Jammed - Alex Broun

Jammed - Alex Broun Jammed - Alex Broun

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8CRESSIDA: And it’s autobiographical.DANNY: No. It’s not autobiographical. I explained that.CRESSIDA: What if I went out with you ?DANNY: Say that again.CRESSIDA: What if I went out with you ?DANNY: You mean – you’d go out with me?CRESSIDA: On one condition.DANNY: Sure.CRESSIDA: You cancelled the playreading.DANNY: Cancelled the playreading ? But then you couldn’t come toit.CRESSIDA: And neither could anybody else.DANNY: And then I wouldn’t need –CRESSIDA: To copy the play.BEAT.DANNY:Okay. Let me just get this straight. You’ll go out withme – on the one condition that I cancel the playreading.CRESSIDA NODS.BEAT. DANNY SMILES.DANNY:Now this is funny.CRESSIDA: This is serious Danny. Deadly serious.DANNY:Part of the reason I write plays is so I can meet a girllike you and she’ll go out with me. And now I meet agirl like you who’ll go out with me – on the condition Idon’t write any more plays.CRESSIDA: You can write them. Just don’t photocopy them. Ormaybe don’t write them. Record them on tape.

9CRESSIDA: (CONT) That way you don’t have to print them out.DANNY:This is what we call an interesting dilemma. It’s aplaywriting term. The protagonist – that’s me – can getwhat he wants as long he gives up what he thought hewanted. That is if that is actually what he wants. Youget it ?CRESSIDA: I don’t mean to rush you but could you resolve yourdilemma pretty quickly as the manager is looking thisway.DANNY:You really don’t want me to photocopy my play thatmuch ?CRESSIDA: Yes. I’d be willing to do anything. (BEAT) I mean no –not at all. In fact I was already going to ask you out.The moment you came in I thought – “Hot stuff”. “Evenbetter – “Intellectual hot stuff.” The whole ‘Save thetrees’ thing is just a ruse so I could find a way to askyou out. I photocopy thousands of sheets a day. Aroundhere I’m known as “Queen Photocopier”. Who knowshow many trees I’ve destroyed.BEAT.DANNY: You just made that up ?CRESSIDA: You got me.DANNY: Wow. That was great. Have you ever done any acting ?CRESSIDA: Just at School. Les Mis.DANNY: Who did you play ?CRESSIDA: Cosette.DANNY:I can see that. You’d be a great Cosette.CRESSIDA: I’ll tell you all about it. Let’s just get out of here. I thinkthe manager’s recognised me.DANNY:Hold on. Don’t rush me. This is a momentous decision.It could affect the entire future of my character. Doeshe give up his dreams of being a playwright to pursuetrue love ?

9CRESSIDA: (CONT) That way you don’t have to print them out.DANNY:This is what we call an interesting dilemma. It’s aplaywriting term. The protagonist – that’s me – can getwhat he wants as long he gives up what he thought hewanted. That is if that is actually what he wants. Youget it ?CRESSIDA: I don’t mean to rush you but could you resolve yourdilemma pretty quickly as the manager is looking thisway.DANNY:You really don’t want me to photocopy my play thatmuch ?CRESSIDA: Yes. I’d be willing to do anything. (BEAT) I mean no –not at all. In fact I was already going to ask you out.The moment you came in I thought – “Hot stuff”. “Evenbetter – “Intellectual hot stuff.” The whole ‘Save thetrees’ thing is just a ruse so I could find a way to askyou out. I photocopy thousands of sheets a day. Aroundhere I’m known as “Queen Photocopier”. Who knowshow many trees I’ve destroyed.BEAT.DANNY: You just made that up ?CRESSIDA: You got me.DANNY: Wow. That was great. Have you ever done any acting ?CRESSIDA: Just at School. Les Mis.DANNY: Who did you play ?CRESSIDA: Cosette.DANNY:I can see that. You’d be a great Cosette.CRESSIDA: I’ll tell you all about it. Let’s just get out of here. I thinkthe manager’s recognised me.DANNY:Hold on. Don’t rush me. This is a momentous decision.It could affect the entire future of my character. Doeshe give up his dreams of being a playwright to pursuetrue love ?

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