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MBS AGMBS AGEisbachstraße 5174429 Sulzbach-LaufenSulzbach MesswandlerGERMANYTel.: +49 7976 9851-0Fax: +49 7976 9851-90E-mail: mbs@mbs-stromwandler.dewww.mbs-stromwandler.deThe descriptions in this catalogue are not binding.We are not liable for any printing mistakes.With the publication of this catalogue, any previously issuedinformation is rendered invalid.

MBS AGAbout usThe Zähleranstalt Rudolf Köhler (ZARK), founded in the year 1925, was instrumental in theinauguration during 1977 through Wolfgang Gilgen, man<strong>ag</strong>ing director and owner, in the todaysvery successful organization MBS AG.Further business involvement and investments follow at home and abroad.1977MBS is located in Baden-Württemberg, in thevicinity of Stuttgart. The organization is knownvery soon for the superior performance of itsproducts, its great innovative strength, and thecontinuous growth of the business. MBS produceinitially only a limited number of current transformers.Measuring performances, innovations,and maximal product reliability lead in a shorttime to obtain a greater, and growing share ofthe market.1985Since 1985 MBS represents „Staatlich anerkanntePrüfstelle für Messgeräte für Elektrizität EA90“(a state registered testing office for measuringinstruments for electricity). This acculate was onlybestowed on MBS for their continued optimalperformance on measuring realibility and userfriendly safety of their products.1987The first works in Sulzbach-Laufen soon reachesits capacity limit due to the marketingsuccess, increasing sales and an ever expandingproduct range. MBS is <strong>com</strong>pelled to enlarge theirproduction and stor<strong>ag</strong>e facilities. A second worksis created which is adapted to cater for furthereventualities.4 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AG19951998MBS receives the quality certificate „DIN ENISO 9001“ issued by TÜV Mannheim. Thisdistinction opens the door for the worldwideactivities. Already in this year MBS is exportingto more than 20 countries.Our products are certified by the GL GermanischerLloyd „GL Type Approval Certificate“.2000MBS views the future optimistically and willconsider at all times the implementation of newchallenges. A fully automated production line formetal and synthetic materials is installed. Due tothe constant growth in the demand for measuringtransducers only the best state-of-the-art uptechnology is aquired and implemented.1997The worldwide activites of MBS Sulzbach MesswandlerGmbH are a challenge for the <strong>com</strong>panyadministration. An architecturally challenging aswell as highly functional multipurpose building is<strong>com</strong>pleted in the Eisbachstraße 51. Today we findhere the headquarter of the MBS group of <strong>com</strong>panies.Production and warehouse facilities are not confinedjust to Sulzbach-Laufen, but also extend toa neighbouring town. In Slovenia MBS MT is bornto produce the cores for our current transformers.www.mbs-stromwandler.de 5

MBS AG20042005The expansion of the product range as well asthe custom made units contribute further to thesales successes.To satisfy the demands of our customers, it isnecessary to increase the production capacity.At the same time, costs in manufacturing had tobe reduced. With these tasks in mind a newmodern stor<strong>ag</strong>e and logistic center is introducedat the main factory in Sulzbach-Laufen.MBS <strong>ag</strong>ain increase their turnover. More andmore customers believe in the product andacknowledge the high quality and professionalismof MBS.A subsidiary is established in North Rhine-Westphalia, as well as offices in London „MBSSulzbach Messwandler Limited“ and in Slovenia„MBS-CT d.o.o.“.2006A further expansion is being implemented for themechanical production of synthetic materials andenlargement of the product range.Another two-storey building is purchased <strong>com</strong>pletewith offices and facilities for the productionof cores for the current transformers. This manufacturingsite is equipped with machinery for steelband cutting of all sizes, core winding machines,core heating furnaces as well as overhead mobilecranes for transporting heavy loads.2007MBS AG is born.A subsidiary is established in northern Germanyto serve northern Europe.Very senior engineers are employed in man<strong>ag</strong>ementto meet the ever increasing work load.At our three production centres, situated in theFederal Republic of Germany, on an area spanningmore than 12.000 m 2 , 4.700 transformers“Made in Europe” are built per day, in multi-shiftoperation, locally to 100 % in Baden-Württemberg.More than 20.000 products are supplied to allcontinents.6 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGOur expectations for the futureRealizing today, on what others think only tomorrowis our motto. More eng<strong>ag</strong>ement, more service,and more customer satisfaction, are at alltimes the goals of MBS.An extremely long list of orders making full use ofour production capacity, ensures that we can lookinto a successful future.The man<strong>ag</strong>ement and all employees are highlymotivated, as well as customer oriented, andknow the importance of service, quality responses,innovation and assisting the customer byproviding the shortest delivery times wheneverpossible. This can only be achieved by means ofhand-in-glove cooperation between the variousdepartments. These efforts are clearly reflected inour customers in the home and export marketsas well as our continuously growing customerbase consisting of well-known international organizationscovering industry and energy supply<strong>com</strong>panies. We are proud of the results of ourhands-on activities. However, the past whilst veryencour<strong>ag</strong>ing is now consigned to history.We expect an increase in customers as well asdistributors. We have to be prepared and notlose-out at what we have created.The foundation is in place and improvements arebeggin. The tools for refinements are in place. Animportant focus is to keep our administrativestaff fully informed of up-to-date <strong>com</strong>puter technology,which is only one of many tasks.Please visit our MBS homep<strong>ag</strong>e:www.mbs-stromwandler.dewww.mbs-stromwandler.de 7

MBS AGHeadquartersMBS AGEisbachstraße 5174429 Sulzbach-LaufenSulzbach MesswandlerGermanyTel.: +49 7976 9851-0Fax: +49 7976 9851-90E-mail: mbs@mbs-stromwandler.deWorks 2:Eisbachstraße 3374429 Sulzbach-LaufenGermanyWorks 3:Eugen-Hahn-Straße 3573565 SpraitbachGermanyMBS AGNorthern EuropeAm Seedeich 9-1127472 CuxhavenSulzbach MesswandlerGermanyTel.: +49 4721 399039Fax: +49 4721 399047E-mail: mbs@mbs-stromwandler.deMBS Sulzbach Messwandler LtdHans GerlachP.O.Box 31635, London W11 3WFEnglandTel.: +44 20 77273254Fax: +44 20 72219445E-mail: <strong>Mbs</strong>hans@aol.<strong>com</strong>8 www.mbs-stromwandler.deDecember 2007

MBS AGDomesticBaden-WürttembergBadenHenry WollschlägerIndustrievertretung-ElektrotechnikSeckacher Str. 15868259 MannheimTel.: +49 621 7140-427Fax: +49 621 7140-527E-mail:buerowollschlaeger@t-online.deWürttembergMDB BlechschmidtWeißer Weg 3074417 GschwendTel.: +49 7972 72066Fax: +49 7972 6398E-mail:mdb@mdb-blechschmidt.deBayernFranken, Niederbayern,OberpfalzIng.-Büro BeyerElektroingenieurbüroHauptstr. 3391094 LangensendelbachTel.: +49 9133 5983Fax: +49 9133 9877E-mail: info@ibbeyer.deSüdbayernIng. Adolf Müller GmbHIndustrievertretungenElly-Staegmeyr-Straße 1580999 MünchenTel.: +49 89 8126-044Fax: +49 89 8126-925E-mail: info@ingam.deBerlinIngenieurbüroGünter HentschelPaul-Lincke-Ufer 39/4010999 BerlinTel.: +49 30 617895-0Fax: +49 30 617895-11E-mail: info@hentschel-vertrieb.deBrandenburgIngenieurbüroGünter HentschelPaul-Lincke-Ufer 39/4010999 BerlinTel.: +49 30 617895-0Fax: +49 30 617895-11E-mail: info@hentschel-vertrieb.deBremenIngenieurbüro BreuellTechn. Vertretungen GmbHGrützmühlenweg 4022339 HamburgTel.: +49 40 538092-10Fax: +49 40 538092-85E-mail: info@breuell.deHamburgIngenieurbüro BreuellTechn. Vertretungen GmbHGrützmühlenweg 4022339 HamburgTel.: +49 40 538092-10Fax: +49 40 538092-85E-mail: info@breuell.deHessenH.-J. Ehrlich KGAutomation + EnergietechnikKurmainzer Str.4565929 Frankfurt/MainTel.: +49 69 860066-0Fax: +49 69 860066-30E-mail: info@ehrlich-kg.deMecklenburg-VorpommernIngenieurbüro BreuellTechn. Vertretungen GmbHGrützmühlenweg 4022339 HamburgTel.: +49 40 538092-10Fax: +49 40 538092-85E-mail: info@breuell.deNiedersachsenFritsche IndustrievertretungenGmbHGroßhorst 1530916 Isernh<strong>ag</strong>enTel.: +49 5136 8893-0Fax: +49 5136 8893-20E-mail: info@fritschegmbh.deNordrhein-WestfalenA + HVertriebsgesellschaft für Geräteder Steuer- und Regeltechnik mbH& Co. KGBorner Str. 3142897 RemscheidTel.: +49 2191 9376-0Fax: +49 2191 9376-76E-mail: info@auh-vertrieb.deBereich: EVUKDK Dornscheidt GmbHGewerbegebiet OberpleisIn der Brückenwiese 753639 KönigswinterTel.: +49 2244 91994-0Fax: +49 2244 91994-14E-mail: info@kdk-dornscheidt.<strong>com</strong>Rheinland-PfalzHenry WollschlägerIndustrievertretung-ElektrotechnikSeckacher Str. 15868259 MannheimTel.: +49 621 7140-427Fax: +49 621 7140-527E-mail:buerowollschlaeger@t-online.deH.-J. Ehrlich KGAutomation + EnergietechnikKurmainzer Str.4565929 Frankfurt/MainTel.: +49 69 860066-0Fax: +49 69 860066-30E-mail: info@ehrlich-kg.deSaarlandHenry WollschlägerIndustrievertretung-ElektrotechnikSeckacher Str. 15868259 MannheimTel.: +49 621 7140-427Fax: +49 621 7140-527E-mail:buerowollschlaeger@t-online.deSachsenTandel & Partner GbRIndustrievertretungen/Ing.-BüroMommsenstr. 204329 LeipzigTel.: +49 341 252449-0Fax: +49 341 252449-19E-mail: info@tandel-partner.deSachsen-AnhaltTandel & Partner GbRIndustrievertretungen/Ing.-BüroMommsenstr. 204329 LeipzigTel.: +49 341 252449-0Fax: +49 341 252449-19E-mail: info@tandel-partner.deSchleswig-HolsteinIngenieurbüro BreuellTechn. Vertretungen GmbHGrützmühlenweg 4022339 HamburgTel.: +49 40 538092-10Fax: +49 40 538092-85E-mail: info@breuell.deThüringenIndustrievertretungGebr. Göritz GmbHFeldstr. 199334 IchtershausenTel.: +49 3628 62917-0Fax: +49 3628 640284E-mail: Gebr.Goeritz@gmx.deDecember 2007www.mbs-stromwandler.de 9

MBS AGEuropeAustriaFischmeister Handelsges. mbHHerzogstr. 584060 LeondingTel.: +43 70 651642-0Fax: +43 70 651642-20E-mail: office@fischmeister.atBelgiumVerdoolaege NVMeet- en regeltechniekNoorderlaan 1172030 AntwerpenTel.: +32 35 411111Fax: +32 35 410635E-mail: info@verdoolaege.beBulgariaGTT Engineering Ltd.10 Yurij Venelin str.9004 VarnaTel.: +359 52 636728Fax: +359 52 602393E-mail: office@gtt-eng.netCzech RepublicGHV Trading spol.s.r.oKounicova 67a602 00 BrnoTel: +420 541 2355-32, -33, -34Fax:+420 541 235387E-mail: ghv@ghvtrading.czCroatiaTomas & Co.Kopilica 921000 SplitTel.: +385 21 490643Fax: +385 21 490642E-mail: tomas-co@st.t-<strong>com</strong>.hrDenmarkDEIF A/SFrisenborgvej 337800 SkiveTel.: +45 9614 9614Fax: +45 9614 9615E-mail: deif@deif.<strong>com</strong>EstoniaKlinkmann Eesti AsMehaanika 2 B10602 TallinnTel.: +372 668 4500Fax: +372 668 4501E-mail:klinkmann.est@klinkmann.eeFinlandSähkölehto OYHolkkitie1400880 HelsinkiTel.: +358 97 746420Fax: +358 97 591071E-mail: office@sahkolehto.fiOY KLINKMANNP.O.Box 3800371 HelsinkiTel.: +358 9 540 4940Fax: +358 9 541 3541E-mail: automation@klinkmann.fiGreece2KAPPA LTDSofokli Venizelou 1354628 Menemeni ThessalonikiTel.: +30 2310 775510-13Fax: +30 2310 775514-15E-mail: 2kappa@pel.forthnet.grVIMKA LtdNeoktista Aspropyrgou19300 AspropyrgosAttikis/AthensTel.: +30 210 5590870,5590759Fax: +30 210 5590832E-mail: vimka@internet.grHungaryDuvalex BT für Handel +DienstleistungenSzárny u. 61173 BudapestTel.: +36 12 572217Fax: +36 12 572217E-mail: duvalex@mail.externet.hu0,4 KV Kereskedelmi Kft.Illatos út 38/a.1097 BudapestTel.: +36 12 811850Fax: +36 12 811851E-mail: 04kv@04kv.huLatviaKlinkmann Lat Ltd.Ganib dambis 2a1045 RigaTel.: +371 738 1617Fax: +371 738 2451E-mail: klinkmann@klinkmann.lvLithuaniaUAB Klinkmann LitSmolensko str. 1003201 VilniusTel.: +370 5 215 1646Fax: +370 5 216 2641E-mail: post@klinkmann.ltUAB Klinkmann LitKauno str. 21A91558 KlaipedaTel.: +370 46 310 850Fax: +370 46 310 850E-mail: post@klinkmann.lt10 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGMBS product groupssummarizedLow volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformers for industrial applicationsClass 1, 0.5, 0.2sASRTube current transformers, primary round conductorASGTube current transformers, hardenedTube current transformers for panel boardsASKPlug-in current transformersWSKWound current transformersKBUSplit core current transformersKSU / SUSKSummation current transformersNHCurrent transformers for fuse railsASRD 14 / ASRD 210.3 Three-phase current transformer setsASKD / WSKDThree-phase current transformer setswith or without base plate and neutral conductorSASRProtection tube current transformers, primary round conductorSASKProtection plug-in current transformersLow volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformers for tariff applications, calibrated or suitable for calibrationClass 0.5, 0.5s, 0.2, 0.2sEASRTube current transformers, primary round conductorEASKPlug-in current transformersEWSKWound current transformersESUSKSummation current transformersEASK(D)Three-phase current transformer setsEASKD / EWSKD Three-phase current transformer setswith or without base plate and neutral conductorAccessories for low volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformers■ Snap-on mountings■ Copper tubes■ Mounting angle, mounting kit, secondary caps■ Locking pistons■ Sealed shutters■ Copper bus barsBus bar isolators/ -supportsDB/P Spacing isolatorsCO/PCS/PCT/PCPEPI/P Ducting isolatorsPSB Vertical bus bar supportsGB Mounting material, threaded boltsSKHex<strong>ag</strong>on spacer im brassBus bar supportsBus bar support L- and Z-profile12 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGAdditional productsVolt<strong>ag</strong>e transformers up to 1 kVMBE / MBEV / MBERMBZ / MBZV / MBZR■ Shunts■ Amperemeter change-over switch■ Voltmeter change-over switch■ NEOZED-fuse base■ Contact tongue1-pole isolating volt<strong>ag</strong>e transformers2-pole isolating volt<strong>ag</strong>e transformersMeasuring transducersSWMUNMCNMC-ADNMC-KSxFASKEMBSINMeasuring transducers for AC current with integrated current transformer■ with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply, 230 V AC■ with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply, 24 V DC■ without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplyMeasuring transducers for AC current, for direct notching onto MBS current transformers■ with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply, 230 V AC, 110 V AC■ with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply, 24 V DC■ without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply■ measuring range 5 A or 1 AMounting adaptor for any type of current transformersShort circuit adaptorCurrent transformers with separable, flexible measuring systemMeasuring transducers for electrical variables■ AC current with/without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply■ AC current with wide range auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply, effective current value (RMS)■ AC volt<strong>ag</strong>e with/without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply■ AC volt<strong>ag</strong>e with wide range auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply, effective current value (RMS)■ Frequency with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply■ Frequency difference with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply■ Phase angle with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply■ Phase angle difference with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply■ Power factor with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply■ Active power with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply■ Reactive power with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply■ Programmable measuring transducers for AC current with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply■ Programmable universal measuring transducers with up to 3 analogue outputs,with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplyElectronic energy meters for industrial applications■ 1-phase energy meters, direct reading■ 3-phase energy meters, direct reading■ 3-phase energy meters for current transformers■ 3-phase energy meters for current transformers, front mounted 96 x 96 mm■ Electro-mechanical energy metersEnergy meters for tariff application (suitable for calibration)■ 1-phase energy meters, direct reading■ 3-phase energy meters, direct reading■ 3-phase energy meters for current transformers■ Electro-mechanical energy meterswww.mbs-stromwandler.de 13

MBS AGType annotation of MBS current transformersOur production exclusively <strong>com</strong>prises low volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformers of the 0.5 series with a max. operating volt<strong>ag</strong>eup to 0.72 kV, acc. to DIN VDE 0414, part 1, DIN 42600 and DIN EN 60044/1, edition 12/2003 as well as the regulationVBG 4. For the DIN specification, the most recent information is at all times applicable.Our delivery programm <strong>com</strong>prises:Low volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformers for industrial applicationsASRASKASGTube current transformers for primary nominal currents from 40 A up to 600 A, secondarynominal currents 5 A or 1 A, optional secondary change-over function, classes 0.5 and 1,optional with copper tube or snap-on mountingPlug-in current transformers for primary nominal currents from 30 A up to 7500 A,secondary nominal currents 5 A or 1 A, optional for dual or triple secondary change-overfunction, classes 0.2, 0.5 and 1, without primary conductor, but with foot angle, isolator protectioncap, and bus bar mounting screws, alternatively with chrome plated. Copper bus bar,conforming to the bus bar window, inclusive of screws DIN 933, <strong>com</strong>plete with nuts, U-discsand springs for the mounting onto bus bars, or similar <strong>com</strong>ponentsTube current transformers for primary nominal currents from 50 A up to 300 A, secondarynominal currents 5 A or 1 A, class 1, with fixed secondary conductors, 2.5 mm 2 connectionsfor nominal wire cross section, measuring system resin hardenedTube current transformers for panel boardssystems integrated in one housingfor 50 A up to 1250 A with 1…3 measuringWSKKBUKSU / SUSKNHSASR / SASKASRD / ASK(D) / WSKD /ASKDWound current transformers for primary nominal currents from 1 A up to 150 A,secondary nominal currents 5 A or 1 A, classes 0.5 and 1, with primary winding and primaryconnectors instead of a continuous bus barSplit core current transformers for primary nominal currents from 100 A up to 5000 A,secondary nominal currents 5 A or 1 A, classes 0.5 and 1, with a separable measuringsystem for an easy fitment into an already existing installation, without additional mountingrequirements. The locking mechanism of the current transformers is to be opened for theinstallation and is to be closed when the unit is in place, an audible click ensures that thecircuit is closed. This unit is ready for operating after the secondary conductors have beenconnectedSummation current transformers for primary nominal currents from 5 A up to 1 A,secondary nominal currents 5 A or 1 A, classes 0.5 and 1. The numerals following the letterindicate the quantity of how many primary circuits can be connected, up to 8 connectionsare possibleCurrent transformers for fuse rails for primary nominal currents from 100 A up to 600 A,secondary nominal currents 5 A or 1 A, optional secondary change-over switch function,class 3, secondary connections in excess of 4 mm require jacks, for direct mounting ontothe contact rail of low volt<strong>ag</strong>e-high performance fuses, integrated in the NH fuse set, availablein sizes NH 1, NH 2 and NH 3Protection current transformers for primary nominal currents from 50 A up to 2000 A,secondary nominal currents 5 A or 1 A, classes 5P5, 10P5, 5P10, and 10P10. Additionalsizes are available upon request.Three-phase current transformers for primary nominal currents from 3 x 50 A up to3 x 750 A, secondary nominal currents 5 A or 1 A, classes 0.5 and 1, optional dual secondarychange-over functionCustom-build units correspond in their construction form to the above mentioned technical norms.14 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGOptimal solution for the application of tube- and plug-in current transformers for low nominal currentsBushing type current transformersWith low measuring currents up toapproximately 50 A it is possible to use asingle-phase plug-in current transformerinstead of the normally used woundcurrent transformer. The prerequisite ofcourse is, that the primary nominal currentof the current transformer corresponds toan integral multiple of the measuringcurrents. The primary winding will in thiscase be threaded once or repeatedlythrough the primary conductor opening.primary ctprimary nominalnominal current number of threads current to be measuredAA1 502 25505 1010 51 1002 504 251005 2010 1020 51 1502 753 50150 5 306 2510 1515 10Low volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformers for tariff applicationsEASREASKEWSKESUSKEASK(D) / EWSKD / EASKDTube current transformers for primary nominal currents from 100 A up to 600 A,secondary nominal current 5 A or 1 A, classes 0.2, 0.5s and 0.5 with type approval by PTBBraunschweig for application for tariff purposes.Plug-in current transformers for primary nominal currents from 25 A up to 3200 A,secondary nominal current 5 A or 1 A, classes 0.2, 0.5s, and 0.5 with type approval forthe application for tariff purposes.Wound current transformers for the primary nominal current from 25 A up to 150 A,secondary nominal currents 5 A or 1 A, classes 0.2, 0.5s and 0.5 with type approval for theapplication for tariff purposes, with primary winding and primary connection terminalsinstead of a primary conductor opening.Summation current transformers for primary nominal currents 5 A, secondary nominalcurrents 5 A, class 0.2, with type approval for the application for tariff purposes. The numeralsfollowing the letter indicate the number of how many primary circuits can be connected,up to 8 connections are possible.Three-phase current transformers for primary nominal currents from 3 x 50 A up to3 x 750 A, secondary nominal currents 5 A or 1 A, classes 0.2, 0.5s and 0.5, optional for dualsecondary change-over function with type approval for the application for tariff purposes,for space-saving installation in energy distribution, current transformer set, mounted withprimary connecting bus bars and integrated protection cover.Note:All current transformers for tariff application have been tested at the Physikalisch Technische BundesanstaltBraunschweig (PTB). This classification is visual on our name plate.To differentiate between our current transformers we have arranged for the letter “E” to be set in front of allother references.www.mbs-stromwandler.de 15

MBS AGMBS Current Transformers SummarizedTube Current TransformersPlug-in Current TransformersP<strong>ag</strong>eP<strong>ag</strong>e 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 51 54 55 56 582500 2.5 mm 2 up to2500ASR ASR ASR ASR ASR ASR ASR ASG ASG ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK14.3 20.3 201.3 21.3 21.5 22.3 42.45 210.3 106 205.3 21.3 231.5 31.3 318.3 31.4 31.5 31.6 41.3 421.4 41.4 41.5(*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)PrimaryPrimarynominalAccuracy classes for sec. 5 A and sec. 1 A with information of max. burden in VAnominalcurrent NEW NEW NEW currentA 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 1 1 10.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 A1 transformer12.5hardened2.55 only for510 coppertube,10only for1515coppertube2020 cable25 mounting cablemounting1.5 1 302530 1 without40 1 1access. withoutaccess.1 1 2.5 1.5 4050 1.5 1 1 1.5 2.5 1.5 1 (**) 1.5 1.25 1 1.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 5060 1.5 1.25 1.25 1.53.75 1.5 1.25 (**) 1 1.5 1 1.25 1 1 2.5 2.5 2.5 5 1.5 3.75 1.5 2.5 6075 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.53.75 2.5 1.5 (**) 1 2.5 1.25 2.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 5 5 2.5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 7580 1.5 1.5 1.5 5 2.5 1.5 (**) 1.25 2.5 2.5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 5 5 10 2.5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 80100 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1 2.5 5 2.5 5 2.5 (**) 1.5 2.5 5 2.5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 5 5 5 10 15 1.5 5 10 2.53.75 2.5 3.75 100125 2.5 3.75 2.5 3.75 2.5 5 3.75 (**) 2.5 5 5 10 5 5 125150 2.5 3.75 2.5 3.75 1.5 5 10 5 5 2.5 3.75 (**) 2.5 5 5 5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 7.5 5 7.5 15 15 2.5 5 10 5 5 7.5 7.5 150200 5 5 5 5 2.5 10 15 5 10 5 5 (**) 2.5 5 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 15 15 15 2.5 5 15 5 10 7.5 10 200250 5 7.5 5 7.5 5 10 15 10 15 7.5 7.5 (**) 5 10 15 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 15 15 15 15 15 5 10 15 5 10 10 15 250300 5 7.5 5 7.5 5 15 15 10 15 10 7.5 (**) 5 10 15 5 10 5 10 5 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 5 10 15 10 15 15 15 300400 10 15 15 10 15 10 (**) 10 10 15 10 15 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 30 15 15 5 15 30 10 15 15 15 400500 10 15 15 10 15 15 sec. (**) 10 15 10 15 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 30 15 15 10 15 30 15 15 15 15 500connection(**) 10 15 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 30 15 15 10 15 15 15 15 600600 10 15 15 10 15 15750 15 cable (**) 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 750800 30400 mm2.5(**) 15 10 30 15 15 8001000 30 mm 2 (**) 15 30 15 15 10001200 (**) 12001250 (**)sec.12501500 sec.1A for15001600 connectionthis16001800cablemodel18002000 400 mmonly20003000300 A30003200 32004000 40005000 50006000 60007500 7500primary 20 x 5 20 x10 30 x10 30 x10 31x18 30x10 30x10 30 x10 40x12 20 x10 40 x10 40 x10 primaryconductor or conductorin mm 2x20x10 2x20x10 2x20x10 20x13 32x18 2x30x5 2x30x5 in mmroundroundconductor 14 21 21 22.5 21 22.5 42 106 17.5 19.2 28 26 26 28 28 23 26 20 32 32 conductorin mmin mmtransform.transform.width 45 45 44 49.5 50 61 71 190 49.5 61 50 61 61 61 61 95 61 71 71 71 widthin mmin mmCTs with 1 up to 3 different measuring systems upon request;for detailed information see p<strong>ag</strong>e 39(*) For the above mentioned summarized current transformers, snap-on mountings are available for fitment onto 35 mm DIN-rails(DIN 50022).AccessoriesFoot- and bus bar mounting screws <strong>com</strong>plete with isolating caps (shock-proof) are included in the supplies. Sealed shutters, coppertubings, snap-on mountings and copper bus bars are available upon request. The transformers are beeing supplied with integratedsecondary locking caps, (exceptions: ASK 31.6, ASK 41.6, ASK 51.6, ASK 61.6, WSK 31.5, WSK 70.6, ASR 201.3).16 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGMBS Current Transformers SummarizedPlug-in Current TransformersP<strong>ag</strong>e 59 61 64 65 67 68 70 72 73 74 75 78 82 84 85 86 87 88 89 P<strong>ag</strong>eASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK412.4 41.6 541.4 51.4 51.6 561.4 61.4 61.6 63.4 63.6 81.4 83.4 101.4 103.3 103.41 105.6 105.6N 123.3 127.4PrimarynominalAccuracy classes for sec. 5 A and sec. 1 Awith information of max. burden in VAcurrent NEW currentA 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 A1 12.5 2.55 510 1015 1520 2025 2530 1.5 3040 2.5 4050 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 5060 1.5 1.5 2.5 1.5 2.5 6075 2.5 5 5 2.5 2.5 7580 2.5 5 5 2.5 5 80100 1.5 3.75 10 10 5 10 2.5 2.5 5 5 1.5 2.5 100125 5 10 125150 2.5 5 15 15 5 10 2.5 2.5 10 10 2.5 2.5 150200 2.5 10 15 15 15 15 5 5 10 10 2.5 2.5 2.5 5 10 2.5 200250 5 10 15 15 15 15 5 10 15 15 5 2.5 2.5 10 15 2.5 2.5 250300 5 15 15 15 15 15 5 10 15 30 5 5 5 5 15 15 2.5 2.5 5 10 2.5 2.5 300400 10 15 15 15 10 15 10 15 15 30 5 10 10 10 15 30 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2.5 5 400500 10 15 15 15 15 30 10 15 15 30 5 15 15 15 15 30 5 10 5 15 10 10 5 5 5 10 2.5 5 500600 10 15 30 30 30 30 15 15 15 30 10 15 15 15 15 30 10 15 10 15 10 10 5 10 5 10 2.5 5 5 10 600750 15 30 30 30 30 30 10 15 15 30 10 15 15 15 15 30 15 15 10 15 15 15 10 15 10 10 2.5 10 2.5 5 5 10 750800 15 30 30 30 30 30 15 30 15 45 15 30 15 15 15 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 10 15 10 15 5 15 5 10 10 10 8001000 30 45 15 30 15 30 30 45 15 30 30 30 30 45 15 15 15 30 15 30 15 15 10 30 15 15 10 15 5 10 10 10 10 10 10001200 15 30 30 45 15 30 30 30 30 45 15 15 30 30 15 30 15 15 10 30 15 30 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 12001250 15 30 30 45 15 30 30 30 30 45 15 15 15 30 15 30 15 15 10 30 15 30 10 15 15 15 15 15 30 30 12501500 30 30 30 45 15 15 15 30 15 45 15 15 15 30 15 45 15 30 15 30 15 30 30 30 15001600 30 30 30 45 15 15 15 30 15 45 15 30 15 45 15 45 30 30 30 30 30 16001800 15 15 15 30 15 45 15 30 15 30 30 30 18002000 15 15 30 30 15 45 15 30 30 45 30 45 15 30 30 45 30 45 30 45 20002500 15 30 30 45 30 45 30 45 30 45 30 45 45 45 25003000 30 45 30 45 30 45 30 45 30003200 32004000 30 45 30 45 40005000 30 45 50006000 60007500 7500primary 40 x12 40x12 40x10 50x12 50x12 60x10 63x10 60x10 60x30 60x30 80x10 84x34 100x10 2x100x10 103x41 100x55 100x55 123x30 120x70 primaryconductor 60x30 conductorin mm 30 x15 30x15 2x30x5 2x40x10 40x30 2x50x10 2x50x10 50x30 50x40 2x60x10 2x80x10 3x80x10 3x100x10 in mmroundroundconductor 30.5 32 32 44 40 44 44 40 44 30 55 34 70 85 40 55 55 100 70 conductorin mmin mmtransform.transform.width 71 95 86 86 95 86 96 95 96 88 120 96 130 172 99 129 129 172 159 widthin mmin mmomPrimarynominalPlug-in current transformers class 0.2s which can be supplied upon request:ASR 22.3, ASK 21.3, ASK 31.3, ASK 31.4, ASK 41.4, ASK 541.4, ASK 51.4, ASK 61.4,ASK 81.4, ASK 105.6, ASK 123.3, ASK 130.3, ASK 130.5www.mbs-stromwandler.de 17

MBS AGMBS Current Transformers SummarizedPlug-in CurrentTransformersWound CurrentTransformersSplit Core CurrentTransformersSummation CurrentTransformersP<strong>ag</strong>e 90 92 93 94 95 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 108 108 109 109 114 115 118 P<strong>ag</strong>eASK ASK ASK ASK ASK WSK WSK WSK WSK WSK WSK WSK KBU KBU KBU KBU KSU SUSK NH127.6 128.4 129.10 130.3 130.5 30 40 40 N 60 70.6 70.6 N 31.5 23 58 812 816 2…3 3…8(*) (*) (*)Accuracy classes for sec. 5 A and sec. 1 APrimary A Primarywith information of max. burden in VAnominalnominalcurrent NEW currentA 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 A1 2.5 5 15 15 15 30 15 30 12.5 2.5 5 15 15 2.55 2.5 5 15 15 10 15 15 30 15 30 510 2.5 5 15 15 10 15 1015 2.5 5 15 15 10 15 1520 2.5 5 15 15 10 15 2025 15 15 10 15 10 15 10 15 15 15 2530 10 10 10 10 10 15 10 15 10 15 15 15 2…3 3…8 3040 10 10 10 15 10 15 15 15current current4050 10 10 10 15 10 15 15 15 circuits circuits 5060 10 15 10 15 15 15 6075 10 15 10 15 15 15 7580 10 15 10 15 15 15 80100 10 15 10 15 15 15 1.25 100125 15 15 125150 15 15 1.5 150200 1.5 200250 1.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 250300 5 5 10 10 1.5 3.75 1.5 2.5 1.5 2.5 300400 2.5 5 10 10 10 10 2.5 5 1.5 2.5 1.5 2.5 400500 2.5 5 10 10 15 15 2.5 5 2.5 5 500600 2.5 5 10 15 15 15 2.5 5 2.5 5 600750 2.5 5 15 15 15 15 2.5 5 2.5 7.5 750800 5 10 2.5 5 2.5 7.5 8001000 5 10 10 15 5 15 15 30 30 30 5 10 5 10 10 15 10001200 10 15 10 15 10 15 15 30 30 30 5 10 10 15 12001250 30 30 10 15 10 15 15 30 30 30 7.5 10 12501500 30 30 15 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 7.5 15 15 15 15001600 30 30 30 30 30 30 15 15 16001800 30 30 30 30 18002000 30 45 15 30 30 30 30 30 15 15 20002500 30 45 15 30 45 45 30 30 15 15 25003000 30 45 45 45 30 30 15 30 30003200 30 45 32004000 30 45 45 45 30 30 40005000 30 45 30 30 30 50006000 30 45 45 45 60007500 45 45 7500primary 120x72 128x38 120x90 130x25 130x30 20x30 50x80 80x120 80x160 primaryconductorconductorin mmin mmroundroundconductor 72 38 90 25 30 20 50 80 80 conductorin mmin mmtransform.transform.width 205 100 250 180 180 61 71 71 71 60 60 70 93 125 155 195 57 65 widthin mmin mmupon request / dual change-over(*) For the above mentioned summarized current transformers, snap-on mountings are available for fitment onto 35 mm DIN-rails(DIN 50022).AccessoriesFoot- and bus bar mounting screws <strong>com</strong>plete with isolating caps (shock-proof) are included in the supplies. Sealed shutters, coppertubings, snap-on mountings and copper bus bars are available upon request. The transformers are beeing supplied with integratedsecondary locking caps, (exceptions: ASK 31.6, ASK 41.6, ASK 51.6, ASK 61.6, WSK 31.5, WSK 70.6, ASR 201.3).18 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGMBS Current Transformers SummarizedProtection Current TransformersP<strong>ag</strong>e 125 126 127 128 132 133 134 136 140 142 144 148 150 152 153 P<strong>ag</strong>eSASR SASK SASK SASK SASK SASK SASK SASK SASK SASK SASK SASK SASK SASK SASK22.3 21.3 31.5 31.6 421.4 41.4 41.6 41.10 541.4 51.4 51.6 61.4 61.10 63.6 105.6(*) (*) (*)Accuracy classes for sec. 5 A and sec. 1 APrimaryPrimarywith information of max. burden in VAnominalnominalcurrentcurrentA 5P5 10P5 5P5 10P5 5P5 10P5 5P5 10P5 5P10 10P10 5P4 5P5 10P5 5P5 10P5 5P5 10P5 5P10 10P10 5P5 10P5 5P10 10P10 5P5 10P5 5P10 10P10 5P5 10P5 5P5 10P5 5P10 10P10 5P5 10P5 5P5 10P5 5P10 10P10 5P5 10P5 5P5 10P5 A50 2.5 2.5 5060 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 6075 1 7580 1 2.5 2.5 1.5 80100 1 1.5 1.5 5 5 1.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 10 15 5 1.5 1.5 100120 1 1 120125 1.5 1.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1 1.5 2.5 125150 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 7.5 7.5 2.5 2.5 1 1.5 5 5 2.5 2.5 15 15 2.5 2.5 1 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 150200 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 10 10 2.5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 7.5 7.5 2.5 2.5 15 15 7.5 10 2.5 2.5 1 1.5 5 5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 200250 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 10 10 5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.5 10 10 2.5 5 15 15 10 15 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 5 7.5 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 10 10 5 7.5 2.5 2.5 250300 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 10 10 5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 10 10 5 5 15 15 10 15 2.5 5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 7.5 7.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 15 15 7.5 10 2.5 2.5 300400 2.5 2.5 15 15 5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 10 10 7.5 7.5 15 15 15 15 5 5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 7.5 7.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 15 15 10 15 5 5 400500 2.5 2.5 15 15 7.5 7.5 2.5 2.5 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 5 7.5 2.5 2.5 1.5 2.5 10 10 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 15 15 15 15 5 5 500600 2.5 2.5 15 15 7.5 10 2.5 2.5 10 10 7.5 7.5 15 15 15 15 5 7.5 2.5 2.5 1.5 2.5 10 10 2.5 2.5 5 5 15 15 15 15 5 5 5 5 600750 1.5 5 2.5 2.5 15 15 15 15 7.5 7.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 5 10 10 5 5 5 5 15 15 15 15 5 5 10 10 750800 15 15 15 15 8001000 10 10 2.5 2.5 2.5 5 10 10 5 5 5 5 15 15 15 15 5 5 10 10 10001200 5 5 15 15 15 15 15 15 12001250 5 5 15 15 15 15 15 15 12501500 15 15 15 15 15 15 15001600 15 15 16001800 18002000 15 15 15 15 20002500 25003000 30004000 40005000 50006000 60007500 7500primary 20 x 10 30 x 10 30 x 10 20 x 10 40 x 10 40 x 12 40 x 10 40 x 10 50 x 12 50 x 12 60 x 10 60 x 10 60 x 30 100 x 55 primaryconductorconductorin mm 2 x 20 x 10 20 x 13 2 x 30 x 5 30 x 15 2 x 30 x 5 2 x 40 x 10 40 x 30 2 x 50 x 10 0 x 30 in mmroundroundconductor 22.5 19.2 28 23 20 32 32 32 32 44 40 44 30 30 55 conductorin mmin mmtransform.transform.width 61 61 61 95 71 71 95 150 86 86 95 96 150 88 129 widthin mmin mm(*) For the above mentioned summarized current transformers, snap-on mountings are available for fitment onto 35 mm DIN-rails(DIN 50022).AccessoriesFoot- and bus bar mounting screws <strong>com</strong>plete with isolating caps (shock-proof) are included in the supplies. Sealed shutters, coppertubings, snap-on mountings and copper bus bars are available upon request. The transformers are beeing supplied with integratedsecondary locking caps, (exceptions: SASK 31.6, SASK 41.6, SASK 51.6, SASK 61.6).www.mbs-stromwandler.de 19

MBS AGMBS Current Transformers SummarizedCurrent Transformers for Tariff ApplicationP<strong>ag</strong>e166 167 168 169 170 171 172 174 175 176 177 178 179 182EASR EASR EASK EASK EASK EASK EASK EASK EASK EASK EASK EASK EASK EASK14.3 22.3 21.3 31.3 31.4 31.5 31.6 41.4 41.5 41.6 541.4 51.4 51.6 61.4(*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)P<strong>ag</strong>ePrimarynominalcurrentAccuracy classes for sec. 5 A and sec. 1 Awith information of max. burden in VANEWNEWA 0.2 0.5(s) 0.2 0.5(s) 0.2 0.5(s) 0.2 0.5(s) 0.2(s) 0.5(s) 0.2 0.5(s) 0.2 0.5(s) 0.2 0.5(s) 0.2 0.5(s) 0.2 0.5(s) 0.2 0.5(s) 0.2 0.5(s) 0.2 0.5(s) 0.2 0.5(s) A1 12.5 2.55 510 1015 1520 2025 2530 3040 4050 2.5 5060 6075 1.5 2.5 5 2.5 5 2.5 7580 1.5 2.5 80100 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 1.5 2.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 5 5 10 1.5 2.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 10 2.5 5 2.5 2.5 5 100120 1.5 2.5 120125 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 125150 2.5 2.5 2.5 5 2.5 5 1.5 2.5 2.5 5 5 5 5 15 2.5 5 2.5 5 5 15 5 10 1.5 2.5 5 10 150200 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 15 5 5 5 5 5 15 10 15 5 5 5 10 2.5 2.5 200250 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 15 10 15 5 5 10 10 10 15 10 15 5 5 10 15 5 5 250300 5 10 5 10 5 5 10 10 10 15 10 30 5 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 5 5 10 15 5 10 300400 10 10 10 10 5 5 10 10 10 15 15 30 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 30 10 10 10 15 10 10 400500 10 10 10 10 5 5 10 10 10 15 15 30 15 15 10 15 15 15 15 30 10 10 10 15 10 15 500600 10 10 5 5 10 15 10 15 15 30 15 15 15 15 15 30 15 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 600750 5 5 10 15 10 15 15 30 10 15 15 15 15 30 15 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 750800 15 15 8001000 15 15 15 30 15 30 15 15 15 30 10 30 10001200 15 30 15 15 12001250 15 30 15 30 12501500 15 30 15001600 16001800 18002000 20002400 24002500 25003000 30003200 32004000 40005000 50006000 60007500 7500primary 20 x 10 30 x 10 30 x 10 30 x 10 30 x 10 40 x 10 40 x 10 40 x 12 40 x 10 50 x 12 50 x 12 60 x 10 primaryconductorconductorin mm 2 x 20 x 10 2 x 20 x 10 2 x 20 x 10 20 x 13 2 x 30 x 5 2 x 30 x 5 30 x 15 2 x 30 x 5 2 x 40 x 10 40 x 30 2 x 50 x 10 in mmroundroundconductor 14 22.5 19.2 26 28 28 23 32 32 32 32 44 40 44 conductorin mmin mmtransformertransformerwidth 44 61 61 61 61 61 95 71 71 95 86 86 95 96 widthin mmin mm(*) For the above mentioned summarized current transformers, snap-on mountings are available for fitment onto 35 mm DIN-rails(DIN 50022).AccessoriesFoot- and bus bar mounting screws <strong>com</strong>plete with isolating caps (shock-proof) are included in the supplies. Sealed shutters, coppertubings, snap-on mountings and copper bus bars are available upon request. The transformers are beeing supplied with integratedsecondary locking caps, (exceptions: EASK 31.6, EASK 41.6, EASK 51.6, EASK 61.6, WSK 31.5).Primarynominalcurrent20 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGMBS Current Transformers SummarizedCurrent Transformers for Tariff ApplicationP<strong>ag</strong>e183 184 185 188 189 190 191 194 195EASK EASK EASK EASK EASK EASK EASK EWSK ESUSK61.6 63.6 81.4 105.6 123.3 130.3 130.5 31.5 2...8P<strong>ag</strong>ePrimarynominalcurrentAccuracy classes for sec. 5 A and sec. 1 Awith information of max. burden in VAPrimarynominalcurrentA 0.2 0.5(s) 0.2 0.5(s) 0.2 0.5(s) 0.2 0.5(s) 0.2 0.5(s) 0.2 0.5(s) 0.2 0.5(s) 0.2 0.5(s) 0.2 A1 12.5 2.55 10 510 1015 1520 2025 10 15 2530 10 15 3040 10 15 4050 10 15 5060 10 15 6075 10 15 7580 80100 10 15 100120 120125 125150 10 15 150200 2.5 5 2...8 200250 5 10 2.5 5 current 250300 10 15 5 10 circuits 300400 10 15 10 10 5 10 2.5 5 2.5 10 400500 10 15 10 15 10 10 2.5 5 2.5 10 50600 10 30 15 15 10 15 5 5 5 5 5 10 600750 15 15 15 30 10 15 10 10 10 5 10 10 15 750800 8001000 15 30 15 30 10 15 15 15 5 10 5 15 15 30 10001200 15 30 15 30 10 15 15 15 10 15 10 15 15 30 12001250 15 30 15 30 15 15 15 30 15 15 15 15 15 30 12501500 15 30 15 30 15 15 30 30 15 30 15 30 15 30 15001600 30 30 15 30 15 30 15 30 16001800 18002000 30 30 15 30 30 30 20002400 30 30 24002500 30 30 15 30 30 30 25003000 30 30 30 45 30 30 30003200 32004000 40005000 50006000 60007500 7500primary 60 x 10 60 x 30 80 x 10 100 x 55 123 x 30 130 x 25 130 x 30 primaryconductor 60 x 30 conductorin mm 50 x 30 2 x60 x10 3x100 x10 in mmroundroundconductor 40 30 55 55 100 25 30 conductorin mmin mmtransformertransformerwidth 95 88 120 129 172 180 180 70 65 widthin mmin mm(*) For the above mentioned summarized current transformers, snap-on mountings are available for fitment onto 35 mm DIN-rails(DIN 50022).AccessoriesFoot- and bus bar mounting screws <strong>com</strong>plete with isolating caps (shock-proof) are included in the supplies. Sealed shutters, coppertubings, snap-on mountings and copper bus bars are available upon request. The transformers are beeing supplied with integratedsecondary locking caps, (exceptions: EASK 31.6, EASK 41.6, EASK 51.6, EASK 61.6, WSK 31.5).www.mbs-stromwandler.de 21

MBS AGCurrent transformers – Technical characteristicsCurrent transformers are special transformers for the proportional transformation of high currents into directlymeasurable values. Their construction and physical operating principle enables a galvanic separation of theprimary circuit from the measured circuit, thereby providing a protection for sequentially connected instrumentsin the event of a fault.Rated limit current[I PL ]Rated current intensity[I N ]Rated powerEarthing ofsecondary terminalsPhase displacement error[]Accuracy classTotal measuring deviation(Current error)value of the lowest primary current where, by the secondary measuring burden, the totaldeviation of the current transformer for measuring purposes is equal to or greater than 10 %.is the noted specified value of the primary and secondary current on the rating plate.Standardized primary nominal currents have the following values: 5 A, 10 A, 15 A, 20 A, 25 A,30 A, 40 A, 50 A, 60 A, 75 A, 100 A with a decadic multiple of the previously mentioned value toa max. of 7500 A. Standardized secondary nominal currents have the values 5 A and 1 A.the value of the apparent power (in a VA specified power factor), which the current transformeris intended to supply to the secondary circuit and rated burden at the rated secondarycurrent.according to VDE 0141, section 5.3.4., current- and volt<strong>ag</strong>e transformers have to be earthed,starting from U m = 3.6 kV. With low volt<strong>ag</strong>e (up to U m – 1.2 kV) no earthing is required, as longas the transformer housings have no visible exposed metal surfaces.signifies the phase shift of the primary current and the secondary current. The direction ofthe indicator is arranged in such a way, that with an optimum produced current transformerthe phase displacement error is equal to zero (IEV 321-01-23 modified).The phase displacement error is to be regarded as positive when the indicator of thesecondary current is ahead <strong>com</strong>pared to the indicator of the primary current. The phasedisplacement error is specified in minutes or hundredths of a radiant. Note: Strictly speakingthis definition is only valid for sinus type currents.the denotation for a current transformer whose measuring deviation remains below the prescribedoperating condition.is the effective value in stationary position, and the difference between:a) the momentary value of the primary current andb) the momentary value of the measuring transmission of the multiplied actual secondarycurrent, whereby the positive indicators of the primary and secondary current correspond tothe accord for the connection denotation. The total deviation F 1 is generally rendered inthe percent<strong>ag</strong>es of the effective value of the primary current, as per the following mathematicalequation.F I =100 1l p T T (KN iS – iP) 2 dtOF I = total measuring deviation in % i P = momentary value of the primary currentK N = rated measuring transmission i S = momentary value of the secondary currentI P = effective value of the primary current T = duration of periodMax. volt<strong>ag</strong>e for electricalequipment U mBurdenRated burdenRated surge current[I DYN ]Actual transformationrationthis denotes the highest constant permitted value for phase to phase volt<strong>ag</strong>e for which thecurrent transformers isolation is rated.the impedance of the secondary current is declared in ohms and power factor. The burdenis usually expressed as the apparent power in voltamperes, absorbed at a specified powerfactorand at the rated secondary current.the value of the burden upon which the accurate requirements of this specifications are based.peak value of the primary current, whose electro-mechanical impact is resisted by thecurrent transformer with short circuited secondary winding. The value of the nominal searchcurrent I DYN has to be 2.5 x I TH. Only when there is a deviation from this value, the rating platehas to state I DYN.is the ratio of the primary nominal current to the secondary current. It is specified as anunabridged break on the rating plate.22 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGOpen circuit volt<strong>ag</strong>e ofcurrent transformersBus bar cross sectionCurrent transformers, which are not directly encumbered with a burden, are generally secondarilyshort circuited. A secondary open current transformer operates like a loaded onewith an almost infinitely high burden. The curve shape of the secondary current is extremelydeformed and under certain conditions volt<strong>ag</strong>e surges occur which can be harmful to humanbeings. The amount of the induced “loss motion” depends on the core cross-section and thenumber of secondary turns. For MBS current transformers of lower ratings and with a nominaltransmission ratio up to 500/5, the peak value of this volt<strong>ag</strong>e is Û 200 V. For reasons ofhazard protection and to prevent m<strong>ag</strong>netization of the iron core, an open secondary circuit isto be avoided.The openings of our individual plug-in transformers for the acceptance of primary bus barsor their cross-sections – even when supplied with copper bus bars – are not decisive forthe dimensioning of the bus bar units. The cross section of the bus bar is permitted to besmaller over a short distance in the transformer area, provided the adjacent bus bar crosssections are dimensioned in such a manner that any possible excess heat can easily beabsorbed.Special configurationsSaturation transformersTropicalized versionsPrimary nominal currents deviating from the standard seriesSecondary change-over unitsDeviating frequency (16 2 / 3 Hz up to 400 Hz)Resin hardened for extreme mechanical demands (shakeproof)upon requestupon requestupon requestrefer to the relevanttypes of ct’supon requestupon requestCurrent erroris the percent<strong>ag</strong>e deviation of the nominal transmission multiplied by the secondary currentfrom that of the primary current. The current error is calculated positively, should the actualvalue of the secondary current exceed the nominal value.F I = 100 %I S KN – IPIPF I = current error in % I S = secondary current in A (effective value)I P = primary current in A (effective value) K N = rated measuring ratioThermal nominalcontinuous rated current[I D ]Thermal rated short-timecurrent[I TH ]Over-current rated limitingfactor (FS)is the primary current which allows the continuous operation of the current transformer.When using this current value, the temperature of the secondary wiring must not exceed theprescribed values mentioned in the actual technical norms. These values are in direct relationto the isolation material class. Should a thermal rated current be defined which is largerthan the primary rated current, the preference values of 120 %, 150 % and 200 % shouldreflect those of the primary rated current.This value indicates the effective value of the primary current which the current transformerscan withstand with short circuited secondary winding.Other rated measuring values as 1s, e.g. 0.5s, 2s and 3s are acceptable. The thermal shorttime rated current I th has to be stated for each current transformer.is the ratio of the limit rated current to the primary rated current.Note 1: It ought to be noted that the actual over-load rated current is influenced by theburden.Note 2: Should the primary winding of the current transformer be short-circuited, the safetyis greatest, when the value of the over-load current limit factor “FS” is small.The excess current limiting factor is indicated on the rating plate of a measuring transformerwith a nominal value after the letters “FS”.The specification “FS 5” signifies that the total measurement deviation of the current transformerwith 5 times the primary nominal current arising from the m<strong>ag</strong>netic saturation of theiron core amounts at least at to 10 %.Important:All MBS current transformers are in accordance with DIN EN 60044/1 for a thermal nominalcurrent of I d = 1.0 x I N.www.mbs-stromwandler.de 23

MBS AGMBS current transformer range for tariff applicationsIn addition to a <strong>com</strong>prehensive selection of standard current transformers in the accuracy classes 0.5 and 1, MBS AGmanufactures an extensive product range of tariff transformers for currents between 25 A and 3200 A in the classes0.2s, 0.2, 0.5s, and 0.5.These approved current transformers have the national certificate of Germany and of several European countries.The current transformers which have been approved by the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)Braunschweig (an authorized German testing laboratory) are recognizable by a stylized plus a construction seriesnumber. An “E” is placed before the usual MBS type mark.The calibration of the transformers is documented by an official lead seal as well as an additional affixed yellowcalibration stamp. The fees for the calibration are calculated in accordance with the applicable official regulation.The calibration of the transformers is performed upon request at the“Staatlich anerkannte Prüfstelle für Messgeräte für Elektrizität EA90”State Approved Testing Laboratories for Measuring Appliances for Electricity EA90as represented by MBS AG.Configuration of MBS low volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformersAll at MBS AG manufactured low volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformers correspond toDIN VDE 0414/1; DIN 42600; and DIN EN 60044/1 edition 12/2003 as well as regulation VBG 4.Characteristics of the current transformers:• unbreakable plastic housings• black polycarbonate• flame resistant• self-extinguishing• transformer housings are ultrasonically welded• nickel-plated secondary terminalswith plus-minus nickel-plated screw M 5x10 mm• integrated secondary locking caps.Foot angle and bus bar mounting screws with isolating protection caps (protection-proof) are supplied free ofcharge. All transformers are suitable for use on massive primary conductors as well as on flexible isolated copperstrips.Isolating protecting capBus bar mounting screw,screw length (L)25, 32, 36, 46, 54, 80 mm,torque 0.5 NmGeneral technical specifications:Nominal frequency50 Hz (16 2 /3 Hz up to 400 Hz upon request)Isolation classEThermal nominal short-time current I th = 60 x I NMaximum operating volt<strong>ag</strong>e U m 0.72 kVOver-current limiting factorFS 5 up to 1500 A nominal currentFS 10 from 1600 A nominal currentSecondary nominal current5 A or 1 AOperating temperature -5 °C +40 °CStor<strong>ag</strong>e temperature -25 °C +70 °C24 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGError limit values for measuring transformers for classes 0.2 …. 3according to DIN IEC 60044/1Current error ± F byPhase displacement error ± F byClass 1.2 I n 0.2 I n 0.1 I n 0.05 I n 0.01 I n 1.2 I n 0.2 I n 0.1 I n 0.05 I n 0.01 I naccuracy 1.0 I n 1.0 I n% % % % % min min min min min0.2 0.2 0.35 0.75 10 15 300.2s 0.2 0.2 0.35 0.75 10 10 15 300.5 0.5 0.75 1.5 30 45 900.5s 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.5 30 30 45 901 1 1.5 3 60 90 1803 3 120.0** by 0.5 I N and thermal nominal continuous currentError limit values for current transformers for protection applicationsCurrent error ± F i byPhase displacement error ± F i byClass 1.0 I N and thermal 0.5 I N 0.2 I N 0.05 I N 1.0 I N and thermal 0.5 I N 0.2 I N 0.05 I Naccuracy nominal continuous nominal continiouscurrentcurrent% % % %5 P … 1 1.5 3 60 90 12010 P … 3 3 120 120Current error F g at nominal error current limit and nominal burden class 5P … 5 %class 10P … 10 %Maximum permissible current of copper bus barsDimensions and current values according to DIN 43671Bus bar cross section 1 bus bar 2 bus bars 3 bus bars20 x 10 427 A 825 A 1180 A30 x 05 379 A 672 A 896 A30 x 10 573 A 1060 A 1480 A40 x 05 482 A 836 A 1090 A40 x 10 715 A 1290 A 1770 A50 x 10 852 A 1510 A 2040 A60 x 10 985 A 1720 A 2300 A80 x 10 1240 A 2110 A 2790 A100 x 10 1490 A 2480 A 3260 Abus bar surfaceclearAbove values are valid for continuous current burden at approx. 30 °C ambient temperature.www.mbs-stromwandler.de 25

MBS AGMarkings of the current transformers connection terminalsThe connections of all primary windings are marked with capital letters “K-P 1 ”, and “L-P 2 ”.The connections of all secondary windings are marked with the corresponding lower case letters “k-s 1 ” and “I-s 2 ”.By current transformers with a multiple secondary tappings the winding end is marked “I”, followed by the prefixletter “I 1 ” , the tappings with a decreasing number of windings are sequencially numbered “2”, “3” etc.By current transformers with a multiple of independent primary windings, the terminals of the individual windings aredistinguishable from the additional capital letters set before “K” and “L” and the additional capital letters“A”, “B”, “C” etc.; i.e. “AK” – “AL” for the highest primary circuit, “BK” – “BL” for the second primary circuit etc.;or on each terminal pair the transmission or the ratio transmission of the individual primary windings to each other isto be specified.Error curves of low volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformersNominal current rangeOver current range for protection current transformerOver current range for measuringtransformers up to FS 5Nominal currentFS 510P510P10Error curve for 1 /4 nominal burdenError curve for nominal burdenM<strong>ag</strong>netic saturation26 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGPower requirements of measuring units and relaysTwo main requirements are cited by the user for the principle demands of current transformers:– a high degree of measuring precission in the range of nominal current– a protection function in the over-load rangeIn order to fulfill these demands it is necessary for the assumed nominal power of a current transformer to fullyachieve the actual power requirements of the prescribed measurements.In ascertaining the actual power requirements, consideration is to be given to power losses of the appliances to beconnected, as well as to the losses of the measuring conductor.Power requirements of typical measuring unitsCurrent meter soft ironed up to 100 mm Ø 0.700 – 1.500 VARectifier current meter 0.001 – 0.250 VAMulti-range current meter 0.005 – 5.000 VACurrent recorder 0.300 – 9.000 VABimetal current meter 2.500 – 3.000 VAPower meter 0.200 – 5.000 VAPower recorder 3.000 – 12.000 VAPower factor meter 2.000 – 6.000 VAPower factor recorder 9.000 – 16.000 VAEnergy meter (current path) 0.400 – 1.000 VARelay N-relay 14.000 VAOver current relay 0.200 – 6.000 VAOver current time relay 3.000 – 6.000 VADirection relay10.000 VABimetal relay 7.000 – 11.000 VADistance relay 1.000 – 30.000 VADifferential relay 0.200 – 2.000 VA1.000 – 15.000 VATransformer current trip switch 5.000 – 150.000 VAControler 5.000 – 180.000 VAPower consumption of copper wiresP =I = secondary nominal currentI 2 x 2l[VA] l = distance in mq cu x 56q cu = wire cross section in mm 2Comment: With a joint three phase current return conductor the values of P are halved.Chart for values referring to 5 ANominal cross section 1 m 2 m 3 m 4 m 5 m 6 m 7 m 8 m 9 m 10 m2.5 mm 2 0.36 0.71 1.07 1.43 1.78 2.14 2.50 2.86 3.21 3.574.0 mm 2 0.22 0.45 0.67 0.89 1.12 1.34 1.56 1.79 2.01 2.246.0 mm 2 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.60 0.74 0.89 1.04 1.19 1.34 1.4910.0 mm 2 0.09 0.18 0.27 0.36 0.44 0.54 0.63 0.71 0.80 0.89Chart for values referring to 1 ANominal cross section 10 m 20 m 30 m 40 m 50 m 60 m 70 m 80 m 90 m 100 m1.0 mm 2 0.36 0.71 1.07 1.43 1.78 2.14 2.50 2.86 3.21 3.572.5 mm 2 0.14 0.29 0.43 0.57 0.72 0.86 1.00 1.14 1.29 1.434.0 mm 2 0.09 0.18 0.27 0.36 0.45 0.54 0.63 0.71 0.80 0.896.0 mm 2 0.06 0.12 0.18 0.24 0.30 0.36 0.42 0.48 0.54 0.6010.0 mm 2 0.04 0.07 0.11 0.14 0.18 0.21 0.25 0.29 0.32 0.36www.mbs-stromwandler.de 27

MBS AGTube current transformers, series ASRwww.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGLow volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformersfor industrial applicationsTube current transformersASR 14.3NEWRound conductorTransformer widthØ 14 mm45 mmASR 20.3Round conductorTransformer widthØ 21 mm45 mmASR 201.3without locking capRound conductorTransformer widthØ 21 mm44 mmASR 21.3Round conductorTransformer widthØ 22.5 mm49.5 mmASR 21.5Round conductorTransformer widthØ 21 mm50 mmASR 22.3ASR 22.3 2URound conductorTransformer widthØ 22.5 mm61 mmASR 42.45Round conductorTransformer widthTransformer depthØ 42 mm71 mm45 mmwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 29

MBS AGASR 14.3Tube current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.30 1 26080 2628040 1 26081 2628150 1.5 26082 2628260 1.5 26083 2628375 1.5 26084 26284Snap-on mountingPrimary conductorRound conductorØ 14.0 mmTransformer width45 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 55013see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter —Copper tubes see p<strong>ag</strong>e 20430 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASR 20.3Tube current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 3 1 0.5 3 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.50 1 26027 2622760 1 26028 262281.25 26029 2622975 1.25 26030 262301.5 26031 2623180 1.25 26032 262321.5 26033 26233100 1.5 26034 26011 26234 262112.5 26035 26235125 1.5 26036 26013 26236 262132.5 26037 26014 26237 262143.75 26238150 1.5 26039 26015 26239 262152.5 26040 26016 26240 262163.75 26041 26241200 1.5 26042 26017 26242 262172.5 26043 26018 26243 262183.75 26044 26019 26244 26219250 2.5 26045 26020 26245 262205 26046 26021 26246 26221300 2.5 26048 26022 26248 262225 26049 26023 26249 26223Snap-on mountingPrimary conductorRound conductorØ 21.0 mmTransformer width45 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 55013see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter —Copper tubes see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204www.mbs-stromwandler.de 31

MBS AGASR 201.3Tube current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 3 1 0.5 3 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.50 1 27027 2722760 1 27028 272281.25 27029 2722975 1.25 27030 272301.5 27031 2723180 1.25 27032 272321.5 27033 27233100 1.5 27034 27011 27234 272112.5 27035 27235125 1.5 27036 27013 27236 272132.5 27037 27014 27237 272143.75 27238150 1.5 27039 27015 27239 272152.5 27040 27016 27240 272163.75 27041 27241200 1.5 27042 27017 27242 272172.5 27043 27018 27243 272183.75 27044 27019 27244 27219250 2.5 27045 27020 27245 272205 27046 27021 27246 27221300 2.5 27048 27022 27248 272225 27049 27023 27249 27223Snap-on mountingPrimary conductorRound conductorØ 21.0 mmTransformer width44 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 55013see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter —Copper tubes see p<strong>ag</strong>e 20432 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASR 21.3Tube current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 1A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.100 1 1023 1223150 1.5 1024 1224200 1.5 1026 12262.5 1027 1227250 1.5 1028 12282.5 1029 12295 1030 1230300 1.5 1031 12312.5 1032 12325 1033 1233400 2.5 1034 12345 1035 123510 1036 1236500 2.5 1037 12375 1038 123810 1039 1239600 2.5 1040 12405 1041 124110 1042 1242Snap-on mountingPrimary conductorRound conductorØ 22.5 mmTransformer width49.5 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 55014see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter —Copper tubes see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204www.mbs-stromwandler.de 33

MBS AGASR 21.5Tube current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.50 1.5 93050 93011 93250 932112.5 93051 9325160 1.5 93052 93012 93252 932122.5 93053 932533.75 93054 9325475 1.5 93055 93013 93255 932132.5 93056 932563.75 93057 9325780 1.5 93058 93014 93258 932142.5 93059 932595 93060 93260100 1.5 93061 93015 93261 932152.5 93062 93016 93262 932165 93063 93263125 1.5 93064 93017 93264 932172.5 93065 93018 93265 932185 93066 93266150 2.5 93067 93019 93267 932195 93068 93020 93268 9322010 93069 93269200 2.5 93070 93021 93270 932215 93071 93022 93271 9322210 93072 93023 93272 9322315 93073 93273250 2.5 93074 93024 93274 932245 93075 93025 93275 9322510 93076 93026 93276 9322615 93077 93277300 2.5 93078 93027 93278 932275 93079 93028 93279 9322810 93080 93029 93280 9322915 93081 93030 93281 93230400 2.5 93082 93031 93282 932315 93083 93032 93283 9323210 93084 93033 93284 9323315 93085 93034 93285 93234500 2.5 93086 93035 93286 932355 93087 93036 93287 9323610 93088 93037 93288 9323715 93089 93038 93289 93238600 2.5 93090 93039 93290 932395 93091 93040 93291 9324010 93092 93041 93292 9324115 93093 93042 93293 93242Primary conductorRound conductorØ 21.0 mmTransformer width50 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter —Copper tubes see p<strong>ag</strong>e 20434 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGPrimary conductorRound conductorØ 22.5 mmTransformer width61 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 53011see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59040see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Copper tubes see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Protection plug-in currenttransformer see p<strong>ag</strong>e 125Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 167ASR 22.3Tube current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 0.2s 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.40 1 3034 323450 1 3035 32351.5 3036 323660 1 3037 32371.5 3038 323875 1.5 3039 32392.5 3040 324080 1.5 3041 32412.5 3042 3242100 1.5 3043 3011 V04-1304C 3243 32112.5 3044 3134 3244 33343.75 3045 3245150 1.5 3046 3012 V04-1604C 3246 32122.5 3047 3013 V04-1604D 3247 32135 3048 3138 3248 3338200 1.5 3014 32142.5 3049 3015 V04-1704D 3249 32155 3050 3016 V04-1704F 3250 321610 3051 3251250 1.5 3017 32172.5 3052 3018 V04-1804D 3252 32185 3053 3019 V04-1804F 3253 321910 3054 3020 3254 322015 3055 3255300 2.5 3056 3022 V04-1904D 3256 32225 3057 3023 V04-1904F 3257 322310 3058 3024 3258 322415 3059 3259400 2.5 3060 3025 V04-2004D 3260 32255 3061 3026 V04-2004F 3261 322610 3062 3027 3262 322715 3063 3263500 2.5 3064 3028 V04-2104D 3264 32285 3065 3029 V04-2104F 3265 322910 3066 3030 V04-2104H 3266 323015 3067 3267600 2.5 3068 3031 V04-2204D 3268 32315 3069 3032 V04-2204F 3269 323210 3070 3033 V04-2204H 3270 323315 3071 3271ASR 22.3 2USecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 1A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.200-100 5-2.5 3111 3311300-150 5-2.5 3112 331210-5 3113 3313400-200 5-2.5 3114 331410-5 3115 3315500-250 5-2.5 3116 331610-5 3117 3317600-300 5-2.5 3118 331810-5 3119 3319www.mbs-stromwandler.de 35

MBS AGASR 42.45Tube current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 1A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.150 1.5 26500 266002.5 26501 26601200 1.5 26502 266022.5 26503 266035 26504 26604250 1.5 26505 266052.5 26506 266065 26507 266077.5 26508 26608300 2.5 26509 266095 26510 2661010 26511 26611400 2.5 26512 266125 26513 2661310 26514 26614500 2.5 26515 266155 26516 2661610 26517 2661715 26518 26618600 2.5 26519 266195 26520 2662010 26521 2662115 26522 26622750 2.5 26523 266235 26524 2662410 26525 2662515 26526 26626800 5 26527 2662710 26528 2662815 26529 2662930 26530 266301000 5 26531 2663110 26532 2663215 26533 2663330 26534 26634Connection cable 2.5 mm 2 , 400 mm long.The wire ends are <strong>com</strong>plete with multi-bush wire ends.Primary conductorRound conductorØ 42 mmTransformer width71 mmTransformer depth45 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter —36 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASG 210.3resin hardenedTube current transformersRound conductorTransformer widthØ 21 mm44 mmASG 106NEWresin hardenedRound conductorTransformer widthØ 106 mm190 mmwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 37

MBS AGASG 210.3Tube current transformerresin hardenedSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 1A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.50 1 27500 2760060 1 27501 276011.25 27502 2760275 1.25 27503 276031.5 27504 2760480 1.25 27505 276051.5 27506 27606100 1.5 27507 276072.5 27508 27608125 1.5 27509 276092.5 27510 276103.75 27511 27611150 1.5 27512 276122.5 27513 276133.75 27514 27614200 1.5 27515 276152.5 27516 276165 27517 27617250 2.5 27518 276185 27519 276197.5 27520 27620300 2.5 27521 276215 27522 276227.5 27523 27623Connection cable 2.5 mm 2 , 400 mm long.Primary conductor —Round conductorØ 21 mmTransformer width44 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter —Copper tubes see p<strong>ag</strong>e 20438 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASG 106Tube current transformerfor panel boardsFeatures/benefits• tube current transformer with 1…3 measuring systems integrated in onehousing• rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e 0.72 kV/3 kV• primary current range 50 A … 1250 A• secondary currents 1 A or 5 A• nominal burden 2.5 VA up to 30 VA• accuracy classes 0.2 / 0.5 / 0.5s / 1 / 5P / 10P• thermal nominal continuous current 1.2 x I N• it is possible to integrate into one housing a <strong>com</strong>bination of measuring transformersand protection transformers• measuring systems with hardened Polyurethan resin• reliable results under extreme mechanical and climatic conditions• a choice of 4 types of housings with different depths to ac<strong>com</strong>modatespecial demands• reduction of external wiring by means of fixed flexible connection terminalsApplicationCurrent transformers of the type ASG 106 have been designed to cater forpanel boards. Solidly installed flexible terminal connections as well as a largeprimary conductor opening with a 106 mm diameter, ensure a time saving andan easy assembly. The modular arrangement of the transformer make it possibleto use a multiple of different types of current transformers in one housing.Technical data ASG 106TypeLow volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformer,single-phaseMeasuring system with Polyurethanresin, UL94-VO, hardenedHousing materialABS / UL94-VOMax. operating volt<strong>ag</strong>e U m 0.72 kVIsolation test volt<strong>ag</strong>e 3 kV U EFF .; 50 Hz; 1 min.Rated-held-short timealternating volt<strong>ag</strong>e(coil test)3 kVNominal rated frequency 50 Hz,other frequencies upon requestSecondary connection cable flexible copper wire,4.0 mm 2 , HO7V-K1X4,length 3.6 mPrimary ratedcurrent intensity50 ... 1250 ASecondary ratedcurrent intensity5 A or 1 ASecondary ratedassumed data burden 2.5 … 15 VA 2.5 … 30 VAAccuracy classes 0.2 0.5 110P10 ... 30 5P10 ... 30Overload current limiting factor FS 5 or FS 10Thermal continuous I D = 1.2 x I N ,rated current intensity other values upon requestShort time excess current 1.5 x I N / 60 min2.0 x I N / 30 minThermal nominalI TH = 25 kA / 3 sek.short time current(other values upon request)Nominal dynamicshort time currentI DYN = 60 x I N , 1 sec; max.100 kATemperature environmentalrange -5 °C <


MBS AGLow volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformersfor industrial applicationsPlug-in current transformersASK 205.3Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width20 x 5 mmØ 17.5 mm49.5 mmASK 21.3Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width20 x 10 mmØ 19.2 mm61 mmASK 231.5Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width30 x 10 mmØ 28 mm50 mmASK 31.3ASK 31.3 2UPrimary conductorRound conductorTransformer width30 x 10 mm2 x 20 x 10 mmØ 26 mm61 mmASK 318.3Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width31 x 18 mmØ 26 mm61 mmASK 31.4ASK 31.4 2UASK 31.4 3UASK 31.5ASK 31.5 2UPrimary conductorRound conductorTransformer widthPrimary conductorRound conductorTransformer width30 x 10 mm2 x 20 x 10 mmØ 28 mm61 mm30 x 10 mm2 x 20 x 10 mmØ 28 mm61 mmASK 31.6Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width30 x 10 mm20 x 13 mmØ 23 mm95 mmwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 41

MBS AGASK 205.3Plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 1A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.60 1 2019 221975 1 2020 222080 1.25 2021 2221100 1.25 2022 22221.5 2023 2223150 1.5 2024 22242.5 2025 2225200 1.5 2026 22262.5 2027 2227250 2.5 2028 22285 2029 2229300 2.5 2030 22305 2031 2231400 2.5 2032 22325 2033 223310 2034 2234Snap-on mountingPrimary conductor20 x 5 mmRound conductorØ 17.5 mmTransformer width49.5 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 55014see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter —42 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK 21.3Plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 0.2s 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.40 1 6034 623450 1 6035 62351.5 6036 623660 1 6037 62371.5 6038 623875 1.5 6039 62392.5 6040 624080 1.5 6041 62412.5 6042 6242100 1.5 6043 6011 6243 62112.5 6044 6111 6244 63115 6045 6245150 1.5 6046 6012 V10-1604C 6246 62122.5 6047 6013 V10-1604D 6247 62135 6048 6074 6248 6274200 1.5 6014 62142.5 6049 6015 V10-1704D 6249 62155 6050 6016 V10-1704F 6250 621610 6051 6251250 1.5 6017 62172.5 6052 6018 V10-1804D 6252 62185 6053 6019 V10-1804F 6253 621910 6054 6020 6254 622015 6055 6255300 2.5 6056 6022 V10-1904D 6256 62225 6057 6023 V10-1904F 6257 622310 6058 6024 6258 622415 6059 6259400 2.5 6060 6025 V10-2004D 6260 62255 6061 6026 V10-2004F 6261 622610 6062 6027 6262 622715 6063 6263500 2.5 6064 6028 V10-2104D 6264 62285 6065 6029 V10-2104F 6265 622910 6066 6030 6266 623015 6067 6267600 2.5 6068 6031 6268 62315 6069 6032 6269 623210 6070 6033 6270 623315 6071 6271Primary conductor20 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 19.2 mmTransformer width61 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 53011see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59040see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Protection plug-incurrent transformer see p<strong>ag</strong>e 126Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 168www.mbs-stromwandler.de 43

MBS AGASK 231.5Plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0,5 1 0,5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.50 1 92050 922501,25 92051 9225160 1 92052 922521,25 92053 9225375 1,25 92054 922542,5 92055 9225580 1,25 92056 92256100 1,5 92059 922592,5 92060125 1,5 92062 92020 92262 922202.5 92063 92263150 1.5 92065 92023 92265 922232.5 92066 92266200 2.5 92068 92026 92268 922265 92069 92269250 2.5 92071 92028 92271 922285 92072 92029 92272 92229300 2.5 92074 92030 92274 922305 92075 92275400 2.5 92077 92032 92277 922325 92078 92033 92278 9223310 92279500 2.5 92081 92035 92281 922355 92082 92036 92282 9223610 92083 92283600 2.5 92085 920385 92086 9203910 92087Primary conductor30 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 28.0 mmTransformer width50 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter —44 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK 31.3Plug-in current transformerPrimary conductor30 x 10 mm2 x 20 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 26 mmTransformer width61 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 53011see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59040see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 169Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0,5 0,2s 1 0,5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.50 1 7038 723860 1 7039 723975 1 7040 72401.5 7041 724180 1.5 7042 72422.5 7043 7243100 1.5 7044 7011 7244 72112.5 7045 7012 7245 7212150 1.5 7046 7013 V11-1604C 7246 72132.5 7047 7014 7247 7214200 1.5 7048 7015 7248 72152.5 7049 7016 V11-1704D 7249 72165 7050 7017 7250 7217250 1.5 7051 7018 7251 72182.5 7052 7019 V11-1804D 7252 72195 7053 7020 V11-1804F 7253 722010 7054 7254300 1.5 7055 7021 7255 72212.5 7056 7022 V11-1904D 7256 72225 7057 7023 V11-1904F 7257 722310 7058 7258 7224400 1.5 7059 72592.5 7060 7025 V11-2004D 7260 72255 7061 7026 V11-2004F 7261 722610 7062 7027 7262 7227500 2.5 7063 7028 V11-2104D 7263 72285 7064 7029 V11-2104F 7264 722910 7065 7030 7265 7230600 2.5 7066 7031 V11-2204D 7266 72315 7067 7032 V11-2204F 7267 723210 7068 7033 7268 723315 7069 7034 7269 7234750 2.5 7070 7035 V11-2304D 7270 72355 7071 7036 V11-2304F 7271 723610 7072 7037 7272 7237ASK 31.3 2USecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 1A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.200-100 5-2.5 7111 7311300-150 5-2.5 7112 7312400-200 5-2.5 7113 731310-5 7114 7314500-250 5-2.5 7115 731510-5 7116 7316600-300 10-5 7117 731715-7.5 7118 7318www.mbs-stromwandler.de 45

MBS AGASK 318.3Plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.60 1 29042 2924275 1 29043 292431.5 29044 2924480 1.5 29045 292452.5 29046 29246100 1.5 29047 29011 29247 292112.5 29048 29012 29248 29212150 1.5 29049 29013 29249 292132.5 29050 29014 29250 29214200 2.5 29052 29016 29252 292165 29053 29017 29253 29217250 2.5 29055 29019 29255 292195 29056 29020 29256 2922010 29057 29257300 2.5 29059 29023 29259 292235 29060 29024 29260 2922410 29061 29261400 2.5 29063 29027 29263 292275 29064 29028 29264 2922810 29065 29029 29265 29229500 2.5 29066 29030 29266 292305 29067 29031 29267 2923110 29068 29032 29268 29232600 2.5 29069 29033 29269 292335 29070 29034 29270 2923410 29071 29035 29271 2923515 29072 29036 29272 29236750 2.5 29073 29037 29273 292375 29074 29038 29274 2923810 29075 29039 29275 2923915 29076 29040 29276 29240Primary conductor31 x 18 mmRound conductorØ 26.0 mmTransformer width61 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 53011see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59040see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Snap-on mounting46 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK 31.4Plug-in current transformerPrimary conductor30 x 10 mm2 x 20 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 28 mmTransformer width61 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 54011see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59041see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 170Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 0.2s 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.50 1.25 8157 83571.5 8038 823860 1.25 8158 83581.5 8039 823975 1.5 8041 82412.5 8042 824280 1.5 8043 82432.5 8044 8244100 1.5 8045 8011 8245 82112.5 8046 8010 8246 82103.75 8152 82765 8047 8247150 1.5 8048 8012 V14-1604C 8248 82122.5 8049 8013 V14-1604D 8249 82135 8050 8410 82507.5 8051 8251200 2.5 8052 8014 V14-1704D 8252 82145 8053 8015 V14-1704F 8253 821510 8054 8254250 2.5 8055 8016 V14-1804D 8255 82165 8056 8017 V14-1804F 8256 821710 8057 825715 8058 8258300 2.5 8059 8018 V14-1904D 8259 82185 8060 8019 V14-1904F 8260 821910 8061 8020 8261 822015 8062 8262400 2.5 8063 8021 V14-2004D 8263 82215 8064 8022 V14-2004F 8264 822210 8065 8023 8265 822315 8066 8266 8224500 2.5 8067 8025 V14-2104D 8267 82255 8068 8026 V14-2104F 8268 822610 8069 8027 8269 822715 8070 8270 8228600 2.5 8071 8029 V14-2204D 8271 82295 8072 8030 V14-2204F 8272 823010 8073 8031 V14-2204H 8273 823115 8074 8032 8274 8232750 2.5 8153 8033 V14-2304D 8353 82335 8154 8034 V14-2304F 8354 823410 8155 8035 V14-2304H 8355 823515 8156 8036 8356 8236Change-over transformers see p<strong>ag</strong>e 48.www.mbs-stromwandler.de 47

MBS AGASK 31.4 2UPlug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 1A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.200-100 5-2.5 8117 8317300-150 5-2.5 8118 831810-5 8119 8319400-200 5-2.5 8120 832010-5 8121 8321500-250 5-2.5 8122 832210-5 8123 8323600-300 5-2.5 8124 832410-5 8125 832515-7.5 8126 8326ASK 31.4 3USecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 1A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.300-200-100 10-5-2.5 8137 8337400-200-100 10-5-2.5 8138 8338600-300-150 10-5-2.5 8139 833915-10-5 8140 8340600-400-200 10-5-2.5 8141 834115-10-5 8142 8342Snap-on mountingPrimary conductor30 x 10 mm2 x 20 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 28 mmTransformer width61 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 54011see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59041see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 17048 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK 31.5Plug-in current transformerPrimary conductor30 x 10 mm2 x 20 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 28 mmTransformer width61 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 55011see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59041see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Protection plug-incurrent transformer see p<strong>ag</strong>e 127Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 171Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.40 1 9043 924350 1.5 9045 92452.5 9046 924660 1.5 9047 92472.5 9048 924875 1.5 9049 9011 9249 92112.5 9050 9012 9250 921280 1.5 9051 9013 9251 92132.5 9052 9014 9252 92145 9053 9253100 1.5 9054 9015 9254 92152.5 9055 9016 9255 92165 9056 9017 9256 9217150 2.5 9057 9018 9257 92185 9058 9019 9258 92197.5 9059 9259200 2.5 9060 9020 9260 92205 9061 9021 9261 922110 9062 9022 9262 922215 9063 9263250 5 9064 9023 9264 922310 9065 9024 9265 922415 9066 9025 9266 9225300 5 9067 9026 9267 922610 9068 9027 9268 922715 9069 9028 9269 9228400 5 9070 9029 9270 922910 9071 9030 9271 923015 9072 9031 9272 923130 9073 9273500 5 9074 9032 9274 923210 9075 9033 9275 923315 9076 9034 9276 923430 9077 9277600 5 9078 9035 9278 923510 9079 9036 9279 923615 9080 9037 9280 923730 9081 9281750 5 9082 9038 9282 923810 9083 9039 9283 923915 9084 9040 9284 924030 9085 9285Change-over transformers see p<strong>ag</strong>e 50.www.mbs-stromwandler.de 49

MBS AGASK 31.5 2UPlug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 1A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.150-75 5-2.5 9132 9332200-100 5-2.5 9133 933310-5 9134 9334300-150 5-2.5 9135 933510-5 9136 933615-7.5 9137 9337400-200 5-2.5 9138 933810-5 9139 933915-7.5 9140 9340500-250 5-2.5 9141 934110-5 9142 934215-7.5 9143 9343600-300 5-2.5 9144 934410-5 9145 934515-7.5 9146 9346Snap-on mountingPrimary conductor30 x 10 mm2 x 20 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 28 mmTransformer width61 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 55011see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59041see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Protection plug-incurrent transformer see p<strong>ag</strong>e 127Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 17150 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK 31.6Plug-in current transformerPrimary conductor30 x 10 mm20 x 13 mmRound conductorØ 23 mmTransformer width95 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59044see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Protection plug-incurrent transformer see p<strong>ag</strong>e 128Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 172Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.30 1.5 10054 1025440 1.5 10056 102562.5 10057 1025750 1.5 10011 102112.5 10058 10012 10258 1021260 1.5 10013 102132.5 10059 10014 10259 102145 10060 1026075 2.5 10061 10015 10261 102155 10062 10016 10262 1021680 2.5 10063 10017 10263 102175 10064 10018 10264 1021810 10065 10265100 2.5 10066 10019 10266 102195 10067 10020 10267 1022010 10068 10021 10268 1022115 10069 10269150 2.5 10022 102225 10070 10023 10270 1022310 10071 10024 10271 1022415 10072 10025 10272 10225200 2.5 10026 102265 10073 10027 10273 1022710 10074 10028 10274 1022815 10075 10029 10275 10229250 5 10076 10030 10276 1023010 10077 10031 10277 1023115 10078 10032 10278 10232300 5 10079 10034 10279 1023410 10080 10035 10280 1023515 10081 10036 10281 10236400 5 10082 10038 10282 1023810 10083 10039 10283 1023915 10084 10040 10284 10240500 5 10085 10042 10285 1024210 10086 10043 10286 1024315 10087 10044 10287 10244600 5 10088 10046 10288 1024610 10089 10047 10289 1024715 10090 10048 10290 10248750 5 10091 10050 10291 1025010 10092 10051 10292 1025115 10093 10052 10293 10252www.mbs-stromwandler.de 51


MBS AGPlug-in current transformersASK 41.3Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width40 x 12 mm32 x 18 mmØ 26 mm61 mmASK 421.4Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width20 x 10 mmØ 20 mm71 mmASK 41.4ASK 41.4 2UASK 41.4 3UASK 41.5Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer widthPrimary conductorRound conductorTransformer width40 x 10 mm2 x 30 x 5 mmØ 32 mm71 mm40 x 10 mmØ 32 mm71 mmASK 412.4ASK 412.4 2UASK 412.4 3UASK 41.6Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer widthPrimary conductorRound conductorTransformer width40 x 12 mm30 x 15 mmØ 30.5 mm71 mm40 x 12 mm30 x 15 mmØ 32 mm95 mmwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 53

MBS AGASK 41.3Plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 1A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.100 1 11037 112371.5 11038 11238150 1.5 11039 112392.5 11040 11240200 1.5 11041 112412.5 11042 11242250 1.5 11043 112432.5 11044 112445 11045 11245300 1.5 11046 112462.5 11047 112475 11048 11248400 1.5 110492.5 110505 11051500 1.5 110522.5 110535 1105410 11055600 1.5 110562.5 110575 1105810 11059750 2.5 110605 1106110 1106215 11063800 2.5 110645 1106510 1106615 11067Snap-on mountingPrimary conductor40 x 12 mm32 x 18 mmRound conductorØ 26.0 mmTransformer width61 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 53011see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59040see p<strong>ag</strong>e 20554 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK 421.4Plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.30 1 12033 1223340 1.5 12034 1223450 1.5 12035 12011 12235 122112.5 12036 1223660 1.5 12037 12012 12237 122122.5 12038 122383.75 122395 1203975 2.5 12040 12013 12240 122135 12041 1224180 2.5 12042 12014 12242 122145 12043 12243100 2.5 12044 12015 12244 122155 12045 12016 12245 1221610 12046 12246125 2.5 12047 12017 12247 122175 12048 12018 12248 1221810 12049 12249150 2.5 12019 122195 12050 12020 12250 1222010 12051 12251200 2.5 12021 122215 12053 12022 12253 1222210 12054 1225415 12055 12255250 5 12056 12023 12256 1222310 12057 12024 12257 1222415 12058 12258300 5 12059 12025 12259 1222510 12060 12026 12260 1222615 12061 12261400 5 12027 1222710 12062 12028 12262 1222815 12063 12029 12263 1222930 12064 12264500 5 12030 1223010 12065 12031 12265 1223115 12066 12032 12266 1223230 12067 12267Primary conductor20 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 20 mmTransformer width71 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59041see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Protection plug-incurrent transformers see p<strong>ag</strong>e 132www.mbs-stromwandler.de 55

MBS AGASK 41.4Plug-in current transformerPrimary conductor40 x 10 mm2 x 30 x 5 mmRound conductorØ 32 mmTransformer width71 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 55012see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59041see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Protection plug-incurrent transformer see p<strong>ag</strong>e 133Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 174Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 0.2s 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.50 1.25 13180 133801.5 13036 1323660 1.25 13181 132381.5 13037 1323775 1.5 13039 132392.5 13040 1324080 1.5 13041 132412.5 13042 13242100 1.5 13043 13011 13243 132112.5 13044 13083 13244 132833.75 13179 13245150 1.5 13046 13012 V24-1604C 13246 132122.5 13047 13013 V24-1604D 13247 132135 13048 13084 13248 13284200 1.5 13014 V24-1704C 132142.5 13049 13015 V24-1704D 13249 132155 13050 13085 V24-1704F 13250 1328510 13051 13251250 1.5 13016 132162.5 13052 13017 V24-1804D 13252 132175 13053 13086 V24-1804F 13253 1328610 13054 13254300 2.5 13055 13018 V24-1904D 13255 132185 13056 13019 V24-1904F 13256 1321910 13057 13087 13257 1328715 13058 13258400 2.5 13059 13020 V24-2004D 13259 132205 13060 13021 V24-2004F 13260 1322110 13061 13088 V24-2004H 13261 1328815 13062 13262500 2.5 13063 13022 V24-2104D 13263 132225 13064 13023 V24-2104F 13264 1322310 13065 13024 V24-2104H 13265 1322415 13066 13089 13266 13289600 2.5 13067 13025 V24-2204D 13267 132255 13068 13026 V24-2204F 13268 1322610 13069 13027 13269 1322715 13070 13090 13270 13290750 2.5 V24-2304D5 13071 13028 V24-2304F 13271 1322810 13072 13029 V24-2304H 13272 1322915 13073 13091 13273 13291800 5 13075 13030 13275 1323010 13076 13031 13276 1323115 13077 1327730 13078 132781000 5 13079 13032 13279 1323210 13080 13033 13280 1323315 13081 13034 13281 1323430 13082 1328256 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK 41.4 2UPlug-in current transformerASK 41.4 3USecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 1A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.200-100 5-2.5 13133 13333300-150 5-2.5 13134 1333410-5 13135 13335400-200 5-2.5 13136 1333610-5 13137 13337500-250 5-2.5 13138 1333810-5 13139 13339600-300 5-2.5 13140 1334010-5 13141 13341800-400 5 131775-2.5 13142 1334210-5 13143 1334315-7.5 13144 133441000-500 5-2.5 13145 1334510-5 13146 1334615-7.5 13147 13347Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 1A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.400-200-100 10-5-2.5 13163 13363600-300-150 10-5-2.5 13164 13364800-400-200 10-5-2.5 13165 133651000-500-250 10-5-2.5 13166 1336615-7.5-2.5 13167 13367Primary conductor40 x 10 mm2 x 30 x 5 mmRound conductorØ 32 mmTransformer width71 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 55012see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59041see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Protection plug-incurrent transformer see p<strong>ag</strong>e 133Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 174Snap-on mountingwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 57

MBS AGASK 412.4Plug-in current transformerPrimary conductor40 x 12 mm30 x 15 mmRound conductorØ 30.5 mmTransformer width71 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 55012see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59041see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.50 1.25 28036 282361.5 28037 2823760 1.25 28038 282381.5 28039 2823975 1.5 28040 282402.5 28041 2824180 1.5 28042 282422.5 28043 28243100 1.5 28044 28011 28244 282112.5 28045 282453.75 28046 28246150 1.5 28047 28012 28247 282122.5 28048 28013 28248 282135 28049 28249200 2.5 28051 28015 28251 282155 28052 2825210 28053 28253250 1.5 28054 28016 28254 282162.5 28055 28017 28255 282175 28056 28014 28256 2821410 28057 28257 28087300 2.5 28058 28018 28258 282185 28059 28019 28259 2821910 28060 2826015 28061 28261400 2.5 28062 28020 28262 282205 28063 28021 28263 2822110 28064 28009 28264 2820915 28065 28265500 2.5 28066 28022 28266 282225 28067 28023 28267 2822310 28068 28024 28268 2822415 28069 28269600 2.5 28070 28025 28270 282255 28071 28026 28271 2822610 28072 28027 28272 2822715 28073 28273750 5 28074 28028 28274 2822810 28075 28029 28275 2822915 28076 28010 28276 2821030 28077 28277800 5 28078 28030 28278 2823010 28079 28031 28279 2823115 28080 28035 28280 2823530 28081 28281www.mbs-stromwandler.de 59

MBS AGASK 412.4 2UPlug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 1A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.200-100 5-2.5 28133 28333300-150 5-2.5 28134 2833410-5 28135 28335400-200 5-2.5 28136 2833610-5 28137 28337500-250 5-2.5 28138 2833810-5 28139 28339600-300 5-2.5 28140 2834010-5 28141 28341800-400 5-2.5 28143 2834310-5 28144 2834415-7.5 28145 28345ASK 412.4 3USecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 1A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.400-200-100 10-5-2.5 2816315-7.5-2.5 28363600-300-150 10-5-2.5 28164 28364800-400-200 10-5-2.5 28165 28365Primary conductor40 x 12 mm30 x 15 mmRound conductorØ 30.5 mmTransformer width71 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 55012see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59041see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Snap-on mounting60 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK 41.6Plug-in current transformerPrimary conductor40 x 12 mm30 x 15 mmRound conductorØ 32 mmTransformer width95 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59044see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Protection plug-incurrent transformer see p<strong>ag</strong>e 134Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 176Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.50 1.5 14060 14011 14260 142112.5 14061 1426160 1.5 14062 14012 14262 142122.5 14063 1426375 1.5 14064 142642.5 14065 14013 14265 142135 14066 14014 14266 1421480 2.5 14067 14015 14267 142155 14068 14016 14268 14216100 2.5 14069 14017 14269 142175 14070 14018 14270 1421810 14071 14019 14271 14219150 2.5 14020 142205 14072 14021 14272 1422110 14073 14022 14273 1422215 14074 14023 14274 14223200 2.5 14024 142245 14075 14025 14275 1422510 14076 14026 14276 1422615 14077 14027 14277 14227250 2.5 142285 14078 14029 14278 1422910 14079 14030 14279 1423015 14080 14031 14280 14231300 2.5 14032 142325 14081 14033 14281 1423310 14082 14034 14282 1423415 14083 14035 14283 14235400 2.5 14036 142365 14084 14037 14284 1423710 14085 14038 14285 1423815 14086 14039 14286 14239500 2.5 14040 142405 14087 14041 14287 1424110 14088 14042 14288 1424215 14089 14043 14289 14243600 5 14044 1424410 14090 14045 14290 1424515 14091 14046 14291 1424630 14092 14047 14292 14247750 5 14048 1424810 14094 14049 14294 1424915 14095 14050 14295 1425030 14096 14051 14296 14251800 10 14098 14053 14298 1425315 14099 14054 14299 1425430 14100 14055 14300 142551000 5 14056 1425610 14102 14057 14302 1425715 14103 14058 14303 1425830 14104 14059 14304 1425945 14105 14305www.mbs-stromwandler.de 61


MBS AGASK 541.4Plug-in current transformerPrimary conductor40 x 10 mm2 x 30 x 5 mmRound conductorØ 32 mmTransformer width86 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Protection plug-incurrent transformer see p<strong>ag</strong>e 140Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 177Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 0.2s 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.30 1 152481.5 1504840 1.5 15049 152492.5 15050 1525050 1.5 15051 152512.5 15052 1525260 1.5 15053 15013 15253 152132.5 15054 1525475 1.5 15055 15014 15255 152142.5 15056 15100 15256 1530080 1.5 15015 152152.5 15057 15016 15257 152165 15058 15258100 1.5 V33-1304C2.5 15017 V33-1304D 152175 15059 15018 15259 1521810 15060 15260125 2.5 15019 152195 15061 15020 15261 1522010 15062 15262150 2.5 15063 15021 V33-1604D 15263 152215 15064 15022 V33-1604F 15264 1522210 15065 15343 15265200 2.5 15023 V33-1704D 152235 15066 15024 V33-1704F 15266 1522410 15067 15101 15267 1530115 15068 15102 15268 15302250 2.5 15025 V33-1804D 152255 15069 15026 V33-1804F 15269 1522610 15070 15103 V33-1804H 15270 1530315 15071 15104 15271 15304300 2.5 15027 V33-1904D 152275 15072 15028 V33-1904F 15272 1522810 15073 15029 V33-1904H 15273 1522915 15074 15105 15274 15305400 2.5 15030 V33-2004D 152305 15075 15031 V33-2004F 15275 1523110 15076 15032 V33-2004H 15276 1523215 15077 15277 15339500 2.5 V33-2104D5 15033 V33-2104F 1523310 15078 15034 V33-2104H 15278 1523415 15079 15035 V33-2104J 15279 1523530 15080 15344 15280600 2.5 V33-2204D5 15036 V33-2204F 1523610 15081 15037 V33-2204H 15281 1523715 15082 15038 V33-2204J 15282 1523830 15083 15039 15283 15239750 2.5 V33-2304D5 V33-2304F10 15084 15040 V33-2304H 15284 1524015 15085 15041 V33-2304J 15285 1524130 15086 15042 15286 15242800 10 15087 15043 15287 1524315 15088 15044 15288 1524430 15089 15106 15289 153061000 2.5 V33-2504D5 15045 V33-2504F 1524510 15090 15046 V33-2504H 15290 1524615 15091 15047 V33-2504J 15291 1524730 15092 1529264 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK 51.4Plug-in current transformerPrimary conductor50 x 12 mm2 x 40 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 44 mmTransformer width86 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Protection plug-incurrent transformer see p<strong>ag</strong>e 142Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 178Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 0.2s 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.100 1.5 16043 16170 162432.5 16086 16171150 1.5 16044 16011 16244 162112.5 16045 16010 16245 16210200 1.5 16012 V34-1704C 162122.5 16046 16013 V34-1704D 16246 162135 16047 16152 V34-1704F 16247 16352250 1.5 16014 162142.5 16048 16015 V34-1804D 16248 162155 16049 16153 V34-1804F 16249 1635310 16177 16390300 2.5 16050 16017 V34-1904D 16250 162175 16051 16018 V34-1904F 16251 1621810 16052 16252400 2.5 16053 16019 V34-2004D 16253 162195 16054 16020 V34-2004F 16254 1622010 16055 16021 V34-2004H 16255 1622115 16056 16201 16256500 2.5 16057 16022 V34-2104D 16257 162225 16058 16023 V34-2104F 16258 1622310 16059 16024 V34-2104H 16259 1622415 16060 16202 16260600 2.5 16061 16025 V34-2204D 16261 162255 16062 16026 V34-2204F 16262 1622610 16063 16027 V34-2204H 16263 1622715 16064 16154 16264 16354750 2.5 16065 16028 V34-2304D 16265 162285 16066 16029 V34-2304F 16266 1622910 16067 16030 V34-2304H 16267 1623015 16068 16203 16268800 5 16069 16031 V34-2404F 16269 1623110 16070 16032 V34-2404H 16270 1623215 16071 16033 16271 1623330 16072 162721000 2.5 V34-2504D5 16073 16034 V34-2504F 16273 1623410 16074 16035 V34-2504H 16274 1623515 16075 16036 V34-2504J 16275 1623630 16076 162761200 5 16077 16037 16277 1623710 16078 16038 16278 1623815 16079 16039 16279 1623930 16080 162801250 5 16081 16040 16281 1624010 16082 16041 16282 1624115 16083 16042 16283 1624230 16084 16284Change-over transformers see p<strong>ag</strong>e 66.www.mbs-stromwandler.de 65

MBS AGASK 51.4 2UPlug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 1A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.400-200 5-2.5 16130 1633010-5 16131 16331500-250 5-2.5 16132 1633210-5 16133 16333600-300 5-2.5 16134 1633410-5 16135 16335800-400 5-2.5 16136 1633610-5 16137 1633715-7.5 16138 163381000-500 5-2.5 16139 1633910-5 16140 1634015-7.5 16141 163411200-600 5-2.5 16142 1634210-5 16143 1634315-7.5 16144 1634430-15 16145 16345ASK 51.4 3USecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 1A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.800-400-200 10-5-2.5 16162 163621000-500-250 10-5-2.5 16163 1636315-7.5-2.5 16164 163641200-600-300 10-5-2.5 16165 1636515-7.5-2.5 16166 163661200-1000-300 7.5-5-2.5 16174 163741000-600-400 10-5-2.5 16175 163751000-600-300 15-10-5 16176 16376600-400-200 15-7.5-5 16178 163781000-800-600 15-10-5 16179 163791000-600-300 10-5-2.5 16180 16380Primary conductor50 x 12 mm2 x 40 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 44 mmTransformer width86 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Protection plug-incurrent transformer see p<strong>ag</strong>e 142Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 17866 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK 51.6Plug-in current transformerPrimary conductor50 x 12 mm40 x 30 mmRound conductorØ 40 mmTransformer width95 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59044see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Protection plug-incurrent transformer see p<strong>ag</strong>e 144Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 179Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.100 2.5 17058 17011 17258 172115 17059 17012 17259 17212150 2.5 17060 17013 17260 172135 17061 17014 17261 1721410 17062 17015 17262 17215200 2.5 17063 17016 17263 172165 17064 17017 17264 1721710 17065 17018 17265 17218250 2.5 17066 17019 17266 172195 17067 17020 17267 1722010 17068 17021 17268 1722115 17069 17022 17269 17222300 2.5 17023 172235 17070 17024 17270 1722410 17071 17025 17271 1722515 17072 17026 17272 1722630 17073 17273400 2.5 17027 172275 17074 17028 17274 1722810 17075 17029 17275 1722915 17076 17030 17276 1723030 17077 17277500 2.5 17031 172315 17078 17032 17278 1723210 17079 17033 17279 1723315 17080 17034 17280 1723430 17081 17281600 2.5 17035 172355 17082 17036 17282 1723610 17083 17037 17283 1723715 17084 17038 17284 1723830 17085 17285750 2.5 17039 172395 17086 17040 17286 1724010 17087 17041 17287 1724115 17088 17042 17288 1724230 17089 17289800 10 17090 17044 17290 1724415 17091 17045 17291 1724530 17092 1729245 17093 172931000 5 17046 1724610 17094 17047 17294 1724715 17095 17048 17295 1724830 17096 17049 17296 1724945 17097 172971200 5 17050 1725010 17098 17051 17298 1725115 17099 17052 17299 1725230 17100 17053 17300 1725345 17101 173011250 5 17054 1725410 17102 17055 17302 1725515 17103 17056 17303 1725630 17104 17057 17304 1725745 17105 17305www.mbs-stromwandler.de 67

MBS AGASK 561.4Plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.200 2.5 18036 18236250 2.5 18037 182375 18038 18238300 2.5 18039 18012 18239 182125 18040 18013 18240 18213400 2.5 18042 18014 18242 182145 18043 18015 18243 1821510 18044 18244500 2.5 18016 182165 18045 18017 18245 1821710 18046 1824615 18047 18247600 2.5 18018 182185 18048 18019 18248 1821910 18049 18020 18249 1822015 18050 18250750 2.5 18021 182215 18051 18022 18251 1822210 18052 18023 18252 1822315 18053 18253800 5 18097 18024 1822410 18054 18025 18254 1822515 18055 18026 18255 1822630 18056 182561000 5 18104 18027 1822710 18057 18028 18257 1822815 18058 18029 18258 1822930 18059 182591200 5 18100 18030 18267 1823010 18060 18031 18260 1823115 18061 18032 18261 1823230 18062 182621250 5 18102 18033 1823310 18063 18034 18263 1823415 18064 18035 18264 1823530 18065 18265Primary conductor60 x 10 mm30 x 40 mm2 x 50 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 44 mmTransformer width86 mmSnap-on mounting –Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 20568 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGPlug-in current transformersASK 61.4ASK 61.4 2UASK 61.4 3UASK 61.6Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer widthPrimary conductorRound conductorTransformer width63 x 10 mm2 x 50 x 10 mmØ 44 mm96 mm60 x 10 mm50 x 30 mmØ 40 mm95 mmASK 63.4Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width60 x 30 mm50 x 40 mmØ 44 mm96 mmASK 63.6Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width60 x 30 mmØ 30 mm88 mmASK 81.4ASK 81.4 2UASK 81.4 3UASK 83.4Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer widthPrimary conductorRound conductorTransformer width80 x 10 mm60 x 30 mm2 x 60 x 10 mmØ 55 mm120 mm84 x 34 mmØ 34 mm96 mmwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 69

MBS AGASK 61.4Plug-in current transformerPrimary conductor63 x 10 mm2 x 50 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 44 mmTransformer width96 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Protection plug-incurrent transformer see p<strong>ag</strong>e 148Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 182Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 0.2s 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.200 1.5 19047 19009 19247 192092.5 19048 19010 19248 19210250 1.5 19049 19011 V41-1804C 19249 192112.5 19050 19012 V41-1804D 19250 192125 19175300 1.5 19051 19013 19251 192132.5 19052 19014 V41-1904D 19252 192145 19053 19015 V41-1904F 19253 19215400 1.5 19054 19016 19254 192162.5 19055 19017 V41-2004D 19255 192175 19056 19018 V41-2004F 19256 1921810 19057 19094 V41-2004H 19257 19294500 1.5 19019 192192.5 19058 19020 V41-2104D 19258 192205 19059 19021 V41-2104F 19259 1922110 19060 19095 V41-2104H 19260 1929515 19061 19096 19261 19296600 2.5 19062 19022 V41-2204D 19262 192225 19063 19023 V41-2204F 19263 1922310 19064 19024 V41-2204H 19264 1922415 19065 19097 V41-2204J 19265 19297750 2.5 19066 19025 V41-2304D 19266 192255 19067 19026 V41-2304F 19267 1922610 19068 19027 V41-2304H 19268 1922715 19069 19098 V41-2304J 19269 19298800 2.5 19070 19028 19270 192285 19071 19029 19271 1922910 19072 19030 19272 1923015 19073 19031 19273 192311000 2.5 V41-2504D5 19074 19032 V41-2504F 19274 1923210 19075 19033 V41-2504H 19275 1923315 19076 19034 V41-2504J 19276 1923430 19077 19099 19277 192991200 2.5 V41-2604D5 19078 19035 V41-2604F 19278 1923510 19079 19036 V41-2604H 19279 1923615 19080 19037 V41-2604J 19280 1923730 19081 19100 19281 193001250 5 19082 19038 V41-2704F 19282 1923810 19083 19039 V41-2704H 19283 1923915 19084 19040 V41-2704J 19284 1924030 19085 19101 19285 193011500 5 19086 19041 V41-2804F 19286 1924110 19087 19042 V41-2804H 19287 1924215 19088 19043 V41-2804J 19288 1924330 19089 19102 19289 193021600 5 19090 19044 19290 1924410 19091 19045 19291 1924515 19092 19046 19292 1924630 19093 19103 19293 1930370 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK 61.4 2UPlug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 1A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.500-250 5-2.5 19141 19341600-300 5-2.5 19142 1934210-5 19143 19343800-400 5-2.5 19144 1934410-5 19145 1934515-7.5 19146 193461000-500 5-2.5 19147 1934710-5 19148 1934815-7.5 19149 193491200-600 5-2.5 19150 1935010-5 19151 1935115-7.5 19152 193521500-750 5-2.5 19153 1935310-5 19154 1935415-7.5 19155 1935530-15 19156 193561600-800 5-2.5 19157 1935710-7.5 19158 1935815-7.5 19159 1935930-15 19160 19360ASK 61.4 3UPrimary conductor63 x 10 mm2 x 50 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 44 mmTransformer width96 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Protection plug-incurrent transformers see p<strong>ag</strong>e 148Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 1A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.800-400-200 10-5-2.5 19182 193821000-500-250 10-5-2.5 19183 1938315-7.5-2.5 19184 193841000-600-300 10-5-2.5 19185 1938515-7.5-2.5 19186 193861200-600-300 10-5-2.5 19187 1938715-7.5-2.5 19188 193881500-750-400 10-5-2.5 19189 1938915-7.5-2.5 19190 193901600-800-400 10-5-2.5 19191 1939115-7.5-2.5 19192 193921000-600-400 10-5-2.5 19199 19399www.mbs-stromwandler.de 71

MBS AGASK 61.6Plug-in current transformerPrimary conductor60 x 10 mm50 x 30 mmRound conductorØ 40 mmTransformer width95 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59044see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 183Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.100 1.5 20063 20011 20263 202112.5 20064 20264150 1.5 20065 20012 20265 202122.5 20066 20013 20266 20213200 2.5 20067 20014 20267 202145 20068 20015 20268 2021510 20069 20269250 2.5 20116 20016 20321 202165 20070 20017 20270 2021710 20071 20018 20271 2021815 20072 20272300 2.5 20117 20019 20322 202195 20073 20020 20273 2022010 20074 20021 20274 2022115 20075 20022 20275 20222400 2.5 20118 20023 20323 202235 20076 20024 20276 2022410 20077 20025 20277 2022515 20078 20026 20278 2022630 20079 20279500 2.5 20119 20027 20324 202275 20080 20028 20280 2022810 20081 20029 20281 2022915 20082 20030 20282 2023030 20083 20283600 2.5 20120 20031 20325 202315 20084 20032 20284 2023210 20085 20033 20285 2023315 20086 20034 20286 2023430 20087 20287750 2.5 20121 20035 20326 202355 20088 20036 20288 2023610 20089 20037 20289 2023715 20090 20038 20290 2023830 20091 20291800 5 20092 20040 20292 2024010 20093 20041 20293 2024115 20094 20042 20294 2024230 20095 202951000 5 20122 20043 20327 2024310 20096 20044 20296 2024415 20097 20045 20297 2024530 20098 20046 20298 2024645 20099 202991200 5 20123 20047 20328 2024710 20100 20048 20300 2024815 20101 20049 20301 2024930 20102 20050 20302 2025045 20103 203031250 5 20124 20051 20329 2025110 20104 20052 20304 2025215 20105 20053 20305 2025330 20106 20054 20306 2025445 20107 203071500 5 20125 20055 20330 2025510 20108 20056 20308 2025615 20109 20057 20309 2025730 20110 20058 20310 2025845 20111 203111600 10 20112 20060 20312 2026015 20113 20061 20313 2026130 20114 20062 20314 2026245 20115 2031572 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK 63.4Plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.300 1.5 25041 25011 25241 252112.5 25042 25012 25242 25212400 2.5 25043 25013 25243 252135 25044 25014 25244 25214500 5 25045 25015 25245 2521510 25046 25246600 5 25047 25017 25247 2521710 25048 25018 25248 2521815 25049 25249750 5 25050 25020 25250 2522010 25051 25021 25251 2522115 25052 25022 25252 25222800 5 25053 25023 25253 2522310 25054 25024 25254 2522415 25055 25025 25255 252251000 5 25056 25026 25256 2522610 25057 25027 25257 2522715 25058 25028 25258 252281200 5 25059 25029 25259 2522910 25060 25030 25260 2523015 25061 25031 25261 252311250 5 25062 25032 25262 2523210 25063 25033 25263 2523315 25064 25034 25264 252341500 5 25065 25035 25265 2523510 25066 25036 25266 2523615 25067 25037 25267 252371600 5 25068 25038 25268 2523810 25069 25039 25269 2523915 25070 25040 25270 252401800 5 25078 25071 25278 2527110 25079 25072 25279 2527215 25080 25073 25280 252732000 5 25081 25074 25281 2527410 25082 25076 25282 2527615 25083 25077 25283 25277Primary conductor60 x 30 mm50 x 40 mmRound conductorØ 44 mmTransformer width96 mmSnap-on mounting –Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205www.mbs-stromwandler.de 73

MBS AGASK 63.6Plug-in current transformerPrimary conductor60 x 30 mmRound conductorØ 30 mmTransformer width88 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Protection plug-incurrent transformer see p<strong>ag</strong>e 152Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 184Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.200 1.5 85060 852602.5 85061 85261250 1.5 85062 85011 85262 852112.5 85063 85012 85263 852125300 1.5 85064 85013 85264 852132.5 85065 85014 85265 852145 85066 85015 85266 8521510 85067 85267400 2.5 85068 85017 85268 852175 85069 85018 85269 8521810 85071500 2.5 85073 85021 85273 852215 85074 85022 85274 8522210 85075 8527515 85076 85276600 2.5 85077 85025 85277 852255 85078 85026 85278 8522610 85079 85027 85279 8522715 85080 85280750 2.5 85081 85029 85281 852295 85082 85030 85282 8523010 85083 85031 85283 8523115 85084 8528430800 2.5 85085 85033 85285 852335 85086 85034 85286 8523410 85087 85035 85287 8523515 85088 85036 85288 852361000 5 85089 85037 85289 8523710 85090 85038 85290 8523815 85091 85039 85291 8523930 85092 852921200 5 85093 85041 85293 8524110 85094 85042 85294 8524215 85095 85043 85295 8524330 85096 85044 85296 852441250 5 85097 85045 85297 8524510 85098 85046 85298 8524615 85099 85047 85299 8524730 85100 853001500 5 85101 85049 85301 8524910 85102 85050 85302 8525015 85103 85051 85303 8525130 85104 853041600 5 85105 85053 85305 8525310 85106 85054 85306 8525415 85107 85055 85307 8525530 85108 853082000 5 85109 85056 85309 8525610 85110 85057 85310 8525715 85111 85058 85311 8525830 85112 85059 85312 8525974 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK 81.4Plug-in current transformerPrimary conductor80 x 10 mm60 x 30 mm2 x 60 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 55 mmTransformer width120 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 185Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 0.2s 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.400 2.5 21038 21009 V47-2004D 21238 212095 21039 21010 V47-2004F 21239 2121010 21197500 2.5 21040 21011 V47-2104D 21240 212115 21041 21135 V47-2104F 21241 2133510 21042 21078 21242 21278600 2.5 21043 21012 V47-2204D 21243 212125 21044 21013 V47-2204F 21244 2121310 21045 21014 V47-2204H 21245 21214750 2.5 21046 21015 V47-2304D 21246 212155 21047 21016 V47-2304F 21247 2121610 21048 21017 V47-2304H 21248 2121715 21049 21079 21249 21279800 2.5 21050 21018 21250 212185 21051 21019 21251 2121910 21052 21020 21252 2122015 21053 21080 21253 212801000 2.5 21084 V47-2504D5 21054 21021 V47-2504F 21254 2122110 21055 21022 V47-2504H 21255 2122215 21056 21023 V47-2504J 21256 2122330 21057 212571200 5 21058 21024 V47-2604F 21258 2122410 21059 21025 V47-2604H 21259 2122515 21060 21026 V47-2604J 21260 2122630 21061 212611250 5 21062 21027 V47-2704F 21262 2122710 21063 21028 V47-2704H 21263 2122815 21064 21029 V47-2704J 21264 2122930 21065 212651500 5 21085 21030 V47-2804F 2123010 21066 21031 V47-2804H 21266 2123115 21067 21032 V47-2804J 21267 2123230 21068 2126845 21069 212691600 5 21086 21033 2123310 21070 21034 21270 2123415 21071 21035 21271 2123530 21072 2127245 21073 212732000 10 21074 21036 21274 2123615 21075 21037 21275 2123730 21076 2127645 21077 21277Change-over transformers see p<strong>ag</strong>e 76.www.mbs-stromwandler.de 75

MBS AGASK 81.4 2UPlug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 1A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.1000-500 10-5 21120 2132015-7.5 21121 213211200-600 10-5 21122 2132215-7.5 21123 213231500-750 10-5 21124 2132415-7.5 21125 2132530-15 21126 213261600-800 10-5 21127 2132715-7.5 21128 2132830-15 21129 213292000-1000 10-5 21130 2133015-7.5 21131 2133130-15 21132 21332ASK 81.4 3USecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 1A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.2000-1500-1000 30-15-10 21160 213602000-1000-500 30-10-5 21161 213611600-800-400 15-10-5 21162 213621500-1000-500 15-10-5 21163 213631200-800-600 15-10-5 21164 213641500-1000-750 15-10-5 21165 213651000-750-500 10-5-2.5 21166 21366Primary conductor80 x 10 mm60 x 30 mm2 x 60 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 55 mmTransformer width120 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 20576 www.mbs-stromwandler.de


MBS AGASK 83.4Plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.300 1.5 100051-x 100011-x 100251-x 100211-x2.5 100052-x 100012-x 100252-x 100212-x400 2.5 100053-x 100013-x 100253-x 100213-x5 100054-x 100014-x 100254-x 100214-x500 2.5 100055-x 100015-x 100255-x 100215-x5 100056-x 100016-x 100256-x 100216-x600 2.5 100057-x 100017-x 100257-x 100217-x5 100058-x 100018-x 100258-x 100218-x10 100059-x 100259-x750 2.5 100060-x 100019-x 100260-x 100219-x5 100061-x 100020-x 100261-x 100220-x10 100062-x 100021-x 100262-x 100221-x15 100063-x 100263-x800 2.5 100064-x 100022-x 100264-x 100222-x5 100065-x 100023-x 100265-x 100223-x10 100066-x 100024-x 100266-x 100224-x15 100067-x 100267-x1000 5 100068-x 100025-x 100268-x 100225-x10 100069-x 100026-x 100269-x 100226-x15 100070-x 100027-x 100270-x 100227-x1200 5 100071-x 100028-x 100271-x 100228-x10 100072-x 100029-x 100272-x 100229-x15 100073-x 100030-x 100273-x 100230-x1250 5 100074-x 100031-x 100274-x 100231-x10 100075-x 100032-x 100275-x 100232-x15 100076-x 100033-x 100276-x 100233-x1500 5 100077-x 100034-x 100277-x 100234-x10 100078-x 100035-x 100278-x 100235-x15 100079-x 100036-x 100279-x 100236-x1600 5 100080-x 100037-x 100280-x 100237-x10 100081-x 100038-x 100281-x 100238-x15 100082-x 100039-x 100282-x 100239-x30 100083-x 100283-x1800 10 100084-x 100040-x 100284-x 100240-x15 100085-x 100041-x 100285-x 100241-x30 100086-x 100286-x2000 10 100087-x 100042-x 100287-x 100242-x15 100088-x 100043-x 100288-x 100243-x30 100089-x 100289-x2500 10 100090-x 100044-x 100290-x 100244-x15 100091-x 100045-x 100291-x 100245-x30 100092-x 100292-xConnection options see p<strong>ag</strong>e 79.Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width84 x 34 mmØ 34 mm96 mm78 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK 83.4Plug-in current transformerConnection optionsThe plug-in current transformer ASK 83.4 is a multipurpose transformerwhich can be installed vertically or horizontally. There are 6 connection optionsto choose from.connection-2standardconnection-5connection-1connection-3connection-4connection-6housing bottom (h.b.)housing top (h.t.)Order exampleASK 83.4 800/5 10/1Connection option K-P 1 (h.b.) topArt.-no. 100066-2www.mbs-stromwandler.de 79


MBS AGPlug-in current transformersASK 101.4ASK 101.4 2UPrimary conductorRound conductorTransformer width100 x 10 mm2 x 80 x 10 mmØ 70 mm130 mmASK 103.3Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width2 x 100 x 10 mm3 x 80 x 10 mmØ 85 mm172 mmASK 103.41ASK 103.41 2UPrimary conductorRound conductorTransformer width103 x 41 mmØ 40 mm99 mmASK 105.6Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width100 x 55 mmØ 55 mm129 mmASK 105.6NPrimary conductorRound conductorTransformer width100 x 55 mmØ 55 mm129 mmASK 123.3Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width123 x 30 mm3 x 100 x 10 mmØ 100 mm172 mmASK 127.4Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width120 x 70 mmØ 70 mm159 mmASK 127.6Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width120 x 72 mmØ 72 mm205 mmwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 81

MBS AGASK 101.4Plug-in current transformerPrimary conductor100 x 10 mm2 x 80 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 70 mmTransformer width130 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.500 2.5 22009 222095 22076 22010 22276 2221010 22077 22277600 2.5 22011 222115 22038 22012 22238 2221210 22039 22239750 2.5 22013 222135 22040 22014 22240 2221410 22041 22078 22241 22281800 5 22042 22015 22242 2221510 22043 22016 22243 2221615 22044 222441000 5 22045 22017 22245 2221710 22046 22018 22246 2221815 22047 2224730 22115 222781200 5 22048 22019 22248 2221910 22049 22020 22249 2222015 22050 2225030 22051 222511250 5 22052 22021 22252 2222110 22053 22022 22253 2222215 22054 2225430 22055 222551500 5 22056 22023 22256 2222310 22057 22024 22257 2222415 22058 22025 22258 2227930 22059 222591600 5 22026 2222610 22060 22027 22260 2222715 22061 22028 22261 2222830 22062 2226245 22063 222631800 5 22029 2222910 22064 22030 22264 2223015 22065 22031 22265 2223130 22066 2226645 22067 222672000 5 22032 2223210 22068 22033 22268 2223315 22069 22034 22269 2223430 22070 22118 22270 2228045 22071 222712500 5 22035 2223510 22072 22036 22272 2223615 22073 22037 22273 2223730 22074 22119 22274 2233745 22075 2227582 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK 101.4 2UPlug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 1A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.1200-600 10-5 22120 2232015-7.5 22121 223211500-750 10-5 22122 2232215-7.5 22123 223231600-800 10-5 22124 2232415-7.5 22125 2232530-15 22126 223262000-1000 10-5 22127 2232715-7.5 22128 2232830-15 22129 223292500-1250 10-5 22130 2233015-7.5 22131 2233130-15 22132 22332Primary conductor100 x 10 mm2 x 80 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 70 mmTransformer width130 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205www.mbs-stromwandler.de 83

MBS AGASK 103.3Plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.750 2.5 23011 232115 23036 2323610 23037 23237800 2.5 23012 232125 23038 23013 23238 2321310 23039 2323915 23040 232401000 5 23041 23014 23241 2321410 23042 23015 23242 2321515 23043 23016 23243 232161200 5 23044 23017 23244 2321710 23045 23018 23245 2321815 23046 23019 23246 2321930 23047 232471250 5 23048 23020 23248 2322010 23049 23021 23249 2322115 23050 23022 23250 2322230 23051 232511500 10 23052 23023 23252 2322315 23053 23024 23253 2322430 23054 2325445 23055 232551600 10 23056 23025 23256 2322515 23057 23026 23257 2322630 23058 2325845 23059 232592000 10 23060 23027 23260 2322715 23061 23028 23261 2322830 23062 23029 23262 2322945 23063 232632500 10 23064 23030 23264 2323015 23065 23031 23265 2323130 23066 23032 23266 2323245 23067 232673000 10 23068 23033 23268 2323315 23069 23034 23269 2323430 23070 23035 23270 2323545 23071 23271Primary conductor2 x 100 x 10 mm3 x 80 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 85 mmTransformer width172 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 590402 pieces see p<strong>ag</strong>e 20584 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK 103.41Plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.400 2.5 97051 97021 97251 972215 97052 97252500 2.5 97053 97023 97253 972235 97054 97254600 2.5 97055 97025 97255 972255 97056 97256750 2.5 97057 97027 97257 972275 97058 97258800 5 97059 97029 97259 9722910 97060 972601000 10 97061 97031 97261 9723115 97062 972621200 10 97063 97033 97263 9723315 97064 972641250 10 97065 97035 97265 9723515 97066 972661500 15 97067 97037 97267 9723730 97068 972682000 15 97069 97039 97269 9723930 97070 97270ASK 103.41 2USecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.1000-500 5-2.5 97081 97071 97281 972711200-600 5-2.5 97082 97072 97282 972721500-750 10-5 97083 97073 97283 9727315-7.5 97084 972842000-1000 15-7.5 97085 97075 97285 9727530-15 97086 97286Primary conductor103 x 41 mmRound conductorØ 40 mmTransformer width99 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter —www.mbs-stromwandler.de 85

MBS AGASK 105.6Plug-in current transformerPrimary conductor100 x 55 mmRound conductorØ 55 mmTransformer width129 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Protection plug-incurrent transformer see p<strong>ag</strong>e 153Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 188Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 0.2s 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.600 2.5 86083 V55-2204D 862835 86092 86084 86292 8628410 86093 86293750 2.5 86086 V55-2304D 862865 86095 86087 V55-2304F 86295 8628710 86096 86157 86296800 5 86097 86089 V55-2404F 86297 8628910 86098 86090 V55-2404H 86298 862901000 2.5 86158 V55-2504D5 86051 86011 V55-2504F 86251 8621110 86052 86159 V55-2504H 8625215 86160 862991200 5 86053 86013 V55-2604F 86253 8621310 86054 86014 V55-2604H 86254 8621415 86055 86015 86255 862151250 5 86056 86016 V55-2704F 86256 8621610 86057 86017 V55-2704H 86257 8621715 86058 86018 V55-2704J 86258 8621830 861621500 5 86059 86019 V55-2804F 86259 8621910 86060 86020 V55-2804H 86260 8622015 86061 86021 V55-2804J 86261 8622130 86062 86163 862621600 5 86110 86164 V55-2904F10 86142 86165 V55-2904H 86331 8633815 86101 86149 V55-2904J 86330 8633930 86138 86166 86337 863401800 5 86063 86023 86263 8622310 86064 86024 86264 8622415 86065 86025 86265 8622530 86066 862662000 5 86167 V55-3004F10 86067 86027 V55-3004H 86267 8622715 86068 86028 V55-3004J 86268 8622830 86069 86029 86269 8622945 86070 862702400 5 86168 V55-3104F10 86169 V55-3104H15 86170 V55-3104J30 861712500 5 86172 V55-3204F10 86071 86031 V55-3204H 86271 8623115 86072 86032 V55-3204J 86272 8623230 86073 86033 86273 8623345 86074 862743000 5 86173 V55-3304F10 86075 86035 V55-3304H 86275 8623515 86076 86036 V55-3304J 86276 8623630 86077 86037 86277 8623745 86078 8627886 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK 105.6 NPlug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.2500 10 86451 86481 86411 8643115 86452 86482 86412 8643230 86453 86483 86413 8643345 86454 864143000 10 86455 86484 86415 8643415 86456 86485 86416 8643530 86457 86486 86417 8643645 86458 864184000 10 86459 86487 86419 8643715 86460 86488 86420 8643830 86461 86489 86421 8643945 86462 864225000 10 86463 86490 86423 8644015 86464 86491 86424 8644130 86465 86492 86425 8644245 86466 86426Primary conductor100 x 55 mmRound conductorØ 55 mmTransformer width129 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205www.mbs-stromwandler.de 87

MBS AGASK 123.3Plug-in current transformerPrimary conductor123 x 30 mm3 x 100 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 100 mmTransformer width172 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 590402 pieces see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Tariff current transformertariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 189Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 0.2s 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.750 2.5 241275 2412810 241291000 2.5 24010 V56-2504D5 24037 24011 V56-2504F 24237 2421110 24038 24126 24238 241251200 5 24039 24012 V56-2604F 24239 2421210 24040 24013 24240 2421315 24041 24014 24241 242141250 5 24042 24015 V56-2704F 24242 2421510 24043 24016 V56-2704H 24243 2421615 24044 24017 24244 242171500 5 24045 24018 V56-2804F 24245 2421810 24046 24019 V56-2804H 24246 2421915 24047 24020 24247 2422030 24048 24130 242481600 5 24112 V56-2904F10 24107 V56-2904H15 24113 V56-2904J30 24108 241311800 5 24049 24021 24249 2422110 24050 24022 24250 2422215 24051 24023 24251 2422330 24052 242522000 5 24024 V56-3004F 2422410 24053 24025 V56-3004H 24253 2422515 24054 24026 V56-3004J 24254 2422630 24055 24027 24255 2422745 24056 242562500 5 24136 V56-3204F10 24057 24028 V56-3204H 24257 2422815 24058 24029 V56-3204J 24258 2422930 24059 24030 24259 2423045 24060 242603000 5 24137 V56-3304F10 24061 24031 V56-3304H 24261 2423115 24062 24032 V56-3304J 24262 2423230 24063 24033 24263 2423345 24064 242644000 10 24065 24034 24265 2423415 24066 24035 24266 2423530 24067 24036 24267 2423645 24068 2426888 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK 127.4Plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.1000 5 87540 87510 87640 8761010 87541 87511 87641 876111200 5 87542 87512 87642 8761210 87543 87513 87643 8761315 87544 87514 87644 876141250 10 87545 87515 87645 8761515 87546 87516 87646 8761630 87547 87517 87647 876171500 10 87548 87518 87648 8761815 87549 87519 87649 8761930 87550 87520 87650 876201600 10 87551 87521 87651 8762115 87552 87522 87652 8762230 87553 87523 87653 876231800 10 87554 87524 87654 8762415 87555 87525 87655 8762530 87556 87526 87656 876262000 10 87557 87527 87657 8762715 87558 87528 87658 8762830 87559 87529 87659 8762945 87560 87530 87660 876302500 10 87561 87531 87661 8763115 87562 87532 87662 8763230 87563 87533 87663 8763345 87564 87534 87664 87634Primary conductor120 x 70 mmRound conductorØ 70 mmTransformer width159 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205www.mbs-stromwandler.de 89

MBS AGASK 127.6Plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.1000 5 87055 87011 87255 8721110 87056 872561200 5 87057 87013 87257 8721310 87058 87014 87258 8721415 87059 872591250 5 87060 87016 87260 8721610 87061 87017 87261 8721715 87062 87018 87262 8721830 87063 87019 87263 872191500 5 87064 87020 87264 8722010 87065 87021 87265 8722115 87066 87022 87266 8722230 87067 87023 87267 872231800 5 87068 87024 87268 8722410 87069 87025 87269 8722515 87070 87026 87270 8722630 87071 87027 87271 872272000 10 87072 87028 87272 8722815 87073 87029 87273 8722930 87074 87030 87274 8723045 87075 872752500 10 87076 87032 87276 8723215 87077 87033 87277 8723330 87078 87034 87278 8723445 87079 872793000 10 87081 87036 87281 8723615 87082 87037 87282 8723730 87083 87038 87283 8723845 87084 872844000 10 87085 87040 87285 8724015 87086 87041 87286 8724130 87087 87042 87287 8724245 87088 872885000 10 87089 87044 87289 8724415 87090 87045 87290 8724530 87091 87046 87291 8724645 87092 872926000 10 87093 87048 87293 8724815 87094 87049 87294 8724930 87095 87050 87295 8725045 87096 87296Primary conductor120 x 70 mmRound conductorØ 70 mmTransformer width159 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 20590 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGPlug-in current transformersASK 128.4Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width128 x 38 mmØ 38 mm100 mmASK 129.10Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width120 x 90 mmØ 90 mm250 mmASK 130.3Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width130 x 25 mmØ 25 mm180 mmASK 130.5Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width130 x 30 mmØ 30 mm180 mmwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 91

MBS AGASK 128.4Plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.400 2.5 94041 94011 94241 942115 94042 94242500 2.5 94043 94013 94243 942135 94044 94244600 2.5 94045 94015 94245 942155 94046 94246750 2.5 94047 94017 94247 942175 94048 94248800 5 94049 94019 94249 9421910 94050 942501000 10 94051 94021 94251 9422115 94052 942521200 10 94053 94023 94253 9422315 94054 942541250 10 94055 94025 94255 9422515 94056 942561500 15 94057 94027 94257 9422730 94058 942582000 15 94059 94029 94259 9422930 94060 942602500 15 94061 94031 94261 9423130 94062 94262Primary conductor128 x 38 mmRound conductorØ 38 mmTransformer width100 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 20592 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK 129.10Plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.1000 5 88070 88011 88270 8821110 88071 8827115 88072 882721200 5 88073 88014 88273 8821410 88074 88015 88274 8821515 88075 882751250 5 88076 88017 88276 8821710 88077 88018 88277 8821815 88078 882781500 10 88079 88020 88279 8822015 88080 88021 88280 8822130 88081 88022 88281 882221600 10 88082 88023 88282 8822315 88083 88024 88283 8822430 88084 88025 88284 882251800 10 88085 88026 88285 8822615 88086 88027 88286 8822730 88087 88028 88287 882282000 10 88088 88029 88288 8822915 88089 88030 88289 8823030 88090 88031 88290 882312500 15 88091 88032 88291 8823230 88092 88033 88292 8823345 88093 88034 88293 882343000 15 88094 88035 88294 8823530 88095 88036 88295 8823645 88096 88037 88296 882374000 15 88097 88038 88297 8823830 88098 88039 88298 8823945 88099 88040 88299 882405000 15 88100 88041 88300 8824130 88101 88042 88301 8824245 88102 88043 88302 882436000 15 88103 88044 88303 8824430 88104 88045 88304 8824545 88105 88046 88305 882467500 15 88106 88047 88306 8824730 88107 88048 88307 8824845 88108 88049 88308 88249Primary conductor120 x 90 mmRound conductorØ 90 mmTransformer width250 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205www.mbs-stromwandler.de 93

MBS AGASK 130.3Plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 0.2s 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.300 2.5 I50-1900D I50-1901D I50-1910D I50-1911D5 I50-1900F I50-1901F I50-1910F I50-1911F400 2.5 I50-2000D I50-2001D I50-2010D I50-2011D5 I50-2000F I50-2001F I50-2010F I50-2011F10 I50-2000H I50-2001H I50-2010H I50-2011H500 2.5 I50-2100D I50-2101D I50-2110D I50-2111D5 I50-2100F I50-2101F I50-2110F I50-2111F10 I50-2100H I50-2101H I50-2110H I50-2111H600 2.5 I50-2200D I50-2201D I50-2210D I50-2211D5 I50-2200F I50-2201F I50-2210F I50-2211F10 I50-2200H I50-2201H I50-2210H I50-2211H15 I50-2200J I50-2210J750 2.5 I50-2300D I50-2301D V50-2304D I50-2310D I50-2311D5 I50-2300F I50-2301F I50-2310F I50-2311F10 I50-2300H I50-2301H I50-2310H I50-2311H15 I50-2300J I50-2301J I50-2310J I50-2311J1000 5 I50-2500F I50-2501F V50-2504F I50-2510F I50-2511F10 I50-2500H I50-2501H V50-2504H I50-2510H I50-2511H15 I50-2500J I50-2501J I50-2510J I50-2511J30 I50-2500L I50-2510L1200 5 I50-2600F I50-2601F V50-2604F I50-2610F I50-2611F10 I50-2600H I50-2601H V50-2604H I50-2610H I50-2611H15 I50-2600J I50-2601J I50-2610J I50-2611J30 I50-2600L I50-2610L1250 5 I50-2700F I50-2701F V50-2704F I50-2710F I50-2711F10 I50-2700H I50-2701H V50-2704H I50-2710H I50-2711H15 I50-2700J I50-2701J V50-2704J I50-2710J I50-2711J30 I50-2700L I50-2710L1500 5 I50-2800F I50-2801F V50-2804F I50-2810F I50-2811F10 I50-2800H I50-2801H V50-2804H I50-2810H I50-2811H15 I50-2800J I50-2801J V50-2804J I50-2810J I50-2811J30 I50-2800L I50-2801L I50-2810L I50-2811L1600 5 I50-2900F I50-2901F V50-2904F I50-2910F I50-2911F10 I50-2900H I50-2901H V50-2904H I50-2910H I50-2911H15 I50-2900J I50-2901J V50-2904J I50-2910J I50-2911J30 I50-2900L I50-2901L I50-2910L I50-2911LPrimary conductor130 x 25 mmRound conductorØ 25 mmTransformer width180 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter —Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 19094 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK 130.5Plug-in current transformerPrimary conductor130 x 30 mmRound conductorØ 30 mmTransformer width180 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter —Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 191Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 0.2s 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.300 2.5 I51-1900D I51-1901D I51-1910D I51-1911D5 I51-1900F I51-1901F I51-1910F I51-1911F10 I51-1900H I51-1901H I51-1910H I51-1911H400 2.5 I51-2000D I51-2001D I51-2010D I51-2011D5 I51-2000F I51-2001F I51-2010F I51-2011F10 I51-2000H I51-2001H I51-2010H I51-2011H500 2.5 I51-2100D I51-2101D I51-2110D I51-2111D5 I51-2100F I51-2101F I51-2110F I51-2111F10 I51-2100H I51-2101H I51-2110H I51-2111H15 I51-2100J I51-2101J I51-2110J I51-2111J600 2.5 I51-2200D I51-2201D I51-2211D5 I51-2200F I51-2201F I51-2210F I51-2211F10 I51-2200H I51-2201H I51-2210H I51-2211H15 I51-2200J I51-2201J I51-2210J I51-2211J750 2.5 I51-2300D I51-2301D V51-2304D I51-2310D5 I51-2300F I51-2301F V51-2304F I51-2310F I51-2311F10 I51-2300H I51-2301H I51-2310H I51-2311H15 I51-2300J I51-2301J I51-2310J I51-2311J1000 5 I51-2500F I51-2501F V51-2504F I51-2510F I51-2511F10 I51-2500H I51-2501H V51-2504H I51-2510H I51-2511H15 I51-2500J I51-2501J I51-2510J I51-2511J30 I51-2500L I51-2501L I51-2510L I51-2511L1200 5 I51-2600F I51-2601F V51-2604F I51-2610F I51-2611F10 I51-2600H I51-2601H V51-2604H I51-2610H I51-2611H15 I51-2600J I51-2601J V51-2604J I51-2610J I51-2611J30 I51-2600L I51-2601L I51-2610L I51-2611L1250 5 I51-2700F I51-2701F V51-2704F I51-2710F I51-2711F10 I51-2700H I51-2701H V51-2704H I51-2710H I51-2711H15 I51-2700J I51-2701J V51-2704J I51-2710J I51-2711J30 I51-2700L I51-2701L I51-2710L I51-2711L45 I51-2700M1500 5 I51-2800F I51-2801F V51-2804F I51-2810F I51-2811F10 I51-2800H I51-2801H V51-2804H I51-2810H I51-2811H15 I51-2800J I51-2801J V51-2804J I51-2810J I51-2811J30 I51-2800L I51-2801L I51-2810L I51-2811L45 I51-2800M1600 5 I51-2900F I51-2901F V51-2904F I51-2910F I51-2911F10 I51-2900H I51-2901H V51-2904H I51-2910H I51-2911H15 I51-2900J I51-2901J V51-2904J I51-2910J I51-2911J30 I51-2900L I51-2901L I51-2910L I51-2911L45 I51-2900M2000 10 I51-3000H I51-3001H V51-3004H I51-3010H I51-3011H15 I51-3000J I51-3001J V51-3004J I51-3010J I51-3011J30 I51-3000L I51-3001L I51-3010L I51-3011L45 I51-3000M I51-3001M2400 10 I51-3100H I51-3101H V51-3104H I51-3110H I51-3111H15 I51-3100J I51-3101J V51-3104J I51-3110J I51-3111J30 I51-3100L I51-3101L I51-3110L I51-3111L45 I51-3100M I51-3101M2500 10 I51-3200H I51-3201H V51-3204H I51-3210H I51-3211H15 I51-3200J I51-3201J V51-3204J I51-3210J I51-3211J30 I51-3200L I51-3201L V51-3204L I51-3210L I51-3211L45 I51-3200M I51-3201M3000 10 I51-3300H I51-3301H V51-3304H I51-3310H I51-3311H15 I51-3300J I51-3301J V51-3304J I51-3310J I51-3311J30 I51-3300L I51-3301L V51-3304L I51-3310L I51-3311L45 I51-3300M3200 10 I51-3400H I51-3401H V51-3404H I51-3410H I51-3411H15 I51-3400J I51-3401J V51-3404J I51-3410J I51-3411J30 I51-3400L I51-3401L V51-3404L I51-3410L I51-3411L45 I51-3400M I51-3410Mwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 95


MBS AGWSK 30Low volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformersfor industrial applicationsWound current transformersTransformer width61 mmWSK 40Transformer width71 mmWSK 40 NNEWTransformer width71 mmWSK 60Transformer width71 mmWSK 70.6Transformer width60 mmWSK 70.6 NTransformer width60 mmWSK 31.5Transformer width70 mmwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 97

MBS AGWound current transformersBased on the physical operating principle of current transformers, the required core volume transferringan amount of power, increases rapidly with a decreasing nominal current. As there are limits on increasingthe transformer size, wound current transformers are being used.Interim current transformers also belong to the group of wound current transformers. This construction ismainly used for primary currents of up to 10 A, and achieves a transformation at a higher or lower secondarycurrent values. In addition to their application in adapting a measuring circuit on existing measuringunits, interim current transformers are being used also for lowering the power loss by the transmission ofanalogically measured values over great distances. This is made possible by means of a squared dependenceof the power loss from the flowing current.P V =I 2 x Z [VA]apparent power [VA]This means when the original nominal current is halved, the conductor loss drops down to 25 % of itsoriginal value.Indication:The selection of the nominal power of the initially activated main transformer is achievedthrough the application of the following measurement <strong>com</strong>parisions.I2P GH =P Z x ( ) 2 + P E + P HZI1P GHP ZP EP HZI 1I 2apparent power of the main transformersecondary performance of the interim transformer (nominal performance inclusive of conductorlosses)consumption of the interim transformer by nominal currentconductor losses between main- and interim transformer by nominal currentprimary nominal current of the interim transformersecondary nominal current of the interim transformer98 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGWSK 30Wound current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.1 2.5 30017 30011 30217 302115 30018 302182.5 2.5 30019 30012 30219 302125 30020 302205 2.5 30021 30013 30221 302135 30022 3022210 2.5 30023 30014 30223 302145 30024 3022415 2.5 30025 30015 30225 302155 30026 3022620 2.5 30027 30016 30227 302165 30028 30228Snap-on mountingPrimary conductor —Round conductor —Transformer width61 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 53011see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59040see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205www.mbs-stromwandler.de 99

MBS AGWSK 40Wound current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.1 2.5 31044 31011 31244 312115 31045 31012 31245 3121210 31046 31013 31246 3121315 31047 31014 31247 312142.5 2.5 31048 31015 31248 312155 31049 31016 31249 3121610 31050 31017 31250 3121715 31051 31018 31251 312185 2.5 31052 31019 31252 312195 31053 31020 31253 3122010 31054 31021 31254 3122115 31055 31022 31255 3122210 2.5 31056 31023 31256 312235 31057 31024 31257 3122410 31058 31025 31258 3122515 31059 31026 31259 3122615 2.5 31060 31027 31260 312275 31061 31028 31261 3122810 31062 31029 31262 3122915 31063 31030 31263 3123020 2.5 31064 31031 31264 312315 31065 31032 31265 3123210 31066 31033 31266 3123315 31067 31034 31267 3123425 2.5 31068 31035 31268 312355 31069 31036 31269 3123610 31070 31037 31270 3123715 31071 31038 31271 3123830 2.5 31072 31039 31272 312395 31073 31040 31273 3124010 31074 31041 31274 31241Snap-on mountingPrimary conductor —Round conductor —Transformer width71 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 55012see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59041see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205100 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGWSK 40 NWound current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.30 2.5 31161 31151 31361 313515 31162 31152 31362 3135210 31163 31153 31363 3135340 2.5 31164 31154 31364 313545 31165 31155 31365 3135510 31166 31156 31366 3135650 2.5 31167 31157 31367 313575 31168 31158 31368 3135810 31169 31159 31369 31359Snap-on mountingPrimary conductor —Round conductor —Transformer width71 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 55011see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59041see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205www.mbs-stromwandler.de 101

MBS AGWSK 60Wound current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.5 2.5 35041 35011 35241 352115 35042 35012 35242 3521210 35043 35013 35243 3521315 35044 3524410 2.5 35045 35014 35245 352145 35046 35015 35246 3521510 35047 35016 35247 3521615 35048 3524815 2.5 35049 35017 35249 352175 35050 35018 35250 3521810 35051 35019 35251 3521915 35052 3525220 2.5 35053 35020 35253 352205 35054 35021 35254 3522110 35055 35022 35255 3522215 35056 3525625 2.5 35057 35023 35257 352235 35058 35024 35258 3522410 35059 35025 35259 3522515 35060 3526030 2.5 35061 35026 35261 352265 35062 35027 35262 3522710 35063 35028 35263 3522815 35064 35264PRIMARYPrimary conductor —Round conductor —Transformer width71 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59041see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205102 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGWSK 70.6Wound current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.25 2.5 32038 32011 32238 322115 32039 32012 32239 3221210 32040 32013 32240 3221315 32041 3224130 2.5 32042 32014 32242 322145 32043 32015 32243 3221510 32044 32016 32244 3221615 32045 3224540 2.5 32046 32017 32246 322175 32047 32018 32247 3221810 32048 32019 32248 3221915 32049 3224950 2.5 32050 32020 32250 322205 32051 32021 32251 3222110 32052 32022 32252 3222215 32053 3225360 2.5 32054 32023 32254 322235 32055 32024 32255 3222410 32056 32025 32256 3222515 32057 3225775 2.5 32058 32026 32258 322265 32059 32027 32259 3222710 32060 32028 32260 3222815 32061 3226180 2.5 32062 32029 32262 322295 32063 32030 32263 3223010 32064 32031 32264 3223115 32065 32265100 2.5 32066 32032 32266 322325 32067 32033 32267 3223310 32068 32034 32268 3223415 32069 32269Primary conductor —Round conductor —Transformer width60 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59043see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205www.mbs-stromwandler.de 103

MBS AGWSK 70.6 NWound current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.25 2.5 89047 89011 89247 892115 89048 89012 89248 8921210 89049 89013 89249 8921315 89050 8925030 2.5 89051 89015 89251 892155 89052 89016 89252 8921610 89053 89017 89253 8921715 89054 8925440 2.5 89055 89019 89255 892195 89056 89020 89256 8922010 89057 89021 89257 8922115 89058 8925850 2.5 89059 89023 89259 892235 89060 89024 89260 8922410 89061 89025 89261 8922515 89062 8926260 2.5 89063 89027 89263 892275 89064 89028 89264 8922810 89065 89029 89265 8922915 89066 8926675 2.5 89067 89031 89267 892315 89068 89032 89268 8923210 89069 89033 89269 8923315 89070 8927080 2.5 89071 89035 89271 892355 89072 89036 89272 8923610 89073 89037 89273 8923715 89074 89274100 2.5 89075 89039 89275 892395 89076 89040 89276 8924010 89077 89041 89277 8924115 89078 89278Primary conductor —Round conductor —Transformer width60 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59041see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205104 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGWSK 31.5Wound current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.25 2.5 33047 33011 33247 332115 33048 33012 33248 3321210 33049 33013 33249 3321315 33050 33014 33250 3321430 2.5 33051 33015 33251 332155 33052 33016 33252 3321610 33053 33017 33253 3321715 33054 33018 33254 3321840 2.5 33055 33019 33255 332195 33056 33020 33256 3322010 33057 33021 33257 3322115 33058 33022 33258 3322250 2.5 33059 33023 33259 332235 33060 33024 33260 3322410 33061 33025 33261 3322515 33062 33026 33262 3322660 2.5 33063 33027 33263 332275 33064 33028 33264 3322810 33065 33029 33265 3322915 33066 33030 33266 3323075 2.5 33067 33031 33267 332315 33068 33032 33268 3323210 33069 33033 33269 3323315 33070 33034 33270 3323480 2.5 33071 33035 33271 332355 33072 33036 33272 3323610 33073 33037 33273 3323715 33074 33038 33274 33238100 2.5 33075 33039 33275 332395 33076 33040 33276 3324010 33077 33041 33277 3324115 33078 33042 33278 33242150 2.5 33079 33043 33279 332435 33080 33044 33280 3324410 33081 33045 33281 3324515 33082 33046 33282 33246Primary conductor —Round conductor —Transformer width70 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59045see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 194www.mbs-stromwandler.de 105

MBS AGSplit core current transformers, series KBUwww.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGSplit core current transformersKBU 23Primary conductorTransformer width20 x 30 mm93 mmKBU 58Primary conductorTransformer width50 x 80 mm125 mmKBU 812Primary conductorTransformer width80 x 120 mm155 mmKBU 816Primary conductorTransformer width80 x 160 mm195 mmwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 107

MBS AGKBU 23Split core current transformerC1Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.100 1.25 80041 80241150 1.5 80042 80242200 1.5 80043 80243250 1.5 80044 80244300 1.5 80035 802353.75 80045 80245400 2.5 80036 802365 80046 80246KBU 58BDACESecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.250 1 80051 802511.5 80061 80261300 1.5 80052 802522.5 80062 80262400 1.5 80053 802532.5 80063 80263500 2.5 80054 802545 80064 80264600 2.5 80055 802555 80065 80265750 2.5 80056 802565 80066 80266800 2.5 80057 802577.5 80067 802671000 5 80058 8025810 80068 80268Type KBU 23 KBU 58A 93 125B 106 158C/C1 34/58 34/58D 20 50E 30 80108 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGKBU 812Split core current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.250 1 80071 802711.5 80091 80291300 1.5 80072 802722.5 80092 80292400 1.5 80073 802732.5 80093 80293500 2.5 80074 802745 80094 80294600 2.5 80075 802755 80095 80295750 2.5 80076 802765 80096 80296800 2.5 80077 802777.5 80097 802971000 5 80078 8027810 80098 802981200 5 80079 8027910 80099 802991250 7.5 80080 8028015 80100 803001500 7.5 80081 8028115 80101 80301KBU 816Type KBU 812 KBU 816A 155 195B 198 243C/C1 34/58 64/79D 80 80E 120 160Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.1000 10 80140 80110 80340 8031015 80141 803411200 10 80142 80111 80342 8031115 80143 803431500 10 80144 80112 80344 8031215 80145 80113 80345 803131600 10 80146 80114 80346 8031415 80147 80115 80347 803152000 10 80148 80116 80348 8031615 80149 80117 80349 803172500 10 80150 80119 80350 8031915 80151 80120 80351 803203000 15 80152 80122 80352 8032230 80153 803534000 15 80154 80123 80354 8032330 80155 80124 80355 803245000 15 80156 80125 80356 8032530 80157 80126 80357 80326www.mbs-stromwandler.de 109

MBS AGSummation current transformers,series KSU / SUSKwww.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGKSULow volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformersfor industrial applicationsSummation current transformersSummation current transformerTransformer widthTransformer depth127 mm57 mmSUSKSummation current transformerTransformer widthTransformer depth156 mm65 mmwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 111

MBS AGGuidance when ordering summation current transformersSummation current transformers are suitable for the summation of several synchronized alternating currents withsimilar phases but with differing load phase shifts. It is also possible to have the summation of currents with variednominal volt<strong>ag</strong>es of similar phase positions. These measurements cannot be used for tariff applications, as theexisting volt<strong>ag</strong>e differences are recorded as errors.With the counter connection of the main transformer to the summation current transformer, it is possible to receivesecondary currents which are proportional to the differences of the primary input currents.The built-in technical know-how enables the summation current transformers to add secondary currents of varyingnominal transmissions from the main transformer.The secondary connections of each main transformer are connected to the allocated primary inputs of the summationcurrent transformers.The number of windings of individual partially wound primary circuits of the summation current transformer is proportionallyaligned to the ratio of the primary nominal current of the corresponding main transformer, and to the sumof the nominal currents of all the summation current transformers being connected to the main transformer.For the visual display of the current, a measuring unit can be used with a measuring range similar to the secondarynominal current of the summation current transformers.It is irrelevant for the main transformers with similar nominal transmission ratios, to which primary circuit of thesummation current transformer the connection is made.With main transformers of different nominal transmission ratios, care must be taken to adhere to the assignedconnection to the terminals of the summation current transformers.Is the current flow in the main transformer interrupted, the secondary circuit of the main transformer must neither beshort-circuited nor be connected to the summation current transformer, or to the main transformer.Summation current transformers with unallocated primary circuits must remain open for a later connection to anadditional main transformer. The secondary output current of the summation current transformer is in this instancelower than the secondary nominal current of the summation current transformer by a quantity equal to the ratio ofthe primary nominal current of this ”missing“ main transformer and the sum of all the primary nominal currents of themain transformer.The nominal secondary current of a main transformer must be equal to the nominal primary current of the inputallocation of the summation current transformer.112 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGGuidance when ordering summation current transformersPlease find below an example for the correct selection of measuring <strong>com</strong>ponentsfor summation current transformers.Example:Actual situation: 3 transmission ratios 1000 / 5 VA800 / 5 VA600 / 5 VAOverall current2400 / 5 VABurden:Looking for:– 1 current meter– 1 power recorder1 summation current transformer and the VA power of an individual maintransformerRequired active performance of the summation current transformer:Current meterPerformance recorderMeasurement conductor lossconsumption P o summation ctInterim result1.5 VA7.0 VA1.5 VA4.0 VA14.0 VAThe individual transformer must provide it’s VA share from this 14.0 VA corresponding to its ratio to the “total transmission”.Consideration must also be given to the respective power loss between the main transformer and the summationtransformer plus other possible losses.1. Main transformer 1000 / 5A10002400x 14.0 = 5.83 VA + additional possible losses2. Main transformer 800 / 5A8002400x 14.0 = 4.67 VA + additional possible losses3. Main transformer 600 / 5A6002400x 14.0 = 3.50 VA + additional possible lossesThe VA values of the main transformers are to be rounded up to the corresponding VA values in our charts.The ratio of the primary current of a main transformer to the sum of the primary currents of all main currenttransformers the ratio must not exceed 1:8.Important indication to the power measuringToo many rising deviation can prevent the measuring transformer acting as a current transformer fromfulfilling its protective function with regard to the connected measuring units, as in normal operation itsfunctions is well below its saturation limit, and in the event of over currents, the saturation limit is reachedconsiderably later and takes the function almost as a protection current transformer.If there is too much of a decrease, the measuring transformer, as a result of the continuous excessdemands will reach the saturation limit too soon and indirectly function as a switch, rendering ameasuring impossible.www.mbs-stromwandler.de 113

MBS AGKSU 2…3Summation current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classType current Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.2 1+1 5 41114 41111 41314 4131110 41115 41112 41315 4131215 41116 41113 41316 4131320 41117 4131725 41118 4131830 41119 413193 1+1+1 5 41130 41127 41330 4132710 41131 41128 41331 4132815 41132 41129 41332 4132930 41133 413332 5+5 5 41014 41011 41214 4121110 41015 41012 41215 4121215 41016 41013 41216 4121320 41017 4121725 41018 4121830 41019 412193 5+5+5 5 41030 41027 41230 4122710 41031 41028 41231 4122815 41032 41029 41232 4122930 41033 41233Connection example for different ratios:AK-AL = 1000/5BK-BL = 800/5CK-CL = 600/5Connection di<strong>ag</strong>ramPrimary conductor —Round conductor —Transformer width127 mmTransformer depth57 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 590412 pieces primary see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205114 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGSUSK 3…8Summation current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classType current Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.3 5+5+5 5 40015 40011 40215 4021110 40016 40012 40216 4021215 40017 40014 40217 4021430 40018 402184 5+5+5+5 5 40026 40023 40226 4022310 40027 40024 40227 4022415 40028 40025 40228 4022525 40029 4022930 40030 402305 5+5+5+5+5 5 40037 40034 40237 4023410 40038 40035 40238 4023515 40039 40036 40239 4023630 40040 402406 5+5+5+5+5+5 5 40048 40045 40248 4024510 40049 40046 40249 4024615 40050 40047 40250 4024730 40051 402517 5+5+5+5+5+5+5 5 40060 40057 40260 4025710 40061 40058 40261 4025815 40062 40059 40262 4025930 40063 402638 5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5 5 40071 40068 40271 4026810 40072 40069 40272 4026915 40073 40070 40273 4027030 40074 40274Primary current 1 A, see p<strong>ag</strong>e 116Connection di<strong>ag</strong>ramPrimary conductor —Round conductor —Transformer width156 mmTransformer depth65 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutterArt.-no. 59041 (primary)secondary no.Art.-no. 59042 (secondary)see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 195www.mbs-stromwandler.de 115

MBS AGSUSK 3…8Summation current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classTyp current Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.3 1+1+1 5 40115 40111 40315 4031110 40116 40112 40316 4031215 40117 40114 40317 4031430 40118 403184 1+1+1+1 5 40126 40123 40326 4032310 40127 40124 40327 4032415 40128 40125 40328 4032525 40129 4032930 40130 403305 1+1+1+1+1 5 40137 40134 40337 4033410 40138 40135 40338 4033515 40139 40136 40339 4033630 40140 403406 1+1+1+1+1+1 5 40148 40145 40348 4034510 40149 40146 40349 4034615 40150 40147 40350 4034730 40151 403517 1+1+1+1+1+1+1 5 40160 40157 40360 4035710 40161 40158 40361 4035815 40162 40159 40362 4035930 40163 403638 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 5 40171 40168 40371 4036810 40172 40169 40372 4036915 40173 40170 40373 4037030 40174 40374Primary current 5 A, see p<strong>ag</strong>e 115Connection example for different ratios :AK-AL = 1000/5BK-BL = 800/5CK-CL = 600/5DK-DL = 400/5EK-EL = 400/5FK-FL = 300/5GK-GL = 300/5HK-HL = 300/5Primary conductor —Round conductor —Transformer width156 mmTransformer depth65 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutterArt.-no. 59041 (primary)secondary no.Art.-no. 59042 (secondary)see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 195116 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGLow volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformersfor industrial applicationsSpecial current transformersNHCurrent transformers for fuse railswww.mbs-stromwandler.de 117

MBS AGNH-Current transformers for fuse railsSize 1, 2 and 3Housing material: Technyl A20 V25 N025. 200 °CConfiguration:Current transformers for direct fitment in connection with low volt<strong>ag</strong>e high performance fuseswith contact-knives and NH-fuse sets according to DIN 43620/1.NH current transformers are arranged with 2 or 4 tip jacks respectively and canbe operated continuously in open state.Loss motion volt<strong>ag</strong>e / open circuit volt<strong>ag</strong>e with sec. 5 A approx. 3 – 6 V and with sec. 1 Aapprox. 13 – 25 V.The current transformers can also be supplied in dual change-over mode for secondaryapplication.118 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGNH 6.1Current transformer for fuse railsSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 3 3A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.100 1.25 50011 50211150 2.5 50012 50212200 3.5 50013 50213250 4 50014 50214300 5 50015 50215NH 6.1 2USecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 3 3A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.200-100 2.5-1.25 50111 50311300-150 5-2.5 50112 50312Primary conductor24 x 6 mmRound conductor —Transformer width52 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter —www.mbs-stromwandler.de 119

MBS AGNH 6.2Current transformer for fuse railsSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 3 3A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.100 1.25 50021 50221150 2.5 50022 50222200 3.5 50023 50223250 4 50024 50224300 5 50025 50225400 5 50026 50226NH 6.2 2USecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 3 3A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.200-100 2.5-1.25 50121 50321300-150 5-2.5 50122 50322400-200 5-2.5 50123 50323Primary conductor30 x 6 mmRound conductor —Transformer width60 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter —120 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGNH 6.3Current transformer for fuse railsSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 3 3A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.150 2.5 50031 50231200 3.5 50032 50232250 4 50033 50233300 5 50034 50234400 5 50035 50235500 5 50036 50236600 10 50037 50237NH 6.3 2USecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 3 3A VA Art.-no. Art.-no.300-150 5-2.5 50131 50331400-200 5-2.5 50132 50332600-300 10-5 50133 50333Primary conductor32 x 6 mmRound conductor —Transformer width74 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter —www.mbs-stromwandler.de 121


MBS AGLow volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformersfor industrial applicationsProtection current transformersProtection tube current transformersSASR 22.3Round conductorTransformer widthØ 22.5 mm61 mmProtection plug-in current transformersSASK 21.3Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width20 x 10 mmØ 19.2 mm61 mmSASK 31.5Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width30 x 10 mm2 x 20 x 10 mmØ 28 mm61 mmSASK 31.6Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width30 x 10 mm20 x 13 mmØ 23 mm95 mmwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 123

MBS AGProtection current transformers – Technical conceptsApplication: Current transformers are for the galvanic separation, proportional transformation of alternating currents of largercurrents into smaller, direct measurable values. There are two categories subject to their application:– measuring transformers– protection transformers.All current transformers manufactured by MBS are for low volt<strong>ag</strong>e applications with a max. phase to phase volt<strong>ag</strong>e of 0.72 kV.Measuring transformer: Measuring transformers are used to measure current, power, power factor and energy consumption <strong>com</strong>binedwith an equivalent measurement unit. Using its m<strong>ag</strong>netic circle, current transformers allow a high transmission accuracy in thenominal current range, whilst simultaniously protecting the connected appliances <strong>ag</strong>ainst over current. The m<strong>ag</strong>netic saturation inthe measuring core ensures protection in the event of an over current.Protection current transformers: Protection current transformers are for the control of protecting relays which have the task toseparate switched circuits in the event of over current. For a save function of these relays a proportional transfer ratio of the transformerup to a multiple of the nominal current is necessary. The dimensioning of this transformer unit secures a proportional currenttransfer, up to a multiple of the nominal currents, determined by the protection class.Technical standards: All MBS current transformers are produced in accordance with the technical requirements of DIN EN 60044/1(edition 12/2003)Technical characteristics: Application use: Indoors, without condensationProtection current transformers: Ambient temperature: - 5 °C ....+ 40 °C.Housing material: Polycarbonate, self-extinguishingHousing form: halve-cup-shaped, ultrasonically weldedIsolation class: EThermal rated nominal continuous current: 1.2 x I NSecondary rated currents: 5 A or 1 AThermal rated short time current: 60 x I N (max.100 kA)Max. excess temperature of the secondary winding: 75 °CIsolating test volt<strong>ag</strong>e: 3 kV U EFF ; 50 Hz, 1 minSafety instructions: The protection current transformer’s physical characteristics has its many advant<strong>ag</strong>es and with all these built-infeatures it is very easy to attend to this transformer with their secondary circuits open. This can be very harmful to the operator ortransformers as multiple kilovolt surges can occure. In order to prevent any mishaps an operation as described above ist forbidden.Ordering instructions: For the correct processing of your order, please make available the following specification:Transformer typeTransmission ratioAccuracy classRated burdenAccuracy classes of current transformers:Class current error (+/- %) by % I N phase displacement error (+/- minutes) by % I N total1 % 5 % 20 % 50 % 100 % 120 % 1 % 5 % 20 % 50 % 100 % 120 % error byn x I NMeasuring transformer0.2s0.20.5s0.5130.75-1.50---0.350.750.751.503.00-0.200.350.500.751.503.00Protection current transformer-----> 10> 10> 10> 10> 10> 105P(n)10P(n)--3.00-1.50--3.00n… over current rated limiting factor1.< 5< 10124 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGSASR 22.3Protection tube current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Protection class Protection classcurrent Burden 5P5 10P5 5P5 10P5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.100 1 S04-1317B125 1 S04-1506B S04-1507B1.5 S04-1516C S04-1517C150 1 S04-1606B S04-1607B1.5 S04-1616C S04-1617C200 1 S04-1706B S04-1707B1.5 S04-1716C S04-1717C250 1 S04-1806B S04-1807B1.5 S04-1816C S04-1817C300 1 S04-1906B S04-1907B1.5 S04-1907C S04-1916C S04-1917CSnap-on mountingPrimary conductor —Round conductorØ 22.5 mmTransformer width61 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 53011see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59040see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformer forindustrial application see p<strong>ag</strong>e 35Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 167www.mbs-stromwandler.de 125

MBS AGSASK 21.3Protection plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Protection class Protection classcurrent Burden 5P5 10P5 5P5 10P5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.125 1 S03-1506B S03-1507B1.5 S03-1516C S03-1517C150 1 S03-1606B S03-1607B1.5 S03-1616C S03-1617C200 1 S03-1706B S03-1707B1.5 S03-1716C S03-1717CSnap-on mountingPrimary conductor20 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 19.2 mmTransformer width61 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 55014see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59040see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 43Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 168126 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGSASK 31.5Protection plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Protection class Protection classcurrent Burden 5P5 10P5 5P5 10P5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.75 1 S17-1116B S17-1117B80 1 S17-1216B S17-1217B100 1 S17-1306B S17-1307B1.5 S17-1316C S17-1317C125 1 S17-1506B S17-1507B1.5 S17-1507C S17-1516C S17-1517C150 1 S17-1606B S17-1607B1.5 S17-1606C S17-1607C S17-1616C S17-1617C200 1 S17-1706B S17-1707B1.5 S17-1706C S17-1707C S17-1716C S17-1717C2.5 S17-1716D S17-1717D250 1.5 S17-1806C S17-1807C S17-1816C S17-1817C2.5 S17-1806D S17-1807D S17-1816D S17-1817D300 1.5 S17-1906C S17-1907C S17-1916C S17-1917C2.5 S17-1906D S17-1907D S17-1916D S17-1917D400 1.5 S17-2006C S17-2007C S17-2016C S17-2017C2.5 S17-2006D S17-2007D S17-2016D S17-2017D500 1.5 S17-2106C S17-2107C S17-2116C S17-2117C2.5 S17-2106D S17-2107D S17-2116D S17-2117D600 1.5 S17-2206C S17-2207C S17-2216C S17-2217C2.5 S17-2216D S17-2217C750 1.5 S17-2306C S17-2307C S17-2316C S17-2317C2.5 S17-2316D S17-2317D5 S17-2317FSnap-on mountingPrimary conductor30 x 10 mm2 x 20 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 28 mmTransformer width61 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 55011see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59041see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 49Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 171www.mbs-stromwandler.de 127

MBS AGSASK 31.6Protection plug-in current transformer5ASecondary currentPrimaryProtection classcurrent Burden 5P5 10P5 5P10 10P10A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.50 1.5 S19-0906C S19-0907C2.5 S19-0906D S19-0907D60 1.5 S19-1006C S19-1007C S19-1009C2.5 S19-1006D S19-1007D80 1.5 S19-1206C S19-1207C S19-1208C S19-1209C2.5 S19-1206D S19-1207D100 1.5 S19-1306C S19-1307C S19-1308C S19-1309C2.5 S19-1306D S19-1307D S19-1309D5 S19-1306F S19-1307F150 2.5 S19-1606D S19-1607D S19-1608D S19-1609D5 S19-1606F S19-1607F7.5 S19-1606G S19-1607G200 2.5 S19-1706D S19-1707D S19-1708D S19-1709D5 S19-1706F S19-1707F S19-1709F7.5 S19-1706G S19-1707G10 S19-1706H S19-1707H250 2.5 S19-1806D S19-1807D S19-1808D S19-1809D5 S19-1806F S19-1807F S19-1808F S19-1809F7.5 S19-1806G S19-1807G10 S19-1806H S19-1807H300 2.5 S19-1906D S19-1907D S19-1908D S19-1909D5 S19-1906F S19-1907F S19-1908F S19-1909F10 S19-1906H S19-1907H400 2.5 S19-2006D S19-2007D S19-2008D S19-2009D5 S19-2006F S19-2007F S19-2008F S19-2009F7.5 S19-2006G S19-2007G10 S19-2006H S19-2007H15 S19-2006J S19-2007J500 2.5 S19-2106D S19-2107D S19-2108D S19-2109D5 S19-2106F S19-2107F S19-2108F S19-2109F7.5 S19-2106G S19-2107G S19-2108G S19-2109G10 S19-2106H S19-2107H15 S19-2106J S19-2107J600 2.5 S19-2206D S19-2207D S19-2208D S19-2209D5 S19-2206F S19-2207F S19-2208F S19-2209F7.5 S19-2206G S19-2207G S19-2208G S19-2209G10 S19-2206H S19-2207H S19-2209H15 S19-2206J S19-2207JPrimary conductor30 x 10 mm20 x 13 mmRound conductorØ 23 mmTransformer width95 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59044see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 51Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 172128 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGSASK 31.6Protection plug-in current transformerSecondary current1APrimaryProtection classcurrent Burden 5P5 10P5 5P10 10P10A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.50 1.5 S19-0916C S19-0917C2.5 S19-0916D S19-0917D60 1.5 S19-1016C S19-1017C S19-1018C S19-1019C2.5 S19-1016D S19-1017D80 1.5 S19-1216C S19-1217C S19-1218C S19-1219C2.5 S19-1216D S19-1217D5 S19-1217F100 2.5 S19-1316D S19-1317D S19-1318D S19-1319D5 S19-1316F S19-1317F150 2.5 S19-1616D S19-1617D S19-1618D S19-1619D5 S19-1616F S19-1617F7.5 S19-1616G S19-1617G200 2.5 S19-1716D S19-1717D S19-1718D S19-1719D5 S19-1716F S19-1717F S19-1718F S19-1719F7.5 S19-1716G S19-1717G10 S19-1716H S19-1717H250 2.5 S19-1816D S19-1817D S19-1818D S19-1819D5 S19-1816F S19-1817F S19-1818F S19-1819F7.5 S19-1816G S19-1817G10 S19-1816H S19-1817H300 2.5 S19-1916D S19-1917D S19-1918D S19-1919D5 S19-1916F S19-1917F S19-1918F S19-1919F10 S19-1916H S19-1917H400 2.5 S19-2016D S19-2017D S19-2018D S19-2019D5 S19-2016F S19-2017F S19-2018F S19-2019F7.5 S19-2016G S19-2017G S19-2018G S19-2019G10 S19-2016H S19-2017H15 S19-2016J S19-2017J500 2.5 S19-2116D S19-2117D S19-2118D S19-2119D5 S19-2116F S19-2117F S19-2118F S19-2119F7.5 S19-2116G S19-2117G S19-2118G S19-2119G10 S19-2116H S19-2117H S19-2119H15 S19-2116J S19-2117J600 2.5 S19-2216D S19-2217D S19-2218D S19-2219D5 S19-2216F S19-2217F S19-2218F S19-2219F7.5 S19-2216G S19-2217G S19-2218G S19-2219G10 S19-2216H S19-2217H S19-2219H15 S19-2216J S19-2217JPrimary conductor30 x 10 mm20 x 13 mmRound conductorØ 23 mmTransformer width95 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59044see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 51Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 172www.mbs-stromwandler.de 129


MBS AGProtection plug-in current transformersSASK 421.4Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width20 x 10 mmØ 20 mm71 mmSASK 41.4Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width40 x 10 mm2 x 30 x 5 mmØ 32 mm71 mmSASK 41.6Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width40 x 12 mm30 x 15 mmØ 32 mm95 mmSASK 41.10Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width40 x 10 mmØ 32 mm150 mmwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 131

MBS AGSASK 421.4Protection plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Protection class Protection classcurrent Burden 5P5 10P5 5P5 10P5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.200 1.5 S23-1706C S23-1707C S23-1716C S23-1717C2.5 S23-1706D S23-1707D S23-1716D S23-1717D250 1.5 S23-1806C S23-1807D S23-1816C S23-1817D2.5 S23-1806D S23-1807C S23-1816D S23-1817C300 1.5 S23-1906C S23-1907C S23-1916C S23-1917C2.5 S23-1906D S23-1907D S23-1916D S23-1917D400 1.5 S23-2006C S23-2007C S23-2016C S23-2017C2.5 S23-2006D S23-2007D S23-2016D S23-2017DPrimary conductor20 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 20 mmTransformer width71 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59041see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 55132 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGSASK 41.4Protection plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Protection class Protection classcurrent Burden 5P5 10P5 5P5 10P5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.120 1 S24-1406B S24-1407B S24-1416B S24-1417B125 1 S24-1506B S24-1507B S24-1516B S24-1517B150 1 S24-1606B S24-1607B1.5 S24-1607C S24-1616C S24-1617C200 1.5 S24-1706C S24-1707C S24-1716C S24-1717C250 1.5 S24-1806C S24-1807C S24-1816C S24-1817C2.5 S24-1807D S24-1816D S24-1817D300 1.5 S24-1906C S24-1907C S24-1916C S24-1917C2.5 S24-1906D S24-1907D S24-1916D S24-1917D400 1.5 S24-2006C S24-2007C S24-2016C S24-2017C2.5 S24-2006D S24-2007D S24-2016D S24-2017D500 1.5 S24-2106C S24-2107C S24-2116C S24-2117C2.5 S24-2116D S24-2117D600 1.5 S24-2206C S24-2207C S24-2216C S24-2217C2.5 S24-2216D S24-2217D750 1.5 S24-2306C S24-2307C S24-2316C S24-2317C2.5 S24-2307D S24-2316D S24-2317DPrimary conductor40 x 10 mmRound conductor2 x 30 x 5 mmRound conductorØ 32 mmTransformer width71 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 55012see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59041see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 56Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 174Snap-on mountingwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 133

MBS AGSASK 41.6Protection plug-in current transformer5ASecondary currentPrimaryProtection classcurrent Burden 5P5 10P5 5P10 10P10A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.100 1.5 S30-1306C S30-1307C S30-1308C S30-1309C2.5 S30-1306D S30-1307D150 2.5 S30-1606D S30-1607D S30-1608D S30-1609D5 S30-1606F S30-1607F200 2.5 S30-1706D S30-1707D S30-1708D S30-1709D5 S30-1706F S30-1707F7.5 S30-1706G S30-1707G10 S30-1707H250 2.5 S30-1806D S30-1807D S30-1808D S30-1809D5 S30-1806F S30-1807F S30-1809F7.5 S30-1806G S30-1807G10 S30-1806H S30-1807H300 2.5 S30-1906D S30-1907D S30-1908D S30-1909D5 S30-1906F S30-1907F S30-1908F S30-1909F7.5 S30-1906G S30-1907G10 S30-1906H S30-1907H400 2.5 S30-2006D S30-2007D S30-2008D S30-2009D5 S30-2006F S30-2007F S30-2008F S30-2009F7.5 S30-2006G S30-2007G S30-2008G S30-2009G10 S30-2006H S30-2007H500 2.5 S30-2106D S30-2107D S30-2108D S30-2109D5 S30-2106F S30-2107F S30-2108F S30-2109F7.5 S30-2106G S30-2107G S30-2108G S30-2109G10 S30-2106H S30-2107H S30-2108H S30-2109H600 2.5 S30-2206D S30-2207D S30-2208D S30-2209D5 S30-2206F S30-2207F S30-2208F S30-2209F7.5 S30-2206G S30-2207G S30-2208G S30-2209G10 S30-2206H S30-2207HPrimary conductor40 x 12 mm30 x 15 mmRound conductorØ 32 mmTransformer width95 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59044see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 61Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 176134 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGSASK 41.6Protection plug-in current transformer1ASecondary currentPrimaryProtection classcurrent Burden 5P5 10P5 5P10 10P10A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.100 1.5 S30-1316C S30-1317C S30-1318C S30-1319C2.5 S30-1316D S30-1317D150 2.5 S30-1616D S30-1617D S30-1618D S30-1619D5 S30-1616F S30-1617F7,5 S30-1617G200 2.5 S30-1716D S30-1717D S30-1718D S30-1719D5 S30-1716F S30-1717F7.5 S30-1716G S30-1717G10 S30-1717H250 2.5 S30-1816D S30-1817D S30-1818D S30-1819D5 S30-1816F S30-1817F S30-1818F S30-1819F7.5 S30-1816G S30-1817G10 S30-1816H S30-1817H300 2.5 S30-1916D S30-1917D S30-1918D S30-1919D5 S30-1916F S30-1917F S30-1918F S30-1919F7.5 S30-1916G S30-1917G10 S30-1916H S30-1917H400 2.5 S30-2016D S30-2017D S30-2018D S30-2019D5 S30-2016F S30-2017F S30-2018F S30-2019F7.5 S30-2016G S30-2017G S30-2018G S30-2019G10 S30-2016H S30-2017H500 2.5 S30-2116D S30-2117D S30-2118D S30-2119D5 S30-2116F S30-2117F S30-2118F S30-2119F7.5 S30-2116G S30-2117G S30-2118G S30-2119G10 S30-2116H S30-2117H S30-2118H S30-2119H600 2.5 S30-2216D S30-2217D S30-2218D S30-2219D5 S30-2216F S30-2217F S30-2218F S30-2219F7.5 S30-2216G S30-2217G S30-2218G S30-2219G10 S30-2216H S30-2217HPrimary conductor40 x 12 mm30 x 15 mmRound conductorØ 32 mmTransformer width95 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59044see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 61Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 176www.mbs-stromwandler.de 135

MBS AGSASK 41.10Protection plug-in current transformerSecondary current5APrimaryProtection classcurrent Burden 5P5 10P5 5P10 10P10A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.100 5 S31-1306F S31-1307F S31-1309F7.5 S31-1306G S31-1307G10 S31-1306H S31-1307H15 S31-1307J150 5 S31-1606F S31-1607F7.5 S31-1606G S31-1607G10 S31-1606H S31-1607H15 S31-1606J S31-1607J200 5 S31-1706F S31-1707F S31-1708F S31-1709F7.5 S31-1706G S31-1707G S31-1708G S31-1709G10 S31-1706H S31-1707H S31-1709H15 S31-1706J S31-1707J250 5 S31-1806F S31-1807F S31-1808F S31-1809F7.5 S31-1806G S31-1807G S31-1808G S31-1809G10 S31-1806H S31-1807H S31-1808H S31-1809H15 S31-1806J S31-1807J S31-1809J300 5 S31-1906F S31-1907F S31-1908F S31-1909F7.5 S31-1906G S31-1907G S31-1908G S31-1909G10 S31-1906H S31-1907H S31-1908H S31-1909H15 S31-1906J S31-1907J S31-1909J400 5 S31-2006F S31-2007F S31-2008F S31-2009F7.5 S31-2006G S31-2007G S31-2008G S31-2009G10 S31-2006H S31-2007H S31-2008H S31-2009H15 S31-2006J S31-2007J S31-2008J S31-2009J500 5 S31-2106F S31-2107F S31-2108F S31-2109F7.5 S31-2106G S31-2107G S31-2108G S31-2109G10 S31-2106H S31-2107H S31-2108H S31-2109H15 S31-2106J S31-2107J S31-2108J S31-2109J600 5 S31-2206F S31-2207F S31-2208F S31-2209F7.5 S31-2206G S31-2207G S31-2208G S31-2209G10 S31-2206H S31-2207H S31-2208H S31-2209H15 S31-2206J S31-2207J S31-2208J S31-2209J750 5 S31-2306F S31-2307F S31-2308F S31-2309F7.5 S31-2306G S31-2307G S31-2308G S31-2309G10 S31-2306H S31-2307H S31-2308H S31-2309H15 S31-2306J S31-2307J S31-2308J S31-2309J800 5 S31-2406F S31-2407F S31-2408F S31-2409F7.5 S31-2406G S31-2407G S31-2408G S31-2409G10 S31-2406H S31-2407H S31-2408H S31-2409H15 S31-2406J S31-2407J S31-2408J S31-2409JPrimary conductor40 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 32 mmTransformer width150 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter —136 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGSASK 41.10Protection plug-in current transformerSecondary current1APrimaryProtection classcurrent Burden 5P5 10P5 5P10 10P10A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.100 5 S31-1316F S31-1317F S31-1319F7.5 S31-1316G S31-1317G10 S31-1316H S31-1317H15 S31-1317J150 5 S31-1616F S31-1617F S31-1619F7.5 S31-1616G S31-1617G10 S31-1616H S31-1617H15 S31-1616J S31-1617J200 5 S31-1716F S31-1717F S31-1718F S31-1719F7.5 S31-1716G S31-1717G S31-1718G S31-1719G10 S31-1716H S31-1717H S31-1719H15 S31-1716J S31-1717J250 5 S31-1816F S31-1817F S31-1818F S31-1819F7.5 S31-1816G S31-1817G S31-1818G S31-1819G10 S31-1816H S31-1817H S31-1818H S31-1819H15 S31-1816J S31-1817J S31-1819J300 5 S31-1916F S31-1917F S31-1918F S31-1919F7.5 S31-1916G S31-1917G S31-1918G S31-1919G10 S31-1916H S31-1917H S31-1918H S31-1919H15 S31-1916J S31-1917J S31-1919J400 5 S31-2016F S31-2017F S31-2018F S31-2019F7.5 S31-2016G S31-2017G S31-2018G S31-2019G10 S31-2016H S31-2017H S31-2018H S31-2019H15 S31-2016J S31-2017J S31-2018J S31-2019J500 5 S31-2116F S31-2117F S31-2118F S31-2119F7.5 S31-2116G S31-2117G S31-2118G S31-2119G10 S31-2116H S31-2117H S31-2118H S31-2119H15 S31-2116J S31-2117J S31-2118J S31-2119J600 5 S31-2216F S31-2217F S31-2218F S31-2219F7.5 S31-2216G S31-2217G S31-2218G S31-2219G10 S31-2216H S31-2217H S31-2218H S31-2219H15 S31-2216J S31-2217J S31-2218J S31-2219J750 5 S31-2316F S31-2317F S31-2318F S31-2319F7.5 S31-2316G S31-2317G S31-2318G S31-2319G10 S31-2316H S31-2317H S31-2318H S31-2319H15 S31-2316J S31-2317J S31-2318J S31-2319J800 5 S31-2416F S31-2417F S31-2418F S31-2419F7.5 S31-2416G S31-2417G S31-2418G S31-2419G10 S31-2416H S31-2417H S31-2418H S31-2419H15 S31-2416J S31-2417J S31-2418J S31-2419JPrimary conductor40 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 32 mmTransformer width150 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter —www.mbs-stromwandler.de 137


MBS AGProtection plug-in current transformersSASK 541.4Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width40 x 10 mm2 x 30 x 15 mmØ 32 mm86 mmSASK 51.4Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width50 x 12 mm2 x 40 x 10 mmØ 44 mm86 mmSASK 51.6Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width50 x 12 mm40 x 30 mmØ 40 mm95 mmwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 139

MBS AGSASK 541.4Protection plug-in current transformerSecondary current5APrimaryProtection classcurrent Burden 5P5 10P5 5P10 10P10A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.100 1 S33-1306B S33-1307B1.5 S33-1306C S33-1307C125 1 S33-1506B S33-1507B1.5 S33-1506C S33-1507C2.5 S33-1507D150 1.5 S33-1606C S33-1607C2.5 S33-1606D S33-1607D200 1.5 S33-1706C S33-1707C2.5 S33-1706D S33-1707D250 1.5 S33-1806C S33-1807C S33-1809C2.5 S33-1806D S33-1807D300 1.5 S33-1906C S33-1907C S33-1908C S33-1909C2.5 S33-1906D S33-1907D5 S33-1907F400 1.5 S33-2006C S33-2007C S33-2008C S33-2009C2.5 S33-2006D S33-2007D5 S33-2006F S33-2007F500 1.5 S33-2106C S33-2107C S33-2108C S33-2109C2.5 S33-2106D S33-2107D S33-2108D S33-2109D5 S33-2106F S33-2107F7.5 S33-2107G600 1.5 S33-2206C S33-2207C S33-2208C S33-2209C2.5 S33-2206D S33-2207D S33-2208D S33-2209D5 S33-2206F S33-2207F7.5 S33-2207G750 2.5 S33-2306D S33-2307D S33-2308D S33-2309D5 S33-2306F S33-2307F7.5 S33-2306G S33-2307G1000 2.5 S33-2506D S33-2507D S33-2508D S33-2509D5 S33-2506F S33-2507F7.5 S33-2506G S33-2507G10 S33-2506H S33-2507HPrimary conductor40 x 10 mm2 x 30 x 5 mmRound conductorØ 32 mmTransformer width86 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 64Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 177140 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGSASK 541.4Protection plug-in current transformer1ASecondary currentPrimaryProtection classcurrent Burden 5P5 10P5 5P10 10P10A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.100 1 S33-1316B S33-1317B1,5 S33-1316C S33-1317C125 1 S33-1516B S33-1517B1,5 S33-1516C S33-1517C2,5 S33-1516D S33-1517D150 1,5 S33-1616C S33-1617C2,5 S33-1616D S33-1617D200 1,5 S33-1716C S33-1717C2,5 S33-1716D S33-1717D250 1,5 S33-1816C S33-1817C S33-1818C S33-1819C2,5 S33-1816D S33-1817D300 1,5 S33-1916C S33-1917C S33-1918C S33-1919C2,5 S33-1916D S33-1917D5 S33-1917F400 1,5 S33-2016C S33-2017C S33-2018C S33-2019C2,5 S33-2016D S33-2017D5 S33-2016F S33-2017F500 1,5 S33-2116C S33-2117C S33-2118C S33-2119C2,5 S33-2116D S33-2117D S33-2118D S33-2119D5 S33-2116F S33-2117F600 1,5 S33-2216C S33-2217C S33-2218C S33-2219C2,5 S33-2216D S33-2217D S33-2218D S33-2219D5 S33-2216F S33-2217F7,5 S33-2217G750 1,5 S33-2316C S33-2317C S33-2318C S33-2319C2,5 S33-2316D S33-2317D S33-2318D S33-2319D5 S33-2316F S33-2317F7,5 S33-2316G S33-2317G1000 2,5 S33-2516D S33-2517D S33-2518D S33-2519D5 S33-2516F S33-2517F S33-2519F7,5 S33-2516G S33-2517G10 S33-2516H S33-2517HPrimary conductor40 x 10 mm2 x 30 x 5 mmRound conductorØ 32 mmTransformer width86 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 64Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 177www.mbs-stromwandler.de 141

MBS AGSASK 51.4Protection plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Protection class Protection classcurrent Burden 5P5 10P5 5P5 10P5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.150 1 S34-1616B S34-1617B200 1 S34-1706B S34-1707B S34-1716B S34-1717B1.5 S34-1707C S34-1716C S34-1717C250 1.5 S34-1806C S34-1807C S34-1816C S34-1817C2.5 S34-1817D300 1.5 S34-1906C S34-1907C S34-1916C S34-1917C2.5 S34-1916D S34-1917D400 1.5 S34-2006C S34-2007C S34-2016C S34-2017C2.5 S34-2007D S34-2016D S34-2017D500 1.5 S34-2106C S34-2107C S34-2116C S34-2117C2.5 S34-2107D S34-2116D S34-2117D600 1.5 S34-2206C S34-2207C S34-2216C S34-2217C2.5 S34-2207D S34-2216D S34-2217D750 1.5 S34-2306C S34-2307C S34-2316C S34-2317C2.5 S34-2306D S34-2307D S34-2316D S34-2317D5 S34-2317F1000 1.5 S34-2506C S34-2507C S34-2516C S34-2517C2.5 S34-2506D S34-2507D S34-2516D S34-2517D5 S34-2516F S34-2517FPrimary conductor50 x 12 mm2 x 40 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 44 mmTransformer width86 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 65Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 178142 www.mbs-stromwandler.de


MBS AGSASK 51.6Protection plug-in current transformerSecondary current5APrimaryProtection classcurrent Burden 5P5 10P5 5P10 10P10A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.150 1.5 S37-1606C S37-1607C S37-1608C S37-1609C2.5 S37-1606D S37-1607D200 1.5 S37-1706C S37-1707C S37-1708C S37-1709C2.5 S37-1706D S37-1707D5 S37-1706F S37-1707F250 2.5 S37-1806D S37-1807D S37-1808D S37-1809D5 S37-1806F S37-1807F7.5 S37-1807G300 2.5 S37-1906D S37-1907D S37-1908D S37-1909D5 S37-1906F S37-1907F7.5 S37-1906G S37-1907G400 2.5 S37-2006D S37-2007D S37-2008D S37-2009D5 S37-2006F S37-2007F7.5 S37-2006G S37-2007G500 2.5 S37-2106D S37-2107D S37-2108D S37-2109D5 S37-2106F S37-2107F7.5 S37-2106G S37-2107G10 S37-2106H S37-2107H600 2.5 S37-2206D S37-2207D S37-2208D S37-2209D5 S37-2206F S37-2207F7.5 S37-2206G S37-2207G10 S37-2206H S37-2207H750 2.5 S37-2306D S37-2307D S37-2308D S37-2309D5 S37-2306F S37-2307F S37-2308F S37-2309F7.5 S37-2306G S37-2307G10 S37-2306H S37-2307H1000 2.5 S37-2506D S37-2507D S37-2508D S37-2509D5 S37-2506F S37-2507F S37-2508F S37-2509F7.5 S37-2506G S37-2507G10 S37-2506H S37-2507HPrimary conductor50 x 12 mm40 x 30 mmRound conductorØ 40 mmTransformer width95 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59044see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 67Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 179144 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGSASK 51.6Protection plug-in current transformerSecondary current1APrimaryProtection classcurrent Burden 5P5 10P5 5P10 10P10A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.150 1.5 S37-1616C S37-1617C S37-1618C S37-1619C2.5 S37-1616D S37-1617D200 1.5 S37-1716C S37-1717C S37-1718C S37-1719C2.5 S37-1716D S37-1717D S37-1718D S37-1719D5 S37-1716F S37-1717F250 2.5 S37-1816D S37-1817D S37-1818D S37-1819D5 S37-1816F S37-1817F7.5 S37-1817G300 2.5 S37-1916D S37-1917D S37-1918D S37-1919D5 S37-1916F S37-1917F7.5 S37-1917G400 2.5 S37-2016D S37-2017D S37-2018D S37-2019D5 S37-2016F S37-2017F7.5 S37-2016G S37-2017G500 2.5 S37-2116D S37-2117D S37-2118D S37-2119D5 S37-2116F S37-2117F S37-2119F7.5 S37-2116G S37-2117G10 S37-2116H S37-2117H600 2.5 S37-2216D S37-2217D S37-2218D S37-2219D5 S37-2216F S37-2217F S37-2218F S37-2219F7.5 S37-2216G S37-2217G10 S37-2216H S37-2217H750 2.5 S37-2316D S37-2317D S37-2318D S37-2319D5 S37-2316F S37-2317F S37-2318F S37-2319F7.5 S37-2316G S37-2317G10 S37-2316H S37-2317H1000 2.5 S37-2516D S37-2517D S37-2518D S37-2519D5 S37-2516F S37-2517F S37-2518F S37-2519F7.5 S37-2516G S37-2517G10 S37-2516H S37-2517HPrimary conductor50 x 12 mm40 x 30 mmRound conductorØ 40 mmTransformer width95 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59044see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 67Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 179www.mbs-stromwandler.de 145


MBS AGProtection plug-in current transformersSASK 61.4Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width60 x 10 mm2 x 50 x 10 mmØ 44 mm96 mmSASK 61.10Primary conductorTransformer width60 x 10 mm50 x 30 mm150 mmSASK 63.6Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width60 x 30 mmØ 30 mm88 mmSASK 105.6Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width100 x 55 mmØ 55 mm129 mmwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 147

MBS AGSASK 61.4Protection plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Protection class Protection classcurrent Burden 5P5 10P5 5P5 10P5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.200 1 S41-1706B S41-1707B S41-1716B S41-1717B1.5 S41-1706C S41-1707C S41-1716C S41-1717C250 1 S41-1806B S41-1807B S41-1816B S41-1817B1.5 S41-1806C S41-1807C S41-1816C S41-1817C300 1.5 S41-1906C S41-1907C S41-1916C S41-1917C2.5 S41-1907D S41-1916D S41-1917D400 1.5 S41-2006C S41-2007C S41-2016C S41-2017C2.5 S41-2006D S41-2007D S41-2016D S41-2017D500 1.5 S41-2106C S41-2107C S41-2116C S41-2117C2.5 S41-2106D S41-2107D S41-2116D S41-2117D600 1.5 S41-2206C S41-2207C S41-2216C S41-2217C2.5 S41-2206D S41-2207D S41-2216D S41-2217D5 S41-2216F S41-2217F750 1.5 S41-2306C S41-2307C S41-2316C S41-2317C2.5 S41-2306D S41-2307D S41-2316D S41-2317D5 S41-2307F S41-2307F S41-2316F S41-2317F1000 1.5 S41-2506C S41-2507C S41-2516C S41-2517C2.5 S41-2506D S41-2507D S41-2516D S41-2517D5 S41-2506F S41-2507F S41-2516F S41-2517F1200 1.5 S41-2606C S41-2607C S41-2616C S41-2617C2.5 S41-2606D S41-2607D S41-2616D S41-2617D5 S41-2606F S41-2607F S41-2616F S41-2617F1250 1.5 S41-2706C S41-2707C S41-2716C S41-2717C2.5 S41-2706D S41-2707D S41-2716D S41-2717D5 S41-2706F S41-2707F S41-2716F S41-2717FPrimary conductor63 x 10 mm2 x 50 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 44 mmTransformer width96 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 70Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 182148 www.mbs-stromwandler.de


MBS AGSASK 61.10Protection plug-in current transformerSecondary current5APrimaryProtection classcurrent Burden 5P5 10P5 5P10 10P10A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.250 5 S50-1806F S50-1807F S50-1808F S50-1809F7.5 S50-1806G S50-1807G S50-1809G10 S50-1806H S50-1807H300 5 S50-1906F S50-1907F S50-1908F S50-1909F7.5 S50-1906G S50-1907G S50-1908G S50-1909G10 S50-1906H S50-1907H S50-1909H15 S50-1906J S50-1907J400 5 S50-2006F S50-2007F S50-2008F S50-2009F7.5 S50-2006G S50-2007G S50-2008G S50-2009G10 S50-2006H S50-2007H S50-2008H S50-2009H15 S50-2006J S50-2007J S50-2009J500 5 S50-2106F S50-2107F S50-2108F S50-2109F7.5 S50-2106G S50-2107G S50-2108G S50-2109G10 S50-2106H S50-2107H S50-2108H S50-2109H15 S50-2106J S50-2107J S50-2108J S50-2109J600 5 S50-2206F S50-2207F S50-2208F S50-2209F7.5 S50-2206G S50-2207G S50-2208G S50-2209G10 S50-2206H S50-2207H S50-2208H S50-2209H15 S50-2206J S50-2207J S50-2208J S50-2209J750 5 S50-2306F S50-2307F S50-2308F S50-2309F7.5 S50-2306G S50-2307G S50-2308G S50-2309G10 S50-2306H S50-2307H S50-2308H S50-2309H15 S50-2306J S50-2307J S50-2308J S50-2309J1000 5 S50-2506F S50-2507F S50-2508F S50-2509F7.5 S50-2506G S50-2507G S50-2508G S50-2509G10 S50-2506H S50-2507H S50-2508H S50-2509H15 S50-2506J S50-2507J S50-2508J S50-2509J1200 5 S50-2606F S50-2607F S50-2608F S50-2609F7.5 S50-2606G S50-2607G S50-2608G S50-2609G10 S50-2606H S50-2607H S50-2608H S50-2609H15 S50-2606J S50-2607J S50-2608J S50-2609J1250 5 S50-2706F S50-2707F S50-2708F S50-2709F7.5 S50-2706G S50-2707G S50-2708G S50-2709G10 S50-2706H S50-2707H S50-2708H S50-2709H15 S50-2706J S50-2707J S50-2708J S50-2709J1500 5 S50-2806F S50-2807F S50-2808F S50-2809F7.5 S50-2806G S50-2807G S50-2808G S50-2809G10 S50-2806H S50-2807H S50-2808H S50-2809H15 S50-2806J S50-2807J S50-2808J S50-2809J2000 5 S50-3006F S50-3007F S50-3008F S50-3009F7.5 S50-3006G S50-3007G S50-3008G S50-3009G10 S50-3006H S50-3007H S50-3008H S50-3009H15 S50-3006J S50-3007J S50-3008J S50-3009JPrimary conductor60 x 10 mm50 x 30 mmRound conductor —Transformer width150 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter —150 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGSASK 61.10Protection plug-in current transformer1ASecondary currentPrimaryProtection classcurrent Burden 5P5 10P5 5P10 10P10A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.250 5 S50-1816F S50-1817F S50-1818F S50-1819F7.5 S50-1816G S50-1817G S50-1819G10 S50-1816H S50-1817H300 5 S50-1916F S50-1917F S50-1918F S50-1919F7.5 S50-1916G S50-1917G S50-1918G S50-1919G10 S50-1916H S50-1917H S50-1919H15 S50-1916J S50-1917J400 5 S50-2016F S50-2017F S50-2018F S50-2019F7.5 S50-2016G S50-2017G S50-2018G S50-2019G10 S50-2016H S50-2017H S50-2018H S50-2019H15 S50-2016J S50-2017J S50-2019J500 5 S50-2116F S50-2117F S50-2118F S50-2119F7.5 S50-2116G S50-2117G S50-2118G S50-2119G10 S50-2116H S50-2117H S50-2118H S50-2119H15 S50-2116J S50-2117J S50-2118J S50-2119J600 5 S50-2216F S50-2217F S50-2218F S50-2219F7.5 S50-2216G S50-2217G S50-2218G S50-2219G10 S50-2216H S50-2217H S50-2218H S50-2219H15 S50-2216J S50-2217J S50-2218J S50-2219J750 5 S50-2316F S50-2317F S50-2318F S50-2319F7.5 S50-2316G S50-2317G S50-2318G S50-2319G10 S50-2316H S50-2317H S50-2318H S50-2319H15 S50-2316J S50-2317J S50-2318J S50-2319J1000 5 S50-2516F S50-2517F S50-2518F S50-2519F7.5 S50-2516G S50-2517G S50-2518G S50-2519G10 S50-2516H S50-2517H S50-2518H S50-2519H15 S50-2516J S50-2517J S50-2518J S50-2519J1200 5 S50-2616F S50-2617F S50-2618F S50-2619F7.5 S50-2616G S50-2617G S50-2618G S50-2619G10 S50-2616H S50-2617H S50-2618H S50-2619H15 S50-2616J S50-2617J S50-2618J S50-2619J1250 5 S50-2716F S50-2717F S50-2718F S50-2719F7.5 S50-2716G S50-2717G S50-2718G S50-2719G10 S50-2716H S50-2717H S50-2718H S50-2719H15 S50-2716J S50-2717J S50-2718J S50-2719J1500 5 S50-2816F S50-2817F S50-2818F S50-2819F7.5 S50-2816G S50-2817G S50-2818G S50-2819G10 S50-2816H S50-2817H S50-2818H S50-2819H15 S50-2816J S50-2817J S50-2818J S50-2819J2000 5 S50-3016F S50-3017F S50-3018F S50-3019F7.5 S50-3016G S50-3017G S50-3018G S50-3019G10 S50-3016H S50-3017H S50-3018H S50-3019H15 S50-3016J S50-3017J S50-3018J S50-3019JPrimary conductor60 x 10 mm50 x 30 mmRound conductor —Transformer width150 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter —www.mbs-stromwandler.de 151

MBS AGSASK 63.6Protection plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Protection class Protection classcurrent Burden 5P5 10P5 5P5 10P5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.200 1.5 S46-1706C S17-1707C S46-1716C S46-1717C2.5 S46-1707D S46-1716D S46-1717D250 1.5 S46-1806C S46-1807C S46-1816C S46-1817C2.5 S46-1806D S46-1807D S46-1816D S46-1817D300 1.5 S46-1906C S46-1907C S46-1916C S46-1917C2.5 S46-1906D S46-1907D S46-1916D S46-1917D400 2.5 S46-2006D S46-2007D S46-2016D S46-2017D5 S46-2007F S46-2016F S46-2017F500 2.5 S46-2106D S46-2107D S46-2116D S46-2117D5 S46-2106F S46-2107F S46-2116F S46-2117F600 2.5 S46-2206D S46-2207D S46-2216D S46-2217D5 S46-2206F S46-2207F S46-2216F S46-2217F750 2.5 S46-2306D S46-2307D S46-2316D S46-2317D5 S46-2306F S46-2307F S46-2316F S46-2317F1000 2.5 S46-2506D S46-2507D S46-2516D S46-2517D5 S46-2506F S46-2507F S46-2516F S46-2517FPrimary conductor60 x 30 mmRound conductorØ 30 mmTransformer width88 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 74Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 184152 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGSASK 105.6Protection plug-in current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Protection class Protection classcurrent Burden 5P5 10P5 5P5 10P5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.600 2.5 S56-2206C S56-2207C S56-2216C S56-2217C5 S56-2206F S56-2207F S56-2216F S56-2217F750 2.5 S56-2306C S56-2307C S56-2316C S56-2317C5 S56-2306F S56-2307F S56-2316F S56-2317F10 S56-2307H S56-2316H S56-2317H1000 5 S56-2506F S56-2507F S56-2516F S56-2517F10 S56-2506H S56-2507H S56-2516H S56-2517H15 S56-2517J1200 5 S56-2606F S56-2607F S56-2616F S56-2617F10 S56-2606H S26-2607H S56-2616H S56-2617H15 S26-2607J S56-2616J S56-2617J1250 5 S56-2706F S56-2707F S56-2716F S56-2717F10 S56-2706H S56-2707H S56-2716H S56-2717H15 S56-2706J S56-2707J S56-2716J S56-2717J1500 5 S56-2806F S56-2807F S56-2816F S56-2817F10 S56-2806H S56-2807H S56-2816H S56-2817H15 S56-2806J S56-2807J S56-2816J S56-2817J1600 10 S56-2906H S56-2907H S56-2916H S56-2917H15 S56-2906J S56-2907J S56-2916J S59-2917JPrimary conductor100 x 55 mmRound conductorØ 55 mmTransformer width129 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 86Current transformer fortariff applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 188www.mbs-stromwandler.de 153

MBS AGThree-phase current transformer setswww.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGThree-phase current transformer setsASRD 14Primary conductorTransformer widthfor standard rail mounting3 x 13.5 mm105 mmASRD 210.3Primary conductorTransformer widthSlim-Line-rail3 x 21.5 mm49.6 mmASK(D) 21.3with Plexiglas capsASK(D) 31.5ASK(D) 31.5 2Uwith Plexiglas capsWSKD 31.8ASKD 31.8with Plexiglas capswww.mbs-stromwandler.de 155

MBS AGASRD 14Three-phase current transformer setSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.3 x 50 1 96030 962303 x 60 1.25 96032 962323 x 75 1.5 96034 962343 x 80 1.5 96036 962363 x 100 2.5 96038 96012 96238 962123 x 125 2.5 96039 96014 962143.75 96041 962413 x 150 2.5 96040 96017 962173.75 96044 96244Primary conductor —Round conductor3 x Ø 13.5 mmTransformer width105 mmSnap-on mountingintegratedSealed shutter —156 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASRD 210.3Three-phase current transformer setSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.50 1 27700 2780060 1 27701 278011.25 27702 2780275 1.25 27703 278031.5 27704 2780480 1.25 27705 278051.5 27706 27806100 1.5 27707 27726 278072.5 27708 27724 27808 27824125 1.5 27709 278092.5 27710 278103.75 27711 27811150 1.5 27712 278122.5 27713 27725 27813 278253.75 27714 27814160 5 27750200 1.5 27715 278152.5 27716 278165 27717 27817250 2.5 27718 278185 27719 278197.5 27720 27820300 2.5 27721 278215 27722 278227.5 27723 27823Primary conductor —Round conductor3 x Ø 21.5 mmTransformer width49.6 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter —www.mbs-stromwandler.de 157

MBS AGThree-phase current transformer setASK(D) 21.3with Plexiglas capsConfiguration:The measuring transformer set consists of 3 individual current transformers which are mounted on analuminium base plate together with the primary conductors L1, L2, L3 and neutral conductor.The current transformer set can be supplied with or without fuses. The volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply is optionaland can be tapped either from the 10 A-NEOZED fuse or from the individual primary conductors.Transparent, sealable covers protect the secondary terminals of the current transformers <strong>ag</strong>ainst externaltampering. All volt<strong>ag</strong>e carrying parts of the assembled current transformer set are made shock-proof withisolating covers which are included in the deliveries.Flexible copper wire with a nominal cross section of 16 mm 2 up to 70 mm 2 can be connected to theprimary connection terminals.The configuration of this current transformer set conforms to the technical requirements and guidance:DIN EN 60044/1DIN 42600VBG 4158 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK(D) 21.3Three-phase current transformer setSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.3 x 100 1.5 56027 56011 56227 562112.5 56028 56012 56228 562123 x 150 1.5 56029 56013 56229 562132.5 56030 56014 56230 562145 56043 56015 56243 562153 x 200 1.5 56031 56016 56231 562162.5 56032 56017 56232 562175 56033 56018 56233 562183 x 250 1.5 56034 56019 56234 562192.5 56035 56020 56235 562205 56036 56021 56236 562213 x 300 2.5 56037 56022 56237 562225 56038 56023 56238 5622310 56039 56239www.mbs-stromwandler.de 159

MBS AGThree-phase current transformer setASK(D) 31.5ASK(D) 31.5 2Uwith Plexiglas capsConfiguration:The measuring transformer set consists of 3 individual current transformers which are mounted on analuminium base plate together with the primary conductors L1, L2, L3. Transparent sealable covers protectthe secondary terminals of the current transformers <strong>ag</strong>ainst external tampering.Stipulation of the VBG4 (German protection clause) demands that all volt<strong>ag</strong>e carrying parts are madeshock-proof with transparent isolating covers which are included in the deliveries.As an option the current transformer set can be supplied with or without fuses. The volt<strong>ag</strong>e can betapped either from the 10 A-fuse element or directly from the individual primary conductor.The configuration of this current transformer set conforms to:DIN VDE 0414/1DIN 42600 IEC 185VBG 4160 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGASK(D) 31.5Three-phase current transformer setSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.3 x 75 2.5 57043 57011 57243 572113 x 100 2.5 57044 57012 57244 572125 57045 57013 57245 572133 x 150 2.5 57046 57014 57246 572145 57047 57015 57247 572153 x 200 2.5 57048 57016 57248 572165 57049 57017 57249 5721710 57050 57018 57250 572183 x 250 2.5 57051 57019 57251 572195 57052 57020 57252 5722010 57053 57021 57253 5722115 57054 57022 57254 572223 x 300 2.5 57055 57023 57255 572235 57056 57024 57256 5722410 57057 57025 57257 5722515 57058 57026 57258 572263 x 400 2.5 57059 57027 57259 572275 57060 57028 57260 5722810 57061 57029 57261 5722915 57062 57030 57262 572303 x 500 2.5 57063 57031 57263 572315 57064 57032 57264 5723210 57065 57033 57265 5723315 57066 57034 57266 572343 x 600 2.5 57067 57035 57267 572355 57068 57036 57268 5723610 57069 57037 57269 5723715 57070 57038 57270 572383 x 750 2.5 57071 57039 57271 572395 57072 57040 57272 5724010 57073 57041 57273 5724115 57074 57042 57274 57242ASK(D) 31.5 2USecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.3 x 200-100 5-2.5 57090 57080 57290 5728010-5 57091 57081 57291 572813 x 300-150 5-2.5 57092 57082 57292 5728210-5 57093 57083 57293 572833 x 400-200 5-2.5 57094 57084 57294 5728410-5 57095 57085 57295 572853 x 500-250 5-2.5 57096 57086 57296 5728610-5 57097 57087 57297 572873 x 600-300 5-2.5 57098 57088 57298 5728810-5 57099 57089 57299 57289www.mbs-stromwandler.de 161

MBS AGThree-phase current transformer setsWSKD 31.8ASKD 31.8with Plexiglas capsConfiguration:The measuring transformer set of the WSKD 31.8 / ASKD 31.8 conform to the following standards:– DIN EN 60044/1– DIN 42600– VBG 4.Mounted in housing units, are the current transformer sets, consisting of 3 identical individual currenttransformers, fitted on a metalic base plate made of aluminium with a neutral conductor. The WSKD 31.8is produced as a wound current transformer with 3 fixed primary windings for primary currents up to 150 A.The ASKD 31.8 with primary nominal currents from 200 A are supplied with primary bus bars.The current transformer set can be supplied with or without fuses. The volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply is optionaland can be tapped either from the 10 A-fuse element or directly from the individual primary conductor.With 4 mm bore-holes arranged within the secondary connection terminals, a short circuit of the secondarycircuit is made possible, when interchanging energy meters. The transformer set can be supplied withor without a base plate (without a base plate there is no neutral conductor rail). All volt<strong>ag</strong>e carrying partsof the assembled current transformer sets are made shock-proof with isolating covers which are includedin the deliveries.General technical details:Max. permitted operating volt<strong>ag</strong>e: 0.72 kVRated frequency:50 HzOver current rated limiting factor: FS 5Thermal rated continuous current intensity: 1.2 x I NThermal rated short time current: 50 x I N (WSKD 31.8)60 x I N (ASKD 31.8)Isolation class:E162 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGWSKD 31.8Three-phase current transformer setwith base plateSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.3 x 50 2.5 44030 44011 44230 442115 44031 44012 44231 4421210 44032 44013 44232 442133 x 75 2.5 44034 44015 44234 442155 44035 44016 44235 4421610 44036 44017 44236 442173 x 100 2.5 44038 44019 44238 442195 44039 44020 44239 4422010 44040 44021 44240 442213 x 150 2.5 44042 44023 44242 442235 44043 44024 44243 4422410 44044 44025 44244 44225without base plate and neutral conductorSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.3 x 50 2.5 45030 45011 45230 452115 45031 45012 45231 4521210 45032 45013 45232 452133 x 75 2.5 45034 45015 45234 452155 45035 45016 45235 4521610 45036 45017 45236 452173 x 100 2.5 45038 45019 45238 452195 45039 45020 45239 4522010 45040 45021 45240 452213 x 150 2.5 45042 45023 45242 452235 45043 45024 45243 4522410 45044 45025 45244 45225www.mbs-stromwandler.de 163

MBS AGASKD 31.8with base plateThree-phase current transformer setSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.3 x 200 2.5 46041 46011 46241 462115 46042 46012 46242 4621210 46043 46013 46243 462133 x 250 2.5 46045 46015 46245 462155 46046 46016 46246 4621610 46047 46017 46247 462173 x 300 2.5 46049 46019 46249 462195 46050 46020 46250 4622010 46051 46021 46251 4622115 46052 46022 46252 462223 x 400 2.5 46053 46023 46253 462235 46054 46024 46254 4622410 46055 46025 46255 4622515 46056 46026 46256 462263 x 500 2.5 46058 46028 46258 462285 46059 46029 46259 4622910 46060 46030 46260 4623015 46061 46031 46261 462313 x 600 2.5 46063 46033 46263 462335 46064 46034 46264 4623410 46065 46035 46265 4623515 46066 46036 46266 46236without base plate and neutral conductorSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 1 0.5 1 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.3 x 200 2.5 47041 47011 47241 472115 47042 47012 47242 4721210 47043 47013 47243 472133 x 250 2.5 47045 47015 47245 472155 47046 47016 47246 4721610 47047 47017 47247 472173 x 300 2.5 47049 47019 47249 472195 47050 47020 47250 4722010 47051 47021 47251 4722115 47052 47022 47252 472223 x 400 2.5 47053 47023 47253 472235 47054 47024 47254 4722410 47055 47025 47255 4722515 47056 47026 47256 472263 x 500 2.5 47058 47028 47258 472285 47059 47029 47259 4722910 47060 47030 47260 4723015 47061 47031 47261 472313 x 600 2.5 47063 47033 47263 472335 47064 47034 47264 4723410 47065 47035 47265 4723515 47066 47036 47266 47236164 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGLow volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformersfor tariff applicationsTube current transformersEASR 14.3Round conductorTransformer widthØ 14 mm61 mmEASR 22.3Round conductorTransformer widthØ 22.5 mm61 mmEASK 21.3Plug-in current transformersPrimary conductorRound conductorTransformer width20 x 10 mmØ 19.2 mm61 mmEASK 31.3Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width30 x 10 mm2 x 20 x 10 mmØ 26 mm61 mmEASK 31.4Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width30 x 10 mm2 x 20 x 10 mmØ 28 mm61 mmEASK 31.5EASK 31.5 2UPrimary conductorRound conductorTransformer width30 x 10 mm2 x 20 x 10 mmØ 28 mm61 mmEASK 31.6Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width30 x 10 mm20 x 13 mmØ 23 mm95 mmType “E” denotes that the current transformers are suitable for calibrationwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 165

MBS AGEASR 14.3Tube current transformerSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.75 1.5 26584 26590 2677080 1.5 26585 26591 26771100 1.5 26586 26592 26561 26786 26777120 1.5 26587 26593 26563 26772 267782.5 26588 26594 26773125 1.5 26599 26595 26564 26774 267792.5 26560 26597 26565 26775150 1.5 26561 26598 26566 26776 267802.5 26589 26596 26567 26789Snap-on mountingPrimary conductorRound conductorØ 14.0 mmTransformer width45 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 55013see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformer forindustrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 30166 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEASR 22.3Tube current transformerApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.100 1.5 3530 3552 3511 3730 37112.5 3531 3553 3731150 1.5 3532 3554 3512 3732 37122.5 3533 3555 3513 3733 37135 3534 3556 3734200 1.5 3535 3557 3514 3735 37142.5 3536 3558 3515 3736 37155 3537 3559 3516 3737 3716250 2.5 3538 3560 3517 3738 37175 3539 3561 3518 3739 3718300 2.5 3540 3562 3519 3740 37195 3541 3563 3520 3741 372010 3542 3564400 2.5 3543 3565 3521 3743 37215 3544 3566 3522 3744 372210 3545 3567 3523 3745 3723500 2.5 3546 3568 3524 3746 37245 3547 3569 3525 3747 372510 3548 3570 3526 3748 3726600 2.5 3549 3571 3527 3749 37275 3550 3572 3528 3750 372810 3551 3573 3529 3751 3729Snap-on mountingPrimary conductorRound conductorØ 22.5 mmTransformer width61 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 53011see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59040see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformer forindustrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 35Protection plug-incurrent transformers see p<strong>ag</strong>e 125www.mbs-stromwandler.de 167

MBS AGEASK 21.3Plug-in current transformerApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.100 1.5 6530 6549 6511 6730 67112.5 6531 6550 6731150 1.5 6532 6551 6513 6732 67132.5 6533 6552 6514 6733 67145 6534 6553 6734200 1.5 6535 6554 65162.5 6536 6555 6517 6736 67175 6537 6556 6518 6737 6718250 2.5 6538 6557 6519 6738 67195 6539 6558 6520 6739 6720300 2.5 6540 6559 6521 6740 67215 6541 6560 6522 6741 672210 6542 6561400 2.5 6543 6562 6524 6743 67245 6544 6563 6525 6744 672510 6545 6564 6526 6745 6726500 2.5 6546 6565 6527 6746 67275 6547 6566 6528 6747 672810 6548 6567 6529 6748 6729Snap-on mountingPrimary conductor20 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 19.2 mmTransformer width61 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 53011see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59040see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 43Protection plug-incurrent transformers see p<strong>ag</strong>e 126168 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEASK 31.3Plug-in current transformerApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy ccurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Ar100 1.5 7533 7555 75112.5 7534 7556150 1.5 7535 7557 75132.5 7536 7558200 2.5 7537 7559 75155 7538 7560 7516250 2.5 7539 7561 75175 7540 7562 7518300 2.5 7541 7563 75195 7542 7564 7520400 2.5 7543 7565 75215 7544 7566 7522500 2.5 7546 7568 75245 7547 7569 7525600 2.5 7549 7571 75275 7550 7572 7528750 2.5 7552 7574 75305 7553 7575 7531Primary conductor30 x 10 mm2 x 20 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 26 mmTransformer width61 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 53011see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59040see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 45Snap-on mountingwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 169

MBS AGEASK 31.4Plug-in current transformerApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.100 1.5 85102.5 8535 8559 8511 8735 8711150 2.5 8536 8560 8512 8736 87125 8537 8561 8737200 2.5 8538 8562 8514 8738 87145 8539 8563 8515 8739 8715250 2.5 8540 8564 8516 8740 87165 8541 8565 8517 8741 8717300 2.5 8542 8566 8518 8742 87185 8543 8567 8519 8743 871910 8544 8568 8520 8744 8720400 2.5 8545 8569 8521 8745 87215 8546 8570 8522 8746 872210 8547 8571 8523 8747 8723500 2.5 8548 8572 8524 8748 87245 8549 8573 8525 8749 872510 8550 8574 8526 8750 8726600 2.5 8551 8575 8527 8751 87275 8552 8576 8528 8752 872810 8553 8577 8529 8753 872915 8554 8578 8754750 2.5 8555 8579 8531 8755 87315 8556 8580 8532 8756 873210 8557 8581 8533 8757 873315 8558 8582 8758Primary conductor30 x 10 mm2 x 20 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 28 mmTransformer width61 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 54011see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59041see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 47Snap-on mounting170 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGPrimary conductor30 x 10 mm2 x 20 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 28 mmTransformer width61 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 55011see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59041see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 49Protection plug-incurrent transformers see p<strong>ag</strong>e 127EASK 31.5Plug-in current transformerApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.2s 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.75 2.5 9542 9574 9742100 2.5 9543 9575 9511 9743 97115 9544 9576 9744150 2.5 9545 9577 9513 V17-1604D 9745 97135 9546 9578 9514 9746 9714200 2.5 9547 9579 9515 V17-1704D 9747 97155 9548 9580 9516 V17-1704F 9748 971610 9549 9581 9749250 2.5 9550 9582 9518 V17-1804D 9750 97185 9551 9583 9519 V17-1804F 9751 971910 9552 9584 9520 9752 972015 9553 9585 9753300 2.5 9554 9586 9522 V17-1904D 9754 97225 9555 9587 9523 V17-1904F 9755 972310 9556 9588 9524 9756 972415 9557 9589 9757400 2.5 9558 9590 9526 V17-2004D 9758 97265 9559 9591 9527 V17-2004F 9759 972710 9560 9592 9528 V17-2004H 9760 972815 9561 9593 9761500 2.5 9562 9594 9530 V17-2104D 9762 97305 9563 9595 9531 V17-2104F 9763 973110 9564 9596 9532 V17-2104H 9764 973215 9565 9597 9765600 2.5 9566 9598 9534 V17-2204D 9766 97345 9567 9599 9535 V17-2204F 9767 973510 9568 9600 9536 V17-2204H 9768 973615 9569 9601 9769750 2.5 9570 9602 9538 V17-2304D 9770 97385 9571 9603 9539 V17-2304F 9771 973910 9572 9604 9540 V17-2304H 9772 974015 9573 9605 9773EASK 31.5 2U5ASecondary currentPrimaryAccuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5sA VA Art.-no. Art.-no.200-100 5-2.5 9606 961610-5 9607300-150 5-2.5 9608 961810-5 9609 9619400-200 5-2.5 9610 962010-5 9611 9621500-250 5-2.5 9612 962210-5 9613 9623600-300 5-2.5 9614 962410-5 9615 9625www.mbs-stromwandler.de 171

MBS AGEASK 31.6Plug-in current transformerApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.50 2.5 10547 10585 1074775 2.5 10548 10586 107485 10549 10587 10749100 2.5 10550 10588 10513 10750 107135 10551 10589 10514 10751 1071410 10552 10590 10752150 2.5 10553 10591 10516 10753 107165 10554 10592 10517 10754 1071710 10555 10593 1075515 10556 10594 10756200 5 10557 10595 10521 10757 1072110 10558 10596 10522 10758 1072215 10559 10597 10759250 5 10560 10598 10524 10760 1072410 10561 10599 10525 10761 1072515 10563 10600 10763300 5 10565 10602 10528 10765 1072810 10566 10603 10529 10766 1072915 10567 10604 1076730 10568 10605 10768400 5 10569 10606 10532 10769 1073210 10570 10607 10533 10770 1073315 10571 10608 10534 10771 1073430 10572 10609 10772500 5 10573 10610 10536 10773 1073610 10574 10611 10537 10774 1073715 10575 10612 10538 10775 1073830 10576 10613 10776600 5 10577 10614 10540 10777 1074010 10578 10615 10541 10778 1074115 10579 10616 10542 10779 1074230 10580 10617 10780750 5 10581 10618 10543 10781 1074310 10582 10619 10544 10782 1074415 10583 10620 10545 10783 1074530 10584 10621 10784Primary conductor30 x 10 mm20 x 13 mmRound conductorØ 23 mmTransformer width95 mmSnap-on mounting –Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59044see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 51Protection plug-incurrent transformers see p<strong>ag</strong>e 128172 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGLow volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformersfor tariff applicationsEASK 41.4EASK 41.4 2UPrimary conductorRound conductorTransformer width40 x 10 mm2 x 30 x 5 mmØ 32 mm71 mmEASK 41.5Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width40 x 10 mm2 x 30 x 5 mmØ 32 mm71 mmEASK 41.6Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width40 x 12 mm30 x 15 mmØ 32 mm95 mmEASK 541.4Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width40 x 10 mm2 x 30 x 5 mmØ 32 mm86 mmEASK 41.6EASK 41.6 2UPrimary conductorRound conductorTransformer width50 x 12 mm2 x 40 x 10 mmØ 44 mm86 mmEASK 51.6Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width50 x 12 mm40 x 30 mmØ 40 mm95 mmType “E” denotes that the current transformers are suitable for calibrationwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 173

MBS AGEASK 41.4Plug-in current transformerApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.100 1.5 13540 13569 13511 13740 137112.5 13541 13570 13741150 1.5 13542 13571 13513 13742 137132.5 13543 13572 13514 13743 137145 13544 13573 13744200 1.5 13545 13574 13516 13745 137162.5 13546 13575 13517 13746 137175 13548 13576 13518 13747 13718250 1.5 137192.5 13549 13578 13520 13749 137205 13550 13579 13521 13750 13721300 2.5 13551 13580 13522 13751 137225 13552 13581 13523 13752 1372310 13553 13582 13753400 2.5 13554 13583 13525 13754 137255 13555 13584 13526 13755 1372610 13556 13585 13527 13756 13727500 2.5 13557 13586 13528 13757 137285 13558 13587 13529 13758 1372910 13559 13588 13530 13759 1373015 13560 13589 13531 13760 13731600 2.5 13561 13590 13532 13761 137325 13562 13591 13533 13762 1373310 13563 13592 13534 13763 1373415 13564 13593 13535 13764 13735750 2.5 13565 13594 13536 13765 137365 13566 13595 13537 13766 1373710 13567 13596 13538 13767 1373815 13568 13597 13539 13768EASK 41.4 2UPrimary conductor40 x 10 mm2 x 30 x 5 mmRound conductorØ 32 mmTransformer width71 mmSnap-on mounting Art.-no. 55012see p<strong>ag</strong>e 204Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59041see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 56Protection plug-incurrent transformers see p<strong>ag</strong>e 133Secondary current5APrimaryAccuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5sA VA Art.-no. Art.-no.200-100 5-2.5 13598 13607300-150 5-2.5 13599 1360810-5 13600 13609400-200 5-2.5 13601 1361010-5 13602 13611500-250 5-2.5 13603 1361210-5 13604 13613600-300 5-2.5 13605 1361410-5 13606 13615174 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEASK 41.6Plug-in current transformerApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsPrimary conductor40 x 12 mm30 x 15 mmRound conductorØ 32 mmTransformer width95 mmSnap-on mounting –Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59044see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 61Protection plug-incurrent transformers see p<strong>ag</strong>e 134Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.75 2.5 14552 14595 147525 14553 14596 14753100 2.5 14554 14597 14513 14754 147135 14555 14598 1475510 14556 14599 14756150 2.5 14557 14600 14516 14757 147165 14558 14601 14517 14758 1471710 14559 14602 1475915 14560 14603 14760200 2.5 14561 14604 14520 14761 147205 14562 14605 14521 14762 1472110 14563 14606 14522 14763 1472215 14564 14607 14764250 2.5 14565 14608 14524 14765 147245 14566 14609 14525 14766 1472510 14567 14610 14526 14767 1472615 14568 14611 14768300 2.5 14569 14612 14528 14769 147285 14570 14613 14529 14770 1472910 14571 14614 14530 14771 1473015 14572 14615 14531 14772 14731400 2.5 14573 14616 14532 14773 147325 14574 14617 14533 14774 1473310 14575 14618 14534 14775 1473415 14576 14619 14535 14776 14735500 2.5 14577 14620 14536 14777 147365 14578 14621 14537 14778 1473710 14579 14622 14538 14779 1473815 14580 14623 14539 14780 14739600 2.5 14581 14624 14540 14781 147405 14582 14625 14541 14782 1474110 14583 14626 14542 14783 1474215 14584 14627 14543 14784 1474330 14585 14628750 2.5 14586 14629 14544 14786 147445 14587 14630 14545 14787 1474510 14588 14631 14546 14788 1474615 14589 14632 14547 14789 1474730 14590 146331000 5 14591 14634 14548 14791 1474810 14592 14635 14549 14792 1474915 14593 14636 14550 14793 1475030 14594 14637176 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEASK 541.4Plug-in current transformerApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsPrimary conductor40 x 10 mm2 x 30 x 5 mmRound conductorØ 32 mmTransformer width86 mmSnap-on mounting –Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 64Protection plug-incurrent transformers see p<strong>ag</strong>e 140Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.75 1.5 15557 15603 157572.5 15558 15604 15758100 1.5 15559 15605 15513 15759 157132.5 15560 15606 15514 15760 157145 15561 15607 15761150 1.5 15562 15608 15516 15762 157162.5 15563 15609 15517 15763 157175 15564 15610 15518 15764 1571810 15565 15611 15765200 2.5 15566 15612 15520 15766 157205 15567 15613 15521 15767 1572110 15568 15614 15522 15768 1572215 15569 15615 15769250 2.5 15570 15616 15524 15770 157245 15571 15617 15525 15771 1572510 15572 15618 15526 15772 1572615 15573 15619 15773 15727300 2.5 15574 15620 15528 15774 157285 15575 15621 15529 15775 1572910 15576 15622 15530 15776 1573015 15577 15623 15531 15777 15731400 2.5 15578 15624 15532 15778 157325 15579 15625 15533 15779 1573310 15580 15626 15534 15780 1573415 15581 15627 15535 15781 1573530 15582 15628500 2.5 15583 15629 15537 15783 157375 15584 15630 15538 15784 1573810 15585 15631 15539 15785 1573915 15586 15632 15540 15786 1574030 15587 15633600 2.5 15588 15634 15542 15788 157425 15589 15635 15543 15789 1574310 15590 15636 15544 15790 1574415 15591 15637 15545 15791 1574530 15592 15638 15546750 2.5 15593 15639 15547 15793 157475 15594 15640 15548 15794 1574810 15595 15641 15549 15795 1574915 15596 15642 15550 15796 1575030 15597 15643 155511000 2.5 15598 15644 155525 15599 15645 15553 15799 1575310 15600 15646 15554 15800 1575415 15601 15647 15555 15801 1575530 15602 15648 15556www.mbs-stromwandler.de 177

MBS AGEASK 51.4Plug-in current transformerApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.100 1.5 16542 16573 167422.5 16543 16574 16743150 1.5 16544 16575 16513 16744 167132.5 16545 16576 16745200 1.5 16546 16577 16515 16746 167152.5 16547 16578 16516 16747 167165 16548 16579 16517 16748 16717250 1.5 16549 16580 16518 16749 167182.5 16550 16581 16519 16750 167195 16551 16582 16520 16751 16720300 2.5 16553 16584 16522 16753 167225 16554 16585 16523 16754 16723400 2.5 16555 16586 16524 16755 167245 16556 16587 16525 16756 1672510 16557 16588 16526 16757 16726500 2.5 16558 16589 16527 16758 167275 16559 16590 16528 16759 1672810 16560 16591 16529 16760 16729600 2.5 16561 16592 16530 16761 167305 16562 16593 16531 16762 1673110 16563 16594 16532 16763 1673215 16564 16595 16533 16764 16733750 2.5 16565 16596 16534 167345 16566 16597 16535 16766 1673510 16567 16598 16536 16767 1673615 16568 16599 16537 16768 167371000 2.5 16569 16600 165385 16570 16601 16539 16770 1673910 16571 16602 16540 16771 1674015 16572 16603 16541 16772 16741EASK 51.4 2UPrimary conductor50 x 12 mm2 x 40 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 44 mmTransformer width86 mmSnap-on mounting –Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 65Protection plug-incurrent transformers see p<strong>ag</strong>e 142Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5sA VA Art.-no. Art.-no.200-100 5-2.5 16611 16621300-150 5-2.5 16612 16622400-200 5-2.5 16613 1662310-5 16614 16624500-250 5-2.5 16615 1662510-5 16616 16626600-300 5-2.5 16617 1662710-5 16618 166281000-500 5-2.5 16619 1662910-5 16620 16630178 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEASK 51.6Plug-in current transformerApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsPrimary conductor50 x 12 mm40 x 30 mmRound conductorØ 40 mmTransformer width95 mmSnap-on mounting –Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59044see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 67Protection plug-incurrent transformers see p<strong>ag</strong>e 144Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.100 2.5 17555 17599 17511 17755 177115 17556 17600 17756150 2.5 17557 17601 17513 17757 177135 17558 17602 17514 17758 1771410 17559 17603 17759200 2.5 17560 17604 17516 17760 177165 17561 17605 17517 17761 1771710 17562 17606 17762250 2.5 17563 17607 17519 17763 177195 17564 17608 17520 17764 1772010 17565 17609 17521 17765 1772115 17566 17610 17766300 2.5 17567 17611 17523 17767 177235 17568 17612 17524 17768 1772410 17569 17613 17525 17769 1772515 17570 17614 17770400 2.5 17571 17615 17527 17771 177275 17572 17616 17528 17772 1772810 17573 17617 17529 17773 1772915 17574 17618 17774500 2.5 17575 17619 17531 17775 177315 17576 17620 17532 17776 1773210 17577 17621 17533 17777 1773315 17578 17622 17778600 2.5 17579 17623 17535 17779 177355 17580 17624 17536 17780 1773610 17581 17625 17537 17781 1773715 17582 17626 17538 17782 17738750 2.5 17583 17627 17539 17783 177395 17584 17628 17540 17784 1774010 17585 17629 17541 17785 1774115 17586 17630 17542 17786 177421000 5 17587 17631 17543 17787 1774310 17588 17632 17544 17788 1774415 17589 17633 17545 17789 1774530 17590 176341200 5 17591 17635 17547 17791 1774710 17592 17636 17548 17792 1774815 17593 17637 17549 17793 1774930 17594 176381250 5 17595 17639 17551 17795 1775110 17596 17640 17552 17796 1775215 17597 17641 17553 17797 1775330 17598 17642www.mbs-stromwandler.de 179


MBS AGLow volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformersfor tariff applicationsEASK 61.4Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width60 x 10 mm2 x 50 x 10 mmØ 44 mm96 mmEASK 61.6Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width60 x 10 mm50 x 30 mmØ 40 mm95 mmEASK 63.6Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width60 x 30 mmØ 30 mm88 mmEASK 81.4Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width80 x 10 mm60 x 30 mm2 x 60 x 10 mmØ 55 mm120 mmType “E” denotes that the current transformers are suitable for calibrationwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 181

MBS AGEASK 61.4Plug-in current transformerApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsPrimary conductor60 x 10 mm2 x 50 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 44 mmTransformer width96 mmSnap-on mounting –Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 70Protection plug-incurrent transformers see p<strong>ag</strong>e 148Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.200 1.5 19555 19599 19511 19755 197112.5 19556 19600 19512 19756 19712250 1.5 19557 19601 19513 19757 197132.5 19558 19602 19514 19758 197145 19559 19603 19515 19759 19715300 1.5 19560 19604 19516 19760 197162.5 19561 19605 19517 19761 197175 19562 19606 19518 19762 1971810 19563 19607 19763400 2.5 19564 19608 19520 19764 197205 19565 19609 19521 19765 1972110 19566 19610 19522 19766 19722500 2.5 19567 19611 19523 19767 197235 19568 19612 19524 19768 1972410 19569 19613 19525 19769 1972515 19570 19614 19770600 2.5 19571 19615 19527 19771 197275 19572 19616 19528 19772 1972810 19573 19617 19529 19773 1972915 19574 19618 19530 19774 19730750 2.5 19575 19619 19531 19775 197315 19576 19620 19532 19776 1973210 19577 19621 19533 19777 1973315 19578 19622 19534 19778 197341000 2.5 19580 19624 19536 197365 19581 19625 19537 19780 1973710 19582 19626 19538 19781 1973815 19583 19627 19539 1978230 19584 196281200 2.5 19585 19629 195415 19586 19630 19542 19785 1974110 19587 19631 19543 19786 1974215 19588 19632 19544 19787 1974330 195891250 5 19590 19634 19546 19790 1974610 19591 19635 19547 19791 1974715 19592 19636 19548 19792 1974830 19593 196371500 5 19595 19639 19551 19795 1975110 19596 19640 19552 19796 1975215 19597 19641 19553 19797 1975330 19598 19642182 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGPrimary conductor60 x 10 mm50 x 30 mmRound conductorØ 40 mmTransformer width95 mmSnap-on mounting –Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59044see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 72EASK 61.6Plug-in current transformerApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.200 2.5 20552 20593 20511 20752 207115 20553 20594 20753250 2.5 20554 20595 20513 20754 207135 20555 20596 20514 20755 2071410 20556 20597 20756300 2.5 20557 20598 20516 20757 207165 20558 20599 20517 20758 2071710 20559 20600 20518 20759 2071815 20560 20601 20760400 2.5 20561 20602 20520 20761 207205 20562 20603 20521 20762 2072110 20563 20604 20522 20763 2072215 20564 20605 20764500 2.5 20565 20606 20524 20765 207245 20566 20607 20525 20766 2072510 20567 20608 20526 20767 2072615 20568 20609 20768600 2.5 20569 20610 20528 20769 207285 20570 20611 20529 20770 2072910 20571 20612 20530 20771 2073015 20572 20613 20772750 2.5 20573 20614 20532 20773 207325 20574 20615 20533 20774 2073310 20575 20616 20534 20775 2073415 20576 20617 20535 20776 207351000 5 20577 20618 20536 20777 2073610 20578 20619 20537 20778 2073715 20579 20620 20538 20779 2073830 20580 206211200 5 20581 20622 20540 20781 2074010 20582 20623 20541 20782 2074115 20583 20624 20542 20783 2074230 20584 206251250 5 20585 20626 20544 20785 2074410 20586 20627 20545 20786 2074515 20587 20628 20546 20787 2074630 20588 206291500 5 20589 20630 20548 20789 2074810 20590 20631 20549 20790 2074915 20591 20632 20550 20791 2075030 20592 20633www.mbs-stromwandler.de 183

MBS AGEASK 63.6Plug-in current transformerApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.250 2.5 85558 85602 85513 85758 857135 85559 85603 85759300 2.5 85560 85604 85515 85760 857155 85561 85605 85516 85761 8571610 85562 85606 85762400 2.5 85563 85607 85518 85763 857185 85564 85608 85519 85764 8571910 85565 85609 85520 85765 85720500 2.5 85566 85610 85521 85766 857215 85567 85611 85522 85767 8572210 85568 85612 85523 85768 8572315 85569 85613 85769600 2.5 85570 85614 85525 85770 857255 85571 85615 85526 85771 8572610 85572 85616 85527 85772 8572715 85573 85617 85528 85773 85728750 5 85574 85618 85530 85774 8573010 85575 85619 85531 85775 8573115 85576 85620 85532 85776 8573230 85577 85621 857771000 5 85578 85622 85534 85778 8573410 85579 85623 85535 85779 8573515 85580 85624 85536 85780 8573630 85581 85625 857811200 5 85582 85626 85538 85782 8573810 85583 85627 85539 85783 8573915 85584 85628 85540 85784 8574030 85585 85629 857851250 5 85586 85630 85542 85786 8574210 85587 85631 85543 85787 8574315 85588 85632 85544 85788 8574430 85589 85633 857891500 5 85590 85634 85546 85790 8574610 85591 85635 85547 85791 8574715 85592 85636 85548 85792 8574830 85593 85637 85793Primary conductor60 x 30 mmRound conductorØ 30 mmTransformer width88 mmSnap-on mounting –Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 74Protection plug-incurrent transformers see p<strong>ag</strong>e 152184 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEASK 81.4Plug-in current transformerApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.400 2.5 21541 21571 21511 21741 217115 21542 21572 21512 21742 2171210 21543 21573 21743500 2.5 21544 21574 21514 21744 217145 21545 21575 21515 21745 2171510 21546 21576 21516 21746 21716600 2.5 21547 21577 21517 21747 217175 21548 21578 21518 21748 2171810 21549 21579 21519 21749 2171915 21550 21580 21520750 2.5 21551 21581 21521 21751 217215 21552 21582 21522 21752 2172210 21553 21583 21523 21753 2172315 21554 21584 215241000 2.5 21555 21585 215255 21556 21586 21526 21756 2172610 21557 21587 21527 21757 2172715 21558 21588 21528 217581200 5 21560 21590 21530 21760 2173010 21561 21591 21531 21761 2173115 21562 21592 21532 217621250 5 21564 21594 21534 21764 2173410 21565 21595 21535 21765 2173515 21566 21596 21536 21766 217361500 2.5 21567 21597 215375 21568 21598 21538 21768 2173810 21569 21599 21539 21769 2173915 21570 21600 21540 21770 21740Primary conductor80 x 10 mm60 x 30 mm2 x 60 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 55 mmTransformer width120 mmSnap-on mounting –Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 75www.mbs-stromwandler.de 185


MBS AGLow volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformersfor tariff applicationsEASK 105.6Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width100 x 55 mmØ 55 mm129 mmEASK 123.3Primary conductorRound conductorTransformer width123 x 30 mm3 x 100 x 10 mmØ 100 mm172 mmEASK 130.3Primary conductorTransformer width130 x 25 mm180 mmEASK 130.5Primary conductorTransformer width130 x 30 mm180 mmType “E” denotes that the current transformers are suitable for calibrationwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 187

MBS AGEASK 105.6Plug-in current transformerApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.600 2.5 86568 86622 86515 86768 867155 86569 86623 86516 86769 86716750 2.5 86571 86625 86518 86771 867185 86572 86626 86519 86772 8671910 86573 86627 86520 86773 867201000 2.5 865745 86575 86629 86522 86775 8672210 86576 86630 86523 86776 8672315 86577 86631 86524 86777 867241200 5 86579 86633 86526 86779 8672610 86580 86634 86527 86780 8672715 86581 86635 86528 86781 867281250 5 86583 86637 86530 86783 8673010 86584 86638 86531 86784 8673115 86585 86639 86532 86785 8673230 86586 86640 867861500 5 86588 86642 86535 86788 8673510 86589 86643 86536 86789 8673615 86590 86644 86537 86790 8673730 86591 86645 86538 86791 867381600 5 86593 86647 8654010 86594 86648 86541 86794 8674115 86595 86649 86542 86795 8674230 86596 86650 86543 86796 867432000 5 86598 86652 8654510 86599 86653 86546 86799 8674615 86600 86654 86547 86800 8674730 86601 86655 86548 86801 867482500 5 86603 86657 8655010 86604 86658 86551 86804 8675115 86605 86659 86552 86805 8675230 86606 86660 86553 86806 867533000 5 86662 8655510 86609 86663 86556 86809 8675615 86610 86664 86557 86810 8675730 86611 86665 86558 86811 86758Primary conductor100 x 55 mmRound conductorØ 55 mmTransformer width129 mmSnap-on mounting –Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59042see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 86Protection plug-incurrent transformers see p<strong>ag</strong>e 153188 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEASK 123.3Plug-in current transformerApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsSecondary current5APrimaryAccuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.750 2.5 V56-2301D V56-2302D5 V56-2301F V56-2302F10 V56-2301H V56-2302H1000 2.5 V56-2501D V56-2502D V56-2503D5 V56-2501F V56-2502F V56-2503F10 V56-2501H V56-2502H1200 5 V56-2601F V56-2602F V56-2603F10 V56-2601H V56-2602H V56-2603H15 V56-2601J V56-2602J1250 5 V56-2701F V56-2702F V56-2703F10 V56-2701H V56-2702H V56-2703H15 V56-2701J V56-2702J V56-2703J1500 5 V56-2801F V56-2802F V56-2803F10 V56-2801H V56-2802H V56-2803H15 V56-2801J V56-2802J V56-2803J30 V56-2801L V56-2802L1600 5 V56-2901F V56-2902F V56-2903F10 V56-2901H V56-2902H V56-2903H15 V56-2901J V56-2902J V56-2903J30 V56-2901L V56-2902L2000 5 V56-3001F V56-3002F V56-3003F10 V56-3001H V56-3002H V56-3003H15 V56-3001J V56-3002J V56-3003J30 V56-3001L V56-3002L2500 5 V56-3201F V56-3202F V56-3203F10 V56-3201H V56-3202H V56-3203H15 V56-3201J V56-3202J V56-3203J30 V56-3201L V56-3202L3000 5 V56-3301F V56-3302F V56-3303F10 V56-3301H V56-3302H V56-3303H15 V56-3301J V56-3302J V56-3303J30 V56-3301L V56-3302LPrimary conductor120 x 30 mm3 x 100 x 10 mmRound conductorØ 100 mmTransformer width172 mmSnap-on mounting –Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59040see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 88www.mbs-stromwandler.de 189

MBS AGEASK 130.3Plug-in current transformerApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.300 2.5 V50-1901D V50-1902D V50-1911D5 V50-1901F V50-1911F400 2.5 V50-2001D V50-2002D V50-2003D V50-2011D V50-2013D5 V50-2001F V50-2002F V50-2011F10 V50-2001H V50-2011H500 2.5 V50-2101D V50-2102D V50-2103D V50-2111D V50-2113D5 V50-2101F V50-2102F V50-2111F10 V50-2101H V50-2111H600 2.5 V50-2201D V50-2202D V50-2203D V50-2211D V50-2213D5 V50-2201F V50-2202F V50-2203F V50-2211F V50-2213F10 V50-2201H V50-2211H750 2.5 V50-2301D V50-2302D V50-2303D V50-2311D V50-2313D5 V50-2301F V50-2302F V50-2303F V50-2311F V50-2313F10 V50-2301H V50-2302H V50-2311H15 V50-2301J V50-2311J1000 5 V50-2501F V50-2502F V50-2503F V50-2511F V50-2513F10 V50-2501H V50-2502H V50-2503H V50-2511H V50-2513H15 V50-2501J V50-2502J V50-2511J1200 5 V50-2601F V50-2602F V50-2603F V50-2611F V50-2613F10 V50-2601H V50-2602H V50-2603H V50-2611H V50-2613H15 V50-2601J V50-2602J V50-2603J V50-2611J V50-2613J1250 5 V50-2701F V50-2702F V50-2703F V50-2711F V50-2713F10 V50-2701H V50-2702H V50-2703H V50-2711H V50-2713H15 V50-2701J V50-2702J V50-2703J V50-2711J V50-2713J1500 5 V50-2801F V50-2802F V50-2803F V50-2811F V50-2813F10 V50-2801H V50-2802H V50-2803H V50-2811H V50-2813H15 V50-2801J V50-2802J V50-2803J V50-2811J V50-2813J30 V50-2801L V50-2811L1600 5 V50-2901F V50-2902F V50-2903F V50-2911F V50-2913F10 V50-2901H V50-2902H V50-2903H V50-2911H V50-2913H15 V50-2901J V50-2902J V50-2903J V50-2911J V50-2913J30 V50-2901L V50-2902L V50-2911LPrimary conductor 130 x 25 mmRound conductor –Transformer width 180 mmSnap-on mounting –Sealed shutter –Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 94190 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEASK 130.5Plug-in current transformerApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsPrimary conductor 130 x 30 mmRound conductor –Transformer width 180 mmSnap-on mounting –Sealed shutter –Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 95Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.300 2.5 V51-1901D V51-1902D V51-1911D5 V51-1901F V51-1902F V51-1911F10 V51-1901H V51-1911H400 2.5 V51-2001D V51-2002D V51-2003D V51-2011D V51-2013D5 V51-2001F V51-2002F V51-2011F10 V51-2001H V51-2002H V51-2011H500 2.5 V51-2101D V51-2102D V51-2103D V51-2111D V51-2113F5 V51-2101F V51-2102F V51-2103F V51-2111F10 V51-2101H V51-2102H V51-2111H15 V51-2101J V51-2111J600 2.5 V51-2201D V51-2202D V51-2203D V51-2211D V51-2213D5 V51-2201F V51-2202F V51-2203F V51-2211F V51-2213F10 V51-2201H V51-2202H V51-2211H15 V51-2201J V51-2211J750 2.5 V51-2301D V51-2302D V51-2303D V51-2311D V51-2313D5 V51-2301F V51-2302F V51-2303F V51-2311F V51-2313F10 V51-2301H V51-2302H V51-2303H V51-2311H V51-2313H15 V51-2301J V51-2302J V51-2311J1000 5 V51-2501F V51-2502F V51-2503F V51-2511F V51-2513F10 V51-2501H V51-2502H V51-2503H V51-2511H V51-2513H15 V51-2501J V51-2502J V51-2503J V51-2511J V51-2513J30 V51-2501L V51-2502L V51-2511L1200 5 V51-2601F V51-2602F V51-2603F V51-2611F V51-2613F10 V51-2601H V51-2602H V51-2603H V51-2611H V51-2613H15 V51-2601J V51-2602J V51-2603J V51-2611J V51-2613J30 V51-2601L V51-2602L V51-2611L1250 5 V51-2701F V51-2702F V51-2703F V51-2711F V51-2713F10 V51-2701H V51-2702H V51-2703H V51-2711H V51-2713H15 V51-2701J V51-2702J V51-2703J V51-2711J V51-2713J30 V51-2701L V51-2702L V51-2711L1500 5 V51-2801F V51-2802F V51-2803F V51-2811F V51-2813F10 V51-2801H V51-2802H V51-2803H V51-2811H V51-2813H15 V51-2801J V51-2802J V51-2803J V51-2811J V51-2813J30 V51-2801L V51-2802L V51-2811L1600 5 V51-2901F V51-2902F V51-2903F V51-2911F V51-2913F10 V51-2901H V51-2902H V51-2903H V51-2911H V51-2913H15 V51-2901J V51-2902J V51-2903J V51-2911J V51-2913J30 V51-2901L V51-2902L V51-2911L2000 10 V51-3001H V51-3002H V51-3003H V51-3011H V51-3013H15 V51-3001J V51-3002J V51-3003J V51-3011J V51-3013J30 V51-3001L V51-3002L V51-3003L V51-3011L V51-3013L2400 10 V51-3101H V51-3102H V51-3103H V51-3111H V51-3113H15 V51-3101J V51-3102J V51-3103J V51-3111J V51-3113J30 V51-3101L V51-3102L V51-3103L V51-3111L V51-3113L2500 10 V51-3201H V51-3202H V51-3203H V51-3211H V51-3213H15 V51-3201J V51-3202J V51-3203J V51-3211J V51-3213J30 V51-3201L V51-3202L V51-3203L V51-3211L V51-3213L3000 10 V51-3301H V51-3302H V51-3303H V51-3311H V51-3313H15 V51-3301J V51-3302J V51-3303J V51-3311J V51-3313J30 V51-3301L V51-3302L V51-3303L V51-3311L V51-3313Lwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 191


MBS AGLow volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformersfor tariff applicationsEWSK 31.5Wound current transformersTransformer width70 mmSummation current transformersESUSK 2…8Transformer widthTransformer depth156 mm65 mmType “E” denotes that the current transformers are suitable for calibrationwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 193

MBS AGEWSK 31.5Wound current transformerApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.25 2.5 33547 33583 33511 33747 337115 33548 33584 33512 33748 3371210 33549 33585 33513 33749 3371315 33550 33586 3375030 2.5 33551 33587 33515 33751 337155 33552 33588 33516 33752 3371610 33553 33589 33517 33753 3371715 33554 33590 3375440 2.5 33555 33591 33519 33755 337195 33556 33592 33520 33756 3372010 33557 33593 33521 33757 3372115 33558 33594 3375850 2.5 33559 33595 33523 33759 337235 33560 33596 33524 33760 3372410 33561 33597 33525 33761 3372515 33562 33598 3376260 2.5 33563 33599 33527 33763 337275 33564 33600 33528 33764 3372810 33565 33601 33529 33765 3372915 33566 33602 3376675 2.5 33567 33603 33531 33767 337315 33568 33604 33532 33768 3373210 33569 33605 33533 33769 3373315 33570 33606 33770100 2.5 33571 33607 33535 33771 337355 33572 33608 33536 33772 3373610 33573 33609 33537 33773 3373715 33574 33610 33774150 2.5 33575 33611 33539 33775 337395 33576 33612 33540 33776 3374010 33577 33613 33541 33777 3374115 33578 33614 33778Primary conductor —Round conductor —Transformer width70 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutter Art.-no. 59045see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 105194 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGESUSK 2…8Summation current transformerApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsSecondary current5APrimaryAccuracy classType current Burden 0.2A VA Art.-no.2 5+5 5 4051110 405123 5+5+5 5 4051310 405144 5+5+5+5 5 4051510 405165 5+5+5+5+5 5 4051710 405186 5+5+5+5+5+5 5 4051910 405297 5+5+5+5+5+5+5 5 4052110 405228 5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5 5 4052310 40524Connection example for different ratios:AK-AL = 1000/5BK-BL = 800/5CK-CL = 600/5DK-DL = 400/5EK-EL = 400/5FK-FL = 300/5GK-GL = 300/5Connection di<strong>ag</strong>ramPrimary conductor —Round conductor —Transformer width65 mmTransformer depth156 mmSnap-on mounting —Sealed shutterArt.-no. 59041 (primary)secondary no.Art.-no. 59042 (secondary)see p<strong>ag</strong>e 205Current transformerfor industrial applications see p<strong>ag</strong>e 115For technical information, see p<strong>ag</strong>e 112 and 113.www.mbs-stromwandler.de 195


MBS AGLow volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformersfor tariff applicationsThree-phase current transformer setsEASK(D) 21.3with Plexiglas capsEASK(D) 31.5EASK(D) 31.5 2Uwith Plexiglas capsEASKD 31.8EWSKD 31.8with Plexiglas capswww.mbs-stromwandler.de 197

MBS AGEASK(D) 21.3Three-phase current transformer setApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.3 x 100 2.5 58529 58547 587473 x 150 2.5 58532 58550 58514 58750 587145 58533 58551 587513 x 200 2.5 58535 58553 58517 58753 587175 58536 58554 58518 58754 58718Configuration:The measuring transformer set consists of 3 individualcurrent transformers which are mounted on an aluminiumbase plate together with the primary conductors L 1 , L 2 , L 3and neutral conductor.The current transformer set can be supplied with orwithout fuses. The volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply is optional and can betapped either from the 10 A-NEOZED fuse or from theindividual primary conductors.Transparent, sealable covers protect the secondary terminalsof the current transformers <strong>ag</strong>ainst external tampering. Allvolt<strong>ag</strong>e carrying parts of the assembled current transformerset are made shock-proof with isolating covers which areincluded in the deliveries.Flexible copper wire with a nominal cross section of 16 mm 2up to 70 mm 2 can be connected to the primary connectionterminals.The configuration of this current transformer set conforms tothe technical requirements and guidance:DIN EN 60044/1DIN 42600VBG 4198 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEASK(D) 31.5Three-phase current transformer setApproved current transformer for tariff applicationsTechnical description see p<strong>ag</strong>e 160.Secondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.3 x 75 2.5 57543 57575 577433 x 100 2.5 57544 57576 57512 57744 577125 57545 577453 x 150 2.5 57546 57578 57514 57746 577145 57547 57579 57515 57747 577153 x 200 2.5 57548 57580 57516 57748 577165 57549 57581 57517 57749 5771710 57550 57582 577503 x 250 2.5 57551 57583 57519 57751 577195 57552 57584 57520 57752 5772010 57553 57585 57521 57753 5772115 57554 57806 577543 x 300 2.5 57555 57586 57523 57755 577235 57556 57587 57524 57756 5772410 57557 57588 57525 57757 5772515 57558 57805 577583 x 400 2.5 57559 57589 57527 57759 577275 57560 57590 57528 57760 5772810 57561 57591 57529 57761 5772915 57562 57592 577623 x 500 2.5 57563 57593 57531 57763 577315 57564 57594 57532 57764 5773210 57565 57595 57533 57765 5773315 57566 57596 577663 x 600 2.5 57567 57597 57535 57767 577355 57568 57598 57536 57768 5773610 57569 57599 57537 57769 5773715 57570 57600 577703 x 750 2.5 57571 57601 57539 57771 577395 57572 57602 57540 57772 5774010 57573 57603 57541 57773 5774115 57574 57604 57542 57774 57742EASK(D) 31.5 2U5ASecondary currentPrimaryAccuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5sA VA Art.-no. Art.-no.3x200-100 5-2.5 57605 5761510-5 576063x300-150 5-2.5 57607 5761710-5 57608 576183x400-200 5-2.5 57609 5761910-5 57610 576203x500-250 5-2.5 57611 5762110-5 57612 576223x600-300 5-2.5 57613 5762310-5 57614 57624www.mbs-stromwandler.de 199

MBS AGEWSKD 31.8Approved current transformer for tariff applicationswith base plateThree-phase current transformer setSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.3 x 50 2.5 44561 44601 44511 44761 447115 44562 44602 44512 44762 4471210 44563 44603 447633 x 75 2.5 44565 44605 44515 44765 447155 44566 44606 44516 44766 4471610 44567 44607 447673 x 100 2.5 44569 44609 44519 44769 447195 44570 44610 44520 44770 4472010 44571 44611 447713 x 150 2.5 44573 44613 44523 44773 447235 44574 44614 44524 44774 4472410 44575 44615 44525 44775 44725without base plate and neutral conductorSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.3 x 50 2.5 45561 45601 45511 45761 457115 45562 45602 45512 45762 4571210 45563 45603 457633 x 75 2.5 45565 45605 45515 45765 457155 45566 45606 45516 45766 4571610 45567 45607 457673 x 100 2.5 45569 45609 45519 45769 457195 45570 45610 45520 45770 4572010 45571 45611 457713 x 150 2.5 45573 45613 45523 45773 457235 45574 45614 45524 45774 4572410 45575 45615 45525 45775 45725200 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEASKD 31.8Three-phase current transformer setApproved current transformer for tariff applicationswith base plateSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.3 x 200 2.5 46577 46617 46527 46777 467275 46578 46618 46528 46778 4672810 46579 46619 46529 46779 467293 x 250 2.5 46581 46621 46531 46781 467315 46582 46622 46532 46782 4673210 46583 46623 46533 46783 467333 x 300 2.5 46585 46625 46535 46785 467355 46586 46626 46536 46786 4673610 46587 46627 46537 46787 4673715 46588 46628 467883 x 400 2.5 46589 46629 46539 46789 467395 46590 46630 46540 46790 4674010 46591 46631 46541 46791 4674115 46592 46632 46542 46792 467423 x 500 2.5 46593 46633 46543 46793 467435 46594 46634 46544 46794 4674410 46595 46635 46545 46795 4674515 46596 46636 46546 46796 467463 x 600 2.5 46597 46637 46547 46797 467475 46598 46638 46548 46798 4674810 46599 46639 46549 46799 4674915 46600 46640 46550 46800 46750without base plate and neutral conductorSecondary current 5A 1APrimary Accuracy class Accuracy classcurrent Burden 0.5 0.5s 0.2 0.5 0.2A VA Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.3 x 200 2.5 47577 47617 47527 47777 477275 47578 47618 47528 47778 4772810 47579 47619 47529 47779 477293 x 250 2.5 47581 47621 47531 47781 477315 47582 47622 47532 47782 4773210 47583 47623 47533 47783 477333 x 300 2.5 47585 47625 47535 47785 477355 47586 47626 47536 47786 4773610 47587 47627 47537 47787 4773715 47588 47628 477883 x 400 2.5 47589 47629 47539 47789 477395 47590 47630 47540 47790 4774010 47591 47631 47541 47791 4774115 47592 47632 47542 47792 477423 x 500 2.5 47593 47633 47543 47793 477435 47594 47634 47544 47794 4774410 47595 47635 47545 47795 4774515 47596 47636 47546 47796 477463 x 600 2.5 47597 47637 47547 47797 477475 47598 47638 47548 47798 4774810 47599 47639 47549 47799 4774915 47600 47640 47550 47800 47750www.mbs-stromwandler.de 201


MBS AGAccessories for low volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformersSnap-on mountingsCopper tubesMounting angleMounting kitSecondary capLocking pistonsSealed shuttersCopper bus barswww.mbs-stromwandler.de 203

MBS AGSnap-on mountingsSnap-on mounting fortube-, plug-in, protection- and tariff transformersFor use with MBS current transformersArt.-no.ASR 22.3; ASK 21.3; 31.3; 318.3; WSK 30 53011ASK 31.4 54011ASK 31.5; WSK 40 N 55011ASK 41.4; 412.4; WSK 40 55012ASR 20.3; 201.3 55013ASR 21.3; ASK 205.3 55014Copper tubesCopper tubeLength Outside Ø Inner Ø Max. current Art.-no.34 22.5 16.5 600 A 5201136 22.5 16.5 600 A 52012different lengths available upon request34 22.5 12.5 600 A 5202136 22.5 12.5 600 A 52022different lengths available upon request34 22.5 8.5 600 A 5203136 22.5 8.5 600 A 52032different lengths available upon request32 21 12.5 600 A 5204134 21 12.5 600 A 52042different lengths available upon request32 21 8.5 600 A 5205134 21 8.5 600 A 52052different lengths available upon requestMounting angle for 3-phasecurrent transformer setMounting angle for triple set (2 pcs)plug-in, protection- and tariff transformersFor use with MBS current transformersArt.-no.ASK 421.4; 41.4; 412.4; WSK 40; WSK 40 N 59037ASK 41.5 59082204 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGMounting kitMounting kitScrew M 12 x 40Art.-no.with volt<strong>ag</strong>e taps M5 59026with volt<strong>ag</strong>e taps M5 and locking piston bus bar 30 mm 59027with volt<strong>ag</strong>e taps M5 and locking piston bus bar 40 mm 59030with volt<strong>ag</strong>e taps M5 and locking piston bus bar 50 mm 59081standard 59028standard with locking piston bus bar 30 mm 59029standard with locking piston bus bar 40 mm59030Astandard with locking piston bus bar 50 mm 59080Secondary capSecondary capArt.-no.53016Locking pistonsDimensions [mm]Art.-no.copper bus bar 30 x 6 30 x 8 30 x 10 59035copper bus bar 40 x 6 40 x 8 40 x 10 59036copper bus bar 50 x 6 50 x 8 50 x 10 59048Sealed shuttersSealed shutter fortube-, plug-in, protection- and tariff current transformersFor use with MBS current transformersArt.-no.ASR 22.3; ASK 21.3; 31.3; 318.3; 41.3; 103.3 (2x); 123.3 (2x) 59040ASK 31.4; 31.5; 421.4; 41.4; 412.4; WSK 40; 60; WSK 40 N; KSU 59041ASK 541.4; 51.4; 561.4; 61.4; 63.4; 63.6; 81.4; 101.4 59042ASK 105.6; 105.6N; 127.4; 127.6; 128.4; 129.10 59042WSK 70.6 59043ASK 31.6; 41.6; 51.6; 61.6 59044WSK 31.5 59045www.mbs-stromwandler.de 205

MBS AGCopper bus barsgalvanically nickel-platedCopper bus bar for current transformers forindustrial applicationsCopper bus bar for current transformers fortariff applications171328 14391541016511612Material E-CU copper platedacc. to DIN 46433206 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGCopper bus barsArt.-no. Configuration Bores Length Width Thickness Max. current020060170B003I industry 3 170 20 6 300 A020060170B003IO w/o screws 3 170 20 6 300 A030060130B006I industry 6 130 30 6 300 A030060130B006E energy supplier 6 130 30 6 300 A030060130B006IO w/o screws 6 130 30 6 300 A030060140B006I industry 6 140 30 6 300 A030060140B006E energy supplier 6 140 30 6 300 A030060140B006IO w/o screws 6 140 30 6 300 A030080130B006I industry 6 130 30 8 400 A030080130B006E energy supplier 6 130 30 8 400 A030080130B006IO w/o screws 6 130 30 8 400 A030080160B006I industry 6 160 30 8 400 A030080160B006E energy supplier 6 160 30 8 400 A030080160B006IO w/o screws 6 160 30 8 400 A030100130B006I industry 6 130 30 10 750 A030100130B006E energy supplier 6 130 30 10 750 A030100130B006IO w/o screws 6 130 30 10 750 A030100140B006I industry 6 140 30 10 750 A030100140B006E energy supplier 6 140 30 10 750 A030100140B006IO w/o screws 6 140 30 10 750 A030100160B006I industry 6 160 30 10 750 A030100160B006E energy supplier 6 160 30 10 750 A030100160B006IO w/o screws 6 160 30 10 750 A040060140B008I industry 8 140 40 6 500 A040060140B008E energy supplier 8 140 40 6 500 A040060140B008IO w/o screws 8 140 40 6 500 A040060160B008I industry 8 160 40 6 500 A040060160B008E energy supplier 8 160 40 6 500 A040060160B008IO w/o screws 8 160 40 6 500 A040100140B008I industry 8 140 40 10 800 A040100140B008E energy supplier 8 140 40 10 800 A040100140B008IO w/o screws 8 140 40 10 800 A040100160B008I industry 8 160 40 10 800 A040100160B008E energy supplier 8 160 40 10 800 A040100160B008IO w/o screws 8 160 40 10 800 A050100140B010I industry 10 140 50 10 1000 A050100140B010E energy supplier 10 140 50 10 1000 A050100140B010IO w/o screws 10 140 50 10 1000 A050100180B010I industry 10 180 50 10 1000 A050100180B010E energy supplier 10 180 50 10 1000 A050100180B010IO w/o screws 10 180 50 10 1000 A050100220B011I industry 11 220 50 10 1000 A050100220B011E energy supplier 11 220 50 10 1000 A050100220B011IO w/o screws 11 220 50 10 1000 A060100180B012I industry 12 180 60 10 1200 A060100180B012E energy supplier 12 180 60 10 1200 A060100180B012IO w/o screws 12 180 60 10 1200 A060100220B013I industry 13 220 60 10 1200 A060100220B013E energy supplier 13 220 60 10 1200 A060100220B013IO w/o screws 13 220 60 10 1200 A080100240B014I industry 14 240 80 10 1500 A080100240B014E energy supplier 14 240 80 10 1500 A080100240B014IO w/o screws 14 240 80 10 1500 A100100240B015I industry 15 240 100 10 2000 A100100240B015E energy supplier 15 240 100 10 2000 A100100240B015IO w/o screws 15 240 100 10 2000 APrimary bus bars – delivery content:energy suppliers = with 1 off each mounting kit, nos. 59026 and 59028industry = with 2 mounting kits, no. 59028w/o = without screwsadditional lengths and special bores upon request.www.mbs-stromwandler.de 207


MBS AGBus bar isolators / Bus bar supportsDB/PC0/PCS/PCT/PCPEPI/PSpacing isolatorsPassing isolatorsPSPVertical bus bar supportsGBSKMounting materialThreaded boltsHex<strong>ag</strong>on spacers in brassBus bar supportsBus bar supports L-profileBus bar supports Z-profilewww.mbs-stromwandler.de 209

MBS AGSpacing isolator type DB/Part.-no. XXXXXe.g. 90015art.-no. XXXXX-1e.g. 90015-1art.-no. XXXXX-2e.g. 90015-2DB/PMade of Polyglas-polyester material, reinforced with fibreglass, colour red, self extinguishing. The isolators of typeDB are unbreakable and have excellent electrical and mechanical characteristics and can be used under extremeworking conditions such as high room temperatures, also when in contact with corrosive substances, vibrations, etc.The hex<strong>ag</strong>on, arranged middle layer with two facing sides, facilitates the connection and locking in place the isolator.Upon request, the isolators can be supplied as follows:• The isolator can be equipped with a thread which is not standard• The isolator can be supplied with one or two threaded bolts “GB”Operating temperature:-40 ˚C to +130 ˚CFire resistance:class: UL94-VO* sw = screw wideFor mounting andassembly materialsee p<strong>ag</strong>e 217.Art.- Pack<strong>ag</strong>ing- Article- Article H sw* D1 Operating M A Colourno. unit group (mm) (mm) (mm) volt<strong>ag</strong>e (thread) (mm)90015 100 DB 12/P 12 11 10 220 M3 3 ■90018 100 DB 12/P 12 11 10 220 M4 3 ■90022 100 DB 16/P 16 14 13 380 M4 4 ■90025 100 DB 20/P 20 17 15 500 M4 6 ■90026 100 DB 20/P 20 17 15 500 M6 6 ■90028 250 DB 25/P 25 19 15 600 M6 7 ■90029 250 DB 25/P 25 19 15 600 M5 7 ■90030 250 DB 25/P 25 19 15 600 M6 7 ■90033 80 DB 30/P 30 30 26 600 M6 8 ■90034 80 DB 30/P 30 30 26 600 M8 7 ■90035 64 DB 34/P 35 32 28 1000 M6 9 ■90036 64 DB 34/P 35 32 28 1000 M8 10 ■90037 64 DB 34/P 35 32 28 1000 M10 10 ■90038 36 DB 35/P 35 41 35 1000 M6 9 ■90039 36 DB 35/P 35 41 35 1000 M8 9 ■90040 36 DB 35/P 35 41 35 1000 M10 10 ■90438 100 DB 40/P 40 40 30 1000 M8 11 ■90439 100 DB 40/P 40 40 30 1000 M10 12 ■90440 100 DB 40/P 40 40 30 1000 M12 10 ■90041 27 DB 45/P 45 41 35 1500 M6 12 ■90042 27 DB 45/P 45 41 35 1500 M8 12 ■90043 27 DB 45/P 45 41 35 1500 M10 12 ■90044 27 DB 45/P 45 41 35 1500 M12 12 ■90046 36 DB 50/P 50 36 29 2000 M8 12 ■90047 36 DB 50/P 50 36 29 2000 M10 12 ■90048 36 DB 50/P 50 36 29 2000 M12 13 ■90441 25 DB 60/P 60 55 40 2000 M8 20 ■90442 25 DB 60/P 60 55 40 2000 M10 21 ■90443 25 DB 60/P 60 55 40 2000 M12 20 ■90050 22 DB 65/P 63.5 41 35 3000 M8 17 ■90051 22 DB 65/P 63.5 41 35 3000 M10 19 ■90052 22 DB 65/P 63.5 41 35 3000 M12 19 ■90053 12 DB 75/P 76 50 36 5000 M8 19 ■90054 12 DB 75/P 76 50 36 5000 M10 19 ■90055 12 DB 75/P 76 50 36 5000 M12 19 ■90057 8 DB 750/P 75 65 52 5000 M12 18 ■90058 8 DB 750/P 75 65 52 5000 M16 23 ■210 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGSpacing isolator type DB/PDB16P DB 20/P DB 25/P DB 30/P DB 34/P DB 35/P DB45/P DB 50/P DB 65/P DB 75/P DB 750/Presistance volt<strong>ag</strong>e tracking [kV] 3 4 7 8 10 10 12 12 15 25 25discharge volt<strong>ag</strong>e [kV] 8 15 20 23 30 30 40 40 40 50 50max. tensile load fz [kIM] 1 1.5 3 5 8 11 12 8.5 15 23 28max. bending load fb [kIM] 0.5 0.6 1.8 2.5 4.5 8 8 4.5 7 9 15max. <strong>com</strong>pression load fd [kIM] 5 6 21 44 65 80 80 68 83 100 150max. starting torque md [Nm] 0.4 0.4 3 3 5 9 10 5 6 10 13The types DB …, CO/P…, CS/P…, CT/P… and CPE … have been tested for insulating material (discharge volt<strong>ag</strong>e,discharge strength and arking) according to the regulations covering VDE 0303 part 2 blueprint march 1987.Appraisal of the discharge volt<strong>ag</strong>e or arking between two unequal electrodes/diameter (25 mm or 75 mm). The testwas made for the norm climate 23/50, ambient temperature (23 ± 2) °C and (50 ± 5) % relative humidity.www.mbs-stromwandler.de 211

MBS AGSpacing isolator type CO/P – 20 mm dia.Spacing isolator type CS/P – 30 mm dia.CO/P – diameter 20 mmMade of Polyglass-Polyester material, reinforced fibreglass, colour red, self extinguishing. Upon request theisolators type CO/P, can be supplied with 1 or 2 mountingmaterials, type GB, fitted and secured with lock tide.CS/P – diameter 30 mmMade of Polyglass-Polyester material, reinforcedfibre glass, colour red, self extinguishing.Art.- Pack<strong>ag</strong>ing- Article Article H D Operating M Ano. unit group (mm) (mm) volt<strong>ag</strong>e (thread) (mm)90061 200 CO/P 16 16 20 220 M4 490062 200 CO/P 16 16 20 220 M5 490063 100 CO/P 16 16 20 220 M6 490064 150 CO/P 16 16 20 220 M8 490065 200 CO/P 20 20 20 400 M5 590066 100 CO/P 20 20 20 400 M6 590067 200 CO/P 20 20 20 400 M8 590068 150 CO/P 25 25 20 500 M5 690069 150 CO/P 25 25 20 500 M6 690070 150 CO/P 25 25 20 500 M8 690071 140 CO/P 30 30 20 600 M5 790072 140 CO/P 30 30 20 600 M6 790073 140 CO/P 30 30 20 600 M8 790075 120 CO/P 35 35 20 600 M6 790077 110 CO/P 40 40 20 600 M6 990078 110 CO/P 40 40 20 600 M8 1090079 100 CO/P 45 45 20 750 M6 990080 100 CO/P 45 45 20 750 M8 1090081 80 CO/P 50 50 20 750 M6 1090082 80 CO/P 50 50 20 750 M8 1090083 70 CO/P 60 60 20 750 M6 990084 70 CO/P 60 60 20 750 M8 9Art.- Pack<strong>ag</strong>ing- Article Article H D Operating M Ano. unit group (mm) (mm) volt<strong>ag</strong>e (thread) (mm)90087 80 CS/P 30 30 30 750 M6 990088 80 CS/P 30 30 30 750 M8 990089 80 CS/P 30 30 30 750 M10 990090 64 CS/P 35 35 30 1000 M6 990091 64 CS/P 35 35 30 1000 M8 990092 64 CS/P 35 35 30 1000 M10 990093 60 CS/P 40 40 30 1000 M6 1290094 60 CS/P 40 40 30 1000 M8 1290095 60 CS/P 40 40 30 1000 M10 1290096 48 CS/P 45 45 30 1000 M6 1290097 48 CS/P 45 45 30 1000 M8 1290098 48 CS/P 45 45 30 1000 M10 1390099 48 CS/P 50 50 30 1500 M6 1290100 48 CS/P 50 50 30 1500 M8 1390101 48 CS/P 50 50 30 1500 M10 1290102 40 CS/P 55 55 30 1500 M6 1290103 40 CS/P 55 55 30 1500 M8 1190105 40 CS/P 60 60 30 1500 M6 1290106 40 CS/P 60 60 30 1500 M8 1690107 40 CS/P 60 60 30 1500 M10 2090109 32 CS/P 65 65 30 1500 M8 1890111 32 CS/P 70 70 30 1500 M6 1490112 32 CS/P 70 70 30 1500 M8 1890113 32 CS/P 70 70 30 1500 M10 18Spacing isolators type CO/P, CS/P, CT/P, CPEOperating temperature -40 °C up to +130 °CFire resistanceclass UL94-VO212 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGSpacing isolator type CT/P – 40 mm dia.Spacing isolator type CPE – 60 mm dia.CT/P – diameter 40 mmMade of Polyglass-Polyester material, reinforcedfibre glass, colour red, self extinguishing.CPE – diameter 60 mmMade of Polyglass-Polyester material, reinforcedfibre glass, colour red, self extinguishing.Art.- Pack<strong>ag</strong>ing- Article Article H D Operating M Ano. unit group (mm) (mm) volt<strong>ag</strong>e (thread) (mm)90118 45 CT/P 30 30 40 750 M8 890119 45 CT/P 30 30 40 750 M10 990120 36 CT/P 35 35 40 750 M8 990121 36 CT/P 35 35 40 750 M10 990122 27 CT/P 40 40 40 1000 M8 1290123 27 CT/P 40 40 40 1000 M10 1290123M12 27 CT/P 40 40 40 1000 M12 1290124 27 CT/P 45 45 40 1000 M8 1390125 27 CT/P 45 45 40 1000 M10 1290126 27 CT/P 50 50 40 1500 M8 1290127 27 CT/P 50 50 40 1500 M10 1390127M12 27 CT/P 50 50 40 1500 M12 1190129 18 CT/P 55 55 40 1500 M10 1290130 18 CT/P 60 60 40 1500 M8 1890131 18 CT/P 60 60 40 1500 M10 1890131M12 18 CT/P 60 60 40 1500 M12 1890133 18 CT/P 65 65 40 1500 M10 1890134 18 CT/P 70 70 40 1500 M8 1890135 18 CT/P 70 70 40 1500 M10 18Art.- Pack<strong>ag</strong>ing- Article Article H D Operating M Ano. unit group (mm) (mm) volt<strong>ag</strong>e (thread) (mm)90140 12 CPE 40 40 60 1500 M10 1190141 12 CPE 40 40 60 1500 M12 1190142 12 CPE 40 40 60 1500 M16 1290143 10 CPE 60 60 60 3000 M10 1890144 10 CPE 60 60 60 3000 M12 1890145 10 CPE 60 60 60 3000 M16 1990146 8 CPE 80 80 60 5000 M10 1990147 8 CPE 80 80 60 5000 M12 1990148 8 CPE 80 80 60 5000 M16 2390149 5 CPE 100 100 60 8000 M10 1990150 5 CPE 100 100 60 8000 M12 1990151 5 CPE 100 100 60 8000 M16 23CS/P 30 CS/P 40 CS/P 50 CS/P 60 CT/P 30 CT/P 40 CT/P 50 CT/P 60 CPE 40 CPE 60 CPE 80 CPE 100 CO/P 30 CO/P 40 CO/P 50 CO/P 60resistance volt<strong>ag</strong>e tracking [kV] 8 8 10 15 8 10 10 10 10 20 25 30 5 8 10 10discharge volt<strong>ag</strong>e [kV] 20 25 35 35 20 25 35 35 25 50 50 50 15 20 25 30max. tensile load FZ [kN] 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 15 23 30 4 4 4 4max. bending load FB [kN] 4.5 3 2 1.5 7.5 7 5 3.7 7 5 9 15 2 1.5 1 1max. <strong>com</strong>pression load FD[kN] 40 40 40 40 80 80 80 80 100 100 120 150 21 21 21 21max. starting torque MD[Nm] 1.3...2.6 1.3...2.6 1.3...2.6 1.3...2.6 3.0...6.0 3.0...6.0 3.0...6.0 3.0...6.0 6 8 10 15 1.0...2.0 1.0...2.0 1.0...2.0 1.0...2.0www.mbs-stromwandler.de 213

MBS AGPassing isolators type PI/PVertical bus bar support type PSBpanel boreArt.- Pack<strong>ag</strong>ing- Article Article H D Operating Mno. unit group (mm) (mm) volt<strong>ag</strong>e (thread)90166 60 PI/P 4 50 15 600 M490167 40 PI/P 6 65 22 1000 M690168 25 PI/P 8 80 25 1000 M890169 20 PI/P 10 95 30 1000 M1090170 15 PI/P 12 105 35 1000 M1290171 8 PI/P 16 135 43 2000 M1690172 4 PI/P 20 155 54 2000 M20Easy to assemble vertical bus bar support inPolyestermaterial with reinforced fibre glass, red, suitablefor bus bars with dimensions between 40 x 60 mm and120 x 10 mm.Due of its construction characteristics this bus barsupport is suitable for special isolating and mechanicalresistance requirements.For the assembly of a bus bar support the followingparts are required:1 or 2 lateral supports, 2 mounting screws and thenecessary blocknumber to clamp into place the requiredbus bars.Passing isolator type PI/PPolyester material, red214 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGPSB/1lateral supportPSB/6block for 6 mm bus barPSB/2lateral supportPSB/8block for 8 mm bus barPSB/120lateral supportPSB/10block for 10 mm bus barLateral support Blocks Bus bars Art.-no.PSB/1 PSB 6 60 x 6 80 x 6 100 x 6PSB 8 60 x 8 80 x 8 100 x 8 90175*PSB 10 60 x 10 80 x 10 100 x 10PSB/2 PSB 6 40 x 6 50 x 6PSB 8 40 x 8 50 x 8 90176*PSB 10 40 x 10 50 x 10PSB/120 PSB 6 120 x 6PSB 8 120 x 8 90177*PSB 10 120 x 10Elastic deviation of the teeth with signs of rupture Pack. Art.-no.PSB/6 kg 950 36 90178*PSB/8 kg 1130 30 90179*PSB/10 kg 1375 24 90180** = stor<strong>ag</strong>e partsOperating volt<strong>ag</strong>e1000 V ACOperating temperature -40 °C +130 °CFire resistanceclass UL94-VOwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 215

MBS AGVertical bus bar support PSBillustration 1example of a unipolar bus bar support with 3 parallel bus barsupport holdersArt.- Pack<strong>ag</strong>ing- Article H D Operating Forno. unit group (mm) (mm) volt<strong>ag</strong>e thread90175 96 PSB/1 177 46 1000 M1090176 144 PSB/2 127 46 1000 M1090177 244 PSB/120 177 35 1000 M1090178 36 PSB/6 37 36 1000 M1090179 30 PSB/8 38 48 1000 M1090180 24 PSB/10 38 60 1000 M10A = number of blocksB = bus bar thicknessC = length of mountingscrewIllustrations 1–2–3–4–5–6show some of the possible variationsillustrations up to max. 10 x 100 mmill. 1bill. 2L = external spacerequirementH = heightM = moduleill. 3ill. 4ill. 5ill. 6H. with lateral support PSB/1 = 177 mmPSB/2 = 127 mmM. with block PSB/6 = 36 mmPSB/8 = 48 mmPSB/10 = 60 mmill. 1aArt.- Pack<strong>ag</strong>ing- Article Illustra- H L Operating For Bno. unit group tion (mm) (mm) volt<strong>ag</strong>e thread90187 PSB ill. 1A 177 1000 M10 690188 PSB ill. 1A 177 1000 M10 890189 PSB ill. 1A 177 1000 M10 1090190 PSB ill. 1B 177 162 1000 M10 690191 PSB ill. 1B 177 174 1000 M10 890192 PSB ill. 1B 177 186 1000 M10 1090193 PSB ill. 2 177 198 1000 M10 690194 PSB ill. 2 177 222 1000 M10 890195 PSB ill. 2 177 246 1000 M10 1090196 PSB ill. 3 177 234 1000 M10 690197 PSB ill. 3 177 270 1000 M10 890198 PSB ill. 3 177 306 1000 M10 1090199 PSB ill. 4 177 270 1000 M10 690200 PSB ill. 4 177 318 1000 M10 890201 PSB ill. 4 177 366 1000 M10 1090202 PSB ill. 5 177 306 1000 M10 690203 PSB ill. 5 177 366 1000 M10 890204 PSB ill. 5 177 426 1000 M10 1090205 PSB ill. 5 177 342 1000 M10 690206 PSB ill. 5 177 414 1000 M10 890207 PSB ill. 5 177 486 1000 M10 1090211 PSB ill. 1A 127 1000 M10 690212 PSB ill. 1A 127 1000 M10 890213 PSB ill. 1A 127 1000 M10 1090214 PSB ill. 1B 127 152 1000 M10 690215 PSB ill. 1B 127 164 1000 M10 890216 PSB ill. 1B 127 176 1000 M10 1090217 PSB ill. 2 127 188 1000 M10 690218 PSB ill. 2 127 212 1000 M10 890219 PSB ill. 2 127 236 1000 M10 1090220 PSB ill. 3 127 224 1000 M10 690221 PSB ill. 3 127 260 1000 M10 890222 PSB ill. 3 127 296 1000 M10 1090223 PSB ill. 4 127 260 1000 M10 690224 PSB ill. 4 127 308 1000 M10 890225 PSB ill. 4 127 356 1000 M10 1090226 PSB ill. 5 127 296 1000 M10 690227 PSB ill. 5 127 356 1000 M10 890228 PSB ill. 5 127 416 1000 M10 1090229 PSB ill. 6 127 332 1000 M10 690230 PSB ill. 6 127 404 1000 M10 890231 PSB ill. 6 127 476 1000 M10 10The above mentioned data are only for information purposesand are without a guarantee. The customer is required to checkfrom time to time if the product is suitable for the requiredapplication.Upon request milled bus bar supports and other from GPO-3extracted details can be supplied.In this instance drawings are to be submitted.216 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGMounting material / threaded boltsHex<strong>ag</strong>on spacer in brassGBthreaded bolthex<strong>ag</strong>on screwM10 with nut andwasherArt.- Pack<strong>ag</strong>ing- Article Thread Lengthno. unit group M L (mm)90270 100 GB M3 1290271 100 GB M3 1590272 100 GB M4 1590273 100 GB M4 1690274 100 GB M4 1890275 100 GB M4 2090276 100 GB M5 2090277 100 GB M5 2290278 100 GB M5 2790279 100 GB M5 3090280 100 GB M6 1890281 100 GB M6 2090282 100 GB M6 2590283 100 GB M6 2790284 100 GB M6 3390285 100 GB M6 3590286 100 GB M8 2090287 100 GB M8 2390288 100 GB M8 2590289 100 GB M8 3090290 100 GB M8 3390291 100 GB M8 3590292 100 GB M8 3890293 100 GB M8 5090294 100 GB M10 3090295 100 GB M10 3590296 100 GB M10 3890297 100 GB M10 4090298 100 GB M10 4590299 100 GB M10 5090300 100 GB M12 3090301 100 GB M12 5090326 100 GB M16 4090327 100 GB M16 60Art.- Pack<strong>ag</strong>ing- Article Thread Lengthno. unit group M L (mm)90309 100 SKS M10 6090310 100 SKS M10 8090311 100 SKS M10 7090312 100 SKS M10 9090313 100 SKS M10 10090314 100 SKS M10 11090315 100 SKS M10 14090316 100 SKS M10 15090317 100 SKS M10 160SKArt.- Pack<strong>ag</strong>ing- Thread Height Wrenchno. unit M H openingmm SW*90330 100 M4 15 790331 100 M4 20 790332 100 M4 25 790333 100 M4 30 790334 100 M4 50 790335 100 M4 70 790336 100 M4 90 790337 100 M5 15 890338 100 M5 20 890339 100 M5 25 890340 100 M5 30 890341 100 M5 50 890342 100 M5 70 890343 100 M5 90 890344 100 M6 15 1090345 100 M6 20 1090346 100 M6 25 1090347 100 M6 30 1090348 100 M6 50 1090349 100 M6 70 1090350 100 M6 90 1090351 100 M8 15 1390352 100 M8 20 1390353 100 M8 25 1390354 100 M8 30 1390355 100 M8 50 1390356 100 M8 70 1390357 100 M8 90 13* SW = Screw Widththreaded boltM10 <strong>com</strong>pletewith nut andwasherArt.- Packing- Article- Thread Lengthno. unit group M L (mm)90318 100 GB M10 19490319 100 GB M10 23090320 100 GB M10 24290321 100 GB M10 27090322 100 GB M10 29090323 100 GB M10 35090324 100 GB M10 41090325 100 GB M10 1000www.mbs-stromwandler.de 217

MBS AGBus bar support Lsupport L185/1 Art.-no. 90392500 (600)185 18530572050M10125 200 125 50support L185/2 (2 x M10 each phase) Art.-no. 90395185 18570 70 70Bus bar supports in generalCharacteristics of the raw materials (GFK-profile, hot hardened)■ temperature range -40 °C up to +130 °C■ operating AC volt<strong>ag</strong>e 1000 Volt■ continuous current L/Z 280 mm 2500 AL/Z 500 mm 4000 A■ phase clearance L/Z 280 mm 100 mmL/Z 500 mm 185 mm■ form stability DIN 53462 °C > 200■ natural density DIN 53479 gr/cm 2 approx.1.7■ fire resistance UL 94 HB■ discharge resistance DIN 53481 kV/cm 10■ resistance volt<strong>ag</strong>e tracking DIN IEC 112 CTI 600■ specific flow resistance DIN 53482 Ohm x cm 1012prated current surge l pk in kAgshort-circuit protection L185/1250230für Cu-Schienen210for copper bars> 40 x 101901701501301108020 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100support-width (cm)rated current surge l pk in kAgshort-circuit protection L185/2310290für Cu-Schienen270for copper bars100 x 10 – 160 x 1025023021019017015020 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100support-width (cm)All bus bars are type tested acc. to VDE 0660 part 500■ torque for M10 approx. 4.5 Nm■ copper bus bar 10 mm thick made of copper F30not nickle-platedsupport L100 Art.-no. 90392190gshort-circuit protection L100757280100 10020100755030M8505rated current surge l pk in kA1701501301109070für Cu-Schienenfor copper bars> = 30 x 10503020 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100support-width (cm)Type Art.- Pack<strong>ag</strong>ing- Article Length Profile Bore Thread Colourno. unit group (mm) (mm) (mm) ML100 90391 1 L 280 50/50 7 M8 ■L185/1 90392 1 L 500 50/50 7 M10 ■L185/2 90395 1 L 500 50/50 7 M10 ■218 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGBus bar support Lsupport Z185/1 Art.-no. 90382500125 20012540551430715M101851855support Z185/2 (2 x M10 each phase) Art.-no. 90385185 18570 70 70Bus bar supports in generalCharacteristics of the raw materials (GFK-profile, hot hardened)■ temperature range -40 °C up to +130 °C■ operating AC volt<strong>ag</strong>e 1000 Volt■ continuous current L/Z 280 mm 2500 AL/Z 500 mm 4000 A■ phase clearance L/Z 280 mm 100 mmL/Z 500 mm 185 mm■ form stability DIN 53462 °C > 200■ natural density DIN 53479 gr/cm 2 approx.1.7■ fire resistance UL 94 HB■ discharge resistance DIN 53481 kV/cm 10■ resistance volt<strong>ag</strong>e tracking DIN IEC 112 CTI 600■ specific flow resistance DIN 53482 Ohm x cm 1012All bus bars are type tested acc. to VDE 0660 part 500■ torque for M10 approx. 4.5 Nm■ copper bus bar 10 mm thick made of copper F30not nickle-platedsupport Z100 Art.-no. 9038128075 10075401455715301001005M8Type Art.- Pack<strong>ag</strong>ing- Article Length Profile Bore Thread Colourno unit group (mm) (mm) (mm) MZ100 90381 1 Z 280 30/40/30 7 M8 ■Z185/1 90382 1 Z 500 30/40/30 7 M10 ■Z185/2 90385 1 Z 500 30/40/30 7 M10 ■www.mbs-stromwandler.de 219


MBS AGAdditional productsShuntsAmperemeter change-over switchVoltmeter change-over switchNEOZED fuse baseContact tonguewww.mbs-stromwandler.de 221


MBS AGShuntsTechnical data:Operating conditionsworking temperature range -10 + 55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e temperature -25 + 65 °Crelative air humidity(no dewing) 75 %climatic adaptability climatic class 3acc. VDE/VDI 3540Accuracyaccuracy class class 0.5(class 0.2 upon request)Materialresistance barsconnection unitsconstruction type Aconstruction type B/CmanganinbrasscopperConnectionscurrent phaserefer to drawingsvolt<strong>ag</strong>e phase M 5 x 8DimensionsProtection IP 00refer to drawingsMaterial profile of the connection unitsconstruction type A with isolating base (…25 A)without isolating base(30…150 A)construction type B L-profileconstruction type C T-profileApplicationShunts are being used for the indirect monitoring of highelectrical currents. The production of the shunts conformto the requirements of DIN 43704 for currents from 1 Aup to 20 kA and volt<strong>ag</strong>e drops from 60 mV up to 300 mV.Upon request additional ranges can be supplied wherethe nominal values of current and volt<strong>ag</strong>e drop deviatefrom the DIN series.Function principleThe current flowing through the shunts create a volt<strong>ag</strong>edrop, which can be measured with a measuring deviceswitched in parallel. With parallel switching the shuntsand the measuring devices, it is possible to use volt<strong>ag</strong>emeasurement devices to measure the current, or to gainan extension of the measuring facilities of the existingcurrent measuring units. The shunts are manufactured inthree different versions, to ac<strong>com</strong>modate the nominalcurrents.Production regulationsDIN 43703 ShuntsDIN 43780 direct active, signalling measuring unitsand accessoriesSpecial configurationsnominal rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e drop acc. to customers informationnominal currentacc. to customers informationaccuracy class 0.2isolation basefor shunts30…200 A/60 mVWeightupon requestOrder detailsTypeShuntsnominal rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e drop 60 mV100 mV150 mV300 mVacc. to customers information**)nominal currentsee table in the data partacc. to customers information**)Accuracy class 0.5*)class 0.2 upon requestIsolation basefor construction type A standard bus bars snap-on mountings can be supplied1…25 A standard30…200 A (60 mV) accessoriesCap1…25 A (60 mV; 100 mV; 150 mV) accessories30…200 A (60 mV) accessoriesSpecial configuration**) upon request*) standard **) exact data are requiredOrder example:shunt, nominal rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e drop 60 mV, nominal current 1000 A, class 0.5technical amendments may be made (without prior notice)www.mbs-stromwandler.de 223

MBS AGShuntsConstruction type ANominal rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e drop 60 mVSize 1…25 A 40…150 Aa 90 100b 78 80c 20 20d 8 8e M 5 x 12 M 8 x 16Nominal rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e drop 100 mVSize 1…25 A 40…150 Aa 90 145b 78 125c 20 25d 8 8e M 5 x 12 M 8 x 16Nominal rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e drop 150 mVSize 1…25 A 40…150 Aa 90 225b 78 205c 20 25d 8 8e M 5 x 12 M 8 x 16Dimensions for 1…25 ANominal rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e drop 300 mVSize 1…25 A 40…150 Aa 90 385b 78 364c 20 25d 8 8e M 5 x 12 M 8 x 16224 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGShuntsConstruction type AConstruction type ANominalArt.-no. Base Type Nominal volt<strong>ag</strong>ecurrent drop71911 without SHUNT 60 1 A 60 mV71911S with SHUNT 60 1 A 60 mV71912 without SHUNT 60 1.5 A 60 mV71912S with SHUNT 60 1.5 A 60 mV71913 without SHUNT 60 2.5 A 60 mV71913S with SHUNT 60 2.5 A 60 mV71914 without SHUNT 60 4 A 60 mV71914S with SHUNT 60 4 A 60 mV71915 without SHUNT 60 6 A 60 mV71915S with SHUNT 60 6 A 60 mV71916 without SHUNT 60 10 A 60 mV71916S with SHUNT 60 10 A 60 mV71917 without SHUNT 60 15 A 60 mV71917S with SHUNT 60 15 A 60 mV71918 without SHUNT 60 25 A 60 mV71918S with SHUNT 60 25 A 60 mV71919 without SHUNT 60 40 A 60 mV71919S with SHUNT 60 40 A 60 mV71920 without SHUNT 60 60 A 60 mV71920S with SHUNT 60 60 A 60 mV71921 without SHUNT 60 100 A 60 mV71921S with SHUNT 60 100 A 60 mV71922 without SHUNT 60 150 A 60 mV71922S with SHUNT 60 150 A 60 mV72911 without SHUNT 100 1 A 100 mV72911S with SHUNT 100 1 A 100 mV72912 without SHUNT 100 1.5 A 100 mV72912S with SHUNT 100 1.5 A 100 mV72913 without SHUNT 100 2.5 A 100 mV72913S with SHUNT 100 2.5 A 100 mV72914 without SHUNT 100 4 A 100 mV72914S with SHUNT 100 4 A 100 mV72915 without SHUNT 100 6 A 100 mV72915S with SHUNT 100 6 A 100 mV72916 without SHUNT 100 10 A 100 mV72916S with SHUNT 100 10 A 100 mV72917 without SHUNT 100 15 A 100 mV72917S with SHUNT 100 15 A 100 mV72918 without SHUNT 100 25 A 100 mV72918S with SHUNT 100 25 A 100 mV72919 without SHUNT 100 40 A 100 mV72919S with SHUNT 100 40 A 100 mV72920 without SHUNT 100 60 A 100 mV72920S with SHUNT 100 60 A 100 mV72921 without SHUNT 100 100 A 100 mV72921S with SHUNT 100 100 A 100 mV72922 without SHUNT 100 150 A 100 mV72922S with SHUNT 100 150 A 100 mVConstruction type ANominalArt.-no. Base Type Nominal volt<strong>ag</strong>ecurrent drop73911 without SHUNT 150 1 A 150 mV73911S with SHUNT 150 1 A 150 mV73912 without SHUNT 150 1.5 A 150 mV73912S with SHUNT 150 1.5 A 150 mV73913 without SHUNT 150 2.5 A 150 mV73913S with SHUNT 150 2.5 A 150 mV73914 without SHUNT 150 4 A 150 mV73914S with SHUNT 150 4 A 150 mV73915 without SHUNT 150 6 A 150 mV73915S with SHUNT 150 6 A 150 mV73916 without SHUNT 150 10 A 150 mV73916S with SHUNT 150 10 A 150 mV73917 without SHUNT 150 15 A 150 mV73917S with SHUNT 150 15 A 150 mV73918 without SHUNT 150 25 A 150 mV73918S with SHUNT 150 25 A 150 mV73919 without SHUNT 150 40 A 150 mV73919S with SHUNT 150 40 A 150 mV73920 without SHUNT 150 60 A 150 mV73920S with SHUNT 150 60 A 150 mV73921 without SHUNT 150 100 A 150 mV73921S with SHUNT 150 100 A 150 mV73922 without SHUNT 150 150 A 150 mV73922S with SHUNT 150 150 A 150 mV74911 without SHUNT 300 1 A 300 mV74911S with SHUNT 300 1 A 300 mV74912 without SHUNT 300 1.5 A 300 mV74912S with SHUNT 300 1.5 A 300 mV74913 without SHUNT 300 2.5 A 300 mV74913S with SHUNT 300 2.5 A 300 mV74914 without SHUNT 300 4 A 300 mV74914S with SHUNT 300 4 A 300 mV74915 without SHUNT 300 6 A 300 mV74915S with SHUNT 300 6 A 300 mV74916 without SHUNT 300 10 A 300 mV74916S with SHUNT 300 10 A 300 mV74917 without SHUNT 300 15 A 300 mV74917S with SHUNT 300 15 A 300 mV74918 without SHUNT 300 25 A 300 mV74918S with SHUNT 300 25 A 300 mV74919 without SHUNT 300 40 A 300 mV74919S with SHUNT 300 40 A 300 mV74920 without SHUNT 300 60 A 300 mV74920S with SHUNT 300 60 A 300 mV74921 without SHUNT 300 100 A 300 mV74921S with SHUNT 300 100 A 300 mV74922 without SHUNT 300 150 A 300 mV74922S with SHUNT 300 150 A 300 mVwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 225

MBS AGShuntsConstruction type BNominal rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e drop 60 mVSize 250 A 400 A 1000 A 1500 A 2500 A600 Aa 145 145 165 165 165b 105 105 115 115 115c 30 40 60 90 120d 30 30 30 30 30e 15 20 30 21 30f 48 60g M 12 x 40 M 16 x 45 M 20 x 50 M 16 x 45 M 20 x 50no. ofcurrent 2 x 1 2 x 1 2 x 1 2 x 2 2 x 2connect.Nominal rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e drop 100 mVSize 250 A 400 A 1000 A 1500 A600 Aa 190 190 210 210b 150 150 160 160c 30 40 60 120d 30 30 30 30e 15 20 30 30f 60g M 12 x 40 M 16 x 45 M 20 x 50 M 20 x 50no. ofcurrent 2 x 1 2 x 1 2 x 1 2 x 2connect.Construction type BNominalArt.-no. Base Type Nominal ratedcurrent volt<strong>ag</strong>e drop71923 without SHUNT 60 250 A 60 mV71924 without SHUNT 60 400 A 60 mV71925 without SHUNT 60 600 A 60 mV71926 without SHUNT 60 1000 A 60 mV71996 without SHUNT 60 1500 A 60 mV71997 without SHUNT 60 2500 A 60 mV72923 without SHUNT 100 250 A 100 mV72924 without SHUNT 100 400 A 100 mV72925 without SHUNT 100 600 A 100 mV72926 without SHUNT 100 1000 A 100 mV72935 without SHUNT 100 1500 A 100 mV73923 without SHUNT 150 300 A 150 mV73924 without SHUNT 150 400 A 150 mV73925 without SHUNT 150 600 A 150 mV73926 without SHUNT 150 1000 A 150 mV74923 without SHUNT 300 250 A 300 mV74924 without SHUNT 300 400 A 300 mV74925 without SHUNT 300 600 A 300 mV74926 without SHUNT 300 1000 A 300 mVNominal rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e drop 150 mVSize 250 A 400 A 1000 A600 Aa 270 270 290b 230 230 240c 30 40 70d 50 50 60e 15 20 35g M 12 x 40 M 16 x 45 M 20 x 50no. ofcurrent 2 x 1 2 x 1 2 x 1connect.Nominal rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e drop 300 mVSize 250 A 400 A 1000 A600 Aa 429 429 449b 389 389 399c 30 40 70d 50 50 60e 15 20 35g M 12 x 40 M 16 x 45 M 20 x 50no. ofcurrent 2 x 1 2 x 1 2 x 1connect.226 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGShuntsConstruction type CNominal rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e drop 60 mVSize 4000 A 6000 A 10000 A 15000 Aa 165 175 185 185b 115 125 135 135c 120 154 206 310d 60 130 170 170e 30 25 25 25f 60 52 52 52g M 20 x 60 M 20 x 75 M 20 x 80 M 20 x 80h 15 25 30 30no. ofcurrent 2 x 2 2 x 3 2 x 4 2 x 6connect.Nominal rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e drop 100 mVSize 2500 A 4000 A 6000 Aa 210 220 220b 160 170 170c 120 120 154d 60 130 130e 30 30 25f 60 60 52g M 20 x 50 M 20 x 50 M 20 x 75h 15 25 25no. ofcurrent 2 x 2 2 x 2 2 x 3connect.Construction type CNominalArt.-no. Base Type Nominal ratedcurrent volt<strong>ag</strong>e drop71927 * without SHUNT 60 1500 A 60 mV71928 without SHUNT 60 2500 A 60 mV71929 without SHUNT 60 4000 A 60 mV71930 without SHUNT 60 6000 A 60 mV71931 without SHUNT 60 1000 A 60 mV71932 without SHUNT 60 1500 A 60 mV72928 without SHUNT 100 2500 A 100 mV72929 without SHUNT 100 4000 A 100 mV72930 without SHUNT 100 6000 A 100 mV73927 without SHUNT 150 1500 A 150 mV73928 without SHUNT 150 2500 A 150 mV73929 without SHUNT 150 4000 A 150 mV73930 without SHUNT 150 6000 A 150 mV73931 without SHUNT 150 10000 A 150 mV74927 without SHUNT 300 1500 A 300 mV74928 without SHUNT 300 2500 A 300 mV74929 without SHUNT 300 4000 A 300 mV74930 without SHUNT 300 6000 A 300 mV* special configurationNominal rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e drop 150 mVSize 1500 A 2500 A 4000 A 6000 A 10000 Aa 290 290 300 300 310b 240 240 250 250 260c 90 120 120 154 206d 60 60 130 130 170e 21 30 30 25 25f 48 60 60 52 52g M 16 x 60 M 20 x 60 M 20 x 75 M 20 x 75 M 20 x 80h 15 15 25 25 30no. ofcurrent 2 x 1 2 x 1 2 x 2 2 x 3 2 x 4connect.Nominal rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e drop 300 mVSize 1500 A 2500 A 4000 A 6000 Aa 449 449 459 459b 399 399 409 409c 90 120 120 154d 60 60 130 130e 31 30 30 25f 48 60 60 52g M 16 x 60 M 20 x 60 M 20 x 75 M 20 x 75h 15 15 25 25no. ofcurrent 2 x 1 2 x 2 2 x 2 2 x 3connect.www.mbs-stromwandler.de 227

MBS AGAdditional productsAmperemeter change-over switchAmperemeter change-over switchArt.-no.amperemeter change-over switch with 0-position 59061amperemeter change-over switch without 0-position 59062Voltmeter change-over switchVoltmeter change-over switchArt.-no.voltmeter change-over switch with 0-position 59060voltmeter change-over switch without 0-position 59063NEOZED fuse baseNEOZED fuse baseArt.-no.fuse base 10 A 59011Contact tongueContact tongueLength Depth Width Art.-no.thread M5 38 2 24 59055228 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGVolt<strong>ag</strong>e transformersMBEVMBERMBEMBZVMBZRMBZ1-pole isolated2-pole isolatedwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 229

MBS AGVolt<strong>ag</strong>e transformers1-pole isolatedRated volt<strong>ag</strong>eSecondary rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e 100 V / 3 VType MBEV 6 MBEV 10 MBEV 20 MBEV 50 MBEV 100Accuracy class 1 0.5 / 1 0.5 / 1 0.5 / 1 0.5 / 1Burden VA 3 VA 5 / 10 VA 10 / 20 VA 25 / 50 VA 50 / 100Primary V Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.100/ 3 SEV1001 SEV1010 SEV1019 SE V1028 SEV1037110/ 3 SEV1002 SEV1011 SEV1020 SEV1029 SEV1038220/ 3 SEV1003 SEV1012 SEV1021 SEV1030 SEV1039380/ 3 SEV1004 SEV1013 SEV1022 SEV1031 SEV1040400/ 3 SEV1005 SEV1014 SEV1023 SEV1032 SEV1041500/ 3 SEV1006 SEV1015 SEV1024 SEV1033 SEV1042600/ 3 SEV1007 SEV1016 SEV1025 SEV1034 SEV1043800/ 3 SEV1026 SEV1035 SEV10441000/ 3 SEV1027 SEV1036 SEV10452-pole isolatedRated volt<strong>ag</strong>eSecondary rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e 100 VType MBZV 6 MBZV 10 MBZV 20 MBZV 50 MBZV 100Accuracy class 1 0.5 / 1 0.5 / 1 0.5 / 1 0.5 / 1Burden VA 6 VA 10 / 20 VA 20 / 40 VA 50/ 100 VA 100 / 200Primary V Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no. Art.-no.100 SZV1001 SZV1010 SZV1019 SZ V1028 SZV1037110 SZV1002 SZV1011 SZV1020 SZV1029 SZV1038220 SZV1003 SZV1012 SZV1021 SZV1030 SZV1039380 SZV1004 SZV1013 SZV1022 SZV1031 SZV1040400 SZV1005 SZV1014 SZV1023 SZV1032 SZV1041500 SZV1006 SZV1015 SZV1024 SZV1033 SZV1042600 SZV1007 SZV1016 SZV1025 SZV1034 SZV1043800 SZV1026 SZV1035 SZV10441000 SZV1027 SZV1036 SZV1045Technical data of the standard designstandard IEC 60044-2max. volt<strong>ag</strong>e for equipment0.72 kV up to 600 V - 1.2 kV up to 1000 Vtest volt<strong>ag</strong>e0.72 kV / 3 kV; 1 kV / 6 kVrated frequency50 / 60 Hzplace of applicationindoors up to 2000 m above normal sea levelclimatic conditions IEC 60721-3-3 3K4mechanical conditions IEC 60721-3-3 3M3vibration proof IEC 60068-2 2.5 g (25...100 Hz)isolating class IEC 60085 E (120 °C)housing protection class IEC 60529 housing: IP 50terminals with cover: IP 20isolating material UL E44423 copper coated wireUL E47960 winding contactsUL E93687 isolation coatingUL E51047 imprinted coatingHousing in mmWeightType A B C D E F Ø G kg Standard accessoriesMBEV 6 140 85 100 125 68 52 4.5 2.3MBEV 10 165 90 105 145 70 67 4.5 3MBEV 20 175 90 105 155 70 82 4.5 4.1 terminal coversMBEV 50 195 105 125 175 81 95 5.5 6MBEV 100 210 128 155 190 101 97 8 8MBZV 6 140 85 100 125 68 52 4.5 2.3MBZV 10 165 90 105 145 70 67 4.5 3MBZV 20 175 90 105 155 70 82 4.5 4.1 terminal coversMBZV 50 195 105 125 175 81 95 5.5 6MBZV 100 210 128 155 190 101 97 8 8230 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGVolt<strong>ag</strong>e transformers1-pole isolatedRated volt<strong>ag</strong>eSecondary rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e 100 V / 3VAccuracy classPrimary V Type Size 0.2 0.5 1 3 P i L 2thVA Art.-no. VA Art.-no. VA Art.-no. VA Art.-no. VA A100 / 3110 / 3200 / 3220 / 3230 / 3correspondingisolation levelU M = 0.72 kVMBER 60 2 – – – – 0.5 SE1001 1.5 SE1002 0.3 0.6MBER 70 0.2 SE1003 0.5 SE1004 1 SE1005 3 SE1006 0.6 0.8MBER 100 1 SE1007 2.5 SE1008 5 SE1009 15 SE1010 1.5 1.2MBER 104 5 SE1011 15 SE1012 30 SE1013 30 SE1014 2 0.9MBE 100 – – 10 SE1015 15 SE1016 50 SE1017 5 1MBE 150 1 7.5 SE1018 20 SE1019 50 SE1020 120 SE1021 10 3MBE 150 2 10 SE1022 30 SE1023 60 SE1024 150 SE1025 12 3MBE 150 3 15 SE1026 50 SE1027 100 SE1028 200 SE1029 15 3MBE 150 4 25 SE1030 60 SE1031 120 SE1032 250 SE1033 20 3380 / 3. 400 / 3500 / 3. 600 / 3660 / 3correspondingisolation levelU M = 0.72 kV690 / 3750 / 31000 / 3correspondingisolation levelU M = 1.2 kVMBER 100 0.5 SE1034 1.5 SE1035 3 SE1036 10 SE1037 1.5 1.2MBER 104 5 SE1038 10 SE1039 25 SE1040 25 SE1041 2 0.9MBE 100 – – 10 SE1042 15 SE1043 50 SE1044 5 1MBE 150 1 7.5 SE1045 20 SE1046 50 SE1047 120 SE1048 10 3MBE 150 2 10 SE1049 30 SE1050 60 SE1051 150 SE1052 12 3MBE 150 3 15 SE1053 50 SE1054 100 SE1055 200 SE1056 15 3MBE 150 4 25 SE1057 60 SE1058 120 SE1059 250 SE1060 20 3MBER 100/1 – – 1 SE1061 2 SE1062 5 SE1063 1.5 1.2MBER 104/1 5 SE1064 10 SE1065 25 SE1066 25 SE1067 2 0.9MBE 100/1 – – 7.5 SE1068 15 SE1069 30 SE1070 5 1MBE 150/1 1 7.5 SE1071 20 SE1072 45 SE1073 100 SE1074 10 3MBE 150/1 2 10 SE1075 30 SE1076 60 SE1077 120 SE1078 12 3MBE 150/1 3 15 SE1079 45 SE1080 90 SE1081 150 SE1082 15 3MBE 150/1 4 20 SE1083 60 SE1084 100 SE1085 180 SE1086 20 3additional charges for special configuarationsAuxiliary winding for production ofan open delta winding (VA rating ofmeasuring winding reduced byapprox. 30 %): …/ 3/…/ 3/100 / 3VType Size Long time currentMBE 150 – 1 A / 8 hType Size Long time currentMBE 100 – 1 A / 8 hMBE 150 1 5 A / 8 hMBE 150 2 6 A / 8 hMBE 150 3 8 A / 8 hInterim volt<strong>ag</strong>e transformer forproduction of an open delta winding(without measuring winding):100 / 3 /100 / 3VType Tropical design Resin hardenedMBE (Z) R 60MBE (Z) R 70MBE (Z) R 100 (/1)MBE (Z) R 104 (/1)MBE (Z) 100 (/1) –MBE (Z) 150 (/1) –additional special configurations upon requestsnap-on mountings for:TypeMBE (Z) R 60MBE (Z) R 70joint foot mounting for:TypeMBE (Z) R 70www.mbs-stromwandler.de 231

MBS AGVolt<strong>ag</strong>e transformers2-pole isolatedRated volt<strong>ag</strong>eSecondary rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e 100 VAccuracy classPrimary V Type Size 0.2 0.5 1 3 P i L 2thVA Art.-no. VA Art.-no. VA Art.-no. VA Art.-no. VA AMBZR 60 2 – – 0.5 SZ1001 1 SZ1002 3 SZ1003 0.5 0.4100, 110, 200,220, 230correspondingisolation levelU M = 0.72 kVMBZR 70 1 SZ1004 2.5 SZ1005 5 SZ1006 15 SZ1007 2 0.5MBZR 100 2 SZ1008 5 SZ1009 10 SZ1010 25 SZ1011 2.5 0.8MBZR 104 5 SZ1012 15 SZ1013 30 SZ1014 30 SZ1015 3 0.9MBZ 100 – – 15 SZ1016 30 SZ1017 60 SZ1018 9 1MBZ 150 1 10 SZ1019 25 SZ1020 60 SZ1021 150 SZ1022 12 3MBZ 150 2 15 SZ1023 45 SZ1024 90 SZ1025 200 SZ1026 15 3MBZ 150 3 20 SZ1027 60 SZ1028 120 SZ1029 250 SZ1030 18 3MBZ 150 4 30 SZ1031 75 SZ1032 150 SZ1033 300 SZ1034 24 3380, 400, 500,600, 660correspondingisolation levelU M = 0.72 kV690, 750, 1000correspondingisolation levelU M = 1.2 kV* upon requestMBZR 60 2 – – * * 1 SZ1035 3 SZ1036 0.5 0.4MBZR 70 0.5 SZ1037 1.25 SZ1038 2.5 SZ1039 7.5 SZ1040 1.5 0.5MBZR 100 1.5 SZ1041 3 SZ1042 10 SZ1043 20 SZ1044 2 0.8MBZR 104 5 SZ1045 10 SZ1046 25 SZ1047 25 SZ1048 2.5 0.9MBZ 100 – – 15 SZ1049 30 SZ1050 60 SZ1051 9 1MBZ 150 1 10 SZ1052 25 SZ1053 60 SZ1054 150 SZ1055 12 3MBZ 150 2 15 SZ1056 45 SZ1057 90 SZ1058 200 SZ1059 15 3MBZ 150 3 20 SZ1060 60 SZ1061 120 SZ1062 250 SZ1063 18 3MBZ 150 4 30 SZ1064 75 SZ1065 150 SZ1066 300 SZ1067 24 3MBZR 60/1 2 – – * * * * * * 0.5 0.4MBZR 70/1 * * * * * * * * 1.5 0.5MBZR 100/1 1 SZ1068 2.5 SZ1069 5 SZ1070 15 SZ1071 1.5 0.8MBZR 104/1 5 SZ1072 10 SZ1073 25 SZ1074 25 SZ1075 2.5 0.9MBZ 100/1 – – 7.5 SZ1076 15 SZ1077 30 SZ1078 9 0.8MBZ 150/1 1 7.5 SZ1079 20 SZ1080 50 SZ1081 120 SZ1082 12 2MBZ 150/1 2 10 SZ1083 30 SZ1084 60 SZ1085 150 SZ1086 15 2MBZ 150/1 3 15 SZ1087 45 SZ1088 100 SZ1089 200 SZ1090 18 2MBZ 150/1 4 20 SZ1091 60 SZ1092 120 SZ1093 250 SZ1094 24 2Technical data of the standard designstandard IEC 60044-2DIN VDE 0414 T.2max. volt<strong>ag</strong>e for equipment U m 0.72 kV MBE.... MBZ…(U m 1.2 kV ) MBE.../1. MBZ.../1test volt<strong>ag</strong>e3 kV. 50 Hz. 1 min(6 kV. 50 Hz. 1 min)rated frequency50…60 Hzplace of applicationindoors up to 2000 mabove normal sea levelclimatic conditions IEC 721 3K4mechanical conditions IEC 721 3K3vibration proof IEC 68-2 2.5 g (25...100 Hz)isolating class DIN IEC 85 E 120 °CVDE 0301-1housing protection class IEC EN 60529 housing: IP 50DIN VDE 0470 terminals with cover: IP 20232 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGVolt<strong>ag</strong>e transformersTypeSizeHousing in mm WeightWidth Height Depth H kgStandard accessoriesMBZR 60 (/1) 2 60 78 52 0.5MBZR 70 (/1) 70 86 52 0.6 foot mountingMBZR 100 (/1) 100 118 73 1.1 terminal coversMBZR 104 (/1) 104 127 75 2.0MBZ 100 (/1) 102 105 111 3.1MBZ 150 (/1) 1 150 123 142 40 7.0MBZ 150 (/1) 2 150 123 152 50 8.0MBZ 150 (/1) 3 150 123 162 60 9.0MBZ 150 (/1) 4 150 123 182 80 11.5MBZR 60 (/1)(MBER 60)MBZR 70 (/1)(MBER 70)MBZR 100 (/1)(MBER 100)MBZR 104 (/1)[MBER 104 (/1)]Order exampletype: MBZR 60rated measuring ratio: 200/100 Vrated burden:0.5 VAaccuracy class: 0.5art.-no.:SZ1001-200www.mbs-stromwandler.de 233

MBS AGVolt<strong>ag</strong>e transformersTypeSizeHousing in mmWeightWidth Height Depth H kgStandard accessoriesMBER 60 (/1) 2 60 78 52 0.5MBER 70 (/1) 70 86 52 0.6 foot mountingMBER 100 (/1) 100 118 73 1.1 terminal coversMBER 104 (/1) 104 127 75 2.0MBE 100 (/1) 102 105 111 3.1MBE 150 (/1) 1 150 123 142 40 7.0MBE 150 (/1) 2 150 123 152 50 8.0MBE 150 (/1) 3 150 123 162 60 9.0MBE 150 (/1) 4 150 123 182 80 11.5MBER 60, MBER 70, MBER 100(/1), MBER 104 (/1) drawings see p<strong>ag</strong>e 219MBE 100 (/1)[MBZ 100 (/1)]MBE 150 (/1)[MBZ 150 (/1)]size 1 – size 4Order exampletype MBE 100/1rated measuring ratio 750 3/100 3rated burden15 VAaccuracy class 1art.-no.SE1069-750234 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGMeasuring transducers for all electrical AC-variablesp<strong>ag</strong>eSWMU Measuring transducer for AC with integrated current transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236Order Listp<strong>ag</strong>eNMC Clip-on measuring transducers for MBS current transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .239NMC-AD Adaptors for current transformers of any make . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .241NMC-KSx Short circuit adaptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .241FASK Flexible clip-on current transformers (Rogowski coil) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .242270EMBSIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .244EMBSIN 100 IV Measuring transducers for AC current, without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .246EMBSIN 100 I Measuring transducers for AC current, without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .247EMBSIN 101 I Measuring transducers for AC current, with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248EMBSIN 201 IEV Measuring transducers for AC current, rms measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249EMBSIN 201 IE Measuring transducers for AC current, rms measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250EMBSIN 120 UV Measuring transducers for AC volt<strong>ag</strong>e, without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . .251EMBSIN 120 U Measuring transducers for AC volt<strong>ag</strong>e, without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .252EMBSIN 121 U Measuring transducers for AC volt<strong>ag</strong>e, with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .253EMBSIN 221 UEV Measuring transducers for AC volt<strong>ag</strong>e, rms measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .254EMBSIN 221 UE Measuring transducers for AC volt<strong>ag</strong>e, rms measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255EMBSIN 241 FV Measuring transducers for frequency, with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .256EMBSIN 241 F Measuring transducers for frequency with universal AC/DC power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . .257EMBSIN 241 FD Measuring transducers for frequency difference, with universal AC/DC power supply . . . .258EMBSIN 271 G Measuring transducers for phase angle, with universal AC/DC power supply . . . . . . . . . . .259EMBSIN 271 GD Measuring transducers for phase angle difference, with universal AC/DC power supply . . .260EMBSIN 281 G Measuring transducers for power factor, with universal AC/DC power supply . . . . . . . . . .261EMBSIN 351 P Measuring transducers for active power, with universal AC/DC power supply . . . . . . . . . .262EMBSIN 361 Q Measuring transducers for re-active power, with universal AC/DC power supply . . . . . . . .263EMBSIN 301 Programmable measuring transducers for AC current, rms measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . .264EMBSIN 391 PV Programmable measuring transducers for all electrical variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .265EMBSIN 391 Programmable measuring transducers for electrical AC variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .267271271272273275276276272273275277278278279281279282282283283SWMU NMCFASK EMBSINwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 235

MBS AGSWMUMeasuring transducer foralternating current• with or without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply• with integrated current transformer housing unit• for 35 mm DIN railFeatures/benefits• measuring input: Sinus-shaped AC current (1 A …800 A),• arithmetical mean value measurement, effective value calibrated• measuring output: Unipolar output signal• measurement principle: Rectifier process• with integrated current transformer• minimal wiringThe above photo of an SWMU 41.51denotes a bus bar. This bus bar is notincluded in the supply of the unit.ApplicationMeasuring transducers for the transformation of sinus-shaped AC current.For an output signal a load-independent DC current / and an imprinted DCvolt<strong>ag</strong>e signal is available, which stands proportionally to the measurementvalue of the input volume.These signals can be used for display, recording, monitoring and/or controlfunction.The measuring transducer fulfills the requirements and regulations with regardto the electrom<strong>ag</strong>netic <strong>com</strong>patibility (EMV) and security (IEC 1010 and EN61010). This measuring transducer has been designed, produced, and tested inaccordance with ISO 9001.Technical data SWMU 41.51/52 SWMU 42.51/52measuring inputnominal frequency f N 50/60 Hzrated input current I NSWMU 41.521 ... 10 ASWMU 41.5115 ... 800 Aconsumption 1 VA (2.5 VA withoutauxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e)overload capacity1.5 · I N , constant8 · I N , 40 sec.measuring outputload-independent DC current 0 ... 20 mA or4 ... 20 mA*max. burden resistance 500 max. burden volt<strong>ag</strong>e 15 Vcurrent limitunder overload 34 mAimprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>e 0 ... 10 V or2 ... 10 V*burden resistance 10 kmax. burden volt<strong>ag</strong>eunder overload 18 Vvolt<strong>ag</strong>e limit 18 Vresidual rippleof the output current 1 % p.p.response time 500 msoperating temperature range -5 °C +40 °Cauxiliary powerAC power supply 230 V ± 10 % (50 ... 60 Hz)DC 24 V ± 15 %power input 1.5 W (2.5 VA)accuracyreference value output end valueaccuracy class class 0.5warming-up time 5 min.protectionelectrocution protection IP 40, housing(test wire, EN 60529)IP 20, connection terminals(test digit, EN 60529)contamination class 2test volt<strong>ag</strong>es4 kV, activ circuits <strong>ag</strong>ainst housing(DIN 57411)4 kV, auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e <strong>ag</strong>ainstmeasuring output (230 V-version)500 V, auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e <strong>ag</strong>ainstmeasuring output (24 V-DC-version)*Live-Zero only with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e236 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AG1. Auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e 230 V ACType Primary Measuring outputSWMU current 0...20 mA 4...20 mA 0...20 mA 4...20 mAand and and andA 0... 10 V 0... 10 V 2... 10 V 2... 10 V1 61006 62006 63006 6400641.52 5 61007 62007 63007 6400710 61008 62008 63008 64008special* 61100 62100 63100 6410015 61009 62009 63009 6400920 61010 62010 63010 6401025 61011 62011 63011 6401130 61012 62012 63012 6401240 61013 62013 63013 6401350 61014 62014 63014 6401460 61015 62015 63015 6401575 61016 62016 63016 64016100 61017 62017 63017 6401741.51 150 61018 62018 63018 64018200 61019 62019 63019 64019250 61020 62020 63020 64020300 61021 62021 63021 64021400 61022 62022 63022 64022500 61023 62023 63023 64023600 61024 62024 63024 64024750 61025 62025 63025 64025800 61026 62026 63026 64026special* 61200 62200 63200 64200measuring frequency 50/60 Hzweight 350 g* measuring range defined by customer2. Auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e 24 V DCType Primary Measuring outputSWMU current 0...20 mA 4...20 mA 0...20 mA 4...20 mAand and and andA 0... 10 V 0... 10 V 2... 10 V 2... 10 V1 65006 66006 67006 6800641.52 5 65007 66007 67007 6800710 65008 66008 67008 68008special* 65100 66100 67100 6810015 65009 66009 67009 6800920 65010 66010 67010 6801025 65011 66011 67011 6801130 65012 66012 67012 6801240 65013 66013 67013 6801350 65014 66014 67014 6801460 65015 66015 67015 6801575 65016 66016 67016 68016100 65017 66017 67017 6801741.51 150 65018 66018 67018 68018200 65019 66019 67019 68019250 65020 66020 67020 68020300 65021 66021 67021 68021400 65022 66022 67022 68022500 65023 66023 67023 68023600 65024 66024 67024 68024750 65025 66025 67025 68025800 65026 66026 67026 68026special* 65200 66200 67200 68200measuring frequency 50/60 Hzweight 250 g* measuring range defined by customer3. Without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplyType Primary Measuring outputSWMU current0... 20 mAandA0... 10 V1 6900642.52 5 69007special* 6910040 6901350 6901460 6901575 69016100 69017150 69018200 6901942.51 250 69020300 69021400 69022500 69023600 69024750 69025800 69026special* 69200power requirements P E 2.5 VA !measuring frequency 50/60 Hzweight 600 goperating range 15…120 % I N* measuring range defined by customerwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 237

MBS AGBasic circuit di<strong>ag</strong>ramsSWMU 41.51SWMU 41.52SWMU 42.51mounting base for direct fitting without use of a35 mm DIN rail (included in the delivery content)depth 50 (72) mm238 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGNMCMeasuring transducer for AC currentsClip-on measuring transducer forMBS current transformers in modular construction,versions with (NMC 2/3/4) or withoutauxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply (NMC-0)Features/benefits• measuring input: Sinus-shaped AC current (1 A or 5 A)arithmetical mean value measurement, effective value calibrated• measuring output: Unipolar output signal• measurement principle: Rectifier process• direct notching with MBS current transformers through contact studs• economic wiringApplicationMeasuring transducers for the transformation of sinus-shaped AC current. Foran output signal a load-independent DC current and an imprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>esignal is available, which stands proportionally to the measurement value ofthe input volume. These signals can be used for display, recording, monotoringand or control function.Simultaneously, the secondary current of the current transformers can beutilised to operate conventional needle instruments .The measuring transducer fulfills the requirements and regulations with regardto the electrom<strong>ag</strong>netic <strong>com</strong>patibility (EMV) and security (IEC 1010 and EN61010). This measuring transducer has been designed, produced, and testedin accordance with ISO 9001.Technical data NMC 0/2/3/4measuring inputnominal frequency fN 50/60 Hzrated input current I N 1 A or 5 Apower input 1 VAfrom measuring circuit (2.5 VA w/o auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e)overload capacity1.2 I N, constant8 · I N,

MBS AGNMC measuring transducer for sinus-shaped alternating currents,for clip-on onto MBS current transformer (rectifier-mean valuemeasurement)Auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e 24 V DC galvanically separatedMeasuring outputs Primary Suitable forType 0...20 mA 4...20 mA 4...20 mA current current trans-NMC and and and [A] formers in the(2) 0... 10 V 0... 10 V 2... 10 V product range211 39212 39232 39252 1 A212 39213 39233 39253 1 B213 39214 39234 39254 1 C214 39215 39235 39255 1 D221 39012 39032 39052 5 A222 39013 39033 39053 5 B223 39014 39034 39054 5 C224 39015 39035 39055 5 Dmeasuring frequency 50/60 Hz; weight: 80 g; operating range 0 ... 120 % I Ndrawings“A”“B”/“C”Auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e 230 V AC galvanically separatedMeasuring outputs Primary Suitable forType 0...20 mA 4...20 mA 4...20 mA current current trans-NMC and and and [A] formers in the(3) 0... 10 V 0... 10 V 2... 10 V product range311 36212 36232 36252 1 A312 36213 36233 36253 1 B313 36214 36234 36254 1 C314 36215 36235 36255 1 D321 36041 36032 36052 5 A322 36042 36033 36053 5 B323 36043 36034 36054 5 C324 36044 36035 36055 5 Dmeasuring frequency 50/60 Hz; weight: 80 g; operating range 0 ... 120 % I N“D”Auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e 110 V AC galvanically separatedMeasuring outputs Primary Suitable forType 0...20 mA 4...20 mA 4...20 mA current current trans-NMC and and and [A] formers in the(4) 0... 10 V 0... 10 V 2... 10 V product range411 76212 76232 76252 1 A412 76213 76233 76253 1 B413 76214 76234 76254 1 C414 76215 76235 76255 1 D421 76012 76032 76052 5 A422 76013 76033 76053 5 B423 76014 76034 76054 5 C424 76015 76035 76055 5 Dmeasuring frequency 50/60 Hz; weight: 80 g; operating range 0 ... 120 % I NWithout auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply, power requirements 2.5 VAMeasuring outputs Primary Suitable forType 0...20 mA current current trans-NMC and [A] formers in the(0) 0... 10 V product range011 37212 1 A012 37213 1 B013 37214 1 C014 37215 1 D021 37012 5 A022 37013 5 B023 37014 5 C024 37015 5 Dmeasuring frequency 50/60 Hz; weight: 80 g; operating range 15 ... 120 % I NComment: The dimensions of the measuringtransducer are relevant only for the adaptionto the existing current transformer constructiontypes. All units consist of the same electronicmodules.240 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGNMC selection chartPrimary currentConstruction typeA A B C D15WSK1030 WSK15402025304050607580100125ASR ASKASK421.4150ASK200ASKASK22.3 21.3ASK31.3ASK25041.3318.3412.441.4300400500sec. 1up to300 A600ASK75061.4800ASKASK100063.481.4 ASK1200101.41250ASK1500105.61600200025003000NMC-ADAdaptor for current transformers of any make toclip onto 35 mm DIN railFeatures/benefits■ ac<strong>com</strong>modation of any make of current transformer inconnection with transducers of type NMC■ direct mounting of measuring transducers, in visual devisionto the measuring point, onto an approved 35 mm DIN railOrder instruction Application with NMC art.-no.36011 39xx2; 36xx1/2; 37xx2; 76xx2weight: 70 gconnectiondescription.6, 7 in<strong>com</strong>ing terminals 5 A or 1 A(sourced from current transformers)Short circuit adaptor NMC-KSxApplicationAdaptors of type NMC-KSx are clipped onto current transformers.When the scondary circuit of a current transformeris not being energized the adaptors prevent idling of thetransformer, and thus the occurrance of high neutralvolt<strong>ag</strong>es in the nominal current of the current transformer.TypeApplicable with MBS current transformer typesNMC-KSx Art.-no. WSK WSK ASR ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK Drawing30 40 22.3 21.3 31.3 41.3 41.4 421.4 61.4 63.4 81.4 101.4 105.60 39090 • • • • • A1 39091 • B2 39092 • • C3 39093 • • • • • Dwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 241

MBS AGNewFASKFlexible Clip-On Current TransformersMeasuring principle:Application:Rogowski Coil with or without integral integrator/amplifierThe FASK current transformer is manufactured to cover a wide range oflengths, current ranges and output levels to standard or OEM specifications.Very low phase errors with true rms volt<strong>ag</strong>e output from the integratorenable the FASK Transformer to be used in a wide variety of current orkW/kWh measurement applications.Compared with the conventional iron cored CT, the FASK has minimalweight and is narrow enough to clip on to all types of phase conductorseven in very tight and crowded cubicles. Mounting hardware is not required,FASK is simple to secure in position using cable ties.These CT’s were the first to offer a hybrid integrator/buffer amplifier embeddedin the clip assembly. This is digitally calibrated to provide a high linearityoutput characteristic. The absence of an iron core means that the FASKdisplays no hysteresis, iron loss or turns ratio errors. The FASK cannotm<strong>ag</strong>netically saturate, there is no shock or dam<strong>ag</strong>e hazard on open circuit.The low volt<strong>ag</strong>e output signal can be routed up to 25m. to a meter, portableinstrument, energy logger or BMS outstation, without any loss of accuracy.The FASK is a high accuracy CT particularly with the conductor centrallypositioned within the measurement coil. Its linearity provides a wide dynamicrange, this enables accuracy to be maintained at the same level fromthe maximum current rating to around a 5% of this rating.242 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGStandard Product AvailabilityFASKFlexible Clip-On Current TransformersFASK production range, external power source 5 V, 9 V, 12 V, 24 V DCStandard type F302 F305 F4010 F6020 F7530 F10030length [cm] 30 30 40 60 75 100Current range Ip. [A] 200 500 1000 2000 3000 3000Min. re<strong>com</strong>mended Amps 10 20 20 40 50 50Coil diameter closed [mm] 75 75 110 160 200 300Rectangular coil [mm] 20 x 85 30 x 120 30 x 120 60 x 200 60 x 250 60 x 400Maximum loops 1 1 1 2 3 3/4Output Volt<strong>ag</strong>e Integral Integrator In-line pod integrator No IntegratorFull Scale output, Suffix /05=500 mV AC /1=1 V AC /2=2 V AC /3=3 V AC 0.21 mV/AExternal power source 5 V DC reg 5 V DC reg 9 V DC 12 V DC withoutNon-standard optionsAny standard lengths (above) can be calibrated to any current range (in normal 100 A steps).Output sensitivities selectable from 100–3000 mV AC FSD for any CT (note required power source).Construction characteristics:Mouldings:HIPS Plastics, IP40 Protection, Pollution degree PD2Winding/Coil formerDual helical winding 330 turns/25mm on HPDF flexible formerSleave material PVC double insulation, wear indicator to IEC61010-1, Cat 3/600 V.Colour Red. Special colours subject to minimum quantity orderCoil sheath diameter11 mm, plug width 14 mmIsolation test volt<strong>ag</strong>e3.5 kV, 6.5 kV peak 1,2/50 µs, IEC61010-2-032 Type B transducerBend radius30 mm minimum: number of loops see table aboveOperating temp.-20 ºC to +85 ºC, Humidity 0–95 % non condensingWeight inc. 2 m lead Fxx 30–120 g ---------- Fxx 100–250 g.Measuring characteristics At 25 ºC. PF 0.7–1.0, 50/60 Hz between 10 % & 100 % of IpCurrent range100 A – 3000 A Standard range, 10 kA – 100 kA extended rangeFrequency rangeCoil plus integrator: 25Hz-5kHz +/-2dB Max, typ.-1dB.Accuracy+/-3 % FS Ip. +/-1.5 % of reading FS Ip to >10 % Ip.Phase shift Max 1 º, typical < 0.5 º.External FieldFull rejection adjacent bus > 1 x diameter away., conductor centralisedOutput AC volt<strong>ag</strong>eTrue rms value. Full scale value selectable, see table aboveOutput DC option4–20 mA DC (2 wire), 0–1 V DC, 0–5 V DC (3 wire) for current/ kVA applicationsExternal Power Source Integrator supply normally derived from host meter/instrumentVolt<strong>ag</strong>e5 V DC regulated, 9, 12, 24 V DC unregulated.CurrentTypical 0.75–1.0 mAOutput leadsRed = + V supply, Yellow = Signal, Blue = 0 V Screen groundLead/cord length2 m standard, extendable to 15 mwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 243

MBS AGEMBSINMeasuring transducers for electrical variablesMBS’s measuring transducers of the typeEMBSIN transforms an input alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>eand/or an input alternating current, receivedas a standard signal from a current transformer,– or volt<strong>ag</strong>e transformer, or from the powersystem, into a load imprinted output volt<strong>ag</strong>e.The various EMBSIN units are arranged to collate allmeasuring variables, which are necessary to monitor andto control, the power supply and consumption, to displaythe output signals, or to accept these into other units ofthe measuring- and control technic.Several units such as indicators, recorders or signalprocessing systems can be connected to the output. Thetransducer’s configuration asures a safe devision for allfunctions for a galvanic separation between inputs andoutputs. The most important applications for the transducersare in the generation and distribution of energy,in the manufacturing industry, and panel building enterprises.The transducers have been developed upon an intirelynew housing technology concept and are available in5 different sizes.The transducers bear the CE symbol. This symbolprovides the highest level of protection for humans, themachine, as well as the enviroment, and of course,<strong>com</strong>ply with all applicable safety regulations. MBS’sproduction of high current measuring transducers, madeof the finest quality enjoy a long tradition and a distinguishedworld wide reputation. The encapsuledhousing design, the carefully chosen material and theconstruction principles, contribute that the measuringtransducers are protected <strong>ag</strong>ainst climatic conditions(temperature and humidity), atmospheric conditions(chemical processes, dust and salt), vibration and shocks,interruptions (electrical or mechanical), HF interferences(<strong>com</strong>munications) as well as permanent or transientinterference volt<strong>ag</strong>es on all electrical connections.The housing material made of high quality polycarbonateare free of silicon as well as halogen and, are flameresistent. High quality screw terminals are provided forthe safe connections of inputs and outputs. Fitment ontothe base wall is made with a 35 mm DIN rail. All electricalconnections are made at the top of the units for safeand easy access.244 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AG• Compact • Safety • Easy to use • Accurate • BetterSafetyEN 61010 also on the terminals!690 V max. input volt<strong>ag</strong>ehousing material: Polycarbonatefire resistance class: V-0 acc. to UL94(self-extinguishing, halogen-free, silicon-free)Easy to useUnits with two wide-and auxiliary power ranges24 … 65 V AC/DC or 85 … 230 V AC/DC auxiliarypower, to be connected either on the top or on the bottomcos or linear recalibrating/ can be synchronizedwithout opening the unit and without AC calibrators!mounting onto 35 mm DIN railoperating instructions are includedCompactheightheightdepthdepthwidthwidthAccuracyAll units class 0.5EMBSIN 241 FV class 0.2EMBSIN 241 F class 0.2EMBSIN 241 FD class 0.275 mm, V-series60 mm105 mm, V-series112 mm45 mm, V-series105 mm for power,70 mm for frequency and phase as well asU and I with wide-range auxiliarypower35 mm two-wire feed 24 V DC or 230 V AC35 mm for current and volt<strong>ag</strong>e withoutauxiliary power supply100 mm EMBSIN 391 PVBetterHighest quality and safety at very <strong>com</strong>petitive pricesassemblyeasy to useNullpunkt / Zerogrob/coarse fein/fineP231 P232[Ukal / Ucal Endwert /– +Full-Scalegrob/coarse fein/fineX174 X173 P171 P172[[dismantlingIntermediate circuit calibrationwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 245

MBS AGEMBSIN 100 IVMeasuring transducers for AC current• without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply• housing for 35 mm DIN rail mountingFeatures/benefits• measuring input: Sinus-shaped alternating current(0…1 or 0…5 A) programmable at source• measuring output: Unipolar output signal• measuring principle: Rectifier mean value measurement process• without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply• economic consumptionApplicationMeasuring transducer for the proportional transformation of sinus-shapedalternating currents into a load-independent DC signal. The output signal isadjustable for analogue and digital units.Technical data EMBSIN 100 IVmeasuring inputrated frequency f Nrated input current INconsumptionoverload capacitymeasuring outputload-independentDC current IONburden volt<strong>ag</strong>eburden resistanceresidual rippleof the output currentresponse timeaccuracyreference value50/60 Hz0...1 bis 0...7.5 A 2 VA1.2 · IN, constant20 · IN,1 sec.0...5, 0...10 or0...20 mA 15 V 1 % p.p. 300 msoutput end valueaccuracy class class 0.5RBmax = 15V kΩION [mA]measuring range 0...100 %reference conditionsambient temperature 15...30 °Cinput signal 0...100 %frequency45...65 Hzconnection conditionslow volt<strong>ag</strong>e application feed by means of a low volt<strong>ag</strong>ecurrent transformerhigh volt<strong>ag</strong>e application feed by means of a high volt<strong>ag</strong>ecurrent transformerconnection terminals 4.0 mm 2 solid wire 2 x 2.5 mm 2 fine wiresafetyprotection classII, (protection isolated,DIN EN 61010)nominal isolation volt<strong>ag</strong>e 300 V, rms, connection category III500 V, rms, connection category IItest volt<strong>ag</strong>e3.7 kV, rmsin acc. with EN 61010-1:1990electrocution protection IP 40, housing(test wire, EN 60529)IP 20, connection terminals(test digit, EN 60529)weight 250 gOrder information see p<strong>ag</strong>e 271246 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEMBSIN 100 IMeasuring transducers for AC current• without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplywith 2 measuring ranges• housing for 35 mm DIN rail mountingFeatures/benefits• measuring input: Sinus-shaped alternating current(0…1/5 A or 0…1.2/6 A, selectable at terminals), arithmetical mean valuemeasurement, effective value calibration• measuring output: Output signal unipolar• measuring principle: Rectifier mean value measurement process• without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply• economic consumptionApplicationMeasuring transducer for the transformation of sinus-shaped alternating current.A load-independent DC signal which is proportional to the measurementvalue serves as an output signal, and allows for display, recording, monitoringand/or control functions. This measuring transducer fulfills the requirementsand regulations with regard to the electrom<strong>ag</strong>netic <strong>com</strong>patibility (EMV) andsafety (IEC 1010 and EN 61010).Technical data EMBSIN 100 Imeasuring inputrated frequency fNrated input current INconsumptionoverload capacitymeasuring outputload-independentDC currentburden volt<strong>ag</strong>evolt<strong>ag</strong>e limitby Rext = current limitunder overloadresidual rippleof the output currentresponse time50/60 Hz1/5 A or 1.2/6 A, selectable 2.5 VA1.2 · IN, constant,20 · IN, 1 sec.0 … 5, 0 … 10 or0 … 20 mA 15 V 30 V 34 mA 1 % p.p. 300 msaccuracyreference valueoutput end valueaccuracy class class 0.5input 0 … 100 %temperature influence(-10 … + 55 °C) 0.2 % / 10 Ksafetyprotection class II, (protection isolated, DIN EN 61010)electrocution protection IP 40, housing(test wire, EN 60529)IP 20, connection terminals(test digit, EN 60529)contamination class 2overvolt<strong>ag</strong>e category IIInominal isolation250 V inputvolt<strong>ag</strong>e (to earth)40 V outputweight270 gOrder information see p<strong>ag</strong>e 271www.mbs-stromwandler.de 247

MBS AGEMBSIN 101 IMeasuring transducers for AC current• with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplyoptional with measuring output 4…20 mAand / or 2-wire technic• housing for 35 mm DIN rail mountingFeatures/benefits• measuring input: Sinus-shaped alternating current, arithmetical mean valuemeasurement, effective value calibration• measuring output: Unipolar and live-zero output signals• measuring principle: Rectifier mean value measurement process• AC or DC auxiliary power supplyApplicationMeasuring transducer for the transformation of sinus-shaped alternatingcurrent. A load-independent DC signal or imprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>e signal isavailable, which stands proportionally to the measurement value of the inputvolume. This measuring transducer fulfills the requirements and regulationswith regard to the electrom<strong>ag</strong>netic <strong>com</strong>patibility (EMV) and safety (IEC 1010and EN 61010).measuring inputrated frequency f Nrated input current INconsumptionoverload capacitymeasuring outputload-independent DC currentburden volt<strong>ag</strong>eby 2-wire connectionimprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>eload capacityvolt<strong>ag</strong>e limit by Rext = current limitunder overloadresidual ripple of theoutput currentresponse time50/60 Hz0 … 0.8 to 0 … 1.2 Aor 0 … 4 to 0 … 6 A 5 mV IN2 · IN, constant0 … 2.5 mA to 0 … 20 mAor live-zero1 … 5 to 4 … 20 mA 15 Vstandard range 4 … 20 mA,external resistance R ext,dependent of the auxiliary supplyH (12 … 32 V DC)H [V] - 12 VRext max [k] =20 mA0 … 5 to 0 … 10 Vor live-zero1 … 5 to 2 … 10 Vmax. 20 mA 40 V< 30 mA by current outputapprox. 20 mA by volt<strong>ag</strong>e output 1 % p.p.< 300 msTechnical data EMBSIN 101 Iauxiliary powerAC 24, 110, 115, 120, 230 or 400 V,±15 %, 50 or 60 Hz;Pv approx. 3 VADC24 V, - 15 / + 33 % or24 V, - 50 / + 33 % by2-wire feed and output4 … 20 mA; Pv approx. 1.5 Wuniversal power supply ranges DC or AC 40 … 400 Hz85 … 230 V24 … 60 Vaccuracyreference valueoutput end valueaccuracy class class 0.5safetyprotection classII, (protection isolated,DIN EN 61010)electrocution protection IP 40, housing(test wire, EN 60529),IP 20 connection terminals(test digit, EN 60529)contamination class 2overvolt<strong>ag</strong>e category IIInominal isolation volt<strong>ag</strong>e 300 V, input(to earth)300 V, auxiliary power AC50 V, auxiliary power 24 V DC50 V, outputweight195 gOrder information see p<strong>ag</strong>e 272248 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEMBSIN 201 IEVMeasuring transducers for AC current• with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply• housing for 35 mm DIN rail mountingFeatures/benefits• measuring input: Sinus-shaped alternating current (0…6 A)• measuring of the true rms value of alternating currents!• programmable measuring inputs and measuring outputs via RS232 orRS485 interface (option)• low consumption• universal AC/DC auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply or AC auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>eApplicationMeasuring transducer for the proportional transformation of sinus-shapedalternating currents into a load-independent DC current signal or AC volt<strong>ag</strong>esignal. The analogue output signal is proportionable to the true rms value ofthe measuring variables and can be used for regulating analogue and digitalunits.measuring inputrated frequency fNRated input current INown consumption50/60 Hz0...0.2 A to 0...6 A< 0,5 VAoperating temperature range -10 °C +55 °Coverload capacity2 · IN, constant20 · IN, 1 sec.measuring outputload-independent DC current 0 ... 1 to 0 ... 20 mA orlive-zero0.2 ... 1 to 4 ... 20 mAburden volt<strong>ag</strong>e 15 Vimprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>eload capacityoutput signal limitcurrent outputvolt<strong>ag</strong>e outputresidual rippleof the output currentresponse timeauxiliary poweruniversal power supplyvolt<strong>ag</strong>e rangesAC power supplyrated volt<strong>ag</strong>es:power input0 ... 1 to 0 ... 10 V orlive-zero0.2 ... 1 bis 2 ... 10 Vmax. 20 mA125 % IAN125 % UAN 1 % p.p.< 300 msDC or AC 40...70 Hz universal24 ... 300 V DC and 40 ... 276 V AC45 ... 65 Hz57,74 V, 100 V, 230 V, 400 V, 500 V 3 VATechnical data EMBSIN 201 IEVaccuracyreference valueend value of input signalaccuracy class class 0.5reference conditionsambient temperature 15...30 °Cinput signal0...100 % INfrequency45...65 Hzprotectionprotection classII300 V, rms, connection category III500 V, rms, connection category IIcontamination class 2test volt<strong>ag</strong>e 3 kV, rms (acc. IEC 61010-1: 1990)electrocution protection IP 40, housing(test wire, EN 60529)IP 20, connection terminals(test digit, EN 60529)interfaceRS232, MODBUS RTU(optional)connection terminalsweightOrder information see p<strong>ag</strong>e 273RS485, MODBUS RTU 4.0 mm 2 single wire 2 x 2.5 mm 2 Litzeapprox. 300 gRS2329-pole plug (SUB-D) 25-pole plugRx (21) Tx (3) Tx (2) (22) GND (5) GND (7)Tx (23) Rx (2) Rx (3)RS485A (21) DATA +C (22) NC 1)B (23) DATA -1) -NC- do not connect !www.mbs-stromwandler.de 249

MBS AGEMBSIN 201 IEMeasuring transducers for AC current• with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplyeffective value measuringwith 2 measuring ranges• housing for 35 mm DIN rail mountingFeatures/benefits• measuring input: Sinus-shaped alternating current (0…1/5 A or 0…1.2/6 A,selectable at terminals), or distorted, effective value measuring• measuring output: Unipolar and live-zero output signals• measuring principle: Logarithmetical process• universal power supplyApplicationMeasuring transducer for the transformation of sinus-shaped or distorded alternatingcurrents. A load-independent DC current signal or imprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>esignal is available, which is proportionally arranged to the rms input volume.The measuring transducer fulfills the requirements and regulations with regardto the electrom<strong>ag</strong>netic <strong>com</strong>patibility (EMV) and safety (IEC 1010 or EN 61010).measuring inputrated frequency fNrated input current INconsumptionoperating temperature rangeoverload capacitymeasuring outputload-independent DC currentburden volt<strong>ag</strong>eexternal resistanceimprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>eload capacityexternal resistancevolt<strong>ag</strong>e limitby R ext = current limitunder overloadresidual rippleof the output currentresponse time50 / 60 or 400 Hz1/5 A or 1.2/6 A, selectable 1 VA-10 ˚C +55 ˚C1.2 · IN, constant20 · IN, 1 sec.0 … 1 to 0 … 20 mA orlive-zero 0.2 … 1 to 4 … 20 mA 15 VRBmax = 15V kIAN[mA]0 … 1 to 0 … 10 V orlive-zero 0.2 … 1 to 2 … 10 Vmax. 2 mARBmin =UA [V] k2 mA 25 Vapprox. 1.5 · I ANby current output,approx. 10 mA, by volt<strong>ag</strong>e output 0.5 % p.p. by response time 300 ms 2 % p.p. bei response time 50 ms50 ms or 300 msTechnical data EMBSIN 201 IEauxiliary poweruniversal power supplyAC / DC rangesAC power supplyDC or 40 … 400 Hz24 … 60 V or 85 … 230 V45 ... 65 Hzpower input 1.5 W (3 VA)accuracyreference valueoutput end valueaccuracy class class 0.5peak value factor2warming-up time 5 minsafetyprotection class II, (protection isolated, DIN EN 61010)electrocution protection IP 40, housing(test wire, EN 60529)IP 20, connection terminals(test digit, EN 60529)contamination class 2overvolt<strong>ag</strong>e category IIInominal isolation volt<strong>ag</strong>e 300 V, input(to earth)230 V, auxiliary power40 V, outputweight250 gOrder information see p<strong>ag</strong>e 275250 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEMBSIN 120 UVMeasuring transducers for AC current• without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply• housing for 35 mm DIN rail mountingFeatures/benefits• measuring input: Sinus-shaped alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>e(0…20 A or 0…500 V)• measuring output: Unipolar output signal• measuring principle: Rectifier mean value measurement process• without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply• economic consumptionApplicationMeasuring transducer for the transformation of sinus-shaped alternatingcurrents into a load-independent DC current signal, which is arrangedproportionally to the input volume and is adaptable to be used for analogueand digital units.Technical data EMBSIN 201 IEmeasuring inputrated frequency fN50/60 Hzreference conditionsambient temperature 15 ... 30 °Crated input volt<strong>ag</strong>e UN 0 ... 20 to 0 ... 500 Vinput signal20 ... 100 % UNlinked volt<strong>ag</strong>e!frequency45 ... 65 Hzmax. input volt<strong>ag</strong>eto earth 250 Vconnection conditionslow volt<strong>ag</strong>e application direct or via volt<strong>ag</strong>e transformerconsumption 2 VAwith a nominal performanceoperating temperature range -10 °C +55 °CP 5 VArelative aver<strong>ag</strong>e humidity 75 %high volt<strong>ag</strong>e application via high volt<strong>ag</strong>e currentoverload capacity1.2 · UN, constanttransformer with P 5 VA2.0 · UN, 1 sec.connection terminals 4,0 mm 2 solid wiremeasuring output 2 x 2.5 mm 2 Litzeload-independent0 ... 5, 0 ... 10 orsafetyDC current ION0 ... 20 mAprotection class II, (protection isolated, DIN EN 61010)burden volt<strong>ag</strong>e 15 Vnominal isolation volt<strong>ag</strong>e 300 V, rms, connection category IIIresidual ripple500 V, rms, connection category IIof the output current 1 % p.p.test volt<strong>ag</strong>e3.7 kV, rmsresponse time 300 msacc. to EN 61010-1: 1990external resistanceelectrocution protection IP 50, housingRBmax = 15V kIAN[mA](test wire, EN 60529)accuracyreference valueoutput end valueIP 20, connection terminals(test digit, EN 60529)accuracy class class 0.5weight250 gOrder information see p<strong>ag</strong>e 276www.mbs-stromwandler.de 251

MBS AGEMBSIN 120 UMeasuring transducers for alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>e• without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply• housing for 35 mm DIN rail mountingFeatures/benefits• measuring input: Sinus-shaped alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>e (0…20 A to 0…500 V),arithmetical mean value measurement, effective calibrated• measuring output: Unipolar output signal• measuring principle: Rectifire process• without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply• minimal wiringApplicationMeasuring transducer for the transformation of sinus-shaped alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>e.A load-independent DC current signal, which is proportionally to the measurementvalue, serves as an output signal, and allows for the display, recording,monitoring and/or control function.The measuring transducer fulfills the requirements and regulation with regard tothe electrom<strong>ag</strong>netic <strong>com</strong>patibility (EMV) and safety (IEC 1010 or EN 61010).measuring inputrated frequency f Nrated input volt<strong>ag</strong>e UNconsumptionoverload capacitymeasuring outputload-independent DC current I ANburden volt<strong>ag</strong>eburden resistancevolt<strong>ag</strong>e limitRext = current limitunder overloadresidual rippleof the output currentresponse time50/60 Hz0 ... 20 to 0 ... 500 Vlinked volt<strong>ag</strong>e!max. input volt<strong>ag</strong>eto earth 250 V 2 VA1.2 · UN, constant2.0 · UN, 1 sec.0 ... 5, 0 ... 10 or 0 ... 20 mA 15 VRBmax = 15V kIAN[mA] 54 V 1.7 · IN 1 % p.p. 300 msTechnical data EMBSIN 120 Uaccuracyreference valueoutput end valueaccuracy class class 0.5input signal 20 ... 100 %temperature influence(-10 ... +55 °C) 0.2 % / 10 Ksafetyprotection class II, (protection isolated, DIN EN 61010)electrocution protection IP 40, housing(test wire, EN 60529)IP 20, connection terminals(test digit, EN 60529)contamination class 2nominal isolation volt<strong>ag</strong>e 300 V, rms, connection categorie III500 V, rmsm connection categorie IIweight260 gOrder information see p<strong>ag</strong>e 276252 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEMBSIN 121 UMeasuring transducers for alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>e• with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplyoptional measuring output 4…20 mA and/or2-wire technic• housing for 35 mm DIN rail mountingFeatures/benefits• measuring input: Sinus-shaped alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>earithmetical mean value measurement, effective calibrated• measuring output: Unipolar and live-zero output signal• measuring principle: Rectifier process• AC or DC auxiliary powerApplicationMeasuring transducer for the transformation of sinus-shaped alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>e.A load-independent DC current signal or imprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>e signal is availablewhich stands proportionally to the measurement value of the inputvolume. The measuring transducer fulfills the requirements and regulation withregard to the electrom<strong>ag</strong>netic <strong>com</strong>patibility (EMV) and safety (IEC 1010 orEN 61010).Technical data EMBSIN 201 IEmeasuring inputrated frequencyrated input volt<strong>ag</strong>e UNconsumption by50/60 Hz0 ... 50 to 0... 600 Vlinked volt<strong>ag</strong>e!max. 300 V nominal value of themains to earth (operatingvolt<strong>ag</strong>e acc. to EN 61010)UN 150 V < UN · 50 µA150 V < UN 400 V < UN · 20 µA400 V < UN 600 V < UN · 5 µAoverload capacitymeasuring outputload-independent DC currentburden volt<strong>ag</strong>eby 2-wire connectionimprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>eload capacityvolt<strong>ag</strong>e limitby Rext = current limitunder overloadresidual rippleof the output currentresponse time1.2 · UN, constant2.0 · UN, 1 sec.0 ... 2.5 mA to 0 ... 20 mA orlive-zero 1 ... 5 to 4 ... 20 mA 15 Vstandard range 4 ... 20 mAexternal resistance R ext ,dependent of the auxiliary powerH (12 ... 32 V DC)Rextmax.[k] = H[V]–12 V20 mA0 ... 5 bis 0 ... 10 V orlive-zero 1 ... 5 to 2 ... 10 Vmax . 20 mA 40 V< 30 mA by current outputapprox. 20 mA by volt<strong>ag</strong>e output 1 % p.p.< 300 msauxiliary powerAC24, 110, 115, 120, 230 or400 V, ± 15 %, 50/60 Hz; approx. 3 VADC24 V, –15/+ 33 % or24 V, – 50/+ 33 % by2-wire feed and output4 ... 20 mA; approx. 1.5 Wuniversal power supply ranges DC or AC 40 … 400 Hz85 … 230 V24 … 60 Vaccuracyreference valueoutput end valueaccuracy class class 0.5 (UN 500 V)class 1 (UN > 500 V)safetyprotection class II, (protection isolated, DIN EN 61010)electrocution protection I P 40, housing(test wire, EN 60529)IP 20, connection terminals(test digit, EN 60529)contamination class 2overvolt<strong>ag</strong>e category IIInominal isolation volt<strong>ag</strong>e 300 V, input(to earth)300 V, auxiliary power AC50 V, auxiliary power 24 V DC50 V, outputweight280 gwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 253

MBS AGEMBSIN 221 UEVMeasuring transducers for alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>e• with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply• housing for 35 mm DIN rail mountingFeatures/benefits• measuring input: Sinus-shaped alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>e (0…50 to 0…500 V)• measuring output: Unipolar and live-zero output signal• measuring principle: Digital, true rms measuring• with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply via AC/DC supply or AC supply• economical consumption• programmable measuring input and output via optional serial interfaceRS 232/ RS485ApplicationMeasuring transducer for the transformation of sinus-shaped or distorted alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>e into a load-independentDC current- or DC volt<strong>ag</strong>e signal. The analogue output signal is proportionally to the true rms value of the measuringvariables and can be used for regulating analogue and digital units. The input and output volumes can be configuredvia an interface RS232 or RS485 by means of a parametical software „MBSET“. Before setting the parameter, the outputranges have to be tuned via jumpers. There is a choice of 3 output signals.measuring inputrated frequencyrated input volt<strong>ag</strong>e UNconsumptionoverload capacitymeasuring outputload-independent DC current IONburden resistanceburden volt<strong>ag</strong>eimprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>e UONburden resistancevolt<strong>ag</strong>eload capacityoutput signalling limitcurrent outputvolt<strong>ag</strong>e outputresidual rippleof the output currentresponse timeOrder information see p<strong>ag</strong>e 27350/60 Hz0 ... 50 to 0 ... 500 V< 0.5 VA1.2 · UN, constant2.0 · UN, 1 sec.0 ... 1 to 0 ... 20 mA orlive-zero0.2 ... 15 to 4 ... 20 mARBmax. =15 V kION[mA]15 V0 ... 1 to 0 ... 10 V orlive-zero0.2 ... 1 to 2 ... 10 VRBmin. = UON[ V]20 mAmax. 20 mA125 % IAN125 % UAN 1 % p.p. 300 msTechnical data EMBSIN 221 UEVauxiliary poweruniversal power supplyvolt<strong>ag</strong>e rangesAC power supplyrated volt<strong>ag</strong>es:DC or AC 40…70 Hz universal24 ... 300 V DC and 40 ... 276 V AC45 ... 65 Hz57,74 V, 100 V, 230 V, 400 V, 500 Vpower input 3 VAaccuracyreference valueoutput end valueaccuracy class class 0.5reference conditionsambient temperature 15 ... 30 °Cinput signal0 ... 100 % I Nfrequency45...65 Hzsafetyprotection classII300 V, rms, connection category III500 V, rms, connection category IIcontamination class 2test volt<strong>ag</strong>e3 kV, rms,(acc. to IEC 61010-1:1990)electrocution protection I P 40, housing(test wire, EN 60529)IP 20, connection terminals(test digit, EN 60529)interfaceRS232, MODBUS RTU(optional)connection terminalsweightRS485, MODBUS RTU 4.0 mm 2 single wire 2 x 2.5 mm 2 Litzeapprox. 300 g254 www.mbs-stromwandler.deRS2329-pole plug (SUB-D) 25-pole plugRx (21) Tx (3) Tx (2) (22) GND (5) GND (7)Tx (23) Rx (2) Rx (3)RS485A (21) DATA +C (22) NC 1)B (23) DATA -1) -NC- do not connect !

MBS AGEMBSIN 221 UEMeasuring transducers for alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>e• with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplyeffective value measuringhousing for 35 mm DIN rail mountingFeatures/benefits• measuring input: Alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>e (0…20 to 0…690 V)sinus-shaped or distorted ,effective value measuring• measuring output: Unipolar and live-zero output signals• measuring principle: Logarithmetical process• AC/DC auxiliary power by means of universal power supplyApplicationMeasuring transducer for the transformation of sinus-shaped or distorded alternatingvolt<strong>ag</strong>es. A load-independent DC current signal or imprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>esignal is available, which is proportionally arranged to the rms measurementvalue of the input volume.The measuring transducer fulfills the requirements and regulations with regardto the electrom<strong>ag</strong>netic <strong>com</strong>patibility (EMV) and safety (IEC 1010 or EN 61010).measuring inputrated frequency fNrated input volt<strong>ag</strong>e UNconsumptionoverload capacitymeasuring outputload-independent DC currentburden volt<strong>ag</strong>eimprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>eload capacityvolt<strong>ag</strong>e limitbei R ext = current limitunder overloadresidual rippleof the output currentresponse time50/60 Hz or 400 Hz0 ... 20 to 0 ... 690 V(max. 264 V by auxiliary powerfrom volt<strong>ag</strong>e measuring input)max. input volt<strong>ag</strong>eto earth 400 V 1 VA1.2 · UN, constant,2.0 · UN, 1 sec.0 ... 1 to 0 ... 20 mA orlive-zero 0.2 ... 1 to 4 ... 20 mA 15 V0 ... 1 to 0 ... 10 V orlive-zero 0.2 ... 1 to 2 ... 10 Vmax. 2 mA 25 Vapprox. 1.5 · IANby current outputapprox. 10 mAby volt<strong>ag</strong>e output 0.5 % p.p. by response time 300 ms 2 % p.p. by response time 50 ms50 ms or 300 msTechnical data EMBSIN 221 UEauxiliary poweruniversal power supply DC or AC (40 ... 400 Hz)AC/DC ranges85 ... 230 V or 24 ... 60 VDC - 15 % / + 33 %AC ± 15 %power input 1.5 W (3 VA)accuracyreference valueoutput end valueaccuracy class class 0.5peak value factor 2warming-up time 5 min.safetyprotection classII, (protection isolated,DIN EN 61010)electrocution protection IP 40, housing(test wire, EN 60529)IP 20, connection terminals(test digit, EN 60529)contamination class 2overvolt<strong>ag</strong>e category IIInominal isolation volt<strong>ag</strong>e 400 V, input(to earth)230 V, auxiliary power40 V, outputweight300 gOrder information see p<strong>ag</strong>e 275www.mbs-stromwandler.de 255

MBS AGEMBSIN 241 FVMeasuring transducers for frequency• with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply• housing for 35 mm DIN rail mountingFeatures/benefits• Measuring transducer for measuring the frequency of sinus-shapedalternating volt<strong>ag</strong>es• programmable measuring inputs and outputs by means of optional availableserial interface RS232 or RS485• low consumption• accuracy class 0.2• digital measuring process• auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply by means of universal AC/DC or AC supplies.ApplicationThe programmable measuring transducer type EMBSN 241 FV is being used for converting the frequency of sinusshapedAC alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>e signals into a load-independent output volume. The analogue output signals (current orvolt<strong>ag</strong>e) are arranged proportionally to the frequency of the volt<strong>ag</strong>e input and can be used for regulating analogue ordigital units. The input volumes and output volumes can be configured via the available interface RS232 or RS484 with“MBSET” parametic sofware.Technical data EMBSIN 241 FVmeasuring inputmeasuring range40 ... 70 Hzauxiliary poweruniversal power supply DC or AC 40...70 Hz universalinput volt<strong>ag</strong>e (UI)3 ... 500 Vvolt<strong>ag</strong>e ranges24 ... 300 V DC and 40 ... 276 V ACconsumption< 0.5 VAAC power supply45 ... 65 Hzoverload capacity1.2 · UN, constantnominal volt<strong>ag</strong>es:57,74 V, 100 V, 230 V, 400 V, 500 V(acc. to IEC 60688, 1992) 2.0 · UN, 1 sec.power input 3 VAmeasuring outputload-independent DC current 0 ... 1 mA to 0 ... 5 mA oraccuracyreference valueinput end value0 ... 5 mA to 0 ... 20 mAaccuracy class class 0.2burden resistancereference conditionsRBmax = 15[ V ] kcurrent outputION [ mA]ambient temperature 15 ... 30 °Cburden volt<strong>ag</strong>e 15 Vinput signal0 ... 100 % INimprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>e 0 ... 1 V or 0 ... 10 Vfrequency45 ... 65 Hzburden resistancesafetyRBmin = UON [ V]kvolt<strong>ag</strong>e output20[mA]protection classIIoutput signalling limitcurrent output125 % IAN300 V, rms, connection category III500 V, rms, connection category IIvolt<strong>ag</strong>e output125 % UANcontamination class 2residual rippleof the output current 1 % p.p.test volt<strong>ag</strong>e3 kV, rms(acc. to IEC 61010-1:1990)response time 300 mselectrocution protection IP 40, housing(test wire, EN 60529)IP 20, connection terminalsOrder information see p<strong>ag</strong>e 277(test digit, EN 60529)interfaceRS232, MODBUS RTU(optional)connection terminalsweightRS485, MODBUS RTU 4.0 mm 2 single wire 2 x 2.5 mm 2 Litzeapprox. 300 g256 www.mbs-stromwandler.deRS2329-pole plug (SUB-D) 25-pole plugRx (21) Tx (3) Tx (2) (22) GND (5) GND (7)Tx (23) Rx (2) Rx (3)RS485A (21) DATA +C (22) NC 1)B (23) DATA -1) -NC- do not connect !

MBS AGEMBSIN 241 FMeasuring transducers for frequency• with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply• housing for 35 mm DIN rail mountingFeatures/benefits• measuring input: sinus-shaped, rectangular shaped or distorted input volt<strong>ag</strong>e(10 to 690 V, 10 Hz to …1.5 kHz) with dominant basic wave• measuring output: Unipolar, bipolar or live-zero output signal• measuring principle: Digital constant period measuring• AC/DC auxiliary power by means of universal power supplyApplicationMeasuring transducer for frequencyA load-independent DC signal or an imprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>e signal is availablewhich stands proportional to the frequency of the input volume. The measuringtransducer fulfills the requirements and regulations with regard to the electrom<strong>ag</strong>netic<strong>com</strong>patibility of (EMV) and safety (IEC 1010 or EN 61010).Technical data EMBSIN 241 Fmeasuring inputrated frequencyselectable betweenfu = 10 Hz andfo = 1500 Hzmin. range fu/(fo-fu) < 50rated input volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 10 ... 230 V or 230 ... 690 Vconsumption< UN · 1.5 mAoverload capacity1.2 · UN, constant2.0 · UN, 1 sec.(max. 264 V by auxiliary powerfrom volt<strong>ag</strong>e measuring input)wave shapeany, only basic wavewill be consideredmeasuring outputload-independent DC current 0 ... 1 to 0 ... 20 mA orunipolar live-zero1 ... 5 to 4 ... 20 mAbipolar± 1 to ± 20 mAburden volt<strong>ag</strong>e +15 V, resp. -12 Vimprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>e 0 ... 1 to 0 ... 10 V orunipolarlive-zero 0.2 ... 1 to 2 ... 10 Vbipolar± 1 to ± 10 Vload capacitymax. 4 mAvolt<strong>ag</strong>e limitby R ext = 25 Vcurrent limitapprox. 1.3 · IAN by current outputunder overloadapprox. 30 mA by volt<strong>ag</strong>e outputresidual rippleof the output current < 0.5 % p.p.nominal value response time 4 periods of the measuringfrequencyother ranges2, 8 or 16 periodsof the measuring frequencyauxiliary poweruniversal power supplyAC / DCDC or AC (40 ... 400 Hz)DC -15 % / + 33 % 1.5 WAC ±15 % 3 VA24 ... 60 V or 85 ... 230 Vor AC-auxiliary power from 24 ... 60 V or 85 ... 230 V,volt<strong>ag</strong>e measuring input (40 Hz f 400 Hz) ± 15 %accuracyreference valueoutput rangeaccuracy class class 0.2safetyprotection classelectrocution protectioncontamination class 2overvolt<strong>ag</strong>e categorynominal isolation volt<strong>ag</strong>e(to earth)weightOrder information see p<strong>ag</strong>e 278II, (protection isolated,DIN EN 61010)IP 40, housing(test wire, EN 60529)IP 20, connection terminals(test digit, EN 60529)III230 or 400 V, input230 V auxiliary power40 V output230 gwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 257

MBS AGEMBSIN 241 FDMeasuring transducers forfrequency difference• housing for 35 mm DIN rail mountingFeatures/benefits• measuring inputs: Sinus-shaped, rectangular or distorted input volt<strong>ag</strong>e(10 to 690 V, f = ± 1 % fs to ± 80 % fs, fs and fG 10 Hz to 1.5 kHz)with dominant basic wave• measuring output: Unipolar, bipolar, or live-zero output signal• measuring principle: Digital, constant period measuring• AC/DC auxiliary power by means of universal power supplyApplicationMeasuring transducers for monotoring the frequency difference between twosynchronized supplies. A load-independent DC signal or an imprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>esignal is available as an output signal, which stands proportionally to themeasuring value. The measuring transducer fulfills the requirements and regulationswith regard to the electrom<strong>ag</strong>netic <strong>com</strong>patibility (EMV) and safety (IEC1010 or EN 61010).Technical data EMBSIN 241 FDmeasuring inputmeasuring rangeinput volt<strong>ag</strong>e UNconsumptionoverload capacitywave shapeMeasuring outputload-independent DC currentunipolarbipolarburden volt<strong>ag</strong>eimprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>eunipolarbipolarload capacityvolt<strong>ag</strong>e limit by Rext = current limitunder overloadresidual rippleof the output currentf = ± 1 % fS to ± 80 % fS;fS and fG 10 Hz to 1.5 kHzgenerator or bus bar10 ... 230 V or 230 .. .690 VThree-phase system!Input volt<strong>ag</strong>e = linked volt<strong>ag</strong>e(max. 230 V by auxiliary powerfrom volt<strong>ag</strong>e measuring input)< UN · 1.5 mA per measuringinput1.2 · UN, constant2.0 · UN, 1 sec.(max. 264 V by auxiliary powerfrom volt<strong>ag</strong>e measuring input)any, only basic wavewill be considered0 ... 1 to 0 ... 20 mA orlive-zero 1 ... 5 to 4 ... 20 mA± (1…20) mA 15 V or - 12 V0 ... 1 to 0 ... 10 V orlive-zero 0.2 ... 1 to 2 ... 10 V± (1…10) Vmax. 4 mA 25 Vapprox. 1.3 · IAN by current outputapprox. 30 mA at volt<strong>ag</strong>e output< 0.5 % p.p.nominal value of the 4 periods of theresponse timemeasuring frequencyother ranges2, 8 or 16 periodsof the measuring frequencyauxiliary poweruniversal power supply DC or AC (40 ... 400 Hz)AC/DC ranges85 ... 230 V or 24 ... 60 Vor auxiliary power from 24 ... 60 V to 85 ... 230 Vvolt<strong>ag</strong>e measuring input at 40 Hz f 400 Hzpower inputapprox. 2 W or 4 VAaccuracyreference valuenominal value outputaccuracy class class 0.2safetyprotection classII, (protection isolated,DIN EN 61010)electrocution protection IP 40, housing(test wire, EN 60529)IP 20, connection terminals(test digit, EN 60529)contamination class 2overvolt<strong>ag</strong>e category IIInominal isolation volt<strong>ag</strong>e 230 V or 400 V, input(to earth)230 V, auxiliary power40 V, outputweight270 gOrder information see p<strong>ag</strong>e 278258 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEMBSIN 271 GMeasuring transducers for phase angle• housing for 35 mm DIN rail mountingFeatures/benefits• measuring input: Sinus-shaped, rectangular or distorted input volumeswith dominant basic wave• input signal: 1 A or 5 A, 10 V to 690 V• measuring range: Phase angle -180° el + 180° el• measuring output: Unipolar, bipolar or live-zero output signal• measuring principle: Monotoring of the zero currents• AC/DC auxiliary power by means of universal power supplyApplicationMeasuring transducers for measuring of phase angle between current and volt<strong>ag</strong>e of a sinus-shaped single-phasesupply or a symetric load of a three-phase supply. A load-independent DC current signal or imprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>esignal is available, which is proportionally arranged to the phase angle between the measuring signal of current andvolt<strong>ag</strong>e. The measuring transducer fulfills the requirements and regulations with regard to the electrom<strong>ag</strong>netic <strong>com</strong>patibility(EMV) and safety (IEC 1010 or EN 61010).Technical data EMBSIN 271 Gmeasuring inputmeasuring rangephase anglenominal frequency fNinput volt<strong>ag</strong>e UNrated input current INconsumptionoverload capacitymeasuring outputload-independent DC currentunipolarbipolarburden volt<strong>ag</strong>eimprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>eunipolarbipolarload capacityvolt<strong>ag</strong>e limit by Rext = current limitunder overload- 175°el ... 0 ... + 175°elmin. measuring range 20°el16 2/3 ... 400 Hz10 ... 690 V (max. 230 Vby auxiliary powerfrom volt<strong>ag</strong>e measuring input)1 A or 5 A< 0.1 VA current pathUN · 1.5 mA volt<strong>ag</strong>e path1.2 · IN, constant1.2 · UN, constant20 · IN, 1 sec.2.0 · UN, 1 sec.(max. 264 V by auxiliary powerfrom volt<strong>ag</strong>e measuring input)0 ... 1 to 0 ... 20 mA orlive-zero 1 ... 5 to 4 ... 20 mA± (1…20) mA + 15 V or - 12 V0 ... 1 to 0 ... 10 V orlive-zero 0.2 ... 1 to 2 ... 10 V± (1 …10) Vmax. 4 mA 25 Vapprox. 1.3 · IANby current outputapprox. 30 mA by volt<strong>ag</strong>e outputresidual rippleof the output current < 0.5 % p.p.nominal value of the 4 periods of theresponse timemeasuring frequencyother ranges2, 8 or 16 periods ofthe measuring frequencyauxiliary poweruniversal power supply DC or AC (40 ... 400 Hz)AC/DC ranges85 ... 230 V or 24 ... 60 Vor auxiliary power fromvolt<strong>ag</strong>e measuring input 85 ... 230 V or 24 ... 60 Vpower input 2 W (4 VA)accuracyreference value = 90°accuracy class class 0.5safetyprotection classII, (protection isolated,DIN EN 61010)electrocution protection IP 40, housing(test wire, EN 60529)IP 20, connection terminals(test digit, EN 60529)contamination class 2overvolt<strong>ag</strong>e category IInominal isolation volt<strong>ag</strong>e 230 or 400 V, input(to earth)230 V, auxiliary power40 V, outputweight240 gOrder information see p<strong>ag</strong>e 279www.mbs-stromwandler.de 259

MBS AGEMBSIN 271 GDMeasuring transducers for phase angledifference• housing for 35 mm DIN rail mountingFeatures/benefits• measuring input: Sinus-shaped, rectangular or distorted rated input volt<strong>ag</strong>es10 to 690 V, ± 10° el ± 180° el) with dominant basic wave• measuring output: Unipolar, bipolar or live-zero output signal• measuring principle: Monitoring of the zero currents• AC/DC auxiliary power by means of universal power supplyApplicationMeasuring transducers for monitoring of the phase angle difference betweentwo synchronized supplies. A load-independent DC current signal or imprintedDC volt<strong>ag</strong>e signal is available which is proportionally arranged to the measuringvalue. The measuring transducer fulfills the requirements and regulations withregard to the electrom<strong>ag</strong>netic <strong>com</strong>patibility (EMV) and safety (IEC 1010 orEN 61010).Technical data EMBSIN 271 GDmeasuring inputmeasuring rangerated frequency f Ninput volt<strong>ag</strong>es U Nconsumptionoverload capacitymeasuring outputload-independent DC currentunipolarbipolarburden volt<strong>ag</strong>eimprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>eunipolarbipolarload capacityvolt<strong>ag</strong>e limit by R ext = current limitunder overloadresidual rippleof the output currentnominal value of theresponse timeother ranges- 120° ... 0 ... 120° el50 or 60 Hzgenerator and bus bar10 ... 230 V or 230 ... 690 VThree-phase system!UN = linked volt<strong>ag</strong>e(max. 230 V by auxiliary powerfrom volt<strong>ag</strong>e measuring input)< U N · 1.5 mA per measuring input1.2 · U N , constant2.0 · U N , 1 sec.(max. 264 V by auxiliary powerfrom volt<strong>ag</strong>e measuring input)0 ... 1 to 0 ... 20 mA orlive-zero 1 ... 5 to 4 ... 20 mA± (1… 20) mA +15 V, resp. -12 V0 ... 1 to 0 ... 10 V orlive-zero 0.2 ... 1 to 2 ... 10 V± (1 …10) Vmax. 4 mA25 Vapprox. 1.3 · IAN by current outputapprox. 30 mA by volt<strong>ag</strong>e output< 0.5 % p.p.4 periods of themeasuring frequency2, 8 or 16 periods ofthe measuring frequencyauxiliary poweruniversal power supply DC or AC (40 ... 400 Hz)DC (- 15 ... + 33 %)AC (± 15 %; 40 ... 400 Hz)AC/DC ranges85 ... 230 V or 24 ... 60 Vpower input 2 W (4 VA)accuracyreference value = 90°accuracy class class 0.5safetyprotection classII, (protection isolated,DIN EN 61010)electrocution protection IP 40, housing(test wire, EN 60529)IP 20, connection terminals(test digit, EN 60529)contamination class 2overvolt<strong>ag</strong>e category IIInominal isolation volt<strong>ag</strong>e 230 V or 400 V, input(to earth)230 V, auxiliary power40 V, outputweight270 gOrder information see p<strong>ag</strong>e 281260 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEMBSIN 281 GMeasuring transducers for power factor• housing for 35 mm DIN rail mountingFeatures/benefits• measuring input: Sinus-shaped, rectangular or distorted rated input signalwith dominant basic wave• input signals: 1 A or 5 A, 10 V to 690 V• power factor cos 0.5 cap.-1-0.5 ind.• measuring output: Unipolar, bipolar or live-zero output signal• measuring principle: Monitoring the distance of zero currents• AC/DC auxiliary power by means of universal power supplyApplicationMeasuring transducers for the measuring of the power factor between current and volt<strong>ag</strong>e of a sinus-shaped singlephasesupply or a symetric load of a three-phase supply. A load-independent DC current signal or imprinted DCvolt<strong>ag</strong>e signal is available which is proportionally arranged to the power factor between the measuring volumes ofcurrent and volt. The measuring transducer fulfills the requirements and regulations with regard to the electrom<strong>ag</strong>netic<strong>com</strong>patibility (EMV) and safety (IEC 1010 or EN 61010).Technical data EMBSIN 281 Gmeasuring inputpower factor cosrated frequency fNinput volt<strong>ag</strong>e UNrated input current I Nconsumptionoverload capacitymeasuring outputload-independent DC currentunipolarbipolarburden volt<strong>ag</strong>eimprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>eunipolarbipolarload capacityvolt<strong>ag</strong>e limit by Rext = current limitunder overloadresidual rippleof the output currentnominal value of theresponse timeother ranges0.5-cap-1-ind-0.516 2/3 ... 400 Hz10 ... 690 V (max. 230 Vby auxiliary powerfrom volt<strong>ag</strong>e measuring input)1 A or 5 A< 0.1 VA current pathUN · 1.5 mA volt<strong>ag</strong>e path1.2 · I N , constant1.2 · U N , constant20 · I N , 1 sec.2.0 · U N , 1 sec.(max. 264 V by auxiliary powerfrom volt<strong>ag</strong>e measuring input)0 ... 1 to 0 ... 20 mA orlive-zero 1 ... 5 to 4 ... 20 mA± (1 …20) mA +15 V resp. -12 V0 ... 1 to 0 ... 10 V orlive-zero 0.2 ... 1 to 2 ... 10 V± (1 … 10) Vmax. 4 mA 25 Vapprox. 1.3 · IAN by current outputapprox. 30 mA by volt<strong>ag</strong>e output< 0.5 % p.p.4 periods ofthe measuring frequency2, 8 or 16 periods ofthe measuring frequencyauxiliary poweruniversal power supply DC or AC (40 ... 400 Hz)AC/DC ranges85 ... 230 V or 24 ... 60 Vor auxiliary powerfrom volt<strong>ag</strong>e input85 ... 230 V or 24 ... 60 Vpower input 2 W (4 VA)accuracyreference value cos = 0.5accuracy class class 0.5safetyprotection classII, (protection isolated,DIN EN 61010)electrocution protection IP 40, housing(test wire, EN 60529)IP 20, connection terminals(test digit, EN 60529)contamination class 2overvolt<strong>ag</strong>e category IIInominal isolation volt<strong>ag</strong>e 230 V or 400 V, input(to earth)230 V, auxiliary power40 V, outputweight260 gOrder information see p<strong>ag</strong>e 279www.mbs-stromwandler.de 261

MBS AGEMBSIN 351 PMeasuring transducers for active power• housing for 35 mm DIN rail mountingFeatures/benefits• measuring input: Sinus-shaped nominal input currents (1 A or 5 A) andnominal input volt<strong>ag</strong>es (100 V to 690 V)• measuring output: Unipolar, bipolar or live-zero output signal• measuring principle: Impulse width modulation (TDM-process),TDM = time division multiplication• AC/DC auxiliary power by means of universal power supplyApplicationMeasuring transducer for the transformation of the active power of a singlephasealternative AC current or three-phase current supply of equal or unequalphase load.A load-independent DC current signal or imprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>e signal is available,which is proportionally arranged to the measuring value of the activepower.The measuring transducers fulfill the requirements and regulations, with regardto the electrom<strong>ag</strong>netic <strong>com</strong>patibility (EMV) and safety (IEC 1010 or EN 61010).Technical data EMBSIN 351 Pmeasuring inputrated frequency f Nrated input volt<strong>ag</strong>e U Nrated input current I Ncalibration factor cpermissablemeasuring rangeconsumptionoverload capacitymeasuring outputload-independent DC currentunipolarbipolarburden volt<strong>ag</strong>eimprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>eunipolarbipolarload capacityvolt<strong>ag</strong>e limit by R ext = current limitunder overloadresidual rippleof the output currentresponse time50 Hz or 60 Hz3-phase systemU N = linked volt<strong>ag</strong>e10 ... 690 V (max. 230 V byauxiliary power fromvolt<strong>ag</strong>e measuring input)1 A or 5 A0.75 to 1.3 by active powerby active power 0.75 to 1.3 · 3 · UN · IN< 0.1 VA per current pathU N · 1 mA per volt<strong>ag</strong>e path1.2 · I N , constant; 20 IN, 1 sec.1.2 · U N , constant; 2.0 UN, 1 sec.(max. 264 V by auxiliary powerfrom volt<strong>ag</strong>e measuring input)0 ... 2.5 to 0 ... 20 mA orlive-zero 1 ... 5 to 4 ... 20 mA± (2.5…20) mA±15 V0 ... 10 V orlive-zero 2 ... 10 V± 10 Vmax. 4 mA 40 Vapprox. 1.3 · IAN by current outputapprox. 30 mA by volt<strong>ag</strong>e output< 2 % p.p.< 300 msauxiliary poweruniversal power supply DC or AC (40 ... 400 Hz)AC/DC85 ... 230 V or 24 ... 60 Vor auxiliary power fromvolt<strong>ag</strong>e measuring input 85 V to 230 V ACpower input 2.5 W (4.5 VA)accuracyreference valueoutput end valueaccuracy class class 0.5safetyprotection classII, (protection isolated,DIN EN 61010)electrocution protection IP 40, housing(test wire, EN 60529)IP 20, connection terminals(test digit, EN 60529)contamination class 2overvolt<strong>ag</strong>e category IIInominal isolation volt<strong>ag</strong>e 400 V, input(to earth)230 V, auxiliary power40 V, outputweight700 gOrder information see p<strong>ag</strong>e 282262 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEMBSIN 361 QMeasuring transducers for re-active power• housing for 35 mm DIN rail mountingFeatures/benefits• measuring input: Sinus-shaped nominal input currents (1 A or 5 A) and nominalinput volt<strong>ag</strong>es (100 V to 690 V)• measuring output: Unipolar, bipolar or live-zero output signal• measuring principle: Impulse width modulation (TDM-process),TDM = time dIvision multiplication• AC/DC auxiliary power by means of universal power supplyApplicationMeasuring transducer for the transformation of the re-active power of a singlephasealternative AC current or three-phase current supply of equal or unequalphase load.A load-independent DC current signal or imprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>e signal is available,which is proportionally arranged to the measuring value of the re-activepower.The measuring transducers fulfill the requirements and regulations, with regardto the electrom<strong>ag</strong>netic <strong>com</strong>patibility (EMV) and safety (IEC 1010 or EN 61010).Technical data EMBSIN 361 Qmeasuring inputrated frequency f N50 Hzrated input volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N Three-phase systemU N = linked volt<strong>ag</strong>e10 ... 690 V (max. 230 V byauxiliary power fromvolt<strong>ag</strong>e measuring input)rated input current I N 1 A or 5 Acalibration factor c 0.5 to 1.0 by re-active powerpermissable measuring by re-active powerrange end values 0.5 to 1.0 · 3 · UN · INconsumption< 0.1 VA per current pathU N · 1 mA per volt<strong>ag</strong>e pathoverload capacity1.2 · I N , constant; 20 IN, 1 sec.1.2 · U N , constant; 2.0 UN, 1 sec.(max. 264 V by auxiliary powerfrom volt<strong>ag</strong>e measuring input)measuring outputload-independent DC current 0 ... 2.5 to 0 ... 20 mA orunipolarlive-zero 1 ... 5 to 4 ... 20 mAbipolar± (2.5…20) mAburden volt<strong>ag</strong>e± 15 Vimprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>e 0 ... 10 V bzw.unipolarlive-zero 2 ... 10 Vbipolar± 10 Vload capacitymax. 4 mAvolt<strong>ag</strong>e limit by Rext = 40 Vcurrent limitapprox. 1.3 · IAN by current outputunder overloadapprox. 30 mA by volt<strong>ag</strong>e outputresidual rippleof the output current < 2 % p.p.response time< 300 msauxiliary poweruniversal power supplyAC/DCor auxiliary power fromvolt<strong>ag</strong>e measuring inputpower inputaccuracyreference valueaccuracy class class 0.5safetyprotection classelectrocution protectioncontamination class 2overvolt<strong>ag</strong>e categorynominal isolation volt<strong>ag</strong>e(to earth)weightOrder information see p<strong>ag</strong>e 282DC or AC (40 ... 400 Hz)85 ... 230 V or 24 ... 60 V 85 V to 230 V AC 2.5 W (4.5 VA)output end valueII, (protection isolated,DIN EN 61010)IP 40, housing(test wire, EN 60529)IP 20, connection terminals(test digit, EN 60529)III400 V, input230 V, auxiliary power40 V, output700 gwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 263

MBS AGEMBSIN 301Programmable measuring transducers foralternating currentFeatures/benefits• auxiliary power supply 230 V AC or 24 V DC.• two remote controlable measuring ranges from 20…600 A AC• two simultaneously available analogue measuring outputs• programmable output characteristic curves• current circuit control by means of programmable control circuits• information of the actual operation conditions through two open collectortransistors in connection with simultaneous signalling of colored lightemittance diodsBasic circuit di<strong>ag</strong>ramDimensions:Depth x length x height:(87.5 x 70 x 114 mm)ApplicationProgrammable measuring transducer for monitoring sinus-shaped as well asdistorted AC currents in the rated current range of 20 … 600 A. Inductive,galvanically separated measuring value collection is secured by means of anintegrated current transformer.As an output signal, proportionally arranged to the measurement value (rms) aDC current signal and an imprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>e signal is available. By means ofan integrated interface RS232 the following additional power features can berealized:• adjustment of the output characteristics of the analogue outputs0(4) …20 mA or 0(2) …10 V• nominal current control by means of two programmable control circuits• optimal signallizing of the actual value of the measuring volumes in realianceto the tuned control circuits by means of three-coloured light emittance diods• energizing of the switch operations (i.e. IMin/IMax-monitoring) by means of twoopen collector transistors, designated to the tuned switch circuits• measuring value continuous monitoring of measuring values and data saving,when interacting with external <strong>com</strong>puters.Technical data EMBSIN 301measuring inputmeasuring variable sinus-shaped or distortedalternating currentmeasuring range20 ... 600 A ACrated frequency fN50 Hzconsumption< 0.5 VAoverload capacity1.5 · I N , constant8.0 · I N , 40 sec.measuring outputcurrent outputload-independent DC current 0…20 mA or live-zero 4…20 mA,programmable by means of softwaremax. burden volt<strong>ag</strong>e 15 V DCmax. burden resistance RB 500 residual ripple ofthe output current< 0.5 % p.p.current limitunder overload 30 mAvolt<strong>ag</strong>e outputimprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>e 0…10 V or live-zero 2…10 V,unipolarprogrammable by means of softwaremin. burden resistance 10 kvolt<strong>ag</strong>e limit by R ext = 15 Vresponse time ofthe output signal50 msaccuracyreference valueaccuracy class class 0.5working rangewarming-up timeauxiliary powernominal output valueAC 230 V ± 10 %DC (optional) 24 V ± 15 %operating conditionsfield of operation(0.5 % from output end value)1 ... 120 % I N 5 minindoors without humidityworking temperature - 5 °C + 45 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e temperature - 40 °C + 70 °Cenergizing2 open-collector for load current dependenttransistor outputsUCEmaxICEmaxinterfaceseriesstandard IEC 60688monitoring of relay controls;programmable control circuitsvia units software50 V35 mARS 232, connection via 9-poleSUB-D-plugIEC 61000Order information see p<strong>ag</strong>e 283264 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEMBSIN 391 PVProgrammable measuring transducersfor all electrical parameters• with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplyhousing for 35 mm DIN rail mountingFeatures/benefits• multifunctional measuring transducer for the simultaneous distribution of 3parameters of the electrical system• monotoring of up to 50 different parameters (V, A, kW, kVA, …)• programmable measuring inputs and measuring outputs• low power consumption• auxiliary power supply by means of universal AC/DC or AC power• accuracy class 0.5• serial interface, RS 232 or RS 485 (optional)• max. 3 analogue outputsApplicationThe programmable measuring transducer EMBSIN 391 PV allows for the simultaneous distribution of 3 parameters ofthe electrical network. Large input ranges of the parameters allow for the monitoring of almost all standardized ACvolt<strong>ag</strong>es and AC currents. At the measuring output of the transducer are three galvanically separated, load-independent,analogue output signals available, which are proportionally arranged to the input parameters. These output signals (DCvolt<strong>ag</strong>e or DC current) can be used for monitoring /controlling of analogue or digital units.Technical data EMBSIN 391 PVmeasuring inputrated input volt<strong>ag</strong>e50 V to 500 V AC(phase <strong>ag</strong>ainst neutral)rated input current0.5 A to 5.0 A ACoverload capacitycurrent input2 · IN, constant20 · IN, 1 sec.volt<strong>ag</strong>e input1.5 · UN, constant2.0 · UN,1 sec.measuring output (analogue)nominal current output range(IAN), parametical0 ... 1 mA to 0 ... 20 mAmax. burden volt<strong>ag</strong>e UB 15 Vburden resistance current RMAX [k] = 15V / IAN [mA]nominal volt<strong>ag</strong>e outputranges (UAN), parametical 0 ... 1 V to 0 ... 10 Vmax. burden current 20 mAburden resistancevolt<strong>ag</strong>eRMIN [k] = UAN / 20 mAresidual ripple of theoutput current 1 % p.p.response time 300 msOrder information see p<strong>ag</strong>e 283auxiliary poweruniversal power supply DC or AC 40...70 Hz universalvolt<strong>ag</strong>e ranges24 ... 300 V DC and 40 ... 276 V ACAC power supply45 ... 65 Hznominal volt<strong>ag</strong>es:57.74 V, 100 V, 230 V, 400 V, 500 Vpower input 3 VAaccuracyreference valueend value of the input volumeaccuracy class class 0.5reference conditionsambient temperature 15 ... 30 °Cinput signal0 ... 100 % I Nfrequency45 ... 65 Hzsafetyprotection classIP50300 V, rms, connection category III500 V, rms, connection category IIcontamination class 2test volt<strong>ag</strong>e3 kV, rms(acc. to IEC 61010-1: 1990)electrocution protection IP 40, housing(test wire, EN 60529)IP 20, connection terminals(test digit, EN 60529)working temperature -10 °C + 55 °CinterfaceRS232, MODBUS RTU(optional)RS485, MODBUS RTUconnection terminals 4.0 mm 2 single wire 2 x 2.5 mm 2 Litzeweightwith AC power supply approx. 600 gwith universal power supply approx. 500 gConnection di<strong>ag</strong>ram see p<strong>ag</strong>e 266Specification see p<strong>ag</strong>e 267www.mbs-stromwandler.de 265

MBS AGEMBSIN 391 PVProgrammable measuring transducersfor all electrical parametersConnection di<strong>ag</strong>ramThe volt<strong>ag</strong>e inputs of the measuring transducer can beconnected directly to a low volt<strong>ag</strong>e network or to a highvolt<strong>ag</strong>e network via a high volt<strong>ag</strong>e transformer. The currentinputs of the measuring transducer can be directlyconnected to a low volt<strong>ag</strong>e network via a low volt<strong>ag</strong>ecurrent transformer or to a high volt<strong>ag</strong>e network via ahigh volt<strong>ag</strong>e current transformer.single-phasesystem – 1b3-wire three-phasesystem - 3b,balanced loadFunctionConnectionIL1 1/3AC current IL2 4/6IL3 7/9measuring input UL1 2UL2 5AC volt<strong>ag</strong>eUL3 8N 11+ 15output 1- 16+ 17measuring outputs output 2- 18+ 19output 3- 20auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplyRx / A 21interface (optional) RS232/RS485 / NC 1) 22Tx / B 23DC +/ AC 13-/ AC 143-wire three-phasesystem - 3u,unbalanced load4-wire three-phasesystem - 4b,balanced load1) -NC- do not connect !4-wire three-phasesystem - 4u,unbalanced load266 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEMBSIN 391 PVProgrammable measuring transducersfor all electrical parametersSpecificationsDescriptionEMBSIN 391 PVauxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>ewith auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplymeasuring principlemicroprocessor samplinginputsrated input volt<strong>ag</strong>eprogrammable, 0...50 V to 0...500 Vrated input currentprogrammable, 0...0.5 to 0...5 Arated frequency45...65 Hzoutputsnumber of available3 with AC/DC power supplyanalogue outputs1 with AC power supplyoutput volt<strong>ag</strong>e rangesprogrammable, -10...+10 V to -1...+1 Voutput current rangesprogrammable, -20...+20 mA to -1...+1 mAinterfaceRS232 or RS485measuring variablescurrentphase current I1, I2, I3and mean value current I avgphase to neutral volt<strong>ag</strong>eU1, U2, U3 and mean value to a, bvolt<strong>ag</strong>eneutral value volt<strong>ag</strong>elinked volt<strong>ag</strong>esU1-U2, U2-U3, U3-U1a, band mean value of thelinked volt<strong>ag</strong>es U avg (pp)frequencya, bactive powera, bre-active powera, bapparent powera, bpower factora, bphase anglea, b% THD distortion factor a, bphase currenta, binstantaneous total apparent power a, bvalue monitoring total active power a, btotal re-active powera, bphase currenta, bmaximal total apparent power a, bvalue monitoring total active power a, btotal re-active powera, ba - measuring value is available via analogue outputb – measuring value is visual via interfacewww.mbs-stromwandler.de 267

MBS AGEMBSIN 391Programmable measuring transducers for all electrical parameters• housing for 35 mm DIN railFeatures/benefits• measuring inputs: Sinus-shaped input currents 0…7.5 A,sinus-shaped input volt<strong>ag</strong>es 0…690 V• measuring outputs: 3 simultaneously available unipolar, bipolar or live-zeromeasuring outputs (current or volt<strong>ag</strong>e). The outputs can be assigned to severalmeasuring parameters• AC/DC auxiliary power supply, universal power supply• programmable interface: Serial RS232 CApplicationThe EMBSIN 391 is a programmable, multi measuring transducer for electricalpower current variables. It monitors simultaneously 3 measuring variables of asingle-phase AC current or three-phase AC current network of equal or unequalload. As an output signal 3 galvanically separated load independent DC currentsignals or imprinted DC volt<strong>ag</strong>e signals are available, which are proportionallyarranged to the chosen measuring values of the input parameters. The measuringtransducer fulfills all requirements and regulations with regard to the electrom<strong>ag</strong>netic<strong>com</strong>patibility (EMV) and safety (IEC 1010 and EN 61010).Technical data EMBSIN 391measuring inputauxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply, alternativelyrated frequency f N50/60 HzAC / DC power supply 24 ... 60 V AC / DCsinus-shapedinput current I N0 ... 7.5 A85 ... 230 V AC / DC(DC ... 50/60 Hz)sinus-shapedinput volt<strong>ag</strong>e U NU N = linked volt<strong>ag</strong>e0 ... 690Vmax. 400 V to earth !power inputaccuracy(DC -15 % ... + 33 %)(AC -15 % ... + 15 %) 5 W (7 VA)power input frommeasuring circuit- current path IE 2 · 0.01 Wreference valueaccuracy classsafetymeasuring range end valueclass 0.5- volt<strong>ag</strong>e path UE 2 / 400 kWprotection classII, (protection isolated,interfaceserial, RS232 CEN 61010-1)measuring output, user defined3 x load independentelectrocution protection IP 40, housing(test wire, EN 60529)DC current-20 ... +20 mAIP 20, connection terminalsor3 x imprinted DC current -10 ... +10 Vcontamination class(test digit, EN 60529)2max. burdenat current outputmin. burdenby volt<strong>ag</strong>e outputoutput signalling limitunder overload :R B 15 V [k]IANUANR B [k]1 mAnominal isolation volt<strong>ag</strong>e inputs: 300 V(2)600 V(3)auxiliary power: 230 Voutputs:40 Vweight370 g(2) overvolt<strong>ag</strong>e category |||- current output 1.2 x IAN (RA = 0) 30 V (by RA = )(3) overvolt<strong>ag</strong>e category ||- volt<strong>ag</strong>e output 40 mA (RA = 0)1.2 x UAN (RA = )residual rippleof the output current 1 % p.presponse time of theoutput signal1…2 x measuring cyclus time Order information see p<strong>ag</strong>e 286268 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGOrder Listsp<strong>ag</strong>eFASK Flexible clip-on current transformer (Rogowski coil) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .270EMBSIN 100 IV Measuring transducer for AC current, without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .271EMBSIN 100 I Measuring transducer for AC current, without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .271EMBSIN 101 I Measuring transducer for AC current, with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .272EMBSIN 201 IEV Measuring transducer for AC current, rms measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .273EMBSIN 201 IE Measuring transducer for AC current, rms measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .275EMBSIN 120 UV Measuring transducer for AC volt<strong>ag</strong>e, without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276EMBSIN 120 U Measuring transducer for AC volt<strong>ag</strong>e, without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276EMBSIN 121 U Measuring transducer for AC volt<strong>ag</strong>e, with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .272EMBSIN 221 UEV Measuring transducer for AC volt<strong>ag</strong>e, with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .273EMBSIN 221 UE Measuring transducer for AC volt<strong>ag</strong>e, rms measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .275EMBSIN 241 FV Measuring transducer for frequency, with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .277EMBSIN 241 F Measuring transducer for frequency, with universal AC/DC power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .278EMBSIN 241 FD Measuring transducer for frequency difference with universal AC/DC power supply . . . . . . .278EMBSIN 271 G Measuring transducer for phase angle, with universal AC/DC power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . .279EMBSIN 271 GD Measuring transducer for phase angle difference, with universal AC/DC power supply . . . . .281EMBSIN 281 G Measuring transducer for power factor, with universal AC/DC power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . .279EMBSIN 351 P Measuring transducer for active power, with universal AC/DC power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . .282EMBSIN 361 Q Measuring transducer for re-active power, with universal AC/DC power supply . . . . . . . . . . .282EMBSIN 301 Programmable measuring transducer for AC current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .283EMBSIN 391 PV Programmable measuring transducer for all electrical variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .283www.mbs-stromwandler.de 269

MBS AGOrder ListsFASK – Current transformers with separable, flexible measuring system(Rogowski coils)FeaturesOrder no.X X X X X X X X X XTypecoil lengthF30 30 cm F 0 3 0F40 40 cm F 0 4 01.) Type / length l F60 60 cm F 0 6 0F75 75 cm F 0 7 5F100 100 cm F 1 0 0special types on request F 9 0 0measuring rangecoil length200 A AC l = 30 cm 0 2 0 0500 A AC l = 30 cm 0 5 0 02.) Measuring current1000 A AC l = 40 cm 1 0 0 02000 A AC l = 60 cm 2 0 0 03000 A AC l = 75 cm 3 0 0 03000 A AC l = 100 cm 3 0 0 0special value on request 100…3000 A X X X XU A [V AC] U H [V DC]0.500 V AC 5 V DC 01.000 V AC 5 V DC 12.000 V AC 9 V DC 23.) Output signal U A / auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply U H 3.000 V AC 12 V DC 34…20 mA DC 40…1 V DC 50…5 V DC 6without0.21 mV/A power 7supply4.) Lead / cord lengthstandard l 3 x 2.0 m 1special length l max. 3 x 15.0 m 9270 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGOrder ListsEMBSIN 100 IV – Measuring transducer for AC current, without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplyFeaturesOrder no.EMBSIN 100 IV, measuring transducer for AC currentorder no.: 100 I - Vxxx 100 I - V X X X1. constructionhousing MBS, for 35 mm DIN railV2. measuring range0 ... 1 A 10 ... 5 A 2nonstandard [A],0 ... 1 A to 0 ... 7.5 A ________ A 93. output signal0 ... 5 mA 10 ... 10 mA 20 ... 20 mA 34. additional text on the labelwithout additional text 0with additional text 1rated frequency of the measuring signal: 50/60 HzEMBSIN 100 I – Measuring transducer for AC current, without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplyFeaturesOrder no.EMBSIN 100 I, measuring transducer for AC currentorder no.: 100 I - Mxxxx 100 I - M X X X X1. constructionhousing MBS, for 35 mm DIN railM2. measuring range0 ... 1 / 5 A 10 ... 1.2 / 6 A 29) nonstandard [A] 90 ...0.5 A to 0 ... 7.5 A(only one measuring range!) ________ A3. output signal0 ... 5 mA, Ra

MBS AGOrder ListsEMBSIN 101 I – Measuring transducer for alternating currentEMBSIN 121 U – Measuring transducer for alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>eFeaturesOrder no.EMBSIN 101 I , measuring transducer for AC currentorder no.: 101 I - Mxx xxx 101 I - M X X X X XEMBSIN 121 U, measuring transducer for AC volt<strong>ag</strong>eorder no.: 121 U - Mx xxxx 121 U- M X X X X X1. constructionhousing MBS / SP1, for 35 mm DIN railM2. frequency of the input volt<strong>ag</strong>e / input currentrated frequency 50 / 60 Hz 13. measuring range0 ... 1 A A0 ... 5 A BZ: ______________ A Z! Z: Nonstandard [ A ] : 0 ... 0.8 to 0 ... 1.2 or 0 ... 4 to 0 ... 60 ... 100 V A0 ... 250 V BZ: ______________ V Z! Z: Nonstandard [ V ] : 0 ... 50 to 0 ... 500max. 300 V rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e to earth(rated volt<strong>ag</strong>es acc. to EN 61010)4. output signal0 ... 20 mA 14 ... 20 mA 24 ... 20 mA , 2-wire connection / feed 39: ______________ mA 9! 9: Nonstandard [ mA ] : 0 ... 2.5 to 0 ... < 200 ... 10 V AZ: ______________ V Z1 ... 5 to < ( 4... 20 )! Z: Nonstandard [ V ] : 0 ... 5.0 to 0 ... < 101 ... 5 to 2 ... 105. auxiliary powerauxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e Uh : 24 V AC 1auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e Uh : 110 V AC 2auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e Uh : 115 V AC 3auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e Uh : 120 V AC 4auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e Uh : 230 V AC 5auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e Uh : 400 V AC, ! max. 300 V to earth! 6auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e Uh : 24 V DCAauxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e Uh : 24 V DC via output circuitBuniversal power supply 85 … 230 V AC/DCCuniversal power supply 24 … 60 V AC/DCDUh ... rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e, permissible tolerancesAC : - 15 % … + 15 %DC : - 15 % … + 33 %for DC via output circuit: - 50 % … + 33 %! 1 to A not to be <strong>com</strong>bined with output signal, order-no.: 3! B not to be <strong>com</strong>bined with output signal, order no.: 1, 2, 9, A, Z6. test certificateswithout test certificate 0with test certificate in GermanDwith test certificate in EnglishE272 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGOrder ListsEMBSIN 201 IEV – Measuring transducer for alternating current, true rms measuringEMBSIN 221 UEV – Measuring transducer for alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>e, true rms measuringFeaturesOrder no.EMBSIN 201 IEV, measuring transducer for AC currenteffective value, order no.: 201 IE - Vxxxxxxxx 201 IE - V X X X X X X X XEMBSIN 221 UEV, measuring transducer for alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>eeffective value, order no.: 221 UE - Vxxxxxxxx 221 UE - V X X X X X X X X1. constructionhousing MBS, for 35 mm DIN railV2. measuring range0 ... 1 A 10 ... 5 A 29) _______________ A! 9) 0 … 0.2 A to 0 ... 6 A 90 ... 50 V A0 ... 500 V BZ) _____________________V! Z) 0 … 50 V to 0 … 500 V Z3. output signalmA 1V 24. output signal, start valueoutput unipolar, start value 0 1output live-zero, start value 20 % 25. output signal, end valueoutput signal end value: 20 mA 1output signal end value: 1 ... 20 mA, __________mA 9output signal end value: 10 VAoutput signal end value: 1 ... 10 V, __________VZ6. auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>euniversal power supply 24 ... 300 V DC/ 40 ... 276 V AC 1 0AC power supply 257 V 1100 V 3110 V 4230 V 5400 V 7500 V 87. type of serial interfacewithout interface 0RS 232 1RS 485 28. type of output characteristicslinearLcurved (1)B(1) Please take notice of the additional information in table 2 when ordering curved output characteristics.www.mbs-stromwandler.de 273

MBS AGOrder ListsEMBSIN 201 IEV – Measuring transducer for alternating current, true rms measuringEMBSIN 221 UEV – Measuring transducer for alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>e, true rms measuringTable 2Additional information when ordering measuring transducers with curved output characteristicsWhen ordering measuring transducers with curved output characteristics the start and end points as wellas the position of the required curved break of the to be adjusted transmission ratio have to be defined.Measuring transducers of the type EMBSIN 201 IEV / EMBSIN 221 UEV allow the presentation of transmissioncharacteristics of up to 5 curved breaks.DescriptionCodestart value of the measuring value(s)dependent on the measuring range s0 ... +20 mA / 0 V ... +10 Vstart value of the output value dependent on the output range p0 p +20 mA / 0 p +10 Vend value of the measuring value (s)dependent on the measuring range eend value of the output value (rt) if measuring value (e) 1 mA ... +20 mA / 1 V ... +10 Vdependent on the output range rtn 1 _____n 2 _____value of the measuring value (n x )dependent on the measuring range n 3 _____n 4 _____n 5 _____o 1 _____0 mA ... +20 mA/ 0 V ... +10 V o 2 _____value of the output value (o x ) if measuring value (n x ) dependent on the output range o 3 _____0 p +20/ 0 p +10 o 4 _____o 5 _____274 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGOrder ListsEMBSIN 201 IE – Measuring transducer for alternating currentEMBSIN 221 UE – Measuring transducer for alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>eFeaturesOrder no.EMBSIN 201 IE, measuring transducer for alternating currenteffective value, order no.: 201 IE - Mxx xx x 201 IE - M X X X X X XEMBSIN 221 UE, measuring transducer for alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>eeffective value, order no.: 221 UE - Mx xx xx 221 UE- M X X X X X X1. constructionhousing MBS, for 35 mm DIN railM2. frequency of the input current/ input volt<strong>ag</strong>erated frequency 50/60 Hz 1rated frequency 400 Hz 23. measuring range0 ... 1.0 / 5.0 A 10 ... 1.2 / 6.0 A 29: ______ / ______A 9Lower/higher measuring range dependent on connection availability! 9: nonstandard [A]: 0 ... 0.1 / 0.5 to 0 ... < 1.2 / 6measuring range end value ratio 1 : 50 ... 100 / \/¯¯3 V A0 ... 110 / \/¯¯3 V B0 ... 100 V C0 ... 110 V D0 ... 116.66 V E0 ... 120 V F0 ... 125 V G0 ... 133.33 V H0 ... 150 V J0 ... 250 V K0 ... 500 V ! LZ) ____________V Z! Z: Nonstandard [V ]: 0 ... 20 to 0 ... 690 *with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e from measuring input min. 24V/ max. 230Vsee selection criteria 5 digit 3+4! * > 400 V only linked volt<strong>ag</strong>e!4. output signal0 ... 20 mA 14 ... 20 mA 29: ______________ mA 90 ... 10 V AZ: ______________ V Z! 9) Nonstandard [mA]: 0 ... 1.00 to 0 ... < 200.2 ... 1 to < ( 4 ... 20 )! Z) Nonstandard [V]: 0 ... 1.00 to 0 ... < 100.2 ... 1 to 2 ... 105. auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>eU h : 85 ... 230 V AC/DC 1 1U h : 24 ... 60 V AC/DC 2 2from measuring input (>= 24 ... 60 V AC ) 3from measuring input (>= 85...230 V AC ) 4U h : 24 V AC/ 24 ... 60 V DC 5 5from low volt<strong>ag</strong>e areaU h = rated volt<strong>ag</strong>etolerances: DC -15 ... +33 %, AC -15 ... +15 %! 3 not to be <strong>com</strong>bined with measuring range order no.: C ... L! 4 not to be <strong>com</strong>bined with measuring range order no.: A , B, L6. response time300 ms, standard 150 ms 27. test certificateswithout test certificate 0with test certificate in GermanDwith test certificate in EnglishEwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 275

MBS AGEMBSIN 120 UV - Measuring transducer for alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>e, without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplyFeaturesOrder no.EMBSIN 120 UV, measuring transducer for alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>eorder no.: 120 U - Vxxx 120 U - V X X X1. constructionhousing MBS, for 35 mm DIN railV2. measuring range0 ... 100 / \/¯¯3 V 10 ... 110 / \/¯¯3 V 20 ... 100 V 30 ... 110 V 40 ... 250 V 60 ... 500 V ! 89: ______________ V! 9: Nonstandard [V] 0 ... 20 to 0 ... 500 V! max. 250 V rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e to earth, working volt<strong>ag</strong>e 9acc. to EN 61010!3. output signal0 ... 5 mA 10 ... 10 mA 20 ... 20 mA 34. additional text on the labelwithout additional text 0with additional text 1rated frequency of the measuring signal: 50 / 60 HzOrder ListsEMBSIN 120 U - Measuring transducer for alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>e, without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplyFeaturesOrder no.EMBSIN 120 U, measuring transducer for alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>eorder no.: 120 U - Mxxxx 120 U - M X X X X1. constructionhousing MBS, for 35 mm DIN railM2. measuring range0 ... 100 / \/¯¯3 V A0 ... 110 / \/¯¯3 V B0 ... 120 / \/¯¯3 V C0 ... 100 V D0 ... 110 V E0 ... 116.66 V F0 ... 120 V G0 ... 125 V H0 ... 133.33 V J0 ... 150 V K0 ... 250 V L0 ... 400 V M0 ... 500 V NZ: __________ V Z! Z: Nonstandard [V] 0...20 to 0...500 V! max. 250 V rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e to earth, working volt<strong>ag</strong>eacc. to EN 61010!3. output signal0 ... 5 mA, Ra

MBS AGOrder ListsEMBSIN 241 FV - Measuring transducer for frequencyFeaturesOrder no.EMBSIN 241 FV, measuring transducer for frequencyorder no.: 241 F - Vxxxxxxxx 241 F- V X X X X X X X X1. constructionhousing MBS, for 35 mm DIN railV2. measuring range40 ... 70 Hz 145 ... 55 Hz 248 ... 52 Hz 345 ... 65 Hz 455 ... 65 Hz 59: (40 Hz 70 Hz) fa fe 70 Hz fa______Hz fe______Hz 93. output signalmA 1V 24. output signal, start valueoutput signal unipolar, start value 1output signal live-zero, start value 20 % 25. output signal, end valueoutput signal, end value: 5 mA 1output signal, end value: 10 mA 2output signal, end value: 20 mA 3output signal, end value: 1 ... 20 mA, ______mA 9output signal, end value: 10 VAoutput signal, end value: 1 ... 10 V, ______VZ6. auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>euniversal power supply 1 0AC power supply 257 V 1100 V 3110 V 4230 V 5400 V 7500 V 87. type of serial interfacewithout interface 1RS232 2RS485 38. type of output characteristicslinearLcurved (1)B(1) Please take notice of the additional information in table 2 when ordering curved output characteristics.Table 2Additional information when ordering measuring transducers with curved output characteristicsWhen ordering measuring transducers with curved output characteristics the start and end points as well as the position of therequired curved break of the to be adjusted transmission ratio have to be defined. Measuring transducers of the type EMBSIN 241 FVallow the presentation of transmission characteristics of up to 5 curved breaks.DescriptionCodestart value of the measuring value (s) dependent on the measuring range sstart value of the output value (p)0 mA ... +20 mA / 0 V ... +10 Vdependent on the output range p0 mA p +20 mA / 0 p +10 Vend value of the measuring value (e) dependent on the measuring range eend value of the output value (rt) if measuring value (e)1 mA ... +20 mA / 1 V ... +10 Vdependent on the output range rtvalue of the measuring value (n x ) dependent on the measuring range n 1 ... n 50 mA ... +20 mA/ 0 V ... +10 Vvalue of the output value (o x ) if measuring value (n x ) dependent on the output range o 1 ... o 50 p +20/ 0 p +10www.mbs-stromwandler.de 277

MBS AGOrder ListsEMBSIN 241 F - Measuring transducer for frequencyEMBSIN 241 FD - Measuring transducer for frequency differenceFeaturesOrder no.EMBSIN 241 F, measuring transducer for frequencyorder no.: 241 F - Mxxxxxx 241 F - M X X X X X XEMBSIN 241 FD, measuring transducer for frequency differenceorder no.: 241 FD - Mxxxxxx 241 FD- M X X X X X X1. constructionhousing MBS, for 35 mm DIN railM2. rated nominal volt<strong>ag</strong>e241 FD -> generator and bus barinput volt<strong>ag</strong>e10 ... 230 V 1> 230 ... 690 V 2! Three-phase system:input volt<strong>ag</strong>e = linked volt<strong>ag</strong>e! 2 not permissible by auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e starting from measuring input3. measuring range45 ... 50 ... 55 Hz 147 ... 49 ... 51 Hz 247.5 ... 50 ... 52.5 Hz 348 ... 50 ... 52 Hz 458 ... 60 ... 62 Hz 59: _____________ Hz 9! 9: nonstandard [ Hz ]; limit values:start value fa > = 10 Hz, end value fe = 24 ... 60 V AC ) 3from measuring input (>= 85...230 V AC ) 4auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e U h : 24 V AC / 24 ... 60 V DC from 5low volt<strong>ag</strong>e sideU h = rated volt<strong>ag</strong>etolerances: DC -15 ... +33 %, AC -15 ... +15 %! 3 + 4 not to be <strong>com</strong>bined with input rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e, order no. 26. response time4 periods of input frequency 12 periods of input frequency 28 periods of input frequency 316 periods of input frequency 4! 1: 4 periods = standard7. test certificateswithout test certificate 0with test certificate in GermanDwith test certificate in EnglishE278 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGOrder ListsEMBSIN 271 G - Measuring transducer for phase angleEMBSIN 281 G - Measuring transducer for power factorFeaturesOrder no.EMBSIN 271 G, measuring transducer for phase angleorder no.: 271 G - Mxxxxxxxxx 271 G- M X X X X X X X X X XEMBSIN 281 G, measuring transducer for power factororder no.: 281 G - Mxxxxxxxxx 281 G- M X X X X X X X X X X1. constructionhousing MBS, for 35 mm DIN railM2. type of measuringfor phase angle (proportional phi) 1for power factor (proportional cos phi) 23. applicationsingle-phase AC current 13- or 4-phase DC current, balanced U:L1-L2; I : L1 2L2-L3; I : L2 3L3-L1; I : L3 4L1-L3; I : L1 5L2-L1; I : L2 6L3-L2; I : L3 7L1-L2; I : L3AL2-L3; I : L1BL3-L1; I : L2C4. input rated frequencyrated frequency 50 Hz 1rated frequency 60 Hz 29: _______________ Hz 9! 9: Nonstandard [Hz]: 10 0.5 ... 6 A) 9! 9: Nonstandard [A] upon request7. measuring range-60 ... 0 ... 60° el 1cos phi : 0.5 ... cap ... 1 ... ind ... 0.5 29: Nonstandard: _____________ 9! 1 not to be <strong>com</strong>bined with measuring type order no. 2! 2 not to be <strong>com</strong>bined with measuring type order no. 1! 9 Nonstandard, measuring range within1 ... ind ... 0 ... cap ... 1 ... ind ... 0 ... cap ... 1or -180 ... 0 ... 180° elclear output value, only to 175 ... 0 ... 175° el;measuring range > = 20° elwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 279

MBS AGOrder ListsContinuation from p<strong>ag</strong>e 278EMBSIN 271 G - Measuring transducer for phase angleEMBSIN 281 G - Measuring transducer for power factorFeaturesOrder no.8. output signal0 ... 20 mA 14 ... 20 mA 29: ______________ mA 90 ... 10 V AZ: ______________ V Z! 9: Nonstandard [mA]: 0 ... 1.0 to 0 ... < 20-1.0 ... 0 ... 1.0 to -20 ... 0 ... 201 ... 5 to < (4 ... 20)! Z: Nonstandard [V]: 0 ... 1.0 to 0 ... < 100.2 ... 1 to 2 ... 10-1.0 ... 0 ... 1.0 to -10 ... 0 ... 109. auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>eU h: 85 ... 230 V AC/DC 1U h: 24 ... 60 V AC/DC 2from measuring input (>= 24 ... 60 V AC ) 3from measuring input (>= 85...230 V AC ) 4U h: 24 V AC / 24 ... 60 V DC from 5low volt<strong>ag</strong>e sideU h = rated volt<strong>ag</strong>etolerances: DC -15 ... +33 %, AC -15 ... +15 %! 3 not to be <strong>com</strong>bined with input rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e, order-no. 1 and 210. response time4 periods of the input frequency 12 periods of the input frequency 28 periods of the input frequency 316 periods of the input frequency 4! 4 periods = standard11. test certificateswithout test certificate 0with test certificate in GermanDwith test certificate in EnglishE280 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGOrder ListsEMBSIN 271 GD – Measuring transducer for phase angle differenceFeaturesorder no.EMBSIN 271 GD, measuring transducer for phase angle-differenceorder no.: 271 GD - Mxxxxxxx 271 GD - M X X X X X X X1. constructionhousing MBS, for 35mm DIN railM2. input rated frequency50 Hz 160 Hz 29: _____________ Hz 9! 9: Nonstandard [Hz]: 10 to 1500by auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e from measuring input40 Hz f n 400 Hz3. input rated volt<strong>ag</strong>egenerator and bus barUn : 100 V 1Un : 230V 2Un : _____________ V 93-phase system: Input volt<strong>ag</strong>e = linked volt<strong>ag</strong>e! 9: Nonstandard [V]: see selection criteria 6, digit 3 and 44. measuring range-120° ... 0° ... +120° el 19: measuring range : _________________ ° e 9! 9: Nonstandard [°el ], measuring range within-10 ... 0 ... 10 to -180 ... 0 ... +180clear output value, yet only up to -175° ... 0 ... +175° el5. output signal0 ... 20 mA 14 ... 20 mA 29: _________________ mA 90 ... 10V AZ: _________________ V Z! 9: Nonstandard [mA]: 0 ... 1.00 to 0 ... < 20-1.0 ... 0 ... 1.00 to -20 ... 0 ... 201 ... 5 to < ( 4 ... 20 )! Z: Nonstandard [V]: 0 ... 1.0 to 0 ... < 100.2 ... 1 to 2 ... 10-1.0 ... 0 ... 1.0 to -10 ... 0 ... 106. auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>eU h : 85 ... 230 V AC/DC 1U h : 24 ... 60 V AC/DC 2from measuring input (>= 24 ... 60 V AC ) 3from measuring input (>= 85...230 V AC ) 4U h : 24 V AC / 24 ... 60 V DC from 5low volt<strong>ag</strong>e sideU h = rated volt<strong>ag</strong>etolerances: DC -15 ... +33 %, AC -15 ... +15 %! 3 and 4 not to be <strong>com</strong>bined with input rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e order no. 27. 7. response time4 periods of the input frequency 12 periods of the input frequency 28 periods of the input frequency 316 periods of the input frequency 4! 4 periods = standard8. test certificateswithout test certificate 0with test certificate GermanDwith test certificate EnglishEwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 281

MBS AGOrder ListsEMBSIN 351 P – Measuring transducer for active powerEMBSIN 361 Q – Measuring transducer for re-active powerFeaturesorder no.EMBSIN 351 P - Measuring transducer for active powerorder no.: 351 P - Mx xxxxxxxx 351 P- M X X X X X X X X XEMBSIN 361 Q - Measuring transducer for re-active powerorder no. : 361 Q - M xxxxxxxxx 361 Q- M X X X X X X X X1. constructionhousing MBS, for 35 mm DIN railM2. Application3-/4-wire AC current, balanced (U:L1,L2,L3 I:L1) 13-wire AC current, unbalanced 24-phase AC current, unbalanced 33. rated input frequency50 Hz 160 Hz 24. input rated volt<strong>ag</strong>eU n ; 100 ... 115 V ; ___________ V values to be stated! 1U n ; 200 ... 230 V ; ___________ V 2U n ; 380 ... 440 V ; ___________ V 3U n ; 600 ... 690 V ; ___________ V 4Nonstandard U n ; ___________ V 9! 1 ... 4: True effective nominal volt<strong>ag</strong>es to be stated! 9: Nonstandard [V]: > 115 to < 600U n = linked volt<strong>ag</strong>e!5. input currentIn: 1 A 1In: 5 A 26. measuring rangebipolar: ________________ W 1unipolar: ________________ W 2measuring range end values to be stated in Watti.e. 500W by measuring range bipolar -500 ... 5001000 W by measuring range unipolar 0 ... 1000permissable end value : 0.75 ... 1.3 x Un x In x \/¯¯3 [ W ]bipolar: ______________ var 1unipolar: ______________ var 2measuring range end values to be stated in vari.e. 500var by measuring range bipolar -500 ... 5001000 Var by measuring range unipolar 0 ... 1000permissable end value: 0.5 ... 1.0 x Un x In x \/¯¯3 [Var]7. output signal, start valuebipolar, start value -100 % end value 1unipolar, start value 0 2live-zero, start value = 20 % end value 3! 1 output bipolar not possible with measuring range unipolarmeasuring range-order no. 2)8. output signal, end valueend value: 20 mA 1end value: 10 mA 2end value: 5 mA 3end value: 2.5 mA 4end value: 10 VA9. auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplyU h : 85 ... 230 V DC/AC 1U h : 24 ... 60 V DC/AC 2from measuring input (>= 85...230 V AC) 4U h : 24 V AC / 24 ... 60 V DC 5connection via low volt<strong>ag</strong>e sidetolerances: DC : -15 … +33 % ; AC: -15 … +15 %! 4 not to be <strong>com</strong>bined with rated input volt<strong>ag</strong>e order-no. 3 and 410. test certificateswithout test certificate 0with test certificate GermanDwith test certificate EnglishE282 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGauxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e 230 V ACOrder ListsEMBSIN 301 – Measuring transducer for alternating current / RMS effective valuemeasuringauxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e 24 V DCOrder no.Measuring range137112 30 / 15 A137113 40 / 20 A137114 50 / 25 A137115 60 / 30 A137117 100 / 50 A137118 150 / 75 A137119 200 / 100 A137120 250 / 125 A137121 300 / 150 A137122 400 / 200 A137123 500 / 250 A137124 600 / 300 AOrder no.Measuring range137212 30 / 15 A137213 40 / 20 A137214 50 / 25 A137215 60 / 30 A137217 100 / 50 A137218 150 / 75 A137219 200 / 100 A137220 250 / 125 A137221 300 / 150 A137222 400 / 200 A137223 500 / 250 A137224 600 / 300 AEMBSIN 391 PV – Programmable measuring transducer for all electrical parametersFeaturesOrder no.EMBSIN 391 PV, programmable measuring transducerfor all electrical parametersorder no.: 391 P - Vxxxxxxxxx 391 P - V X X X X X X X X X1. applicationsingle-phase alternating current 13-wire direct current, balanced 23-wire direct current, unbalanced 34-wire direct current, balanced 44-wire alternating current, unbalanced 52. nominal range of the input volt<strong>ag</strong>einput volt<strong>ag</strong>e direct connectioninput volt<strong>ag</strong>e via volt<strong>ag</strong>e transformerA0 ... 50 V AC (linked volt<strong>ag</strong>e!)please state value! 10 ... 500 V AC (linked volt<strong>ag</strong>e!)please state value! 23. nominal value of the input currentinput current via current transformerB0 ... 0.5 A AC, please state value! 10 ... 5.0 A AC, please state value! 24. auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>euniversal power supply 1 0(24 ... 300 V DC/ 40 ... 276 V AC )AC-volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply (!)(!) units with this type of auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply have only oneanalogue measuring output 2AC-volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply57.74 V AC 163.5 V AC 2100 V AC 3110 V AC 4230 V AC 5250 V AC 6400 V AC 7500 V AC 85. type of serial interfaceRS232 1RS485 26. state upon deliverytransmission parameters are not set 0parameters are arranged acc. to customer specification 1www.mbs-stromwandler.de 283

MBS AGOrder Listsordering schedule 1EMBSIN 391 PV – Programmable measuring transducer for all electrical parametersDescriptionCodemeasuring volumetrue-rms-currentapplicationsingle-phase alternating current L I 1, I 2 , I 3alternating current, three-phase system L 1 , L 2 or L 3 I N or Imeasuring range 0 ... 0.5 A to 0 ... 5 A _______Atrue-rms-volt<strong>ag</strong>esingle-phase alternating current U _______phase to NU 1 , U 2 or U 3alternating current linked volt<strong>ag</strong>e _______U 1 -U 2 , U 2 -U 3 or U 3 -U 1measuring range 0 ... 50 V to 0 ... 500 V 0 - _____Vfrequencyall connections system frequency _______Hzmeasuring range 45Hz f 65 Hz (f 1 f f 2 ) __ f __Hzphase anglesingle-phase alternating current 1 , 2 , 3 (U - I)alternating current, three-phase system 12 , 13 , 23 (U 1-U 2, U 1-U 3, U 2-U 3)aver<strong>ag</strong>e value -180° 180°measuring rangedefined range( 1 2 )power factorsingle-phase alternating currentPFalternating current PF 1 , PF 2 or PF 3PF total supply networkmeasuring range -1 PF +1defined rangeactive powersingle-phase alternating currentPalternating current, three-phase system P 1 , P 2 or P 3 ______WP-total______Wmeasuring rangedependent on input value U, I(+/-) ... Wre-active powersingle-phase alternating currentQalternating current, three-phase system Q 1 , Q 2 or Q 3 ______varQ-total______varmeasuring rangedependent on input value U, I(+/-) ... var284 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGOrder Listsordering schedule 2EMBSIN 391 PV – Programmable measuring transducer for all electrical parametersDescriptionCodemeasuring volumeapparent power (VA)single-phase alternating current S _______alternating current, three-phase system S 1 , S 2 or S 3 _______S total_______measuring range dependent on value U, I ___VA ...__VA(+/-) ... VAretrievable available valuescurrent phases I 1 , I 2 , I 3 I 1 , I 2 or I 3 DDI 1 , DDI 2 , DDI 3mean value of the total apparent power S total DDSttotal active power P-total positive DDPt+P-total negativeDDPttotalre-active power Q-total -L DDQtLQ-total +CDDQtCmeasuring range dependent on the type of inquiry _______type of output characteristictype of output characteristic linear Lcurved (1)B(1) when ordering curved output characteristics please refer to the additional information in table 3outputsstart value of the output signals -20 mA I +20 mA current _______mA-10 V U +10 V volt<strong>ag</strong>e _______Voutput value 0 ... 20 mA current output _______mA0 ... 10 V volt<strong>ag</strong>e output _______Vstandard output values0 ... 1 mA0 ... 5 mA0 ... 10 mA0 ... 20 mA4 ... 20 mA-1 ... 0 ... +1 mA-10 ... 0 ... +10 mA-20 ... 0 ... +20 mA0 ... 10 V-1 ... 0 ... +1 V-10 ... 0 ... +10 VAll output signals are limited to 120 % of the rated nominal valueordering schedule 3EMBSIN 391 PV - Programmable measuring transducer for all electrical parametersTable 3Additional information when ordering measuring transducers with curved output characteristicsWhen ordering measuring transducers whith curved characteristics the start and end points as well as the position of the requiredcurved break of the to be adjusted transmission ratio have to be defined. Measuring transducers of the type EMBSIN 391 PV allowthe presentation of transmission characteristics of up to 5 curved breaks .Descriptionstart value of the measuring value (s)dependent on measuring range s-20 mA ... +20 mA/ -10 V ... +10 Vstart value of the output value dependent on output range p-20 p +20/ -10 p +10end value of the measuring value (e) dependent on measuring range eend value of the output value (r t ) if measuring value (e) -20 mA ... +20 mA/ -10 V ... +10 V rtdependent on output rangevalue of the measuring value (n x ) dependent on measuring range n 1 ... n 5-20 mA ... +20 mA/ -10 V ... +10 Vvalue of the output value (o x ) if measuring value (n x ) dependent on output range o 1 ... o 5-20 p +20/ -10 p +10Codewww.mbs-stromwandler.de 285

MBS AGOrdering example:The measuring transducer EMBSIN 391 PV is installed into a 4-wire alternating current supply network with balancedphase-loads. The measuring transducer is connected via a volt<strong>ag</strong>e transformer 100/0.11 kV as well as to a currenttransformer of 200/5 A. The auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply of the measuring transducer is effected by means of an integratedpower unit. For the <strong>com</strong>munication an interface of RS485 is required. The following measuring values must be includedin the measuring feeds:total output of the systemoutput currenttransmission ratiomeasuring valueoutput volt<strong>ag</strong>emeasuring valuecurrent outputOutput 1-40 ... +40 MW-20...+20 mAlinearOutput 2phase angle0 ... 10 Vstart value: -180˚ = -10 Vcurved point: 0˚ = 10 Vend value: 179.9˚ = 10 VOutput 3system frequency 45 ... 55 Hz0 ... 20 mA48 Hz = 2 mA52 Hz = 18 mA55 Hz = 20 mAOrdering text: EMBSIN 391 P - V-4; A2, 110 V; B2, 5 A; 10; 2, 1output 1: P± 40 MW; L; -20…200 mAoutput 2: ± 180˚; B; (180/-10; 0/0; 180/10)output 3: f 45…55 Hz; B; (45/0, 48/2, 52/18, 55/20)type of circuit *rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e range *value of rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e *rated current *value of rated current *auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply *serial interface *state upon delivery *EMBSIN 391P – V-4; A2, 110 V, B2, 5A; 10; 2; 1* order code of table 1, p<strong>ag</strong>e 282

MBS AGStandard UnitsEMBSIN 100 I Measuring transducer for AC current, without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288EMBSIN 101 I Measuring transducer for AC current, with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288EMBSIN 201 IE Measuring transducer for AC current, rms measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288EMBSIN 120 U Measuring transducer for AC volt<strong>ag</strong>e, without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288EMBSIN 121 U Measuring transducer for AC volt<strong>ag</strong>e, with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289EMBSIN 221 UE Measuring transducer for AC volt<strong>ag</strong>e, rms measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289EMBSIN 241 F Measuring transducer for frequency for universal AC/DC power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289EMBSIN 281 G Measuring transducer for power factors, with universal AC/DC power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289EMBSIN 351 P Measuring transducer for active power, with universal AC/DC power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290EMBSIN 361 Q Measuring transducer for re-active power, with universal AC/DC power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290www.mbs-stromwandler.de 287

MBS AGStandard UnitsEMBSIN 100 IMeasuring transducer for alternating current, without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e, with 2 measuring rangesConstruction Rated frequency Measuring range Output signal Art.-no.0 ... 1.0 A / 5 A 0 ... 5 mA 127 698housing 0 ... 1.0 A / 5 A 0 ... 10 mA 127 705MBS 50/60 Hz 0 ... 1.0 A / 5 A 0 ... 20 mA 127 713for 35 mm 0 ... 1.2 A / 6 A 0 ... 5 mA 127 721DIN rail 0 ... 1.2 A / 6 A 0 ... 10 mA 127 7390 ... 1.2 A / 6 A 0 ... 20 mA 127 747EMBSIN 101 IMeasuring transducer for alternating current, with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>eConstruction Rated frequency Measuring range Output signal Auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e Art.-no.0 ... 1 A 0 ... 20 mA 230 V AC 128 2900 ... 5 A 0 ... 20 mA 230 V AC 128 307housing 0 ... 1 A 4 ... 20 mA 230 V AC 128 331MBS 50/60 Hz 0 ... 5 A 4 ... 20 mA 230 V AC 128 349for 35 mm 0 ... 1 A 0 ... 20 mA 24 V DC 128 315DIN rail 0 ... 5 A 0 ... 20 mA 24 V DC 128 3230 ... 1 A 4 ... 20 mA, 2-wire 24 V DC 128 3570 ... 5 A 4 ... 20 mA, 2-wire 24 V DC 128 365EMBSIN 201 IEMeasuring transducer for alternating current, with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e, with 2 measuringranges, effective value measuringConstruction Rated frequency Measuring range Output signal Auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e DC Art.-no.or AC 40…400 Hzhousing 0 ... 1.0 A / 5 A 0 ... 20 mA 128 232MBS 0 ... 1.0 A / 5 A 4 ... 20 mA 85 ... 230 V 128 240for 35 mm 50/60 Hz 0 ... 1.2 A / 6 A 0 ... 20 mA 128 258DIN rail 0 ... 1.2 A / 6 A 4 ... 20 mA 128 266Response time of the output value: 300 msEMBSIN 120 UMeasuring transducer for alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>e, without auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplyConstruction Rated frequency Measuring range Output signal Art.-no.0 ... 100 / 3 V 0 ... 5 mA 127 8540 ... 100 / 3 V 0 ... 20 mA 127 8620 ... 110 / 3 V 0 ... 5 mA 127 8700 ... 110 / 3 V 0 ... 20 mA 127 888housing 0 ... 100 V 0 ... 5 mA 127 896MBS 0 ... 100 V 0 ... 20 mA 127 903for 35 mm 50/60 Hz 0 ... 110 V 0 ... 5 mA 127 911DIN rail 0 ... 110 V 0 ... 20 mA 127 9290 ... 120 V 0 ... 5 mA 127 9530 ... 120 V 0 ... 20 mA 127 9610 ... 250 V 0 ... 5 mA 127 9370 ... 250 V 0 ... 20 mA 127 9450 ... 500 V 0 ... 5 mA 127 9790 ... 500 V 0 ... 20 mA 127 987288 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGStandard UnitsEMBSIN 121 UMeasuring transducer for alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>e, with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplyConstruction Rated frequency Measuring range Output signal Auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e Art.-no.0 ... 100 V 0 ... 20 mA 230 V AC 127 3410 ... 250 V 0 ... 20 mA 230 V AC 127 359housing 0 ... 500 V 0 ... 20 mA 230 V AC 127 383MBS 50/60 Hz 0 ... 100 V 0 ... 20 mA 24 V DC 127 367for 35 mm 0 ... 250 V 0 ... 20 mA 24 V DC 127 375DIN rail 0 ... 100 V 4 ... 20 mA, 2-wire 24 V DC 127 3910 ... 250 V 4 ... 20 mA, 2-wire 24 V DC 127 4080 ... 500 V 4 ... 20 mA, 2-wire 24 V DC 127 416EMBSIN 221 UE Measuring transducer for alternating volt<strong>ag</strong>e, with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supply,effective value measuringConstruction Rated frequency Measuring range Output signal Auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e DC Art.-no.or AC 40…400 Hz0 ... 100 V 0 ... 20 mA 127 4400 ... 100 V 4 ... 20 mA 127 458housing 0 ... 120 V 0 ... 20 mA 127 466MBS 50/60 Hz 0 ... 120 V 4 ... 20 mA 85 ... 230 V 127 474for 35 mm 0 ... 250 V 0 ... 20 mA 127 507DIN rail 0 ... 250 V 4 ... 20 mA 127 5150 ... 500 V 0 ... 20 mA 127 4820 ... 500 V 4 ... 20 mA 127 490response time of the output signal: 300 msEMBSIN 241 FMeasuring transducer for frequency, with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplyConstruction Input volt<strong>ag</strong>e Measuring range Output signal Auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e DC Art.-no.or AC 40…400 Hz45 ... 55 Hz 0 ... 20 mA 127 54910 ... 230 V 45 ... 55 Hz 4 ... 20 mA 127 557housing 48 ... 52 Hz 0 ... 20 mA 127 573MBS 48 ... 52 Hz 4 ... 20 mA 85 ... 230 V 127 565for 35 mm 45 ... 55 Hz 0 ... 20 mA 127 581DIN rail 230 ... 690 V 45 ... 55 Hz 4 ... 20 mA 127 60648 ... 52 Hz 0 ... 20 mA 127 59948 ... 52 Hz 4 ... 20 mA 127 614response time of the output volume: 4 periods of the input frequencyEMBSIN 281 GMeasuring transducer for active power factor, with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplyConstruction Input volumes Output signal Application Auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e DC Art.-no.or AC 40…400 Hzhousing 230 V AC (L1-N) 0 ... 20 mA single-phase 127 648MBS and 5 A (L1 ) 4 ... 20 mA alternating current 85 ... 230 V 127 664for 35 mm 400 V AC (L1-L2) 0 ... 20 mA 3- or 4-wire 127 656DIN rail and 5 A (L1) 4 ... 20 mA direct current, balanced load 127 672response time of the output volume:rated frequency of the input volume:measuring range:output volume:4 periods of the input frequency50 Hz0.5…cap…1…ind…0.5 cos phiproportional cos phiwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 289

MBS AGStandard UnitsEMBSIN 351 PMeasuring transducer for active power, with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplyConstruction Measuring inputs Output signal Application Auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e DC Art.-no.or AC 40…400 HzU n: L1, L 2, L 3 4 ... 20 mA 3-wire direct current 137 770housing I n: L1 balanced loadMBS U n : L 1 , L 2 , L 3 4 ... 20 mA 3-wire direct current 85 ... 230 V 137 788for 35 mm I n: L1 and L 3 unbalanced loadDIN rail U n: L1, L 2, L 3 4 ... 20 mA 4-wire direct current 137 796I n : L 1 , L 2 , L 3unbalanced loadinput rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U n :input rated current:rated frequency measuring input:measuring range:400 V (linked volt<strong>ag</strong>e!)5 A50 Hz0 … 2 kvarEMBSIN 361 QMeasuring transducer for re-active power, with auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e supplyConstruction Measuring inputs Output signal Application Auxiliary volt<strong>ag</strong>e DC Art.-no.or AC 40…400 HzhousingMBS U n : L 1 , L 2 , L 3 4 ... 20 mA 3-wire alternating current 85 ... 230 V 137 803for 35 mm I n : L 1 and L 3 unbalanced loadDIN railinput rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U n :input rated current:rated frequency measuring input:measuring range:400 V (linked volt<strong>ag</strong>e!)5 A50 Hz0 … 2 kvar290 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGElectronic energy meter for industrial applicationsSingle-phase energy meter, direct measuring, clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railp<strong>ag</strong>eECP6112 2-wire 1 S0-impulse output kWh 5 (32) A . . . . . .292ECP6152 2-wire 1 S0-impulse output, LCD kWh 5 (32) A . . . . . .293EMU6114 2-wire 1 S0-impulse output kWh 5 (63) A . . . . . .294EMU6124 2-wire 1 S0-impulse output 2 tariffs kWh 5 (63) A . . . . . .295Single-phase energy and power meter, direct measuring (suitable for socket)EMU6557 2-wire cable connection kWh 16 A . . . . . .296EMU6657 2-wire suitable for socket kWh 16 A . . . . . .297Three-phase energy meter, direct measuring, clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railEEH1116 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output kWh / kvarh 10 (63) A . . . . . .298EEH1126 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output 2 tariffs +/-kWh / kvarh 10 (63) A . . . . . .299EEH1176 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output, LCD 2 tariffs +/-kWh / kvarh 10 (63) A . . . . . .300EEH2116 3-wire 1 S0-impulse output kWh / kvarh 10 (63) A . . . . . .301EEH2126 3-wire 1 S0-impulse output 2 tariffs +/-kWh / kvarh 10 (63) A . . . . . .302EEH2176 3-wire 1 S0-impulse output, LCD 2 tariffs +/-kWh / kvarh 10 (63) A . . . . . .303Three-phase energy transformer meter, clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railEEH1115 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output kWh / kvarh 5 A, 1 A . . . . . .304EEH1125 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output 2 tariffs +/-kWh / kvarh 5 A, 1 A . . . . . .305EEH1175 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output, LCD 2 tariffs +/-kWh / kvarh 5 A, 1 A . . . . . .306EEH2115 3-wire 1 S0-impulse output kWh / kvarh 5 A, 1 A . . . . . .307EEH2125 3-wire 1 S0-impulse output 2 tariffs +/-kWh / kvarh 5 A, 1 A . . . . . .308EEH2175 3-wire 1 S0-impulse output, LCD 2 tariffs +/-kWh / kvarh 5 A, 1 A . . . . . .309EWS1915 4-wire with relay impulse output +/-kWh / kvarh 5 A, 1 A . . . . . .310EWS1945 4-wire with relay impulse output 2 electro-mechanical counters +/-kWh / kvarh 5 A, 1 A . . . . . .311EWS1995 4-wire with relay impulse output, LCD 2 electro-mechanical counters +/-kWh / kvarh 5 A, 1 A . . . . . .312Three-phase energy transformer meter for front panel mounting, 96 x 96 mmEWQ1915 4-wire with relay impulse output +/-kWh / kvarh 5 A, 1 A . . . . . .313EWQ1945 4-wire with relay impulse output 2 electro-mechanical counters +/-kWh / kvarh 5 A, 1 A . . . . . .314EWQ1995 4-wire with relay impulse output, LCD 2 electro-mechanical counters +/-kWh / kvarh 5 A, 1 A . . . . . .315www.mbs-stromwandler.de 291

MBS AGECP6112Single-phase energy meter,direct measuringAC energy meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterECP6112drawingMains 2-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value: -30 %...+30 %frequency50 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocouplermax. 27 V DC / 10 up to 27 mAoutput impulse1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 20, 21Counter1 counter meter for active energy (kWh)electro-mechanical meternumber of digits 6 (5.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width2 mmfunction controlflashing LED 1000 Imp/kWhCurrent rangenominal current I Nmax. current (I max )start currentenergy consumption5 (32) A5 A32 A0.004 I N0.4 Wconnection di<strong>ag</strong>ramTechnical dataaccuracy class class 1ambient temperature -25 °C to +55 °Cconnections 1...6 mm 2dimensions (mm) 18.6 x 91 x 64weight0.08 kg292 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGECP6152Single-phase energy meter,direct measuringAC energy meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterECP6152Mains 2-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value: -30 %...+30 %frequency50 HzdrawingOutputCounter1 S0-impulse outputoptocouplermax. 27 V DC / 10 up to 27 mAoutput impulse1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 20, 21LCD counter meter for active energy (kWh)LCD counter meternumber of digits 6 (5.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width2 mmfunction controlflashing LED 1000 Imp/kWhCurrent rangenominal current I Nmax. current (I max )start currentenergy consumption5 (32) A5 A32 A0.004 I N0.4 Wconnection di<strong>ag</strong>ramTechnical dataaccuracy class class 1ambient temperature -25 °C to +55 °Cconnections 1...6 mm 2dimensions (mm) 18.6 x 91 x 64weight0.08 kgwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 293

MBS AGEMU6114Single-phase energy meterAC energy meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railThese energy meters are suitable for calibrationType of energy meterEMU12.x1mphoto is similar to the originaldrawingMains 2-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %frequency50 Hzfrequency range 45…65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler5-30 V DC / 20 mA max.(S0+/S0-) impulse duration 125 mscollector open output impulse 10 Imp/kWhimpedance0.5 – 1.5 kOhmconnection terminal 5 / 6Counter1 counter meter for active energy (kWh)electro-mechanical meternumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmoperating display green LEDLED test10 Imp/Wh (invisible)Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current (I max )consumptionstart current5 (63) A5 A63 A0.8 W0.005 I NTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approvalaccuracy classclass 2, DIN EN 61036, active energyambient temperature -10 °C to +50 °Cprotection classhousing IP 51main connections 1 ... 10 mm 2SO-impulse output max. 2.5 mm 2dimensions (mm) 36 x 90 x 71weight0.15 kgdi<strong>ag</strong>ram294 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEMU6124Single-phase energy meterAC energy meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railThese energy meters are suitable for calibrationType of energy meterEMU12.x1mphoto is similar to the originaldrawingMains 2-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %frequency50 Hzfrequency range 45…65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler5-30 V DC / 20 mA max.(S0+/S0-) impulse duration 125 mscollector open output impulse 10 Imp/kWhimpedance0.5 – 1.5 kOhmconnection terminal 5 / 6Counter2 counter meters for active energy HT-NT (kWh)2 electro-mechanical metersnumber of digits 7 (6.1-digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmoperating display green LED (active tariff)LED test10 Imp/Wh (invisible)Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current (I max )consumptionstart current5 (63) A5 A63 A0.8 W0.005 I Ndi<strong>ag</strong>ramTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approvalaccuracy classclass 2, DIN EN 61036, active energyambient temperature -10 °C to +50 °Cprotection classhousing IP 51main connections 1 ... 10 mm 2S0-impulse output max. 2.5 mm 2dimensions (mm) 36 x 90 x 71weight0.17 kgtariff control230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 1 and 3 are underload of 230 V ACwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 295

MBS AGEMU6557Single-phase energy meterSocket meterType of energy meterEMU1.x4Mains 2-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 176 - 264 Vfrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 HzOutputCountercable connectionLCD counter for active energy— continuous active energy Wh/kWh— price per kWh— total energy costs— present active power W/kW— present volt<strong>ag</strong>e V— present current supply Anumber of digits 4 (3.1 digits)digit height13 mmdigit width7.5 mmfunction controldisplay test in all functionsduring startCurrent rangenominal current I Nstart current16 A16 A10 mATechnical dataaccuracy classclass 2, IEC 348; IEC 1036, activeenergyambient temperature -10 °C to +50 °Cprotection class 1 IP 20connection0.01 - 16 A (euro-plug)dimensions (mm) 130 x 67 x 73weight0.36 kgcable length1.00 m296 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEMU6657Single-phase energy meterSocket meterType of energy meterEMU-CheckMains 2-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 140 - 264 Vfrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45…65 HzOutputCountersocketLCD counter for active energy— continuous active power Wh/kWh— level (adjusted starting value in kW)— time (total time via level in h)— present active power W/kW— present volt<strong>ag</strong>e V— present current supply A— present power factornumber of digits 6 (5.1 digits)digit height7 mmdigit width3.5 mmfunction controldisplay test in all functionsduring startCurrent rangenominal current I Nstart current16 A16 A10 mATechnical dataaccuracy classclass 2, IEC 1036, active energyambient temperature -10 °C to +50 °Cprotection class 1 IP 20connections0.01 - 16 A (euro-plug)dimensions (mm) 130 x 67 x 73weight0.15 kgpowerW, kWstart valuetimetime measuringtimewww.mbs-stromwandler.de 297

MBS AGEEH1116Three-phase energy meterAC energy meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEEH1116drawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45…65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH1316connectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sconnection A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32Counter1 counter meter for active energy (kWh)electro-mechanical meternumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmLED test 1000 Imp/kWh (red)LED operation status (red)(option)1 meter for reactive energy (kvarh) EEH1106Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current10 (63) A10 A63 A< 0.02 W/phase0.004 I NOption EEH5116equally load phasesTechnical dataapprobationsactive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformitywith UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 16 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2298 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEEH1126Three-phase energy meterAC energy meter for dual tariff, suitable for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEEH1126drawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41 / 42(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH1426connectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sconnection A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32Counter2 counter meters for active energy HT-NT (kWh)2 electro-mechanical metersnumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmLED test 1000 Imp/kWh (red)LED operation status (tariffs) (red)(option)2 meters for active/reactive energy (kvarh) EEH12362 meters for active energy (import/export) (kWh) EEH1246Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current10 (63) A10 A63 A< 0.02 W/phase0.004 I NOption EEH5226equally load phasesTechnical dataapprobationsactive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformitywith UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient operation -20 °C to +55 °Ctemperature stor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 16 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2tariff start230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 13 and 15are under load of 230 V ACwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 299

MBS AGEEH1176Three-phase energy meterAC energy meter for dual tariff, suitable for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEEH1176photo is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH1476connectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sconnection A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32CounterLCD counter meter for active energy HT-NT (kWh)LCD counternumber of digits 2 x 9 (8.1 digits)digit height4.86 mmdigit width2.96 mm(option)2 meters for active/reactive energy (kvarh) EEH12862 meters for active energy (import/export) (kWh) EEH1296Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current10 (63) A10 A63 A< 0.02 W/phase0.004 I NOption EEH5276equal load phasesTechnical dataapprobationsactive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformity with UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 16 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2tariff start230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 13 and 15are under load of 230 V AC300 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEEH2116Three-phase energy meterAC energy meter for dual tariff, suitable for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEEH2116photo is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramMains 3-wire L-L (400 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH2316connectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sconnection A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32Counter1 counter meter for active energy (kWh)electro-mechanical meternumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmLED test 1000 Imp/kWh (red)LED operations status (red)(option)1 meter for reactive energy (kvarh) EEH2106Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current10 (63) A10 A63 A< 0.02 W/phase0.004 I Noption EEH8116equally load phasesTechnical dataapprobationsactive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformity with UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 16 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2www.mbs-stromwandler.de 301

MBS AGEEH2126Three-phase energy meterAC energy meter for dual tariff, suitable for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEEH2126photo is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramMains 3-wire L-L (400 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41 / 42(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH2426connectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sconnection A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32Counter2 counter meters for active energy HT-NT (kWh)2 electro-mechanical metersnumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmLED test 1000 Imp/kWh (red)LED operation status (tariffs) (red)(option)2 meters for active/reactive energy (kWh/kvarh) EEH22362 meters for active energy (import/export) kWh) EEH2246Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current10 (63) A10 A63 A< 0.02 W/current path0.004 I Noption EEH8226equally load phasesTechnical dataapprobationsactive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformitywith UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 16 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2tariff start230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 13 and 15are under load of 230 V AC302 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEEH2176Three-phase energy meterAC energy meter for dual tariff, suitable for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEEH2176photo is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramMains 3-wire L-L (400 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41 / 42(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH2476connectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sconnection A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32CounterLCD counter meter for active energy HT-NT (kWh)number of digits 2 x 9 (8.1 digits)digit height4.86 mmdigit width2.96 mm(option)2 meters for active/reactive energy (kWh/kvarh) EEH22862 meters for active energy (import/export) kWh) EEH2296Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current10 (63) A10 A63 A< 0.02 W/current path0.004 I Noption EEH8276equally load phasesTechnical dataapprobationsactive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformitywith UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 16 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2tariff start230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 13 and 15are under load of 230 V ACwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 303

MBS AGEEH1115Three-phase energy transformer meterAC energy transformer meter, suitable for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEEH1115xxxxxxxx declaring the primary current is absolutely necessaryMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %... +15 %consumption< 3.0 VAfrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 Hzdrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramdi<strong>ag</strong>ramOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH1315xxxxconnectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sconnection A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32Counter1 counter meter for active energyelectro-mechanical meternumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmLED test 1000 Imp/kWh (red)LED operation status (red)(option) reactive energy EEH1105xxxxCurrent range5 Anominal current I N 5 Amax. current I max 6 Aconsumption< 0.02 W/current pathstart current0.002 I N(option) nominal current I N 1 A EEH1111xxxxoption EEH5115xxxxequally load phasesPrimary current 0.5 A to 2000 AIf not stated otherwise, the standard version 5 A or 1 Awill be suppliedTechnical dataapprobationsactive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformity with UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 10 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2304 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEEH1125Three-phase energy transformer meterAC energy transformer meter for dual tariff, suitable for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN raildrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramdi<strong>ag</strong>ramoption EEH5225equally load phasesType of energy meterEEH1125xxxxxxxx declaring the primary current is absolutely necessaryMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41 / 42(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH1425xxxxconnectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sconnection A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32Counter2 counter meters for active energy HT-NT (kWh)2 electro-mechanical metersnumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmLED test 1000 Imp/kWh (red)LED operation status (tariffs) (red)(option)2 meters for active/reactive energy (kWh/kvarh) EEH1235xxxx2 meters for active energy (import/export) (kWh) EEH1245xxxxCurrent range5 Anominal current I N 5 Amax. current I max 6 Aconsumption< 0.02 W/current pathstart current0.002 I N(option) nominal current I N 1 A EEH1221xxxxPrimary current 0.5 A to 2000 AIf not stated otherwise, the standard version 5 A or 1 Awill be suppliedTechnical dataapprobationsactive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformitywith UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 10 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2tariff start230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 13 and 15 are under loadof 230 V ACwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 305

MBS AGEEH1175Three-phase energy transformer meterAC energy transformer meter for dual tariff, suitable for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railphoto is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramType of energy meterEEH1175xxxxxxxx declaring the primary current is absolutely necessaryMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 Wfrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH1475xxxxconnectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sconnection A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32CounterLCD counter meter for active energy HT-NT (kWh)number of digits 2 x 9 (8.1-digits)digit height4.86 mmdigit width2.96 mm(option)2 meters for active/reactive energy (kWh/kvarh) EEH1285xxxx2 meters for active energy (import/export) (kWh) EEH1295xxxxCurrent range5 Anominal current I N 5 Amax. current I max 6 Aconsumption< 0.02 W/current pathstart current0.002 I N(option) nominal current I N 1 A EEH1271xxxxoption EEH5275xxxxequally load phasesPrimary current 0.5 A to 2000 AIf not stated otherwise, the standard version 5 A or 1 Awill be suppliedTechnical dataapprobationsactive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformity with UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 10 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2tariff start230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 13 and 15 are under loadof 230 V AC306 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEEH2115Three-phase energy transformer meterAC energy transformer meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railphoto is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramType of energy meterEEH2115xxxxxxxx declaring the primary current is absolutely necessaryMains 3-wire L-L (400 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value –20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH2315xxxxconnectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sconnection A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32Counter1 counter meter for active energy (kWh)electro-mechanical meternumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmLED test 1000 Imp/kWh (red)LED operation status (red)(option) reactive energy (kvarh) EEH2105xxxxCurrent range5 Anominal current I N 5 Amax. current I max 6 Aconsumption< 0.02 W/current pathstart current0.002 I N(option) nominal current I N 1 A EEH2111xxxxoption EEH8115xxxxequally load phasesPrimary current 0.5 A to 2000 AIf not stated otherwise, the standard version 5 A or 1 Awill be suppliedTechnical dataapprobationsactive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformity with UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 10 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2www.mbs-stromwandler.de 307

MBS AGEEH2125Three-phase energy transformer meterAC energy transformer meter for dual tariff for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railphoto is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramoption EEH8225xxxxequally load phasesType of energy meterEEH2125xxxxxxxx declaring the primary current is absolutely necessaryMains 3-wire L-L (400 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41 / 42(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH2425xxxxconnectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sconnection A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32Counter2 counter meters for active energy HT-NT (kWh)2 electro-mechanical metersnumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmLED test 1000 Imp/kWh (red)LED operation status (tariffs) (red)(option)2 meters for active/reactive energy (kWh/kvarh) EEH2235xxxx2 meters for active energy (kWh) EEH2245xxxxCurrent range5 Anominal current I N 5 Amax. current I max 6 Aconsumption< 0.02 W/current pathstart current0.002 I N(option) nominal current I N 1 A EEH2221xxxxPrimary current 0.5 A to 2000 AIf not stated otherwise, the standard version 5 A or 1 Awill be supplied.Technical dataapprobationsactive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformity with UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meteroperating temperature -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e temperature -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 10 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2tariff start230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 13 and 15 are under loadof 230 V AC308 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEEH2175Three-phase energy transformer meterAC energy transformer meter for dual tariff for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railphoto is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramType of energy meterEEH2175xxxxxxxx declaring the primary current is absolutely necessaryMains 3-wire L-L (400 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 Wfrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH2475xxxxconnectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sconnection A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32CounterLCD counter meter for active energy HT-NT (kWh)number of digits 2 x 9 (8.1 digits)digit height4.86 mmdigit width2.96 mm(option)2 meters for active/reactice energy (kWh/kvarh) EEH2285xxxx2 meters for active energy (import/export) (kWh) EEH2295xxxxCurrent range5 Anominal current I N 5 Amax. current I max 6 Aconsumption< 0.02 W/current pathstart current0.002 I N(option) nominal current I N 1 A EEH2271xxxxoption EEH8275xxxxequally load phasesPrimary current 0.5 A to 2000 AIf not stated otherwise, the standard version 5 A or 1 Awill be suppliedTechnical dataapprobationsactive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformity with UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 10 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2tariff start230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 13 and 15 are under loadof 230 V ACwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 309

MBS AGEWS1915Three-phase energy transformer meterAC energy transformer meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railphoto is similar to the originaldrawingType of energy meterEWS1915xxxxxxxx declaring the primary current is absolutely necessaryMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 57 V, 100 V, 230 V, 400 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 HzOutput1 relay impulse outputrelay250 V, 6 A, 50 Hzimpulse duration 100 msmax. load1500 Woutput impulse1 Imp/kWhmax. impulse 4000/h(option)EWS1115xxxxoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1 Imp/Wh (30...250 A)output impulse 10 Imp/Wh (300...2000 A)impedance100 Ohmdi<strong>ag</strong>ramCounter1 counter meter for active energy (kWh)electro-mechanical meternumber of digits 7 (7.0 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmLED test8 Imp/kWhCurrent rangexxxx/5 A (dip-switch setting)nominal current I N 5 Amax. current Imax 6 Aconsumption< 0.1 W/current pathstart current0.002 I N(option) nominal current I N xxxx/1 A EWS1911xxxxoption EWS5915xxxxequally load phasesPrimary current 0.5 A to 2000 AIf not stated otherwise, the standard version 30/5 A or 30/1 Awill be suppliedTechnical dataapprobationsactive energy EN 61036 class 1construction polycarbonate housing acc. to UL 94 V-0colour RAL 7035dimensions (mm) 106 x 90 x 58weight0.3 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022ambient temperature operation -10 °C to +60 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -40 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2setting of the 4-pole dip switchdeviating primary currents are programmed at worksaccording to the details of the order.310 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEWS1945Three-phase energy transformer meterAC energy transformer meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEWS1945xxxxxxxx declaring the primary current is absolutely necessaryphoto is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 57 V, 100 V, 230 V, 400 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 HzOutput1 relay impulse outputrelay250 V, 6 A, 50 Hzimpulse duration 100 msmax. load1500 Woutput impulse1 Imp/kWhmax. impulse 4000/h(option)EWS1145xxxxoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1 Imp/Wh (30...250 A)output impulse 10 Imp/Wh (300...2000 A)impedance100 OhmCounter2 counter meters for active energy (import/export) (kWh)2 electro-mechanical metersnumber of digits 7 (7.0 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmLED test8 Imp/kWh(option)2 meters for active/reactive energy (kWh/kvarh) EWS1935Current rangexxxx/5 A (dip-switch setting)nominal current I N 5 Amax. current I max 6 Aconsumption< 0.1 W/current pathstart current0.002 I N(option) nominal current I N xxxx/1 A EWS1941xxxxoption EWS5945xxxxequally load phasesPrimary current 0.5 A to 2000 AIf not stated otherwise, the standard version 30/5 A or 30/1 Awill be suppliedTechnical dataapprobationsactive energy EN 61036 class 1construction polycarbonate housing acc. to UL 94 V-0colour RAL 7035dimensions (mm) 106 x 90 x 58weight0.3 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022ambient temperature operation -10 °C to +60 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -40 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2setting of the 4-pole dip switchdeviating primary currents are programmed at worksaccording to the details of the order.www.mbs-stromwandler.de 311

MBS AGEWS1995Three-phase energy transformer meterAC energy transformer meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEWS1995xxxxxxxx declaring the primary current is absolutely necessaryphoto is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 57 V, 100 V, 230 V, 400 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 HzOutput1 relay impulse outputrelay250 V, 6 A, 50 Hzimpulse duration 100 msmax. load1500 Woutput impulse1 Imp/kWhmax. impulse 4000/h(option)EWS1195xxxxoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1 Imp/Wh (30...250 A)output impulse 10 Imp/Wh (300...2000 A)impedance100 OhmCounterLCD counter meter for active energy import/export (kWh)LCD counter meternumber of digits 2x9 (9.0 digits)digit height4.86 mmdigit width2.96 mm(option)LCD counter meters for active/reactive energy (kWh/kvarh) EEH1985Current rangexxxx/5 A (dip-switch setting)nominal current I N 5 Amax. current I max 6 Aconsumption< 0.1 W/current pathstart current0.002 I N(option) nominal current I N xxxx/1 A EWS1991xxxxoption EWS5995xxxxequally load phasesPrimary current 0.5 A to 2000 AIf not stated otherwise, the standard version 30/5 A or 30/1 Awill be suppliedTechnical dataapprobationsactive energy EN 61036 class 1construction polycarbonate housing acc. to UL 94 V-0colour RAL 7035dimensions (mm) 106 x 90 x 58weight0.3 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022ambient temperature operation -10 °C to +60 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -40 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2setting of the 4-pole dip switchdeviating primary currents are programmed at worksaccording to the details of the order.312 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEWQ1915Three-phase energy transformer meterAC energy transformer meter for panel board installation 96 x 96 mmType of energy meterEWQ1915xxxxxxxx declaring the primary current is absolutely necessaryMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 57 V, 100 V, 230 V, 400 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 HzdrawingOutputCounter1 relay impulse outputrelay250 V, 6 A, 50 Hzimpulse duration 100 msmax. load1500 Woutput impulse1 Imp/kWhmax. impulse 4000/h1 counter meter for active energy (kWh)electro-mechanical meternumber of digits 7 (7.0 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmdi<strong>ag</strong>ramCurrent rangexxxx/5 Anominal current I N 5 Amax. current I max 6 Aconsumption< 0.1 W/current pathstart current0.002 I N(option) nominal current I N xxxx/1 A EWQ1911xxxxPrimary current 0.5 A to 2000 AIf not stated otherwise, the standard version 30/5 A or 30/1 Awill be suppliedTechnical dataapprobationsactive energy EN 61036 class 1construction polycarbonate housing acc. to UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 96 x 96 x 106.8weight0.6 kgmountingfront panelambient temperature operation -10 °C to +60 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -40 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2option EWQ5915xxxxequally load phaseswww.mbs-stromwandler.de 313

MBS AGEWQ1945Three-phase energy transformer meterAC energy transformer meter for panel board installation 96 x 96 mmType of energy meterEWQ1945xxxxxxxx declaring the primary current is absolutely necessaryMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 57 V, 100 V, 230 V, 400 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 HzdrawingOutput1 relay impulse outputrelay250 V, 6 A, 50 Hzimpulse duration 100 msmax. load1500 Woutput impulse1 Imp/kWhmax. impulse 4000/hCounter2 counter meters for active energy import/export (kWh)electro-mechanical meternumber of digits 7 (7.0 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mm(option)2 meters for active/reactive energy (kWh/kvarh) EWQ1935di<strong>ag</strong>ramCurrent rangexxxx/5 Anominal current I N 5 Amax. current I max 6 Aconsumption< 0.1 W/current pathstart current0.002 I N(option) nominal current I N xxxx/1 A EWQ1941xxxxPrimary current 0.5 A to 2000 AIf not stated otherwise, the standard version 5 A or 1 Awill be suppliedTechnical dataapprobationsactive energy EN 61036 class 1construction polycarbonate housing acc. to UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 96 x 96 x 106.8weight0.6 kgmountingfront panelambient temperature operation -10 °C to +60 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -40 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2option EWQ5945xxxxequally load phases314 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEWQ1995Three-phase energy transformer meterAC energy transformer meter for panel board installation 96 x 96 mmType of energy meterEWQ1995xxxxxxxx declaring the primary current is absolutely necessarydrawingMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 57 V, 100 V, 230 V, 400 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 HzOutput1 relay impulse outputrelay250 V, 6A, 50Hzimpulse duration 100 msmax. load1500 Woutput impulse1 Imp/kWhmax. impulse 4000/hdi<strong>ag</strong>ramCounterLCD counter meter for active energy import/export (kWh)LCD counternumber of digits 2x9 (9.0 digits)digit height4.86 mmdigit width2.96 mm(option)LCD counter for active/reactive energy (kWh/kvarh)EWQ1985Current rangexxxx/5 Anominal current I N 5 Amax. current I max 6 Aconsumption< 0.1 W/current pathstart current0.002 I N(option) nominal current I N xxxx/1 A EWQ1991xxxxoption EWQ5995xxxxequally load phasesPrimary current 0.5 A to 2000 AIf not stated otherwise, the standard version 5 A or 1 Awill be suppliedTechnical dataapprobationsactive energy EN 61036 class 1construction polycarbonate housing acc. to UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 96 x 96 x 106.8weight0.6 kgmountingfront panelambient temperature operation -10 °C to +60 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -40 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2www.mbs-stromwandler.de 315


MBS AGElectro-mechanical energy meters for industrial applicationsSingle-phase energy meter, direct measuringEMZ60110040 2-wire 220 V kWh 10 (40) AEMZ60110060 2-wire 220 V kWh 10 (60) AThree-phase energy meter, direct measuringEMZ10110040 4-wire 3x220/380 V kWh 10 (40) AEMZ10210040 4-wire 3x220/380 V 2 tariffs, HT-NT kWh 10 (40) AEMZ10115060 4-wire 3x220/380 V kWh 15 (60) AEMZ10215060 4-wire 3x220/380 V 2 tariffs, HT-NT kWh 15 (60) AEMZ10110060 4-wire 3x220/380 V kWh 10 (60) AEMZ10210060 4-wire 3x220/380 V 2 tariffs, HT-NT kWh 10 (60) AEMZ10120100 4-wire 3x220/380 V kWh 20 (100) AEMZ10125100 4-wire 3x220/380 V kWh 25 (100) AThree-phase energy transformer meterEMZ1015 4-wire 3x220/380 V kWh 5 AEMZ1025 4-wire 3x220/380 V 2 tariffs, HT-NT kWh 5 Awww.mbs-stromwandler.de 317


MBS AGElectronic energy meter for tariff applicationsSingle phase energy meter, direct measuring, clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railp<strong>ag</strong>eEAA7112 2-wire 1 S0-impulse output kWh 5 (32) A . . . . .320EMU7114 2-wire 1 S0-impulse output kWh 5 (63) A . . . . .321EMU7124 2-wire 1 S0-impulse output 2 tariffs kWh 5 (63) A . . . . .322Three-phase energy meter, direct measuring, clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railEEH4114 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output kWh / kvarh 10 (63) A . . . . .323EEH4124 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output 2 tariffs +/- kWh / kvarh 10 (63) A . . . . .324EEH4174 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output LCD, 2 tariffs +/- kWh / kvarh 10 (63) A . . . . .325EEH3116 3-wire 1 S0-impulse output kWh / kvarh 10 (63) A . . . . .326EEH3126 3-wire 1 S0-impulse output 2 tariffs +/- kWh / kvarh 10 (63) A . . . . .327EEH3176 3-wire 1 S0-impulse output LCD, 2 tariffs +/- kWh / kvarh 10 (63) A . . . . .328EMU4114 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output kWh 5 (63) A . . . . .329EMU4124 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output 2 tariffs, HT-NT kWh 5 (63) A . . . . .330EMU4154 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output LCD kWh 5 (63) A . . . . .331EMU4174 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output LCD, 2 tariffs, HT-NT kWh 5 (63) A . . . . .332EMU4754 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output LCD, M-BUS kWh 5 (63) A . . . . .333EMU4774 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output LCD, M-BUS, 2 tariffs kWh 5 (63) A . . . . .334EMU4164 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output LCD, 2 tariffs, HT-NT kWh 5 (63) A . . . . .335Three-phase energy transformer meter, clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railEEH4115 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output kWh / kvarh 5 A, 1 A . . . . .336EEH4125 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output 2 tariffs +/- kWh / kvarh 5 A, 1 A . . . . .337EEH4175 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output LCD, 2 tariffs +/- kWh / kvarh 5 A, 1 A . . . . .338EEH3115 3-wire 1 S0-impulse output kWh / kvarh 5 A, 1 A . . . . .339EEH3125 3-wire 1 S0-impulse output 2 tariffs +/- kWh / kvarh 5 A, 1 A . . . . .340EEH3175 3-wire 1 S0-impulse output LCD, 2 tariffs +/- kWh / kvarh 5 A, 1 A . . . . .341EMU4115 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output kWh 5 A . . . . .342EMU4125 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output 2 tariffs, HT-NT kWh 5 A . . . . .343EMU4155 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output LCD kWh 5 A . . . . .344EMU4175 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output LCD, 2 tariffs, HT-NT kWh 5 A . . . . .345EMU4755 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output LCD, M-BUS kWh 5 A . . . . .346EMU4775 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output LCD, M-BUS, 2 tariffs kWh 5 A . . . . .347EMU4165 4-wire 1 S0-impulse output LCD, 2 tariffs, HT-NT kWh 5 A . . . . .348www.mbs-stromwandler.de 319

MBS AGEAA7112Single-phase energy meterCalibrated AC energy meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterAAD1D5FMains 2-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 V AC, 50 Hztolerance value: -20 %...+15 %frequency50 HzdrawingOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler5-30 V DC / 20 mA max.(S0+/S0-) impulse duration 50 mscollector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhimpedance100 Ohmconnection terminal S0-, S0+Counter1 counter meter for active energy (kWh)electro-mechanical meternumber of digits: 7 (6.1 digits)digit height:4 mmdigit width:1.2 mmfunction controlred flashing LED 2.000 Imp/kWhCurrent rangenominal current I Nmax. current (I max )start currentenergy consumption5 (32) A5 A32 A0.004 I N0.4 W/current pathconnection di<strong>ag</strong>ramTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approvalaccuracy classclass 1, DIN EN 61036, active energyambient temperature -10 ˚C to +45 ˚Cprotection class IP 50connections IP 20main connections 1...6 mm 2SO-impulse output max. 2.5 mm 2screw terminals main connections M4,S0 M3Pozidrive Phillips no. 1, flat no. 1dimensions (mm) 17.5 x 85 x 59weight0.08 kgisolation characteristics 4 kV / 50 Hz, test acc. to VDE 0435surge volt<strong>ag</strong>e acc. to IEC 255-4:6 kV 1.2/50 msprotection class 2EMV/interference stability 4 kV 1.2/50 mssurge volt<strong>ag</strong>e stabilityacc. to IEC 1000-4-5 at input1 kV 1.2/50 mssurge volt<strong>ag</strong>e stabilityacc. to IEC 1000-4-5 at outputSOburst acc. to IEC 1000-4-4level 4 (4 kV)electro static discharge (ESD)acc. to IEC 1000-4-2level 3 (8 kV)320 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEMU7114Single-phase energy meterCalibrated AC energy meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEMU12.x1 mMains 2-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %frequency50 Hzfrequency range 45–65 HzdrawingOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler5-30 V DC / 20 mA max.(S0+/S0-) impulse duration 125 mscollector open output impulse 10 Imp/kWhimpedance0.5–1.5 kOhmconnection terminal 5 / 6Counter1 counter meter for active energy (kWh)1 electro-mechanical meternumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmoperating display green LEDLED test10 Imp/Wh (invisible)Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current5 (63) A5 A63 A0.8 W/current path0.005 I Ndi<strong>ag</strong>ramTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approvalaccuracy classclass 2, DIN EN 61036, active energyambient temperature -10 °C to +50 °Cprotection class IP 50connections IP 20connectionsmain connection 1...10 mm 2S0-impulse output max. 2.5 mm 2dimensions (mm) 36 x 90 x 71weight0.15 kgwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 321

MBS AGEMU7124Single-phase energy meterCalibrated AC energy meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEMU12.x2mMains 2-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %frequency50 Hzfrequency range 45-65 Hzphoto is similar to the originaldrawingOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler5-30 V DC / 20 mA max.(S0+/S0-) impulse duration 125 mscollector open output impulse 10 Imp/kWhimpedance0.5 – 1.5 kOhmconnection terminal 5 / 6Counter2 counter meters for active energy HT-NT (kWh)2 electro-mechanical metersnumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmoperating display green LEDLED test10 Imp/Wh (invisible)Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current5 (63) A5 A63 A0.8 W/current path0.005 I NTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approvalaccuracy classclass 2, DIN EN 61036, active energyambient temperature -10 °C to +50 °Cprotection class IP 50connections IP 20connectionsmain connection 1 ... 10 mm 2SO-impulse output max. 2.5 mm 2dimensions (mm) 36 x 90 x 71weight0.17 kgtariff start230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 1 and 3 are under loadof 230 V ACdi<strong>ag</strong>ram322 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEEH4114Three-phase energy meterCalibrated AC energy meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEEH4114photo is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45 ... 65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH4314connectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sconnection A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32Counter1 counter meter for active energy (kWh)electro-mechanical meternumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmLED test 1000 Imp/kWh (red)LED operation status (red)(option)1 meter for reactive energy (kvarh) EEH4104Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current5 (63) A5 A63 A< 0.02 W/current path0.004 I NTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approval applied foractive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformity with UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 16 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2www.mbs-stromwandler.de 323

MBS AGEEH4124Three-phase energy meterCalibrated AC energy meter for dual tariff for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEEH4124photo is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 VAfrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41 / 42(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH4424connectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sconnection A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32Counter2 counter meters for active energy HT-NT2 electro-mechanical metersnumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmLED test 1000 Imp/kWh (red)LED operation status (tariffs) (red)(option)2 meters for active/reactive energy (kvarh) EEH42342 meters for active energy (import/export) EEH4244Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current5 (63) A5 A63 A< 0.02 VA/current path0.004 I NTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approval applied foractive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformity with UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 16 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2tariff start230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 13 and 15 are under loadof 230 V AC324 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEEH4174Three-phase energy meterCalibrated AC energy meter for dual tariff for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEEH4174photo is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH4474connectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sconnection A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32CounterLCD counter meter for active energy HT-NT (kWh)number of digits 2 x 9 (8.1 digits)digit height4.86 mmdigit width2.96 mm(option)2 meters for active/reactive energy (kvarh) EEH42842 meters for active energy (import/export) EEH4294Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current5 (63) A5 A63 A< 0.02 W/current path0.004 I NTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approval applied foractive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformity with UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 16 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2tariff start230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 13 and 15 are under loadof 230 V ACwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 325

MBS AGEEH3116Three-phase energy meterCalibrated AC energy meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEEH3116photo is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramMains 3-wire L-L (400 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45 ... 65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH3316connectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sconnection A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32Counter1 counter meter for active energy (kWh)electro-mechanical meternumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmLED test 1000 Imp/kWh (red)LED operation status (red)(option)1 meter for reactive energy (kvarh) EEH3106Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current10 (63) A10 A63 A< 0.02 W/current path0.004 I NTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approval applied foractive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformity with UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 16 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2326 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEEH3126Three-phase energy meterCalibrated AC energy meter for dual tariff for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEEH3126photo is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramMains 3-wire L-L (400)Vrated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 VAfrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45 ... 65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41 / 42(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH3426connectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sconnection A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32Counter2 counter meters for active energy HT-NT (kWh)2 electro-mechanical metersnumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmLED test 1000 Imp/kWh (red)LED operation status (tariffs) (red)(option)2 meters for active/reactive energy (kvarh) EEH32362 meters for active energy (import/export) EEH3246Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current10 (63) A10 A63 A< 0.02 VA/current path0.004 I NTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approval applied foractive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformity with UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 16 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2tariff start230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 13 and 15 are under loadof 230 V ACwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 327

MBS AGEEH3176Three-phase energy meterCalibrated AC energy meter for dual tariff for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEEH3176photo is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramMains 3-wire L-L (400 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45 ... 65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH3476connectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sconnection A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32CounterLCD counter meter for active energy HT-NT (kWh)number of digits 2 x 9 (8.1 digits)digit height4.86 mmdigit width2.96 mm(option)2 counter meters for active/reactive energy (kWh/kvarh) EEH32862 counter meters for reactive energy (import/export) (kWh) EEH3296Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current10 (63) A10 A63 A< 0.02 W/current path0.004 I NTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approval applied foractive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformity with UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 16 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2tariff start230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 13 and 15 are under loadof 230 V AC328 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEMU4114Three-phase energy meterCalibrated AC energy meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEEH4114photo is similar to the originaldrawingMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %consumption0.8 W/current pathfrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler5-30 V DC / 20 mA max.(S0) impulse duration approx. 125 mscollector open output impulse 10 Imp/kWhimpedance0.5 – 1.5 kOhmconnection terminal 11 / 12Counter1 counter meter for active energy (kWh)1 electro-mechanical meternumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height5 mmdigit width3 mmLED test 10 Imp/Wh (not visible)LED operation status (green)di<strong>ag</strong>ramCurrent rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current5 (63) A5 A63 A0.8 W/current path0.005 I NTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approvalaccuracy classclass 2, EN 61036, active energydimensions (mm) 107 x 90 x 71weight0.35 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022-35climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -10 °C to +50 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -40 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals 7.6 x 8.3 mmcontrol terminals 2.5 x 3 mmwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 329

MBS AGEMU4124Three-phase energy meterCalibrated AC energy meter for dual tariff for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEMU4124photo is similar to the originaldrawingMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %consumption0.8 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45 ... 65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler5-30 V DC / 20 mA max.(S0) impulse duration approx. 125 mscollector open output impulse 10 Imp/kWhimpedance0.5 – 1.5 kOhmconnection terminal 11 / 12Counter2 counter meters for active energy HT-NT (kWh)2 electro-mechanical metersnumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmLED test 10 Imp/Wh (invisible)LED operation status (tariffs) (green)di<strong>ag</strong>ramCurrent rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current5 (63) A5 A63 A0.8 W/current path0.005 I NTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approvalaccuracy classclass 2, EN 61036, active energydimensions (mm) 107 x 90 x 71weight0.40 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022-35climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -10 °C to +50 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -40 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals 7.6 x 8.3 mmcontrol terminals 2.5 x 3 mmtariff control230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 1 and 3 areunder load of 230 V AC330 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEMU4154Three-phase energy meterCalibrated AC energy meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEMU4154photo is similar to the originaldrawingMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %consumption0.8 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range45 ... 65 HzOutput 1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler5–30 V DC / 20 mA max.(S0) impulse duration approx. 125 mscollector open output impulse 10 Imp/kWhimpedance0.5–1.5 kOhmconnection terminal 11 / 12di<strong>ag</strong>ramCounterLCD counter meter for active energy (kWh)LCD displayrolling displaycounter indication kWh for T1 display duration 15 snumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height 8 mmdigit width 4.5 mmunit no. display duration 2 scustomer specific data can beprogrammed at workssoftware version display duration 2 ssegment test display duration 2 senergy flow supply stopped two-way flowoperating display3 arrows at lower end of LCDLED test 10 Imp/Wh (invisible)Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current5 (63) A5 A63 A0.8 W/current path0.005 I NTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approvalaccuracy classclass 2, EN 61036, active energydimensions (mm) 107 x 90 x 71weight0.35 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN DIN EN 50022-35climatic conditionsEN 61036 interior meterambient operation -10 °C to +50 °Ctemperature stor<strong>ag</strong>e -40 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals7.6 x 8.3 mmcontrol terminals2.5 x 3 mminterfaceoptical interfaceacc. to IEC 61107www.mbs-stromwandler.de 331

MBS AGEMU4174Three-phase energy meterCalibrated AC energy meter for dual tariff for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEMU4174photo is similar to the originaldrawingMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %consumption0.8 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range45 ... 65 HzOutput 1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler5–30 V DC / 20 mA max.(S0) I impulse duration approx. 125 mscollector open output impulse 10 Imp/kWhimpedance0.5–1.5 kOhmconnection terminal 11 / 12di<strong>ag</strong>ramCounterLCD counter meter for active energy HT-NT (kWh)LCD displayrolling displaycounter indication kWh for T1 display duration 15 snumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height 8 mmdigit width 4.5 mmcounter indication kWh for T2 display duration 15 sunit no. display duration 2 scustomer specific data can beprogrammed at workssoftware version display duration 2 ssegment test display duration 2 senergy flow supply stopped two-way flowoperating display3 arrows at lower end of LCDLED test 10 Imp/Wh (not visible)Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current5 (63) A5 A63 A0.8 W/current path0.005 I NTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approvalaccuracy classclass 2, EN 61036, active energydimensions (mm) 107 x 90 x 71weight0.35 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022-35climatic conditionsEN 61036 interior meterambient operation -10 °C to +50 °Ctemperature stor<strong>ag</strong>e -40 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals7.6 x 8.3 mmcontrol terminals2.5 x 3 mminterfaceoptical interfaceacc. to IEC 61107tariff control230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 1 and 3 areunder load of 230 V AC.332 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEMU4754Three-phase energy meter M-BUSCalibrated AC energy meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEMU4754photo is similar to the originaldrawingMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %consumption0.8 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range45 ... 65 HzOutput 1 S0-impulse output and M-Bus outputoptocoupler5-30 V DC / 20 mA max.(S0) impulse duration approx. 125 mscollector open output impulse 10 Imp/kWhimpedance0.5 – 1.5 kOhmconnection terminal 11 / 12M-BUS data selection current system time of the meteroperation hours of the metertotal active energyactual active powernumber of volt<strong>ag</strong>e interruptionserror/ fl<strong>ag</strong> …/ time indication of thelast power cutdi<strong>ag</strong>ramCounterLCD counter meter for active energy (kWh)LCD displayrolling displaycounter indication kWh for T1 display duration 15 snumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height 8 mmdigit width 4.5 mmunit no. display duration 2 scustomer specific data can beprogrammed at workssoftware version display duration 2 ssegment test display duration 2 senergy flow supply stopped two-way flowoperating display3 arrows at lower end of LCDLED test 10 Imp/Wh (invisible)Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current5 (63) A5 A63 A0.8 W/current path0.005 I NTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approval, applied for active energyaccuracy class class 2, EN 61036dimensions (mm) 107 x 90 x 71weight0.35 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022-35climatic conditionsEN 61036 interior meterambient operation -10 °C to +50 °Ctemperature stor<strong>ag</strong>e -40 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals7.6 x 8.3 mmcontrol terminals2.5 x 3 mminterfaceoptical interfaceacc. to IEC 61107www.mbs-stromwandler.de 333

MBS AGEMU4774Three-phase energy meter M-BUSCalibrated AC energy meter for dual tariff for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEMU4774photo is similar to the originaldrawingMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %consumption0.8 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range45 ... 65 HzOutput1 impulse output and M-BUS outputoptocoupler5-30 V DC / 20 mA max.(S0) impulse duration approx. 125 mscollector open output impulse 10 Imp/kWhimpedance0.5 – 1.5 kOhmconnection terminal 11 / 12M-BUS data selection current system time of the meteroperation hours of the metertotal active energyactual active powernumber of volt<strong>ag</strong>e interruptionserror/ fl<strong>ag</strong> …/ time indication of thelast power cutdi<strong>ag</strong>ramCounterLCD counter meter for active energy HT-NT (kWh)LCD displayrolling displaycounter indication kWh for T1 display duration 15 snumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height 8 mmdigit width 4.5 mmcounter indication kWh for T2 display duration 15 sunit no. display duration 2 scustomer specific data can beprogrammed at workssoftware version display duration 2 ssegment test display duration 2 senergy flow supply stopped two-way flowoperating display3 arrows at lower end of LCDLED test 10 Imp/Wh (invisible)Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current5 (63) A5 A63 A0.8 W/current path0.005 I NTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approval, applied for active energyaccuracy class class 2, EN 61036dimensions (mm) 107 x 90 x 71weight0.35 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022-35climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient operation -10 °C to +50 °Ctemperature stor<strong>ag</strong>e -40 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals7.6 x 8.3 mmcontrol terminals2.5 x 3 mminterfaceoptical interfaceacc. to IEC 61107tariff control230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 1 and 3 areunder load of 230 V AC334 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEMU4164Three-phase energy meterCalibrated AC energy meter for dual tariff for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEMU4164photo is similar to the originaldrawingMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %consumption0.8 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45 ... 65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler5-30 V DC / 20 mA max.(S0) impulse duration ca. 125 mscollector open output impulse 10 Imp/kWhimpedance0.5 – 1.5 kOhmconnection terminal 11 / 12CounterLCD counter meter for active energy/active power HT-NT (kWh)LCD displaycounter (push black button to operate)active energy (T1) kWh, price/kWh, total price7 (6.1) digits 4.5 x 8 mmactive energy (T2) kWh, price/kWh total pricepresent active power kW total, kW L1-L2-L3present volt<strong>ag</strong>eV L1-L2-L3present currentA total, A L1-L2-L3unit no.5 digitsLED test 10 Imp/Wh (invisible)di<strong>ag</strong>ramCurrent rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current5 (63) A5 A63 A0.8 W/current path0.005 I NTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approvalaccuracy classclass 2, EN 61036, active energydimensions (mm) 107 x 90 x 71weight0.35 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022-35climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -10 °C to +50 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -40 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals 7.6 x 8.3 mmcontrol terminals 2.5 x 3 mminterfaceoptical interfaceacc. to IEC 61107tariff start230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 1 and 2are under load of 230 V ACwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 335

MBS AGEEH4115Three-phase energy transformer meterCalibrated AC energy transformer meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railphoto is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramType of energy meterEEH4115xxxxxxxx declaring the primary current is absolutely necessaryMains 4-wire L-N (230)Vrated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 VAfrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45 ... 65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH4315xxxxconnectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sterminal A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32Counter1 counter meter for active energy (kWh)electro-mechanical meternumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmLED test 1000 Imp/kWh (red)LED operation status (red)(option) reactive energy EEH3105xxxxCurrent range5 Anominal current I N 5 Amax. current I max 6 Aconsumption< 0.02 VA/current pathstart current0.002 I N(option) nominal current I N 1 A EEH3111xxxxPrimary current 0.5 A up to 2000 AIf not stated otherwise, the standard version 5 A or 1 Awill be suppliedTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approval applied foractive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformitywith UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 10 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2336 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEEH4125Three-phase energy transformer meterCalibrated AC energy transformer meter for dual tariff for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railphoto is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramType of energy meterEEH4125xxxxxxxx declaring the primary current is absolutely necessaryMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45 ... 65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41 / 42(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH4425xxxxconnectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sterminal A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32Counter2 counters for active ernergy HT-NT (kWh)2 electro-mechanical countersnumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmLED test 1000 Imp/kWh (red)LED operation status (tariffs) (red)(option)2 counters for active and reactive energy (kWh/kvarh) EEH4235xxxx2 counters for active energy (import/export) (kWh) EEH4245xxxxCurrent range5 Anominal current I N 5 Amax. current I max 6 Aconsumption0.02 W/current pathstart current0.002 I N(option) nominal current I N 1 A EEH4221xxxxPrimary current 0.5 A to 2000 AIf not stated otherwise, the standard version 5 A or 1 Awill be supplied.Technical dataapprobationsPTB approval applied foractive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformitywith UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 10 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2tariff start230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 13 and 15 areunder load of 230 V AC.www.mbs-stromwandler.de 337

MBS AGEEH4175Three-phase energy transformer meterCalibrated AC energy transformer meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railphoto is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramType of energy meterEEH4175xxxxxxxx declaring the primary current is absolutely necessaryMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U v 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 Wfrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45...65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) I impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH4475xxxxconnectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sterminal A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32CounterLCD counter meter for active energy HT-NT (kWh)number of digits 2 x 9 (8.1 digits)digit height4.86 mmdigit width2.96 mm(option)2 counters for active and reactive energy (kWh/kvarh) EEH4285xxxx2 counters for active energy (import/export) (kWh) EEH4295xxxxCurrent range5 Anominal current I N 5 Amax. current I max 6 Aconsumption< 0.02 W/current pathstart current0.002 I N(option) nominal current I N 1 A EEH4271xxxxPrimary current 0.5 A up to 2000 AIf not stated otherwise, the standard version 5 A or 1 Awill be suppliedTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approval applied foractive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformity with UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 10 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2tariff start230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 13 and 15 areunder load of 230 V AC.338 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEEH3115Three-phase energy transformer meterCalibrated AC energy transformer meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railphoto is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramType of energy meterEEH3115xxxxxxxx declaring the primary current is absolutely necessaryMains 3-wire L-L (400 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45 ... 65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH3315xxxxconnectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sterminal A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32Counter1 counter meter for active energy (kWh)electro-mechanical meternumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmLED test 1000 Imp/kWh (red)LED operation status (red)(option) reactive energy (kvarh) EEH3105xxxxCurrent range5 Anominal current I N 5 Amax. current I max 6 Aconsumption< 0.02 W/current pathstart current0.002 I N(option) nominal current I N 1 A EEH3111xxxxPrimary current 0.5 A up to 2000 AIf not stated otherwise, the standard version 5 A or 1 Awill be supplied.Technical dataapprobationsPTB approval applied foractive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformity with UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 10 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2www.mbs-stromwandler.de 339

MBS AGEEH3125Three-phase energy transformer meterCalibrated AC energy transformer meter for dual tariff for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railphoto is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramType of energy meterEEH3125xxxxxxxx declaring the primary current is absolutely necessaryMains 3-wire L-L (400 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45 ... 65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41 / 42(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH3425xxxxconnectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sterminal A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32Counter2 counters for active energy HT-NT (kWh)2 electro-mechanical countersnumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmLED test 1000 Imp/kWh (red)LED operation status (tariffs) (red)(option)2 counters for active and reactive energy (kWh/kvarh EEH3225xxxx2 counters for active energy (import/export) (kWh) EEH3245xxxxCurrent range5 Anominal current I N 5 Amax. current I max 6 Aconsumption< 0.02 W/current pathstart current0.002 I N(option) nominal current I N 1A EEH3221xxxxPrimary current 0.5 A to 2000 AIf not stated otherwise, the standard version 5 A or 1 Awill be supplied.Technical dataapprobationsPTB approval applied foractive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6,6 in conformity with UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 10 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2tariff start230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminal 13 and 15are under load of 230 V AC340 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEEH3175Three-phase energy transformer meterCalibrated AC energy transformer meter for dual tariff for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railphoto is similar to the originaldrawingdi<strong>ag</strong>ramType of energy meterEEH3175xxxxxxxx declaring the primary current is absolutely necessaryMains 3-wire L-L (400 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+15 %consumption< 3.0 Wfrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45 ... 65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler40 V / 27 mA max.(S0) impulse duration 100 ms +/-50 %collector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhconnection terminal 40 / 41(option)<strong>com</strong>munication RS485 EEH3475xxxxconnectionmulti-dropcable typescreened, wound pairmax. cable length 1000 mconnectionterminal screwisolation3.7 kV rms for 1 min. betweenall meters and other unitstransmission system asynchronousformat typeMODBUS RTUtransmission time 1200 to 19200 bits/sterminal A and B 120 Ohmmax. linked meters 32CounterLCD counter meter for active energy HT-NT (kWh)number of digits 2 x 9 (8.1 digits)digit height4.86 mmdigit width2.96 mm(option)2 counters for active and reactive energy (kWh/kvarh) EEH3285xxxx2 counters for active energy (import/export) (kWh) EEH3295xxxxCurrent range5 Anominal current I N 5 Amax. current I max 6 Aconsumption< 0.02 W/current pathstart current0.002 I N(option) nominal current I N 1A EEH3271xxxxPrimary current 0.5 A up to 2000 AIf not stated otherwise, the standard version 5 A or 1 Awill be supplied.Technical dataapprobationsPTB approval applied foractive energy EN 61036 class 1reactive energy EN 61268 class 2construction housing PA6.6 in conformity with UL 94 V-0dimensions (mm) 108 x 90 x 72weight0.6 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -20 °C to +55 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -25 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals < 10 mm 2control terminals < 2.5 mm 2tariff start230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminal 13 and 15 areunder load of 230 V ACwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 341

MBS AGEMU4115Three-phase energy transformer meterCalibrated AC energy transformer meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEMU4115xxxxxxxx declaring the primary current is absolutely necessaryphoto is similar to the originaldrawingMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %consumption0.8 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45 ... 65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler5–30 V DC / 20 mA max.(S0) impulse duration approx. 125 mscollector open output impulse 10 Imp/kWh 0.5 A to 250 A1 Imp/kWh 400 A to 2500 Aimpedance0.5–1.5 kOhmconnection terminal 11 / 12di<strong>ag</strong>ramCounter1 counter meter for active energy (kWh)1 electro-mechanical counternumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits) 0.5 A up to 250 A7 (7.0 digits) 400 A up to 2500 Adigit height5 mmdigit width3 mmLED test 10 Imp/Wh (invisible)LED operation status (green)Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current5 A5 A6 A0.8 W/current path0.002 I Ntable table 1 1Primary current0.5 A up to 2000 AIf not stated otherwise, the standard version 5 A will be supplied.table table 2 2Technical dataapprobationsPTB approvalaccuracy classclass 1, EN 61036, active energydimensions (mm) 107 x 90 x 71weight0.35 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022-35climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -10 °C to +50 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -40 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals 4.2 x 6.5 mmcontrol terminals 2.5 x 3 mm342 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEMU4125Three-phase energy transformer meterCalibrated AC energy transformer meter for dual tariff for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEMU4125xxxxxxxx declaring the primary current is absolutely necessaryphoto is similar to the originaldi<strong>ag</strong>ramMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %consumption0.8 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45 ... 65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler5-30 V DC / 20 mA max.(S0) impulse duration approx. 125 mscollector open output impulse 10 Imp/kWh 0.5 A up to 250 A1 Imp/kWh 400 A up to 2500 Aimpedance0.5 – 1.5 kOhmconnection terminal 11 / 12drawingCounter2 counters for active energy HT-NT (kWh)2 electro-mechanical metersnumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits) 0.5 A up to 250 Anumber of digits 7 (7.0 digits) 400 A up to 2500 Adigit height4 mmdigit width1.2 mmLED test 10 Imp/Wh (invisible)LED operations status (tariffs) (green)Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current5 A5 A6 A0.8 W/current path0.002 I Ntable 1Primary current0.5 A up to 2000 AIf not stated otherwise, the standard version 5 A will be supplied.table 2Technical dataapprobationsPTB approvalaccuracy classclass 1, EN 61036, active energydimensions (mm) 107 x 90 x 71weight0.35 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022-35climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -10 °C to +50 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -40 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals 4.2 x 6.5 mmcontrol terminals 2.5 x 3 mmtariff start230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 1 and 3 areunder load of 230 V AC.www.mbs-stromwandler.de 343

MBS AGEMU4155Three-phase energy transformer meterCalibrated AC energy transformer meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEMU4155photo is similar to the originaldrawingMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %consumption0.8 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range45 ... 65 HzOutput 1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler5-30 V DC / 20 mA max.(S0) impulse duration approx. 20 mscollector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhimpedance0.5 – 1.5 kOhmconnection terminal 11 / 12di<strong>ag</strong>ramCounterLCD-counter meter for active energy (kWh)LCD displayrolling countercounter indication kWh for T1 display duration 15 snumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height 8 mmdigit width 4.5 mmunit no. display duration 2 scustomer specific data can beprogrammed at workssoftware version display duration 2 ssegment test display duration 2 senergy flow supply stopped two-way flowoperating display3 arrows at lower end of LCDLED test 10 Imp/Wh (invisible)Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current5 A5 A6 A0.8 W/current path0.002 I NTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approval applied for active energyaccuracy class class 1, EN 61036dimensions (mm) 107 x 90 x 71weight0.35 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022-35climatic conditionsEN 61036 interior meterambient operation -10 °C to +50 °Ctemperature stor<strong>ag</strong>e -40 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals4.2 x 6.5 mmcontrol terminals2.5 x 3 mminterfaceoptical interfaceacc. to IEC 61107344 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEMU4175Three-phase energy transformer meterCalibrated AC energy transformer meter for dual tariff for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEMU4175photo is similar to the originaldrawingMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %consumption0.8 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range45 ... 65 HzOutput 1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler5-30 V DC / 20 mA max.(S0) impulse duration approx. 20 mscollector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhimpedance0.5–1.5 kOhmconnection terminal 11 / 12di<strong>ag</strong>ramCounterLCD counter meter for active energy HT-NT (kWh)LCD displayrolling countercounter indication kWh for T1 display duration 15 snumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height 8 mmdigit width 4.5 mmcounter indication kWh for T2 display duration 15 sunit no. display duration 2 scustomer specific data can beprogrammed at workssoftware version display duration 2 ssegment test display duration 2 senergy flow supply stopped two-way flowoperating display3 arrows at lower end of LCDLED test 10 Imp/Wh (invisible)Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current5 A5 A6 A0.8 W/current path0.002 I NTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approval applied for active energyaccuracy class class 1, EN 61036dimensions (mm) 107 x 90 x 71weight0.35 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022-35climatic conditionsEN 61036 interior meterambient operation -10 °C to +50 °Ctemperature stor<strong>ag</strong>e -40 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals4.2 x 6.5 mmcontrol terminals2.5 x 3 mminterfaceoptical interfaceacc. to IEC 61107tariff start230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 1 and 3are under load of 230 V ACwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 345

MBS AGEMU4755Three-phase energy transformer meter M-BUSCalibrated AC energy transformer meter for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEMU4755photo is similar to the originaldrawingMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %consumption0.8 VAfrequency50 Hzfrequency range45 ... 65 HzOutput 1 impulse output and M-BUS outputoptocoupler5-30 V DC / 20 mA max.(S0) impulse duration ca. 20 mscollector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhimpedance0.5 – 1.5 kOhmconnection terminal 11 / 12M-BUS data selection current system time of the meteroperation hours of the metertotal active energyactual active powernumber of volt<strong>ag</strong>e interruptionserror fl<strong>ag</strong>/time indication of thelast power cutdi<strong>ag</strong>ramCounterLCD counter meter for active energy (kWh)LCD displayrolling countercounter indication kWh for T1 display duration 15 snumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height 8 mmdigit width 4.5 mmunit no. display duration 2 scustomer specific data can beprogrammed at workssoftware version display duration 2 ssegment test display duration 2 senergy flow supply stopped two-way flowoperating display3 arrows at lower end of LCDLED test 10 Imp/Wh (invisible)Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current5 A5 A6 A0.8 W/current path0.002 I NTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approval applied for active energyaccuracy class class 1, EN 61036dimensions (mm) 107 x 90 x 71weight0.35 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022-35climatic conditionsEN 61036 interior meterambient operation -10 °C to +50 °Ctemperature stor<strong>ag</strong>e -40 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals4.2 x 6.5 mmcontrol terminals2.5 x 3 mminterfaceoptical interfaceacc. to IEC 61107346 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGEMU4775Three-phase energy transformer meter M-BUSCalibrated AC energy transformer meter for dual tariff for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEMU4775photo is similar to the originaldrawingMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %consumption0.8 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range45 ... 65 HzOutput 1 impulse output and M-BUS outputoptocoupler5-30 V DC / 20 mA max.(S0) impulse duration approx. 20 mscollector open output impulse 1000 Imp/kWhimpedance0.5 – 1.5 kOhmconnection terminal 11 / 12M-BUS data selection current system time of the meteroperation hours of the metertotal active energyactual active powernumber of volt<strong>ag</strong>e interruptionserror fl<strong>ag</strong>s/time indication of thelast power cutdi<strong>ag</strong>ramCounterLCD counter meter for active energy HT-NT (kWh)LCD displayrolling countercounter indication kWh for T1 display duration 15 snumber of digits 7 (6.1 digits)digit height 8 mmdigit width 4.5 mmcounter indication kWh for T2 display duration 15 sunit no. display duration 2 scustomer specific data can beprogrammed at workssoftware versiondisplay duration 2 ssegment testdisplay duration 2 senergy flowsupply stopped two-way flowoperating display3 arrows at lower end of LCDLED test 10 Imp/Wh (invisible)Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current5 A5 A6 A0.8 W/current path0.002 I NTechnical dataapprobationsPTB approval applied for active energyaccuracy class class 1, EN 61036dimensions (mm) 107 x 90 x 71weight0.35 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022-35climatic conditionsEN 61036 interior meterambient operation -10 °C to +50 °Ctemperature stor<strong>ag</strong>e -40 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals4.2 x 6.5 mmcontrol terminals2.5 x 3 mminterface optical interface acc. to IEC 61107tariff start230 V ACTariff is energized when terminals 1 and 3 areunder load of 230 V ACwww.mbs-stromwandler.de 347

MBS AGEMU4165Three-phase energy transformer meterCalibrated AC energy transformer meter for dual tariff for clip-on onto 35 mm DIN railType of energy meterEMU4165xxxxxxxx declaring the primary current is absolutely necessaryphoto is similar to the originaldrawingMains 4-wire L-N (230 V)rated volt<strong>ag</strong>e U N 230 Vtolerance value -20 %...+20 %consumption0.8 W/phasefrequency50 Hzfrequency range 45 ... 65 HzOutput1 S0-impulse outputoptocoupler5-30 V DC / 20 mA max.(S0) impulse duration approx. 125 mscollector open output impulse 10 Imp/kWhimpedance0.5 – 1.5 kOhmconnection terminal 11 / 12di<strong>ag</strong>ramCounterLCD counter meter for active energy/active power HT-NT (kWh)LCD displaycounter (push black button to operate)active energy (T1) kWh, price/kWh, total price7 (6.1) digits 4.5 x 8 mmactive energy (T2) kWh, price/kWh total pricepresent active power kW total, kW L1-L2-L3present volt<strong>ag</strong>eV L1-L2-L3present currentA total, A L1-L2-L3current transformer factor FA e.g. 100A, FA 20 (100/5)unit no.5 digitsLED test 10 Imp/Wh (invisible)Current rangenominal current I Nmax. current I maxconsumptionstart current5 A5 A6 A0.8 W/current path0.002 I NPrimary current 5 A up to 1275 AIf not stated otherwise, the standard version of 5 Awill be supplied.Technical dataapprobationsPTB approvalaccuracy classclass 1, EN 61036, active energydimensions (mm) 107 x 90 x 71weight0.35 kgmounting DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 50022-35climatic conditions EN 61036 interior meterambient temperature operation -10 °C to +50 °Cstor<strong>ag</strong>e -40 °C to +70 °Cprotection class 2current terminals 4.2 x 6.5 mmcontrol terminals 2.5 x 3 mminterfaceoptical interfaceacc. to IEC 61107tariff start230 V ACTariff 2 is energized when terminals 1 and 3 areunder load of 230 V AC348 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGElectro-mechanical energy meter for tariff applicationsSingle-phase energy meter, direct measuringEMZ70110040 2-wire 230 V kWh 10 (40) AEMZ70110060 2-wire 230 V kWh 10 (60) AThree-phase energy meter, direct measuringEMZ40110040 4-wire 3x230/400 V kWh 10 (40) AEMZ40210040 4-wire 3x230/400 V 2 tariffs, HT-NT kWh 10 (40) AEMZ40115060 4-wire 3x230/400 V kWh 15 (60) AEMZ40215060 4-wire 3x230/400 V 2 tariffs, HT-NT kWh 15 (60) AEMZ40110060 4-wire 3x230/400 V kWh 10 (60) AEMZ40210060 4-wire 3x230/400 V 2 tariffs, HT-NT kWh 10 (60) AElectronic three-phase energy meter, direct measuring for three point countermountingEMZ40120100 4-wire 3x230/400 V kWh 20 (100) AEMZ40125100 4-wire 3x230/400 V kWh 25 (100) AThree-phase energy transformer meterEMZ4015 4-wire 3x230/400 V kWh 5 AEMZ4025 4-wire 3x230/400 V 2 tariffs, HT-NT kWh 5 Awww.mbs-stromwandler.de 349

MBS AGCodearticle no.Code E X X * * * * X X X XType of energy meterAAD1D5F E A AECP*** E C PEM1000 E E MEMU**** E M UEMU**** E M UEEH**** E E HEMU**** E M UWS**** E W SWQ**** E W QElectro mechanical meter E M ZMains4-wire L-N (230 V) 13-wire L-L (400 V) 24-wire (calibrated) L-N (230 V) 43-wire (calibrated) L-L (400 V) 34-wire (equally loaded phases) L-N (230 V) 52-wire L-N (230 V) 62-wire (calibrated) L-N (230 V) 73-wire (equally loaded phases) L-L (400 V) 8special configurations upon request 9Outputwithout S0-Impulse output 01 S0-impulse output 12 S0-impulse outputs 21 impulse output and RS485 output 32 S0-impulse outputs and RS485 output 4cable connection 5socket 61 impulse output and M-BUS output 71 relay impulse output (only for EWS****, EWQ****) 9Counter1 counter for reactive energy (kvarh) 01 counter for active energy (kWh) 12 counters for active energy HT-NT (kWh) 22 counters for active and reactive energy (kWh)/(kvarh) 32 counters for active energy import/export (kWh) 4LCD counter for active energy (kWh) 5LCD counter for active energy/active power HT-NT (kWh)/(kW) 6LCD counter for active energy HT-NT (kWh) 7LCD counter for active and reactive energy (kWh)/(kvarh) 8LCD counter for active energy import/export (kWh) 9Current range1 A 15 (32) A 226 (30) A 35 (63) A 45 A 510 (30) A 1 0 0 3 010 (40) A 1 0 0 4 015 (60) A 1 5 0 6 010 (60) A 1 0 0 6 010 (100) A 1 0 1 0 010 (63) A 616 A 7Primary current (only for current transformer meters) x x x xExample: Secondary 1 A, primary 125 A 1 0 1 2 5350 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

MBS AGNoteswww.mbs-stromwandler.de 351

MBS AG10 reasons to be associatedwith products from MBS✓ customer oriented solutions✓ individual consultancy✓ satisfied customers in all continents✓ a product range in excess of 20000 units✓ supreme technical quality✓ a multiple of international licences and certificates,DIN EN ISO 9001-2000✓ official calibration of current transformers and measuring units✓ relialibility✓ fast deliveries✓ 30 years of success352 www.mbs-stromwandler.de

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