Rosicrucian Beacon Magazine - 2013-06 - AMORC

Rosicrucian Beacon Magazine - 2013-06 - AMORC Rosicrucian Beacon Magazine - 2013-06 - AMORC


18If you think about and identify yourself with happiness, you will attract happiness to your life.must act intuitively to change your idea into its materialmanifestation.Rosicrucians emphasise the crucial value ofeffective concentration; it truly is the key to a happylife. Through concentration you build an image withinthat will, when properly formed, manifest in your life.Many people fail to concentrate successfully because theythink that concentration requires the use of will power,demands too much effort, and really would rather skipthis unwelcome requirement. If they concentrate at all,it is usually a tensing of the muscles around the face andthey grit their teeth, frown and clench their hands likean unwitting application of the principle of an engineer’sIf you want a photo of an object, you aim yourcamera quietly, steadily, almost effortlessly onthe object.drill. They believe the more pressure they apply, the fasterthey will get through. But all this is quite wrong.Forget the drill and think of a digital cameraor the camera application on a mobile phone instead.There is of course no question of pressure, only of propercoordination and timing. And this is the great secret:correct aim, clear focus, proper coordination and goodtiming. If you want a photo of an object, you aim yourcamera quietly, steadily, almost effortlessly on the object.You don’t press violently on the button and you don’tmove the camera from one item to another before theimage has been recorded. If you do, the photo becomesa crazy blur.The same is true of the picture you are developingin your mind. When you don’t keep your thoughtsconcentrated for any length of time, you accomplishprecisely…, nothing! Some people, in attempting toconcentrate, think health for a few minutes and thenthey think sickness or fear for the rest of the time. Theythink prosperity, and then they worry about their debtsand how they are going to pay their bills. They thinkabout bodily perfection and then they think about oldage creeping up on them, their aches and pains, and howmuch health insurance they need to pay for their illnesses.Is it any wonder they are so apt to demonstrate a hazy,blurred image?Note that I do not advocate taking one thoughtand trying to hold it by brute force. That is the sledgehammerapproach and seldom if ever works. Youmust allow a train of relevant thoughts to havefree play in your mind, one leading naturally tothe next. There has to be an intellectual contextto the main thought you wish to focus on, andthat context, those supporting backgroundthoughts must all be positive, constructive, harmonious,and all pertaining to your desire. By thinking quietlyand without effort you will easily form a mental imageof all-round success in your endeavour. When you havean image of success in your mind, success will follow inyour outer experiences in the form of a healthier physicalbody, happier relationships, more productive work, andfuller spiritual development. Remember…, as within, sowithout!Power of AffirmationsHow are you using the power of affirmations? Do youtell your friends about your problems, and then explainthat you are using affirmations to rid yourself of theThe Rosicrucian Beacon -- June 2013© Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC

problem? If so, you are strongly affirming the existenceof the problem which is the very thing you are trying toget rid of. If you tell your friends you are going to workon your rheumatism or on your lack of finances, or yourundesirable relationships, you are making these thingsvery real in your subconscious mind.So, what to do? Change your mindconcerning the problem and forget the problemfor a period of time, say for a month. Truly you’llbe astonished at the results. To keep lookingfor any improvement in the condition is likeconstantly reinforcing the problem. The secretis to forget the problem and have your thoughts focusedinstead on the new condition you wish to introduce.Believe what you are thinking and act as though the newcondition were already in existence in the world ‘out there’.If you do this, the new condition will soon enough appearin the outer world, for your outer world is but a projectionof your inner world.Our true thoughts and beliefs are projected in ourdaily experiences, and correspond with the circumstancesof our lives. True activity always comes from within andis manifested outward. False activity tries to work fromwithout inward. As with the seed and the egg I mentionedearlier, growth comes from within. The seed and the eggcontain everything necessary to bring forth life in a visibleform. The mustard seed is so small you can hardly see itwhen you put it in the soil. But it will burst forth fromwithin and produce a plant a metre tall. If you undertakesome project because you have been inspired from within,remember to follow that inner urge, for it will lead youto success.habits, which create circumstances of failure. Impurethoughts of every kind, thoughts of an envious, jealous,revengeful, critical or destructive nature, crystallise intounwanted disturbing habits.On the other hand, beautiful thoughts crystalliseinto habits of grace, refinement and kindness, whichYou know that if you are to be successful inbusiness, you must love your work and beinspired from within to take positive action.solidify into genial, cheerful and pleasant circumstances.Pure thoughts of love, health and happiness developinto habits of temperance, self-control and peace. Just aslovely, pleasing, enjoyable thoughts produce a sweet andsunny disposition, so do sour, disagreeable and offensivethoughts result in a sour and unattractive face. A particulartrain of thought persisted in, be it good or bad, cannot failto produce its results in your character and in your world.So look at yourself and your circumstances. Areyou pleased with what you see? If you wish to improveyour circumstances you must improve yourself. Begin thenby changing your thoughts. The suffering you encounterin your circumstances is a result at least partially of yourown inharmonious thoughts. And the peace and harmonyyou can attain in your life is a result of your own mentalharmony within.You are meant to be a happy, healthy and successfulperson. Happiness, health and success are the result ofa harmonious adjustment of the inner with the outer.Remember…, as within, so without!The Infinite MindYou know that if you are to be successful in business,you must love your work and be inspired from withinto take positive action. The same is true in your mysticaldevelopment. If you insincerely pray and meditate fromthe outside, maybe in an effort to impress others, yourefforts will be in vain. But if you turn your consciousnesswithin, so as to attune with and accept the guidancefrom the Infinite Mind already within you, your spiritualgrowth will be apparent and will be reflected in thecircumstances of your life.The Master Jesus said: “As a man thinkethin his heart, so is he.” I concur with that, for thoughtsrapidly crystallise into habits, and habits solidify intocircumstances. The real you then, is reflected in thecircumstances of your life, and those circumstancesultimately stem from your thoughts. Thoughts of fear,doubt and indecision crystallise into weak and irresoluteForget the drill andthink instead of adigital camera or thecamera app on yourmobile phone.© Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC The Rosicrucian Beacon -- June 201319

problem? If so, you are strongly affirming the existenceof the problem which is the very thing you are trying toget rid of. If you tell your friends you are going to workon your rheumatism or on your lack of finances, or yourundesirable relationships, you are making these thingsvery real in your subconscious mind.So, what to do? Change your mindconcerning the problem and forget the problemfor a period of time, say for a month. Truly you’llbe astonished at the results. To keep lookingfor any improvement in the condition is likeconstantly reinforcing the problem. The secretis to forget the problem and have your thoughts focusedinstead on the new condition you wish to introduce.Believe what you are thinking and act as though the newcondition were already in existence in the world ‘out there’.If you do this, the new condition will soon enough appearin the outer world, for your outer world is but a projectionof your inner world.Our true thoughts and beliefs are projected in ourdaily experiences, and correspond with the circumstancesof our lives. True activity always comes from within andis manifested outward. False activity tries to work fromwithout inward. As with the seed and the egg I mentionedearlier, growth comes from within. The seed and the eggcontain everything necessary to bring forth life in a visibleform. The mustard seed is so small you can hardly see itwhen you put it in the soil. But it will burst forth fromwithin and produce a plant a metre tall. If you undertakesome project because you have been inspired from within,remember to follow that inner urge, for it will lead youto success.habits, which create circumstances of failure. Impurethoughts of every kind, thoughts of an envious, jealous,revengeful, critical or destructive nature, crystallise intounwanted disturbing habits.On the other hand, beautiful thoughts crystalliseinto habits of grace, refinement and kindness, whichYou know that if you are to be successful inbusiness, you must love your work and beinspired from within to take positive action.solidify into genial, cheerful and pleasant circumstances.Pure thoughts of love, health and happiness developinto habits of temperance, self-control and peace. Just aslovely, pleasing, enjoyable thoughts produce a sweet andsunny disposition, so do sour, disagreeable and offensivethoughts result in a sour and unattractive face. A particulartrain of thought persisted in, be it good or bad, cannot failto produce its results in your character and in your world.So look at yourself and your circumstances. Areyou pleased with what you see? If you wish to improveyour circumstances you must improve yourself. Begin thenby changing your thoughts. The suffering you encounterin your circumstances is a result at least partially of yourown inharmonious thoughts. And the peace and harmonyyou can attain in your life is a result of your own mentalharmony within.You are meant to be a happy, healthy and successfulperson. Happiness, health and success are the result ofa harmonious adjustment of the inner with the outer.Remember…, as within, so without!The Infinite MindYou know that if you are to be successful in business,you must love your work and be inspired from withinto take positive action. The same is true in your mysticaldevelopment. If you insincerely pray and meditate fromthe outside, maybe in an effort to impress others, yourefforts will be in vain. But if you turn your consciousnesswithin, so as to attune with and accept the guidancefrom the Infinite Mind already within you, your spiritualgrowth will be apparent and will be reflected in thecircumstances of your life.The Master Jesus said: “As a man thinkethin his heart, so is he.” I concur with that, for thoughtsrapidly crystallise into habits, and habits solidify intocircumstances. The real you then, is reflected in thecircumstances of your life, and those circumstancesultimately stem from your thoughts. Thoughts of fear,doubt and indecision crystallise into weak and irresoluteForget the drill andthink instead of adigital camera or thecamera app on yourmobile phone.© Supreme Grand Lodge of <strong>AMORC</strong> The <strong>Rosicrucian</strong> <strong>Beacon</strong> -- June <strong>2013</strong>19

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