%30 40 10 10 20,000 200,000 Sure 212,036 230,669 286,89730 50 20 15 20,000 200,000 Sure 393,637 482,819 816,62830 40 10 10 20,000 200,000 More N/A 240,465 299,37730 50 20 15 20,000 200,000 More N/A 515,924 874,118*This is an indicative projection on the basis of prescribed growth rate by the regulator. The above projection is based on 100% investment in 'Assured Return Fund' for thePlan Variant I and in 'Bond Fund' for the Plan Variant II; for a healthy male life and after service tax.FlexibilitiesThis plan provides you with the following flexibilities to suit your changing requirementsSpouse Cover You may include your spouse at any time during the policy, for the sum assured up to maximum, asallowed for the spouse under the plan; subject to satisfying the underwriting requirements of thecompany. The sum assured for spouse cover cannot exceed the sum assured for the primary life assured. Appropriate mortality charge will be deducted for the spouse cover

The spouse cover can be discontinued at any time. Once excluded, the spouse cannot be included in thepolicy again. On first death of the primary life assured, the policy will vest in the spouse and the spouse has to pay theregular premium under the policy.Option to make lump sum investment You can make lump sum investments at any time except in the last five policy years, by payingunlimited top up premiums to enhance your fund value. The minimum top up premium is ` 5,000. The amount of top up premium paid by you would determine the top up sum assured on your life. Onpayment of top up premium, you have to choose the top up sum assured as per the following tabledepending upon your age:Current AgeLess than 45 yearsGreater than or equal to 45 yearsTop-Up Sum Assured Multiplier1.25 to 20 times1.1 to 20 times(The default choice is 1.25 times for current ages less than 45 years & 1.1 times for other ages) Each top up premium paid by you will have a lock-in period of 5 (five) years and the lock in would applyfrom the date of payment of each top up premium. The company reserves the right not to accept top up premiums at any time and also to call upon andrequest for any information/ documentation to verify the good health of the life assured and may requirethe life assured to undergo any medical examination for this purpose and may refuse to accept the top uppremium under the plan. No top up premium is allowed after death of the primary life assured in case of joint life policy.Settlement Options You will have the option to receive the maturity benefit in installments (payable yearly, half yearly,quarterly or monthly, at the option of the policyholder) spread over a maximum period of 5 years. Under both the plan variant, the maturity benefit will be invested among the fund/s, mentioned underthe plan variant <strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Life Assure Plan-More, as per your choice. By default, it will be invested intothe Asset Allocation Fund only. The amount paid out to the policyholder in each installment will be the outstanding fund value as at thatinstallment date divided by the number of outstanding installments. Installment payment will be made by redeeming units from the funds at the unit price applicable on theinstallment date. Investment risk during the settlement period as well will be borne by the policyholder.

No risk cover or additional rider benefit cover will be available during the period of the settlement option. All applicable charges except the mortality charge and rider premium charge, if any, shall be deductedduring the period of the settlement option. No partial withdrawals are allowed during the subsistence of the period of the settlement option. Alternatively, you will have an option to withdraw the fund value completely, at anytime during theperiod of settlement option. The fund value will be calculated as the total number of outstanding units inthe policy multiplied by the unit price as on date of complete withdrawalAlteration of premium payment frequency At any policy anniversary, you can opt to alter your regular premium payment frequency to any othermode (i.e., yearly, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly), subject to minimum premium limits under the plan.The monthly mode is permitted only by salary deduction or ECS. Miscellaneous charge, as mentioned inthe Table of Charges given below, will be applicable for the option.Premium frequency Monthly Quarterly Half yearly YearlyFrequency Factor (freq) 1/12 1/4 1/2 1Option to decrease the sum assuredYou have an option to reduce your regular premium sum assured to the level of 115% of the regularpremium paid subject to the minimum allowed under the product. Such reduction shall be allowed at apolicy anniversary only.The spouse cover and the rider cover will also be correspondingly reduced to keep them equal to or lowerthan the base sum assured. The rider premium for any outstanding premium paying term would bebased on the reduced sum assured, and the original rider premium rate.You also have a choice to reduce your top up sum assured based on your current age:AgeLess than 45 yearsGreater than or equal to 45 yearsTop-Up Sum Assured Multiplier1.25 times1.1 times Miscellaneous charge, as mentioned in the Table of Charges given below, will be applicable for thisoption.Partial Withdrawal Option You have the option to make unlimited number of partial withdrawals, anytime after the fifth policy yearsubject to: The minimum amount of partial withdrawal is ` 5,000. The regular premium fund value should not fall below three (3) times of the annualised premium after apartial withdrawal.

What happens if you are unable to pay your regular premiums?If you are unable to pay your regular premium before the expiry of the grace period then a notice will besent to you within fifteen days after the expiry of the grace period. You can choose one of the following optionswithin 30 days of the receipt of such notice:i) Pay all due regular premiums and keep the policy in force ORii)Convert to a discontinued policy without any risk cover. If you opt to discontinue the policy or we do not get any response in writing within the stipulated period of 30days from the date of receipt of such notice, your policy shall be converted to a discontinued policy and allthe risk cover shall cease with immediate effect. If the date of discontinuance of the policy falls before the fifth policy anniversary the regular premium fundvalue less the discontinuance charge plus the top up premium fund value, if any, shall be transferred to thediscontinued policy fund on the date of discontinuance of the policy. Such a discontinued policy can berevived. In case you do not revive the policy, then, the discontinuance value shall be paid to you after the fifthpolicy year. In case of death of the life assured before the fifth policy anniversary, the discontinuance valueas on date of intimation of death shall be payable. If the date of discontinuance of the policy falls on or after the end of the fifth policy year, the fund value as ondate of discontinuance of the policy shall be paid to you and the policy shall terminate immediately. Such adiscontinued policy cannot be revived. Till the discontinuance action is taken, your policy shall continue with full death cover including spousecover, if any, levying all appropriate charges. For such policies the rider cover will cease on the expiry of thegrace period and surrender value, if any, will be payable as per the respective riders. The discontinuance charge as applicable to arrive at the discontinuance value is given in the table below:Policy discontinuedduring the policy year1234For the policies having annualised premiumup to ` 25000/-20% of lower of (AP or RPFV) subject tomaximum of ` 3,00015% of lower of (AP or RPFV) subject tomaximum of ` 2,00010% of lower of (AP or RPFV) subject tomaximum of ` 1,5005% of lower of (AP or RPFV) subject tomaximum of ` 1,000For the policies having annualised premiumabove ` 25000/-6% of lower of (AP or RPFV) subject tomaximum of ` 6,0004% of lower of (AP or RPFV) subject tomaximum of ` 5,0003% of lower of (AP or RPFV) subject tomaximum of ` 4,0002% of lower of (AP or RPFV) subject tomaximum of ` 2,0005 & above Nil NilWhere: AP – Annual Premium and RPFV – Regular Premium Fund ValueNo discontinuance charge will be applied on units in respect of top-up premium

ForeclosureIf, after five (5) policy years, the regular premium fund value becomes insufficient to deduct one month'scharges under the policy, then, the policy shall be foreclosed and the surrender value, if any, as on date of suchforeclosure will be paid immediately.RevivalThe discontinued policy can be revived subject to following: The company receives the request for revival by you within two (2) years from the date of discontinuanceof the policy but before the fifth (5th) policy anniversary, i.e., before the expiry of the lock-in period All the due but unpaid regular premiums are paid and Such information and documentation as may be requested by the company is submitted by you at yourown expense. The Company may disallow the revival of the policy on the original policy terms and conditions.On revival of the discontinued policy, the discontinuance value of the policy together with the amount ofdiscontinuance charge (without any interest) as deducted by the company on the date of discontinuance ofthe policy, shall be split into regular premium fund value and the top up premium fund value ,if any, in thesame proportion as existed on the date of discontinuance and will be allocated across the various Funds attheir prevailing unit price again in the same proportion as it existed on the date of discontinuance.Days of GraceA grace period of 15 days is available for monthly frequency and 30 days for other frequencies.Termination ConditionsThis Policy shall automatically terminate on the earlier occurrence of either of the following events: The units in the policy are fully surrendered; Upon death of the life assured in case of single life policy; Upon second death in case of joint life policy; Upon maturity or at the end of the settlement period if opted so. Upon payment of discontinuance value; On foreclosure.

Fund Access - LoanPolicy loan is not available under this plan.Tax BenefitsPremium Paid are eligible for tax benefits under section 80C and maturity benefit, death benefit and surrendervalue are eligible for Tax benefits under Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act subject to the provision statedtherein.Free Look PeriodWithin 15 days [30 days in case the Policy is issued under the provisions of IRDA Guidelines on DistanceMarketing of Insurance Products] from the date of receipt of the policy, you have the option to review the termsand conditions and return the policy, if you disagree to any of the terms & conditions, stating the reasons foryour objections. You will be entitled to a refund of the premium paid, subject to a deduction of a proportionaterisk premium for the period on cover and the expenses incurred on medical examination and stamp dutycharges. The company is entitled to repurchase the units at the unit price as on the date of cancellation andadjust the amount of change in fund value due to movement in the unit price in to the amount to be refunded.

What are the Charges under the Plan?ChargesPremium Allocation Charge on baseregular premiumPolicy Administration Charge (PAC)Guarantee ChargeFund ManagementCharge (FMC)Surrender ChargeMiscellaneous ChargeMortality ChargeRider ChargeService TaxRegular Premium due in Policy YearPremium Allocation ChargeDetailsAll top up premiums will have an allocation charge of 2%120%2-54%6 onwards0%Nil for the first five policy years and `10 per month from the 6th year onwards inflating at 5% perannum annually. The charge will be deducted at each monthly anniversary by cancellation of unitsat prevailing unit price.Only under plan variant <strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Life Assure Plan-Sure, 2% of base regular premium paid.This charge would be levied when regular premiums are received by the companyFundEquity Growth Fund IIAccelerator Mid Cap Fund IIPure Stock FundAsset Allocation FundBluechip Equity FundLiquid FundBond FundAssured Return FundThis charge would be adjusted in the unit price.Nil (after 5th year)FMC per annum as a % of Fund Value1.35%1.35%1.35%1.25%1.25%0.95%0.95%1.25%The miscellaneous charge would be charged at the rate of `100/- per transaction in respect ofalteration of premium mode, alteration of premium apportionment, partial withdrawal, switching ofPlan Variant, change in premium paying term, decrease in Sum assured or issuance of copy ofpolicy document.Mortality Charge will be deducted at each monthly anniversary by cancellation of units. Samplemortality charges per annum per thousand of sum at risk for a healthy male life is shown below:Age (yrs)20304050`1.571.742.826.53Sum at risk is equal to the death benefit less fund value.An additional risk charge of `1.00 per thousand of regular premium sum assured with respect to theprimary life assured and sum assured with respect to the spouse, if any, will be charged towards theinbuilt accidental death cover.Please refer to Additional Rider Benefit brochures for rider charge details.As applicable

Revision of ChargesAfter taking due approval from the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority, the Company reservesthe right to revise the above-mentioned charges.The Company will give a notice of three months to the policyholders for any changes in charges. Thepolicyholder/life assured, who does not agree with the modified charges, shall be allowed to withdraw theunits after the 5th policy anniversary at the prevailing unit price and the policy shall terminate thereafter.Suicide ExclusionIn case of death of the life assured under a single life policy or death of any one of the lives assured under a jointlife policy due to suicide during the first policy year or within one year from the latest revival of the policy, thecontract of insurance shall be void, and the Company's liability shall be limited to the extent of the RegularPremium Fund Value and Top Up Premium Fund Value, if any, as on the date of intimation of the death at theCompany's office plus any rider premiums paid.Risks of Investment in the Units of the PlanThe Proposer/Life Assured should be aware that the investment in the units is subject to the following,amongst other risks and should fully understand the same before entering into any unit linked insurancecontract with the Company. Unit Linked life insurance products are different from the traditional insurance products and are subject tothe risk factors. The premium paid in unit linked life insurance policies are subject to investment risks associated with capitalmarkets and the Unit Price of the units may go up or down based on the performance of the fund and factorsinfluencing the capital market and the insured/policyholder is responsible for his/her decisions. <strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Life Insurance is only the name of the insurance company and <strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Life Assure Plan isonly the name of the plan and does not in any way indicate the quality of the policy, its future prospects orreturns. Please know the associated risks and the applicable charges from your policy document. Assured Return Fund, Equity Growth Fund II, Accelerator Mid-Cap Fund II, Asset Allocation Fund, Bond Fund,Liquid Fund, Bluechip Equity Fund and Pure Stock Fund are the name of the funds offered currently with <strong>Bajaj</strong><strong>Allianz</strong> Life Assure Plan, and in any manner does not indicate the quality of the fund, and its future prospectsor returns. The Assured Return Fund, Equity Growth Fund II, Accelerator Mid-Cap Fund II, Asset Allocation Fund, BondFund, Liquid Fund, Bluechip Equity Fund and Pure Stock Fund do not offer a guaranteed or assured return. The investments in the Units are subject to market and other risks.

All benefits payable under the Policy are subject to the tax laws and other financial enactments, as they existfrom time to time. The past performance of the funds of the company is not necessarily an indication of the future performanceof any of these funds.Nomination and AssignmentIf you effect a policy on your own life, you need to nominate a person to receive the death benefit under thepolicy in the event of death of the life assured. This nomination shall be in accordance with Section 39 of theInsurance Act, 1938. You will also have right to assign your policy in accordance with Section 38 of theInsurance Act, 1938.Prohibition of Rebate: Section 41 of the Insurance Act, 1938 statesNo person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take outor renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebateof the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor shall anyperson taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowedin accordance with the published prospectuses or tables of the insurer.Any person making default in complying with the provision of this section shall be punishable with a fine thatmay extend to five hundred rupees.

Contact Details<strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Life Insurance Company Limited,G.E. Plaza, Airport Road, Yerawada, Pune - 411 006.Tel: (020) 6602 6777. Fax: (020) 6602 6789. | www.bajajallianz.comSMS LIFE 56070For any queries please contact:BSNL/MTNL(Toll Free)1800 22 5858Any Mobile & Landline(Toll Free)1800 209 5858Other(Chargeble) 3030 5858email: life@bajajallianz.co.inchat: bajajallianzlife.co.in/chatAll Charges applicable shall be levied. This brochure should be read in conjunction with the Benefit Illustration. The policydocument is the conclusive evident of contract and provides in details all the conditions and exclusions related to <strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong>Life Assure Plan. Please ask for the same along with the quotation.Section 45 of the Insurance Act 1938No Policy of life insurance effected after the coming into force of this Act shall, after the expiry of two years from the date on whichit was effected, be called in question by an insurer on the ground that a statement made in the proposal for insurance or in anyreport of a medical officer, or referee, or friend of the insured, or in any other document leading to the issue of the policy, wasinaccurate or false, unless the insurer shows that such statement was on a material matter or suppressed facts which it wasmaterial to disclose and that it was fraudulently made by the policy-holder and that the policy holder knew at the time of makingit that the statement was false or that it suppressed facts which it was material to disclose.Why <strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Life Insurance?<strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> is a joint venture between <strong>Bajaj</strong> Finserv Limited and <strong>Allianz</strong> SE. Both enjoy a reputation of expertise, stability andstrength. This joint venture company incorporates global expertise with local experience. The comprehensive, innovativesolutions combine the technical expertise and experience of <strong>Allianz</strong> SE, and in-depth market knowledge and goodwill of “<strong>Bajaj</strong>”brand in India. Competitive pricing and quick honest response have earned the company the customer's trust and marketleadership in a very short time.<strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Life Assure Plan is Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP). Investment in ULIPs is subject to risks associated with the capitalmarkets. The policyholder is solely responsible for his/her decisions while investing in ULIPs. <strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Life Insurance Co. Ltd. and<strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Life Assure Plan are the names of the company and the product respectively and do not in any way indicate the quality ofthe product and its future prospects or returns. All Charges applicable shall be levied. The policy document is the conclusiveevidence of contract and provides in details all the conditions and exclusions related to <strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Life Assure Plan.Unique Identification Number (UIN ) :<strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Life Assure Plan<strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Accelerated Critical Illness<strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Extra Cover Benefit<strong>Bajaj</strong> <strong>Allianz</strong> Super Premium WaiverInsurance is the subject matter of solicitation(UIN: 116L112V01)(UIN: 116C027V01)( UIN: 116C028V01)( UIN: 116C029V01)BJAZ-PB-0366/8-Nov-13

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