2007 Annual Report - Central Queensland University

2007 Annual Report - Central Queensland University 2007 Annual Report - Central Queensland University


2007 Centre for Plant & Water Science Annual Report6 June 2007: p 1-18. (CD ROM)Gyasi-Agyei, Y., Fox, J., Bhattarai, S., McSweeney, T., Nissen, D. (2007). “Advances in steep slope(batter) erosion control.” Proceedings of International Conference on Adaptive Science &Technology (10-12 Dec. 2007): p161-168.Hathurusingha, H.M.S.D., Ashwath, N. (2007). “Beauty Leaf (Calophyllum inophyllum L.), tree: a treewith great economic potential.” Twelfth International Forestry and Environment Symposium 2007Green Solutions. Kalutara, Sri Lanka. 12: p20.Kele, B., Sinclair, W., Hood, B., Midmore, D.J., Bembridge, J. and Percival, R. (2007). “Explaining themysteries of nitrogen and phosphorus in on-site wastewater.” In: On-Site ’07, Armidale, LanfaxLaboratories.Midmore, D.J., Bhattarai. S., Pendergast, L., Torabi, M. (2007). “Oxygation: aeration of subsurface dripirrigation water and its advantages for crop production.” Australian National Committee -International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage Incorporated. Bundaberg, 19-21 August. p1-3.Midmore, D.J., Roe, B. (2007). “Integrated aquaculture, hydroponics and vermiculture for foodproduction.” In: Moraitis Hydroponics 2007 Australian & Greenhouse Industry National conference‘Challenges for the Future’, Launceston, 24-27 June. pp 53-58. [Invited presentation]Qureshi, M S., Midmore, D.J., Syeda, S.S. (2007). “Habitat manipulation: an option to minimisesynthetic pesticides and reduce pollution.” International Congress of Chemistry and Environment.Radison Sas - Kuwait. 3: p708-717.Rahman, M.M., Rasul, M.G., Khan, M.M.K., Harrower, K.M. (2007) “An analysis of airborne fungalspore concentration in buildings in a subtropical climate.” 5th International Symposium on Heating,Ventilating and Air Conditioning, Beijing, China. p1-7.Syeda, S.S., Midmore, D.J., Qureshi, M.S., Reid, D.J. (2007). “Acid mine drainage from the historic MtMorgan gold mine: devastating to river water quality, and fish.” International Congress of Chemistryand Environment. Radison Sas, Kuwait. 3: p1-26.Yang, Z.J, Midmore, D.J. (2007). “Self-organized resource allocation and growth partitioning at thewhole plant level: a modeling study.” 5th International Workshop on Functional Structural PlantModels, 4-8 November, Napier, New Zealand. pp 6.1-6.3.Non DESTSinclair, B., Jones, A. (2007). "Climate change, global & glowing coral." Scottish Diver.September/October 2007: p28-29.Sinclair, B., Farrell, K. (2007). “Hopes rise for coral sea reefs.” Scottish Diver. July/August 2007: p24-29.Conference –No ProceedingsAshwath, N. (2007). “Biotechnology BIOAAROHAN 2007”, University of Agricultural Sciences,Bangalore, India, 14 - 26 February 2007.Midmore, D.J. (2007). “Recycling urban organic matter via vermiculture and roof-top aquaponics.” In:Green Roofs for Australia. Brisbane Technology Park, Brisbane, 22-23 February, 2007. [Invitedpresentation]Midmore, D.J., Bhattarai, S.P. and Pendergast, L. (2007). “Oxygation – can roots respond to additionaloxygen?” In: Root and Soil Biology in Agriculture: towards a better integration. CSIRO PlantIndustry, Canberra, 31 January – 3 February, 2007. [Invited presentation]Subedi, P., Walsh, K. (2007). “SWNIR spectroscopy of citric acid.” 13 th International NIR Conference,Umea, Sweden, 16-21 June 2007.Walsh, K. (2007). “NIR and fruit grading.” On-line NIR Conference, Braunschweig, Germany. July2007. [Invited paper]6

<strong>2007</strong> Centre for Plant & Water Science <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>6 June <strong>2007</strong>: p 1-18. (CD ROM)Gyasi-Agyei, Y., Fox, J., Bhattarai, S., McSweeney, T., Nissen, D. (<strong>2007</strong>). “Advances in steep slope(batter) erosion control.” Proceedings of International Conference on Adaptive Science &Technology (10-12 Dec. <strong>2007</strong>): p161-168.Hathurusingha, H.M.S.D., Ashwath, N. (<strong>2007</strong>). “Beauty Leaf (Calophyllum inophyllum L.), tree: a treewith great economic potential.” Twelfth International Forestry and Environment Symposium <strong>2007</strong>Green Solutions. Kalutara, Sri Lanka. 12: p20.Kele, B., Sinclair, W., Hood, B., Midmore, D.J., Bembridge, J. and Percival, R. (<strong>2007</strong>). “Explaining themysteries of nitrogen and phosphorus in on-site wastewater.” In: On-Site ’07, Armidale, LanfaxLaboratories.Midmore, D.J., Bhattarai. S., Pendergast, L., Torabi, M. (<strong>2007</strong>). “Oxygation: aeration of subsurface dripirrigation water and its advantages for crop production.” Australian National Committee -International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage Incorporated. Bundaberg, 19-21 August. p1-3.Midmore, D.J., Roe, B. (<strong>2007</strong>). “Integrated aquaculture, hydroponics and vermiculture for foodproduction.” In: Moraitis Hydroponics <strong>2007</strong> Australian & Greenhouse Industry National conference‘Challenges for the Future’, Launceston, 24-27 June. pp 53-58. [Invited presentation]Qureshi, M S., Midmore, D.J., Syeda, S.S. (<strong>2007</strong>). “Habitat manipulation: an option to minimisesynthetic pesticides and reduce pollution.” International Congress of Chemistry and Environment.Radison Sas - Kuwait. 3: p708-717.Rahman, M.M., Rasul, M.G., Khan, M.M.K., Harrower, K.M. (<strong>2007</strong>) “An analysis of airborne fungalspore concentration in buildings in a subtropical climate.” 5th International Symposium on Heating,Ventilating and Air Conditioning, Beijing, China. p1-7.Syeda, S.S., Midmore, D.J., Qureshi, M.S., Reid, D.J. (<strong>2007</strong>). “Acid mine drainage from the historic MtMorgan gold mine: devastating to river water quality, and fish.” International Congress of Chemistryand Environment. Radison Sas, Kuwait. 3: p1-26.Yang, Z.J, Midmore, D.J. (<strong>2007</strong>). “Self-organized resource allocation and growth partitioning at thewhole plant level: a modeling study.” 5th International Workshop on Functional Structural PlantModels, 4-8 November, Napier, New Zealand. pp 6.1-6.3.Non DESTSinclair, B., Jones, A. (<strong>2007</strong>). "Climate change, global & glowing coral." Scottish Diver.September/October <strong>2007</strong>: p28-29.Sinclair, B., Farrell, K. (<strong>2007</strong>). “Hopes rise for coral sea reefs.” Scottish Diver. July/August <strong>2007</strong>: p24-29.Conference –No ProceedingsAshwath, N. (<strong>2007</strong>). “Biotechnology BIOAAROHAN <strong>2007</strong>”, <strong>University</strong> of Agricultural Sciences,Bangalore, India, 14 - 26 February <strong>2007</strong>.Midmore, D.J. (<strong>2007</strong>). “Recycling urban organic matter via vermiculture and roof-top aquaponics.” In:Green Roofs for Australia. Brisbane Technology Park, Brisbane, 22-23 February, <strong>2007</strong>. [Invitedpresentation]Midmore, D.J., Bhattarai, S.P. and Pendergast, L. (<strong>2007</strong>). “Oxygation – can roots respond to additionaloxygen?” In: Root and Soil Biology in Agriculture: towards a better integration. CSIRO PlantIndustry, Canberra, 31 January – 3 February, <strong>2007</strong>. [Invited presentation]Subedi, P., Walsh, K. (<strong>2007</strong>). “SWNIR spectroscopy of citric acid.” 13 th International NIR Conference,Umea, Sweden, 16-21 June <strong>2007</strong>.Walsh, K. (<strong>2007</strong>). “NIR and fruit grading.” On-line NIR Conference, Braunschweig, Germany. July<strong>2007</strong>. [Invited paper]6

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