2007 Annual Report - Central Queensland University

2007 Annual Report - Central Queensland University 2007 Annual Report - Central Queensland University


2007 Centre for Plant & Water Science Annual ReportPROVENANCE VARIATIONS IN SEED BIOLOGY, YIELD, YIELD QUALITY ANDSEED OIL COMPOSITION OF Calophyllum inophyllum L.Calophyllum inophyllum L. is a native Australian tree that occurs naturally above the high-tidemark along sea coasts of northern Australia. For centuries, Australian indigenous communitiesassociated with this plant as a vital medicine in their day-to-day life. It already has a highcommercial demand for seed oil from pharmaceutical companies. It also produces high priceddurable hardwood timber (density 600-900 kg m-³). It has the ability to tolerate extreme salinityand to stabilize coastal dunes. C. inophyllum L. seed has 65% oil (dwt basis) and has beenidentified as one of the potential biodiesel species. Recently scientists have discovered anticancerand anti-HIV compounds from C. inophyllum extracts.However, existing information about various aspects of this species is quite sparse. In Australiavery little national attention has been directed to this species until now (its conservation statusis: -species of least concern). Increasing demand for renewable energy means that large-scalecommercial plantations of potential biodiesel plants are expected in near future. The speciesshows a wide range of geographical distribution. Geo-climatic variations may influence plasticchanges in plant performance. More often than not they are hereditary in nature. Favourablevariations are quite useful in determining suitable provenance/s for commercial cultivation.This project highlights important multiple economic uses of this species and especially aims todetermine optimum ecophysiological requirements for favourable growth and higherproductivity and to select best provenances and genotypes for different economic uses (e.g.timber, biodiesel, medicine). Provenances will be selected based on their geo-climaticdifferences in Australia and Sri Lanka. Comparative flowering and fruiting pheonologicalstudies will be carried out between one provenance from northern hemisphere (Sri Lanka) andone from southern hemisphere (Australia).Randomly-selected trees from selected provenances will be studied for growth parameters andcorresponding soils will be analysed. Seed storage behaviour and longevity will also be studied(using established methods).To assess the provenance variations in yield and the yield quality, the number of fallen fruitsm -2 and bark thickness and sapwood density will be recorded. Seeds from different provenanceswill be assessed for seed oil/unit weight of kernel. Optimum desiccation time, effect ofdifferent drying methods and the effect of seed conditioning will be determined. Seed oil willbe converted into FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters - biodiesel) by trans-esterification and willbe tested for its fuel properties (ASTM biodiesel standards). Effect of soil texture on earlygrowth will be studied under controlled environment. To assess the growth variations,provenance trials will be carried out under controlled environments. Ethnobotany ofC. inophyllum L. in the two countries will also be studied.43

2007 Centre for Plant & Water Science Annual ReportILLUSTRATIONS OF VARIOUS STUDIES IN PROGRESSBiodiesel reactor Desiccation tolerance test TransesterificationPalmoil Methyl Ester and Phase separation Modified seed oil expellerGlycerine fractionFAME/ GlycerineVariations in seed oil content and colourof different provenancesGermination TrialProvenance Variations in Exocarp ThicknessSoap made out of glycerine by-productPROJECT STAFFPrincipal Investigators:Co-supervisors:FUNDINGSubhash HathurusinghaA/Prof. N. AshwathProf. David MidmoreCentral Queensland University44

<strong>2007</strong> Centre for Plant & Water Science <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>PROVENANCE VARIATIONS IN SEED BIOLOGY, YIELD, YIELD QUALITY ANDSEED OIL COMPOSITION OF Calophyllum inophyllum L.Calophyllum inophyllum L. is a native Australian tree that occurs naturally above the high-tidemark along sea coasts of northern Australia. For centuries, Australian indigenous communitiesassociated with this plant as a vital medicine in their day-to-day life. It already has a highcommercial demand for seed oil from pharmaceutical companies. It also produces high priceddurable hardwood timber (density 600-900 kg m-³). It has the ability to tolerate extreme salinityand to stabilize coastal dunes. C. inophyllum L. seed has 65% oil (dwt basis) and has beenidentified as one of the potential biodiesel species. Recently scientists have discovered anticancerand anti-HIV compounds from C. inophyllum extracts.However, existing information about various aspects of this species is quite sparse. In Australiavery little national attention has been directed to this species until now (its conservation statusis: -species of least concern). Increasing demand for renewable energy means that large-scalecommercial plantations of potential biodiesel plants are expected in near future. The speciesshows a wide range of geographical distribution. Geo-climatic variations may influence plasticchanges in plant performance. More often than not they are hereditary in nature. Favourablevariations are quite useful in determining suitable provenance/s for commercial cultivation.This project highlights important multiple economic uses of this species and especially aims todetermine optimum ecophysiological requirements for favourable growth and higherproductivity and to select best provenances and genotypes for different economic uses (e.g.timber, biodiesel, medicine). Provenances will be selected based on their geo-climaticdifferences in Australia and Sri Lanka. Comparative flowering and fruiting pheonologicalstudies will be carried out between one provenance from northern hemisphere (Sri Lanka) andone from southern hemisphere (Australia).Randomly-selected trees from selected provenances will be studied for growth parameters andcorresponding soils will be analysed. Seed storage behaviour and longevity will also be studied(using established methods).To assess the provenance variations in yield and the yield quality, the number of fallen fruitsm -2 and bark thickness and sapwood density will be recorded. Seeds from different provenanceswill be assessed for seed oil/unit weight of kernel. Optimum desiccation time, effect ofdifferent drying methods and the effect of seed conditioning will be determined. Seed oil willbe converted into FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters - biodiesel) by trans-esterification and willbe tested for its fuel properties (ASTM biodiesel standards). Effect of soil texture on earlygrowth will be studied under controlled environment. To assess the growth variations,provenance trials will be carried out under controlled environments. Ethnobotany ofC. inophyllum L. in the two countries will also be studied.43

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