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Kennedy Nyamande, FCP, MD, FCCPDept of Pulmonology and Critical CareNelson R Mandela School of Medic<strong>in</strong>e

Scenarios• Asymptomatic HIV• Symptomatic unknown• Symptomatic known• On <strong>ARVs</strong> and admitted for unrelated problem• On <strong>ARVs</strong> and admitted for related problem

Key issues• Benefits• Risks• Ethics• Economics• Unresolved questions regard<strong>in</strong>g ART use <strong>in</strong> <strong>ICU</strong>

Predictors of <strong>ICU</strong> outcome <strong>in</strong> HIV

Potential Benefits• Improve immune function• Increase CD4 count• Decrease viral load• Reduced viral load to < 30000 copies per ml improvescell mediated immunity• HAART has <strong>in</strong>creased the life expectancy <strong>in</strong> <strong>ICU</strong> 3-4fold

Morris et al study• 58 patients with PJP• Admitted <strong>ICU</strong> 1996-2001• Mortality <strong>in</strong> HAART/HART started = 25 %• No HAART mortality = 63 %• P < 0.03• Weakness: small sample sizeretrospective

Potential difficulties <strong>in</strong>adm<strong>in</strong>istration• Lack of parenteral drug formulations• Zidovud<strong>in</strong>e (IV)• Enfuvirtide (subcutaneous)• Liquid formulations (amprenavir, ritonavir,abacavir,nevirap<strong>in</strong>e): facilitate dosage via feed<strong>in</strong>g tubes• Rest: tablets or capsules only

Important Characteristics of AntiretroviralMedications.• Oral solution• NRTIs: abacavir (Ziagen), didanos<strong>in</strong>e (Videx), emtricitab<strong>in</strong>e (Emtriva),lamivud<strong>in</strong>e (Epivir), stavud<strong>in</strong>e (Zerit), and zidovud<strong>in</strong>e (Retrovir)• Nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase <strong>in</strong>hibitors NNRTIs: nevirap<strong>in</strong>e (Viramun)• Protease <strong>in</strong>hibitors: lop<strong>in</strong>avir and ritonavir (Kaletra), nelf<strong>in</strong>avir (Viracept), andritonavir (Norvir)• Intravenous formulation• Zidovud<strong>in</strong>e (Retrovir)• Drugs requir<strong>in</strong>g dose adjustment <strong>in</strong> patients with renal <strong>in</strong>sufficiency†• All NRTIs except for abacavir (Ziagen)• Drugs requir<strong>in</strong>g dose adjustment <strong>in</strong> patients with hepatic impairment‡• Atazanavir (Reyataz), fosamprenavir (Lexiva), and <strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>avir (Crixivan)• Common <strong>ICU</strong> drugs contra<strong>in</strong>dicated with NNRTIs• Midazolam and triazolam (both with efavirenz)• Common <strong>ICU</strong> drugs contra<strong>in</strong>dicated with protease <strong>in</strong>hibitors

Tim<strong>in</strong>g of dosag<strong>in</strong>g• With food:• Empty stomach• High fat meal (saqu<strong>in</strong>avir)• Low fat meals (amprenavir)• Exact tim<strong>in</strong>g difficult: cont<strong>in</strong>uous tube feed<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> <strong>ICU</strong>• With hydration (<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>avir)• Acidic environment (amprenavir, delavird<strong>in</strong>e,zalcitab<strong>in</strong>e)

Erratic gastric absorption• Consequences: sub-therapeutic levelstreatment failuredrug resistance (NNRTIs)functional NNRTI monotherapy

Measurement of serum levels• Protease <strong>in</strong>hibitors• NNRTIs• However: expensivenot widely availableprolonged turn around time

Drug <strong>in</strong>teractions• Other ARVS• Common <strong>ICU</strong> medications• Prophylaxis medications• Medications for treatment of common HIV relateddiseases

Life threaten<strong>in</strong>g side effects• Potentially Life-Threaten<strong>in</strong>g and Serious Adverse Effects of Antiretroviral Agents.• Life-Threaten<strong>in</strong>g or Adverse Effect Pr<strong>in</strong>cipal Antiretroviral Agent• Systemic hypersensitivity reaction Abacavir• Stevens–Johnson syndrome or toxic• epidermal necrosis Nevirap<strong>in</strong>e• Hepatotoxicity All antiretroviral agents, especially• nevirap<strong>in</strong>e• Pancreatitis Didanos<strong>in</strong>e and stavud<strong>in</strong>e• Lactic acidosis syndrome, hepatoxicity, NRTIs, especially stavud<strong>in</strong>e,• and hepatic steatosis didanos<strong>in</strong>e, and zidovud<strong>in</strong>e• Nephrotoxicity and acute renal failure Ind<strong>in</strong>avir and tenofovir

Ethical issues• 40 % unaware of their HIV status at the time of <strong>ICU</strong>admission• Unable to give <strong>in</strong>formed consent:legal barriersdiscourage test<strong>in</strong>gprevent test<strong>in</strong>g• Knowledge of HIV status: <strong>in</strong>fluences the differentialdiagnosis• Affects diagnostic and treatment decisions

Legislation• Informed consent• Incapacitated <strong>in</strong> <strong>ICU</strong>: surrogate to consent on patient’sbehalf?• Hospital’s ethics committee?• Legal representative?• Use of HIV plasma RNA assays and CD4 counts assurrogates?• Risks and benefits of diagnostic procedures and empirictreatment without test<strong>in</strong>g the patient• Decisions may harm patients with and without HIV<strong>in</strong>fection!

Disclosure of a patient’s HIV status<strong>in</strong> <strong>ICU</strong>• Consent and participation of patient• Disclosure to spouse• Disclosure to legal representative• But is this acceptable to the patient who <strong>in</strong> <strong>ICU</strong> is<strong>in</strong>capacitated? Was prior authorisation given by thepatient?• Disclosure to family and friends: NO!• Disadvantage: affects relationships/<strong>in</strong>teractionsbetween <strong>ICU</strong> staff and relatives and friends• F<strong>in</strong>ally: occupational exposure to <strong>ICU</strong> staff?

Summary table: potentialbenefits/problems

Algorithm of Rx strategies for HIV <strong>in</strong>fected patients admitted to the <strong>ICU</strong>

Real life story• Phon<strong>in</strong>g for a bed• Arrival <strong>in</strong> <strong>ICU</strong>• DNR• Ventilate?• Dialyze?• Relatives? Wait for ------• ARVS? We want the ID• The relatives must come to KEV (not accredited!)• Fill a form• Get ARV number• Starter gun goes off

Summary• Special group• Special expertise (optimal management)• Complex issues: toxicity, efficacy, drug <strong>in</strong>teractions• Intensivists/HIV specialists• Large arsenal of potent ARV drugs• Unresolved issues: expert discussions; research

The physician’s prejudice• 4-5 % of hospitalised HIV <strong>in</strong>fected patients areadmitted to <strong>ICU</strong>!• Why???• Mortality trends: 1981-1985: 69 %1986-1988: decreased1992-1995: 37 %2001: 29 %

Need for a change <strong>in</strong> attitude• Before: uniformly fatal• Now <strong>in</strong> 2011: manageable chronic illness (like others!)• Like DM!• Like COPD!• Like HPT!• Open the <strong>ICU</strong> doors !

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