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1 8March "Golden Days" Photo IDGeorge F . (Pete) Dana, '52geol, '54ms, came through with the identity for theMarch Golden Days photo <strong>of</strong> the Sinatra-like singer . He is Duayne Hatchett,'50fa,'52mfa, now associate pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> art at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Tulsa . Back in 194 .`)singing was a sideline to Hatchett's study <strong>of</strong> art and pharmacy . Since then he hastaught at <strong>Oklahoma</strong> City <strong>University</strong> and at Tulsa . He has won numerous awardsin sculpture and painting at regional and national shows, and he has been includedtwice in the New Talent issue <strong>of</strong> the Arts in America periodical . Dana, who wasHatchett s neighbor while at O.U ., is now living in C(xly, Wyoming, where he ischief <strong>of</strong> ground water development for the state <strong>of</strong> Wyoming .1941[ .lmes R. Collins, '41 Law, Amarillo, Texas, isn,,sy serving as president <strong>of</strong> the Amarillo AmericanBus ness Club .Chester C . Crill, '41m .fa, is chairman <strong>of</strong> thedivision <strong>of</strong> fine arts and pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> music atPasadena College, Pasadena, California .C . Harlan Dunn, 'along, has complete(] his20th year <strong>of</strong> service with the Tulsa District Corm<strong>of</strong> Engineers. He has three daughters, the eldest <strong>of</strong>whom was recently married.Clarence Eugene Cray, Jr ., '416s, and his wifeElizabeth K., '396s, '41ms, recently moved to 2221Duchess Drive in St . Louis, Missouri .Francis W . Hollingsworth, '4lbs, '426a, '44med,after being e'.ected to the El Reno city council April4, has been named vice-mayor by the council .Wendell C . Phillips, '416us, and Mrs . Phillips(Janet Eaton, '42ba) make their home in <strong>Oklahoma</strong>City, where Phillips is the state traffic resultssupervisor for Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. The couple's two children are Suzanne. 12,and Larry, 10 .1942-44Franklin Grins, '42fa, and Mrs. Gritts (Geral-,line L .cc Monroe, 37-'39) are living in St . Lours,Missouri, where Gritts is the art director for theSporting News publication and Sporting GoodsDealer magazine. The couple's three children areDara . 12 . Bobby, 11 . and Galen, 9 .lack H . Morse, '436us, representative <strong>of</strong> CenturyLife Insurance Company, Tulsa, has beenI steel in the 1961 roster <strong>of</strong> the Million DollarRound Table <strong>of</strong> the National Association <strong>of</strong> LifeUnderwriters after selling over a million dollarsworth <strong>of</strong> life insurance in 1960 .R . C . Carleton, '44ma, superintendent <strong>of</strong> PaulsValley schools, was one <strong>of</strong> the two honored as"Men <strong>of</strong> the Year" at the annual Pauls ValleyChamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce banquet. Carleton servedfive years on the <strong>Oklahoma</strong> curriculum commission,is a past president <strong>of</strong> the east central d strict<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Oklahoma</strong> Education Association and servedtwo years on the O .E.A. board <strong>of</strong> directors . Most<strong>of</strong> his civic work has been clone through the Kiw"anis Club .Mrs . Louise Dicken, '44m .ed, is a violin teacherin Amarillo, Texas .1947-48Harold E . Cumberland, '47bus, has been appointedmanager <strong>of</strong> the life, accident and healthagency department at the Little Rock, Arkansas,<strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> the Travelers Insurance Companies, Hartford,Connecticut. Cumberland's wife is the formerHelen Richards, '43soc .wk .Don Simecheck, '47eng, Houston, Texas, PineForest Country Club champion, outgolfed ArnoldPalmer, top pro-golf money winner last year, inThe widow <strong>of</strong> Julien C . Mormet, founder <strong>of</strong> the 0 .1'. College <strong>of</strong> Law, was a familiar face to manyreturning alumni this year . She is shown (left) with her daughter, Mrs. Florence McKown,'226a .Houston's April Pro-Amateur Golf Tournament.Simecheck and It's wife (Marjorie Maincs, '46ed)snake their home in Houston.R . W. Allen, '48bs, '50geol, Ardmore, has beenpromoted to division geologist for Continental OilCompany. Allen, formerly assistant division geologist,joined Conoco at Ardmore in 1954 .William Safford Chancy, '48bs, has been employedby the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> California's Las AlamosScientific Laboratory . Besides his degree fromO.U ., he has a master's degree from - Texas College(,f Arts and Industries, Kingsville . Chancy'sfamily, including his wife, Catherine, and threechildren, now live in Los Alamos.1949Howard DeMcre, '49journ, <strong>of</strong> St . Louis, Mis-",uri, recently opened the World Gifts in theSheraton-Jefferson Hotel . He formerly workedfor KSD and KSI)-TV, the St . Lonis Post-Dispatchand as a televis :on weatherman and a radio discjockey. He is now in the import wholesale andretail business and works as a free lance writer .His wife is the former Dixie Chenault, '44fa .Clifford O . Doty, '49ed . '51m .ed, has beenteaching in the Denver, Colorado, publ c schoolsystem for the past seven years . His wife is theformer Ruth Howell, '47journ, and their childrenare Dwight, Susan, Alan, Steve and lack .Kenneth Heady, ', Bartlesville, has beenpromoted from staff attorney to assistant generalattorney for Phillips Petroleum Company . Heady,member <strong>of</strong> the Washington County, <strong>Oklahoma</strong>,American and Federal Power Bar Associations,joined the company in 1950 in its <strong>Oklahoma</strong> Citylegal division <strong>of</strong>fice and then was transferred in1951 to the legal department's headquarters inBartlesville-James C . Morris, '49ba, Comanche News publisher,has joined the <strong>of</strong>fice staff <strong>of</strong> RepresentativeVictor Wickersham in Washington, D . C . Mrs .Morris, who is a graduate <strong>of</strong> O .S .U . and has donegraduate work at O.U ., will stay in Comanche toedit and publish the newspaper .1950Clarence L. Aubrey, '506us, and Mrs . Aubrey(Betty Phillips, 'Sled) have their home in Lawtonwhere Aubrey is a Chevrolet dealer . They havethree children, David, 4, Lee Ann, 3, and , Mark,6 months .Dr . Robert W . Dean, '506a, '55med, and Mrs .Dean (Helen Field, '50ba) have moved to Tulsawhere Dr. Dean has entered the practice <strong>of</strong> obstetricsand gynecology . He recently completed residencyat Charity Hospital in New Orleans, Louisiana. The Deans have two children .E. Boy(] Shannon, '50m .ed, '55d .ed, is presentlyat Pasadena College, Pasadena, California, where heis chairman <strong>of</strong> the division <strong>of</strong> education and psychologyand director <strong>of</strong> teacher training . He is alsoa member <strong>of</strong> the California Council on 'reacher Education.Ray J . Tassin, '50journ, '57ma, doing residencework on a doctor's degree in journalism from the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, hasbeen elected to Kappa Tau Alpha, honorary scholasticfraternity, limited to the top 10 per cent <strong>of</strong>journalism students . Tassin, former <strong>Oklahoma</strong>newsman and journalism teacher at Baylor <strong>University</strong>,Waco, Texas, is author <strong>of</strong> two publishednovels, "Red Men in Blue," and "Steel Trails <strong>of</strong>Vengeance," and has completed a third .BIRTHS : W . F . Ewing, 'Sobs, '53med, andMrs . Ewing (Mary George Powell, '52h .ec) are theparents <strong>of</strong> a son, William F ., 111, born February 21 .Dr . Ewing is in the private practice <strong>of</strong> medicine atcontinued on page 20SOONER MAGAZINE

.SCy' .John H . Pipes, '5 led, is employed as director <strong>of</strong>the Signal Film and Equipment Exchange at FortSill . He and his wife (Barbara Hutchins, '51ed)have three children, David, 9, Kevin, 7, antiKathryn Elaine, 2 .Cecil M . Shaw, '51ed, '51m .ed, '58d .ed ., Casper,Wyoming, is the field coordinator for the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Wyoming . His other activities includeCasper city councilman, co-chairman <strong>of</strong> theShrine Circus, executive board member for theWyoming Golden Gloves Tournament, member <strong>of</strong>the long-range strategy committee <strong>of</strong> the WyomingBaptist Executive Board, and field coordinator forthe governor's committee on aging.Jack H . Shirley, '51ed, '55m .ed, '60ph .d, Reno,Nevada, formerly employed as an instructor inphysical education at O .U ., is now employed by the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Nevada, Reno, as a school administratorin graduate placement, school relations antiadmissions and records . He and his wife, Alice,have two children, Larry Alan, 2, anti Ronald Stephen,7 months .William R . Shirley, '516us, Bartlesville, is inhis fourth year as insurance analyst with CitiesService Petroleum Company .Calvin C . Steinberger, 111, '51eng, and Mrs .Steinberger (Margaret Mathis, '49h .ec) make theirhome in Bellaire, Texas, where Steinberger is inpartnership with his father in the oil firm, Steinbcrgerand Son, <strong>of</strong> Houston, Texas The Stein-.bcrgers' three children are Lynn, 9, Peggy 7, andGail, 5 .C Davit( Swanson, '516s, '51m .ed, is currentlyworking on a doctorate in business administrationat the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> California, Berkeley, whileteaching in the Oakland, California, public schools,T . Howard McCasland, '16ba, was obviouFly pleased with the election <strong>of</strong> his daughter, Mrs . JackMaurer, '52ba, as one <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oklahoma</strong> Association's two new vice presidents .the Glass-Nelson Clinic in Tulsa . Their two otherchildren are Ann, 4, and Martha, 2 .Donald W Shaffer, '50bus, anti Mrs . Shaffer(Catherine L . Martin, '50) San Antonio, Texas,have chosen the name Sanders (Sandy) Martin fortheir son born February 16 . Shaffer was recentlypromoted to district plant superintendent <strong>of</strong> theS~Ittth%vcs(Crn Bell Telephone Conipanc in SanAnt( .nio .1951Henry Washcnfclder, '51 bus, and Mrs . Washenfelder(Lesa 1 . Price, '5 led) reside in Casper, Wyoming,where Washenfelder is employed by PanAmerican Petroleum Corporation . The couple hastwo sons, Marc, 5 !: , and Brad Jeffrey, 1 .G . H . Bcnning. '51cd, is with the Linde CompanyD,vision <strong>of</strong> Union Carbide Corporations astechnical representative in the cryogenic productsdepartment, Dayton, Ohio . He anti his wife(Elaine Gieseke, a 1952 graduate <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> "Texas) have two sons, George H ., III, andWilliam, who was born October 18 .Robert O. Bristow, '51 journ, graduate studentin the O.U . School <strong>of</strong> Journalism, has accepted aposition as assistant pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> English at WinthropCollege, Rock Hill, South Carolina . Bristow,author <strong>of</strong> the novels Marked! anti Sin Street,has sold 1(111 short stories and articles to leadingmagazines, including L~rdies Home Journal . He isa former Alms Timer-Democrat advertising salesman.Charles Ray Brown, '516us, and Mrs . Brownare living in Manhattan, New York, where Brownis area manager for the Magnet Cove Barium Corporation<strong>of</strong> Houston, Texas . They have a son,Charles Ray, 11 .Capt . Charles R . Casey, '516u

Ohio, was recently named a research assistant tostudy for his doctor's degree at Scripps Institution<strong>of</strong> Oceanography, La Jolla, California .1955Thomas C . Ford, '55journ, has joined MonsantoChemical Company's public relations departmentas their representative in Houston, Texas.Ford was previously an employee <strong>of</strong> Monsanto atTexas City, Texas, and later with the WachoviaBank and Trust Company, Winston-Salem, NorthCarolina .Daniel M . Toma, Jr., '55hus, Memphis, Tennessee,has accepted the position <strong>of</strong> administrative assistantto the president <strong>of</strong> five bowling corporationsin Memphis and Jackson, Tennessee, and Sheffieldand Birmingham, Alabama . Toma was formerlywith the Continental Oil Company.Lynn I) . Foreman, '55bus, and Mrs. Foreman(Barbara Brendle, '56ed) live in Norman whereForeman recently began work in the housing constructionbusiness .Albert Daniel Overton, Jr ., '55eng, is employedas production engineer at the Monsanto ChemicalCompany in Webster Groves, Missouri . Overtonmarried the former Gave Chailland in June,1959, and they have a son, Daniel, Ill .Harold K . Wilson, '551-aw, with the InternalRevenue Service in Washington, I) . C ., recently becamea certified public accountant after havingstudied at George Washington <strong>University</strong> . Helives in Alexandria, Virginia .BIRTH : Graham Johnston, '566us, and Mrs .Johnston (Janis Thompson, '55ed) arc the parents<strong>of</strong> a son, Kevin Murray, born January 18 in Lombard,Illinois . They also have a (laughter, JenniferLynn, 2 .dissertation was "An Experimental Evaluation <strong>of</strong>Two Curriculum Designs for Teaching First-YearAlgebra in a Ninth-Grade Class ."Tom McCasland, Jr ., '56eng, and Mrs . Mc-Casland (Ph% - llis Hahn, '566us) are now living inDuncan, where McCasland is associated with MackOil Company. They have two sons, Tommy, 2,anti Mark, 1 .Ray B . Moore, '566us, is associated with ArthurAndersen and Company, accountants andauditors, in Dallas, Texas . His wife is the formerCarolyn Carroll, '57bus, and the couple has a son,Randall Carroll More, who was born May 8, 1960.Howard J . Snavely, '566us, is working forPeat, Marw :ck, Mitchell, and Company in Denver,Colorado. Snavely is married and has two children,Julie, 2, and Kathy, 1 .MARRIAGE : Kay Lynn Hodge and Robert L.Johnson, Jr ., '56eng, were married April 22 in theFirst Presbyterian Church, Alice, Texas. Thecouple has made their home in Premont, Texas .BIRTHS : J, M . Coman, '56eng, and Mrs . Comanhave selected the name Colleen Clair for theirdaughter born March If) in Pasadena, Texas . Comanworks for Shell Oil Company in Deer Park,Texas, and attends the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Houston lawschool at nights . He was recently promoted to captainin the U . S . Marine Reserve. The Comans'other two children are Joseph Michael, 11, 4, andKevin Patrick, 2 .William H . Holmberg, '56eng, and Mrs . Holmberg,Alexandria, Virginia, have chosen the nameCheryl Ann for their (laughter born April 16 .James T . Weckc, '56iourn, and Mrs . Weeks(Mars Lylc Childs,'56journ) have chosen the nameDeborah Susan for their (laughter born April 25 inNorman . Weeks is employed by the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> publicinformation at O.U .1958KaN Belknap, '58bs, is working in the chemicalolcpartnient <strong>of</strong> St . Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston,Texas .Carl A . Tucker, '58geol, recently began work asa geologist for the Humble Oil and Refining Companyin Midland . Texas, after three years activeduty with the U . S . Marine Corps .BIRTHS : Robert P . Montgomery, Jr ., '57eng,and Mrs. Montgomery (Barbara Jones, '58fa) havechosen the names Robert Place, III, and John Paulfor their twin sons born April 20 in Sacramento,California . Montgomery is employed as an engineerfor Acrojet General in Rancho Cordova, a suburb<strong>of</strong> Sacramento.John C . Day, '59med, and Mrs . Day (ClaiaMcCord, '58h .ec) have selected the name CynthiaLynn for their slaughter born March 14 . Dr. Dayis presently in obstetrics-gynecology residency atSt . John's Hospital in Tulsa .Glenn A . Pierson, '586a, anti Mrs . Pierson(Carolyn Jean Sexton, '58ed) have announced thebirth <strong>of</strong> a s. .n, Gregory Alan, on January 18 inNorman .1959Elsa L . Alexander, '59bus, is employed as a1956W . Rogers Abbott, 11, '56bs, is tax atttorney forOrinoco Mining Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary<strong>of</strong> the U . S . Steel Company, in EstadoBolivar, Venezuela .Lt- Philip M . Belisle, '566us, with the Navy inthe western Pacific since October, 1960, has beenawarded the "Centurian" Certificate for 100 carrierlandings aboard the U .S .S. Bennington(CVS20) . His wife (Geneal McElroy) and histwo daughters are living in Imperial Beach, California.Don R . Carter, '56ba, '60med, entered surgeryresidency July I at <strong>University</strong>- Hospital in <strong>Oklahoma</strong>City . He, Mrs . Carter (Roberta Every) andtheir daughter were formerly at Galveston, Texas,where Dr . Carter was serving an internship at JohnScaly Hospital .J . Kent Chesnut, '56bs, '59med, after finishinghis internship at the U. S . Naval Hospital, Norman,is a medical <strong>of</strong>ficer aboard the Navy transport shipGeneral Galley . His wife (Bethe Sue Allen) <strong>of</strong>Atlanta, Georgia, is at their home in Oakland, California.Chesnut plans to do:. residency in surgeryat the O .U . School <strong>of</strong> Medicine in two years .Bill J . Dorel, '56geol, Morgan City, Louisiana,is presently working for Pure Oil Company . Heand his wife, Phyllis, have three sons, Don, 9,Bill 1 ., 18 months, and Shane, 4 months .Harry K . Kernal, '56bus, Wichita, Kansas, hasreceived his master's degree in mathematics from<strong>Oklahoma</strong> State <strong>University</strong>, Stillwater, and is presentlyemployed by IBM as a systems engineer .Mrs . Martha Unsickcr Kersey, '56ed, has retiredfrom teaching in Lawton and Duncan and is nowdoing private tutoring. Her home is in Duncan,where she has two small daughters .M . Laverne Loman, '56ed, '57ma, took his finalexamination for his doctor <strong>of</strong> philosophy degreefrom the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oklahoma</strong> on April 18 . HisJuly, 1961The shirt's a hit small for Ben Blackstock, :51journ, but just right for his little Sooner . Admiringthe prize for the alumnus with the youngest child is classmate Charles Pugsley, .2 1

Dallas Tops AlumniClub RollTheO.U . Club <strong>of</strong> Dallas is young both inthe years <strong>of</strong> its existence and in the outlook<strong>of</strong> its membership . But for all <strong>of</strong> its youth,it is the most vitally active group <strong>of</strong> thealumni family . For its service to the <strong>University</strong>,the Dallas club received the firstDon Eaton Memorial Award in May.Organized in 1952 by a group <strong>of</strong> youngbusinessmen, the Dallas alumni group nownumbers over 200 activemembers representingmore than 1 .200 O.U . alumni inthe Dallas-Fort Worth area . Currently servingas president <strong>of</strong> the group is Sam Heilbron,'29, who along with 14 other clubmembers traveled to Norman in May toreceive the award at the CommencementDay luncheon .Among the features <strong>of</strong> the Dallas clubwhich contributed to its recognition as theoutstanding alumni club are its monthlyluncheon meetings, sponsorship <strong>of</strong> the annualBeat Texas dance before the Dallasgame and the annual spring picnic foralumni . Funds from various activitiesthrough the year are used to sponsor fromone to four scholarships annually for studentsattending O.U . from the Dallas area .In addition to the scholarships, members<strong>of</strong> the club also provide a counseling servicefor high school seniors who indicate aninterest in the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oklahoma</strong> . Tokeep local alumni interest at a peak, theclub publishes a monthly humorous newsletter to keep members posted on activities .The Don Eaton Award was initiated byhis home club in Washington to encourageconstructive activity on the part <strong>of</strong> its fellowalumni groups . Eaton himself went toWashington in 1950, and shortly after hisarrival he organized the <strong>Oklahoma</strong> DinnerClub to supplement the regular O. U. ClubSam Heilbron, '29, (left) accepted the Don Eaton Memorial plaque for the Dallas alumni . Presentingthe award was Norman Alexander, '52ha, :56Law, past president <strong>of</strong> the Washington alumni .activities . He became president <strong>of</strong> the Washingtonclub in 1955 and was adviser to later<strong>of</strong>ficers until his death in 1957 .Presenting the award to Heilbron at theluncheon was Norman Alexander, '52bus,'56Law, past president <strong>of</strong> the O. U. Club <strong>of</strong>Washington, D. C., now <strong>of</strong> Tulsa.The Dallas club, in being awarded theplaque, was recognized for its great contributionto the promotion <strong>of</strong> paid membershipsin the Alumni Association and support <strong>of</strong>the Alumni Development Fund Program.More than too <strong>of</strong> the Dallas club membersare ADF class representatives .hospital accountant at the Jackson County MemorialHospital in Altus .George H. Ishler, '59med, is a resident physicianin pathology at St . John's Hospital, Tulsa.Roy F. Bennett, Jr ., '59eng, Tulsa, is employedby Byron Jackson Pumps, Incorporated,manufacturers <strong>of</strong> all types <strong>of</strong> centrifugal pumps .Emily Ferris Ryan, '59journ, is working forBraniff Airways in their public relations <strong>of</strong>fice. Mrs .R% - an, Richardson, Texas, is presently acting C-lumbian counsel .11960Ronncy R . Koch, '60bs, and Mrs . Koch (PatriciaWoody, '61ed) have their home in Duncan,where Koch works in the chemical laboratory atJuly, 1961the Halliburton Company's technological center .R. O. McKonald, '606us, recently moved fromWilliamsburg, Virginia, to <strong>Oklahoma</strong> City .Patricia Joyce Parkey, '60, Tulsa, has graduatedfrom Eastern Air Lines' flight attendance trainingschool in Miami, Florida, and is now flying E.A .L .routes.Army 2nd Lt . Stephen A. Rothstein, '60geol,Tulsa, recently completed the missile <strong>of</strong>ficer orientationcourse at the Air Defense School, FortBliss, Texas .Robert Lee Rountree, '60geol, recently acceptedthe job <strong>of</strong> junior physicist in the Jackson, Mississippi,district <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> Pan American Petroleum Corporation. In March Rountree completed work ona master's degree from O.U . in geology .Army Pvt . Stanley L . Samples, '60, recentlywas sent to Germany where he is an electronicstechnician in the 7th Artillery's 183rd OrdnanceCompany in Schweinfurt .2d Lt . John Charles Schwartz, '60bs, won anArmy signal honor when he ranked first in thechemical <strong>of</strong>ficer orientation course at Fort Mc-Clcllan, Alabama . Lieutenant Schwartz, Weatherford,is now on active duty with the U. S. ArmyChemical Corps .Edward B. Wharton, '606us, Duncan, is presentlyoperating in <strong>Oklahoma</strong> and Kansas as alandman for Mack Oil Company . His wife, Nancy,formerly employed at the O.U . <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> admissionsand records, is working f(,r the Securit . Nati .)nalBank in Duncan .23

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