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A base from which to reachnew markets.A country of high potential, offer<strong>in</strong>gmajor attractions to foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors.Ideally located to serve three cont<strong>in</strong>ents,and supported by a highly skilledworkforce, sophisticated <strong>in</strong>frastructureand attractive tax regime,<strong>Cyprus</strong> is the reason to expand.Our agency is committed to assist<strong>in</strong>gyou with your <strong>in</strong>vestment decision-mak<strong>in</strong>gand shar<strong>in</strong>g with you the enormous<strong>in</strong>vestment potential that <strong>Cyprus</strong> offers.Visit us at: www.<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>cyprus.gov.cy“ You are welcome, Sir, to <strong>Cyprus</strong> ”William Shakespeare

www.<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>cyprus.gov.cyWhy <strong>Cyprus</strong>Strategic location at the crossroads of threecont<strong>in</strong>ents, provid<strong>in</strong>g an ideal base for expansion<strong>in</strong>to new marketsMember of the European Union serv<strong>in</strong>g asEurope's Middle Eastern outpost and a gatewayfor the movement of goods <strong>in</strong>side and outsidethe European bordersFavourable taxation <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g 10% corporationtax, and low personal <strong>in</strong>come taxA prosperous and resilient economy enjoy<strong>in</strong>glong-term stability and growth, and relativelyhigh per capita <strong>in</strong>comeLiberal FDI policy allow<strong>in</strong>g 100% participation <strong>in</strong>almost all sectors of the economySkilled workforce highly qualified and multil<strong>in</strong>gualwith one of the highest percentage of universitydegree holders <strong>in</strong> the worldDouble tax treaties with over 40 countriesBilateral <strong>in</strong>vestment agreements with 19 countriesExcellent <strong>in</strong>frastructure provid<strong>in</strong>g easy access byair and sea, and serv<strong>in</strong>g as an importanttelecommunications hub <strong>in</strong> the regionLow set up and operat<strong>in</strong>g costs <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g rentalcosts, salaries and social <strong>in</strong>surance contributionSimplified adm<strong>in</strong>istrative procedures for acquir<strong>in</strong>gnecessary permits - company registration maybe completed with<strong>in</strong> 4 daysEfficient legal, account<strong>in</strong>g and bank<strong>in</strong>g servicesA great place to live and work with pleasantclimate, agreeable topography, high standardof liv<strong>in</strong>g, and one of the lowest crime rates with<strong>in</strong>the European Union2

Distances from <strong>Cyprus</strong> (<strong>in</strong> km)Beirut 241Damascus 326Jerusalem 413Amman 429Cairo 602Athens 915Bucharest 1200Sofia 1203Tbilisi 1232Skopje 1281Kuwait 1518Belgrade 1530Sarajevo 1601Valletta 1703Kiev 1708Riyadh 1737Budapest 1810Zagreb 1879Rome 1944Bratislava 1967Ljubljana 1989Vienna 2016M<strong>in</strong>sk 2129Warsaw 2135Prague 2255Vilnius 2255Moscow 2310Abu Dhabi 2340Berl<strong>in</strong> 2488Riga 2501Bern 2519Luxembourg 2725Tall<strong>in</strong>n 2766Copenhagen 2772Hels<strong>in</strong>ki 2843Brussels 2901Stockholm 2907Amsterdam 2943Paris 2949Oslo 3195London 3218Madrid 3280Dubl<strong>in</strong> 3674Lisbon 3761New Delhi 4166Beij<strong>in</strong>g 7062Ottawa 8568Tokyo 9051Wash<strong>in</strong>gton 9109Canberra 14281a strategic choiceperfectly located to allow <strong>in</strong>vestorsto reach new, highly promis<strong>in</strong>g marketsoffer<strong>in</strong>g substantial growth potential and abus<strong>in</strong>ess friendly environment<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong> makessound bus<strong>in</strong>ess sense.3

www.<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>cyprus.gov.cyThis publication was prepaired by theForeign Investors Service Centre of theM<strong>in</strong>istry of Commerce, Industry andTourism. The M<strong>in</strong>istry acknowledges theassistance of all organisations that havecontributed to this publication.Unless otherwise stated, the text is basedon <strong>in</strong>formation available up to August2006. The contents of this publication are tobe used freely provided that the source isnamed.This publication is <strong>in</strong>tended to providegeneral guidance only. For any updatesor advice on any specific matter, visit ourwebsite at: www.<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>cyprus.gov.cy© M<strong>in</strong>istry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism - Republic of <strong>Cyprus</strong>, August 20064

Table of ContentsChapter 1<strong>Cyprus</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>brief</strong>6-8Chapter 2EU membership9-11Chapter 3The economy12-15Chapter 4FDI policy16-18Chapter 5Registration procedure19-21Chapter 6Labour force 22-24Chapter 7Tax policy 25-27Chapter 8Investment <strong>in</strong>centives 28-33Chapter 9The Larnaca Free Zone34-35Appendices 37-435

www.<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>cyprus.gov.cy<strong>Cyprus</strong>’ geographical position is akey po<strong>in</strong>t to three cont<strong>in</strong>ents, and therefore,an ideal centre for <strong>in</strong>ternational bus<strong>in</strong>essKey data<strong>Cyprus</strong><strong>in</strong> <strong>brief</strong>Location<strong>Cyprus</strong>, the third largest island <strong>in</strong> the Mediterranean, lies at thecrossroads of Europe, Africa, and Asia. In addition, <strong>Cyprus</strong> is closeto the busy shipp<strong>in</strong>g and air routes l<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g Europe with the Arabworld and the Far East, represent<strong>in</strong>g a strategic hub for bus<strong>in</strong>essactivities <strong>in</strong> the region. Its total area is 9.251 sq. km (3.572 sq. miles),comparable <strong>in</strong> size to that of Lebanon, Puerto Rico, Connecticut<strong>in</strong> the USA, the Land of Hessen <strong>in</strong> Germany, and Dordogne <strong>in</strong> France.The island is two hours ahead of Greenwich meantime, seven hoursahead of New York, seven hours beh<strong>in</strong>d Tokyo, and <strong>in</strong> the sametime zone as Athens.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.aspectsofcyprus.comCapital NicosiaPopulation (Jan 2005) 1 837.300Currency<strong>Cyprus</strong> pount (C£)Languages Greek & Turkish(English widely spoken)Weights & Measuresthe metric systemGeographic coord<strong>in</strong>ates35 00 N, 33 00 ETotal area of the country9.251 sq kmMax. lengthabout 220 kmClimate<strong>Cyprus</strong> has a pleasant climate with dry summers and mild w<strong>in</strong>ters,enjoy<strong>in</strong>g about 300 days of sunsh<strong>in</strong>e. The ra<strong>in</strong>y season is conf<strong>in</strong>edto the period between November and March. In January, thecoldest month, m<strong>in</strong>imum and maximum mean temperatures are6 o C and 13 o C respectively, while <strong>in</strong> August, the hottest month, thecorrespond<strong>in</strong>g m<strong>in</strong>imum and maximum mean temperatures are21 o C and 36 o C.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.moa.gov.cy/msMax. widthabout 90 kmHighest peakMount Olympos (1.951m)Coastl<strong>in</strong>e648 kmTime zone W<strong>in</strong>ter: GMT+2Summer: GMT+3Mean temperatureJanuary: 9,8 o C (49,6 o F)July: 28,2 o C (82,6 o F)HistoryAccord<strong>in</strong>g to mythology, <strong>Cyprus</strong> is the birthplace of the Greekgoddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. The island is both anancient land, with eleven thousand years of history and, s<strong>in</strong>ce 1960,a young <strong>in</strong>dependent republic. Its strategic location, positioned <strong>in</strong>the northeastern corner of the Mediterranean and at the meet<strong>in</strong>gpo<strong>in</strong>t of great civilisations, has been one of the critical factors<strong>in</strong>fluenc<strong>in</strong>g the course of the island's history throughout the centuries.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.aspectsofcyprus.com6 <strong>Cyprus</strong> > A guide for foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors

<strong>Cyprus</strong> ranks among the first countries <strong>in</strong> the world<strong>in</strong> terms of University degree holders,with 75% of secondary school graduatesproceed<strong>in</strong>g to tertiary educationPopulationThe estimated total population of <strong>Cyprus</strong> is 837.300 (Jan 2005) 1 , outof which 77,8% belong to the Greek Cypriot community, 10,5% tothe Turkish Cypriot community and 11,7% are foreigners resid<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong><strong>Cyprus</strong>. The official languages of the <strong>Cyprus</strong> Republic are Greekand Turkish. In addition, English is widely spoken and extensivelyused <strong>in</strong> commerce and government.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.mof.gov.cy/cystatEducationFull time education is compulsory for all children from the age offive. The 12 year span of education consists of six years elementaryeducation and six years of secondary education. Several privatefee-pay<strong>in</strong>g schools operate <strong>in</strong> all towns, cater<strong>in</strong>g for the needs offoreign speak<strong>in</strong>g pupils. Their basic teach<strong>in</strong>g language is usuallyEnglish and tuition is offered at reasonable fees.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.moec.gov.cyThe Larnaca Mar<strong>in</strong>a.Efforts are ongo<strong>in</strong>g to constantlyupgrade the tourism product.The construction of four newmar<strong>in</strong>as is be<strong>in</strong>g plannedThe University of <strong>Cyprus</strong> is a dist<strong>in</strong>guished <strong>in</strong>stitution offer<strong>in</strong>g a widerange of programmes of study at various levels, while a goodnumber of private <strong>in</strong>stitutions of higher education is also available.Two more public universities, the Open University of <strong>Cyprus</strong> and theTechnological University of <strong>Cyprus</strong> have been established and areexpected to start operat<strong>in</strong>g soon.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.ucy.ac.cy<strong>Cyprus</strong>’ determ<strong>in</strong>ation to become a regional education centre,establishes the background for a significant growth of the highereducation sector. The legislation which will govern the establishmentand operation of private universities has already been approvedcreat<strong>in</strong>g a new momentum for the tertiary education sector.International Relations<strong>Cyprus</strong> is a member of the European Union, the United Nations, theCouncil of Europe, the World Trade Organisation, the World Bank,the Commonwealth, and the International Monetary Fund.Moreover, <strong>Cyprus</strong> is represented through diplomatic missions <strong>in</strong> over30 countries and has particularly good relations with the MiddleEast region, the Mediterranean countries, as well as other develop<strong>in</strong>gcountries.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.mfa.gov.cyAn island of legends that basksyear-round <strong>in</strong> the light of thewarm Mediterranean sun.The Kourion Theatre, 50-175 A.D.Chapter 1 > <strong>Cyprus</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>brief</strong> 7

www.<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>cyprus.gov.cy“ Build<strong>in</strong>g on decades of steady development, underp<strong>in</strong>ned by a formidable reservoir of professionaland adm<strong>in</strong>istrative talent and blessed by one of the sunniest climates <strong>in</strong> the world, the Republicof <strong>Cyprus</strong> is becom<strong>in</strong>g known as a place where money works and where th<strong>in</strong>gs get done. ”[ [ Forbes, 2005 Invest<strong>in</strong>g Guide - July 25, 2005 ] ]State Structure<strong>Cyprus</strong> became an <strong>in</strong>dependent Republic <strong>in</strong> 1960, adopt<strong>in</strong>g agovernmental structure modelled on Western democracies. TheHead of State is the President of the Republic, elected by universalsuffrage for a five-year term of office. The Council of M<strong>in</strong>isters,appo<strong>in</strong>ted by the President, constitutes the ma<strong>in</strong> executive bodyof the Republic. <strong>Cyprus</strong> has an efficient civil service, with highlytra<strong>in</strong>ed personnel, a considerable percentage of which holdsacademic qualifications.Legislative power rests with the House of Representatives, electedfor a five-year term. A multi-party system is <strong>in</strong> operation, while theelectoral system is based on proportional representation.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.presidency.gov.cywww.parliament.cyA modern and thriv<strong>in</strong>gdemocracy, which boasts a stablesocioeconomic <strong>in</strong>frastructure.The Presidential Palace <strong>in</strong> NicosiaInfrastructure<strong>Cyprus</strong> is well connected via sea, air and telecommunications.Due to its advanced telecommunications network and the superbregional and global connectivity on offer, the island is consideredas one of the most important telecommunication hubs <strong>in</strong> the EasternMediterranean and the Middle East region. This is also enhancedby an extensive submar<strong>in</strong>e fibre optic cable network and accessto major satellite systems.In addition, <strong>Cyprus</strong>' role as a regional commercial and bus<strong>in</strong>esscentre, coupled with the <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g tourist traffic, has led to thedevelopment of a wide network of air-routes offer<strong>in</strong>g excellentconnections with Europe, Africa, and Asia. The country's two<strong>in</strong>ternational airports are situated near Larnaca and Paphos, whilea build-operate-transfer (BOT) contract has been signed for theconstruction of the new Larnaca and Paphos airports.The multi-purpose ports of Limassol and Larnaca are the country'sma<strong>in</strong> sea gateways for seaborne cargo and passenger traffic. Bothports have become important regional warehouse and distributioncentres.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.cpa.gov.cywww.shipp<strong>in</strong>g.gov.cyModern road network, mak<strong>in</strong>gtransport fast, efficient andeconomicalF<strong>in</strong>ally, the island has developed a network of four lane highwaysl<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g all central dest<strong>in</strong>ations. Indicatively, the motorway densityratio of <strong>Cyprus</strong> is approximately 33 km/1.000km 2 (2002 figures), whilethe correspond<strong>in</strong>g EU average figure for the same year was about15 km/1.000km 2 .for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.mcw.gov.cy/pwd8 <strong>Cyprus</strong> > A guide for foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors

<strong>Cyprus</strong> is be<strong>in</strong>g transformed <strong>in</strong>to a key outpost<strong>in</strong> the eastern Mediterranean, serv<strong>in</strong>g as abridge between the EU and the Middle EastEuropean Unionmember stateOn 1 May 2004, <strong>Cyprus</strong> became a European Union member state.Accession to the EU was a natural choice for <strong>Cyprus</strong>, dictated byits culture, civilisation, history, European outlook and adherence tothe ideals of democracy, freedom and justice.Real GDP growth rate - 2005% change on previous year3,8 %<strong>Cyprus</strong> has successfully faced the challenge of <strong>in</strong>tegration, and itsaccession to the European Union has not resulted <strong>in</strong> any<strong>in</strong>surmountable difficulties. On the contrary, harmonisation with theEU’s acquis communautaire was carefully planned and supportedby appropriate policies.1,6 %1,5 %1,3 %In particular, <strong>Cyprus</strong> has undertaken significant economic andstructural reforms that have transformed its economic landscape.Tariffs and quantitative restrictions have been elim<strong>in</strong>ated for allmanufactured goods and agricultural products orig<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>and other EU countries. Trade and <strong>in</strong>terest rates have beenliberalised, while price controls and <strong>in</strong>vestment restrictions havebeen lifted. In addition, private f<strong>in</strong>anc<strong>in</strong>g has been <strong>in</strong>troduced forthe construction and operation of <strong>in</strong>frastructure projects; while theelectricity supply and the telecommunications sectors have beenliberalised.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.mfa.gov.cyEU25 EU15 Eurozone <strong>Cyprus</strong>Source: Eurostat, 2006Inflation rate - 20052,2%2,2%2,1%2,0%Moreover, the Common Customs Tariff (CCT) as well as the relevantEU legislative framework for the facilitation of the free movementof goods, capital, and services, have been adopted.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.mof.gov.cy/ceEU25 EU15 Eurozone <strong>Cyprus</strong>Source: Eurostat, 2006In May 2005, the first anniversary of its accession to the EuropeanUnion, <strong>Cyprus</strong> achieved an important economic goal when the<strong>Cyprus</strong> pound jo<strong>in</strong>ed the European Exchange Rate Mechanism II(ERM II), a prerequisite for jo<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the eurozone. Follow<strong>in</strong>g the firmcommitment to pursue sound fiscal policies, essential for preserv<strong>in</strong>gmacroeconomic stability and ensur<strong>in</strong>g the susta<strong>in</strong>ability of theconvergence process, the Cypriot authorities announced concretemeasures to strengthen <strong>Cyprus</strong>' economic performance and reachthe eurozone targets. <strong>Cyprus</strong> expects to jo<strong>in</strong> the euro area by 2008.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.euro.cyUnemployment rate - 20058,7%8,6%7,9%5,3%EU25 EU15 Eurozone <strong>Cyprus</strong>Source: Eurostat, 2006Chapter 2 > EU membership 9

www.<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>cyprus.gov.cy“ <strong>Cyprus</strong> certa<strong>in</strong>ly seems to be po<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the right direction already.S<strong>in</strong>ce jo<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the European Union <strong>in</strong> May, 2004, the republic appears to have beensufficiently <strong>in</strong>spired to promote a very healthy export boom. ”[ [ World F<strong>in</strong>ance - December-January 2006 ] ]Price of telecommunications:local / national calls2004 (<strong>in</strong> Euro) 20,900,870,98Accession to the EU has launched a new era of challenges andresponsibilities for <strong>Cyprus</strong>, and has generated several new bus<strong>in</strong>essopportunities <strong>in</strong> various sectors:0,37 0,37 0,360,20 0,20EU25 EU15 Eurozone <strong>Cyprus</strong>Local callsNational callsAs far as the energy sector is concerned, the establishment ofan Energy Centre is under way. The Centre will comprise a LiquefiedNatural Gas (LNG) receiv<strong>in</strong>g / stor<strong>in</strong>g / re-gasification term<strong>in</strong>al anda term<strong>in</strong>al for the storage and handl<strong>in</strong>g of oil products, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>gLPG and bitumen. Numerous projects are <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> the 2007-2013Strategic Development Plan.Source: Eurostat, 2006Telecommunicationcosts:the lowest <strong>in</strong> theEuropean UnionPrice of telecommuniations:calls to the United States2004 (<strong>in</strong> Euro) 3EU25EU15Eurozone<strong>Cyprus</strong>NetherlandsSwedenGermanyLuxembourgSpa<strong>in</strong>SloveniaMaltaAustriaIrelandBelgiumUKItalyFranceDenmarkEstoniaPortugalHungarySlovakiaCzech Rep.GreecePolandLithuaniaF<strong>in</strong>landLatvia0,790,851,091,231,372,071,851,831,531,751,811,901,901,982,052,122,242,392,412,522,722,852,872,913,334,074,776,25In the tourism sector, plans <strong>in</strong>clude the construction of newmar<strong>in</strong>as, theme parks and sports facilities, as well as thereconstruction of the island's two <strong>in</strong>ternational airports, and of theLarnaca port.New <strong>in</strong>vestment opportunities also arise through <strong>Cyprus</strong>' hightechnology <strong>in</strong>vestment programme related to the establishment ofbus<strong>in</strong>ess <strong>in</strong>cubators as well as the launch<strong>in</strong>g of a <strong>Cyprus</strong> TechnologyPark with the cooperation of French Riviera Chamber of Commerceand Industry and the Sophia Antipolis Science and TechnologyPark. Such <strong>in</strong>itiatives aspire to facilitate the creation of new ventures,especially <strong>in</strong> develop<strong>in</strong>g and commercialis<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>novative productsand methods, and to effectively utilise <strong>Cyprus</strong>’ outstand<strong>in</strong>gly skilledworkforce. In this connection, the School of Eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g has beenestablished with<strong>in</strong> the University of <strong>Cyprus</strong>, while an agreement hasbeen signed with the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH)regard<strong>in</strong>g the establishment of the Jo<strong>in</strong>t International Institute onthe Environment and Public Health.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.hsph.harvard.edu/cyprusThe already recognised role of <strong>Cyprus</strong> as a regional bank<strong>in</strong>gand shipp<strong>in</strong>g centre has become even more enhanced. As proofof the island’s position as a ma<strong>in</strong> transhipment centre is thesubstantial volume of products re-exported which <strong>in</strong> 2005 reachedC£462,6 mln (approx. €802 mln 4 ).Increased f<strong>in</strong>ancial assistance from the EU to <strong>Cyprus</strong> is availablethrough structural funds, as well as through wider participation <strong>in</strong>European Programmes, such as the 6 th Framework Programme.Source: Eurostat, 200610 <strong>Cyprus</strong> > A guide for foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors

The accession to the EU confirmed<strong>Cyprus</strong>' position as an important player <strong>in</strong> theEuropean and Middle East region, and reaffirmedits potential as a rapidly develop<strong>in</strong>g marketF<strong>in</strong>ally, export opportunities have been broadened for Cypriotproducts and services hav<strong>in</strong>g obta<strong>in</strong>ed direct access to the vastEU market, with a total population of over 450 mln. Notably, morethan half of <strong>Cyprus</strong>’ trade is with the EU. <strong>Cyprus</strong> also has diplomaticties with countries that have established an embassy <strong>in</strong> the island<strong>in</strong> order to cover their <strong>in</strong>terests <strong>in</strong> the Middle East and Europe.The geographical proximity of <strong>Cyprus</strong> to the <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gly importantmarket of the Middle East represents an important factor <strong>in</strong> creat<strong>in</strong>gpartnerships between Europe and the Middle East; two differentregions bound by mutual <strong>in</strong>terests. The Middle East region with itsoil-rich resources, coupled with the potentials that a wealthy marketholds, provides excellent opportunities for European bus<strong>in</strong>ess.Similarly, Middle East manufacturers and traders can ga<strong>in</strong> easieraccess to the prosperous EU market via <strong>Cyprus</strong>.The Cypriot entrepreneurs’ wide knowledge of the markets of EasternEurope and the Middle East, comb<strong>in</strong>ed with the existence of alarge number of International Bus<strong>in</strong>ess Companies <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>,constitutes a substantial advantage for those who decide to use<strong>Cyprus</strong> as a base for penetrat<strong>in</strong>g regional markets. Cypriotentrepreneurs and other professional experts are prepared to enter<strong>in</strong>to fruitful cooperation with <strong>in</strong>terested foreign companies <strong>in</strong> orderto develop all aspects of bus<strong>in</strong>ess activity.for further <strong>in</strong>fo on <strong>Cyprus</strong> - EU relations:www.delcyp.cec.eu.<strong>in</strong>twww.eu-coord<strong>in</strong>ator.gov.cywww.eic.ac.cywww.europarl.europa.eu/nicosia<strong>Cyprus</strong> is already feel<strong>in</strong>gthe positive effects ofEU participation.The European ParliamentMatrix of <strong>in</strong>ward FDI performance and potential, 2003*High FDI potentialHigh FDI performanceFront-runnersBahamas, Bahra<strong>in</strong>, Belgium and Luxembourg, Botswana,Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Chile, Ch<strong>in</strong>a, Costa Rica,Croatia, <strong>Cyprus</strong>, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Dom<strong>in</strong>icanRepublic, Estonia, F<strong>in</strong>land, France, Hong Kong (Ch<strong>in</strong>a),Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico,the Netherlands, Panama, Portugal, Qatar, S<strong>in</strong>gapore,Slovakia, Slovenia, Spa<strong>in</strong>, Sweden, Switzerland, Tr<strong>in</strong>idad andTobago, Tunisia and Viet Nam.Low FDI performanceBelow potentialArgent<strong>in</strong>a, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Canada, Germany,Greece, Iceland, Islamic Rep.of Iran, Italy, Japan, Jordan,Kuwait, Lebanon, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Malaysia, Malta,New Zealand, Norway, the Oman, the Philipp<strong>in</strong>es, Poland,the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia,Taiwan Prov<strong>in</strong>ce of Ch<strong>in</strong>a, Thailand, Ukra<strong>in</strong>e, United ArabEmirates, the United K<strong>in</strong>gdom and the United States.Low FDI potentialAbove potentialAlbania, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Colombia,Congo, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Gambia, Georgia, Guyana,Honduras, Jamaica, Mali, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique,Namibia, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Peru, Republic of Moldova,Romania, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, TFYR Macedonia,Togo, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania and Zambia.Under-performersAlgeria, Bangladesh, Ben<strong>in</strong>, Burk<strong>in</strong>a Faso, Cameroon, theDemocratic Republic of the Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt,El Salvador, Gabon, Ghana, Guatemala, Gu<strong>in</strong>ea, Haiti, India,Indonesia, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Malawi, Myanmar,Nepal, Niger, Pakistan, Papua New Gu<strong>in</strong>ea, Paraguay,Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sri Lanka,Sur<strong>in</strong>ame, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela,Yemen and Zimbabwe.Source: UNCTAD, ‘World Investment Report 2005’* Three-year mov<strong>in</strong>g average, us<strong>in</strong>g data for the three years end<strong>in</strong>g with the year <strong>in</strong> question.Chapter 2 > EU membership 11

www.<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>cyprus.gov.cy“ Supported by robust productivity and employment growth, <strong>Cyprus</strong>' real GDP growthwas among the highest <strong>in</strong> the EU over the last decade. ”[ [ Council of the European Union, Council Op<strong>in</strong>ion on the updatedConvergence Programme of <strong>Cyprus</strong> - March 2006 ] ]TourismTourism is a vital <strong>in</strong>dustry and an important economic driver. Theisland hosts more than 2,4 million tourists per year generat<strong>in</strong>grevenue of more than €1,7 billion and mak<strong>in</strong>g a contribution toGDP of about 15%.The long-term tourism development strategy on which <strong>Cyprus</strong> hasembarked, offers multiple opportunities for <strong>in</strong>vestment; theestablishment of cooperation networks and partnerships; and theexchange of knowledge and expertise with other countries. Theattraction of <strong>in</strong>vestment, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the promotion of jo<strong>in</strong>t venturesbetween <strong>Cyprus</strong> and foreign enterprises, is an explicitly-statedgovernment objective.Tourism: A vital <strong>in</strong>dustry,account<strong>in</strong>g for around 15% of thecountry's GDPThe Cypriot tourism <strong>in</strong>dustry is a dynamic, forward-look<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dustryeager to cooperate with its other parties, <strong>in</strong> order to ensure itssusta<strong>in</strong>able development.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.visitcyprus.bizShipp<strong>in</strong>gThe <strong>Cyprus</strong>' Registry is among the 10 lead<strong>in</strong>g merchant fleets of theworld with 1.819 vessels correspond<strong>in</strong>g to a total gross tonnage of21,9 million. No one can deny that the island is now established asone of the lead<strong>in</strong>g maritime centres. More than 45 shipmanagementcompanies and mar<strong>in</strong>e-related foreign enterprises conduct their<strong>in</strong>ternational activities <strong>in</strong> the country, and most of the largestshipmanagement companies <strong>in</strong> the world have established fullyfledgedoffices on the island.The accession of <strong>Cyprus</strong> to the European Union has undoubtedlyhad a considerable impact, both <strong>in</strong> terms of quality and quantityon the structure of the community fleet. In terms of tonnage, <strong>Cyprus</strong>accounts for 16% of the EU fleet, thus enhanc<strong>in</strong>g considerably themarket share of the European fleet <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>ternational sea transport.The <strong>Cyprus</strong> registry has shownphenomenal growth, and the countrynow boasts one of the world'slargest merchant fleets<strong>Cyprus</strong> is an attractive location for the establishment ofshipmanagement companies and companies with shipp<strong>in</strong>g relatedactivities. The geographical position of the island, its accession tothe ma<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>ternational maritime conventions, as well as the generoustax <strong>in</strong>centives and the extensive network of bilateral agreements<strong>in</strong> merchant shipp<strong>in</strong>g, have enabled <strong>Cyprus</strong> to become an idealshipp<strong>in</strong>g centre.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.shipp<strong>in</strong>g.gov.cy14 <strong>Cyprus</strong> > A guide for foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors

“ Amdocs has experienced a tremendous growth <strong>in</strong> itsEuropean customer base and <strong>Cyprus</strong> is a central transportation <strong>in</strong>tersectionfor travell<strong>in</strong>g with<strong>in</strong>, as well as outside Europe. ”[ [ Amdocs Development Limited ] ]Technology and R&DSpecial emphasis has been placed dur<strong>in</strong>g the recent years <strong>in</strong>promot<strong>in</strong>g <strong>Cyprus</strong> as a regional research and development centreand <strong>in</strong> attract<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>vestments for the development of high-techproducts and services. Several <strong>in</strong>itiatives contribute to these effortssuch as the <strong>in</strong>cubat<strong>in</strong>g programme that has been <strong>in</strong>troduced forthe creation of new high-tech enterprises, as well as the projectedlaunch<strong>in</strong>g of a <strong>Cyprus</strong> Technology Park.Information technology is a vital element of any modern bus<strong>in</strong>esscentre and <strong>Cyprus</strong> has embraced high-tech on a major scale. Manyof the world's lead<strong>in</strong>g IT-based companies have chosen <strong>Cyprus</strong> astheir base for expansion <strong>in</strong> the region, while an efficient island-wideIT network has also been established.<strong>Cyprus</strong> has key competences that enable it to attract <strong>in</strong>vestments<strong>in</strong> the high-tech <strong>in</strong>dustry. The <strong>in</strong>dustry is supported by a highlyeducated and flexible workforce. Based on a Eurostat study (1/2006),out of all the EU member states, <strong>Cyprus</strong> demonstrates the highest<strong>in</strong>crease of employment <strong>in</strong> the high-tech knowledge <strong>in</strong>tensiveservices dur<strong>in</strong>g the last 5 years. In particular, for the period 1999-2004 employment <strong>in</strong> 'Knowledge Intensive Services' <strong>in</strong>creased by6,1% (EU avg. 2,6%), while employment <strong>in</strong> high-tech related services<strong>in</strong>creased by 12,7% (EU avg. 2,9%).Through <strong>in</strong>vestment and the<strong>in</strong>novative natureof local professionals,<strong>Cyprus</strong> is becom<strong>in</strong>g a focal po<strong>in</strong>tfor technological development<strong>Cyprus</strong>' economic performance reflects the skilful exploitation ofits competitive advantages, stemm<strong>in</strong>g from the island's convenientgeographical position, the favourable bus<strong>in</strong>ess climate and fiscalpolicy, stable macroeconomic environment, the highly educatedlabour force <strong>in</strong> conjunction with the comparatively competitiveremuneration of graduates, and the development of the necessary<strong>in</strong>frastructure. The strong performance of the <strong>Cyprus</strong> economy isconfirmed by positive rat<strong>in</strong>gs from a number of <strong>in</strong>ternationalagencies.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.fitchrat<strong>in</strong>gs.comwww.moodys.comwww.standardandpoors.com<strong>Cyprus</strong>' economic prospects mark favourably given the country'sproven ability to effectively exploit its competitive advantages andthe high degree of real and nom<strong>in</strong>al convergence to meet theeurozone targets.The production of pharmaceuticalproducts has experienced asignificant growth and is today thema<strong>in</strong> export<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dustryof the countryChapter 3 > The Economy 15

www.<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>cyprus.gov.cyIn order to enhance foreign <strong>in</strong>vestment<strong>in</strong>tensity, the FDI policy has been liberalisedfor both EU and non-EU nationalsFDI Policyshap<strong>in</strong>g prospects855FDI <strong>in</strong>flows <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>(<strong>in</strong> US$ million)9451.0578911.079Foreign <strong>in</strong>vestment has long been considered as one of the mostimportant elements of the country's economic prosperity. All effortshave therefore been made to facilitate and further enhance theattraction of foreign <strong>in</strong>vestments, and create a friendly environmentfor foreigners to establish bus<strong>in</strong>ess on the island.20002001 2002 2003 2004Source: UNCTAD, 2006With<strong>in</strong> these l<strong>in</strong>es, the government has liberalised the Foreign DirectInvestment (FDI) policy for both EU and non-EU nationals.Adm<strong>in</strong>istrative procedures have been simplified and as far as them<strong>in</strong>imum level of <strong>in</strong>vestment and the percentage of foreignparticipation are concerned, no limitations apply <strong>in</strong> almost allsectors of the economy.FDI <strong>in</strong>tensity ratio* 2004 (%)Consequently, foreign companies may now <strong>in</strong>vest and establishbus<strong>in</strong>ess <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong> on equal terms with local <strong>in</strong>vestors; no dist<strong>in</strong>ctionis be<strong>in</strong>g made between foreign and Cypriot companies.EU25EU15EurozoneBelgiumIrelandEstonia<strong>Cyprus</strong>MaltaUKSpa<strong>in</strong>LatviaPolandCzech Rep.LithuaniaPortugalAustriaFranceSloveniaNetherlandsItalySlovakiaF<strong>in</strong>landGermany0,9%1,0%1,4%3,5%3,2%2,9%2,6%2,3%2,3%2,1%1,9%1,8%1,7%1,5%1,0%1,0%0,4%-0,8%5,8%5,5%5,5%7,3%9,4%Source: Eurostat, 2006* Average value of <strong>in</strong>ward andoutward FDI flows divided by GDP.The <strong>in</strong>dex measures the <strong>in</strong>tensity of<strong>in</strong>vestment <strong>in</strong>tegration with<strong>in</strong> the<strong>in</strong>ternational economy.Direct Investments<strong>Cyprus</strong> offers a friendly environment to foreigners <strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong>establish<strong>in</strong>g bus<strong>in</strong>ess on the island. Foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors have theopportunity of participat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> almost all sectors of the economy,with equity participation of up to 100% <strong>in</strong> any Cypriot enterprise,without a m<strong>in</strong>imum level of capital <strong>in</strong>vestment.Moreover, foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors can register a company directly withthe Registrar of Companies, and obta<strong>in</strong> any licence, if needed,from the appropriate authority accord<strong>in</strong>g to the nature of<strong>in</strong>vestment.There are no exchange control regulations, hence residents andnon-residents may hold and manage assets and liabilities <strong>in</strong> anyforeign currency and <strong>in</strong> any foreign country, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g freelyconvertible and transferable balances with banks on the island.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.centralbank.gov.cy16 <strong>Cyprus</strong> > A guide for foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors

“ <strong>Cyprus</strong> has proven to be the right place for us because of its geographical location,the friendly but efficient bus<strong>in</strong>ess climate, the relative simplicity and competitivenessof the tax system and, above all, the availability of high quality and reliable manpower. ”[ [ Kardex Systems Ltd ] ]Portfolio InvestmentThe <strong>Cyprus</strong> Stock Exchange (CSE) is a regulated exchange whereall transactions concern<strong>in</strong>g corporate and public securities arecarried out. Trad<strong>in</strong>g of shares by foreigners on the CSE is as easyas on any modern stock market. Foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors are subject tothe same rules and regulations of the CSE as Cypriots or other EUnationals regard<strong>in</strong>g capital distribution.Provided that the <strong>in</strong>vestment is <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e with the CSE’s laws andprocedures, <strong>in</strong>vestors may acquire up to 100% of the share capitalof all Cypriot companies listed on the CSE, except companiesoperat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> specific sectors, such as the bank<strong>in</strong>g sector.As far as the bank<strong>in</strong>g sector is concerned, no person, either residentor non-resident, may own directly or <strong>in</strong>directly 10% or more of abank<strong>in</strong>g company's share capital or vot<strong>in</strong>g stock without the CentralBank's approval.Non-residents only need to remit foreign funds to an account <strong>in</strong>their own name. A stockbroker is entitled to possess the necessarydocumentary evidence for the acquisition of shares.The <strong>Cyprus</strong> Stock Exchange issett<strong>in</strong>g up a common platform withthe Athens Stock Exchange, giv<strong>in</strong>gCypriot companies a higher<strong>in</strong>ternational profilefor further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.cse.com.cyReal Estate AcquisitionAccord<strong>in</strong>g to the Acquisition of Real Estate (Amendment) Law of2003, which has been <strong>in</strong> force s<strong>in</strong>ce 1 May 2004:No restrictions are imposed on EU nationals and EU registeredcompanies for the acquisition of real estate l<strong>in</strong>ked to primaryresidence and FDI, or the acquisition of real estate by EU real estateagents and land developers.The acquisition of residence for secondary use by EU nationalsnot permanently resid<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong> and EU registered companiesnot hav<strong>in</strong>g their registered office, central adm<strong>in</strong>istration or pr<strong>in</strong>cipalplace of bus<strong>in</strong>ess <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>, is prohibited without prior authorisationby the Council of M<strong>in</strong>isters, for a period of five years follow<strong>in</strong>g<strong>Cyprus</strong>’ accession to EU. Note that for simplification purposes, thepowers of the Council of M<strong>in</strong>isters for the acquisition of immovableproperty, <strong>in</strong> the above-mentioned context, have been delegatedto the District Officers.A popular choice forbus<strong>in</strong>ess conferences,<strong>in</strong> consequence of the surpris<strong>in</strong>gnumber of world class hotelsoffer<strong>in</strong>g exceptional facilitiesChapter 4 > FDI Policy 17

www.<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>cyprus.gov.cy“ <strong>Cyprus</strong> is a good place for UK companies to do bus<strong>in</strong>ess.English is widely spoken and access to decision-makers is relatively straightforward.The personal l<strong>in</strong>ks are deep and long-stand<strong>in</strong>g. ”[ [ Peter Millett - British High Commissioner to <strong>Cyprus</strong> ] ]As regards non-EU nationals, legal entities registered <strong>in</strong> non-EU countries, and legal entities registered <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong> with the sharecapital controlled by non-EU nationals, real estate may be acquiredsubject to the approval of the Council of M<strong>in</strong>isters (issued by theDistrict Officers). In case the real estate concerned exceeds2 donums, approval may be granted only for the purposes of:primary or secondary residence not exceed<strong>in</strong>g an area of3 donumsprofessional or commercial premises<strong>in</strong>dustrial sectors deemed beneficial for the Cypriot economyThe coastal town of Limassol,a commercial centre and populartourist resortOther Laws & Regulations<strong>Cyprus</strong>' legislation guarantees an equitable and fair treatment toforeign <strong>in</strong>vestors. However, the liberalisation of FDI policy shouldnot be <strong>in</strong>terpreted as conferr<strong>in</strong>g the right on the companies' foreignshareholders, pr<strong>in</strong>cipals/directors or employees' representatives tosecure residence and/or work permits.Furthermore, it will not prejudice the stance of other governmentaldepartments, organisations or authorities regard<strong>in</strong>g the issue of anyother permits or consents which may be required under separatelaws or regulations.Examples of such regulations <strong>in</strong>clude:With the exception of universities, all other private tertiaryeducation <strong>in</strong>stitutions can be founded and operated only by EUnationals.Based on the registration requirements of certa<strong>in</strong> medicalprofessions, only Cypriots or other EU nationals are allowed toexercise their profession <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>. Such professions <strong>in</strong>clude but arenot limited to: dentists, dental technicians, psychologists, opticians,chemists, dieticians, physiotherapists, and psychiatrists.Ski<strong>in</strong>g at Troodos.Where else could you ski <strong>in</strong> themorn<strong>in</strong>g and then be sunn<strong>in</strong>gyourself by the pool or on thebeach <strong>in</strong> the afternoon?Non-EU nationals can <strong>in</strong>dividually obta<strong>in</strong> up to 5% of the totalshare capital of broadcast<strong>in</strong>g corporations (television and radiostations), while the total percentage of share capital owned bynon-EU nationals is limited to 25%.18 <strong>Cyprus</strong> > A guide for foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors

Legislation provides for simple registrationprocedures. Indicatively, the registration ofa company may be completed with<strong>in</strong> 4 daysRegistrationsimple & swiftRegistration ProcedureAdm<strong>in</strong>istrative procedures for register<strong>in</strong>g a company have beensimplified, reflect<strong>in</strong>g the importance placed on the country'sdevelopment as a centre for <strong>in</strong>ternational bus<strong>in</strong>ess.The formalities for establish<strong>in</strong>g a company are as follows:INVESTORInitially, an application for the approval of the name of thecompany is submitted at the Registrar of Companies.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.mcit.gov.cy/drcorName approvalApplication submitted to theRegistrar of Companies.Time frame: 2-3 days(under accelerated procedure)After secur<strong>in</strong>g the company's name, the relevant documentsfor the registration are to be submitted, accord<strong>in</strong>g to the legalform of the entity that will be registered. For an additional fee,registration can be completed with<strong>in</strong> 4-5 work<strong>in</strong>g days under anaccelerated procedure.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.mcit.gov.cy/drcorIncorporationThe relevant documentsare to be submitted. For theregistration of a companysubmission should be performedby an advocate / lawyerpractis<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>.Time frame: 2-3 days(under accelerated procedure)In l<strong>in</strong>e with the EU Regulations, non-EU citizens should obta<strong>in</strong> awork / residence permit. European nationals have the right to enter<strong>Cyprus</strong> by simply show<strong>in</strong>g a valid EU passport or ID card, thoughsome adm<strong>in</strong>istrative procedures still apply provided that they arenot <strong>in</strong> conflict with the pr<strong>in</strong>ciple of the free movement of labourwith<strong>in</strong> Europe (see page 24 for more details).for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.moi.gov.cywww.mlsi.gov.cy/dlResidence / Work permitsRelevant applications aresubmitted to the M<strong>in</strong>istry ofInterior and the M<strong>in</strong>istry ofLabour and Social Insurance,depend<strong>in</strong>g on the type ofcompany and position of staff.EU citizens may enter theRepublic by simply show<strong>in</strong>g avalid EU passport or ID card.Depend<strong>in</strong>g on the nature of the <strong>in</strong>vestment, subsequentlicence(s) may be required (i.e. construction licence, licence forthe operation of a factory). Prospective <strong>in</strong>vestors may contact ouragency, which ensures that the appropriate support, guidanceand assistance is provided.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>cyprus.gov.cyLicens<strong>in</strong>gLicence from the appropriateauthority accord<strong>in</strong>g to thenature of <strong>in</strong>vestment.Chapter 5 > Registration Procedure 19

www.<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>cyprus.gov.cy“ [Our expansion agreements <strong>in</strong> the Middle East] will enable us to tap <strong>in</strong>tothe grow<strong>in</strong>g regional market for VIP and medical charter travel,particularly <strong>in</strong> the key market of <strong>Cyprus</strong>. ”[ [ International Air Charter plc ] ]Legal Form of EntitiesThe Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiveroffers fast and high quality services to the public and is responsiblefor keep<strong>in</strong>g the register of companies. The follow<strong>in</strong>g legal formsmay be registered:Company (private or public)Branch companiesGeneral or limited partnershipsEuropean Company (SE)Due to its former colonial status,<strong>Cyprus</strong>' legal system is based onBritish Law. Legal representativesprovide speedy and trustworthyadvice on all aspects of do<strong>in</strong>gbus<strong>in</strong>ess <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>CompaniesThe Companies Law (as amended) provides for two categories ofcompanies:A Private Company: requir<strong>in</strong>g one or more found<strong>in</strong>gmembers, is limited to 50 shareholders, but cannot offer shares forpublic subscription nor does it have the right to transfer shares.A Public Company: The ma<strong>in</strong> feature of a public companyis the power to extend an <strong>in</strong>vitation to the public to subscribe toits shares and the existence of a m<strong>in</strong>imum of seven members.For the registration of a company (private or public) the servicesof an advocate / lawyer practis<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong> are necessary. This isso because the registration of a company is considered to be legalwork that requires professional knowledge.Branch CompaniesA Branch does not constitute a legal entity different to that of itsfound<strong>in</strong>g company. There are two k<strong>in</strong>ds of Branch Companies <strong>in</strong><strong>Cyprus</strong>:Branch of a Local Company: No special requirements otherthan those apply<strong>in</strong>g to the company itself.The west coast town of Paphosis <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> the officialUNESCO list of cultural and naturaltreasures of the world's heritageBranch of a Foreign Company: Overseas companies mayestablish a branch <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>, provided that they file with the Registrarwith<strong>in</strong> 30 days of such an establishment. Branches of foreigncorporations may be required to file further <strong>in</strong>formation uponregistration (i.e. company's memorandum of association, list ofdirectors, etc).20 <strong>Cyprus</strong> > A guide for foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors

The Heritage Foundation ranked <strong>Cyprus</strong> as 16 th<strong>in</strong> the world <strong>in</strong> its 2006 ‘Index of Economic Freedom’.Its overall score was 1.90 (1 for best, 5 for worst),classify<strong>in</strong>g <strong>Cyprus</strong> as a "free" countryPartnershipsPartnerships are registered under the Partnerships and Bus<strong>in</strong>essNames Law. There are two k<strong>in</strong>ds of partnerships:General Partnership: Every partner is <strong>in</strong>dividually andcollectively accountable for the liabilities of the partnership,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g all debts and obligations of the partnership <strong>in</strong>curred whilehe is a partner.Limited Partnership: One or more general partners are<strong>in</strong>dividually and collectively accountable for the liabilities of thepartnership and one or more limited partners whose accountabilityfor such liabilities is limited to their contribution to the partnership.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.mcit.gov.cy/drcorEuropean Company (SE)The registration of a European Company is <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e with the CouncilRegulation (EC) No 2157/2001. The ma<strong>in</strong> objective is to allowcompanies <strong>in</strong>corporated <strong>in</strong> different member states to merge orform a hold<strong>in</strong>g company or jo<strong>in</strong>t subsidiary, while avoid<strong>in</strong>g the legaland practical constra<strong>in</strong>ts aris<strong>in</strong>g from the existence of fifteendifferent legal systems.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: http://europa.eu/scadplus/legÁ major telecommunications hub,with an extensive networkboth <strong>in</strong> terms of cable andsatellite, which ranks amongstthe best <strong>in</strong> the worldPrivate companies make up the vast majority of InternationalBus<strong>in</strong>ess Companies (IBCs) registered <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>. Branches andPartnerships constitute only a small percentage ma<strong>in</strong>ly becausetheir legal status and f<strong>in</strong>ancial liabilities are ultimately the same asthose of their beneficial owners.Intellectual PropertyThe Trade Marks Law, together with the Paris Convention for theProtection of Industrial Property offer equal protection to trademarks of Cypriot proprietors and of foreign proprietors. Copyright<strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong> is automatic and no registration is necessary. The CopyrightLaw protects Cypriot nationals for their published work which ispublished <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>.<strong>Cyprus</strong> ratified the European Patent Convention and the PatentCooperation Treaty. Furthermore, the Law on the Legal Protectionof Industrial Designs and Models entered <strong>in</strong>to force, <strong>in</strong> February2002 .A high standard of health care isavailable <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong> as well as goodhygiene and sanitation standards.The Limassol HospitalChapter 5 > Registration Procedure 21

www.<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>cyprus.gov.cy<strong>Cyprus</strong> offers a well-educated, multil<strong>in</strong>gualworkforce; whereas, labour costs are significantlylower compared to the European Union averageLabour Forceskilled & flexibleHourly labour costs - 2004€ 21,22€ 24,02 € 23,71<strong>Cyprus</strong> has a well-tra<strong>in</strong>ed and versatile labour force. Qualifiedprofessional, technical and clerical staff, with wide experience andfluency <strong>in</strong> English and other languages are available for employmentat reasonable remuneration.€ 11,10EU25 EU15 Eurozone <strong>Cyprus</strong>Source: Eurostat, 2006Accord<strong>in</strong>g to Eurostat's Labour Force Survey, <strong>Cyprus</strong> has anemployment rate of 68,5% (2005) for the age group 15-64; which isthe highest among the 10 new EU member states and above theaverage employment rate of the EU15 (65,2%). This positions <strong>Cyprus</strong><strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e with the EU's Lisbon target of 70% by 2010. Moreover, <strong>Cyprus</strong>has a high employment rate for women of 58,4%, compared withthe EU average of 56,3%.People between the ages 25-29with tertiary educationqualifications - 2004 (%)EU25EU15<strong>Cyprus</strong>IrelandBelgiumFranceLithuaniaSpa<strong>in</strong>UKNetherlandsSwedenF<strong>in</strong>landLuxembourgDenmarkEstoniaPolandGreeceSloveniaPortugalAustriaHungaryMaltaLatviaGermanySlovakiaItalyCzech Rep.28,0%29,4%44,4%41,0%40,8%40,7%40,6%40,6%37,0%35,1%35,0%33,0%32,1%30,7%30,5%25,3%24,2%24,2%20,4%19,1%18,5%18,4%18,1%17,8%15,5%13,6%12,9%Source: Eurostat, 2006Education and Skills<strong>Cyprus</strong> ranks among the first countries <strong>in</strong> the world <strong>in</strong> terms ofuniversity degree holders <strong>in</strong> relation to the population, with 75% ofsecondary school leavers <strong>in</strong> 2005 cont<strong>in</strong>u<strong>in</strong>g their studies. Abouthalf of secondary education graduates study abroad, ma<strong>in</strong>ly <strong>in</strong>Greece, the UK and the USA.The high educational level of the population is evidenced by thefact that <strong>Cyprus</strong> exhibits the highest percentage among the EU ofpeople between the ages 25-35 possess<strong>in</strong>g tertiary educationqualifications.Moreover, the importance given to education is underl<strong>in</strong>ed by thehigh percentage of public expenditure on education <strong>in</strong> relation toGDP (7,36% for 2003), which is far above the European Union’saverage (5,22%) and positions <strong>Cyprus</strong> among the top Europeancountries.22 <strong>Cyprus</strong> > A guide for foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors

Perhaps the greatest asset of <strong>Cyprus</strong> is its people:a source of strength, offer<strong>in</strong>g the foreign <strong>in</strong>vestora rich pool of knowledge and expertiseof the highest qualityLabour CostsLabour costs are significantly lower compared to the EU average.There is no national m<strong>in</strong>imum wage for almost all occupations.Legislation though provides for a uniform m<strong>in</strong>imum wage for certa<strong>in</strong>occupations: clerical workers, sales staff and shop assistants, auxiliaryhealthcare staff, auxiliary staff <strong>in</strong> creches, nurseries, and schools.The m<strong>in</strong>imum wage on recruitment for the above occupations for2006 is C£384, while that for staff complet<strong>in</strong>g six consecutive monthsof employment with the same employer is set to C£408.ContributionsSocial InsuranceEmployer............................6,3%Employee........................... 6,3%Other Employer’s ContributionsSocial Cohesion Fund......... 2,0%Redundancy fund................1,2%Human ResourcesDevelopment Fund..............0,5%Terms and conditions of employment are negotiated either directlybetween the employer and the employee or through collectivebarga<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g between trade unions and employers' organisations.The number of man-days lost to strikes each year (an average of1,51 per 100.000 man-days for 2005) is low by <strong>in</strong>ternationalcomparisons. Added to this is the fact that Cypriots are hard work<strong>in</strong>g,adaptable and honest. Interpol statistics reveal that <strong>in</strong> 2004 thenumber of serious crimes was 1.033 per 100.000 population, farbelow the correspond<strong>in</strong>g figure for the European Union. The <strong>Cyprus</strong>labour market has a tradition of social dialogue and a welldeveloped<strong>in</strong>stitution of free collective barga<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g. Approximately65-68% of the labour force is unionised and 70% is covered bycollective agreements. Collective agreements regulate employmentconditions such as remuneration, work<strong>in</strong>g hours, health and safety,annual holidays and provident fund.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.mlsi.gov.cy/dlrSocial InsuranceThe Social Insurance Scheme covers compulsorily all persons ga<strong>in</strong>fullyoccupied <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>, either as employed or self-employed. TheScheme is f<strong>in</strong>anced by contributions paid by the employers, the<strong>in</strong>sured persons and the State. In the case of employed persons,the contribution is 16,6% of their ‘<strong>in</strong>surable earn<strong>in</strong>gs’ and is sharedamongst the employer, the employee and the State, <strong>in</strong> theproportion of 6,3%, 6,3% and 4% respectively. In the case of selfemployedpersons, the contribution is 15,6% of the ‘<strong>in</strong>surable<strong>in</strong>come’, out of which 11,6% is paid by the self-employed and 4%by the State. The Social Insurance Scheme provides cash benefitsfor marriage, maternity, sickness, unemployment, widowhood,<strong>in</strong>validity, orphanhood, old age, death and employment <strong>in</strong>jury. Asof 1 May 2004 EU Regulation (EC 1408/71), which coord<strong>in</strong>ates theSocial Security Systems between member states, applies.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.mlsi.gov.cy/sidTotal public expenditure oneducation (% of GDP) - 20035,22% 5,21% 5,04%Total employment <strong>in</strong> thehigh-tech sector,Average Annual Growth Rate(%) 1999-2004EU15<strong>Cyprus</strong>Spa<strong>in</strong>LatviaGreeceBelgiumNetherlandsSloveniaItalyPortugalGermanyFranceHungaryF<strong>in</strong>landSwedenUKIrelandCzech Rep.AustriaLuxembourgEstoniaDenmarkSlovakiaLithuania2,9%7,8%6,1%6,0%4,8%4,3%4,3%4,2%3,7%3,2%2,4%2,1%1,9%1,2%1,1%0,7%-0,2%-0,6%-0,8%-1,2%-1,7%-3,2%-3,8%7,36%EU25 EU15 Eurozone <strong>Cyprus</strong>Source: Eurostat, 200612,7%Source: Eurostat, 2006Chapter 6 > Labour Force 23

www.<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>cyprus.gov.cy“ <strong>Cyprus</strong> offers a strategic location, favourable tax environment, educated work force, excellenttelecommunications and modern bank<strong>in</strong>g and legal <strong>in</strong>frastructure which makes the countrythe perfect bus<strong>in</strong>ess bridge for the European Union and the Middle East. ”[ [ The Wall Street Journal - May 5, 2004 ] ]Other CostsEmployers are also obliged to contribute 1,2% to the RedundancyFund, 0,5% to the Human Resources Development Fund and 2% tothe Social Cohesion Fund.Employment Term<strong>in</strong>ationA workforce, not only highlyeducated but also with a multitudeof language skillsThe Term<strong>in</strong>ation of Employment legislation covers all employees <strong>in</strong>the public and private sectors, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g apprentices. It also coversshareholders of private companies employed by their company.An employer who <strong>in</strong>tends to term<strong>in</strong>ate the employment of anemployee after a period of at least 26 weeks, should give a m<strong>in</strong>imumperiod of notice of 1 to 8 weeks depend<strong>in</strong>g on the employee'slength of employment. In the event of redundancy, employeeswho have been cont<strong>in</strong>uously employed for 104 weeks by the sameemployer, are entitled to redundancy payment from theRedundancy Fund. An employee who is dismissed unlawfully hasthe right to compensation payable by the employer, provided thatthe employee has been cont<strong>in</strong>uously employed for not less than26 weeks. In the event of <strong>in</strong>solvency of the employer, the Law allowsfor the payment of wages / salaries and annual leave from a specialfund to all employees.Residence & Work PermitsFor Bus<strong>in</strong>ess Companies (BCs) the Civil Registry and MigrationDepartment is the authority responsible for the first issue andsubsequent renewal of residence permits granted to all non-Cypriotsemployed by BCs <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>. The Civil Registry and MigrationDepartment acts <strong>in</strong> consultation with other competent authoritiessuch as the Registrar of Companies, the Labour Department andthe <strong>Cyprus</strong> Police.The campus ofthe University of <strong>Cyprus</strong>.Two more public Universitiesare planned to operate soonAn application 6 should be submitted by both, third country nationalsas well as EU nationals. In the case of executives, the applicationis submitted to the Civil Registry and Migration Department. Fornon-executives the application is submitted to the District Aliensand Immigration Branch of the Police. For third country nationalsthe application must be accompanied by a contract of employmentstamped by the Labour Office.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.moi.gov.cywww.mlsi.gov.cy/dl24 <strong>Cyprus</strong> > A guide for foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors

<strong>Cyprus</strong> offers an advantegeous tax systemfor <strong>in</strong>ternational bus<strong>in</strong>ess. The uniform corporatetax rate of 10% is the lowest <strong>in</strong> the EUTax Systema major plusCorporate Tax<strong>Cyprus</strong> offers a range of alternative tax advantages to foreigncompanies conduct<strong>in</strong>g bus<strong>in</strong>ess on the island. Such advantagesderive from the country's favourable legislation as well as from thewide network of double taxation treaties. In <strong>brief</strong>, the ma<strong>in</strong> provisionsof corporate taxation are:Uniform corporate tax rate of 10%No tax on dividendsFavourable tax treatment of lossesNo tax on profits from permanent establishment outside <strong>Cyprus</strong>,subject to conditionsDouble taxation treaties with over 40 countriesNo tax on capital ga<strong>in</strong>s from disposal of securities listed on arecognised Stock ExchangeNo tax on profits from reorganisationsTax free repatriation of profits and capitalA detailed description of the prevail<strong>in</strong>g tax system is provided <strong>in</strong>Appendix 2. Please note that the current publication <strong>in</strong>tends tosimply present the basic provisions of the <strong>Cyprus</strong> tax policy. A fulldescription of the tax system is not the aim of this publication, norcould it be covered <strong>in</strong> such document. Accord<strong>in</strong>gly, this publicationshould only be seen as a source of general <strong>in</strong>formation and cannotsubstitute professional advice.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: Appendix 2www.mof.gov.cy/irdAdjusted top statutorytax rate on corporate <strong>in</strong>come(%) - 2006EU25Eurozone<strong>Cyprus</strong>IrelandLatviaLithuaniaHungaryPolandSlovakiaCzech Rep.EstoniaAustriaSloveniaF<strong>in</strong>landPortugalDenmarkSwedenGreeceNetherlandsLuxembourgUKFranceBelgiumSpa<strong>in</strong>MaltaItalyGermany10,0%12,5%15,0%15,0%17,5%19,0%19,0%25,9%24,0%24,0%29,7%25,0%25,0%26,0%27,5%28,0%28,0%29,0%29,0%29,6%30,0%33,3%34,0%35,0%35,0%37,3%38,6%Source: Eurostat, 2006Tax Revenue (% of GDP) - 2004Personal Income TaxIndividual tax resident of <strong>Cyprus</strong> is an <strong>in</strong>dividual who stays <strong>in</strong> theRepublic for 183 days <strong>in</strong> the year of assessment. <strong>Cyprus</strong> tax residentsare taxed on <strong>in</strong>come earned both <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong> and abroad. In contrast,non-tax residents are taxed on <strong>in</strong>come earned only from <strong>Cyprus</strong>sources.39,3% 39,7%34,1%EU25 Eurozone <strong>Cyprus</strong>Source: Eurostat, 2006Chapter 7 > Tax Policy 25

www.<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>cyprus.gov.cy“ We are very happyto have selected <strong>Cyprus</strong> as a base and aspireto ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>, lead and expand our operations from the island. ”[ [ Nest Investments Hold<strong>in</strong>gs (<strong>Cyprus</strong>) Ltd ] ]Personal Income TaxThe follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>come tax provisions apply to <strong>in</strong>dividuals:Taxable Income (C£)Up to 10.00010.001 - 15.00015.001 - 20.000Over 20.000Tax Rate (%)Nil20%25%30%Low <strong>in</strong>come taxNo tax on dividends and <strong>in</strong>terest, subject to certa<strong>in</strong> conditionsNo tax on profits of a permanent establishment abroad andon salary earned abroad, under certa<strong>in</strong> conditionsProfits ga<strong>in</strong>ed from the sale of securities are exempt from taxLoss of current year and previous years are deducted from thetaxable <strong>in</strong>come, subject to certa<strong>in</strong> conditionsThe numerous tax<strong>in</strong>centives anddouble taxationtreaties, make the<strong>Cyprus</strong> hold<strong>in</strong>gcompany ideal for<strong>in</strong>ternational taxplann<strong>in</strong>g purposesTop statutorypersonal <strong>in</strong>come tax rate(%) - 2006EU25EurozoneSlovakiaEstoniaLatvia<strong>Cyprus</strong>Czech Rep.LithuaniaMaltaHungaryLuxembourgGreecePolandPortugalUKGermanyIrelandItalySpa<strong>in</strong>FranceAustriaBelgiumSloveniaF<strong>in</strong>landNetherlandsSwedenDenmark19,0%23,0%25,0%30,0%32,0%33,0%41,0%35,0%45,2%38,0%39,0%40,0%40,0%40,0%40,0%42,0%42,0%43,0%45,0%48,1%50,0%50,0%50,0%51,0%52,0%56,6%59,0%Source: Eurostat, 2006Income received <strong>in</strong> the form of retir<strong>in</strong>g gratuity, compensationfor death or <strong>in</strong>juries, provident fund, pension fund, or otherapproved funds, is exempt from taxSpecial Tax TreatmentsInternational Trusts: <strong>Cyprus</strong> <strong>in</strong>ternational trusts enjoy importanttax advantages, provid<strong>in</strong>g significant tax plann<strong>in</strong>g possibilities:Income and ga<strong>in</strong>s of a <strong>Cyprus</strong> <strong>in</strong>ternational trust, derivedfrom sources outside <strong>Cyprus</strong> are exempt from any tax imposed <strong>in</strong><strong>Cyprus</strong>Dividends, <strong>in</strong>terest or other <strong>in</strong>come received by a trust froma <strong>Cyprus</strong> <strong>in</strong>ternational bus<strong>in</strong>ess company are not subject to tax norare they subject to withhold<strong>in</strong>g taxNo capital ga<strong>in</strong>s tax is charged on the disposal of assets ofan <strong>in</strong>ternational trustExemption from taxation <strong>in</strong> the case of an alien who createsan <strong>in</strong>ternational trust <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong> and retires <strong>in</strong> the country, oncondition that all the property settled and the <strong>in</strong>come earned isabroad, even if the <strong>in</strong>dividual is a beneficiaryTaxation of Shipp<strong>in</strong>g Companies 7 : Profits from the operationof Cypriot registered vessels or on dividends received from a shipown<strong>in</strong>gcompany, are subject to zero corporation tax. Ship andcrew management bus<strong>in</strong>esses have the option of be<strong>in</strong>g taxed eitherat the rate of 4,25% on their profits or at a rate equal to 25% oftonnage tax rates of vessels under management. The tonnage taxis not levied <strong>in</strong> respect of ships under the Cypriot flag for which atonnage tax has already been paid.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: Appendix 2www.mof.gov.cy/irdfor further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.shipp<strong>in</strong>g.gov.cy26 <strong>Cyprus</strong> > A guide for foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors

<strong>Cyprus</strong> is a tax <strong>in</strong>centive country offer<strong>in</strong>gsubstantial benefits to locally based enterprises.The most important advantages relate tocorporate and personal taxationValue Added TaxThe standard rate of VAT is set to 15%; the lowest rate permitted <strong>in</strong>the EU. Reduced VAT rates of 8% and 5% also apply, as well as thezero-rate of VAT on specific goods and services. Visitors from non-EU countries can claim a refund of VAT paid on their purchases ofgoods <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong> upon their departure from the country, providedthat the purchased goods are transported outside <strong>Cyprus</strong> (and theEU) <strong>in</strong> their personal luggage.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: Appendix 2www.mof.gov.cy/ceHold<strong>in</strong>g CompaniesA <strong>Cyprus</strong> hold<strong>in</strong>g company can be effectively utilised for<strong>in</strong>ternational tax plann<strong>in</strong>g purposes, and at the same time enjoythe status of be<strong>in</strong>g located at a reputable bus<strong>in</strong>ess centre. Insummary, a <strong>Cyprus</strong> hold<strong>in</strong>g company offers the follow<strong>in</strong>gadvantages <strong>in</strong> relation to the major tax considerations:No withhold<strong>in</strong>g tax on dividend <strong>in</strong>come received fromsubsidiary companies abroad 8Backed by anadvantageous tax system andprogressive economic policies,<strong>Cyprus</strong> deserves its reputation asan ideal bus<strong>in</strong>ess centre.The M<strong>in</strong>istry of F<strong>in</strong>ance - NicosiaDouble tax treaties with over 40 countries, enabl<strong>in</strong>g lowerwithhold<strong>in</strong>g tax rates on dividend or other <strong>in</strong>come received fromsubsidiaries abroadBe<strong>in</strong>g an EU member state, hold<strong>in</strong>g companies registered<strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong> may also enjoy no withhold<strong>in</strong>g tax on dividends receivedfrom EU subsidiariesNo withhold<strong>in</strong>g tax on capital ga<strong>in</strong>s and <strong>in</strong>come on thedisposal of neither the shares of the subsidiary's share capital northe shares of the <strong>Cyprus</strong> hold<strong>in</strong>g companyNo tax on capital ga<strong>in</strong>s or <strong>in</strong>come on the liquidation of the<strong>Cyprus</strong> hold<strong>in</strong>g companyNo withhold<strong>in</strong>g tax on distribution of profits, subject toconditionsOutward dividends by the <strong>Cyprus</strong> hold<strong>in</strong>g company to itsnon-resident shareholders are exempt from any withhold<strong>in</strong>g taxesProfits earned from a permanent establishment abroad arefully exempt from Cypriot tax, subject to certa<strong>in</strong> conditionsA diversified group of <strong>Cyprus</strong> companies belong<strong>in</strong>g to a<strong>Cyprus</strong> hold<strong>in</strong>g company can set off Group relief for the utilisationof tax lossesNo m<strong>in</strong>imum hold<strong>in</strong>g periodThe Central Bank of <strong>Cyprus</strong>:an autonomous <strong>in</strong>stitutionensur<strong>in</strong>g price stability andsupport<strong>in</strong>g the general economicpolicy of the governmentChapter 7 > Tax Policy 27

www.<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>cyprus.gov.cyWith<strong>in</strong> the EU harmonisation process andacquis communautaire, the government has<strong>in</strong>troduced a framework of <strong>in</strong>vestment <strong>in</strong>centivesIncentivesmotives to <strong>in</strong>vestBUSINESS INCUBATORSAthena High TechnologyIncubator LtdP.O. Box: 213721507 NicosiaTel.: +357 22 553820Fax: +357 22 553821<strong>in</strong>fo@athena-tech.netwww.athenatech.com.cyDiogenes High Tech Bus<strong>in</strong>essIncubator of the University of <strong>Cyprus</strong>P.O. Box: 205371678 NicosiaTel.: +357 22 892220Fax: +357 22 892211<strong>in</strong>fo@diogenes.com.cywww.diogenes.com.cyErmis Research and IncubatorCentre Ltd6 Diogenous Street,Ermis Build<strong>in</strong>g2404 NicosiaTel.: +357 22 559559Fax: +357 22 559400ermis@ermis.com.cywww.ermis.orgAt a time of <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gly <strong>in</strong>tensified <strong>in</strong>ternational competition, thegovernment has taken several measures to enhance <strong>Cyprus</strong>’competitiveness, both <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>ternational and local market; toachieve steady and self-susta<strong>in</strong>ed growth; and to maximise thecountry's Gross Domestic Product. Specifically, hav<strong>in</strong>g extensivelyconsidered ways for the development and reconstruction of theeconomy, the government has <strong>in</strong>troduced a framework of <strong>in</strong>centiveswith<strong>in</strong> the EU harmonisation process and the acquis communautaire<strong>in</strong> general.The basic goals, which form the central core of the government’s<strong>in</strong>centives framework, are:Attraction and development of new high-tech <strong>in</strong>dustriesand skill <strong>in</strong>tensive productsAssistance and reconstruction of <strong>Cyprus</strong> traditional economicsectorsImprovement of productivity and labour skillsAttraction of capital-<strong>in</strong>tensive foreign <strong>in</strong>vestmentThe ma<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>centives and schemes are <strong>brief</strong>ly described below.Please note that the various grant schemes may be subject toalterations.Helix Bus<strong>in</strong>ess Incubator Ltd66 Metohiou Avenue,2407 NicosiaTel.: +357 22 795007Fax: +357 22 772616consultancy@<strong>in</strong>tercollege.ac.cywww.helix<strong>in</strong>cubator.comPromitheas Bus<strong>in</strong>ess InnovationCentre Ltd33 Klimentos Street,1061 NicosiaTel.: +357 22 452660Fax: +357 22 374096kek@promitheas.com.cywww.promitheas.comTechnology and Research<strong>Cyprus</strong> is pursu<strong>in</strong>g the goal of establish<strong>in</strong>g itself as a regionalresearch and technology centre. Through <strong>in</strong>centives, the countryis rapidly be<strong>in</strong>g transformed <strong>in</strong>to a hub for technologicaldevelopment with<strong>in</strong> the Eastern Mediterranean region.Foreign capital plays a fundamental role <strong>in</strong> these efforts, as itcontributes substantially to the <strong>in</strong>troduction of high technology,know-how and expertise.28 <strong>Cyprus</strong> > A guide for foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors

“ Harvard School of Public Health wants to make greater contribution to research,technology transfer, and education <strong>in</strong>ternationally. We believe our efforts <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>will strengthen environmental science throughout the Mediterranean region. ”[ [ James Ware - Dean for Academic Programs, Harvard School of Public Health ] ]Bus<strong>in</strong>ess IncubatorsBus<strong>in</strong>ess <strong>in</strong>cubators act as catalysts, through which the necessarysupport is given to scientists and researchers <strong>in</strong> order to exploit<strong>in</strong>novative ideas. At the same time, bus<strong>in</strong>ess <strong>in</strong>cubators facilitatethe establishment and growth of new ventures <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong>develop<strong>in</strong>g and promot<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>novative products or services.The programme is addressed to <strong>in</strong>dividuals or small groups of<strong>in</strong>dividuals, who may apply for government grant under thisprogramme through an <strong>in</strong>cubator company hav<strong>in</strong>g a contract withthe government. The approved <strong>in</strong>dividual or team has to registera private company of limited liability. The company is obliged tobe housed and operate <strong>in</strong> the designated premises of the <strong>in</strong>cubatorcompany for a period of up to two years.The <strong>in</strong>cubator company undertakes to offer the companies under<strong>in</strong>cubation facilities such as space and office services, secretarial,account<strong>in</strong>g and legal assistance, scientific and advisory supportand assistance <strong>in</strong> f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g venture capitals. The government of<strong>Cyprus</strong> provides the <strong>in</strong>ventor company a grant of up to C£120.000.Many of the world's lead<strong>in</strong>gIT companies have chosen <strong>Cyprus</strong>as their base for expansion<strong>in</strong> the regionResearchThe Research Promotion Foundation (RPF) - an <strong>in</strong>itiative of thegovernment of the Republic of <strong>Cyprus</strong> - was established <strong>in</strong> orderto promote the development of scientific and technologicalresearch <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>. One of its ma<strong>in</strong> activities is the developmentof a national framework programme for f<strong>in</strong>anc<strong>in</strong>g Research andDevelopment and Innovation (R&D&I) projects.A large number of research projects and support<strong>in</strong>g activities aref<strong>in</strong>anced through RPF's programmes, with an approximate fund<strong>in</strong>gbudget of €17 mln <strong>in</strong> 2006. The budget is expected to growsubstantially <strong>in</strong> the com<strong>in</strong>g years. The R&D&I support<strong>in</strong>g programmesare categorised under five Strategic Areas:Strategic & Multi-thematic Research and DevelopmentGrowth of National Scientific & Research Human CapitalApplied Research Development and Enterprise InnovationResearch Infrastructure Development and Large ScaleInvestmentsInternational Network<strong>in</strong>g and Collaboration <strong>in</strong> the field ofR&D&Ifor further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.research.org.cyTowards becom<strong>in</strong>ga regional centre for research andexcellence <strong>in</strong> the environmentand public healthChapter 8 > Investment Incentives 29

www.<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>cyprus.gov.cy“ Bus<strong>in</strong>ess boom: <strong>Cyprus</strong> is tak<strong>in</strong>g advantageof its strategic location to promote its transhipment facilities. ”[ [ Global F<strong>in</strong>ance, May 2004 ] ]Re-exports (C£mln)462,6381,0305,1279,7261,9Industrial DevelopmentIndustrial development has been amongst the primary objectivesof the government, as it constitutes a vital component of economicpolicy. <strong>Cyprus</strong>’ accession to the EU provides Cypriot enterpriseswith the opportunity of participat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the various communityprogrammes concern<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dustrial technology; productdevelopment; market<strong>in</strong>g; professional tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g, etc, thus furtherenhanc<strong>in</strong>g the process of restructur<strong>in</strong>g.20012002 2003 2004 2005Source: Statistical Service of <strong>Cyprus</strong>, 2006The Industrial Development Service (IDS) of the M<strong>in</strong>istry ofCommerce, Industry and Tourism, aims at accelerat<strong>in</strong>g the rate ofgrowth of the manufactur<strong>in</strong>g sector and enhanc<strong>in</strong>g itscompetitiveness under free market conditions. IDS has <strong>in</strong>troduceda framework of <strong>in</strong>vestment <strong>in</strong>centives, a <strong>brief</strong> description of whichis provided below:Euro (€) / <strong>Cyprus</strong> Pound (C£)exchange rate (average)1,73 1,74 1,71 1,72 1,73Technological upgrad<strong>in</strong>g: The scheme aims at assist<strong>in</strong>g thetechnological upgrad<strong>in</strong>g of exist<strong>in</strong>g and newly establishedmanufactur<strong>in</strong>g enterprises 9through government grants. Anymanufactur<strong>in</strong>g enterprise, exclud<strong>in</strong>g those located <strong>in</strong> selected ruralareas, <strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> new mach<strong>in</strong>ery, new equipment and know-howwith<strong>in</strong> a period of three years, is eligible to apply.20012002 2003 2004 2005Source: Central Bank of <strong>Cyprus</strong>, 2006Manufactur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Rural Areas: The programme is co-f<strong>in</strong>ancedby the European Regional Development Fund and aims to support,develop, and promote the manufactur<strong>in</strong>g sector 9 through grantsfor the expansion and modernisation of exist<strong>in</strong>g and/or creation ofnew viable Small and Medium-sized enterprises 10 , which are located,or will be located <strong>in</strong> specified rural areas.Total Investment (C£mln)915,52001989,2 996,41.124,81.095,82002 2003 2004 5 2005 5Relocation of Small Enterprises: The aim of this programmeis to motivate the already exist<strong>in</strong>g Small enterprises engaged <strong>in</strong>manufactur<strong>in</strong>g activities, or specified service activities, to movefrom residential or <strong>in</strong>appropriate for their activities areas to otherauthorised areas. Authorised areas are those where an enterprisecan legally have its premises and engage <strong>in</strong> manufactur<strong>in</strong>g orservice activities, such as <strong>in</strong>dustrial areas, <strong>in</strong>dustrial zones, handicraftszones or any other authorised area.Source: Statistical Service of <strong>Cyprus</strong>, 200630 <strong>Cyprus</strong> > A guide for foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors

“ … accession to the EU has prompted many important structural reforms,help<strong>in</strong>g to lay the foundation for susta<strong>in</strong>ed economic growth <strong>in</strong>to the future. ”[ [ International Monetary Fund (IMF), Executive Board Concludes 2004Article IV - Consultation with <strong>Cyprus</strong> ] ]Government Guarantee for Loans Granted to SMEs: The aimof the scheme is to assist SMEs 10 <strong>in</strong> the manufactur<strong>in</strong>g sector 9 , whichdo not have adequate collateral to obta<strong>in</strong> loans. Governmentguarantees may be granted for loans given by any commercialbank or f<strong>in</strong>ancial <strong>in</strong>stitution, and will be utilised for:a) restructur<strong>in</strong>g and/or expansion <strong>in</strong> the case of exist<strong>in</strong>genterprises; andb) establishment of a new manufactur<strong>in</strong>g unit preferablyengaged <strong>in</strong> the production of new products and/or hightechnology products.Women / Youth Entrepreneurship: The programme is offeredunder the De M<strong>in</strong>imis Rule 11 , and aims to develop, support andencourage the entrepreneurship of women and young people <strong>in</strong>manufactur<strong>in</strong>g sectors and/or <strong>in</strong> specific activities <strong>in</strong> commerce,services and tourism. Above all, it concentrates on the creation ofnew modern viable enterprises, the development of <strong>in</strong>novativeprojects, new technologies and new products, as well as the supportof services that enhance quality and the development of tourism.Growth has been achieved withrespect to the environmentand quality of life.View of the Akamas Pen<strong>in</strong>sula -North West of PaphosAgricultural Products: The programme is <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> theAgricultural Development Plan and is co-f<strong>in</strong>anced (50%) by theEuropean Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund. Among theprogramme's objectives is to provide <strong>in</strong>vestment motivations forimprov<strong>in</strong>g the quality of agricultural products, as well as trade andmanufactur<strong>in</strong>g procedures. In addition, the programme aims todirect production accord<strong>in</strong>g to foreseen market trends, oralternatively to encourage the adoption of new channels for thedistribution of agricultural products.In l<strong>in</strong>e with the 2007-2013 Strategic Development Plan, the abovementioned programmes will be <strong>in</strong>tegrated <strong>in</strong> the various EU structuralfunds for co-f<strong>in</strong>anc<strong>in</strong>g. As a consequence, the programmes maybe amended, while further programmes may be <strong>in</strong>troduced.The high standard of liv<strong>in</strong>g and thecountless lifestyle advantages onoffer, make <strong>Cyprus</strong> the perfectplace for today's bus<strong>in</strong>esspeople.View of NicosiaChapter 8 > Investment Incentives 31

www.<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>cyprus.gov.cy“ The location of the centre <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong> with its attractive climate, well-developed<strong>in</strong>frastructure and proximity to both Europe and the Middle East will promote theactive and susta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong>volvement of Harvard faculty <strong>in</strong> the programme. ”[ [ Kazem Behbehani - Assistant Director-General, World Health Organisation ] ]Encourag<strong>in</strong>g ExportsThe Trade Service of the M<strong>in</strong>istry of Commerce, Industry and Tourismprovides state grants aimed at enhanc<strong>in</strong>g the promotion of Cypriotproducts and services abroad, and at provid<strong>in</strong>g know-how toentrepreneurs regard<strong>in</strong>g bus<strong>in</strong>ess tactics <strong>in</strong> foreign markets.Promotion of Industrial Products:The state grant covers the follow<strong>in</strong>g schemes:F<strong>in</strong>ancial aid for explor<strong>in</strong>g export potentials <strong>in</strong> foreign marketsSchemes for entrepreneurs / manufacturers participat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>trade fairs abroad, either at their own expense or at fairsorganised by the M<strong>in</strong>istry of Commerce, Industry and TourismThe <strong>in</strong>frastructure is ideal for thetravell<strong>in</strong>g bus<strong>in</strong>ess community.The construction of 14 new golfdevelopments is set to beg<strong>in</strong> soonSchemes for entrepreneurs / manufacturers participat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>trade missions abroad organised by the M<strong>in</strong>istry ofCommerce, Industry and TourismPromotion of ServicesThe aim is to promote and support the services <strong>in</strong>dustry through theprovision of <strong>in</strong>formation to exporters regard<strong>in</strong>g the trad<strong>in</strong>g conditionswith<strong>in</strong> foreign markets. Two schemes are available:Participation <strong>in</strong> trade fairs and exhibitions abroadPenetration of foreign markets - market researchfor further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.mcit.gov.cy/tsQuality AssuranceWith<strong>in</strong> its efforts to contribute to the enhancement of productquality, the government has <strong>in</strong>troduced a number of schemes:Test<strong>in</strong>g of Products: The aim of the scheme is to assist exist<strong>in</strong>gor new SMEs 10 <strong>in</strong> the manufactur<strong>in</strong>g sector 9 , to cover expenses forlaboratory test<strong>in</strong>g, products’ test<strong>in</strong>g and/or analysis, calibration ofmeasurement and test<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>struments abroad. The scheme applies <strong>in</strong>the case where the above needs cannot be met by local laboratories.To accelerate the redevelopmentof the country's airports, thegovernment has decided on aBuilt - Operate - Transfer(BOT) methodLaboratory Infrastructure: The scheme's ma<strong>in</strong> objective is tostrengthen the laboratory <strong>in</strong>frastructure through the provision ofassistance to exist<strong>in</strong>g or new laboratories <strong>in</strong> order to meet theirimmediate needs for product test<strong>in</strong>g equipment.32 <strong>Cyprus</strong> > A guide for foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors

No doubt <strong>Cyprus</strong> possesses a unique comb<strong>in</strong>ationof advantages. This has already been recognisedby the ever-<strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g number of foreigncompanies based on the islandThe HACCP System: The scheme <strong>in</strong>tends to assist and motivatecompanies of the food and beverage <strong>in</strong>dustry to implement theHACCP system. It is a systematic approach to the risk assessment,as well as the control of microbiological, chemical, and physicalhazards related to any food production procedure.Energy and EnvironmentThe <strong>Cyprus</strong> Institute of Energy provides f<strong>in</strong>ancial <strong>in</strong>centives for thematerialisation of <strong>in</strong>vestments <strong>in</strong> the field of energy conservationand the promotion of Renewable Energy Sources. Overall, it <strong>in</strong>tendsto expand the usage of f<strong>in</strong>ancially viable energy technologies, andencourage <strong>in</strong>vestments that positively affect the environment.Energy Conservation: Energy Conservation <strong>in</strong>vestments aredef<strong>in</strong>ed as <strong>in</strong>vestments <strong>in</strong> systems which can lead to at least 10%energy sav<strong>in</strong>gs on total energy consumption, and <strong>in</strong>vestments onComb<strong>in</strong>ed Heat and Power and Cool<strong>in</strong>g (CHP) Systems. Investmentsunder the Energy Conservation scheme <strong>in</strong>clude:Energy conservation <strong>in</strong> exist<strong>in</strong>g enterprisesEnergy conservation <strong>in</strong> exist<strong>in</strong>g private householdsCo-generation of electricity - heat<strong>in</strong>g / cool<strong>in</strong>g<strong>Cyprus</strong> has reta<strong>in</strong>ed a strongtradition <strong>in</strong> f<strong>in</strong>e w<strong>in</strong>e production.The oldest rema<strong>in</strong>s of grape seedshave been found on <strong>Cyprus</strong>,<strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>g that it is probably thefirst w<strong>in</strong>e produc<strong>in</strong>g countryRES utilisation: Recognis<strong>in</strong>g the importance of the utilisationof Renewable Energy Sources (RES), the <strong>Cyprus</strong> Institute of Energyhas <strong>in</strong>troduced the follow<strong>in</strong>g programmes:W<strong>in</strong>d systems for electricity productionSolar / Photovoltaic / Hydroelectric systemsBiomass utilisationDesal<strong>in</strong>ation us<strong>in</strong>g RESfor further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.cie.org.cyEnvironmental Protection: In addition to the above, theEnergy Service of the M<strong>in</strong>istry of Commerce, Industry and Tourismoperates a scheme for the protection of the environment from<strong>in</strong>dustrial pollution. The scheme covers part of the <strong>in</strong>itial <strong>in</strong>vestmentcost <strong>in</strong>curred by enterprises for qualified projects <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>dustrialsectors of m<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g and quarry<strong>in</strong>g, manufactur<strong>in</strong>g, car ma<strong>in</strong>tenance,packag<strong>in</strong>g, the process<strong>in</strong>g of recycl<strong>in</strong>g of waste and the wash<strong>in</strong>gor dry clean<strong>in</strong>g of textiles.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.mcit.gov.cyEU membership marked theliberalisation of theelectricity supply andtelecommunications sectors.The power station at VasilikoChapter 8 > Investment Incentives 33

www.<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>cyprus.gov.cyThe Larnaca Free Zone has beenestablished <strong>in</strong> an effort to encourageexternal trade and <strong>in</strong>ternational commerceFree Zonel<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g 3 cont<strong>in</strong>entsThe Larnaca Free Zone (LFZ) <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>, has been established underthe auspices of the M<strong>in</strong>istry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism,with the specific purpose of facilitat<strong>in</strong>g export-oriented <strong>in</strong>vestmentsby offer<strong>in</strong>g an even more convenient bus<strong>in</strong>ess climate. The LFZ wasdesigned to complement and contribute to the encouragementof external trade and <strong>in</strong>ternational commerce, through the provisionof various <strong>in</strong>centives such as the abolishment of custom duties andtaxes <strong>in</strong> respect of goods imported <strong>in</strong>to the Zone. The LFZ is thereforethe ideal choice for companies <strong>in</strong>tend<strong>in</strong>g to use <strong>Cyprus</strong> as a regionalmanufactur<strong>in</strong>g and/or distribution base.Transit cargo enjoys specialtreatment at the ports.A proof of the position of <strong>Cyprus</strong>as a ma<strong>in</strong> transhipment centre isthe substantial amount ofproducts re-exportedIt should be noted that apart from the Larnaca Free Zone, two FreePort Areas, one <strong>in</strong> Limassol and another <strong>in</strong> Larnaca, have also beenestablished to give bus<strong>in</strong>esses an additional <strong>in</strong>centive to be located<strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>.LocationThe LFZ is situated 6 km from the Larnaca Airport, 9 km from theLarnaca port, and 48 Km from Nicosia. The Zone has beenlandscaped and trees planted to create a modern and pleasantenvironment for <strong>in</strong>dustry and the workforce employed there<strong>in</strong>.Zone AreaFree <strong>in</strong>stallation of electricalpower and telephone l<strong>in</strong>es areamong the <strong>in</strong>centives offered toapplicants establish<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>the Larnaca Free ZoneWith<strong>in</strong> the Free Zone there are 94 <strong>in</strong>dustrial sites of total area 31,2hectares. Of these, 42 have already been leased represent<strong>in</strong>g 45%of the total area available for leas<strong>in</strong>g. Various developed <strong>in</strong>dustrialplots are available for rental or acquisition <strong>in</strong> agreement with theexist<strong>in</strong>g leaseholders. The Zone is on the ma<strong>in</strong> Larnaca - Limassolhighway and is protected on all sides by a security perimeter fence.There is a customs clearance office at the entrance. A network ofservice roads leads to the various <strong>in</strong>dustrial plots, which have accessto water, electricity and telephone networks.34 <strong>Cyprus</strong> > A guide for foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors

The ideal geographic location renders <strong>Cyprus</strong> as asupport centre for monitor<strong>in</strong>g the distributorshipbus<strong>in</strong>ess of companies whose products aremarketed <strong>in</strong> the Middle East and Eastern EuropeThe follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>centives are offered to applicants establish<strong>in</strong>g an<strong>in</strong>dustrial project <strong>in</strong> the zone:Nom<strong>in</strong>al rental of land for the development of <strong>in</strong>dustrialplots is set at a fee of C£1 per year, over the first five yearsFollow<strong>in</strong>g the first five years, nom<strong>in</strong>al rental of land is set atC£525 per 1000 sqr. meters per annumFree of charge <strong>in</strong>stallation of electrical power (maximumdemand)Free of charge <strong>in</strong>stallation of any number of telephone l<strong>in</strong>esTransport & Freight: Larnaca Free Zone has quick access tothe port where break bulk cargoes, bulk cargoes, and conta<strong>in</strong>ersare handled. Various shipp<strong>in</strong>g l<strong>in</strong>es serve the island regularly, thusprovid<strong>in</strong>g <strong>Cyprus</strong> with regular and frequent l<strong>in</strong>ks to all parts of theworld. Namely, most Mediterranean ports, the UK, France, Germany,Netherlands, the USA, India and the Far East are just some of theregular l<strong>in</strong>ks.Strategically located, <strong>Cyprus</strong>provides advancedlogistic solutions, serv<strong>in</strong>gas a supply cha<strong>in</strong> bridge<strong>in</strong> the Eastern MediterraneanElectricity: The Electricity Authority of <strong>Cyprus</strong> (EAC) suppliesall <strong>in</strong>dustrial, commercial, agricultural and residential premises withelectricity. The supply voltage is either 240V a.c. 50Hz s<strong>in</strong>gle-phaseor 415V a.c. 50Hz three-phase. Large <strong>in</strong>dustrial or commercialconsumers may be supplied, if necessary, at 11.000V a.c. 50Hz.Telecommunications: The <strong>Cyprus</strong> TelecommunicationsAuthority (CYTA) offers a variety of basic and advancedtelecommunications services, cover<strong>in</strong>g a wide range of bus<strong>in</strong>essneeds for both voice and data communications, fixed and mobile.Internet - based services are also offered. The above services makethe LFZ an attractive location for enterprises, which require fastand dependable telecommunications.How to applyInterested parties should contact the M<strong>in</strong>istry of Commerce, Industryand Tourism <strong>in</strong> order to obta<strong>in</strong> an application form. Upon submission,the application will be assessed by the M<strong>in</strong>istry and - <strong>in</strong> case ofapproval - a leas<strong>in</strong>g agreement with a duration of 99 years will besigned between the two parties.for further <strong>in</strong>fo: www.mcit.gov.cyLarnaca, the town with 6000 yearsof history and an easy-go<strong>in</strong>g pace,has someth<strong>in</strong>g special to offer toits residents and visitorsChapter 9 > The Larnaca Free Zone 35

Useful L<strong>in</strong>ksAppendix 1GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONSM<strong>in</strong>istry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment1411 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 408307, Fax: +357 22 781156, e-mail: registry@moa.gov.cy, www.moa.gov.cyDepartment of Agriculture1412 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 408504, Fax: +357 22 781425, e-mail: doagrg@da.moa.gov.cyEnvironment Service1411 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 303842, Fax: +357 22 774945, e-mail: ngeorgiades@environment.moa.gov.cyM<strong>in</strong>istry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism1421 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 867100, Fax: +357 22 375120, e-mail: perm.sec@mcit.gov.cy, www.mcit.gov.cy<strong>Cyprus</strong> Institute of Energy13-15 Andreas Araouzos Str., 1421 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 409389, Fax: +357 22 304759, e-mail: cie@cytanet.com.cy, www.cie.org.cyDepartment of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver1427 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 404401 / 404301, Fax: +357 22 304887, e-mail: deptcomp@drcor.mcit.gov.cy, www.mcit.gov.cy/drcorM<strong>in</strong>istry of Communications and Works1424 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 800288, Fax: +357 22 776266, e-mail: permsec@mcw.gov.cy, www.mcw.gov.cyDepartment of Civil Aviation1429 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 404152, Fax: +357 22 354030, e-mail: director@dca.mcw.gov.cy, www.mcw.gov.cy/dcaDepartment of Electrical and Mechanical Services1426 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 800352, Fax: +357 22 348202, e-mail: director@ems.mcw.gov.cy, www.mcw.gov.cy/emsDepartment of Electronic CommunicationsP.O. Box: 24647, 1302 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 814840, Fax: +357 22 321925, e-mail: <strong>in</strong>fo.dec@mcw.gov.cy, www.mcw.gov.cy/decDepartment of Merchant Shipp<strong>in</strong>gP.O. Box: 56193, 3305 Limassol, Tel: +357 25 848100, Fax: +357 25 848200, e-mail: maritimeadm<strong>in</strong>@dms.mcw.gov.cy, www.shipp<strong>in</strong>g.gov.cyDepartment of Public Works1428 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 806550, Fax: +357 22 498910, e-mail: <strong>in</strong>fo@pwd.mcw.gov.cy, www.mcw.gov.cy/pwdDepartment of Road Transport1425 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 807101, Fax: +357 22 354030, e-mail: dirdrt@rtd.mcw.gov.cy, www.mcw.gov.cy/rtdM<strong>in</strong>istry of Education and Culture1434 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 800600, Fax: +357 22 427559, e-mail: moec@moec.gov.cy, www.moec.gov.cyM<strong>in</strong>istry of F<strong>in</strong>ance1439 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 601172, Fax: +357 22 602748, e-mail: econresearch@mof.gov.cy, www.mof.gov.cyDepartment of Customs and Excise1440 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 601713, Fax: +357 22 302031, e-mail: headquarters@customs.mof.gov.cy, www.mof.gov.cy/ceDepartment of Government Purchas<strong>in</strong>g and SupplyP.O. Box: 22028, 1516 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 400460, Fax: +357 22 400444, e-mail: achristou@dgps.mof.gov.cy, www.mof.gov.cy/dgpsInland Revenue Department1472 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 601925, Fax: +357 22 661243, e-mail: cregistry@ird.mof.gov.cy, www.mof.gov.cy/irdStatistical Service1444 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 602129, Fax: +357 22 661313, e-mail: enquiries@cystat.mof.gov.cy, www.mof.gov.cy/cystatVAT Service1471 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 601765, Fax: +357 22 660484, e-mail: headquarters@vat.mof.gov.cy, www.mof.gov.cy/ceM<strong>in</strong>istry of Foreign Affairs1447 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 401000, Fax: +357 22 661881, e-mail: m<strong>in</strong>foreign1@mfa.gov.cy, www.mfa.gov.cyM<strong>in</strong>istry of Health1448 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 400128, Fax: +357 22 305803, e-mail: m<strong>in</strong>istryofhealth@cytanet.com.cy, www.moh.gov.cyMedical and Public Health Services1449 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 400137, Fax: +357 22 345199, e-mail: cdemetriades@mphs.moh.gov.cy, www.moh.gov.cyPharmaceutical Services1475 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 407107, Fax: +357 22 407149, e-mail: phscentral@phs.moh.gov.cy, www.moh.gov.cyState General Laboratory1451 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 809112, Fax: +357 22 316434, e-mail: cmichael@sgl.moh.gov.cy, www.moh.gov.cy/sglAppendix 1 > Useful L<strong>in</strong>ks 37

M<strong>in</strong>istry of Interior1453 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 867626, Fax: +357 22 671465, e-mail: <strong>in</strong>fo@moi.gov.cy, www.moi.gov.cyCivil Registry and Migration Department1457 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 804401 / 804405, Fax: +357 22 676944, e-mail: migration@crmd.moi.gov.cyDepartment Lands and Surveys1455 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 804801, Fax: +357 22 766056 / 804872, e-mail: director@dls.moi.gov.cy, www.moi.gov.cy/dlsPress and Information Office1456 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 801117, Fax: +357 22 666123, e-mail: communications@pio.moi.gov.cy, www.moi.gov.cy/pioTown Plann<strong>in</strong>g and Hous<strong>in</strong>g Department1454 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 408000, Fax: +357 22 677570, e-mail: centraltph@tph.moi.gov.cy, www.moi.gov.cy/tphM<strong>in</strong>istry of Justice and Public Order1461 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 805950, Fax: +357 22 518356, e-mail: registry@mjpo.gov.cy, www.mjpo.gov.cy<strong>Cyprus</strong> Police1478 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 808067, Fax: +357 22 808714, e-mail: pressoffice@police.gov.cy, www.police.gov.cyFire ServiceP.O. Box: 24028, 1700 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 802424, Fax: +357 22 321885, e-mail: cyprusfireservice@fs.gov.cy, www.fs.gov.cyM<strong>in</strong>istry of Labour and Social Insurance1463 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 401600, Fax: +357 22 670993, e-mail: adm<strong>in</strong>istration@mlsi.gov.cy, www.mlsi.gov.cy<strong>Cyprus</strong> Productivity CentreP.O. Box: 20536, 1679 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 806000, Fax: +357 22 376872, e-mail: <strong>in</strong>fo@kepa.mlsi.gov.cy, www.kepa.gov.cyDepartment of Labour1480 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 400817 / 400820, Fax: +357 22 400809, e-mail: director@dl.mlsi.gov.cy, www.mlsi.gov.cy/dlDepartment of Labour Inspection1493 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 405623, Fax: +357 22 663788, e-mail: director@dli.mlsi.gov.cy, www.mlsi.gov.cy/dliDepartment of Labour Relations1463 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 401695 / 401696, Fax: +357 22 304224, e-mail: <strong>in</strong>fo@dlr.mlsi.gov.cy, www.mlsi.gov.cy/dlrSocial Insurance Service1465 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 401600, Fax: +357 22 672984, e-mail: director@sid.mlsi.gov.cy, www.mlsi.gov.cy/sidSEMI-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS<strong>Cyprus</strong> Ports AuthorityP.O. Box: 22007, 1516 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 817200, Fax: +357 22 765420, e-mail: cpa@cpa.gov.cy, www.cpa.gov.cy<strong>Cyprus</strong> State Fairs AuthorityP.O. Box: 23551, 1684 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 352918, Fax: +357 22 352316, e-mail: csfa@cytanet.com.cy, www.csfa.org.cy<strong>Cyprus</strong> Tourism OrganisationP.O. Box: 24535, 1390 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 691100, Fax: +357 22 334696, e-mail: cytour@cto.org.cy, www.visitcyprus.comHuman Resource Development AuthorityP.O. Box: 25431, 1392 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 515000, Fax: +357 22 496949, e-mail: hrda@hrdauth.org.cy, www.hrdauth.org.cyINDEPENDENT SERVICESCommission for the Protection of CompetitionP.O. Box: 26620, 1640 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 875912, Fax: +357 22 304944, e-mail: chairman@competition.gov.cy, www.competition.gov.cy<strong>Cyprus</strong> Agricultural Payments OrganisationP.O. Box: 16102, 2086 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 557777, Fax: +357 22 557755, e-mail: <strong>in</strong>fo@capo.gov.cy, www.capo.gov.cy<strong>Cyprus</strong> Radio Television AuthorityP.O. Box: 23377, 1682 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 512468, Fax: +357 22 512473, e-mail: crtauthority@crta.org.cy, www.crta.org.cy<strong>Cyprus</strong> Securities and Exchange CommissionP.O. Box: 24996, 1306 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 875475, Fax: +357 22 754671, e-mail: <strong>in</strong>fo@cysec.gov.cy, www.cysec.gov.cyOffice of the Commissioner for Personal Data ProtectionP.O. Box: 23378, 1682 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 818456, Fax: +357 22 304565, e-mail: commissioner@dataprotection.gov.cy, www.dataprotection.gov.cyOffice of the Commissioner of Adm<strong>in</strong>istration (Ombudsman)1470 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 405500, Fax: +357 22 672881, e-mail: ombudsman@ombudsman.gov.cy, www.ombudsman.gov.cyPlann<strong>in</strong>g Bureau1409 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 602900, Fax: +357 22 666810, e-mail: plann<strong>in</strong>gbureau@plann<strong>in</strong>g.gov.cy, www.plann<strong>in</strong>g.gov.cy38 <strong>Cyprus</strong> > A guide for foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors

Research Promotion FoundationP.O. Box: 23422, 1683 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 660292, Fax: +357 22 666117, e-mail: ipe@research.org.cy, www.research.org.cyTenders Review AuthorityP.O. Box: 24820, 1304 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 445100, Fax: +357 22 445107, e-mail: tra@aap.gov.cy, www.tra.gov.cyCYPRUS TRADE CENTRESAthens36 Voukourestiou Street, 10673 Athens, Tel: +30 210 3646320 / 3646108, Fax: +30 210 3646420, e-mail: ctcath1@otenet.gr, www.cyprustradecenter.grBeirutM.N.C. Bldg, Debbas Street, Rmeil, Ashrafieh, P.O. Box: 175-175, Beirut Tel: +9611 320806, Fax: +9611 320823, e-mail: ctcbeirut@terra.net.lbBerl<strong>in</strong>27 Wallstrasse, 10179 Berl<strong>in</strong>, Tel: +49 30 2844596, Fax: +49 30 23457541, e-mail: <strong>in</strong>fo@zypern.com, www.zypern.comCairo17 Omar Tousson Street, Mohandess<strong>in</strong> - Cairo, Tel: +202 3455499, Fax: +202 3455499DubaiAl Ghurair City, Office Tower, P.O. Box: 11294, Dubai, Tel: +971 4 2282411, Fax: +971 4 2275700, e-mail: cycentre@emirates.net.ae, www.ctcdubai.orgLondon1st Floor, 31 St. George Street, London W1S 2FJ, Tel: +44 207 6296288, Fax: +44 207 6295244, e-mail: cytradecentreuk@bt<strong>in</strong>ternet.comMoscowPovarskaya No.9, 121069 Moscow, Tel: +7 495 7442948 / 7442949, Fax: +7 495 7442941, e-mail: ctcmoscow@mcit.gov.cyNew York13 East 40th Street, New York, N.Y. 10016, Tel: +1 212 2139100, Fax: +1 212 2132918, e-mail: ctcny@cyprustradeny.org, www.cyprustradeny.orgParis42 Rue de la Bienfaisance, 75008 Paris, Tel: +331 42896086, Fax: +331 42896077, e-mail: chypre@wanadoo.fr, www.commerce-chypre.frViennaParkr<strong>in</strong>g 20, A-1010 Vienna, Tel: +43 1 5130634, Fax: +43 1 5130635, e-mail: cyprustrade@vienna.at, www.cyprustrade.atWarsaw4 Pilicka Street, 02-629 Warszawa, Tel: +4822 8540177, Fax: +4822 8540180, e-mail: ctcwaw@neostrada.plBUSINESS ORGANISATIONS<strong>Cyprus</strong> Bar AssociationP.O. Box: 21446, 1508 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 873300, Fax: +357 22 873013, e-mail: cybar@cytanet.com.cy, www.cyprusbarassociation.org<strong>Cyprus</strong> Chamber of Commerce and IndustryP.O. Box: 21455, 1509 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 889800, Fax: +357 22 669048, e-mail: chamber@ccci.org.cy, www.ccci.org.cy<strong>Cyprus</strong> Employers and Industrialists FederationP.O. Box: 21657, 1511 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 665102, Fax: +357 22 669459, e-mail: <strong>in</strong>fo@oeb.org.cy, www.oeb.org.cy<strong>Cyprus</strong> International Bus<strong>in</strong>esses AssociationP.O. Box: 54917, 3729 Limassol, Tel: +357 25 583400, Fax: +357 25 581531, e-mail: ciba@ciba-cy.org, www.ciba-cy.orgThe Institute of Certified Public Accountants of <strong>Cyprus</strong>P.O. Box: 24935, 1355 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 769866, Fax: +357 22 766360, e-mail: <strong>in</strong>fo@icpac.org.cy, www.icpac.org.cyFINANCIAL INSTITUTIONSAssociation of <strong>Cyprus</strong> Commercial BanksP.O. Box: 23363, 1682 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 664293, Fax: +357 22 665135, e-mail: <strong>in</strong>fo@accb.com.cy, www.accb.com.cyCentral Bank of <strong>Cyprus</strong>P.O. Box: 25529, 1395 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 714100, Fax: +357 22 378153, e-mail: cbc<strong>in</strong>fo@centralbank.gov.cy, www.centralbank.gov.cyCo-operative Central Bank8 Gregory Afxentiou, 1096 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 743000, Fax: +357 22 670261, e-mail: coopcomdept@cytanet.com.cy, www.coopbank.com.cy<strong>Cyprus</strong> Stock ExchangeP.O. Box: 25427, 1309 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 712300, Fax: +357 22 570308, e-mail: <strong>in</strong>fo@cse.com.cy, www.cse.com.cyThe <strong>Cyprus</strong> Development BankP.O. Box: 21415, 1508 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 846500, Fax: +357 22 846600, e-mail: <strong>in</strong>fo@cdb.com.cy, www.cyprusdevelopmentbank.comAppendix 1 > Useful L<strong>in</strong>ks 39

OTHER USEFUL LINKS<strong>Cyprus</strong> Government Web Portal ................................................................................ www.cyprus.gov.cy<strong>Cyprus</strong> News Agency ..........................................................................................www.cna.org.cyUnion of <strong>Cyprus</strong> Municipalities ............................................................................. www.ucm.org.cyUniversity of <strong>Cyprus</strong> ..........................................................................................Commonwealth Institute .....................................................................................Council of Europe .............................................................................................Council of the European Union .............................................................................European Central Bank .......................................................................................European Commission's Representation <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong> .......................................................European Parliament .........................................................................................European Union ................................................................................................Eurostat ........................................................................................................Organisation for Security and Co-operation <strong>in</strong> Europe (OSCE) .........................................The Euro-Mediterranean Network of Investment Promotion Agencies (ANIMA) ......................The World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA)....................................www.ucy.ac.cywww.commonwealth.org.ukwww.coe.<strong>in</strong>thttp://ue.eu.<strong>in</strong>twww.ecb.<strong>in</strong>twww.delcyp.cec.eu.<strong>in</strong>thttp://europarl.eu.<strong>in</strong>thttp://europa.eu.<strong>in</strong>thttp://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.euwww.osce.orgwww.animaweb.orgwww.waipa.orgDOMESTIC COMMERCIAL BANKSAlpha Bank LimitedArab Bank PlcBank of <strong>Cyprus</strong> Public Company LtdCo-Operative Central Bank LtdEmporiki Bank- <strong>Cyprus</strong> LtdHellenic Bank Public Company LtdHous<strong>in</strong>g F<strong>in</strong>ance CorporationMortgage Bank of <strong>Cyprus</strong> LtdNational Bank of Greece (<strong>Cyprus</strong>) LtdNational Bank of Greece S.A. - <strong>Cyprus</strong> BranchSociete Generale <strong>Cyprus</strong> LtdThe <strong>Cyprus</strong> Development Bank Public Company LtdThe <strong>Cyprus</strong> Popular Bank Public Company LtdUniversal Bank Public LtdContact details are available at the web-site of the Central Bank of <strong>Cyprus</strong> (www.centralbank.gov.cy).40 <strong>Cyprus</strong> > A guide for foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors

<strong>Cyprus</strong> Tax PolicyAppendix 2CORPORATE TAXA company is tax resident <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong> when its management andcontrol is exercised <strong>in</strong> the Republic. Their taxable <strong>in</strong>come <strong>in</strong>cludesboth <strong>in</strong>come earned <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong> and abroad. A non-<strong>Cyprus</strong> tax residentis taxed only on <strong>in</strong>come earned through a permanent establishment<strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>.PERSONAL INCOME TAXIndividual tax resident of <strong>Cyprus</strong> is an <strong>in</strong>dividual who stays <strong>in</strong> theRepublic for 183 days <strong>in</strong> the year of assessment. <strong>Cyprus</strong> tax residentsare taxed on <strong>in</strong>come earned both <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong> and abroad. On thecontrary, all <strong>in</strong>dividuals who are non-tax residents, will be taxedonly on <strong>in</strong>come earned <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>.(a) Corporation taxAll companies are subject to a uniform tax rate of 10% except forsemi-government organisations, which are taxed at 25%. The 10%tax is the lowest corporate tax rate <strong>in</strong> the European Union.(b) Tax on dividends<strong>Cyprus</strong> tax-resident companies are exempt <strong>in</strong> respect of dividendsreceived from other <strong>Cyprus</strong> resident companies. The exemption isextended, subject to conditions to dividends from non-residentcompanies. Resident companies are obligated to have distributed70% of their after-tax profits <strong>in</strong> the form of dividends at the endof the two-year period s<strong>in</strong>ce the end of the respective tax year.Thereon, the dividends account for defence contribution <strong>in</strong> the casethat less than 70% has been distributed. In this way, tax avoidance,through the accumulation of profits and the creation of companiesby <strong>in</strong>dividuals as a means of lower<strong>in</strong>g their tax burden, is prevented.These mandatory distribution provisions do not apply to profitsaccru<strong>in</strong>g to non-resident shareholders.(c) Tax on <strong>in</strong>terestInterest <strong>in</strong>come is taxed at the corporate tax rate of 10% aris<strong>in</strong>gfrom, or closely connected to, the ord<strong>in</strong>ary activities of the company.Moreover, 50% of all other <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>come is exempt from <strong>in</strong>cometax and is subject to special defence contribution at 10%.(d) Tax treatment of lossesSubject to certa<strong>in</strong> conditions, tax losses can be carried forward andset off aga<strong>in</strong>st future profits <strong>in</strong>def<strong>in</strong>itely; applicable for losses<strong>in</strong>curred <strong>in</strong> 1997 and thereafter. In addition, the loss of a <strong>Cyprus</strong>tax resident company can be set off aga<strong>in</strong>st the profit of another<strong>Cyprus</strong> tax resident company <strong>in</strong> case they belong to the same groupof companies. Subject to certa<strong>in</strong> conditions, companies belong toa group when one company holds at least 75% of the ord<strong>in</strong>ary sharecapital and the vot<strong>in</strong>g rights of another company. Losses from apermanent establishment abroad can be set off aga<strong>in</strong>st profitsearned by a company <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>.(e) Profits of permanent establishments abroadThe profits of permanent establishments abroad are not subject to<strong>in</strong>come tax <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>, given that less than 50% of their activitiesresult <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>vestment <strong>in</strong>come, and that the foreign tax suffered isnot significantly lower than the tax payable <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>.(f) Disposal of securitiesProfits ga<strong>in</strong>ed from the sale of securities listed on a recognisedStock Exchange are exempt from tax for all companies.(g) ReorganisationsTransfers of assets and liabilities between companies <strong>in</strong> the courseof reorganisations, such as mergers, demergers, transfer of activitiesor exchange of shares, are not subject to tax.(a) Income tax ratesThe follow<strong>in</strong>g tax rates apply:Foreign pensions are taxed at the rate of 5%, while an annualexemption of C£2.000 is granted.Moreover, 20% exemption of emoluments or C£5.000, whichever isthe lowest, is granted <strong>in</strong> the case of non-residents start<strong>in</strong>gemployment <strong>in</strong> the Republic, for a period of 3 years after the 1stof January follow<strong>in</strong>g the year of commencement of the employment.(b) Tax on dividendsDividends are exempt from <strong>in</strong>come tax. Subject to certa<strong>in</strong> conditions,dividends are subject to special contribution for the defence at therate of 15%, applicable only to residents.(c) Tax on <strong>in</strong>terestThe total <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>come derived by <strong>in</strong>dividuals is not subject to<strong>in</strong>come tax <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>. Interest <strong>in</strong>come from sav<strong>in</strong>g bonds, developmentbonds, deposits with hous<strong>in</strong>g f<strong>in</strong>ance corporation and providentfund is subject to special contribution for the defence.(d) Tax treatment of lossesThe losses of current year, as well as that of previous years, arededucted from the taxable <strong>in</strong>come, subject to certa<strong>in</strong> conditions.(e) Profits of permanent establishments abroadThe profits of permanent establishments abroad are exempt fromtax under certa<strong>in</strong> conditions.(f) Disposal of securitiesProfits ga<strong>in</strong>ed from the sale of securities listed on a recognisedStock Exchange are exempt from tax for all companies. Securities<strong>in</strong>clude shares, bonds, debentures, founders' shares and othersecurities of companies or other legal persons, <strong>in</strong>corporated <strong>in</strong><strong>Cyprus</strong> or abroad and options thereon.(g) Remuneration by services rendered abroadSalary earned abroad, by rendered services to a non-<strong>Cyprus</strong> residentemployer or foreign permanent establishment of a <strong>Cyprus</strong> residentemployer, for a period of more than 90 days <strong>in</strong> a tax year, is notsubject to tax.(h) Other <strong>in</strong>comeTaxable Income (C£)Up to 10.00010.001 - 15.00015.001 - 20.000Over 20.000Tax Rate (%)Nil20%25%30%Income received <strong>in</strong> the form of retir<strong>in</strong>g gratuity, compensation fordeath or <strong>in</strong>juries, provident fund, pension fund, or other approvedfunds, is exempt from tax.(h) Foreign tax creditTax relief of foreign tax paid is granted <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong> even <strong>in</strong> theabsence of a double-taxation treaty, provided sufficient evidenceis submitted that foreign tax was <strong>in</strong>deed paid. Hence, <strong>Cyprus</strong> turns<strong>in</strong>to a lucrative hub for establish<strong>in</strong>g hold<strong>in</strong>g companies.(i) Deposits to Hous<strong>in</strong>g F<strong>in</strong>ance Corporations40% of the amount deposited to the Hous<strong>in</strong>g F<strong>in</strong>ance Corporationsis exempt from tax; given that the deposit amount does not exceedthe 25% of the <strong>in</strong>dividual's total <strong>in</strong>come. The exemption appliesonly for the deposit schemes that existed as at 30 April 2003.Appendix 2 > Tax Policy 41

VALUE ADDED TAXVAT is charged on every taxable supply of goods or services, that ison every supply of goods or services made with<strong>in</strong> the Republic, bya taxable person <strong>in</strong> the course or furtherance of any bus<strong>in</strong>ess carriedon by him, other than a supply exempted <strong>in</strong> accordance with theprovisions of the Law. Additionally, VAT is charged on the importationof goods <strong>in</strong>to the Republic and on the acquisition of goods fromother member states.VAT as an <strong>in</strong>direct form of taxation <strong>in</strong>tended to burden consumptionexpenditure. It is an <strong>in</strong>direct tax because the trader / taxable personacts as an agent of the VAT Service, collect<strong>in</strong>g VAT from customers/ consumers on its behalf and return<strong>in</strong>g the tax to the Republic.VAT is imposed on supplies and collected at every stage of theproduction, transportation and distribution of goods and services.(a) VAT RatesThe legislation provides for the follow<strong>in</strong>g tax rates:Standard rate 15%Reduced rate 8%Reduced rate 5%Zero rate 0%VAT is charged on every supply of goods or services at the standardrate of fifteen per cent (15%). The reduced rate of 5% is imposedon the supply of coff<strong>in</strong>s, services supplied by undertakers, servicesof writers, artists , on the supply of fertilisers, foodstuff for animal,live animals, seeds, non bottled water, newspapers, books, periodicals,certa<strong>in</strong> products for persons with special need, ice cream, certa<strong>in</strong>types of nuts (salted, etc), transport of passengers and theiraccompany<strong>in</strong>g luggage with urban and rural buses, the lett<strong>in</strong>g ofcamp<strong>in</strong>g sites and caravan parks.As from 1 August 2005, the follow<strong>in</strong>g are taxable at the reducedVAT rate of 8%: transport of passengers and their accompany<strong>in</strong>gluggage with<strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>, with urban, suburban and rural taxis as wellas with tour and suburban buses.The VAT reduced rate of 8% is also imposed as from 1 January 2006on the services of restaurants and the supply of food <strong>in</strong> the courseof cater<strong>in</strong>g except the supply of alcoholic beverages w<strong>in</strong>e and beer,which is chargeable at 15%, as well as on the provision ofaccommodation <strong>in</strong> the hotel sector or <strong>in</strong> sectors with a similarcharacter. As from 1 January, 2006, the transport of passengers andtheir accompany<strong>in</strong>g luggage by sea, with<strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong> is taxable at theVAT rate of 8%.Certa<strong>in</strong> supplies of goods or services are zero-rated; the supply,hir<strong>in</strong>g and repair of sea-go<strong>in</strong>g vessels and aircrafts, the supply ofservices to meet the direct needs of sea-go<strong>in</strong>g vessels, the supplyof goods entered <strong>in</strong>to customs regime, the supply of medic<strong>in</strong>es andfood - except the supply of food <strong>in</strong> the course of cater<strong>in</strong>g. In addition,a supply of goods is zero-rated if the VAT Commissioner is satisfiedthat the goods have been exported or supplied to a registered person<strong>in</strong> another member state.No VAT is charged on supplies of goods or services which are exemptedunder the VAT legislation; leas<strong>in</strong>g or lett<strong>in</strong>g of immovable property,the supply of immovable property with the exception of build<strong>in</strong>gsotr parts of build<strong>in</strong>gs and the land on which they stand if theapplication for a build<strong>in</strong>g permit was submitted after the 1st May,2004, f<strong>in</strong>ancial services, lotteries, medical care, social welfare,education, sports, cultural services, <strong>in</strong>surance transactions, etc.follow<strong>in</strong>g the relevant month or from such earlier date as may beagreed between the person and the VAT Officer.If a person is liable to be registered by virtue of (ii), he is obligedto notify the VAT Commissioner of his liability by submitt<strong>in</strong>g an"Application for Registration <strong>in</strong> the VAT Register" (Form VAT 101) tothe local VAT Office, before the end of thirty-day period to whichthe liability arises and the registration is effective as from thebeg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of this period.Fail<strong>in</strong>g to comply, the person is liable to a levy of C£50 for everymonth or part of month of the delay or refusal or omission.It is clarified that the liability of a taxable person to be registeredexists whether or not he has submitted an application for registration.The VAT Commissioner is authorised by the Law to register a taxableperson retrospectively, that is from the date that person was,accord<strong>in</strong>g to the Law, liable to registration. If a taxable personliable to registration neglects to be registered, he is still liable topay tax on all the supplies he made from the date he was liable toregistration.It is noted that persons mak<strong>in</strong>g zero-rated supplies are also liableto be registered.(c) Tax returns, tax payment and creditEvery taxable person is liable to submit Tax Declarations (Form:VAT 4) and pay the tax that may be due, usually every three months.Tax declarations relate to certa<strong>in</strong> tax periods that are made knownto the taxable person at the stage of his registration. The VATService dispatches tax declarations to the last known address of aregistered person. The liability to submit tax declarations existsregardless of the relevant form be<strong>in</strong>g received or not by the taxableperson. Thus, if he has not received it on time, he should contactthe VAT Office of his district and ask for the form to be reissued.Tax declarations could be submitted either by mail, by hand atdistrict VAT offices or electronically us<strong>in</strong>g the TAXISnet(http://taxisnet.mof.gov.cy) service.On the tax declarations, taxable persons calculate their output tax(the tax on supplies of goods or services they made dur<strong>in</strong>g therelevant tax period and the VAT calculated on the acquisition ofgoods from other member states) and their <strong>in</strong>put tax (the tax onsupplies of goods or services made to them, the tax calculated onthe acquisition of goods from other member states, as well as thetax paid on the importation of goods). The difference of the twoamounts is either paid to the VAT Commissioner (debit balance) orcarried forward to the next period (credit balance).VAT legislation provides for certa<strong>in</strong> cases <strong>in</strong> which the credit balancemay be refunded to taxable persons. These cases are listed <strong>in</strong> thegeneral order issued on 22 August 2003.No right for credit of tax is allowed if the expenditure <strong>in</strong>volvedconcerns, vehicles up to n<strong>in</strong>e seats not <strong>in</strong>tended for resale, receptionsand enterta<strong>in</strong>ment for others than the employees of the bus<strong>in</strong>essand accommodation expenses for the directors of a company.When a taxable person makes exempted supplies as well as taxablesupplies, his <strong>in</strong>put tax should be apportioned.(b) RegistrationAccord<strong>in</strong>g to the VAT legislation, every person mak<strong>in</strong>g taxable suppliesis liable to be registered <strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g cases:(i) At the end of any month, if the value of his taxable supplies<strong>in</strong> the period of one year then end<strong>in</strong>g has exceeded C£9.000(ii) At any time, if there are reasonable grounds for believ<strong>in</strong>gthat the value of his taxable supplies <strong>in</strong> the period of thirtydays then beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g will exceed C£9.000.A person who by virtue of (i) is liable to be registered, is obligedto notify the VAT Commissioner of his liability by submitt<strong>in</strong>g an"Application for Registration <strong>in</strong> the VAT Register" (Form VAT 101) tothe local VAT Office, with<strong>in</strong> thirty days of the end of the relevantmonth and his registration is effective as from the end of the month42 <strong>Cyprus</strong> > A guide for foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors

NotesAppendix 3(1) The number <strong>in</strong>cludes an estimation of the population of occupied<strong>Cyprus</strong>. The population <strong>in</strong> the government controlled area isestimated at 749.200 (Jan 2005) compared to 730.400 <strong>in</strong> theprevious year.(2) The <strong>in</strong>dicator gives the price <strong>in</strong> Euro of a 10 m<strong>in</strong>ute call at11 a.m. on a weekday (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g VAT) for a local / national call(3km / 200km). The prices refer to August each year. Normaltariffs without special rates are used.(3) The <strong>in</strong>dicator gives the price <strong>in</strong> Euro of a 10 m<strong>in</strong>ute call at11 a.m. on a weekday (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g VAT) for an <strong>in</strong>ternational call(to the United States). The prices refer to August each year.Normal tariffs of the <strong>in</strong>cumbent operator without special ratesare used.(4) Based on a rate of exchange: C£1 = €1,7336(5) Provisional Figures.(6) (a) Third country nationals: In the case of executives, theapplication (Form M61) is submitted to the Civil Registry andMigration Department. For non-executives the application (M61)is submitted to the District Aliens and Immigration Branch ofthe Police. The application must be accompanied by a contractof employment stamped by the Labour Office.Application fee C£20.(b) EU Nationals: In the case of executives, the application(Form MEU1/MEU2) is submitted to the Civil Registry andMigration Department. For non-executives the application (FormMEU1/MEU2) is submitted to the District Aliens and ImmigrationBranch of the Police.Application fee C£5.(7) The term "ship management services" <strong>in</strong>cludes crew recruitment,plus services <strong>in</strong> relation to technical and f<strong>in</strong>ancial managementof the ship, under certa<strong>in</strong> conditions.It must be noted that thespecial tax regime of shipmanagers operat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the Republicof <strong>Cyprus</strong>, offers now the possibility for the shipmanagers tobe exempted from the relevant tax <strong>in</strong> respect also of anyCommunity ship to which the provision of shipmanagementservices <strong>in</strong> relation to its crew<strong>in</strong>g and technical managementis entirely contracted to a <strong>Cyprus</strong> or a Community ship managementcompany, which has an office <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong> staffed with a sufficient<strong>in</strong> number and qualifications personnel, for technical,adm<strong>in</strong>istration and account<strong>in</strong>g matters relat<strong>in</strong>g to ships.(8) Provided the direct hold<strong>in</strong>g is at least 1% of the share capitalof the overseas company. The exemption does not apply if thesubsidiary company engages <strong>in</strong> more than 50% of its activities<strong>in</strong> produc<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>vestment <strong>in</strong>come and the foreign tax burden onits <strong>in</strong>come is substantially lower than that <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>.(9) As def<strong>in</strong>ed under the Statistical Classification of EconomicActivities NACE, Rev.1.1 of the European Union.(10) Based on the new Commission Recommendation of 2003/361/ECby EC, an enterprise is considered to be any entity engaged <strong>in</strong>an economic activity, irrespective of its legal form. This <strong>in</strong>cludes,<strong>in</strong> particular, self-employed persons and family bus<strong>in</strong>essesengaged <strong>in</strong> craft or other activities, and partnerships orassociations regularly engaged <strong>in</strong> an economic activity.Enterprise category Headcount Turnover and/or Balance sheetMedium-sized < 250 < € 50 million < € 43 millionSmall < 50 < € 10 million < € 10 millionMicro < 10 < € 2 million < € 2 million(11) Accord<strong>in</strong>g to the Commission Regulation (EC) No 69/2001 of12 January 2001, the De M<strong>in</strong>imis Rule imposes that:The total De M<strong>in</strong>imis Aid granted to any one enterprise shallnot exceed C£57.000 (€100.000) over any period of three yearsbeg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g from the time that the first De M<strong>in</strong>imis Aid is granted.This ceil<strong>in</strong>g shall apply irrespective of the form of the aidor the objective pursued.The ceil<strong>in</strong>g shall be expressed as a cash grant.The ceil<strong>in</strong>g will apply to the total of all public assistanceconsidered to be De M<strong>in</strong>imis Aid.This Regulation applies to aid granted to enterprises <strong>in</strong> allsectors, with the exception of:(a) The transport sector and the activities l<strong>in</strong>ked to theproduction, process<strong>in</strong>g or market<strong>in</strong>g of products listed <strong>in</strong>Annex 1 of the EC Treaty.(b) Aid to export-related activities, namely aid directly l<strong>in</strong>kedto the quantities exported, to the establishment andoperation of a distribution network or to other currentexpenditure l<strong>in</strong>ked to the export activity.(c) Aid cont<strong>in</strong>gent upon the use of domestic over importedgoods.Image Credits:Satellite image of <strong>Cyprus</strong> on page 3: provided by the SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, and ORBIMAGESatellite image of <strong>Cyprus</strong> on page 6: courtesy of Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Land TeamImage of the University of <strong>Cyprus</strong> campus on page 24: courtesy of the University of <strong>Cyprus</strong>Image of the Central Bank of <strong>Cyprus</strong> headquarters on page 27: courtesy of the Central Bank of <strong>Cyprus</strong>Image of Nicosia on page 31: courtesy of the Central Bank of <strong>Cyprus</strong>. Photo by Takis SpyropoulosImage of a <strong>Cyprus</strong> Airways airplane on page 32: courtesy of the <strong>Cyprus</strong> AirwaysImage of the power station at Vasiliko on page 33: courtesy of the Electricity Authority of <strong>Cyprus</strong> (EAC)Image of a commercial ship on page 34: courtesy of the Central Bank of <strong>Cyprus</strong>Appendix 3 > Notes 43

www.<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>cyprus.gov.cy@ your serviceOur agency is committed to dynamically and flexibly contribute tothe effective promotion of <strong>Cyprus</strong> as an <strong>in</strong>ternational <strong>in</strong>vestmentand bus<strong>in</strong>ess centre. We operate as a full-service centre for foreignbased companies explor<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>vestment opportunities <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>,and we are dedicated to provid<strong>in</strong>g you with the best servicepossible.Specifically, our agency's activities <strong>in</strong>clude:Provision of best practice <strong>in</strong>formation and guidance to potential<strong>in</strong>vestors <strong>in</strong> implement<strong>in</strong>g a project <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>Liais<strong>in</strong>g with various governmental departments and facilitat<strong>in</strong>gthe process of obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the necessary licences, required forthe implementation a projectProvision of aftercare development aimed at anchor<strong>in</strong>g exist<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>vestors and encourag<strong>in</strong>g them to upgrade their activities <strong>in</strong><strong>Cyprus</strong>Provision of advice regard<strong>in</strong>g the various benefits offeredPromotion of <strong>Cyprus</strong> as an <strong>in</strong>ternational bus<strong>in</strong>ess and R&D centreWe look forward to assist<strong>in</strong>g you <strong>in</strong> explor<strong>in</strong>g the competitiveadvantages of <strong>Cyprus</strong> as an <strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>g dest<strong>in</strong>ation.Foreign Investors Service CentreM<strong>in</strong>istry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism1421 Nicosia - <strong>Cyprus</strong>Tel.: +357 22 867239 / 867143Fax: +357 22 375541e-mail: ids@mcit.gov.cywww.<strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>cyprus.gov.cy44

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