Rosicrucian Beacon Magazine - 2013-06 - AMORC

Rosicrucian Beacon Magazine - 2013-06 - AMORC Rosicrucian Beacon Magazine - 2013-06 - AMORC


and taken in by a young man and his mother. Her namewas Anna and she had a very intimate and communicativerelationship with ‘Mr. God.’ One day she was walkingdown the street and was suddenly completely captivatedby a patch of rust on some railings. She became veryexcited by this and stopped each passer-by to show themwhat she had found. The response was always the same;a pat on the head and a look of pity for this sweet butstrange girl.The reason that Anna failed to get any of thepassers-by excited about what she saw, was because allthey could see was a bland bit of brown rust on some oldrailings that badly needed a lick of paint. What Annasaw in the rust however, was a world of sparkling colour,beautiful texture and glistening light. This incidentillustrates the difference between merely looking asopposed to seeing what are to many the hidden beautiesof the world.10Creating BeautyI never saw an ugly thing in my life: for let the form of anobject be what it may – light, shade, and perspective willalways make it beautiful – John Constable (1776 – 1837)Most of the time, the majority of us only casually look atthe world around us. Occasionally we may see somethingthat takes our breath away, such as a beautiful sunset, andwe then may feel something of what I have described.However, how often do we actually see such a sunset inthis country? Why wait for such moments when, with aBeauty is not only physical of course. Beauty canalso be found in our thoughts, emotions andactions.little effort, we can actively look for and really begin tosee and feel the beauty that is all around us all the time?And of course, beauty is not only to be found in nature.While we humans are most certainly very capableof creating ugliness in this world, we also have a remarkablecapacity to create beauty and thankfully we don’t alwayshave to wait for that dry, warm day to seek it out. Beautycan be found everywhere if we look. It may be found inan art gallery, a museum, an aquarium or any number ofplaces that exhibit natural or manmade works of art. Itmay simply be found in a vase on a windowsill or in theglossy photographs within the pages of a book. And letus not forget that beauty is not just to be observed withour visual sense. We have four other physical senses withwhich we can discover the beauties of this world.Beauty can be found everywhere if we look,It may simply be found in a vase on a windowsill.Beauty is not only physical of course. Beauty canalso be found in our thoughts, emotions and actions. Wecould get truly philosophical about it and assert that beautyis a state of consciousness only and that it exists only in themind. For the purposes of this article it matters only thatbeauty is something we experience and surely it is somethingwe all seek. It is hard to imagine anyone actively seeking tobring ugliness into their life. However, rather than just seekit, can we not also make a point of adding to the beauty ofthis world? As individuals we can all do this. For instance,do we not contribute to a beautiful world when we plantseeds or young plants and nurture them into maturity?We can make our homes and our gardens,and even where we work, places of beauty. We canhelp to keep our natural environment beautifulby avoiding despoiling it in any way. We canadd to the beauty of this world by buying onlyitems that are of real quality rather than buyingcheaply and poorly made massed produced goods, as thiscreates a demand for craftsmanship. Likewise, supportingbusinesses that are ethical in their approach and practiceshelps to create a better and more beautiful world for all.We can also help add beauty to this world bysupporting those outstanding organisations that helpprotect the environment, help those in crisis or work forpeace in this world. Most importantly, we can contributeto the beauty of this world by ensuring that our ownthoughts are only for peace and beauty and our conductadmirable in all respects. Look for and enjoy the beautyin this world. Actively seek it and look more closely at theworld around you. Seek it everywhere you look, listen forit, feel for it and, most importantly of all, take time to seekit also within your own being.The Rosicrucian Beacon -- June 2013© Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC

and taken in by a young man and his mother. Her namewas Anna and she had a very intimate and communicativerelationship with ‘Mr. God.’ One day she was walkingdown the street and was suddenly completely captivatedby a patch of rust on some railings. She became veryexcited by this and stopped each passer-by to show themwhat she had found. The response was always the same;a pat on the head and a look of pity for this sweet butstrange girl.The reason that Anna failed to get any of thepassers-by excited about what she saw, was because allthey could see was a bland bit of brown rust on some oldrailings that badly needed a lick of paint. What Annasaw in the rust however, was a world of sparkling colour,beautiful texture and glistening light. This incidentillustrates the difference between merely looking asopposed to seeing what are to many the hidden beautiesof the world.10Creating BeautyI never saw an ugly thing in my life: for let the form of anobject be what it may – light, shade, and perspective willalways make it beautiful – John Constable (1776 – 1837)Most of the time, the majority of us only casually look atthe world around us. Occasionally we may see somethingthat takes our breath away, such as a beautiful sunset, andwe then may feel something of what I have described.However, how often do we actually see such a sunset inthis country? Why wait for such moments when, with aBeauty is not only physical of course. Beauty canalso be found in our thoughts, emotions andactions.little effort, we can actively look for and really begin tosee and feel the beauty that is all around us all the time?And of course, beauty is not only to be found in nature.While we humans are most certainly very capableof creating ugliness in this world, we also have a remarkablecapacity to create beauty and thankfully we don’t alwayshave to wait for that dry, warm day to seek it out. Beautycan be found everywhere if we look. It may be found inan art gallery, a museum, an aquarium or any number ofplaces that exhibit natural or manmade works of art. Itmay simply be found in a vase on a windowsill or in theglossy photographs within the pages of a book. And letus not forget that beauty is not just to be observed withour visual sense. We have four other physical senses withwhich we can discover the beauties of this world.Beauty can be found everywhere if we look,It may simply be found in a vase on a windowsill.Beauty is not only physical of course. Beauty canalso be found in our thoughts, emotions and actions. Wecould get truly philosophical about it and assert that beautyis a state of consciousness only and that it exists only in themind. For the purposes of this article it matters only thatbeauty is something we experience and surely it is somethingwe all seek. It is hard to imagine anyone actively seeking tobring ugliness into their life. However, rather than just seekit, can we not also make a point of adding to the beauty ofthis world? As individuals we can all do this. For instance,do we not contribute to a beautiful world when we plantseeds or young plants and nurture them into maturity?We can make our homes and our gardens,and even where we work, places of beauty. We canhelp to keep our natural environment beautifulby avoiding despoiling it in any way. We canadd to the beauty of this world by buying onlyitems that are of real quality rather than buyingcheaply and poorly made massed produced goods, as thiscreates a demand for craftsmanship. Likewise, supportingbusinesses that are ethical in their approach and practiceshelps to create a better and more beautiful world for all.We can also help add beauty to this world bysupporting those outstanding organisations that helpprotect the environment, help those in crisis or work forpeace in this world. Most importantly, we can contributeto the beauty of this world by ensuring that our ownthoughts are only for peace and beauty and our conductadmirable in all respects. Look for and enjoy the beautyin this world. Actively seek it and look more closely at theworld around you. Seek it everywhere you look, listen forit, feel for it and, most importantly of all, take time to seekit also within your own being.The <strong>Rosicrucian</strong> <strong>Beacon</strong> -- June <strong>2013</strong>© Supreme Grand Lodge of <strong>AMORC</strong>

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