2007 Annual Report - Central Queensland University

2007 Annual Report - Central Queensland University 2007 Annual Report - Central Queensland University


2007 Centre for Plant & Water Science Annual ReportMastersFesuk, Mr Samuel (2003-2007). Germination and storage of selected Australian tropical native grassesin relation to their ecology and use in land rehabilitation. (High School teacher, Rockhampton)Hoffman, Ms Madonna (2003-2007). Application of tree and stand allometrics to the determination ofbiomass and its flux in some north-east Australian woodlands.Kele, B. (2000-2006). On-site waste-water treatment and reuse using recirculatory evapotranspirationchannels in regional Queensland. (PhD programme, CQU)Pichot, A. (2005). Poly-culture of Lates calcarifer and Cheras quadricarinatus with constructed wetlands.l’I.S.A.R.A-LYON (Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture de Rhône-Alpes)Duff, A. (1999-2005). Growth and development of onion in a subtropical environment. (DPIF SeniorExperimental Officer)Sparkes, E. (1998-2003). Development of herbicide control options for Prosopis velutina as part of anintegrated control strategy. (DNRM Senior Experimentalist)Radloff, B. (1994-2003). Rehabilitation of a coal tailings dam at BHP Saraji mine. (Hunter Valley coalmine Environmental Officer)Weeden, B. (1998-2002). The commercial potential of sugar beet production (Beta vulgaris) for sugarproduction in the Mareeba-Dimbulah irrigation area of north Queensland. (DPIF SeniorExpermentalist, Mareeba, Qld)Smith, N. (1997-2002). Aspects off seed germination and early growth in rainforest cabinet timberspecies. (Environmental Consultant; DPI Project Officer)Huber, S. (2000). New uses for drip irrigation. Technical University of Munich. (PhD programme)Li, M. (1997-1998). Genetic diversity, physiology and production of Chinese water chestnut (Eleocharisdulcis [Burm.f.] Trin. ex Henschel). (Laboratory technician)Johnson, S. (1994-1997). Nitrogen fixation by ley legume pastures in CQ. (PhD UNE)Guthrie, J. (1993-1996). Development of a noninvasive, objective test to measure the eating quality ofmango and pineapple fruits. (PhD CQU, DPI Rockhampton)Scott, C. (1988-1996). On the use of paclobutrazol and cultar to control growth and flowering ofpineapple. (Agronomist, Golden Circle Cannery)King, B. (1993-1995). Molecular techniques for the characterisation of citrus ploidy level. (supervisoryassistance to primary supervisor, S. Lee, DPI, Bundaberg). (PhD, USA)List, S. (1992-1995). Oil production from the tea-tree, Melaleuca alternifolia: functional anatomy of theoil gland and development of a micro-propagation system. (Qld Museum, Brisbane)Chan, E. (1992-1994). Breeding for increased dinitrogen fixation in pea and soybean. (Project Advisor,AusAid Farming System Project, W. Samoa)Grey, J. (p/t 1992-1994). Tree clearing practices in Central Queensland. (Completed under Prof. G.Lawrence, HSS)Hoy, N.T. (1989-1992). Revegetation of a severely salt affected site at Barmoya, CQ. (EnvironmentalOfficer, Dept. of Minerals and Energy, Rockhampton)Mills, C. (1988-1990). A role for oxalates in Pisonia grandis, a tree of coral cays. (co-supervision withDr. G. Pegg) Second MAppSc to graduate from CQU. (PhD, Research Officer, Griffith U)Thwaites, D. (1989). Tissue culture of Melaleuca alternifolia. Masters qual. (Forensics, Federal Police).(the first cohort of ‘postgraduate’ students at CQU – before establishment of the PhD program)23

2007 Centre for Plant & Water Science Annual ReportUNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH SUPERVISION(employment on completion listed in brackets)Hanggi, S. (2006). [Honours Title] (DNR&W Project Officer; Capricornia Conservation Commission)Pendergast, L. (2003). Effects of enhanced root zone aeration on growth, yield and water use of tomatoand vegetable soybean subjected to soil salinity. 2B Honours (PhD CQU; DPI Emerald)Holland, J. (2002). Nutrient budget on an agriculture-hydroponic system. 1st Honours (Internationalfishery company, NZ)Nelson, M. (2001). Studies on the genetic variation of Taro (Colocasia esculentum var. antiquorum). 2AHonours (PhD UQ)Thomas, P. (1998). Assessment of floristic change using a stable isotope methodology. 2A Honours(PhD CQU)Harrison, D. (1996). N2 fixation in sugar cane? 1st Honours. (PhD UQ; Lecturer, UQ Brisbane)MacDonald, M. (1996). Agronomy of Vetiveria zizanioides (PhD UWA)Catesby, A. (1994). Papaya dieback : an insect transmitted disorder? 2A Honours (PhD UQ; DPI, Qld)Sky, R. (1994). Sucrose unloading in the sugar cane stalk. (First 1st Honours awarded in Biology for aproject based on CQU campus, c.f. CSIRO) (PhD UQ)Brown, S. (1991). Functional vascular anatomy of legume nodules. 2A Honours (PhD CQU; UQ,Brisbane)POSTDOCTORAL STAFF/RESEARCH OFFICERSDr Mihail Mukarev (2007). (University of Ploudiv, Bulgaria)Mr Andrew Rank (2001-200_). Stevia (ongoing)Dr Grant Zhu (2006-2008). Bamboo agronomy and stevia (CQU); Phytoremedation (University ofMelbourne)Mr. Yuyue Yang (2006). Modeller-Hydrology, ChinaDr Ninghu Su (2005- 2006). Hydrology (Lecturer, JCU, Ground water hydrology)Dr Zongjian Yang (2005-2006). Plant development (UQ Post doc)Mr Christo Leibenberg (2003-2006). Physicist (Research Director, Silex Pty Ltd)Mr Dan White (2000-2006). Asian Vegetables and Bamboo agronomy (Main Roads Cadetship)Dr. Mirta Golic (1999-2006). Spectroscopist (Peanut Company of Australia)Dr Jill Windle (2005). Choice modeling (Senior Research Officer, CQU)Dr Steve Ockerby (2002-2003). Bamboo agronomy (Private industry research officer)Dr Colin Greensil (1998-2002). Electronics-physicist (Lecturer, School Physical Systems, CQU)Dr Jodie Guthrie (1997-2002). Molecular biologist (casual lecturer, CQU)Dr Volker Kleinhenz (1997-2001). Bamboo agronomy (AIT Bangkok)Dr David Gallacher (1998-2000). Asian vegetables (American University Dubai)Dr Corey Hogarth (1998-1999). Navy bean agronomy (SPS Seed Company)Ms Joanna Wann (1997). Revegetation of Nickel tailingsDr A.B.M Siddique (1996). Electron microscopist (Post Doc fellow in Japan, UWA)Dr Sharon Brown (1996). Plant physiology (Senior Research Officer, Dept. of Agriculture, UQ)Dr Patrick Whitty (1996). Molecular biology (Postdoctoral fellow, Dundee University, Scotland)Dr John Milne (1995-1996). Entomology (Associate Professor, Mahidol University, Thailand)Dr Helen Wallace (1995). Entomology (Lecturer, Sunshine Coast University)Dr Virginia Shepherd (1994-1995). Plant physiology (Postdoctoral fellow, University of Adelaide)24

<strong>2007</strong> Centre for Plant & Water Science <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>MastersFesuk, Mr Samuel (2003-<strong>2007</strong>). Germination and storage of selected Australian tropical native grassesin relation to their ecology and use in land rehabilitation. (High School teacher, Rockhampton)Hoffman, Ms Madonna (2003-<strong>2007</strong>). Application of tree and stand allometrics to the determination ofbiomass and its flux in some north-east Australian woodlands.Kele, B. (2000-2006). On-site waste-water treatment and reuse using recirculatory evapotranspirationchannels in regional <strong>Queensland</strong>. (PhD programme, CQU)Pichot, A. (2005). Poly-culture of Lates calcarifer and Cheras quadricarinatus with constructed wetlands.l’I.S.A.R.A-LYON (Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture de Rhône-Alpes)Duff, A. (1999-2005). Growth and development of onion in a subtropical environment. (DPIF SeniorExperimental Officer)Sparkes, E. (1998-2003). Development of herbicide control options for Prosopis velutina as part of anintegrated control strategy. (DNRM Senior Experimentalist)Radloff, B. (1994-2003). Rehabilitation of a coal tailings dam at BHP Saraji mine. (Hunter Valley coalmine Environmental Officer)Weeden, B. (1998-2002). The commercial potential of sugar beet production (Beta vulgaris) for sugarproduction in the Mareeba-Dimbulah irrigation area of north <strong>Queensland</strong>. (DPIF SeniorExpermentalist, Mareeba, Qld)Smith, N. (1997-2002). Aspects off seed germination and early growth in rainforest cabinet timberspecies. (Environmental Consultant; DPI Project Officer)Huber, S. (2000). New uses for drip irrigation. Technical <strong>University</strong> of Munich. (PhD programme)Li, M. (1997-1998). Genetic diversity, physiology and production of Chinese water chestnut (Eleocharisdulcis [Burm.f.] Trin. ex Henschel). (Laboratory technician)Johnson, S. (1994-1997). Nitrogen fixation by ley legume pastures in CQ. (PhD UNE)Guthrie, J. (1993-1996). Development of a noninvasive, objective test to measure the eating quality ofmango and pineapple fruits. (PhD CQU, DPI Rockhampton)Scott, C. (1988-1996). On the use of paclobutrazol and cultar to control growth and flowering ofpineapple. (Agronomist, Golden Circle Cannery)King, B. (1993-1995). Molecular techniques for the characterisation of citrus ploidy level. (supervisoryassistance to primary supervisor, S. Lee, DPI, Bundaberg). (PhD, USA)List, S. (1992-1995). Oil production from the tea-tree, Melaleuca alternifolia: functional anatomy of theoil gland and development of a micro-propagation system. (Qld Museum, Brisbane)Chan, E. (1992-1994). Breeding for increased dinitrogen fixation in pea and soybean. (Project Advisor,AusAid Farming System Project, W. Samoa)Grey, J. (p/t 1992-1994). Tree clearing practices in <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Queensland</strong>. (Completed under Prof. G.Lawrence, HSS)Hoy, N.T. (1989-1992). Revegetation of a severely salt affected site at Barmoya, CQ. (EnvironmentalOfficer, Dept. of Minerals and Energy, Rockhampton)Mills, C. (1988-1990). A role for oxalates in Pisonia grandis, a tree of coral cays. (co-supervision withDr. G. Pegg) Second MAppSc to graduate from CQU. (PhD, Research Officer, Griffith U)Thwaites, D. (1989). Tissue culture of Melaleuca alternifolia. Masters qual. (Forensics, Federal Police).(the first cohort of ‘postgraduate’ students at CQU – before establishment of the PhD program)23

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