2011 New Releases Catalogue June - Learningemall.com

2011 New Releases Catalogue June - Learningemall.com

2011 New Releases Catalogue June - Learningemall.com


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<strong>2011</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Releases</strong> <strong>Catalogue</strong><strong>June</strong>CD-ROM DVD VODwww.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong>

CONTENTACADEMIC SUCCESS ........................................................................................................................................................... 4ADULT STUDY........................................................................................................................................................................ 4ADVANCED CLINICAL SKILLS............................................................................................................................................... 4AFRICAN STUDIES ................................................................................................................................................................ 4AGING..................................................................................................................................................................................... 5ALCOHOL ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6AMERICAN INDIE................................................................................................................................................................... 6AMERICAN STUDIES ............................................................................................................................................................. 7ANATOMY ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7ANIMAL SCIENCE .................................................................................................................................................................. 7ART IN THE CLASSROOM..................................................................................................................................................... 7AUSTRALIAN ART .................................................................................................................................................................. 7BASIC SKILLS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7BEHAVIOR .............................................................................................................................................................................. 9BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................................................................... 9BILINGUAL/ELL/ESL............................................................................................................................................................... 9BIOLOGY ...............................................................................................................................................................................11BULLYING..............................................................................................................................................................................11BUSINESS .............................................................................................................................................................................11BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................................................. 12BUSINESS EDUCATION ...................................................................................................................................................... 12BUSINESS LAW.................................................................................................................................................................... 12CAREER DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................................................................... 12CAREER EXPLORATION ..................................................................................................................................................... 13CAREERS & PLANNING PROFESSION .............................................................................................................................. 13CHEMISTRY ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13CHILD ABUSE....................................................................................................................................................................... 13CHILD CENTERED LEARNING............................................................................................................................................ 14CITIES................................................................................................................................................................................... 14CLIMATE CHANGE/GLOBAL WARMING ............................................................................................................................. 15COMMUNITY ISSUES .......................................................................................................................................................... 15CONFIRMATION/YOUTH STUDY ........................................................................................................................................ 17CONFLICT / VIOLENCE ....................................................................................................................................................... 17CONFLICT RESOLUTION .................................................................................................................................................... 17CONSTRUCTION LAW, CORPORATE LAW, LABOR & EMPLOYMENT LAW .................................................................... 17CONTEMPORARY HISTORY ............................................................................................................................................... 18CORPORATE LAW ............................................................................................................................................................... 18CULTURAL AWARENESS .................................................................................................................................................... 18CULTURAL DIVERSITY ........................................................................................................................................................ 19CURRICULUM PLANNING ................................................................................................................................................... 19CUSTOMER SERVICE ......................................................................................................................................................... 19DANCE.................................................................................................................................................................................. 19DATING VIOLENCE .............................................................................................................................................................. 20DIABETES............................................................................................................................................................................. 20DISCIPLINE .......................................................................................................................................................................... 20DISPUTE RESOLUTION, INTERNATIONAL LAW, LABOR & EMPLOYMENT LAW ............................................................ 21DOCUMENTARIES ............................................................................................................................................................... 21DOCUMENTARY................................................................................................................................................................... 23DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ........................................................................................................................................................ 29EARLY LEARNING................................................................................................................................................................ 30EARLY LITERACY ................................................................................................................................................................ 30EARTH & SPACE SCIENCE ................................................................................................................................................. 32ELL-ESL................................................................................................................................................................................ 32EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT & COMMUNICATIONS........................................................................................................... 33EMPLOYMENT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 33EVOLUTION.......................................................................................................................................................................... 34EXECUTIVE SKILLS............................................................................................................................................................. 34EXPLORING MATH AND SCIENCE IN ACTION................................................................................................................... 34FAMILY.................................................................................................................................................................................. 34FAMILY ADVOCACY/DOD .................................................................................................................................................... 35FAMILY LAW ......................................................................................................................................................................... 36FAMILY LAW, LABOR & EMPLOYMENT LAW ..................................................................................................................... 36FILM STUDIES...................................................................................................................................................................... 36FONTS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 37FRENCH CINEMA & CULTURE............................................................................................................................................ 38GENERAL CHILD DEVELOPMENT...................................................................................................................................... 38GENERAL PRACTICE .......................................................................................................................................................... 38GENETICS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 39GOVERNMENT LAW ............................................................................................................................................................ 39

GRIEF ................................................................................................................................................................................... 39HEALTH ................................................................................................................................................................................ 39HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS................................................................................................................................................. 39HEART ATTACK .................................................................................................................................................................... 40HEART DISEASE.................................................................................................................................................................. 40HEART FAILURE .................................................................................................................................................................. 40HISTORY............................................................................................................................................................................... 40HOLIDAYS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 41HR MANAGEMENT............................................................................................................................................................... 41HUMAN BIOLOGY ................................................................................................................................................................ 41HUMAN RIGHTS LAW, LABOR & EMPLOYMENT LAW ...................................................................................................... 42INFANTS & TODDLERS........................................................................................................................................................ 42INFANTS AND TODDLERS................................................................................................................................................... 42INFRASTRUCTURE.............................................................................................................................................................. 42INTERNATIONAL LAW, LABOR & EMPLOYMENT LAW...................................................................................................... 42INTERNET SAFETY.............................................................................................................................................................. 43IT APPLICATIONS................................................................................................................................................................. 44JOB SEARCH SKILLS .......................................................................................................................................................... 44JOB SUCCESS SKILLS........................................................................................................................................................ 45KEYBOARDING .................................................................................................................................................................... 45KIDS AND FOOD .................................................................................................................................................................. 46KNOWLEDGE & LEARNING ................................................................................................................................................ 46LABOR & EMPLOYMENT LAW ............................................................................................................................................ 46LABOR & EMPLOYMENT LAW, LITIGATION....................................................................................................................... 48LABOR & EMPLOYMENT LAW, LITIGATION, REAL ESTATE LAW..................................................................................... 49LABOR & EMPLOYMENT LAW, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LAW..................................................................................... 49LAND & WATER.................................................................................................................................................................... 49LANGUAGE ARTS ................................................................................................................................................................ 50LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT AND LITERACY SKILLS....................................................................................................... 54LAW ENFORCEMENT .......................................................................................................................................................... 54LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT.......................................................................................................................................... 55LIFE SCIENCE...................................................................................................................................................................... 55LIFE SKILLS.......................................................................................................................................................................... 56LITERACY............................................................................................................................................................................. 56LITIGATION........................................................................................................................................................................... 56MANAGING AND LEADING.................................................................................................................................................. 57MATH .................................................................................................................................................................................... 57MATH CONCEPTS................................................................................................................................................................ 58MATH FOR YOUNG CHILDREN........................................................................................................................................... 59MENTAL HEALTH ................................................................................................................................................................. 59MOTOR SKILLS.................................................................................................................................................................... 59MOVEMENT EDUCATION .................................................................................................................................................... 59MULTICULTURAL ................................................................................................................................................................. 61MULTICULTURAL STUDIES................................................................................................................................................. 62MULTIMEDIA TOOLS............................................................................................................................................................ 62MUSIC................................................................................................................................................................................... 62MUSIC AND MOVEMENT..................................................................................................................................................... 63NORTH AMERICA................................................................................................................................................................. 63NUTRITION........................................................................................................................................................................... 63OUTDOOR PLAY .................................................................................................................................................................. 63PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.................................................................................................................................................. 63PARENTING.......................................................................................................................................................................... 64PARENTING SKILLS............................................................................................................................................................. 66PEER MEDIATION ................................................................................................................................................................ 66PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL.............................................................................................................................................. 67PERSONAL HEALTH & WELLNESS .................................................................................................................................... 67PHYSICAL EDUCATION ....................................................................................................................................................... 67PHYSICS & MAGNETISM..................................................................................................................................................... 68PLACES & PLACE MAKING ................................................................................................................................................. 68PLACES AND PLACE MAKING ............................................................................................................................................ 68PLAN FOR TRANSITIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 68PLANNING ............................................................................................................................................................................ 68PLANNING ISSUES.............................................................................................................................................................. 68PLANNING MANAGEMENT, METHODS AND TECHNOLOGY............................................................................................ 68PLANNING MOVEMENTS AND HISTORY........................................................................................................................... 69PLAY AND YOUNG CHILDREN............................................................................................................................................ 69PLAY TYPES AND FACILITATION ........................................................................................................................................ 69POSITIVE TEACHER LANGUAGE ....................................................................................................................................... 69PRESCHOOL........................................................................................................................................................................ 70PRESCHOOL EDUCATION .................................................................................................................................................. 70PROFESSIONALISM AND LEADERSHIP ............................................................................................................................ 70PROGRAM PLANNING......................................................................................................................................................... 70

PSYCHOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................................................... 70PUBLIC HEALTH................................................................................................................................................................... 71RACE AND RACISM ............................................................................................................................................................. 71RAPE / SEXUAL ASSAULT................................................................................................................................................... 71REFERENCE ........................................................................................................................................................................ 72RELATIONSHIPS .................................................................................................................................................................. 72RELIGIOUS STUDIES .......................................................................................................................................................... 72SCHOOLS AND DISTRICTS................................................................................................................................................. 73SCIENCE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 73SEXUAL HARASSMENT....................................................................................................................................................... 78SOCIAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES........................................................................................................................................... 78SOCIAL STUDIES................................................................................................................................................................. 78SOCIAL STUDIES AND YOUNG CHILDREN ....................................................................................................................... 79SPECIAL EDUCATION.......................................................................................................................................................... 79STRATEGIC PLANNING & THE FUTURE ............................................................................................................................ 82STRESS MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................................................................... 83STRUCTURES...................................................................................................................................................................... 83SUBSTANCE ABUSE............................................................................................................................................................ 83SUICIDE PREVENTION........................................................................................................................................................ 84SUPPORTING POSITIVE BEHAVIOR .................................................................................................................................. 84TEACHER RESOURCES...................................................................................................................................................... 84TEACHER TOOLS ................................................................................................................................................................ 84TEAM EXCELLENCE............................................................................................................................................................ 88TRAUMA/PTSD..................................................................................................................................................................... 88TRIAL ADVOCACY ............................................................................................................................................................... 89TYPES OF PLANS................................................................................................................................................................ 89VIOLENCE EDUCATION ...................................................................................................................................................... 89VIOLENCE PREVENTION .................................................................................................................................................... 89WOMEN'S STUDIES............................................................................................................................................................. 89WORK SHEET GENERATORS............................................................................................................................................. 90百 科 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 90科 普 教 育倘 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 92電踝 視 紀 錄 片 - 人 文 ................................................................................................................................................................. 96

ACADEMICSUCCESSDuration : 92 minutesCopyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781557257864Price : USD 60.00ADVANCEDCLINICAL SKILLSGET HIRED AND GO: THECOMPLETE GUIDE TOGETTING A JOB ANDDOING IT RIGHT - BEFOREYOU APPLY: JOB SKILLSAND EVALUATIONSchool is over and it's time to go out andget your dream job—but what is that,exactly? Determining a career choice, or acareer path, is one of the hardest things todo in life. This video helps new graduatesand beginning jobseekers clarify theirprofessional goals and find jobs that fittheir skills, passions, priorities, andlong-term plans. Viewers learn how to useassessment tests—focusing on values,interests, or aptitude and achievement—toidentify strengths and challenges; how tomake the most of occupationalclassification systems that describeindustries and labor markets in detail; howto obtain references and letters ofre<strong>com</strong>mendation that underscore pastexperience and future potential; and howto explore job training options, whetherthey involve on-the-job instruction, furtheracademic coursework, or a <strong>com</strong>bination ofboth.Item no. : LH00273722Format : DVDDuration : 26 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 100.00ADULT STUDYDISCOVERING CHRISTIANCLASSICS: 5 SESSIONS INTHE ANCIENT FAITH OFOUR FUTUREJoin these two dynamic Christianteachers – a founder of the <strong>New</strong> Monasticmovement and a professor of Christianspirituality – and your group will learnabout five of the essential classic spiritualworks of the Christian tradition. WithJonathan Wilson-Hartgrove and LaurenWinner you will discover:The meaning of conversion andprayer from the Desert Fathers andMothers.How to love from the sermons of St.John Chrysostom.St. Benedict's Rule of Life and how itbecame one of the foundations ofWestern Christian spirituality.How to have an intimate relationshipwith God according to The Cloud ofUnknowing.What it means to "pick up your cross"in the Imitation of Christ by Thomas aKempis.Item no.Format: FR02600076: DVD (With Leader'sFAITH AND PRACTICE OFOTHE EARLIESTCHRISTIANS, THE: ASTUDY ON THE DIDACHEWith Tony JonesJoin Tony Jones as he unveils this latefirst-century text: the Didache, or"Teaching of the Twelve. You will explorewhat some of the earliest Christians livedand taught. What is THE WAY OF JESUS?How important are BAPTISM AND HOLYCOMMUNION? What does it mean to BECHURCH? When is it good to LOOK TOTHE FUTURE? Why is it important forChristians to look BACK TO THE ROOTSOF FAITH? This essential study in the lifeand practice of the Early Church willchallenge any study group, home church,highschool, college or adult discussiongroup.Item no. : DY02970077Format : DVDDuration : 53 minutesCopyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781557258700Price : USD 50.00PRIESTLY VOCATION, THETWhat does it mean to be a priest? Howdoes a man discern such a calling?The priestly vocation is a counter-culturalone. Through the stories of priests ofvarying backgrounds, in this powerful newDVD, see firsthand how their lives of loveand self-sacrifice are more fulfilled thanyou imagine.The Priestly Vocation shows you: The priest as bridge builder—aconnector between God and thepeople.Ways to know that you are beingcalled; what questions to ask ofyourself, and of others. Personal experiences of prieststalking about how they discerned theircalls.The many facets of what it means tobe a priest, including teachers, artists,chaplains, social activists, reconcilers,monks, and preachers.The wonderful ways that God usespriests today to be Christ in theworld—in ordinary and extraordinaryways.The Priestly Vocation is essential for thelending library of every parish priest,religious <strong>com</strong>munity, as well as diocesanvocation directors.Item no. : PD02540087Format : DVDDuration : 70 minutesCopyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781557257000Price : USD 35.00THERAPEUTICRELATIONSHIP,INDIVIDUALIZEDTREATMENT AND OTHERKEYS TO SUCCESSFULPSYCHOTHERAPY, THEBy John C. NorcrossIn this <strong>com</strong>pelling interview with one of themost prominent psychotherapyresearchers of our time, Dr. John Norcrosspresents the results from fourteenmeta-analyses that reveal the secrets tosuccessful therapy.By watching this video, you will: Learn what three questions to ask allof your patients in order to: tailor thepsychotherapy to each individual;maximize the effectiveness oftreatment; and reduce the rate ofpremature terminations. Understand the importance of thetherapeutic relationship and how toskillfully address and repair allianceruptures. Identify evidence-based steps youcan take to improve your therapeuticeffectiveness.If you're skeptical of the idea thatpsychotherapy is akin to a medicalprocedure, and un<strong>com</strong>fortable with thetrend towards empirically validatedtreatments which don't acknowledge thetherapeutic relationship, then this videowill show you that your doubts are morethan reasonable, and, in fact, backed upby decades of research. Norcrosspersuasively makes the case that thehuman element inherent in psychotherapyshould take center stage, because it isscientifically proven to play a significantrole in successful treatment out<strong>com</strong>es.Item no.Format: TE07620150: DVD (With Instructor'sManual): 81 minutesDurationStdBkNo : 1601242581Price : USD 195.00AFRICAN STUDIESBURNING IN THE SUNAn inspirational portrait of a young WestAfrican man who starts a business buildingsolar panels from scratch and selling themto rural customers in Mali.6-year-old Daniel Dembele is equal partsWest African and European, and lookingto make his mark on the world. Seizing themoment at a crossroads in his life, Danieldecides to return to his homeland in Maliand start a local business building solarpanels -- the first of its kind in thesun-drenched nation. Daniel's goal is toelectrify the households of ruralGuide)________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk4

<strong>com</strong>munities, 99% of which live withoutpower.BURNING IN THE SUN tells the story ofDaniel's journey growing the budding ideainto a viable <strong>com</strong>pany, and of thebusiness' impact on Daniel's firstcustomers in the tiny village of Banko.Addressing climate change, poverty, andself-sufficiency, the film demonstrates howa small-scale, local business model canprovide jobs, appropriate technology, andempowerment to people everywhere. Thefilm also explores what it means to growup as a man, and a vision of what it takesto prosper as a nation.Reviews "If you are hungry for solutions torenewable energy development indeveloping countries, this is the filmyou have been waiting for." - LenBroberg, Director and Professor,Environmental Studies, University ofMontana"As a teacher and user of small-scalesolar PV systems, I very muchappreciate the take-away message ofthis film--innovation, education,collaboration can make solar energytruly accessible, affordable and fun.Bravo!" - Dr. Jonathan Scherch, CoreFaculty, Center for Creative Change,Antioch University Seattle"A fascinating subject…riveting, andthe ramifications are prettyextraordinary--for Mali, of course, butfor poor countries worldwide and, infact, for some rich ones, too." -TrustMovies blogAwards Grand Jury Prize, Best EnvironmentalFilm, Santa Cruz Film Festival Audience Award, Indie Spirit FilmFestival Audience Award, Best DocumentaryFeature, Southern Utah InternationalDocumentary Film FestivalItem no.FormatDurationAudience: WJ01110671: DVD: 83 minutes: Grades 7-9, College,AdultsCopyright : 2010StdBkNo : 1594589119Price : USD 295.00AGINGDON'T GROW OLD:HOLDING BACK THEYEARS What, exactly, is aging? Can westop or alter it? What would it take to have a long andhealthy life? How much do our emotions andattitudes about aging affect how weage? How close are we to finding an elixirof youth?This informative, new program poses all ofthese questions and more in its broadattempt to examine and understand themysteries of aging. From a study ofhealthy centenarians to a five-year-oldwith progeria (rapid-aging disease) totruths and myths about antioxidants, generesearch, and oxidative stress,researchers share their often surprisingfindings. (Included is a prominentmind-over-body study which reveals somelife-changing results for the participants.)We also meet three generations of onefamily, ranging in age from 2 to 93, whoprovide candid thoughts on heredity andaging.This discussion-starting DVD reminds usthat the definition of aging needs to beopen to being "re-defined". In the wordsof one of the researchers, "We haveenormous control over our health andwell-being that we're only beginning tobe<strong>com</strong>e aware of…"Item no. : FU01370268Format : DVDDuration : 49 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 243.00ELDER PARENT CARE: THETFAMILY MEETINGThis unique video teaches families whoneed to care for an elderly parent how towork together to develop a sharedcaregiving plan. It takes an in-depth lookat how one typical family <strong>com</strong>es togetherto assess its elder parent's needs.Faced with obstacles that beset mostfamilies, the family goal is to develop aplan the whole family, including the elders,can support. Following a five-step decisionmaking process, the family learns how togather information, formulate and evaluateoptions and create and act on a plan.Item no. : JD01370295Format : DVD (With Guide)Duration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 141.00FREEDOM OF SEXUALEXPRESSION: DEMENTIADAND RESIDENT RIGHTS INLONG-TERM CAREFACILITIESNarrated by Anne Meara, Freedom ofSexual Expression looks at sexuality andintimacy as basic human rights that shouldnot be denied simply because the personhas a level of decreased cognizance andlives in a nursing home.The video tastefully shows various sexualexpressions, the effect of thoseexpressions on the residents and thosearound them, and methods to allowfreedom of sexual expression whilemaintaining a <strong>com</strong>fortable environment forother residents and staff.Freedom of sexual expression also: gives staff members effectivestrategies to deal with inappropriatesexual behaviors encourages family members tounderstand and respect their lovedone's continued need for intimacy provides sample policies andprocedures on residents' rightsregarding sexual expression andphysical protection.Item no. : SC01370301Format : DVDDuration : 16 minutesPrice : USD 241.00GRIEF, LOSS AND OLDERADULTSIn order to personally understand the griefand loss issues experienced by olderadults, a group participates in a sensitivityexercise, and geriatric experts elaborateon this issue -- an exceptionallyenlightening training video!Item no. : RD01370308Format : DVD (With Guide)Duration : 20 minutesPrice : USD 213.00INJURY PREVENTION FORTHE ELDERLY:PREVENTING PROBLEMUSE OF ALCOHOLBy Dr. Bonnie L. WalkerExperts estimate that 10% of the elderlypopulation may be alcohol dependent. But,since signs of alcohol abuse can be similarto signs of aging, spotting alcoholproblems in the elderly can be difficult. Inthis program, viewers learn the symptomsof problem use of alcohol and gain anawareness of the special dangers that canaffect an older person. They learn aboutlife stresses that can lead to problemalcohol use and about the hazards of andinterventions for alcohol withdrawal.Included are four photocopyablescreening tools that can be used to assessthe problem use of alcohol.Item no. : YD01370336Format : DVDDuration : 16 minutesPrice : USD 170.00LOSSPREVENTION/PATIENTPROPERTYThis program introduces several ideaswhich help prevent loss of patient property.Emphasis is placed on the responsibilityall healthcare personnel have forprotecting the patient from property loss.Item no. : HD01370317________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk5

Format : DVDDuration : 18 minutesPrice : USD 127.00MENTAL HEALTHPROBLEMS OF OLDERADULTSIn this video, a psychiatrist discusses anddemonstrates delirium, dementia,depression and personality disorders asexperienced by older adults. Thisillustrative video promotes more accurateand effective <strong>com</strong>munication about mentalhealth problems.Item no. : GD01370337Format : DVD (With Guide)Duration : 20 minutesPrice : USD 213.00MORE THAN WORDS: ANEW CULTURE URE OF CAREAND COMMUNICATIONWITH PERSONS WHO HAVEDEMENTIAThis culture-changing DVD demonstrates(though real interactions) howperson-centered care and knowledge ofthe resident can reduce dementia-relatedepisodes, such as, sundowning andaggressive-protective reactions whenbathing, and wanting to leave.As it pinpoints the crucial role of the CANas caregiver and friend, it also shows theimportance of <strong>com</strong>municating directly, andcreating a true "relationship" with personswith dementia. Caregivers will learnvaluable tips to redirect and lessenanxieties for persons with dementia whilepreserving their personal autonomy anddignity.The DVD covers: Building and maintaining arelationship Dealing with difficult situations Communicating to show respect Accepting their reality Respecting the person's preferences Encouraging use of remainingabilitiesItem no. : ND01370271Format : DVDDuration : 25 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 179.00SUPERVISORYTECHNIQUES FOR CHARGENURSES IN ILONG TERMCARE FACILITIESThis program takes a 'work smarter'approach to leadership as it empowersanyone in a supervisory role to<strong>com</strong>municate effectively with others, leadby example and set the tone for improvedstaff performance and accountabilityacross the board. The video givespractical solutions to resolving conflict,gaining and giving respect, organizingtime and creating well-organizedstrategies that benefit the residents as wellas the entire staff. The hands ontechniques shared in this video will helpsupervisors take a realistic look atthemselves as role models and enablethem to identify areas where they excel ormay need an alternate approach.Item no. : JH01370331Format : DVDDuration : 20 minutesPrice : USD 227.00ALCOHOLALCOHOL AND MEN'SVIOLENCE AGAINSTWOMENExamines the myth that alcohol causesmen to be violent towards women.This 30 minute documentary is based onresearch which explores and shatters themyth that violence against women is dueto men's alcohol abuse. It conveys thestrong message that alcohol is not thereason men be<strong>com</strong>e violent towardwomen. Told through the eyes of fourwomen who have survived severelyabusive relationships the program alsoprovides additional insights byprofessionals in the areas of domesticviolence, alcohol and policing. Alsoincluded is a 30 minute content-richspecial features section. The program wasproduced at Northern Michigan Universityand funded by Blue Cross Blue Shield ofMichigan Foundation, with sociologist, Dr.Ira Hutchison, and nursing department'sDr. Kerri Schuiling as PrincipalInvestigators.Review The DVD explains that while it isnever easy to leave, women who arebeing abused will know when the timeis right, and it gives them some tips onwhat will help to enable them to leave.It shows how the police and othersystems can be use to women'sadvantage. - Joan Zorza - Editor,Domestic Violence ReportItem no. : GU07960101Format : DVDPrice : USD 189.00AMERICAN INDIEALAN BERLINERCOLLECTION(EDUCATIONAL EDITION WPPR)Director: Alan BerlinerAlan Berliner's uncanny ability to <strong>com</strong>bineexperimental cinema, artistic purpose, andpopular appeal in <strong>com</strong>pelling film essayshas made him one of America's mostacclaimed independent filmmakers. The<strong>New</strong> York Times has described Berliner'swork as "powerful, <strong>com</strong>pelling andbittersweet… full of juicy conflict andcontradiction, innovative in their cinematictechnique, unpredictable in theirstructures… Alan Berliner illustrates thepower of fine art to transform life."The Family Album is a one-hourexperimental documentary film utilizing avast collection of rare 16mm home moviesfrom the 1920s through the 1950s, thatweaves into a <strong>com</strong>posite lifetime, passingthrough the celebrations and strugglesfrom childhood to adulthood, frominnocence to experience. It is a universalyet intimate portrait of the American family,not scripted, not rehearsed, not immune tothe conflicts and contradictions underlyingfamily life and its rituals.Intimate Stranger is a poetic andemotional jigsaw puzzle carved out of thevoluminous memorabilia of hisgrandfather's life story. Family memberstry to make sense of it all in this witty,candid and cinematically inventivedocumentary biography. In Nobody'sBusiness, Alan Berliner takes on hisreclusive father as the reluctant subject ofthis poignant and graceful study of familyhistory and memory.In Nobody's Business, Alan Berliner takeson his reclusive father as the reluctantsubject of this poignant and graceful studyof family history and memory. Whatemerges is a uniquely cinematic biographythat finds both humor and pathos in theswirl of conflicts and affections that bindfather and son. Ultimately this <strong>com</strong>plexportrait is a meeting of the minds - wherethe past meets the present, wheregenerations collide, and where theboundaries of family life are pushed,pulled, stretched, torn and surprisingly attimes, also healed.In The Sweetest Sound, Alan Berliner (thefilmmaker from <strong>New</strong> York) is tired of beingmistaken for people who might share hisname and decideds to rid himself of thedreaded Same Name Syndrome. Hissolution: invite all the Alan Berliners in theworld over to his house for dinner. In theend Berliner leaves us with a greatersense of the power and magic embeddedin a name, and how all of our identities areinescapably shaped by what we callourselves.Item no.Format: HH11990002: DVD (Color, Black &White): 240 minutesDurationCopyright : 2010Price : USD 399.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk6

AMERICANSTUDIESMULTIRACIAL IDENTITYTYExplores the social, political and religiousimpact of the multiracial movement.Multiracial people are the fastest growingdemographic in America, yet there is noofficial political recognition for mixed-racepeople. MULTIRACIAL IDENTITYexplores the social, political, and religiousimpact of the multiracial movement andthe lived experience of being multiracial.Different racial and cultural groups seemultiracialism differently. For some Whitesmultiracialism represents the pollution ofthe White race. For some Blacks itrepresents an attempt to escapeBlackness. And for some Asians, Latinos,and Arabs, multiracialism can be seen asill equipped to perpetuate culturaltraditions and therefore represents thedilution of the culture.Review "Opens up a set of honest and timelyconversations about race and mixedrace in the United States…vital in mycurrent and future course curriculum."- Andrew Jolivette, Chair, AmericanIndian Studies, San Francisco StateAward Golden Ace Award, Las Vegas FilmFestivalItem no.FormatDurationAudience: PL02560672: DVD: 77 minutes: Grades 9-12, College,AdultsCopyright : 2010StdBkNo : 1594589135Price : USD 295.00ANATOMYPERFECT MAN, PERFECTWOMANWhat if scientists could redesign thehuman body? Re-engineer our organs, ourlimbs, our senses, or make us moredurable and less likely to fall apart. It maysound like a dream, but In terms ofevolution, the human body hasn’t been infor a major overhaul for roughly two millionyears. In fact, some scientists believehumans have stopped evolving altogether.Does that mean nature is happy with ourbasic design? Or are we using brain powerto avoid the fate of so many other animalswhich couldn’t adapt to changingcircumstances?Utilizing the world’s top experts, the best incinematography, 3D graphics and video<strong>com</strong>positing, Perfect Man, Perfect Womanunveils what science says would be idealfor the 21st century and all its challenges.Wait till you see the perfect man andperfect woman.Item no. : FC02191058Format : DVDDuration : 45 minutesAudience : Grades 9-12Price : USD 50.00ANIMAL SCIENCERETURN TO THE DUNESReturn to the Dunes tells the remarkabletale of the project to restore Africanelephants to their former home in SouthAfrica. Watch the herd as they surmountdangerous obstacles that unfold in theAfrican wilderness and follow the journeyof these majestic creatures as they crossthousands of miles to a new South Africanpark reserve. The mysteries of the world'slargest land mammal are brought intoquestion. Where do they go? What do theydo? And ultimately, will they survive andre-establish the old migration routes - or isthe past gone forever?Item no. : MA02191040Format : DVDDuration : 45 minutesAudience : Grades 9 or abovePrice : USD 50.00SHARKS OF THE GREATWHITE NORTHThe Sharks of the Great White North aredisappearing, and no one knows why.This program explores the reasons for thedeclining population of shark species thatinhabit the shores of North America. BlueSharks, Greenland Sharks, Six Gill Sharksand Porbeagles are examined in theirnatural habitats using the latestunderwater photography technology.These advanced devices capture neverbefore seen footage and giveunprecedented access to the frigid watersof the shark's habitat. Follow the world'sleading researchers and see how they arefrantically working against the clock togather data on these magnificent animals.Item no. : WN02261041Format : DVDDuration : 45 minutesAudience : Grades 9 or abovePrice : USD 50.00SHEEP OF STONEHigh on the alpine prairie of MountToodoggone, life survives on thenarrowest of margins. With treacherousterrain and wind chills of -75° C, it's easyto understand why less than half a dozentypes of animals live here year-round. TheSheep of Stone are one of these rarespecies who have adapted to theirenvironment, which allows them to survivein this extreme climate. Isolated, they haveevolved both physical and behavioralcharacteristics that make them distincteven from their closest relatives. Becauseof their geographic isolation, these exoticanimals are providing new insights intoone of the fundamental forces of evolution,the bond between geology and genetics.Viewers will see a world rarelydocumented in the remote regions of theSpatsizi Wilderness and gainunderstanding of the evolutionaryrelationship that exists between geologyand genetics.Item no. : BL00021042Format : DVDDuration : 45 minutesAudience : Grades 9 or abovePrice : USD 50.00ART IN THECLASSROOMHOW TO MAKE AND USEPUPPETSThis lesson is about making and usingpuppets with the children in your care.Topics include storytelling with puppets,easing transition times, and solvingproblems using puppets.Item no. : CC26920039Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00AUSTRALIAN ARTSTREET ARTTo some, street art and graffiti is nothingbut vandalism. But to these young artists,it is a vital form of self expression. In thiseye-opening program we speak to eightmembers of Melbourne's thriving street artscene. Through their stories we examinenot only Melbourne's street art scene, butthe contribution of street art and graffiti toart and society globally. We explore thehistory of street art, the influences on ourfeatured artists, and the materials andtechniques they use. We also define streetart and graffiti, and discuss thecontentious issue of street art in thegallery.Please contact us for primary andsecondary schools pricing.Item no. : AL08691804Format : DVDDuration : 25 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : AUD 235.00BASIC SKILLSFOR THE FAMILYBy Ella JenkinsHighlighting Ella's ability to captivate,teach, and entertain, this engaging videofocuses on developing musical skills.Songs include:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk7

Intro: You'll Sing A SongMiss Mary Mack's MusicMay-Ree Mack (Went To The River)Miss Mary MackI Know The Colors In The RainbowYou'll Sing A Song And I'll Sing ASongRed River ValleyFreight Train BluesRhythms On Rhythm BoxOn A HolidayTah-BooItem no. : CE15150018Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00KIDS WILL BE KIDS: MOVEYOUR DANCIN' FEETBy Frank LetoJoin the fun as Pilar Leto, a professionaldancer, leads children in in manymulticultural dances. Childrenenthsiastically follow Pilar as she guidesthem in: the Hawaiian Hula, BrazilianSamba, Jamaican Reggae, TrinidadianCalypso, Cuban Rumba, and Puerto RicanSalsa.Item no. : EW15150025Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00KIDS WILL BE KIDS:SINGIN' & LEARNIN'By Frank LetoIntroduce children to the language ofmusic in a unique way! These songs andactivities engage children. Interactivefingerplays, call and response, movementactivities, and rhythmic clapping activitiespromote learning important earlychildhood concepts.Come on EverybodyColorsWhat Can We Do Today?Coconut SoapYou Can Tell How I FeelLady BugTip ToeEchoes and Rhythm ExercisesI Have Two ThumbsItem no. : WN15150027Format : DVDDuration : 39 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00to participate in the lively activities.Songs include:ColorsAll of the Colors of the RainbowMarching Around the AlphabetA Pocket Full of B'sCount-up, CountdownAdding Sets30 Second ChallengeItem no. : YE15150028Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00PHONEMIC AWARENESSADVENTURES -ALLITERATIONBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed. & Loretta PrattRecent studies have concluded that 15-20minutes of Phonemic Awareness Trainingcan significantly increase a child'sunderstanding of the printed word. Thesecolorful, interactive, fun videos allow yourstudents to learn more about word soundsand how they apply to pre-reading skills.The videos provide children with theopportunity to hear, identify andmanipulate speech sounds.Item no. : RK15150036Format : DVDDuration : 50 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00PHONEMIC AWARENESSADVENTURES - PHONEMEBLENDING AND DELETIONBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed. & Loretta PrattRecent studies have concluded that 15-20minutes of Phonemic Awareness Trainingcan significantly increase a child'sunderstanding of the printed word. Thesecolorful, interactive, fun videos allow yourstudents to learn more about word soundsand how they apply to pre-reading skills.The videos provide children with theopportunity to hear, identify andmanipulate speech sounds.Item no. : TT15150037Format : DVDDuration : 50 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00understanding of the printed word. Thesecolorful, interactive, fun videos allow yourstudents to learn more about word soundsand how they apply to pre-reading skills.The videos provide children with theopportunity to hear, identify andmanipulate speech sounds.Item no. : AA15150038Format : DVDDuration : 50 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00PHONEMIC AWARENESSADVENTURES - PHONEMESEGMENTATIONBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed. & Loretta PrattRecent studies have concluded that 15-20minutes of Phonemic Awareness Trainingcan significantly increase a child'sunderstanding of the printed word. Thesecolorful, interactive, fun videos allow yourstudents to learn more about word soundsand how they apply to pre-reading skills.The videos provide children with theopportunity to hear, identify andmanipulate speech sounds.Item no. : LA15150039Format : DVDDuration : 50 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00PHONEMIC AWARENESSADVENTURES - RHYMINGSOUNDSBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed. & Loretta PrattRecent studies have concluded that 15-20minutes of Phonemic Awareness Trainingcan significantly increase a child'sunderstanding of the printed word. Thesecolorful, interactive, fun videos allow yourstudents to learn more about word soundsand how they apply to pre-reading skills.The videos provide children with theopportunity to hear, identify andmanipulate speech sounds.Item no. : JZ15150040Format : DVDDuration : 50 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00SING-ALONG SONGSBy Bob McGrath, "Bob on Sesame Street"LEARNING BASIC SKILLSBy Hap PalmerA lively class learns colors, letters andnumbers with some of Hap Palmer's bestloved songs. As a special treat, Haphimself materializes playing and singingone of the numbers. Children will be eagerPHONEMIC AWARENESSADVENTURES - PHONEMECOUNTINGBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed. & Loretta PrattRecent studies have concluded that 15-20minutes of Phonemic Awareness TrainingJoin Bob and children in a lively sing along!Bob introduces each songs with achild-centered discussion about thepossible meaning of favorites like:can significantly increase a child's My Dog Rags________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkIf You're Happy and You Know ItThe Incey Wincey SpiderThis Little Light of MineBaa, Baa, Black Sheep8

Five Little MonkeysItem no. : EC15150047Format : DVDDuration : 20 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00USING MATHMANIPULATIVES FORPROBLEM SOLVING -COUNTING ON AND BACK -CHOOSING THEOPERATIONBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed.Introduce the power of math manipulativeswith these springboards for interactivelearning. Students actively particiapte asthey use manipulatives to transformabstract mathematical concepts intoexciting real world ideas.Item no. : TN15150052Format : DVD (With Guide)Audience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00USING MATHMANIPULATIVES FORPROBLEM SOLVING -INVESTIGATINGPROBABILITY - USINGLOGICAL REASONINGBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed.Introduce the power of math manipulativeswith these springboards for interactivelearning. Students actively particiapte asthey use manipulatives to transformabstract mathematical concepts intoexciting real world ideas.Item no. : NF15150053Format : DVD (With Guide)Audience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00USING MATHMANIPULATIVES FORPROBLEM SOLVING -PATTERNING/CLASSIFYINGBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed.Introduce the power of math manipulativeswith these springboards for interactivelearning. Students actively particiapte asthey use manipulatives to transformabstract mathematical concepts intoexciting real world ideas.Item no. : KK15150054Format : DVD (With Guide)Audience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00USING MATHMANIPULATIVES FORPROBLEM SOLVING -USING A GRAPH - MAKINGTABLESBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed.Introduce the power of math manipulativeswith these springboards for interactivelearning. Students actively particiapte asthey use manipulatives to transformabstract mathematical concepts intoexciting real world ideas.Item no. : WU15150055Format : DVD (With Guide)Audience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00USING MATHMANIPULATIVES FORPROBLEM SOLVING -USING A MODEL -ESTIMATING ANDCHECKINGBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed.Introduce the power of math manipulativeswith these springboards for interactivelearning. Students actively particiapte asthey use manipulatives to transformabstract mathematical concepts intoexciting real world ideas.Item no. : HF15150056Format : DVD (With Guide)Audience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00BEHAVIORCOPING WITHCHALLENGING BEHAVIORIllustrates how to use positive guidanceand other appropriate techniques fordealing with challenging behavior.Teachers discuss how they help childrenlearn problem-solving techniques asalternatives to challenging behavior. Alsoaddresses the issue of "time-out" and itsuse. Participants consider balancingindividual vs. group needs.Item no. : TM15150011Format : DVDDuration : 29 minutesAudience : Professional DevelopmentPrice : USD 99.00BEHAVIORMANAGEMENTBEHAVIOR IS CONTAGIOUSThis Unit includes strategies on how tohandle the big three: biting, hitting, andsharing. Topics include helping childrenlearn self-control, conflict resolution, anddealing with the out-of-control child.Item no. : BN26920030Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00LET'S TALK...DISCIPLINEINEWant to learn how to prevent behaviorproblems before they happen? This lessontakes a look at a few basic approaches todiscipline, including redirection andproblem solving. Visit with several childcare providers to see how they use theseapproaches. Explore what to do instead of"time-out."Item no. : FH26920048Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00VIOLENCE, KIDS,DISCIPLINE, AND KEEPINGTHE PEACEThis lesson focuses on problem-solvingtechniques that can be used by the childcare provider in large or small groups ofchildren. It will enable the child careprovider to make a plan for working with aparent of an aggressive child.Item no. : RJ26920061Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00WHEN IS BEHAVIOR OK ORNOT OK?To share or not share? To sit or not sit?Time out or time in? Learn about ageappropriate behaviors as well as ideas forcircle time that will reduce frustration andincrease learning.Item no. : HH26920063Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00BILINGUAL/ELL/ESLCROSSWORD COMPANIONDELUXEBy Arnie UretskyCreate dynamic, thematic crosswordpuzzles in seconds! Incorporate custompuzzles into your Web site!Customize puzzles by selecting from threegraphic sizes and two different puzzlesquares (elementary or secondary).Includes full word processing features andprint options, the ability to write long orshort clues, and mix numbers and letters.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk9

Features: Automatically insert clues 17,500 word dictionary Create thematic puzzles Insert graphics backgrounds Save to the Web Poster-size printing Insert definitions, synonyms, orsentences Create picture clues using JPEG, GIF,PICT, BMP, and EP's Compatible with Teacher's ResourceCompanion Deluxe Program can run on a network serverItem no. : LW08190395Format : CD-ROM (Win, Network)Audience : Grades K-12Price : USD 400.00Item no.Format: LW08190394: CD-ROM (Win, UnlimitedSite License)Audience : Grades K-12Price : USD 400.00Item no.Format: LW08190396: CD-ROM (Win, Labpack(10))Audience : Grades K-12Price : USD 200.00WORD SEARCHCOMPANIONBy Arnie UretskyWord Search Companion's easy-to-useinterface allows access to the program'sextensive database of 17,000 words,definitions, sentences, synonyms, andpictures to create fun and dynamicthematic word search and crosswordpuzzles in minutes!Use the built-in Spell Checker andThesaurus to check the puzzle beforeprinting in standard, poster, or greetingcard size. Change the font, style and sizeof your clues in one click. Create wordsearch puzzles for a Web site; save apuzzle as a graphic in Pict or Bmp formatand use it in desktop publishing.System Requirements Windows: 8 MB RAM, Windows 3.1 orWindows 95/98.Item no.Format: VL08190423: CD-ROM (Win, Labpack(10))Audience : Grades K-12Price : USD 200.00Item no.Format: VL08190422: CD-ROM (Win, UnlimitedSite License)Audience : Grades K-12Price : USD 400.00WRITER'S COMPANION:BILINGUALBy Arnie UretskyWriter's Companion Version 2.6 helps youorganize concepts and ideas from theinitial stages through <strong>com</strong>pletion. Powerfulyet simple tools guide you step by stepthrough the writing process. When you arefinished, use Writer's Companion topublish your work or export to your favoriteword processor or page layoutprogram .Compose in English or Spanish.Includes a Spanish dictionary, spellchecker, and text-to-speech. UKdictionary/Spell checker also included.Ideal for: Writing instruction, Special Education,Bilingual/ELL/ESL and SpanishLanguage Prepares students for higherSAT/writing assessments Meets state and national writingstandards Aligned with (Texas) TEKS Meets Title 1- 3- 7 fundingrequirements Special Education - 508 <strong>com</strong>pliantGraphic Organizer Cluster Time Line Venn DiagramWord processor - Edit Tool Text-to-speech Spell Checker Readability Thesaurus Dictionary Word countDesktop publisher - Graphics: Hundreds of thematic graphics Easily import graphics from the Web,cell phone, digital camera, scanner orany clip art librarySystem Requirements Windows: Windows 98 or higher(includingME/2000/XP/Vista/Windows7) with128 MB RAM (256 rec.)Item no. : KB08190432Format : CD-ROM (Win, 10stations)Audience : Grade 2-College/AdultPrice : USD 360.00WRITER'S COMPANION:BILINGUALBy Arnie UretskyWriter's Companion Version 2.6 helps youorganize concepts and ideas from theinitial stages through <strong>com</strong>pletion. Powerfulyet simple tools guide you step by stepthrough the writing process. When you arefinished, use Writer's Companion topublish your work or export to your favoriteword processor or page layoutprogram .Compose in English or Spanish.Includes a Spanish dictionary, spellchecker, and text-to-speech. UKdictionary/Spell checker also included.Ideal for: Writing instruction, Special Education,Bilingual/ELL/ESL and SpanishLanguage Prepares students for higherSAT/writing assessments Meets state and national writingstandards Aligned with (Texas) TEKS Meets Title 1- 3- 7 fundingrequirements Special Education - 508 <strong>com</strong>pliantGraphic Organizer Cluster Time Line Venn DiagramWord processor - Edit Tool Text-to-speech Spell Checker Readability Thesaurus Dictionary Word countDesktop publisher - Graphics: Hundreds of thematic graphics Easily import graphics from the Web,cell phone, digital camera, scanner orany clip art librarySystem Requirements Windows: Windows 98 or higher(includingME/2000/XP/Vista/Windows7) with128 MB RAM (256 rec.)Item no. : HN08190433Format : CD-ROM (Win, 5 stations)Audience : Grade 2-College/AdultPrice : USD 210.00WRITER'S COMPANION:BILINGUALBy Arnie UretskyWriter's Companion Version 2.6 helps youorganize concepts and ideas from theinitial stages through <strong>com</strong>pletion. Powerfulyet simple tools guide you step by stepthrough the writing process. When you arefinished, use Writer's Companion topublish your work or export to your favoriteword processor or page layoutprogram .Compose in English or Spanish.Includes a Spanish dictionary, spellchecker, and text-to-speech. UKdictionary/Spell checker also included.Ideal for: Writing instruction, Special Education,Bilingual/ELL/ESL and SpanishLanguage Prepares students for higherSAT/writing assessments Meets state and national writingstandards Aligned with (Texas) TEKS Meets Title 1- 3- 7 fundingrequirements Special Education - 508 <strong>com</strong>pliantGraphic Organizer Cluster________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk10

Time LineVenn DiagramWord processor - Edit Tool Text-to-speech Spell Checker Readability Thesaurus Dictionary Word countDesktop publisher - Graphics: Hundreds of thematic graphics Easily import graphics from the Web,cell phone, digital camera, scanner orany clip art librarySystem Requirements Windows: Windows 98 or higher(includingME/2000/XP/Vista/Windows7) with128 MB RAM (256 rec.)Item no. : KB08190429Format : CD-ROM (Win, 25stations)Audience : Grade 2-College/AdultPrice : USD 500.00Item no. : KB08190430Format : CD-ROM (Win, SingleUser)Audience : Grade 2-College/AdultPrice : USD 60.00Duration : 45 minutesAudience : Grades 9-12Price : USD 50.00BULLYINGBULLY MAGICA bullying prevenion program targetingelementary school children.A boy decides to get a bully off his back byconsulting the neighborhood magician. Helearns he has the power within himself tofend off the bully that has been making hislife totally miserable! This program,designed for children (Grades 1 through 3)weaves live action, puppetry andanimation to open a door to discussion,self awareness and critical thinking.Item no. : ZF07960103Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesAudience : Grades K-12Price : USD 99.00WILD WILD WEB, THEA program about cyber bullying.This entertaining and engaging program,looks at the issue of Cyber bullying.they've been bullied in this fashion,this timely guide is re<strong>com</strong>mended." -Video Librarian May/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2011</strong>Item no. : NC07960119Format : DVDDuration : 26 minutesAudience : Grades K-12Price : USD 89.00BUSINESSBUSINESS OF A SPORTSCAR, THE: DESIGN &VISIONYears before the first piece of metal is cut,before the first bolt is screwed on, a newcar has to be designed. BMW holds abruising internal <strong>com</strong>petition that pits itsbest designers against one another. Whocan <strong>com</strong>e up with the most creative lookfor the interior and the exterior of the car?See who wins as each design goesthrough the tough test of BMW'sengineers.Item no. : JZ00021036Format : DVDDuration : 45 minutesAudience : Grades 9 or abovePrice : USD 60.00Item no. : KB08190431Format : CD-ROM (Win, Labpack(2), Teachers Edition)Audience : Grade 2-College/AdultPrice : USD 100.00BIOLOGYPERFECT MAN, PERFECTWOMANWhat if scientists could redesign thehuman body? Re-engineer our organs, ourlimbs, our senses, or make us moredurable and less likely to fall apart. It maysound like a dream, but In terms ofevolution, the human body hasn’t been infor a major overhaul for roughly two millionyears. In fact, some scientists believehumans have stopped evolving altogether.Does that mean nature is happy with ourbasic design? Or are we using brain powerto avoid the fate of so many other animalswhich couldn’t adapt to changingcircumstances?Utilizing the world’s top experts, the best incinematography, 3D graphics and video<strong>com</strong>positing, Perfect Man, Perfect Womanunveils what science says would be idealfor the 21st century and all its challenges.Wait till you see the perfect man andperfect woman.Item no.FormatYoung people today are the firstgeneration having to cope with cyberbullying, an insidious form of harassmentthat can take many forms:A bashing wesbite where students areasked to vote for the fattest or ugliestkid;A student posing as a classmate andsending embarrassing emails; A group sending 100 ′ s ofcoordinated texts to a victim resultingin excessive phone charges;An anonymous death threat sent viaemail.The tactics used by the cyber bully areonly limited by his or her imagination andtheir access to technology.And cyber bullying is often times moredevastating than traditional school yardbullying, because it's often anonymousand it can follow the victim anywhere.Even at home they don't feel safe.Reviews "This informative and entertainingprogram… interviews adolescentsabout their cyber bullying experiencesand interjects captioned <strong>com</strong>mentaryby educators and other experts,including Dr. Phil….The endearingnarrator and easy-to-remember"Code of Conduct" repeated in songsand graphics make this a must-haveprogram for middle schoolaudiences." - School Library JournalMay <strong>2011</strong> (Starred Review)BUSINESS OF A SPORTSCAR, THE: DEVELOPMENT& TESTINGOnce the design is frozen, the testingbegins. Follow models of the new car asthey are sent around the world to havetheir performance pushed. Seeengineering at its finest as the world's besttransform design into superior function.Item no. : PG02191037Format : DVDDuration : 45 minutesAudience : Grades 9 or abovePrice : USD 60.00BUSINESS OF A SPORTSCAR, THE: PRODUCTION &MARKETINGWith all the test results in, BMW beginsmaking the new sports car at its massivefactory in the tiny town of DingolfingGermany. The enormous robots that willbuild the car have to be taught the movesthat will help the <strong>com</strong>pany produce a carevery 12 hours. Each car has some 5,000individual welds. While the factory createsthe product, BMW and its marketing teamwork on building advertising and publicityto build a <strong>com</strong>manding presence for theepic 6-series. Follow the new car as itmakes its way from the production line toits ultimate unveiling at the NorthAmerican Auto show in Detroit. "Entertaining and informative… Given: FC02191058that two out of five kids say thatItem no. : WT02261038: DVDFormat : DVD________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk11

Duration : 45 minutesAudience : Grades 9 or abovePrice : USD 60.00BUSINESS &MANAGEMENTGENERATING ANDPROTECTING BUSINESSIDEASThis program explores how businessesdevelop and protect business ideas. Splitinto three defined sections and includinginput from new and establishedentrepreneurs including Philip 'Pantsman'Taylor, Sir James Dyson and leadingpatent lawyer Carin Burchill, theprogramme looks at sources anddevelopment of business ideas, spottingtrends and finding a niche market,copyright and patents and trademarks.Item no. : JL01590049Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : AUD 235.00LEGAL STRUCTURESWhat are legal structures? Why are theyimportant? And how do you choose theright legal structure for a new business?This programme brings the answers tothese questions to life with real world casestudies and clear explanations of keyterms, including the differences betweenand advantages and disadvantages oflimited and unlimited liabilityorganisations.Item no. : BD01590045Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : AUD 235.00BUSINESSEDUCATIONGET HIRED AND GO: THECOMPLETE GUIDE TOGETTING A JOB ANDDOING IT RIGHT - DOINGTHE JOB: BASIC JOBSKILLSAn employee's best qualities may havelittle to do with technical or clerical issues.Often, it is a professional attitude thatmakes a worker valuable—an array ofpersonal strengths that enable her or himto ac<strong>com</strong>plish goals, get along withcolleagues, and rise through the ranks.This video brings those all-too-elusiveaspects of job success into focus,exploring professional behavior, ethics,<strong>com</strong>munication, leadership, teamwork,problem solving, organization, andinformation management. Discussionsfocus on collaboration, taking initiative,and office etiquette; the hazards ofprocrastination, dishonesty, and unethicalactions; the ability to take and giveconstructive criticism; the four C's of goodwriting (be clear, concise, <strong>com</strong>pelling, andcorrect); effective uses for technology in<strong>com</strong>pleting projects and presenting work;and much more.Item no. : PW02453724Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 100.00GET HIRED AND GO: THECOMPLETE GUIDE TOGETTING A JOB ANDDOING IT RIGHT - DOINGTHE JOB: STARTING OUTAND THE DAILY GRIND"My first day, my mind was reeling." "Ididn't want to make any mistakes." "I wasworried I wouldn't be able to do the job."All of these are <strong>com</strong>mon and validreactions to the first day of employment.But, as this video illustrates, a new hire'snervousness and uncertainty can be theflipside of excitement, ambition, and aneagerness to learn the ins and outs of the<strong>com</strong>pany. Topics include the typicalpaperwork of the first day, such as tax andhealth insurance forms; the need to<strong>com</strong>pletely understand the employer'spolicies on vacation, sick time, retirementfunds, and other benefits; and the equallyimportant need to grasp legal concepts ofemployee rights, sexual harassment, andworkplace safety. Pointers on navigatingoffice politics, respecting the chain of<strong>com</strong>mand, asking for a raise, and stayingalert for new opportunities are alsoincluded.Item no. : CJ00273725Format : DVDDuration : 29 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 100.00BUSINESS LAWLIMITED LIABILITYCOMPANY UPDATE 2010:LESSONS FROM THETRENCHESThis program features discussions amongthe faculty concerning issues involvingLLCs and business lawyers.This year's update includes currentinformation on the following topics: Statutory developments; significantnew case law Charging orders following the"Olmstead" case "Back to Basics": why choose an LLCover another entity? Understanding capital accounts-whenare book-ups necessary and how arethey done? Practical issues associated withcapital structure-the use of "preferred"vs. "<strong>com</strong>mon" interests; "units" vs."percentage interests" Drafting operating agreementprovisions addressing fiduciary dutiesand liabilities Tax developments affecting LLCs;changes in tax rates, <strong>com</strong>pensationrules, passive loss, and other taxrules; proposed Treasury regulationsfor series LLCs Dissociation, fundamental changes,and Bankruptcy Professional duties to the LLC and itsmembers (internal and externalmatters)Item no. : JH11200102Format : DVDDuration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 245.00MOVIN' ON UP: : HOW TOSUCCEED AS A DIVERSEASSOCIATE AND YOUNGLAWYERClients increasingly demand diversitywithin their own ranks and from theiroutside counsel. Diverse in-house counseland outside attorneys, however, continueto be outnumbered by their majoritycounterparts. These numbers are evenmore pronounced in certain areas of legalpractice like intellectual property, labor, tax,and real estate.This program will provide advice on: how to be<strong>com</strong>e the "go to" lawyer; finding mentors in your practiceareas; seeking out challenging assignmentsin these areas; honing your business developmentskills as a young diverse attorney;and how to seek in-house opportunities.Item no. : VF11200075Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 150.00CAREERDEVELOPMENTMOVIN' ON UP: HOW TOSUCCEED AS A DIVERSEASSOCIATE AND YOUNGLAWYERClients increasingly demand diversitywithin their own ranks and from theiroutside counsel. Diverse in-house counsel________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk12

and outside attorneys, however, continueto be outnumbered by their majoritycounterparts. These numbers are evenmore pronounced in certain areas of legalpractice like intellectual property, labor, tax,and real estate.This program will provide advice on: how to be<strong>com</strong>e the "go to" lawyer; finding mentors in your practiceareas; seeking out challenging assignmentsin these areas; honing your business developmentskills as a young diverse attorney;and how to seek in-house opportunities.Item no. : VF11200075Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 150.00CAREEREXPLORATIONGET HIRED AND GO: THECOMPLETE GUIDE TOGETTING A JOB ANDDOING IT RIGHT - BEFOREYOU APPLY: JOB SKILLSAND EVALUATIONSchool is over and it's time to go out andget your dream job—but what is that,exactly? Determining a career choice, or acareer path, is one of the hardest things todo in life. This video helps new graduatesand beginning jobseekers clarify theirprofessional goals and find jobs that fittheir skills, passions, priorities, andlong-term plans. Viewers learn how to useassessment tests—focusing on values,interests, or aptitude and achievement—toidentify strengths and challenges; how tomake the most of occupationalclassification systems that describeindustries and labor markets in detail; howto obtain references and letters ofre<strong>com</strong>mendation that underscore pastexperience and future potential; and howto explore job training options, whetherthey involve on-the-job instruction, furtheracademic coursework, or a <strong>com</strong>bination ofboth.Item no. : LH00273722Format : DVDDuration : 26 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 100.00CAREERS &PLANNINGPROFESSIONUPDATING THEZONING ORDINANCEWhen is it time to update your ordinance?Should all the work be done by aconsultant or should the project besegmented, with staff doing critical pieces?This workshop explains how to approachthe project and ensure you get what youneed. Explore how and when to involvethe planning <strong>com</strong>mission, zoning board,elected officials, and interested parties.There are many examples of models tochose from; find out how to determinewhich one is the best fit. Finally, examinecurrent trends in codes and coderevisions.Item no. : LY27360008Format : CD-ROM (Single User)Copyright : 2010Price : USD 102.00CHEMISTRYBIOCHEMISTRY-----Item no. : YL07983212Format : CD-ROMAudience : Grades 9-12Price : USD 160.00BIOCHEMISTRY: PART 1-----Item no. : GY07983213Format : CD-ROMAudience : Grades 9-12Price : USD 95.00BIOCHEMISTRY: PART 2-----Item no. : BR07983214Format : CD-ROMAudience : Grades 9-12Price : USD 95.00CHILD ABUSEBOYS AND MEN HEALINGFROM CHILD SEXUALABUSEA documentary about male survivors ofsexual abuse.Boys and Men Healing is a documentaryabout the impact sexual abuse of boys hason both the individual and society, and theimportance of healing and the speakingout of survivors to end the devastatingeffects of abuse. The film portrayscourageous non-offending men whosearduous healing and work to over<strong>com</strong>ePTSD helped them reclaim their lives andgave them a powerful voice to speak outand take bold action toward prevention forother boys. It is a source of hope andinspiration for all men who have sufferedsexual abuse and violence.moving and poignant personal story offacing his own childhood sexual abuse, hisdedication to speaking out, and his workeducating others about the impact of malechild sexual abuse on the cycle of violence.Also featured is Mark Crawford whosestory is a true hero's journey of a survivorworking relentlessly and successfullyagainst all odds to change unjust laws andto seek justice for male survivors. Anothersurvivor, Tony Rogers who was raped by apedophile when he was 9 years old wasable to break the cycle of violence andself-destruction through his <strong>com</strong>mitment toheal, and support other men throughmuch-needed peer-led groups.Note: Not available in Canada.Reviews "A powerful documentary… Tackles adifficult topic in a matter-of-factfashion that make it all moremoving…. It may also serve toencourage those still keeping theirsecrets locked inside to take action.Re<strong>com</strong>mended." - Video LibrarianMay/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2011</strong>The program features David Lisak's________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk"'Boys and Men Healing'… a powerfulfilm, which will truly benefit mensexually abused as children, andthose who care about them….thepotential to transform those storiesand voices into healing -not only forindividuals but also for families,<strong>com</strong>munities, and even societies." -Jim Hopper, Ph.D. Founding BoardMember, 1in6.org"It is an excellent film for teachingabout children's experiences ofsexual abuse and the multipleexperiences that support theirrecovery…a marvelous gift!" - ErnestoMujica, Ph.D, Clinical Psychologistand Psychoanalyst, NYSPA Divisionof PsychonanalysisItem no. : DC07960102Format : DVDDuration : 58 minutesPrice : USD 149.00HEALING YEARS, THEWithout recovery, survivors of child sexualabuse face emotional struggle, substanceabuse, post-traumatic stress, and theperpetration of abuse in their lives andfamilies. This classic documentaryillustrates the poignant stories of incestsurvivors Marilyn Van Derbur, former MissAmerica, Janice Mirikitani, President ofGlide Memorial Church in San Franciscowho helps inner-city women addicts toheal from incest, and Barbara Hamilton, a79-year old survivor who ends threegenerations of incest in her family.The Healing Years points the way toward ahopeful future for survivors of abuse, andis a key tool for professionals workingwithin the field of counseling, preventionand education. It has been endorsed byhundreds of professionals andorganizations such as Child Help USA,Justice for Children, The AmericanPsychological Association and the13

National Resource Center on SexualViolence.Reviews "The Healing Years takes the shameand betrayal of child sexual abuseand turns this trauma into a messageof hope, healing and empowerment."- William G. Steiner, Childhelp USA "An excellent film...Highre<strong>com</strong>mended for child abuse anddomestic violence professionals,therapists, and teachers." - LibraryJournal"This powerhouse of a film profilesthree strong, vibrant survivors of childsexual abuse who convincingly tell us-- once and for all -- that we must takeback our lives. This documentarybanishes shame & celebrateswomen's power." - Laura Davis,co-author, "Courage to Heal"Item no. : HN07960106Format : DVDDuration : 52 minutesPrice : USD 149.00CHILD CENTEREDLEARNINGEASY WAYS TO BOOSTKIDS' BRAIN POWERReally great caregivers don't have all theanswers to children's questions. They turnthose questions around to get childrenthinking and exploring. This unit offersways to help children develop theirreasoning and problem solving skills.Item no. : WY26920035Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00SPARKING KIDS'CURIOSITYThis lesson helps teachers of youngchildren understand why children'scuriosity is an important part of theirlearning. Learn how your classroomenvironment and supportive materials arean opportunity to expand on the interestand curiosity of children. This lesson alsohighlights the value in asking open-endedquestions to further encourage children'sthinking skills.Item no. : ZD26920056Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00CITIESDESIGN CITIES: BANGKOKThe blue sky and tropical beaches ofThailand offer a haven from the dailyhustle and bustle. This leisurely andserene approach to life finds its way intoThai design. Only those who know how toappreciate life can design things that helpthe user enjoy life. Bangkok designersembrace nature in the way they live, andfrom there they find their creative ideas. Athriving tourist industry not only createsdemand for high quality design for interiorand furniture, it also opens a window tothe West for designers to absorb theirinfluence. While teeming with youngdesign talents, the city also has a richtraditional culture. Applying superbcraftsmanship of their grandfathers' andthe readily available natural resources tocontemporary design creates a chemistrythat launches the young design brand ofBangkok. Its designers' pioneering use ofmaterial, organic and synthetic, hasinspired the Material Connexion toestablish its first Asian Material Library inBangkok. This heralded its rise in theworld of design.Item no. : GU27560009Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00DESIGN CITIES:BARCELONABarcelonans live practically outdoors,which is normal for a south European city.Theirs is a lively, free and easy life style.The outdoor space in the city is like a<strong>com</strong>mon sitting room for all to enjoy. Thereare chairs on the street that are just as<strong>com</strong>fortable as those at home; and thereare easily accessible parks and squaresthat are all connected. Who would want togo home when you can engage in somany social activities there? In designingthese breathing spaces in the city in the80s, the aim was to make it open to all. Inrecent years the government has createdthe new district, 22@, specifically fordeveloping creative industries.Internationally renowned architects werebrought in to design buildings to serve aslandmarks to lend prestige to the area andthe city. This brought in a different sceneto the original one, which emphasizes anorganic and harmonious approach todesigning urban space.Item no. : LT27560010Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00DESIGN CITIES: BERLINEast and West Berlin was one city undertwo systems. With the unification ofGermany in 1990, Berlin became itscapital. The sense of history is stillpalpable in the city and its design mirrorsits political change. The transparent domeof the Reichstag building, the clusters ofconsulates vying with each other forarchitectural magnificence, and therecently built museums and monumentsproclaim to the world that Berlin is a newand open city. Its citizens enjoy a freedomthat is not only political but spiritual. Theyalso enjoy low rent and low cost of living.This particularly benefits the artists anddesigners who need space that is cheapand sizable in which to work. As an idealcreative base, it attracts talents from allover Europe. Berlin, after all, is the first cityto be designated a City of Design byUNESCO's Creative Cities Network.Item no. : HN27560011Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00DESIGN CITIES:COPENHAGENWhatever your budget, it is likely that youwill have a piece of Scandinavian furnitureat home. Living in a country with longnights and short days, Danes spend mostof their time indoors. Naturally homefurnishings and design means a great dealto them. So it is not surprising that theyalso export quality and functional furniture.But when the weather turns fine and warm,they go cycling, walk their dogs, and makeuse of the well designed public facilitiesavailable outdoors such as seaside parks,waterfront swimming baths, or thetransport system dedicated toencouraging traveling on bicycles. Withcitizens demanding high quality living, cityplanners working with the interest of thepeople in mind, no wonder the city'sannual "Index: Award" which offers thehighest cash award to design worldwideuses "Design to Improve Life" as theyardstick for measuring and <strong>com</strong>mendingdesign ideas that are best able to achievethis goal.In Copenhagen, the people, the designersand the government work together tocreate a city that is widely recognized asthe most livable city in the world.Item no. : TV27560012Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00DESIGN CITIES: KYOTOOld architecture or traditional crafts are notnecessarily sticks in the mud. Kyotodesigners who kept abreast of the timeswhile staying close to their tradition aretrue heirs to its history and culturalheritage. They are convinced thattraditional design and craftsmanship isvaluable not only for its deep cultural root,but also for its enduring quality.Meticulously crafted Japanese lacquerartifacts and furniture have withstood thetest of time; while the art of painting onkimono is artfully applied to the modernday jeans. The result is a seamlessweaving together of two cultures. Trainedin the architectural discipline of the west, aKyoto's architect apprenticed under atraditional builder to look for inspirationfrom ancient Japanese constructiontechniques. Examples of such dialoguesbetween the ancient and the modern canbe seen everywhere in the city. It'sdetermination to stay true to its culturalheritage while refining and developing itstraditional skills has given the city's design________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk14

the edge of being unique, allowing it tosuccessfully eschewed the homogenizingeffect of globalization.Item no. : GN27560013Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00DESIGN CITIES: LONDONThese days what is on everyone's lip inLondon apart from the 2012 Olympiad?"Zero Carbon Living". Britain is the firstcountry in the world to introduce a bill tocontrol carbon emission. In London,property that advertises "zero carbonliving" is already on the market. Who arethe residents in these green designhouses? Are they ascetic monks or arethey 21st Century trendsetters? There aregreen designers so <strong>com</strong>mitted to thecause that they leave their practice toconduct green tours to introduce tourists tospecial stores that promote sustainability.Others design innovative table and webgames, rallying everyone in the<strong>com</strong>munity to pool ground-breakingdesign ideas; to rethink the pattern ofconsumerism; and to promote <strong>com</strong>monsense. Green creativity is fueling themomentum of design in London, callingevery citizen to arms.Item no. : MS27560014Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00DESIGN CITIES: SAOPAULOBrazil - the country to host the 2016Olympiad - a fast emerging economicforce in the 21st Century. Sao Paulo is therichest and the most populated city inBrazil. In recent years it has played asignificant role in design in South America.Its fashion, furniture, and architecturehave brought to the international designarena the bold and passionate spirit ofLatin America. However, behind theglamour and glitter there are the slumsand the refuse mountains, and those whoare eking out a living in them. Designerswith a mission have <strong>com</strong>e away from theglitz of the design industry to work with theunderprivileged. They find ways for the<strong>com</strong>munity to recycle refuse intohandicrafts, or introduce qualityarchitectural design into slums to providethe poor with better homes. The roleplayed by design has a special socialsignificance in a city where the quality ofliving and the sense of esthetics arepolarized.Item no. : LV27560015Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00DESIGN CITIES:SHENZHENHow young is Shenzhen? The averageage of the workers in the creativeindustries is in the twenties. Thegovernment has been promoting "Buildingthe City on Culture" for five years. It hasbeen designated a City of Design byUNESCO for one year. What does youthhave? Spontaneity and audacity, twoqualities its young designers have plentyof. As an immigrant city, like Hong Kong inthe early days, Shenzhen has attractedmany creative young talents to take uproots there because they can see a future.The future is going international, making aname for oneself, be<strong>com</strong>ing someone likeOu Ning, Hei Yi Yang, Bi Xue Feng, andmany other top graphic designers in China.Urbanus, a Chinese architect firm, will bejoined by Rem Koolhaas's OMA, a topinternational architect firm, in developing"Shenzhen Creative Center". Big projectsand small ideas abound in this youngvibrant city that is rearing to go.Item no. : MA27560016Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00CLIMATECHANGE/GLOBALWARMINGBURNING IN THE SUNAn inspirational portrait of a young WestAfrican man who starts a business buildingsolar panels from scratch and selling themto rural customers in Mali.6-year-old Daniel Dembele is equal partsWest African and European, and lookingto make his mark on the world. Seizing themoment at a crossroads in his life, Danieldecides to return to his homeland in Maliand start a local business building solarpanels -- the first of its kind in thesun-drenched nation. Daniel's goal is toelectrify the households of rural<strong>com</strong>munities, 99% of which live withoutpower.BURNING IN THE SUN tells the story ofDaniel's journey growing the budding ideainto a viable <strong>com</strong>pany, and of thebusiness' impact on Daniel's firstcustomers in the tiny village of Banko.Addressing climate change, poverty, andself-sufficiency, the film demonstrates howa small-scale, local business model canprovide jobs, appropriate technology, andempowerment to people everywhere. Thefilm also explores what it means to growup as a man, and a vision of what it takesto prosper as a nation.Reviews "If you are hungry for solutions torenewable energy development indeveloping countries, this is the filmyou have been waiting for." - LenBroberg, Director and Professor,Environmental Studies, University ofMontana________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk"As a teacher and user of small-scalesolar PV systems, I very muchappreciate the take-away message ofthis film--innovation, education,collaboration can make solar energytruly accessible, affordable and fun.Bravo!" - Dr. Jonathan Scherch, CoreFaculty, Center for Creative Change,Antioch University Seattle"A fascinating subject…riveting, andthe ramifications are prettyextraordinary--for Mali, of course, butfor poor countries worldwide and, infact, for some rich ones, too." -TrustMovies blogAwards Grand Jury Prize, Best EnvironmentalFilm, Santa Cruz Film Festival Audience Award, Indie Spirit FilmFestival Audience Award, Best DocumentaryFeature, Southern Utah InternationalDocumentary Film FestivalItem no.FormatDurationAudience: WJ01110671: DVD: 83 minutes: Grades 7-9, College,AdultsCopyright : 2010StdBkNo : 1594589119Price : USD 295.00COMMUNITYISSUESTECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: CAMPUSPOLICE TRAINING PART 1 -ESSENTIALS ON SEXUALASSAULT & MISCONDUCTRESPONSEPrepare your campus security and policeofficers to respond appropriately toincidents of sexual misconduct. Thisextensive session prepares your frontlineto respond to first- and third-party reportsof various types of sexual misconduct.Seasoned campus police chiefs, sexualassault response specialists and legalexperts train your staff with specificexamples and interactive case studies.Topics covered: Key definitions and statistics Sensitivity without side-taking Rape Trauma Syndrome Victim's mental state duringquestioning Referrals and follow-ups Medical and emotional supportoptions The Sexual Assault Victims' Bill ofRights Working with the accused Child abuse laws15

Male victimsBest practices for obtaining optimalreports Introduction to technology-relatedsexual misconductItem no. : DL07960109Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesPrice : USD 90.00TECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: CAMPUSPOLICE TRAINING PART 2 -TECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL ASSAULT &MISCONDUCT.Building from Campus Police Training:Part 1, we prepare your campus securityand police officers to respondappropriately to the <strong>com</strong>plicatedlandscape of technology-related incidentsof sexual misconduct.Campus security directors, sexual assaultresponse specialists and legal expertstrain your staff with specific examples andinteractive case studies covering thefollowing current topics: Overview of latest technologies usedby students Social media uses qualifying assexual misconduct Personally owned technology-devicesversus school-provided devices:different protocols for response? Webcams and non-consensualrecording of sexual activity Sexting Chat roulette and other potentialpornographic uses of school-providedInternet connections Illegal file sharing that is alsopornographic and/or involves minors Reporting requirements to additionalauthorities Proactive prevention and awarenesstechniques for campus crimeprevention officers Expectation of privacy on campus Pranks and practical jokes versussexual misconduct, stalking andharassment Reporting requirements and chain of<strong>com</strong>mand Appropriate techniques forconfiscating personal propertysuspected in sexual misconductpolicy violations to reduce destructionof key evidenceItem no. : TA07960110Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesPrice : USD 90.00TECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: COMMUNITY &2-YEAR COLLEGESCAlthough non-residential colleges havetraditionally avoided sexual misconductissues, students engaging incyber-stalking, sexual harassment,sexually inappropriate video and photoexchanges and other problems force allcolleges to look at their response andprevention strategies surroundingtechnology-related sexual misconduct.Join national sexual violence and policyexpert, Katie Koestner, for this timelysession on how non-residential collegescan best address these issues. Ms.Koestner is joined by law and policyexperts to provide insights andre<strong>com</strong>mendations.Topics covered include: Key definitions and statisticsregarding sexual misconduct Introduction to technology-relatedsexual misconductSocial media use that crosses over tosexual misconduct Personally owned technologicaldevices versus school-provideddevices: different protocols forresponse? Web-cams, sexting, Chatroulette andpornographic uses of school-providedInternet Illegal file sharing that is alsopornographic and/or involves minorsReporting requirementsProactive prevention and awarenesstechniques Confiscating personal propertysuspected in sexual misconductpolicy violationsItem no. : DT07960111Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesPrice : USD 90.00TECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: ESPECIALLYFOR PK-12 SCHOOLSThis session focuses on concernsapplicable to school environments withminors. and reviews legal issues, reportingrequirements, event mitigation, and bestpractices surrounding policies, protocolsand procedures appropriation for workingwith this age group. Combine this sessionwith others in the series for<strong>com</strong>prehensive training.Use this <strong>com</strong>prehensive DVD (RequiresWindows Media Player) Training Series toprepare your school <strong>com</strong>munity torespond appropriately to reports of sexualmisconduct, especially situations involvingtechnology.Item no. : AZ07960112Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesAudience : Grades K-12Price : USD 90.00TECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: IMPARTINGTRAINING ANDEDUCATION TO PEERSA review of everything from RA Training:Part 1 supplemented with methods toeducate peers, including road blocks tosuccess, reaching men and social mediamethods to support outreach. Join fellowstudent leaders and national experts forthis informative training andconfidence-building session. Be<strong>com</strong>eemboldened to educate and respond toyour peers as a key member of thefrontlines of response and prevention.Item no. : LW07960113Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesPrice : USD 90.00TECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: JUDICIALBOARD TRAINING THECASE OF JENNY, MICHAELAND A WEBCAMJoin the Peer Educators from ColoradoCollege, IT expert and legal counsel forthis interactive judicial board training.Have your board listen to the livetestimonies of Jenny, Michael and others.Hear the captivating narration and theirvaried perspectives on the night inquestion.Use this mock trial to think through theintersections of sexual misconduct,alcohol and technology policies. Considerimportant issues including bystanderbehavior, inappropriate use of schoolresources, jurisdiction, questioningtechniques and convincing evidence. Ourexperts provide insight into key riskmanagement strategies, illuminating<strong>com</strong>mon problems and best practices.Item no. : HH07960114Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesPrice : USD 90.00TECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: TECHNOLOGY& SEXUAL MISCONDUCTESSENTIALS & RESPONSETRAININGEnsure your leaders are prepared for thenew era of sexual misconduct. Reviewessential statistics, definitions andresponses in the first ten minutes. Delveinto technology-related sexual misconductissues, including video phones, sexts,inappropriate sexual content accessed inacademic and employment settings,________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk16

sexual activity filmed non-consensually,rape, exploitation and more.This <strong>com</strong>prehensive session expands yourknowledge base with legal updates andreal-life scenarios that prepare you torespond to reports of various forms ofsexual misconduct. Learn to better informthose you supervise and provideappropriate assistance to studentsinvolved in these situations. Understand <strong>com</strong>mon missteps intraining and response: Actual notice and deliberateindifference Failure to act through disbelief Allegiance to inaction and informalresolutions Failure to understand thetechnological issues Small <strong>com</strong>munity Confidentiality limitations and privacyexpectations Retaliation and mitigation of furtherharmItem no. : AV07960116Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesPrice : USD 90.00CONFIRMATION/YOUTH STUDYPRIESTLY VOCATION, THETWhat does it mean to be a priest? Howdoes a man discern such a calling?The priestly vocation is a counter-culturalone. Through the stories of priests ofvarying backgrounds, in this powerful newDVD, see firsthand how their lives of loveand self-sacrifice are more fulfilled thanyou imagine.The Priestly Vocation shows you: The priest as bridge builder—aconnector between God and thepeople.Ways to know that you are beingcalled; what questions to ask ofyourself, and of others. Personal experiences of prieststalking about how they discerned theircalls.The many facets of what it means tobe a priest, including teachers, artists,chaplains, social activists, reconcilers,monks, and preachers.The wonderful ways that God usespriests today to be Christ in theworld—in ordinary and extraordinaryways.The Priestly Vocation is essential for thelending library of every parish priest,religious <strong>com</strong>munity, as well as diocesanvocation directors.Item no. : PD02540087Format : DVDDuration : 70 minutesCopyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781557257000Price : USD 35.00CONFLICT /VIOLENCETELLING AMY'S STORYA program that examines the eventssurrounding a domestic violencehomicide.Hosted by actress and domestic violenceadvocate, Mariska Hargitay, and told byDetective Deirdre Fishel from the StateCollege, Pennsylvania Police Department,Telling Amy's Story follows the timeline ofa domestic violence homicide thatoccurred on November 8, 2001. Thisengrossing program featuring the victim'sparents and co-workers, law enforcementofficers, and court personnel who sharetheir perspectives on what happened toAmy in the years, months and weeksleading up to her death. A discussion atthe end of the program with Hargitay andSheryl Cates of the National DomesticViolence Hotline offers more insight,resources and ways to change the systemto help victims of domestic violence beforea tragedy happens.While it is not possible to change theending to Amy's story, it is hoped that it'stelling can change the out<strong>com</strong>es for themillions of victims, survivors, and lovedones affected by domestic violence everyday.Item no. : HC07960117Format : DVDDuration : 57 minutesPrice : USD 75.00CONFLICTRESOLUTIONDIVERSITY & CONFLICTMANAGEMENTLearn practical processes for conflictmanagement and resolution. In ourdiverse world, parents and caregivers mayhave contrasting perspectives on childcare and child development. This how-toprogram provides a structure that will helpopen <strong>com</strong>munication between teachersand parents, discover mutualunderstanding and respect, and resolveissues.Item no. : WM15150013Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 99.00ONE VOICE FOR CHILDRENBy Jack HartmanThis joyous musical celebration of lifeexplores positive themes important topeople of all ages - Respect, Awareness,Listening, Caring, and MulticulturalSensitivity. Teachers, parents, counselorsand especially children will respond to thisupbeat musical collection that teaches allto maximize their abilities and be<strong>com</strong>esensitive to others.Songs include:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkOne Voice for ChildrenSwim to the TopSave The WorldSpecial Songs of ThanksA Good AgePositive PowerAnd More!Item no. : HU15150029Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00SONGS FORPEACEMAKERSThe video provides a motivatingintroduction to the Peacemakers program,demonstrating successful conflictresolution techniques in everydaysituations.Item no. : RE15150049Format : DVD (With Video, CD,Handbook)Duration : 8 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 70.00CONSTRUCTIONLAW, CORPORATELAW, LABOR &EMPLOYMENT LAWMYSPACE AND THEWORKPLACE: WHATEMPLOYERS NEED TOKNOW ABOUT SOCIALNETWORKINGThis cutting-edge program will benefit allconstruction counsel, labor andemployment practitioners, in-housecounsel, and corporate counsel, inproviding key information about the manynew legal issues arising from employees'use and misuse of MySpace, Facebook,Twitter, blogs, and other forms of socialnetworking. You will learn about employerliability, issues surrounding the monitoringand interception of electronic<strong>com</strong>munications, re<strong>com</strong>mended employerpolicies, and the use of social media asevidence. Given the increased use ofsocial media, bloggers and Facebookusers, it's only a question of "when" theseissues will arise. This webinar will helpcounsel to prepare their clients andthemselves to address these issues.Practitioners, construction, labor,employment, corporate, and in-housecounsel will gain insight and practicalguidance on:17

what social networking is and howoften it's used in the work place what kinds of social networkinginformation can and can not be usedin hiring and a discussion of negligenthiring and supervision situations defamation claims based onelectronic<strong>com</strong>municationsdisseminated by employees the consequences of postingdiscriminatory or harassingstatements improper disclosure of proprietaryinformation< regulations and statutes pertaining tointellectual property andadvertisements (e.g., Copyright Act,FTC Guidance on endorsements andtestimonials, and FINRA regulations) the legal boundaries of an employee'sprivacy in the electronic<strong>com</strong>munication age and employermonitoring of social media<strong>com</strong>municationsregulating electronic <strong>com</strong>munications- informing employees of risks andbe<strong>com</strong>ing aware of employerexpectations through employeepolicies, etc. employee discipline versus legalconstraints of employers (NLRA,whistleblower statutes)the use of social media as evidenceItem no. : HP11200077Format : 2 Audio CDsDuration : 72 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 150.00CONTEMPORARYHISTORYWORLD WAR I: THE WAR INEUROPE-----Item no. : MD07983480Format : DVDAudience : Grades 6-12Price : USD 90.00CORPORATE LAWLIMITED LIABILITYCOMPANY UPDATE 2010:LESSONS FROM THETRENCHESThis program features discussions amongthe faculty concerning issues involvingLLCs and business lawyers.This year's update includes currentinformation on the following topics: Statutory developments; significantnew case law Charging orders following the"Olmstead" case "Back to Basics": why choose an LLCover another entity?are book-ups necessary and how arethey done? Practical issues associated withcapital structure-the use of "preferred"vs. "<strong>com</strong>mon" interests; "units" vs."percentage interests" Drafting operating agreementprovisions addressing fiduciary dutiesand liabilities Tax developments affecting LLCs;changes in tax rates, <strong>com</strong>pensationrules, passive loss, and other taxrules; proposed Treasury regulationsfor series LLCs Dissociation, fundamental changes,and Bankruptcy Professional duties to the LLC and itsmembers (internal and externalmatters)Item no. : JH11200102Format : DVDDuration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 245.00CULTURALAWARENESSGLOBAL ONE:CROSS-CULTURALCULTURALUNDERSTANDINGInvestigates all the key <strong>com</strong>ponents ofcultural awareness, including values andbeliefs, social structure, perceptions oftime, international business etiquette, and<strong>com</strong>munication.As our world be<strong>com</strong>es increasinglyinterconnected, people need to developgreater cultural diversity skills. It's up toyou to provide intercultural <strong>com</strong>municationtraining to effectively <strong>com</strong>municate withand understand other cultures. Ourtop-selling training program,Cross-Cultural Understanding investigatesall the key <strong>com</strong>ponents of culture and<strong>com</strong>munication, including values andbeliefs, social structure, perceptions oftime, <strong>com</strong>munication styles, properetiquette and more.With this expert training program, you'll getthe answers to these essential issues andmany more: How to recognize and respectdifferences in values How to work effectively with differentviews of leadership and teamwork How to deal with different attitudestoward time and deadlines - and howto keep things moving forward How to <strong>com</strong>municate effectively withother cultures How to respect different beliefs andviewpoints How to show respect for culturaldiversity with proper etiquetteCross-Cultural Understanding is expertlydesigned for intercultural <strong>com</strong>municationtraining, and questions and role playexercises are included for a <strong>com</strong>pletetraining package.Item no. : WW00080482Format : DVDDuration : 45 minutesPrice : USD 695.00GLOBAL ONE:INTERCULTURALCOMMUNICATINGThe finest business <strong>com</strong>municationtraining video available on how to avoidmisunderstandings and figure out what'sreally being said when working with othercultures. Ideal for business<strong>com</strong>munication.To be successful in today's increasinglydiverse workplace, you need to train youremployees on effective <strong>com</strong>munication inthe cultural workforce. InterculturalCommunication is a <strong>com</strong>plete trainingprogram to help your people avoidmisunderstandings and <strong>com</strong>municatemore effectively with other cultures.Benefits: With this expert training program,you'll get the answers to these essentialissues and many more:Understanding capital accounts-when________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkWhy some cultures might avoid givingstraight answersHow to understand what's really beingsaidHow to read body language andnonverbal business <strong>com</strong>municationHow to know when ayes' might reallymean ano'What topics might be offensive anddisrespectful with other culturesWhy some cultures prefer to avoidtouching, eye contact, etc.How to over<strong>com</strong>e language barriersand avoid translation disastersItem no. : SZ00370483Format : DVDDuration : 40 minutesPrice : USD 695.00GLOBAL ONE:INTERNATIONALNEGOTIATINGLearn how to negotiate successfully in anyculture or country ensuring a win/winagreement for all.To prosper in today's increasingly globalbusiness environment, you need tounderstand cultural influences on sellingand negotiating. It's up to you to providethe training necessary for success.International Negotiating: SuccessfulDeal-Making in Global Business unveils allthe secrets of doing deals effectively withother cultures.Key Training Points: How to create an effective strategy How to decide who should - andshouldn't - be on a negotiating team Why it might be essential to spend a18

lot of time socializing beforenegotiating beginsWhat you should - and should not - doduring initial discussionsWhy international deals take moretime - and how to keep things movingforwardWhy bargaining or concessions mightresult in disasterHow to keep "done deals" from<strong>com</strong>ing undoneItem no. : HJ01510484Format : DVDDuration : 40 minutesPrice : USD 695.00CULTURALDIVERSITYLET'S CELEBRATEThis lesson covers getting to know theworld’s children, exploring food from othercountries, and new ideas for celebratingholidays. Learn how parents can helpmake your holiday celebrations special.Item no. : HM26920047Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00CURRICULUMPLANNINGCHILD CARE...FOR MIXEDAGESNeed ideas for activities and spaces for allages? This unit will tell you how kids learnfrom kids and how to keep everyone safe.Item no. : CA26920034Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00INS AND OUTS OF GOODCIRCLE TIME, THEAre children excited to join in circle timesor do you feel like you need to drag themto get started? Learn what makes circleand group times fun for children. This unitwill offer tips and ideas for gatheringchildren and keeping them involved.Item no. : HC26920044Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00CUSTOMERSERVICEFIRST-RATE RATE CUSTOMERSERVICENever has it been more important to getback to providing good old fashioncustomer service. That's why you need theFirst-Rate Customer Service Training Kit.This <strong>com</strong>prehensive multimedia productwill develop customer service reps' skills ina wide range of areas, including<strong>com</strong>municating, dealing with difficultcustomers and turning service into sales.The program serves both as a trainingprogram supervisors can facilitate forteams and as a self-paced study coursethat service reps can take on their own.The First-Rate Customer Service TrainingKit is an essential resource for developingthe front-line employees in yourorganization into confident and effectiverepresentatives of your brand. Customerservice reps will discover how to: View service situations fromcustomers' viewpoints. Act in the best interest of theorganization to please customers. Avoid phrases that irk customers anddamage your organization'sreputation. Handle the most difficult customerswith confidence. Turn service situations into greatersales. And so much more!This resource includes more than a dozenguidelines that show customer servicereps step by step how to handle the mostchallenging situations they will encounter.They will learn how to assess eachsituation and quickly adapt their responses.The result: reps who shine in every serviceinteraction.Item no. : NN05140064Format : DVD (With Trainer's andViewer’s Guide)Duration : 20 minutesPrice : USD 287.00DANCEALL-TIME FAVORITEDANCESNo partners needed for this terrificcollection of party dances for all ages.Everyone's favorites are featured.Live-action video includes easy-to-followsteps and electrifying effects.Songs include:The TwistRocky TopThe Limbo RockThe ChickenCotton Eyed JoeThe HoraMexican Hat DanceThe Hokey PokeyThe CongaAlley CatVirginia ReelItem no. : FA15150007Format : DVDDuration : 35 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00DANCE PARTY FUN!Twelve great songs that kids will love havebeen choreographed with simple dancesteps. Perfect for ages 4 and up, includingthe whole family. Dancing can be aspringboard to learning as it promotes asense of rhythm and varied beats, as wellas coordination, and fosters socializationskills. Disney Mambo No. 5 Line Up! Peppermint Twist Who Let the Dogs Out? Splish Splash Macarena Le Freak Simon Says Shake, Rattle and Roll Monster Mash The Train WipeoutItem no. : TA15150012Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00EVERYBODY DANCE!Everybody will enjoy these easy hotdances! This product shows kids havingfun and celebrating fitness. Step-by-stepinstructions makes learning these dancesa snap!Songs include:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkHot, Hot, HotY.M.C.A.ShoutLa BambaThe Loco-MotionAt the Hop<strong>New</strong> York, <strong>New</strong> YorkGonna Make You Sweat (EverybodyDance Now)Achy Breaky HeartElectric Boogie (Electric Slide)Mashed PotatoMove ThisStir It UPItem no. : AN15150016Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00KIDS WILL BE KIDS: MOVEYOUR DANCIN' FEETBy Frank LetoJoin the fun as Pilar Leto, a professionaldancer, leads children in in manymulticultural dances. Childrenenthsiastically follow Pilar as she guidesthem in: the Hawaiian Hula, Brazilian19

Samba, Jamaican Reggae, TrinidadianCalypso, Cuban Rumba, and Puerto RicanSalsa.Item no. : EW15150025Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00KIDS WILL BE KIDS:MOVIN' & GROOVIN'By Frank LetoSet to the exciting sounds and rhythms ofa Steel Band, this exercise and grossmotor movement program gives children agreat workout!The program begins with a warm up(stretches for the whole body), followed bythree songs aimed at giving children acardiovascular workout. Dances, gamesand a simplified version of the limbo keepthe children moving until the focus is onbalance and coordination. A cool down torelax the body and mind concludes theactivity.Room to MoveJumping JackHere to ThereJump Jump JumpDoing the SwimZig ZagIt's Limbo TimeTightropeCool DownItem no. : GJ15150026Format : DVDDuration : 32 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00Audience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00DATING VIOLENCELOVE YOU TO DEATHA program about abusive relationships .This program offers solid advice on waysto avoid an abusive relationship, and howto develop positive relationships. Thispositive advice is contrasted with thetouching stories of three homicide victimswho were murdered by their boyfriends.The program talks about how to spot thewarning signs of emotional and physicalabuse, ways to avoid abusive behavior inrelationships, and also has a chapter on"How a Girl Can Protect Herself fromAbusers". Jill Murray, expert on domesticand teen dating violence, offers survivaltips, Carrie Madsen presents advice as a"life skills coach", and the program isco-hosted by Suzanne Schultz, a veteranfamily crimes team leader with a districtattorney's office. It concludes with ways tosafely end an abusive relationship bydevising an escape plan, and offers adviceon ways to create the kind of bonds whereit is possible to "share the best you have tooffer, not the worst."Item no. : NN07960107Format : DVDDuration : 35 minutesPrice : USD 129.00USE YOUR STRENGTH:MOBILIZING YOUNG MENTO PREVENT SEXUAL &DATING VIOLENCEA program that helps men play a role inpreventing sexual and dating violence.DIABETESADVANCEDCARBOHYDRATECOUNTING: INSULIN TOCARBOHYDRATE RATIOSThis program introduces the concept ofbasal and bolus insulin and reviews thetypes of insulin available. It outlines how topractice advanced carbohydrate countingincluding insulin to carbohydrate ratios,correction factors, pattern management,and how to deal with <strong>com</strong>mon situationsthat may arise.Item no. : HA10090172Format : DVD (Closed Captioned)Duration : Approx. 23 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 216.00CARBOHYDRATECOUNTING: SKILLS INTOPRACTICEUsing the "gram counting" method, thisprogram answers <strong>com</strong>mon questionspatients have when beginning tocarbohydrate count. It includes how tocorrectly estimate total carbohydrates,how to count fi ber, and what to do whendining out or eating <strong>com</strong>bination foods.Record-keeping and pattern managementare also discussed.Item no. : TH10090174Format : DVD (Closed Captioned)Duration : Approx. 19 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 216.00KIDS WILL BE KIDS:SINGIN' & LEARNIN'By Frank LetoIntroduce children to the language ofmusic in a unique way! These songs andactivities engage children. Interactivefingerplays, call and response, movementactivities, and rhythmic clapping activitiespromote learning important earlychildhood concepts.Come on EverybodyColorsWhat Can We Do Today?Coconut SoapYou Can Tell How I FeelLady BugTip ToeEchoes and Rhythm ExercisesI Have Two ThumbsItem no.FormatDuration: WN15150027: DVD: 39 minutesUse Your Strength: Mobilizing Young Mento Prevent Sexual and Dating Violence,introduces Men Can Stop Rape's (MCSR)award-winning youth developmentprograms to those interested in learninghow young men can join with women asallies to prevent sexual and datingviolence. In contrast to traditional effortsthat address men as "the problem,"MCSR's pioneering work embraces themas vital allies with the will and character tomake healthy choices and foster safe,equitable relationships.Through this dynamic and entertainingvideo, educators and youth-servingprofessionals will visit Men of Strength andChange meetings to learn how dominantstories and counter stories of masculinitycan help young men play a role inconstructing a world free of violenceagainst women and girls - a world that willbenefit us all.Item no. : HC07960118Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 34 minutesPrice : USD 189.00EVERYONE CANCARBOHYDRATE COUNTReassure patients with diabetes that theycan enjoy a wide variety of food and bettercontrol glucose levels by carbohydratecounting. The video introduces the basicconcepts of carbohydrate counting,including how to identify them, how theyaffect blood glucose, and how to create ameal plan.Item no. : PP10090175Format : DVD (Closed Captioned)Duration : Approx. 17 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 216.00DISCIPLINEGUIDING BEHAVIOR INEARLY CHILDHOODA postive Plan for Discipline & Caregiving.Despite their best moments, toddlers and________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk20

preschoolers often behave in ways thatfrustrate their parents and caregivers, andeven endanger their own safety. They arenot intentionally being "bad", but how canwe guide them in a positive way? Learnwhy misbehavior occurs, <strong>com</strong>monreactions by caregivers, ways to stop it,and how to create and enforce a plan tobring about desired behaviorItem no. : PP07960105Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesAudience : Early ChildhoodPrice : USD 109.00DISPUTERESOLUTION,INTERNATIONALLAW, LABOR &EMPLOYMENT LAWWHAT U.S. LAWYERS NEEDEDTO KNOW ABOUTINTERNATIONALEMPLOYMENT CONTRACTSAND SECONDMENTThird in the series on International Laborand Employment Law, this programexplored international employmentcontracts and arrangements fortemporarily transferring employees tointernational positions.Item no. : WG11200095Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 150.00DOCUMENTARIESABORIGINAL ART &CULTURE: EDUCATIONRESOURCE PACKDirector: ANDREA and PETER HYLANDS.Cinematography: ROB PIGNOLET andANDREA HYLANDS.Multi film pack about the art and culture ofWestern Arnhem Land. Contains the filmsThe brush sings, Rock art and Yingana,Knowledge, painting and country and afourth DVD containing interviews and filmsabout the region.Item no. : MT26890003Format : 4 DVDsDuration : 110 minutesPrice : AUD 150.00ABORIGINAL ART &CULTURE: KNOWLEDGE,PAINTING AND COUNTRYDirector: ANDREA and PETER HYLANDS.Cinematography: ROB PIGNOLET.Knowledge, painting and country, the thirdfilm in this series about the culture ofWestern Arnhem Land, takes us on ajourney to meet two of the region's mosthighly respected elders.Aboriginal society respects its elders asthe guardians of cultural knowledge andlaw. Community elders are important rolemodels and educators and as thecustodians of Aboriginal culture and lands,their responsibilities include passing onthe stories and techniques of painting toyounger generations of Aboriginal people.This passing on of knowledge has helpedAboriginal people retain a deep respectand understanding for the country and thenature that surrounds them.Item no. : MF26890004Format : DVDDuration : 37 minutesPrice : AUD 65.00ABORIGINAL ART &CULTURE: ROCK ART ANDYINGANADirector: ANDREA and PETER HYLANDS.Cinematography: ROB PIGNOLET.The artists of Western Arnhem Land, paintas their ancestors have always done, tomark their connection to the land. MeetISAIAH NAGURRGURRBA and ALANNAMANIYUO on a walk up Injalak Hill andthere we see Yingana, the creation mother,painted on a rock surface.Filmed in Arnhem Land, Northern Territoryof Australia Meet Isaiah Nagurrgurrba andAlan Namaniyuo as they take us on ajourney up Injalak Hill. The artists fromInjalak Arts and Crafts, an aboriginal artcentre in Gunbalanya, Western ArnhemLand, paint as their ancestors have alwaysdone, to mark their connection to the landand to demonstrate their rights andresponsibilities to the country aboriginalpeople have cared for over tens ofthousands of years.Item no. : TA26890005Format : DVDDuration : 21 minutesPrice : AUD 65.00ABORIGINAL ART &CULTURE: THE BRUSHSINGSDirector: ANDREA and PETER HYLANDS.Cinematography: ROB PIGNOLET.The brush sings is a film about the artistsfrom Injalak Arts and Crafts, an aboriginalart centre in Gunbalanya, WesternFilmed in Arnhem Land, Northern Territoryof Australia The brush sings is the first in aseries of three films about the art andculture of Western Arnhem Land. Thebrush sings takes us to meet the artists ofWestern Arnhem Land and Injalak Artsand Crafts, the centre in which the artistswork.Item no. : VT26890006Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : AUD 65.00FILM ESSAYS OF MAASAILIFEThe Maasai film essays are:Women at work and women at homeEnkang lifeChanging timesFood and celebrationKeeping knowledgeBirds sing and lions roarItem no. : WU26890007Format : DVDDuration : 37 minutesPrice : AUD 200.00GWYN HANSSEN PIGOTT: APOTTERS FILMDirector: ANDREA and PETER HYLANDS.Cinematography: ROB PIGNOLET andANDREA HYLANDS.GWYN HANSSEN PIGOTT, stronglyconnected to the development and historyof contemporary ceramics in the 20thcentury, still retains a remarkablepresence in the 21st century ceramicmovement. Join GWYN HANSSENPIGOTT in this award winning film asGWYN prepares the work for an exhibitionduring the Edinburgh Festival.A 30 minute documentary about ceramicartist GWYN HANSSEN PIGOTT. Gwyn isrecognised as one of the world's leadingceramic artists and is particularly wellknown for her series of still life collectionsof porcelain vessels. The film showsGWYN making, glazing and firing her work.The film also includes sequences of awood firing and the unpacking of the kiln.Award Award winner Montpellier, France2010Item no. : AC26890008Format : DVDDuration : 35 minutesPrice : AUD 65.00GWYN HANSSEN PIGOTT:EDUCATION RESOURCEPACKDirector: ANDREA and PETER HYLANDSCinematography: ROB PIGNOLET andANDREA HYLANDS.The education resource pack followsArnhem Land.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk21

GWYN HANSSEN PIGOTT as shecreates a series of porcelain wood-firedgroupings of pots, so highly regarded bycollectors around the world.This education resource pack, which, in aneducational setting, should be used inconjunction with a potters film, contains aseries of five films that document theprocesses of making;Interview: discussion between GWYNHANSSEN PIGOTT and PETERHYLANDS covering the philosophy ofmaking, skills and the development ofGWYN'S workThrowing, turning and alteringGlazingPacking and firing a wood kilnUnpacking a wood kiln and selecting finalworksItem no. : NZ26890009Format : DVDDuration : 120 minutesPrice : AUD 150.00JOHN WOLSELEY:EDUCATION RESOURCEPACKDirector: JEAN-PIERRE CHABROL andPETER HYLANDS. Cinematography:JEAN-PIERRE CHABROL.Packed with JOHN's goodies, this multiDVD film pack contains great films starringJOHN WOLSELEY, The smokers havetaken the gold, The Wallace Line and Theartists' lunch. In addition to the films theresource pack features material oncurating a major exhibition, a JOHNWOLSELEY master class, poetry readingsin the desert, profiles of other artists, avirtual exhibition tour, organizing anexhibition opening, building an exhibitionwebsite and sales and marketing strategy.Disc one:The smokers have taken the gold; a shortfilm of John painting in the desert and apoetry reading of JOHN SHAWNEILSON's poems by the campfire.Disc twoThe Wallace Line; The artists' lunch;BETTY CHURCHER opening the Ware &Tear exhibition; short films of John'sco-exhibitors in Ware & Tear Appearancesby JOHN WOLSELEY, BETTYCHURCHER, ROBERT JACKS, ALEXSELENITSCH, BEN KEITH, ANDREAHYLANDS, JULIE GOUGH, CLIVEWILLMAN and PETER HYLANDS.Item no. : BK26890010Format : 2 DVDs (With CD)Duration : 120 minutesPrice : AUD 150.00JOHN WOLSELEY: THESMOKERS HAVE TAKENTHE GOLDDirector: JEAN-PIERRE CHABROL andPETER HYLANDS. Cinematography:JEAN-PIERRE CHABROL.JOHN WOLSELEY in an Australian desertas he explores new ways of drawing anddiscovers a settler's fence in the desert.Item no. : CN26890011Format : DVDDuration : 35 minutesPrice : AUD 65.00JULIE GOUGH: WEWALKED ON A CARPET OFSTARSDirector: JEAN-PIERRE CHABROL andPETER HYLANDS. Cinematography:JEAN-PIERRE CHABROL.JULIE GOUGH in Tasmania and at theBiennale of Sydney. That night the windpunched its way to the east. It was coldand the star filled sky was crystal clear. Atour feet, the mirror of wet sand reflectedthe night sky and, like the thousands ofancestors before us, we walked on acarpet of stars.We walked on a carpet of stars is a filmabout the work of artist JULIE GOUGH.We trace the links and references toAboriginal Tasmania and cross the bridgeto the heart of contemporary culture at theBiennale of Sydney. Filmed in Tasmaniaand <strong>New</strong> South Wales.Item no. : ZP26890012Format : DVDDuration : 26 minutesPrice : AUD 65.00KEN THAIDAY SNR: THESEA, THE FEATHER ANDTHE DANCE MACHINEDirector: ANDREA and PETER HYLANDS.Cinematography: ROB PIGNOLET.One Australia's most senior and inventiveTorres Strait islander artists, Kenconstructs mobilised artefacts, whichtoday are exhibited in major art galleriesand museums around the world. For thepeople of the Torres Strait, and for Ken inparticular, the sea is central to daily lifeand culture. Ken's extraordinary dancemachines (headdresses) reflect theimportance of the sea and its varioussymbols and totems. Ken has chosen theHammerhead Shark as his totem and hismost famous works incorporate this sharkas a symbol of law and order.Two parts: Part one - Arrival song; Parttwo - Leaving song.Item no. : VH26890013Format : DVDDuration : 71 minutesPrice : AUD 65.00MAASAI: BIRDS SING ANDALIONS ROARDirector: ANDREA and PETER HYLANDS.Cinematography: ROB PIGNOLET.Maasai: Birds sing and lions roar is thelast of six films in the series Film essays ofMaasai life.Birds sing and lions roar explores therelationship between the Maasai and theenvironment. As the drought deepens themen travel further and further in search ofpastures. Dependent on their cattle andgoats for survival, like all indigenouspeople, Maasai are in the front line when it<strong>com</strong>es to the consequences of climatechange. This time the rains <strong>com</strong>e and wemake a dash to cross the rapidly risingrivers and we meet a group of Maasaiwarriors.Item no. : FP26890014Format : DVDDuration : 32 minutesPrice : AUD 65.00MAASAI: CHANGING TIMESMaasai: Changing times is the third of sixfilms in the series Film essays of Maasailife.Changing times explores some of themore confronting issues and challengesas Maasai society adapts and deals withthe pressures of change. A group ofMaasai girls recite a poem about thechanges they want in their own lives,including the right to marry a man that theylove and the opportunity to attend highereducation.Item no. : LK26890015Format : DVDDuration : 37 minutesPrice : AUD 65.00MAASAI: ASAI: ENKANG LIFEMaasai: Enkang life is the second of sixfilms in the series Film essays of Maasailife.Enkang life documents the daily activitiesin Olmaroroi Village in Kenya's Rift Valley.The women prepare a donkey transport,the men light a fire and a Maasai brideleaves the village.Item no. : AN26890016Format : DVDDuration : 28 minutesPrice : AUD 65.00MAASAI: KEEPINGKNOWLEDGEMaasai: Food and celebration is the fifth ofsix films in the series Film essays ofMaasai life.Keeping knowledge explores the ways inwhich Maasai believe they can preservetheir precious cultural heritage while at the________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk22

same time considering new ways of<strong>com</strong>munity development. Drought has asevere impact on the <strong>com</strong>munity'scapacity to maintain traditions and crafts,yet it is these traditions and crafts thatprovide an opportunity to develop othersources of in<strong>com</strong>e.Item no. : TC26890017Format : DVDDuration : 28 minutesPrice : AUD 65.00MAASAI: WOMEN AT WORKAND WOMEN AT HOMEMaasai: Food and celebration is the first ofsix films in the series Film essays ofMaasai life.Following a male circumcision, animportant ceremony in life's journey, thevillage gathers to sing and dance andcelebrate the event. The women preparethe food as the men observe a goatslaughter. Goats and cattle are a source ofwealth in Maasai society and the animalsare looked after with great care, there is avery great difference here from theindustrial farming of western society. Thisfilm contains scenes of a goat beingbutchered.Item no. : TN26890018Format : DVDDuration : 37 minutesPrice : AUD 65.00PERFECT MAN, PERFECTWOMANWhat if scientists could redesign thehuman body? Re-engineer our organs, ourlimbs, our senses, or make us moredurable and less likely to fall apart. It maysound like a dream, but In terms ofevolution, the human body hasn’t been infor a major overhaul for roughly two millionyears. In fact, some scientists believehumans have stopped evolving altogether.Does that mean nature is happy with ourbasic design? Or are we using brain powerto avoid the fate of so many other animalswhich couldn’t adapt to changingcircumstances?Utilizing the world’s top experts, the best incinematography, 3D graphics and video<strong>com</strong>positing, Perfect Man, Perfect Womanunveils what science says would be idealfor the 21st century and all its challenges.Wait till you see the perfect man andperfect woman.Item no. : FC02191058Format : DVDDuration : 45 minutesAudience : Grades 9-12Price : USD 50.00PETER CHURCHER: THEMASTER AT WORKDirector: JEAN-PIERRE CHABROL andPETER HYLANDS. Cinematography:JEAN-PIERRE CHABROL.PETER CHURCHER paints people, thestreet kids, the sports crowds, thescientists, the famous, the poor and thewealthy that create the canvas of society.This film records an earlier phase ofPETER CHURCHER's career as anAustralian war artist in the Persian Gulfand Afghanistan and in his Melbournestudio.Item no. : KD26890019Format : DVDDuration : 40 minutesPrice : AUD 65.00ROBERT JACKS: JTHEARTIST'S JOURNEYThe artist's journey – In the 1960'sROBERT JACKS was determined to liveand work in <strong>New</strong> York, this film exploresthat journey and the eventual journey backto Australia.Item no. : GA26890020Format : DVDPrice : AUD 65.00SALTWATER PEOPLE OFTHE TORRES STRAIT:EDUCATION RESOURCEPACKDirector: ANDREA and PETER HYLANDS.Cinematography: ROB PIGNOLET.This Education resource pack contains aseries of films and information about theTorres Strait Islands and the art andculture of the region.The resource pack is intended as anintroduction to the indigenous culture ofthe Torres Strait Islands with a particularfocus on the culture of Erub or DarnleyIsland, as it is also known. The SaltwaterPeople of the Torres Strait are a bridgebetween Aboriginal culture and thepeoples of Papua <strong>New</strong> Guinea.Item no. : SE26890021Format : DVDDuration : 2 hoursCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : AUD 150.00DOCUMENTARYGOLDEN AGE V (RERUN OF2007): 375 DAYS AFTER-----Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00GOLDEN AGE V (RERUN OF2007): BEYOND SUNSET-----Item no. : HC27560025Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00GOLDEN AGE V (RERUN OF2007): BRAVO! OLD FOLKS!-----Item no. : WA27560026Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00GOLDEN AGE V (RERUN OF2007): DAUGHTER OF THETSEA-----Item no. : YZ27560027Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00GOLDEN AGE V (RERUN OF2007): DREAM RIDERS-----Item no. : DS27560028Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00GOLDEN AGE V (RERUN OF2007): NO SOLO TOURS-----Item no. : YN27560029Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00GOLDEN AGE V (RERUN OF2007): NON-OLD OLD RIDERSR-----Item no. : KE27560030Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00Item no.: ZA27560024________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk23

GOLDEN AGE V (RERUN OF2007): THECONSCIENTIOUS ELDERLYWORKERS-----Item no. : TA27560031Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00GOLDEN AGE V (RERUN OF2007): UPS AND DOWNS-----Item no. : LC27560032Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION07-08: 08: ADOLESCENTS INNEED-----Item no. : CC27560045Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION07-08: 08: BEHIND THE GREATFIREWALL-----Item no. : PL27560046Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION07-08: 08: DEFENDINGJUSTICE IN CHINA (2)-----Item no. : EJ27560047Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION07-08: 08: DEFENDINGJUSTICE IN CHINA (I)-----Item no. : RD27560048Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION07-08: 08: DESTRUCTION ORRECONSTRUCTION?-----Item no. : LC27560049Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION07-08: 08: FOR A DEMOCRATICTOMORROW-----Item no. : HP27560050Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION07-08: 08: IS MILK GOOD?-----Item no. : YW27560051Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION07-08: 08: PERFECT FORMULA-----Item no. : TN27560052Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION07-08: 08: PRICE FORFDEMOCRACY-----Item no. : NR27560053Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION07-08: 08: SCRAPING BYUNDER INFLATION-----Item no. : GN27560054Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTIONC07-08: 08: SO CLOSE, SODIFFERENT-----Item no. : SH27560055Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION07-08: 08: THE INLAND PUSH-----Item no. : SL27560056Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION07-08: 08: THE LESSON OF1966 & 1967-----Item no. : HE27560057Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION07-08: 08: THE MANDATORYPROVIDENT FUNDSCHEMES-----Item no. : GH27560058Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION07-08: 08: THE VEHICULARUPSURGE-----Item no. : ND27560059Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION07-08: 08: TUNG PING CHAU,MY HOME-----Item no. : FN27560060Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk24

HONG KONG CONNECTION07-08: 08: UNITY IS STRENGTH-----Item no. : AM27560061Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION07-08: 08: WALLED IN-----Item no. : RY27560062Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: 30 YEARS OFREFORM (1)-----Item no. : HW27560063Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: 30 YEARS OFREFORM (2)-----Item no. : VC27560064Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: CALLING IT A DAY-----Item no. : LY27560065Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: CHOOSING TO BEHAPPY IN LIFE-----Item no. : TA27560066Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: DOWN BUT NOT OUT-----Item no. : NB27560067Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: HANG ON IN THERE,IVY!-----Item no. : TN27560068Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: HONG KONGINTERNATIONAL AIRPORT-----Item no. : WC27560069Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: IS MILK GOOD?-----Item no. : CF27560070Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: KIDS OF THE NIGHT-----Item no. : HR27560071Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: LANDSLIDES-----Item no. : YB27560072Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: LESSONS FROMDUBAI-----Item no. : WB27560073Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: MAKING MONEY ONBEHALF OF POOR-----Item no. : GH27560074Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: MOTHERS IN APANIC-----Item no. : NB27560075Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: ON HOSTING THEOLYMPICS-----Item no. : HF27560076Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: SCHOOL INJEOPARDY-----Item no. : JC27560077Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: STARVE THEMONSTERS!-----Item no. : HU27560078Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk25

HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: THANK YOUROWENA-----Item no. : VC27560079Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: THE PERFECTFORMULA-----Item no. : WH27560085Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:ANOTHER FACE OFFILIPINOS-----Item no. : YU27560135Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: THE BIG CHILL-----Item no. : VB27560080Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: THE FINAL DAYS-----Item no. : YH27560081Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: THE FIRST WAVE OFOTHE TSUNAMI-----Item no. : NE27560082Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: THE MAVERICKS INMACAU-----Item no. : BA27560083Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: TOUGH TIMES-----Item no. : LH27560086Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: WHY DID THESCHOOL BUILDINGSCOLLAPSE? (1)-----Item no. : HS27560087Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: WHY DID THESCHOOL BUILDINGSCOLLAPSE? (2)-----Item no. : TT27560088Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:A PLACE OF ZEN-----Item no. : KC27560133Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:CITY BLACK KITES-----Item no. : TR27560136Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:COWS FOR HIRE-----Item no. : LK27560137Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:DANCE WITH THEBUTTERFLIES-----Item no. : AZ27560138Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:DANCING WITH THE LION-----Item no. : ZD27560139Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG CONNECTION08-09: 09: THE OLDESTPROFESSION-----Item no. : GP27560084Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesPrice : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:A RAY OF HOPE-----Item no. : TK27560134Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:FOOTSTEPS ON THE HILL-----Item no. : WH27560140Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk26

HONG KONG STORY 2010:GARDEN OF OMEMORIES-----Item no. : VE27560141Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:KOREANS, WHO STAY-----Item no. : BT27560147Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:MY OLD PALS-----Item no. : RZ27560153Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:GOLDEN DAYS OF FISHFARMING-----Item no. : PC27560142Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:GURKHAS, THEFORGOTTEN HEROES-----Item no. : HJ27560143Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:HEADMISTRESS DO-ITIT-ALL-----Item no. : LA27560144Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:INDIAN IMPRESSION-----Item no. : RY27560145Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:INTER ISLANDS-----Item no. : CW27560146Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:LABYRINTH IN THE AIR-----Item no. : HF27560148Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:LEAVING VIETNAM-----Item no. : JU27560149Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:LOOKING BACK AT OURSNUG HOMES-----Item no. : KC27560150Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:MONGREL-----Item no. : LT27560151Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:MY HOMETOWN – CHEUNGCHAU-----Item no. : GB27560152Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:OLD DAYS. HOMELAND-----Item no. : RM27560154Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:0:ONE-STOP LIVING WITHSHOPPING MALL-----Item no. : GE27560155Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:PARROTS-----Item no. : FU27560156Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:RESTRICTED ISLANDS-----Item no. : FB27560157Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:SAIL OF COMPASSION-----Item no. : NS27560158Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk27

HONG KONG STORY 2010:SAWADIKUP, HELLO!-----Item no. : PR27560159Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:SENSE AND SENSIBILITY(ITALIANS IN HONG KONG)-----Item no. : MW27560160Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:SERVANT OF ALL-----Item no. : YH27560161Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:SHALOM (JEWS IN HONGKONG)-----Item no. : SH27560162Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:SHEPHERD IN THE DARK-----Item no. : JS27560163Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:SIMPLE LIFE IN PENGCHAU-----Item no. : EA27560164Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:SISTERS IN THE TRADE-----Item no. : TA27560165Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:TAP MUN IMPRESSIONPART 1-----Item no. : WU27560166Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:TAP MUN IMPRESSIONPART 2-----Item no. : EA27560167Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:TERMITES-----Item no. : HE27560168Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:THE COMING OFINDONESIAN CHINESE-----Item no. : AR27560169Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:THE FLOATING TRIBES-----Item no. : JW27560170Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:THE GUARDIAN OF PENGCHAU-----Item no. : FY27560171Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:THE YOUNG LAMMAISLANDERS-----Item no. : EN27560172Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:THIS IS OUR VILLAGE ?-----Item no. : PC27560173Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:WAN CHAI BLUES-----Item no. : DD27560174Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HONG KONG STORY 2010:WILD ANIMAL RESCUE-----Item no. : WC27560175Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00MY HONG KONG:CULTURAL HERITAGE-----Item no. : PD27560191Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk28

MY HONG KONG:EVERYONE HAS A FACE OFHIS OWN IN THE CITY-----Item no. : NU27560192Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00MY HONG KONG: TOWARDSGREENER LIVING-----Item no. : GT27560193Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00SEA WORLD ODYSSEY II:GYPSIES IN ITHE OCEANWhen we speak of marine creatures, wetend to be attracted by corals and tropicalfish that are colourful and eye-catching.However, there is a kind of simple andordinary marine life that appeared earlierthan the dinosaurs and has survived for650 million years. It is the colourlessjellyfish.Jellyfish possess soft tentacles that moveelegantly under the water. But thesetentacles have poisonous nematocysts.The production team of "Sea WorldOdyssey" has travelled to the JellyfishLake of Palau, one of the SevenUnderwater Wonders of the World, toexplore the special and almostnon-poisonous jellyfish there.Item no. : MS27560235Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00SEA WORLD ODYSSEY II:LIFE AND DEATH OF SEASTURTLESFrom the moment of their birth, GreenTurtles struggle to survive in the naturalenvironment on their own. After theymature, they are also threatened byhunting and poaching. In this episode, wewill witness how the AFCD staff saves agreen turtle. We will also visit the WetlandPark to see how baby turtles hatch. Thenwe will reveal the mystery of theworld-renowned turtle tomb in Sipadan.Item no. : WS27560236Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00SEA WORLD ODYSSEY II:RETURN OF SEA TURTLESSeveral decades ago, Green Turtles cameashore on a number of beaches in HongKong, including Tung O and Ha Mei Wanon Lamma Island, as well as Tong Fuk MiuWan and Tai Long Wan on Lantau Island.Nowadays, as a result of rapidurbanization, Green Turtles only lay eggson Sham Wan, Lamma Island.In the summer of 2008, "Hong Kong 2",the Green Turtle that had left Hong Kongfor five years, returned to Sham Wan to layeggs. Even slight disturbances wouldscare a nesting turtle away. The crew ofSea World had to shoot the scenecarefully. In this episode, we will witnessthe precious moments when a GreenTurtle lay eggs in Hong Kong, and thereturn of hatchlings to the ocean.Item no. : ZG27560237Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00SEA WORLD ODYSSEY II:TINY MARINE LIFEA large area of the seabed of Hong Kongis flat and muddy. These "soft bottoms"look dull and lifeless. But if you lookcarefully, you will find many surprising littlemarine creatures.Unlike their distant relatives on land,bristle worms, sea slugs, and sea snailstake on special forms under the sea.Skeleton shrimps are just a little bit biggerthan a fingernail. They have alsodeveloped their own way of survival in thewaters of Hong Kong. Indeed, "softbottoms" are full of vitality.In this episode, the crew of Sea WorldOdyssey goes abroad to Lembeh Strait inIndonesia, which is also known as "TinyUndersea Museum", to show you the widevariety of tiny creatures on the "softbottoms."Item no. : PC27560238Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00SEA WORLD ODYSSEY II:UNDERWATER GARDENThe Agriculture, Fisheries andConservation Department has establishedseveral marine parks in Hong Kong forover a decade. Their efforts have provedeffective. The native fishermen who havelived in Yan Chau Tong Marine Park forthree generations witness the growingamount of catch. The coral <strong>com</strong>munities atHoi Ha Wan have be<strong>com</strong>e a popular"underwater garden."In this episode, we will make a tour ofsome local underwater gardens and goabroad to Apo Island of the Philippines.The marine conservation program carriedout on Apo Island is very effective. It hasincreased the in<strong>com</strong>e of local fishermenand given life to the underwater world,making the island the most popular divesite in the Philippines.Item no. : MA27560239Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00DOMESTICVIOLENCEALCOHOL AND MEN'SVIOLENCE E AGAINSTWOMENExamines the myth that alcohol causesmen to be violent towards women.This 30 minute documentary is based onresearch which explores and shatters themyth that violence against women is dueto men's alcohol abuse. It conveys thestrong message that alcohol is not thereason men be<strong>com</strong>e violent towardwomen. Told through the eyes of fourwomen who have survived severelyabusive relationships the program alsoprovides additional insights byprofessionals in the areas of domesticviolence, alcohol and policing. Alsoincluded is a 30 minute content-richspecial features section. The program wasproduced at Northern Michigan Universityand funded by Blue Cross Blue Shield ofMichigan Foundation, with sociologist, Dr.Ira Hutchison, and nursing department'sDr. Kerri Schuiling as PrincipalInvestigators.Review The DVD explains that while it isnever easy to leave, women who arebeing abused will know when the timeis right, and it gives them some tips onwhat will help to enable them to leave.It shows how the police and othersystems can be use to women'sadvantage. - Joan Zorza - Editor,Domestic Violence ReportItem no. : GU07960101Format : DVDPrice : USD 189.00TELLING AMY'S STORYA program that examines the eventssurrounding a domestic violencehomicide.Hosted by actress and domestic violenceadvocate, Mariska Hargitay, and told byDetective Deirdre Fishel from the StateCollege, Pennsylvania Police Department,Telling Amy's Story follows the timeline ofa domestic violence homicide thatoccurred on November 8, 2001. Thisengrossing program featuring the victim'sparents and co-workers, law enforcement29________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk

officers, and court personnel who sharetheir perspectives on what happened toAmy in the years, months and weeksleading up to her death. A discussion atthe end of the program with Hargitay andSheryl Cates of the National DomesticViolence Hotline offers more insight,resources and ways to change the systemto help victims of domestic violence beforea tragedy happens.While it is not possible to change theending to Amy's story, it is hoped that it'stelling can change the out<strong>com</strong>es for themillions of victims, survivors, and lovedones affected by domestic violence everyday.Item no. : HC07960117Format : DVDDuration : 57 minutesPrice : USD 75.00R-controlled vowelsSpellingDigraphsDiphthongsCreate: Phonics posters Initial teaching activities Flash cards Game cards Crossword puzzles Bingo Story startersSystem Requirements Windows: 16 MB RAM, Windows95/98 or higher, Vista, QuickTime 3.0Item no.Format: LU08190413: CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser)Audience : Grades K-3Price : USD 70.00EARLY LITERACYELLA JENKINS LIVE! ATATHE SMITHSONIANSElla -- live at the Early Enrichment Centerof the Smithsonian Institution.Songs include:HelloOnce There Was A KingMoshi MoshiDid You Feed My CowWho Fed The Chickens?One Two Buckle My ShoeAnd One And TwoPlay Your Instruments And Make APretty SoundStop And GoMiss Mary MackShake Hands With FriendsEARLY LEARNINGFESTIVE FONTSEncourage children's creative writing skillswhile they have fun! Using Festive Fonts isa fun way to enhance your child'simaginative abilities! Educatorsagree--children learn best when they arehappy and interested. Watch theircreativity flow as Festive Fonts inspirestories and art projects. Children loveusing characters as inspiration!Use Festive Fonts to: Make up stories with Dracula, Aladdin,and other favorites Print your own invitations, storybooks,and coloring booksMake special holiday cardsDiscover the meaning of ancientEgyptian hieroglyphicsItem no.Format: SK08190397: CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser)Audience : Grades K-12Price : USD 60.00PHONICS COMPANION 3.0By Arnie UretskyA <strong>com</strong>plete phonics package that allowsyou to create the materials you need toteach phonics from initial introduction ofthe skills and fun activities for practice toapplication in reading and writing. IncludesTeacher take home rights.A must for beginning reading programs.Create your posters, activity sheets andgames with Phonics Companion and doon-screen instruction with PhonicsCompanion Interactive! Together, they area <strong>com</strong>plete early reading program. Greatfor ESL and Special Education.Covers: Short vowel word familiesSCHOOL FONTCOLLECTIONSchool Font Collection teaches primarystudents how to form letters and develophandwriting skills using Trace andD'Nealian fonts. Makes learning to readand write easier! See for yourself why it'sour most popular font product!<strong>New</strong> updated version: Now includes Spanish, German, andFrench fonts with easier to use shortcuts Fonts print on most <strong>com</strong>mon printers Auto-install program for all Windowsoperating systems Various fonts have been updated toenhance clarity in display and print Additional documentation andimproved Web support (FAQ's,updates, downloads, and samples)Features: Make "kid-friendly" documents Type special characters such asboxes, triangles, circles, and longdivision Line up columns of numbers easily Type foreign letters and punctuation Dashed-line fonts for kids to trace!Review "My children love it! It's a really uniqueaddition to school reports." - DonnaPeterson, Parent, Mountain Lake, MNItem no. : HJ08190418Format : CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser, With Binder)Price : USD 60.00TEACHER FONTS BUNDLEIncludes: School Font Collection Arithmefonts Festive FontsItem no. : HJ15150015Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00PHONEMIC AWARENESSADVENTURES -ALLITERATIONBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed. & Loretta PrattRecent studies have concluded that 15-20minutes of Phonemic Awareness Trainingcan significantly increase a child'sunderstanding of the printed word. Thesecolorful, interactive, fun videos allow yourstudents to learn more about word soundsand how they apply to pre-reading skills.The videos provide children with theopportunity to hear, identify andmanipulate speech sounds.Item no. : RK15150036Format : DVDDuration : 50 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00PHONEMIC AWARENESSADVENTURES - PHONEMEBLENDING AND DELETIONBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed. & Loretta PrattRecent studies have concluded that 15-20minutes of Phonemic Awareness Trainingcan significantly increase a child'sunderstanding of the printed word. Thesecolorful, interactive, fun videos allow yourstudents to learn more about word soundsand how they apply to pre-reading skills.The videos provide children with theopportunity to hear, identify andmanipulate speech sounds.Item no. : TT15150037Format : DVDDuration : 50 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00Long vowel word familiesItem no. : YT08190419Phoneme recognitionFormat : CD-ROM (Win)Word recognitionPrice : USD 60.00Intital and final sound blending________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk30

PHONEMIC AWARENESSADVENTURES - PHONEMECOUNTINGBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed. & Loretta PrattRecent studies have concluded that 15-20minutes of Phonemic Awareness Trainingcan significantly increase a child'sunderstanding of the printed word. Thesecolorful, interactive, fun videos allow yourstudents to learn more about word soundsand how they apply to pre-reading skills.The videos provide children with theopportunity to hear, identify andmanipulate speech sounds.Item no. : AA15150038Format : DVDDuration : 50 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00PHONEMIC AWARENESSADVENTURES - PHONEMESEGMENTATIONBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed. & Loretta PrattRecent studies have concluded that 15-20minutes of Phonemic Awareness Trainingcan significantly increase a child'sunderstanding of the printed word. Thesecolorful, interactive, fun videos allow yourstudents to learn more about word soundsand how they apply to pre-reading skills.The videos provide children with theopportunity to hear, identify andmanipulate speech sounds.Item no. : LA15150039Format : DVDDuration : 50 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00PHONEMIC AWARENESSADVENTURES - RHYMINGSOUNDSBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed. & Loretta PrattRecent studies have concluded that 15-20minutes of Phonemic Awareness Trainingcan significantly increase a child'sunderstanding of the printed word. Thesecolorful, interactive, fun videos allow yourstudents to learn more about word soundsand how they apply to pre-reading skills.The videos provide children with theopportunity to hear, identify andmanipulate speech sounds.Item no. : JZ15150040Format : DVDDuration : 50 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00SAMMY AND OTHERSONGS FROM GETTING TOTKNOW MYSELFBy Hap PalmerSammy, has been delighting children formore than twenty years. Now Sammy andother favorites from Getting to KnowMyself <strong>com</strong>e to life in this movementparticipation DVD - featuring a rainbow ofchildren stretching, jumping discoveringthe joy of movement!Songs include:SammyShake SomethingThe CircleLeft & RightTurn AroundFeelingsTouchThe OppositeCircle GameItem no. : YK15150042Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00SOMETHING SPECIALFast-moving animation, expressivechildren, and colorful art bring these HapPalmer favorites to life! Selections fromthe popular "Walter the Waltzing Worm"and "Sally the Swinging Snake" helpstudents increase vocabulary while havingfun. Key words are highlighted andreinforced. It's a delightful way ofimproving basic movement skills whileacquiring new vocabulary.Songs include:Something SpecialUp and Down a MountainMuddy Water PuddleWhen the Bell RingsWhat a Miracle!Ride and SwingSong About Fast, Song About SlowItem no. : EN15150048Format : DVDDuration : 25 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00WE SIGN - ABC'SBy Ann Perkoski and a Team of ASLInstructorsEach DVD in this fun sing-along,sign-along series will introduce studentsand teachers to the elements of AmericanSign Language.The lessons are ac<strong>com</strong>panied by<strong>com</strong>puter graphics, vocal hints andprofessional choirs, which bring thesepopular songs and nursery rhymes to life.Several viewings will enable your studentsto sign the words in the lesson as well assing and sign along with the songs.Item no. : NY15150058Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00WE SIGN - BABIES ANDTODDLERSOne great DVDs for using American SignLanguage (ASL)with young children!Includes basic"how to" information andover 30 of the most <strong>com</strong>monly usedwords.Provides over 200 words for increasedsigning vocabulary. Experts agree thatsigning is a language-rich activity that cansignificantly increas spoken vocabulary,improve reading readiness, enhancemotor and memory skills as well asprovide a substantial head start oneducation.Item no. : EL15150060Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 60.00WE SIGN - FUN TIMEYoung children and preschoolers sing,particpate, be<strong>com</strong>e inspired and achievesuccess while signing-along for hours offun, educational entertainment.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkFive Little MonkeysLittle Miss MuffetOld MacDonaldRow, Row, Row Your BoatOh Where, Oh WhereThe More We Get TogetherI See, I Hear, I SmellMamma I'm ReadyIf I Were a Little FishA Little Song in My HeartI'm GonnaItem no. : WZ15150063Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00WE SIGN - NUMBERSEach DVD in this fun sing-along,sign-along series will introduce studentsand teachers to the elements of AmericanSign Language.The lessons are ac<strong>com</strong>panied by<strong>com</strong>puter graphics, vocal hints andprofessional choirs, which bring thesepopular songs and nursery rhymes to life.Several viewings will enable your studentsto sign the words in the lesson as well assing and sign along with the songs.Item no. : SL15150064Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.0031

WE SIGN - PLAY TIMEYoung children and preschoolers sing,particpate, be<strong>com</strong>e inspired and achievesuccess while signing-along for hours offun, educational entertainment.Includes:Stop, Look and ListenJacob Wore a Red HatOne Little KittyThis is the WayJumpingIf You're Happy and You Know ItRain DropsItem no. : BG15150066Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00WE SIGN - RHYMESEach DVD in this fun sing-along,sign-along series will introduce studentsand teachers to the elements of AmericanSign Language. The lessons areac<strong>com</strong>panied by <strong>com</strong>puter graphics, vocalhints and professional choirs, which bringthese popular songs and nursery rhymesto life. Several viewings will enable yourstudents to sign the words in the lesson aswell as sing and sign along with the songs.Item no. : KA15150067Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00EARTH & SPACESCIENCEMARS: THE PHOENIXODYSSEYThe statistics are staggering. More thanhalf of all spacecrafts sent to Mars haveburned up, failed, or smashed to bits. Butfor NASA, the passion for Mars cannot besnuffed out and they are dreaming andplanning for their next high stakes mission.The Mars: Phoenix Lander is rising fromthe ashes of disaster to search for signs oflife in a region no spacecraft has everbeen. This time around, the team willfollow the water and will focus on findinglife on Mars’ Polar Regions.Watch scientists and Daily Planet countdown to the successful launch of the MarsPhoenix. With resources running low andpressure running high, they must raceagainst the clock to carry out thisformidable mission.If they succeed, it will be the greatestdiscovery of our time. If it goes wrong,Mars will destroy yet another dream.Item no. : PS00021057Format : DVDDuration : 45 minutesAudience : Grades 9-12Price : USD 50.00ELL-ESLFINGERPLAYS ANDFOOTPLAYSBy Henry Buzz Glass & Rosemary HallumPh.D.Immediately involve your class in funactivities that help develop coordination,concentration and listening skills. Anexciting group of adult and childrenperformers lead your students throughnine fun-filled activity songs.Two Little Blackbirds<strong>New</strong> ShoesPenguinsThe Wheels on the BusFootplayFive Little MonkeysPeanut ButterI Have Ten Little Fingers<strong>New</strong> Pease Porridge HotItem no. : PB15150017Format : DVD (With Guide)Duration : 22 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00KIDS WILL BE KIDS:MOVIN' & GROOVIN'By Frank LetoSet to the exciting sounds and rhythms ofa Steel Band, this exercise and grossmotor movement program gives children agreat workout!The program begins with a warm up(stretches for the whole body), followed bythree songs aimed at giving children acardiovascular workout. Dances, gamesand a simplified version of the limbo keepthe children moving until the focus is onbalance and coordination. A cool down torelax the body and mind concludes theactivity.Room to MoveJumping JackHere to ThereJump Jump JumpDoing the SwimZig ZagIt's Limbo TimeTightropeCool DownItem no. : GJ15150026Format : DVDDuration : 32 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00PHONEMIC AWARENESSADVENTURES -ALLITERATIONBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed. & Loretta PrattRecent studies have concluded that 15-20minutes of Phonemic Awareness Trainingcan significantly increase a child'sunderstanding of the printed word. Thesecolorful, interactive, fun videos allow yourstudents to learn more about word soundsand how they apply to pre-reading skills.The videos provide children with theopportunity to hear, identify andmanipulate speech sounds.Item no. : RK15150036Format : DVDDuration : 50 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00PHONEMIC AWARENESSADVENTURES - PHONEMEBLENDING AND DELETIONBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed. & Loretta PrattRecent studies have concluded that 15-20minutes of Phonemic Awareness Trainingcan significantly increase a child'sunderstanding of the printed word. Thesecolorful, interactive, fun videos allow yourstudents to learn more about word soundsand how they apply to pre-reading skills.The videos provide children with theopportunity to hear, identify andmanipulate speech sounds.Item no. : TT15150037Format : DVDDuration : 50 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00PHONEMIC AWARENESSADVENTURES - PHONEMECOUNTINGBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed. & Loretta PrattRecent studies have concluded that 15-20minutes of Phonemic Awareness Trainingcan significantly increase a child'sunderstanding of the printed word. Thesecolorful, interactive, fun videos allow yourstudents to learn more about word soundsand how they apply to pre-reading skills.The videos provide children with theopportunity to hear, identify andmanipulate speech sounds.Item no. : AA15150038Format : DVDDuration : 50 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00PHONEMIC AWARENESSADVENTURES - RHYMINGSOUNDSBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed. & Loretta PrattRecent studies have concluded that 15-20minutes of Phonemic Awareness Trainingcan significantly increase a child'sunderstanding of the printed word. Thesecolorful, interactive, fun videos allow yourstudents to learn more about word sounds32________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk

and how they apply to pre-reading skills.The videos provide children with theopportunity to hear, identify andmanipulate speech sounds.Item no. : JZ15150040Format : DVDDuration : 50 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00EMPLOYEEMANAGEMENT &COMMUNICATIONSCOMPLETE ORGANIZATIONTOOLKIT, THEThis product is designed specifically withthe busy manager in mind. Not only willyou learn how to organize your own workand life, but this product also provides youwill all the resources necessary to trainyour staff.Time and money are the two mostimportant <strong>com</strong>mododities when it <strong>com</strong>esto business, and with effectiveorganizational skills, you save both.The Complete Organization Toolkitteaches you and your staff how toorganize your workplace and workloads sothat you maximize those hours you spendin the office. In an easy-to-understand,step-by-step process, you'll gain tips fororganizing every aspect of your work life.But best of all, the product provides youwith a detailed process and all thehandouts you need to conduct asuccessful, thourough and memorabletraining session. This budget-friendlyproduct is designed to save you the timeof developing your own trainingsession—and it teaches you and youremployees how to develop an effectiveand efficient organizational system.Use the product as suggested as amultimedia, classroom-style trainingsession to administer to employees or optto have employees take the training as aself-paced course. Either way, if your staffmembers put the advice in this toolkit touse, they are guaranteed to increase theirproductivity and efficiency—and reducetheir stress levelsItem no. : TY05050060Format : DVD (With Workbook)Duration : 22 minutesPrice : USD 199.00COMPLETE STRESSMANAGEMENT TOOLKIT,THEThis product is designed specifically withthe busy manager in mind. not only willyou learn how to manage your own stressbut this product also provides you with allthe resources necessary to train your staff.Even the most well-run workplaces fallprey to stress. So no matter how well youmanage, you will never eliminate stressfrom your employees' work lives. It'scritical to your team's productivity andmorale that you understand what causesyour stress and that you learn constructiveways to deal with that stress—when theinevitable happens.This Complete Stress Management Toolkitteaches you and your staff how to uncoverthe root of your stress and then deal with it,in an easy-to-understand, step-by-stepprocess. But best of all, the productprovides you with a detailed process andall the handouts you need to conduct asuccessful, thorough and memorabletraining session. This budget-friendlyproduct is designed to save you the timeof developing your own trainingsession—and it teaches you and youremployees how to work through the moststressful situations while maintaining yourenergy and productivity.Use the product as suggested as amultimedia, classroom-style trainingsession to administer to employees or optto have employees take the training as aself-paced course. Either way, if your staffmembers put the advice in this toolkit touse, they are guaranteed to reduce thestress they face on the job.Item no. : LL05140061Format : DVD (With Workbook)Duration : 21 minutesPrice : USD 199.00COMPLETE TIMEMANAGEMENT TOOLKIT,THEThis product is designed specifically withthe busy manager in mind. Not only willyou learn how to manage your own time,but this product also provides you will allthe resources necessary to train your staffto be more efficient.And you know that in thisdo-more-with-less business enviornment,time management skills are critical.The Complete Time Management Toolkitteaches you and your staff how to improveyour productivity and efficiency and domore in less time—all in aneasy-to-understand, step-by-step process.You'll learn to over<strong>com</strong>e typical time trapsand wasters and find the best practices tofollow. But best of all, the product providesyou with a detailed process and all thehandouts you need to conduct asuccessful, thourough and memorabletraining session. This budget-friendlyproduct is designed to save you the timeof developing your own trainingsession—and it teaches you and youremployees how to manage your time moreeffectively.Use the product as suggested as amultimedia, classroom-style trainingsession to administer to employees or optto have employees take the training as aself-paced course. Either way, if your staffmembers put the advice in this toolkit touse, they are guaranteed to increase theirproductivity and efficiency—and reducetheir stress levels.Item no. : PZ01820062Format : DVD (With Workbook)Duration : 21 minutesPrice :USD 199.00ESSENTIAL SKILLS FORMANAGING CONFLICTThis <strong>com</strong>prehensive multimedia product isfull of action-oriented tips that will teachmanagers and their staffs how to confrontconflict instead of allowing it to fester.They will learn how to work with peoplewho have different styles and to discussdisruptive behaviors in a calm andproductive manner. This product serves asboth a workshop that trainers can presentto a group of employees and as aself-paced study course managers cantake on their own.Essential Skills for Managing Conflictgives everyone the skills and stepsneeded to avoid conflict, analyzesituations when they do arise and movepast conflict to work well together.Managers and their team members willdiscover how to: Set standards of team conduct toeliminate <strong>com</strong>mon disputes. Identify personality types andunderstand how those can lead toconflict. Analyze how differing values shapepeople's views of situations. Discuss conflicts in a positive manner. Take steps to avoid potential conflicts. And so much more!Item no. : BL05050063Format : DVD (With Viewer'sGuide)Duration : 18 minutesPrice : USD 287.00EMPLOYMENTGETTING A JOB - KEEPINGYOUR JOB SETIn a humorous, fast-paced game showformat these two videos bring viewers upto date on what employers want and whatprospective employees need to know toget and keep a job.Getting a Job________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkappropriate clothingcleanlinesshair stylesmakeupfiling out applicationsproper conduct during an interviewhandling difficult questionsand much more - from making backupplans for child care to preparing aresume and writing a follow-up note.33

Keeping Your Jobthe importance of punctualityconsistent attendancetime managementhonestyproblem solving and organizationalskills.They'll laugh at the game scenariospresenting proper and improper workattitudes and handling irritable customers.They will see the importance of gettingalong with co-workers and supervisors,setting goals, and self-discipline, and theywill find that gossip is dangerous in theworkplace.Item no. : FC15150019Format : 2 DVDs (With Guides)Duration : 44 minutesAudience : High School and AdultPrice : USD 169.00GETTING AHEAD ON THEJOB SETBy Nancy Batista MorganIn an entertaining format, students learnthat job opportunities <strong>com</strong>e to those whohave a good attitude, can work with othersand can solve problems. Featuring amultiethnic group of people, this seriespresents a variety of jobs. The programsfocus on how good <strong>com</strong>munication andthe ability to deal with and resolveproblems is critical in the effort to getahead on the job.Includes:Getting Along with OthersDealing with DiversityWorking as Part of a TeamTaking Directions with a PositiveAttitudeAsking for Help/Giving HelpTaking Criticism WellGood MannersProblem Solving on the Job Resolving Conflicts with Supervisors Resolving Conflicts with FellowEmployees Leaving Your Problems at Home Dealing with Anger Speaking up AppropriatelyItem no. : NH15150020Format : 2 DVDs (With Guides)Duration : 44 minutesAudience : High School and AdultPrice : USD 169.00EVOLUTIONBASIC INSTINCT-----Item no. : ZT07983211Format : DVDAudience : Grades 6-8Price : USD 150.00EXECUTIVE SKILLSLEARNING A LA CARTE:BOARD ROLES ANDRESPONSIBILITIESThese days the roles and responsibilitiesof boards are under tighter scrutiny, anddirectors are increasingly moreaccountable. A board has legal andfinancial responsibilities. Peter Quarry,psychologist, interviews Damien Smith,lawyer and Managing Director ofEnterprise Care, to gain some insight intothe roles and responsibilities of a boardand the board members.Training Points Board members must know theorganization well They need to <strong>com</strong>ment on trends,progress and staff accountability The board and chair must work wellas a team, and have limited term Board needs Key/StrategicPerformance Indicators Board must consider impact on<strong>com</strong>munity Board members should undertakeprofessional development Board should be asked to explain ifnot deliveringItem no. : JY02370979Format : DVDDuration : 14 minutesCopyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781921635168Price : AUD 319.00LEARNING A LA CARTE:IMPROVING GOVERNANCEOrganisational governance is critical forbest performance and is under themicroscope in many <strong>com</strong>panies. To learnmore about this psychologist Peter Quarryinterviews Damien Smith, lawyer andManaging Director of Enterprise Care, aninnovative firm that specialises ingovernance issues. They discuss how'governance' relates to 'management' and'leadership' and the need for a holisticapproach by the board and themanagement.Training Points Governance as <strong>com</strong>pliance vs.meeting stakeholder needs Principles covering relationships,ethics and values ensure effectivegovernance 'Carver' approach - a policy approach Strategic, advisory, and operationalboards Must-do issues for governance and'governor' role Proactive role of directors to makejudgements Board has duty of care to assess ifadvice is sound Must have transparency Board must provide strategicleadership, projecting 5-20 yearsahead Seven domains of the organisation -each must be 'owned' by boardItem no. : ZH01140981Format : DVDDuration : 12 minutesCopyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781921635335Price : AUD 319.00EXPLORING MATHAND SCIENCE INACTIONPETS IN CHILD CARE?This lesson provides advice on choosingpets for home or center child care settings.Learn how to set up an aquarium and findout what children can learn from pets.Item no. : DZ26920053Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00SUMMERTIME CAREThis lesson provides child care providerswith new outdoor activities for the childrenin their care. It includes ways to engagechildren in gardening activities andeducational activities on insects.Item no. : MW26920057Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00WORKING WITH WOOD -KIDS CAN DO ITThis lesson covers how to get started withwood working, activities for toddlersthrough older children, and how to keepworking with wood safe.Item no. : KR26920064Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00FAMILYHOUSE OF CONSUMERS, A:A FAMILY OF FRUGALITY-----Item no. : HA27560176Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HOUSE OF CONSUMERS, A:DRIFTING FAMILY-----Item no.FormatDuration: CR27560177: DVD: 30 minutes________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk34

Copyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HOUSE OF CONSUMERS, A:FAMILY OF SMARTCONSUMERS-----Item no. : KE27560178Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HOUSE OF CONSUMERS, A:FAMILY OF TREASUREHUNT-----Item no. : BB27560179Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HOUSE OF CONSUMERS, A:FMILY OF GREEN HOME-----Item no. : LH27560180Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HOUSE OF CONSUMERS, A:JAPANOPHILE FAMILY-----Item no. : BG27560181Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HOUSE OF CONSUMERS, A:NAKAJIMA FAMILY-----Item no. : LD27560182Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00HOUSE OF CONSUMERS, A:THE PENNY-WISE FAMILY-----Item no.Format: NV27560183: DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00FAMILYADVOCACY/DODALCOHOL AND MEN'SVIOLENCE AGAINSTWOMENExamines the myth that alcohol causesmen to be violent towards women.This 30 minute documentary is based onresearch which explores and shatters themyth that violence against women is dueto men's alcohol abuse. It conveys thestrong message that alcohol is not thereason men be<strong>com</strong>e violent towardwomen. Told through the eyes of fourwomen who have survived severelyabusive relationships the program alsoprovides additional insights byprofessionals in the areas of domesticviolence, alcohol and policing. Alsoincluded is a 30 minute content-richspecial features section. The program wasproduced at Northern Michigan Universityand funded by Blue Cross Blue Shield ofMichigan Foundation, with sociologist, Dr.Ira Hutchison, and nursing department'sDr. Kerri Schuiling as PrincipalInvestigators.Review The DVD explains that while it isnever easy to leave, women who arebeing abused will know when the timeis right, and it gives them some tips onwhat will help to enable them to leave.It shows how the police and othersystems can be use to women'sadvantage. - Joan Zorza - Editor,Domestic Violence ReportItem no. : GU07960101Format : DVDPrice : USD 189.00BOYS AND MEN HEALINGFROM CHILD SEXUALABUSEA documentary about male survivors ofsexual abuse.Boys and Men Healing is a documentaryabout the impact sexual abuse of boys hason both the individual and society, and theimportance of healing and the speakingout of survivors to end the devastatingeffects of abuse. The film portrayscourageous non-offending men whosearduous healing and work to over<strong>com</strong>ePTSD helped them reclaim their lives andgave them a powerful voice to speak outand take bold action toward prevention forother boys. It is a source of hope andinspiration for all men who have sufferedsexual abuse and violence.The program features David Lisak'sfacing his own childhood sexual abuse, hisdedication to speaking out, and his workeducating others about the impact of malechild sexual abuse on the cycle of violence.Also featured is Mark Crawford whosestory is a true hero's journey of a survivorworking relentlessly and successfullyagainst all odds to change unjust laws andto seek justice for male survivors. Anothersurvivor, Tony Rogers who was raped by apedophile when he was 9 years old wasable to break the cycle of violence andself-destruction through his <strong>com</strong>mitment toheal, and support other men throughmuch-needed peer-led groups.Note: Not available in Canada.Reviews "A powerful documentary… Tackles adifficult topic in a matter-of-factfashion that make it all moremoving…. It may also serve toencourage those still keeping theirsecrets locked inside to take action.Re<strong>com</strong>mended." - Video LibrarianMay/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2011</strong>moving and poignant personal story of________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk"'Boys and Men Healing'… a powerfulfilm, which will truly benefit mensexually abused as children, andthose who care about them….thepotential to transform those storiesand voices into healing -not only forindividuals but also for families,<strong>com</strong>munities, and even societies." -Jim Hopper, Ph.D. Founding BoardMember, 1in6.org"It is an excellent film for teachingabout children's experiences ofsexual abuse and the multipleexperiences that support theirrecovery…a marvelous gift!" - ErnestoMujica, Ph.D, Clinical Psychologistand Psychoanalyst, NYSPA Divisionof PsychonanalysisItem no. : DC07960102Format : DVDDuration : 58 minutesPrice : USD 149.00HEALING YEARS, THEWithout recovery, survivors of child sexualabuse face emotional struggle, substanceabuse, post-traumatic stress, and theperpetration of abuse in their lives andfamilies. This classic documentaryillustrates the poignant stories of incestsurvivors Marilyn Van Derbur, former MissAmerica, Janice Mirikitani, President ofGlide Memorial Church in San Franciscowho helps inner-city women addicts toheal from incest, and Barbara Hamilton, a79-year old survivor who ends threegenerations of incest in her family.The Healing Years points the way toward ahopeful future for survivors of abuse, andis a key tool for professionals workingwithin the field of counseling, preventionand education. It has been endorsed byhundreds of professionals andorganizations such as Child Help USA,Justice for Children, The AmericanPsychological Association and theNational Resource Center on Sexual35

Violence.Reviews "The Healing Years takes the shameand betrayal of child sexual abuseand turns this trauma into a messageof hope, healing and empowerment."- William G. Steiner, Childhelp USA "An excellent film...Highre<strong>com</strong>mended for child abuse anddomestic violence professionals,therapists, and teachers." - LibraryJournal"This powerhouse of a film profilesthree strong, vibrant survivors of childsexual abuse who convincingly tell us-- once and for all -- that we must takeback our lives. This documentarybanishes shame & celebrateswomen's power." - Laura Davis,co-author, "Courage to Heal"Item no. : HN07960106Format : DVDDuration : 52 minutesPrice : USD 149.00LOVE YOU TO DEATHA program about abusive relationships .This program offers solid advice on waysto avoid an abusive relationship, and howto develop positive relationships. Thispositive advice is contrasted with thetouching stories of three homicide victimswho were murdered by their boyfriends.The program talks about how to spot thewarning signs of emotional and physicalabuse, ways to avoid abusive behavior inrelationships, and also has a chapter on"How a Girl Can Protect Herself fromAbusers". Jill Murray, expert on domesticand teen dating violence, offers survivaltips, Carrie Madsen presents advice as a"life skills coach", and the program isco-hosted by Suzanne Schultz, a veteranfamily crimes team leader with a districtattorney's office. It concludes with ways tosafely end an abusive relationship bydevising an escape plan, and offers adviceon ways to create the kind of bonds whereit is possible to "share the best you have tooffer, not the worst."Item no. : NN07960107Format : DVDDuration : 35 minutesPrice : USD 129.00USE YOUR STRENGTH:MOBILIZING YOUNG MENTO PREVENT SEXUAL &DATING VIOLENCEA program that helps men play a role inpreventing sexual and dating violence.Use Your Strength: Mobilizing Young Mento Prevent Sexual and Dating Violence,introduces Men Can Stop Rape's (MCSR)award-winning youth developmentprograms to those interested in learninghow young men can join with women asallies to prevent sexual and datingviolence. In contrast to traditional effortsthat address men as "the problem,"MCSR's pioneering work embraces themas vital allies with the will and character tomake healthy choices and foster safe,equitable relationships.Through this dynamic and entertainingvideo, educators and youth-servingprofessionals will visit Men of Strength andChange meetings to learn how dominantstories and counter stories of masculinitycan help young men play a role inconstructing a world free of violenceagainst women and girls - a world that willbenefit us all.Item no. : HC07960118Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 34 minutesPrice : USD 189.00FAMILY LAWMILITARY SERVICE ANDTHE LAWAdvocating on behalf of veterans canmake an incredible difference in the livesof veterans and the lawyers who representthem. Our veterans need to be able toaccess legal assistance from aprofessional who understands both theintricacies of the veteran <strong>com</strong>pensationand appeals system as well as the uniqueculture and values of the military. Thisprogram shares how those within the legalprofession can work together and beadvocates for the very men and womenwho are willing to sacrifice everything tosafeguard our freedoms.Military Service and the Law is a 3-DVDset provides 6.5 hours of CLE credit in thegovernment practice area, and providescontent that meets the attorneyaccreditation requirements for lawyerswho wish to represent veterans before theU.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).This program is designed to provideexpert guidance to attorneys and otherswho wish to assist veterans with suchissues as divorce and custody matters,veterans' benefits, employment andreemployment rights. In addition itprovides an overview of each branch ofthe armed forces and its unique legalsystem, a resource guide and more.Item no. : YS11200105Format : 3 DVDs (With Publication)Duration : 390 minutesStdBkNo : 9781616320164Price : USD 400.00FAMILY LAW,LABOR &EMPLOYMENT LAWPRESCRIPTION DRUGABUSE - A RISINGEPIDEMIC: LEGALIMPLICATIONS ANDPREVENTION STRATEGIESIN EMPLOYMENT ANDFAMILY LAWThe abuse of prescription drugs in theUnited States is now at its highestrecorded level, having important legalimplications in employment and family law.With drug abuse and addiction growing inthe workplace, attorneys for employersand employees will acquire knowledgeabout their client's legal rights andprotections under the Americans withDisabilities Act and the Family MedicalLeave Act, and the law regarding drugtesting, voluntary disclosure, terminationsand Employee Assistance Programs - animportant tool for curtailing thisunprecedented and disturbing trend.In the family law arena, prescription drugabuse by spouses, parents and childrencan severely disrupt families, leading tomarital dissolution, legal interventions, andchild custody proceedings. Attorneysguiding families will acquire the necessaryknowledge to refer their clients toappropriate treatment, advise onprevention and intervention and toeffectively negotiate and litigate whenthese increasingly frequent issues arise.Item no. : JU11200081Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 150.00FILM STUDIESALAN BERLINERCOLLECTION(EDUCATIONAL EDITION WPPR)Director: Alan BerlinerAlan Berliner's uncanny ability to <strong>com</strong>bineexperimental cinema, artistic purpose, andpopular appeal in <strong>com</strong>pelling film essayshas made him one of America's mostacclaimed independent filmmakers. The<strong>New</strong> York Times has described Berliner'swork as "powerful, <strong>com</strong>pelling andbittersweet… full of juicy conflict andcontradiction, innovative in their cinematictechnique, unpredictable in theirstructures… Alan Berliner illustrates thepower of fine art to transform life."The Family Album is a one-hourexperimental documentary film utilizing avast collection of rare 16mm home moviesfrom the 1920s through the 1950s, thatweaves into a <strong>com</strong>posite lifetime, passingthrough the celebrations and strugglesfrom childhood to adulthood, frominnocence to experience. It is a universalyet intimate portrait of the American family,not scripted, not rehearsed, not immune tothe conflicts and contradictions underlyingfamily life and its rituals.Intimate Stranger is a poetic and________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk36

emotional jigsaw puzzle carved out of thevoluminous memorabilia of hisgrandfather's life story. Family memberstry to make sense of it all in this witty,candid and cinematically inventivedocumentary biography. In Nobody'sBusiness, Alan Berliner takes on hisreclusive father as the reluctant subject ofthis poignant and graceful study of familyhistory and memory.In Nobody's Business, Alan Berliner takeson his reclusive father as the reluctantsubject of this poignant and graceful studyof family history and memory. Whatemerges is a uniquely cinematic biographythat finds both humor and pathos in theswirl of conflicts and affections that bindfather and son. Ultimately this <strong>com</strong>plexportrait is a meeting of the minds - wherethe past meets the present, wheregenerations collide, and where theboundaries of family life are pushed,pulled, stretched, torn and surprisingly attimes, also healed.In The Sweetest Sound, Alan Berliner (thefilmmaker from <strong>New</strong> York) is tired of beingmistaken for people who might share hisname and decideds to rid himself of thedreaded Same Name Syndrome. Hissolution: invite all the Alan Berliners in theworld over to his house for dinner. In theend Berliner leaves us with a greatersense of the power and magic embeddedin a name, and how all of our identities areinescapably shaped by what we callourselves.Item no.Format: HH11990002: DVD (Color, Black &White): 240 minutesDurationCopyright : 2010Price : USD 399.00AMERICAN GRINDHOUSEDirector: Elijah DrennerThe salacious and uproarious AMERICANGRINDHOUSE explores the hiddenhistory of the exploitation film, thosepopular purveyors of cheap sex andviolence. It emerged from the tents ofcarnie sideshows into features like Freaks,and mutated from there to change with thetimes. There were the rebellious teenflicks and "Nudie Cuties" of theEisenhower 50s, bloody gore-fests anddrug movies of the turbulent 60s, and theBlaxploitation boom in the 70s, echoingthe Black Power movement. AMERICANGRINDHOUSE takes a fascinating look atthe films, filmmakers, shysters, andhustlers who made it all happen. Narratedby Academy Award winner Robert Forster,and boasting exclusive interviews withfilmmakers, actors and critics HerschellGordon Lewis, Joe Dante, Larry Cohen,John Landis, Fred Williamson, KimMorgan and many more, and featuringover 200 clips from some of the mostoutrageous movies ever made,AMERICAN GRINDHOUSE is the most<strong>com</strong>prehensive documentary ever madeon these masterpieces of the lowbrow.Review American Grindhouse is an energeticand fun tribute to the crassest sort ofcinematic schlock. - Re<strong>com</strong>mended -Video LibrarianItem no. : HA11990005Format : DVD (Color)Duration : 82 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 249.00DUCHESS OF MALFI, THEDirector: Elizabeth FreestoneThe Duchess of Malfi is a popular choiceas a set text, despite (or perhaps becauseof) the violence and horror of its laterscenes. Generally considered to be themasterpiece of Jacobean playwright JohnWebster, it was first produced in around1613. It's a macabre tragedy, based onactual events, and tends to be either lovedor hated by critics – while consistentlycaptivating audiences across the centuries.Set in Italy in the early fifteenth century, itstarts out as a love story, with the Duchessmarrying beneath her class. However, hertwo brothers, one cool and corrupt, theother secretly violent and warped, haveother ideas. With incredible plot twistsalong the way, the play ends as an uttertragedy, as the brothers take revenge onher, destroying themselves in the process.This 3 disc Education & Library Packedition <strong>com</strong>prises 3 separate elements:The main DVD of the play – withoptional subtitles, plus sceneselection for easy replaying of keyscenesAn extras DVD – including interviewswith the director, production designer,costume designer and key actors Mastershot DVD – this is the<strong>com</strong>plete play filmed from the point ofview of a single camera mastershot. Itallows the viewer to see all thelighting and scene changes, as wellas all entrances and exits of theactorsReview "So the show has its own intergrity asa theatre production; but more thanthat, it will now live on as a potentialeducational resource." -THE STAGEItem no. : GA11990021Format : 3 DVDs (Color)Duration : 156 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 249.00GREAT DIRECTORSDirector: Angela IsmailosA celebration of films and filmmaking,GREAT DIRECTORS examines 10 of theworld's most acclaimed filmmakers.Interviews with Bernardo Bertolucci, DavidLynch, Todd Haynes and Richard Linklateramong others, explore each director'sartistic evolutionItem no. : LN11990029Format : DVD (Color)Duration : 88 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 249.00TWO IN THE WAVEDirector: Emmanuel LaurentDirectors Jean-Luc Godard and FrancoisTruffaut changed the face of cinemaforever as members of the French <strong>New</strong>Wave. They also happened to be bestfriends. TWO IN THE WAVE documentstheir intensely <strong>com</strong>bative and creativerelationship during their time at Cahiers duCinema, their triumphant work on The 400Blows and Breathless, and their dramaticfalling out following the worker and studentstrikes of May 1968. It also presents theunique bond both filmmakers shared withthe actor Jean-Pierre Leaud, who startedhis career as a child and grew up withGodard and Truffaut as brilliantly bickeringfather figures. Written and narrated byformer Cahiers editor Antoine de Baecque,it is a meticulously researchedexamination of this vibrant and turbulentperiod in film history. With clips from over30 films, and rare interviews with Godardand Truffaut throughout their careers,TWO IN THE WAVE is an essential andoften revelatory look at the life and work oftwo of cinema's inimitable masters.Review "…An engaging documentary that willappeal to cinephiles. Re<strong>com</strong>mended."- Video LibrarianItem no. : TH11990068Format : DVD (Color)Duration : 93 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 149.00FONTSFESTIVE FONTSEncourage children's creative writing skillswhile they have fun! Using Festive Fonts isa fun way to enhance your child'simaginative abilities! Educatorsagree--children learn best when they arehappy and interested. Watch theircreativity flow as Festive Fonts inspirestories and art projects. Children loveusing characters as inspiration!Use Festive Fonts to: Make up stories with Dracula, Aladdin,and other favorites Print your own invitations, storybooks,and coloring booksMake special holiday cardsDiscover the meaning of ancientEgyptian hieroglyphicsItem no.Format: SK08190397: CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser)Audience : Grades K-12Price : USD 60.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk37

SCHOOL FONTCOLLECTIONSchool Font Collection teaches primarystudents how to form letters and develophandwriting skills using Trace andD'Nealian fonts. Makes learning to readand write easier! See for yourself why it'sour most popular font product!<strong>New</strong> updated version: Now includes Spanish, German, andFrench fonts with easier to use shortcuts Fonts print on most <strong>com</strong>mon printers Auto-install program for all Windowsoperating systems Various fonts have been updated toenhance clarity in display and print Additional documentation andimproved Web support (FAQ's,updates, downloads, and samples)Features: Make "kid-friendly" documents Type special characters such asboxes, triangles, circles, and longdivision Line up columns of numbers easily Type foreign letters and punctuation Dashed-line fonts for kids to trace!Review "My children love it! It's a really uniqueaddition to school reports." - DonnaPeterson, Parent, Mountain Lake, MNItem no. : HJ08190418Format : CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser, With Binder)Price : USD 60.00TEACHER FONTS BUNDLEIncludes: School Font Collection Arithmefonts Festive FontsItem no. : YT08190419Format : CD-ROM (Win)Price : USD 60.00FRENCH CINEMA &CULTURETWO IN THE WAVEDirector: Emmanuel LaurentDirectors Jean-Luc Godard and FrancoisTruffaut changed the face of cinemaforever as members of the French <strong>New</strong>Wave. They also happened to be bestfriends. TWO IN THE WAVE documentstheir intensely <strong>com</strong>bative and creativerelationship during their time at Cahiers duCinema, their triumphant work on The 400Blows and Breathless, and their dramaticfalling out following the worker and studentstrikes of May 1968. It also presents theunique bond both filmmakers shared withthe actor Jean-Pierre Leaud, who startedhis career as a child and grew up withGodard and Truffaut as brilliantly bickeringfather figures. Written and narrated byformer Cahiers editor Antoine de Baecque,it is a meticulously researchedexamination of this vibrant and turbulentperiod in film history. With clips from over30 films, and rare interviews with Godardand Truffaut throughout their careers,TWO IN THE WAVE is an essential andoften revelatory look at the life and work oftwo of cinema's inimitable masters.Review "…An engaging documentary that willappeal to cinephiles. Re<strong>com</strong>mended."- Video LibrarianItem no. : TH11990068Format : DVD (Color)Duration : 93 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 149.00GENERAL CHILDDEVELOPMENTBITING AND SHARINGThis lesson includes strategies on how tohandle biting incidents including talking tothe parents of the biter and the bitten, andstrategies for teaching children to share.Item no. : EN26920032Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00SEE AS A CHILD, FEEL AS ACHILDWhy do children act the way they do?Take a look at <strong>com</strong>mon practices througha child's eyes. This lesson will help adultsgain a better understanding of where achild is <strong>com</strong>ing from to ways they relate toeach other.Item no. : WC26920054Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00UNDERSTANDING &SUPPORTING CHILDREN'SLANGUAGE ANDSOCIAL/EMOTIONALDEVELOPMENTChildren learn at different rates. Discoverwhat you can do every day with children inyour care to help them develop languageand social/emotional skills. Developmentalcharts explain what to expect from childrenand offers suggestions to furtherdevelopment. Learn techniques to helpchildren work out their problems.Item no. : BR26920059Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00UNDERSTANDING &SUPPORTING CHILDREN'SPHYSICAL AND COGNITIVEDEVELOPMENTThis lesson helps caregivers chart thephysical and cognitive development ofchildren. Learn what to expect of childrenat various ages as they grow and learnthese areas of development. Get helpplanning activities and play times thatsupport both the physical and cognitivedevelopment of children.Item no. : RN26920060Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00WHAT'S NORMALDEVELOPMENT? WHAT'SNOT?Topics include recognizing normalbehaviors across the ages and how todecide when additional help is needed.Learn how to get help in your <strong>com</strong>munity.This Unit discusses how to be<strong>com</strong>esensitized to cultural differences in achild's development.Item no. : CW26920062Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00GENERALPRACTICESTRATEGIC WITNESSPREPARATION: PROVENSTRATEGIES ANDTECHNIQUESThis 2-DVD set from nationally-recognizedlitigation consultant Jan Mills Spaeth, Ph.D,contains one DVD focused exclusively onpreparing the witness for a deposition, andanother for preparing witnesses for trial.Now you can prepare witnesses for bothdepositions and trial for the price of just afew billable hours. Preparing witnessescan take valuable time away from yourfirm, while opening the door for acatastrophic witness stand error. Makesure your witnesses are as prepared asthey can be for their testimony with thesetwo valuable DVD's than can be usedagain and again in your firm.Item no. : YY11200107Format : 2 DVDsDuration : 255 minutesCopyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781604429682Price : USD 400.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk38

GENETICSDEAN OF INVENTION:RE-GEN REVOLUTIONFollows inventor Dean Kamen andcorrespondent Joanne Colan as theyexplore the emerging technologies beingdeveloped to tackle the most dauntingglobal challenges of today. If scientistscould grow new tissue and organs in thelab and safely implant them, the programasks, would the days of desperate patientswaiting for organ donors be<strong>com</strong>e a distantmemory?Item no. : PC07983243Format : DVDDuration : 21 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12Copyright : 2010Price : USD 80.00GOVERNMENT LAWMILITARY SERVICE ANDTHE LAWAdvocating on behalf of veterans canmake an incredible difference in the livesof veterans and the lawyers who representthem. Our veterans need to be able toaccess legal assistance from aprofessional who understands both theintricacies of the veteran <strong>com</strong>pensationand appeals system as well as the uniqueculture and values of the military. Thisprogram shares how those within the legalprofession can work together and beadvocates for the very men and womenwho are willing to sacrifice everything tosafeguard our freedoms.Military Service and the Law is a 3-DVDset provides 6.5 hours of CLE credit in thegovernment practice area, and providescontent that meets the attorneyaccreditation requirements for lawyerswho wish to represent veterans before theU.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).This program is designed to provideexpert guidance to attorneys and otherswho wish to assist veterans with suchissues as divorce and custody matters,veterans' benefits, employment andreemployment rights. In addition itprovides an overview of each branch ofthe armed forces and its unique legalsystem, a resource guide and more.Item no. : YS11200105Format : 3 DVDs (With Publication)Duration : 390 minutesStdBkNo : 9781616320164Price : USD 400.00GRIEFHELPING PARENTS GRIEVE:FINDING NEW LIFE AFTERTHE DEATH OF A CHILDHelping Parent's Grieve is for any parentwho has experienced the death of achild – and for those who aim to helpsomeone who is grieving. You will meetmen and women who have suffered, whoshare their stories, and help to kindle hopefor finding life again.Topics include: o Knowing you are notalone o Dealing with the loss of hopes anddreams o Grieving the death of a baby oThe family's grief journey o Honoring andremembering your childKhris Ford is the Founder/ExecutiveDirector of My Healing Place in Austin,Texas. Khris has spent twenty yearsworking with children and adults who haveexperienced a significant or traumatic loss.She holds a Master's degree in CounselorEducation, is a Certified Grief and TraumaSpecialist and School Consultant, and atrained spiritual director.Item no. : SH02600079Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>StdBkNo : 9781557259981Price : USD 60.00JOURNEY THROUGH THESHADOWS: HOPE FORHEALING AFTER SOMEONEYOU LOVE HASCOMMITTED SUICIDESuicide deeply affects the lives of thosewho are left behind by the one who hasdied. With so much pain and sorrow it isdifficult to know how to navigate thesechanges. This DVD offers encouragementand support to survivors who are bothgrieving the death of a loved one tosuicide, and wondering why it happened atall. Advice from experts and familymembers who have walked this path<strong>com</strong>bines with resources that teachfriends how they can help.Item no. : DR02540081Format : DVDCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>StdBkNo : 9781557259264Price : USD 60.00HEALTHBE CLEAN, BE HEALTHYBe Clean, Be Healthy shows children whyand how they should stay clean. Howgerms can make children sick is explainedin a clear and non-threatening way. Simplemeasures for keeping clean are shown, asviewers see children bathe, cut their nails,wash their hands, and brush their teeth. Inaddition to the basics of good grooming,the video also presents valuable dentalhygiene skills. Proper brushing andflossing techniques are fully demonstrated,and regular trips to the dentist areencouraged.Item no.: FK15150008Format : DVD (English andSpanish)Duration : 15 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00BE SAFE AROUND FOODBy Nancy Batista MorganBe Safe Around Food teaches children, ina fun but effective way, the basics of foodsafety. A lively narrator engages childrenby asking them to think about food safety.Very basic food safety techniques arepresented as children are shown workingin the kitchen with their families. Includes:washing hands before handling or eatingfood, peeling fruits and vegetables,keeping kitchen counters clean,importance of not sharing dishs andsilverware.Item no. : DH15150010Format : DVD (English andSpanish)Duration : 15 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00ENRAGEDOver 40 million North Americans havedifficulty controlling their rage and eachyear 30,000 heart attacks are triggered bymomentary anger. This program followstwo families who experience anger andaggression on a day to day basis and theytry to find ways to avoid raging outbreaks.Item no. : RV07983309Format : DVDDuration : 43 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617082207Price : USD 80.00HEALTHYRELATIONSHIPSLOVE YOU TO DEATHA program about abusive relationships .This program offers solid advice on waysto avoid an abusive relationship, and howto develop positive relationships. Thispositive advice is contrasted with thetouching stories of three homicide victimswho were murdered by their boyfriends.The program talks about how to spot thewarning signs of emotional and physicalabuse, ways to avoid abusive behavior inrelationships, and also has a chapter on"How a Girl Can Protect Herself fromAbusers". Jill Murray, expert on domesticand teen dating violence, offers survivaltips, Carrie Madsen presents advice as a"life skills coach", and the program isco-hosted by Suzanne Schultz, a veteranfamily crimes team leader with a districtattorney's office. It concludes with ways tosafely end an abusive relationship by________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk39

devising an escape plan, and offers adviceon ways to create the kind of bonds whereit is possible to "share the best you have tooffer, not the worst."Item no. : NN07960107Format : DVDDuration : 35 minutesPrice : USD 129.00HEART ATTACKAFTER A HEART ATTACK:RECOVERING AT HOMENow you can give your patients areassuring DVD or videotape that willanswer their questions about how torecover from a heart attack, and help themprevent another one. Drawing on theinvaluable experiences of a variety ofactual patients, this program coversresuming normal activities, developingheart healthy behaviors, physical activity,taking medications, emotions and supportsystems, sexual activity, and much more.Each chapter is numbered andcolor-coded. Your patients can locatespecific information easily and watch it asoften as needed. Wrap-up questions andsuggested activities at the end of eachchapter help them take an active role intheir recovery.Item no. : SH10090173Format : DVDDuration : Approx. 85 minutesPrice : USD 216.00HEART DISEASEHEART FAILURE: LEAVINGTHE HOSPITALThis video focuses on patients who areready to leave the hospital. It centers onwhat viewers need to know and dobetween the time they leave the hospitaland their follow-up appointment to helpprevent re-admissions. A strong emphasisis placed on monitoring their heart failureand when to call their healthcare provider.Item no. : WH10090176Format : DVD (Closed Captioned)Duration : Approx. 9 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 216.00HEART FAILURE:MANAGING DAY TO DAYLiving with heart failure can be diffi cult,both physically and emotionally. Thisprogram will help patients understand thatby be<strong>com</strong>ing active participants in theirheart failure management they can feelbetter and do more. Monitoring for heartfailure symptoms daily, recognizing flare-ups, getting emotional support, andplanning for the future by filling out anadvance directive are emphasized.Item no. : KV10090177Format : DVD (Closed Captioned)Duration : Approx. 17 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 216.00HEART FAILURE:MEDICATIONSThis program explains that taking heartfailure medications is one of the mostimportant ways for patients to managetheir heart failure. It introduces the<strong>com</strong>mon types of medications andexplains how the medications work. Itstresses the importance of usingmedications as prescribed, and that,overtime, their medications plan may needto be adjusted to best manage their heartfailure.Item no. : MN10090178Format : DVD (Closed Captioned)Duration : Approx. 13 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 216.00HEART FAILURE:NUTRITION AND EXERCISEHaving heart failure requires you to makelifestyle changes so you can feel betterand be able to do more. This programexplains what a low-sodium diet is andoffers tips for achieving it in one's own life.Physical activity tips and guidelines arealso demonstrated.Item no. : PD10090179Format : DVD (Closed Captioned)Duration : Approx. 16 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 216.00WHAT IS HEART FAILURE?This video provides an overview of theinformation patients need to manage theirheart failure. The video covers risk factors,symptoms, medications, sodium and fl uidguidelines, balancing activity and rest, anddaily monitoring of symptoms. Types ofmedications are explained along withcautions about side effects, and theimportance of taking medications exactlyas prescribed. The video helps patientsknow when they should call the healthcareteam.Item no. : RE10090181Format : DVD (Closed Captioned)Duration : Approx. 17 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 216.00HEART FAILURELIVING WITH HEARTFAILURE: A HOME VIDEOGUIDE TO SELF-CARE, 3RDEDITIONThis DVD gives your patients a homereference covering all the information theyneed for daily heart failureself-management. It teaches viewersabout what happens in the body when youhave heart failure, how to use medications,the importance of limiting sodium and fl uid,quitting smoking, and dealing with theemotional impact. The video explains thatby following the management planpatients can maximize their health to stayout of the hospital. The program featuresactual patients sharing their experiencesin self-management and their ways ofcoping with heart failure.Item no. : ZN10090180Format : DVDDuration : 55 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 216.00HISTORYWARRIOR WOMEN: GRACEO'MALLEY, THE PIRATEQUEENThe daughter of Irish pirate chieftain 'BlackOak' O'Malley, the girl Grace was dead seton a life of glory at sea with her father. In afit of defiance against her mother's ideal ofthe 'quiet life of a lady', she shaved herhead and was forever teased by hersiblings with the nickname 'Bald O'Malley'.She got a new hairdo, mastered the sailand sword, and with a merry band of 200mates, terrorized the shipping lanes of thecoastal waters into her submission.Item no. : YF02261044Format : DVDDuration : 45 minutesAudience : Grades 9 or abovePrice : USD 60.00WARRIOR WOMEN: JOANOF ARCConvinced by the voices of saints to stepforth and serve her deposed king, Joan ofArc became an unlikely war hero. With10,000 beaten men and very long oddsagainst the advancing English army, shescored a miraculous string of victoriesover the rather surprised Englishbattalions by leading the charge into theirfront lines. She even returned the throneto Charles VII, but it all went horriblywrong when she was finally captured, triedfor witchcraft and heresy, and burned atthe stake.Item no.FormatDuration: DC00021045: DVD: 45 minutes________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk40

Audience : Grades 9 or abovePrice : USD 60.00WARRIOR WOMEN: LOZEN -APACHE WARRIORAs a young girl, Lozen decided that tidyingup the tent and cooking buffalo stewwasn't for her, and she was in constanttrouble for beating up her brother, and shewas in constant trouble for beating up herbrother, the mighty Apache warrior Victorio.One day she discovered her specialpowers, which allowed her to detect thedirection of the enemy. Equipped with thismetaphysical radar and a healthy thirst forrevenge, she became priestess, warrior,and Victorio's right hand tactician.Item no. : SM02191046Format : DVDDuration : 45 minutesAudience : Grades 9 or abovePrice : USD 60.00WARRIOR WOMEN: QUEENBOUDICAIn 62 BC, most of England was under thethumb of the Romans. Queen Boudicawas married to King Prasutagus of thesemi-autonomous Iceni tribe in the east.When the king died, he bequeathed halfhis kingdom to his young wife and her twodaughters, and half to Emperor Nero toappease Rome. Thinking they couldintimidate the young woman into <strong>com</strong>pletesubmission, the Romans promptly floggedQueen Boudica, tortured her daughtersand stole her lands. Boudica took up thesword, rallied her Iceni warriors and wenton a rampage.Item no. : PA02261047Format : DVDDuration : 45 minutesAudience : Grades 9 or abovePrice : USD 60.00WARRIOR WOMEN: THEREAL MULAN200 years ago a young woman broughtthe greatest empire in Asia to its knees.She was a master of kung fu and held therespect of 60,000 warriors who followedher unquestioningly into battle. Theirenemy was the brutal and corrupt Qingdynasty — a dynasty they weredetermined to overthrow. The fate ofChina was in one woman's hands. Hername was Wang Cong'er. Is she the realMulan?Item no. : MJ00021048Format : DVDDuration : 45 minutesAudience : Grades 9 or abovePrice : USD 60.00HOLIDAYSWE SIGN - CHRISTMASCAROLSThe lessons are ac<strong>com</strong>panied by<strong>com</strong>puter graphics, vocal hints andprofessional choirs, which bring thesepopular songs and nursery rhymes to life.Several viewings will enable your studentsto sign the words in the lesson as well assing and sign along with the songs.Item no. : PA15150061Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00WE SIGN - PATRIOTICSONGSWe Sign - Christmas Carols by AnnPeroski and a team of ASL InstructorsEach DVD in this fun sing-along,sign-along series will introduce studentsand teachers to the elements of AmericanSign Language. The lessons areac<strong>com</strong>panied by <strong>com</strong>puter graphics, vocalhints and professional choirs, which bringthese popular songs and nursery rhymesto life. Several viewings will enable yourstudents to sign the words in the lesson aswell as sing and sign along with the songs.Item no. : AA15150065Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00WE SIGN - SANTA'SFAVORITE CHRISTMASSONGSThe lessons are ac<strong>com</strong>panied by<strong>com</strong>puter graphics, vocal hints andprofessional choirs, which bring thesepopular songs and nursery rhymes to life.Several viewings will enable your studentsto sign the words in the lesson as well assing and sign along with the songs.Item no. : GJ15150068Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00HR MANAGEMENTNEW SUPERVISOR'S GUIDETO MOTIVATION &RECOGNITION, AA <strong>New</strong> Supervisor's Guide to Motivation &Recognition, guarantees that the first-timesupervisors within your organization arearmed with effective tools for keeping theiremployees motivated.This <strong>com</strong>prehensive multimedia product isfull of action-oriented tips that will teachfirst-time supervisors how to hone theirleadership skills so that they continuallyinspire and influence their people to excelin everything they do. It serves dualpurposes as a program that trainers canuse to conduct training sessions forgroups of new supervisors and as aself-paced study course that newsupervisors can take on their own.This valuable tool emphasizes to newsupervisors that motivating theiremployees doesn't happen overnight. Andthat the key to motivating employees startswith a supervisor's own leadership skills.<strong>New</strong> supervisors will discover how to: Draw out their leadership potential. Build employees' trust. Foster employees' loyalty and respectfor the organization. Motivate and show appreciation toothers. Determine what motivates people. And so much more!In addition, this product contains 101action-oriented quick tips for motivatingand recognizing employees.Item no. : TM01820065Format : DVD (With Viewer'sGuide)Duration : 21 minutesPrice : USD 287.00HUMAN BIOLOGYAUTONOMIC NERVOUSSYSTEM PART I -SYMPATHIC DIVISION-----Item no. : JY07983207Format : DVDPrice : USD 79.00AUTONOMIC NERVOUSSYSTEM PART II -PARASYMPATHETIC/ENTERIC-----Item no. : WA07983208Format : DVDPrice : USD 115.00MEDICAL BURNS-----Item no. : ZG07983422Format : DVDPrice : USD 69.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk41

HUMAN RIGHTSLAW, LABOR &EMPLOYMENT LAWREVIEW OF RECENTDEVELOPMENTS IN LABOR& EMPLOYMENT LAW, AEven in the face of a fluctuating economy,labor and employment law issues remaina constant challenge for mostorganizations. This panel will focus on keyrecent developments affecting theworkplace.In addition, our expert panel will examine: principles applicable tomisclassification of employees, independent contractors, ac<strong>com</strong>modations of disabilities andleaves of absences.Finally, the panel will explore relatedtrends and anticipated legislation.Item no. : ES11200084Format : 2 Audio CDsDuration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 150.00INFANTS &TODDLERSWE SIGN - BABIES ANDTODDLERSOne great DVDs for using American SignLanguage (ASL)with young children!Includes basic"how to" information andover 30 of the most <strong>com</strong>monly usedwords.Provides over 200 words for increasedsigning vocabulary. Experts agree thatsigning is a language-rich activity that cansignificantly increas spoken vocabulary,improve reading readiness, enhancemotor and memory skills as well asprovide a substantial head start oneducation.Item no. : EL15150060Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 60.00INFANTS ANDTODDLERSCARING FOR INFANTS ANDATODDLERSThis lesson features the special needs ofinfants and toddlers. Topics include healthand safety routines, feeding patterns andhow children learn as they grow. Theimportance of observing children closelyand reading to infants and toddlers isstressed.Item no. : DY26920033Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00INFRASTRUCTURE2010 PLANNING LAWREVIEWThe Supreme Court will have ended itsdeliberations for the year; so it is time toassess legal landscape of the past year.Did changes on the Court result in a newdirection? How have states beenaddressing planning issues-are we seeingthe demise of ballot box initiatives? Whatprogress has been made on climatechange legislation? Have any new caseschanged the course for planning? A panelof attorneys and legislative expertsprovides analysis.Item no. : FA27360009Format : CD-ROM (Single User)Copyright : 2010Price : USD 150.00BIG CITY PLANNINGDIRECTORS' RS' APPROACHESTO INFRASTRUCTUREHear about metropolitan planninginitiatives from the directors of three majorUnited States cities - Minneapolis,Washington, D.C. and San Diego.Compare approaches to capitalimprovements and <strong>com</strong>prehensiveplanning. Examine plans to spur economicdevelopment and revitalization usingfederal stimulus dollars.1.) Compare strategies used to spureconomic development and revitalizationusing federal stimulus dollars. 2.)Understand and <strong>com</strong>pare how planningdirectors prioritize elements of capitalimprovements plans. 3.) Learn how bigcities make capital investments towardsustainability planning.Item no. : ZA27360017Format : CD-ROM (Single User)Copyright : 2010Price : USD 228.00INTERNATIONALLAW, LABOR &EMPLOYMENT LAWMUSLIM, ARAB, ANDMIDDLE EASTERNDISCRIMINATION IN THEPOST-9/11 ERAFrom the "post-9/11 backlash" casesdocumented by the Equal EmploymentOpportunity Commission to the recentcontroversy surrounding the so-called"Ground Zero Mosque," the countrycontinues to grapple with questions aboutwhat constitutes prohibited bias againstindividuals who are, or are perceived to be,Muslim, Arab, or of Middle Easterndescent. Moreover, as our workforcecontinues to be<strong>com</strong>e more diverse, manyemployers now <strong>com</strong>monly receivereligious ac<strong>com</strong>modation requests fromMuslim employees, but may be unawareof what Title VII requires.In this program, the faculty addressed: Common legal mistakes employersmake with respect to Muslim, Arab,and Middle Eastern employees andapplicants; Best practices for investigating andresponding to claims of discriminationand harassment by Muslim, Arab, andMiddle Eastern employees andapplicants; Strategies for litigating and defendingagainst Muslim, Arab, and MiddleEastern discrimination, harassment,and religious ac<strong>com</strong>modation claims;and Practical training tips for managers toeradicate religious discrimination inthe workplace.Item no. : LL11200076Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 150.00RESTRICTIVE COVENANTSIN THE INTERNATIONALWORKPLACEThe program covers the issue of restrictivecovenants and confidentiality protection inthe context of both individual contracts ofemployment for management and plaintiffcounsel and also at the collectiveagreement level in those countries wherethe issue arises, such as in national laborcodes.It also examines practical issues such asthe degree of restraint and restrictionwhich is permitted in Europe, Asia andLatin America and other jurisdictions andpractical issues around enforcing ordefending such claims.Item no. : MK11200083Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 82 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 150.00TOP 10 ISSUES U.S.LAWYERS NEED TO KNOWABOUT INTERNATIONALLABOR AND EMPLOYMENTLAWThis introductory program is a must forU.S. labor and employment lawyers. Inthis era of globalization, every practitioner________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk42

must have a basic understanding of theemployment principles of the EuropeanUnion and how they affect: the assignment of employees to workabroad - drafting internationalassignment agreements; the concepts that <strong>com</strong>e into play withcross border mergers andacquisitions - the Acquired RightsDirective; reductions in force - collectiveredundancy legislation; relationships with trade unions andEuropean Works Councils; conflict of laws issues, including theRome and Brussels Conventions; offshore outsourcing; privacy and DataCollection/Transmission; the extraterritorial effect of U.S.employment laws; and retaining and working with foreigncounsel.Learn tactics and concepts that will assistyou in representing unions, employers andemployees both domestically andinternationally.Item no. : JN11200087Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 MinutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 150.00Reporting requirementsProactive prevention and awarenesstechniques Confiscating personal propertysuspected in sexual misconductpolicy violationsItem no. : DT07960111Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesPrice : USD 90.00TECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: ESPECIALLYFOR PK-12 SCHOOLSThis session focuses on concernsapplicable to school environments withminors. and reviews legal issues, reportingrequirements, event mitigation, and bestpractices surrounding policies, protocolsand procedures appropriation for workingwith this age group. Combine this sessionwith others in the series for<strong>com</strong>prehensive training.Use this <strong>com</strong>prehensive DVD (RequiresWindows Media Player) Training Series toprepare your school <strong>com</strong>munity torespond appropriately to reports of sexualmisconduct, especially situations involvingtechnology.TECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: NG: RA TRAINING -ESSENTIALS ON SEXUALASSAULT & MISCONDUCTRESPONSELearn from dynamic peer educators andrenowned experts through a blend ofpresentation and case studies to keepeveryone engaged and actively learningessential information.Learn about the following topics: Key definitions and statistics Medical options Reporting options Emotional support and rape traumasyndrome The Sexual Assault Victims' Bill ofRights Working with the accused Childabuse laws Actual notice and failure to report Taking sides, rumor mills Male victims Characteristics of victims andperpetrators Bystanders Residence life specific issues Helpful follow-up support strategies Rape Kits and evidence collectionfrom college provided housing Introduction to technology-relatedsexual misconductINTERNET SAFETYTECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: COMMUNITY &2-YEAR COLLEGESAlthough non-residential colleges havetraditionally avoided sexual misconductissues, students engaging incyber-stalking, sexual harassment,sexually inappropriate video and photoexchanges and other problems force allcolleges to look at their response andprevention strategies surroundingtechnology-related sexual misconduct.Join national sexual violence and policyexpert, Katie Koestner, for this timelysession on how non-residential collegescan best address these issues. Ms.Koestner is joined by law and policyexperts to provide insights andre<strong>com</strong>mendations.Topics covered include: Key definitions and statisticsregarding sexual misconduct Introduction to technology-relatedsexual misconductSocial media use that crosses over tosexual misconduct Personally owned technologicaldevices versus school-provideddevices: different protocols forresponse?Web-cams, sexting, Chatroulette andpornographic uses of school-providedInternet Illegal file sharing that is alsopornographic and/or involves minorsItem no. : AZ07960112Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesAudience : Grades K-12Price : USD 90.00TECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: IMPARTINGTRAINING ANDEDUCATION TO PEERSA review of everything from RA Training:Part 1 supplemented with methods toeducate peers, including road blocks tosuccess, reaching men and social mediamethods to support outreach. Join fellowstudent leaders and national experts forthis informative training andconfidence-building session. Be<strong>com</strong>eemboldened to educate and respond toyour peers as a key member of thefrontlines of response and prevention.Item no. : LW07960113Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesPrice : USD 90.00Item no. : NC07960115Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesPrice : USD 90.00TECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: TECHNOLOGY& SEXUAL MISCONDUCTESSENTIALS & RESPONSETRAININGEnsure your leaders are prepared for thenew era of sexual misconduct. Reviewessential statistics, definitions andresponses in the first ten minutes. Delveinto technology-related sexual misconductissues, including video phones, sexts,inappropriate sexual content accessed inacademic and employment settings,sexual activity filmed non-consensually,rape, exploitation and more.This <strong>com</strong>prehensive session expands yourknowledge base with legal updates andreal-life scenarios that prepare you torespond to reports of various forms ofsexual misconduct. Learn to better informthose you supervise and provideappropriate assistance to studentsinvolved in these situations. Understand <strong>com</strong>mon missteps intraining and response: Actual notice and deliberateindifference________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkFailure to act through disbeliefAllegiance to inaction and informalresolutions43

Failure to understand thetechnological issues Small <strong>com</strong>munity Confidentiality limitations and privacyexpectations Retaliation and mitigation of furtherharmItem no. : AV07960116Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesPrice : USD 90.00IT APPLICATIONSICT PROJECTMANAGEMENTIn this program we follow the iPod andiPad development team at BjangoSoftware as we examine the managementand development of a <strong>com</strong>plex ICT project.We follow through the stages of a project'slife cycle, from conception and planning, tobuilding and testing, and finallyimplementing and evaluating the finishedproduct. Along the way we look at thepersonnel, procedures, techniques, tools,and methodologies used, together with thesocial and ethical impacts. We see thetools of project management, such asGantt charts, collaborative software,systems analysis and planning tools, andthe all important formal documentation. Anessential overview of ICT projectmanagement.Please contact us for primary andsecondary schools pricing.Item no. : BT08691801Format : DVDDuration : 20 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : AUD 235.00MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMSThis program is a practical introduction tothe technology and techniques behind thescenes of modern multimedia. Throughcase studies of two interactive softwaredevelopers, we describe the hardware andsoftware used for multimedia, with basicexplanations of how the technology works.File formats used for presentations andthe use of codecs to process and storethese files is demonstrated, together witha brief overview of the software used toplan, capture, edit and display multimedia.We conclude with an examination ofcontent sharing, virality, and the social andethical implications of current multimediatechnology.Please contact us for primary andsecondary schools pricing.Item no. : SM08691802Format : DVDDuration : 20 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : AUD 235.00JOB SEARCHSKILLSGET HIRED AND GO: THECOMPLETE GUIDE TOGETTING A JOB ANDDOING IT RIGHT - BEFOREYOU APPLY: JOB SKILLSAND EVALUATIONSchool is over and it's time to go out andget your dream job—but what is that,exactly? Determining a career choice, or acareer path, is one of the hardest things todo in life. This video helps new graduatesand beginning jobseekers clarify theirprofessional goals and find jobs that fittheir skills, passions, priorities, andlong-term plans. Viewers learn how to useassessment tests—focusing on values,interests, or aptitude and achievement—toidentify strengths and challenges; how tomake the most of occupationalclassification systems that describeindustries and labor markets in detail; howto obtain references and letters ofre<strong>com</strong>mendation that underscore pastexperience and future potential; and howto explore job training options, whetherthey involve on-the-job instruction, furtheracademic coursework, or a <strong>com</strong>bination ofboth.Item no. : LH00273722Format : DVDDuration : 26 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 100.00GET HIRED AND GO: THECOMPLETE GUIDE TOGETTING A JOB ANDDOING IT RIGHT - BEFOREYOU APPLY: RESUMES,PORTFOLIOS, AND YOURONLINE PERSONAJob hunting is about selling yourself—butto make a sale, you have to advertise.From traditional paper resumes tonew-media methods of self-promotion, thisvideo explores the best ways forapplicants to showcase their talents,ac<strong>com</strong>plishments, and potential value toemployers. An in-depth discussion ofresume strategy highlights objectives,structure, formatting (both hard copy andelectronic), and proofreading, followed byread-aloud examples that help clarify whatemployers do and don't like to see. Next<strong>com</strong>es a detailed look at creating worksample presentations, from basicnotebook and photo-album layouts todigital and online portfolios. Visual demosshow what might work in industries suchas marketing, construction, and culinaryarts. Finally, viewers are reminded thatsocial networks like Facebook andLinkedIn are powerful promotional tools, ifused wisely and professionally.Item no.: PN02303723Format : DVDDuration : 28 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 100.00GET HIRED AND GO: THECOMPLETE GUIDE TOGETTING A JOB ANDDOING IT RIGHT - GETTINGTHE JOB: COVER LETTERS,INTERVIEWS, AND JOBOFFERSA job search is like climbing a mountain.With the summit in sight you must be<strong>com</strong>emore focused than ever, because the finalsteps are the trickiest—and, potentially,the most satisfying. This program guidesviewers through that last push, fromcrafting a cover letter around a specificemployer's expectations to the range ofresponses a bona fide job offer mightwarrant. Viewers learn about the structureof an effective cover letter and encounterreal-world examples of cover-letterstrategies. Tips on preparing for aninterview (from dressing properly toover<strong>com</strong>ing nervousness) are followed bya dramatization of how a typical interviewmight play out, as well as severalchallenging questions an applicant canexpect—and ask. The video's final portioncovers guidelines for smart salarynegotiations and other helpful criteria foraccepting or declining an offer ofemployment.Item no. : AY02303726Format : DVDDuration : 27 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 100.00GET HIRED AND GO: THECOMPLETE GUIDE TOGETTING A JOB ANDDOING IT RIGHT - GETTINGTHE JOB: JOB SEARCHAND NETWORKINGAfter a jobseeker has decided whatindustries and positions to target, and afterhe or she has created a stellar resumeand work sample presentation, it's time tostart the hunt. This program helps viewersmake that leap of faith and fortitude withdown-to-earth advice on where to look,who to talk to, and how to avoid <strong>com</strong>monpitfalls. Viewers learn how to sift throughonline employment resources, includingmajor Web sites like Monster.<strong>com</strong> as wellas more niche-oriented sites; how to readbetween the lines when scanning andanalyzing job postings; how to capitalizeon job fairs, employments agencies, andon-campus interviewing; and how toaccess the "hidden" market of jobs thataren't advertised. The latter topic seguessmoothly into an intensive look atnetworking—exploring the differencebetween formal and informal networking________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk44

and the best strategies for managing andmining a professional network.Item no. : HK02453727Format : DVDDuration : 26 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 100.00JOB SUCCESSSKILLSGET HIRED AND GO: THECOMPLETE GUIDE TOGETTING A JOB ANDDOING IT RIGHT - DOINGTHE JOB: BASIC JOBSKILLSAn employee's best qualities may havelittle to do with technical or clerical issues.Often, it is a professional attitude thatmakes a worker valuable—an array ofpersonal strengths that enable her or himto ac<strong>com</strong>plish goals, get along withcolleagues, and rise through the ranks.This video brings those all-too-elusiveaspects of job success into focus,exploring professional behavior, ethics,<strong>com</strong>munication, leadership, teamwork,problem solving, organization, andinformation management. Discussionsfocus on collaboration, taking initiative,and office etiquette; the hazards ofprocrastination, dishonesty, and unethicalactions; the ability to take and giveconstructive criticism; the four C's of goodwriting (be clear, concise, <strong>com</strong>pelling, andcorrect); effective uses for technology in<strong>com</strong>pleting projects and presenting work;and much more.Item no. : PW02453724Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 100.00GET HIRED AND GO: THECOMPLETE GUIDE TOGETTING A JOB ANDDOING IT RIGHT - DOINGTHE JOB: STARTING OUTAND THE DAILY GRIND"My first day, my mind was reeling." "Ididn't want to make any mistakes." "I wasworried I wouldn't be able to do the job."All of these are <strong>com</strong>mon and validreactions to the first day of employment.But, as this video illustrates, a new hire'snervousness and uncertainty can be theflipside of excitement, ambition, and aneagerness to learn the ins and outs of the<strong>com</strong>pany. Topics include the typicalpaperwork of the first day, such as tax andhealth insurance forms; the need to<strong>com</strong>pletely understand the employer'spolicies on vacation, sick time, retirementfunds, and other benefits; and the equallyimportant need to grasp legal concepts ofemployee rights, sexual harassment, andworkplace safety. Pointers on navigatingoffice politics, respecting the chain of<strong>com</strong>mand, asking for a raise, and stayingalert for new opportunities are alsoincluded.Item no. : CJ00273725Format : DVDDuration : 29 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 100.00KEYBOARDINGPRE KEYS 2By Bill Morgan Ph.D.Preparing Students for "Home Row"Keyboarding.Pre-Keys 2 is a multi-sensory method forintroducing young students to the<strong>com</strong>puter keyboard BEFORE theyestablish poor keyboarding habits!Pre-Keys kids start on the number row anddance on Pre-Keys Lily Pads beforemoving their finger froggies to thetraditional keyboard.Much like the effects of music lessons,students who learn to type are betterreaders, better writers . . . And betterstudents! However, students who beginusing <strong>com</strong>puters before they are formallytrained develop poor typing habits that aredifficult to change later in life.Developmental Keyboarding: Created with the developmentalneeds of young children in mind. Starts students typing as soon as theycan recognize numbers and letters ona keyboard. Has proven useful for learners of allages and at all stages to master thebasics of personal <strong>com</strong>puting.Benefits: Prevent poor keyboarding habitsbefore they start Present your keyboard practice in fun,creative ways Pre-made, student-friendly teacheractivities and songs Prepare your pre-schoolers to learn<strong>com</strong>puter skills12 Engaging Lessons: Lesson 1 - Introducing the NumberRow Lesson 2 - Repeating Numbers Lesson 3 - Learning Hand and BodyPositions Lesson 4 - Making NumberCombinations Lesson 5 - Introducing the QWERTYRow Lesson 6 - Practicing the QWERTYRow Lesson 7 - Introducing theHome Row Lesson 8 - Practicing the Home Row Lesson 9 - Combining the QWERTYand Home Rows Lesson 10 - Introducing the Z Row Lesson 11 - Practicing the Z Row________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkLesson 12 - Words that Start withVowelsApplication Activities: Activity A - Left Hand Letters from A toG Activity B - Right Hand Letters from Hto P Activity C - Both Hands on letters fromQ to Z Activity D - Vocabulary BuildersActivity E - Extra Credit Ideas Activity F - Sing Along with QWERTYSong Sheets Pre-Keys Progress Chart Certificate of CompletionTeacher Edition includes: 12 lesson plans that correspond toapplication activities. A template CD with samples of eachactivity.Student Edition includes: Copies of activities for students.Reviews "Doc Frog has been an inspiration tothe industry in getting kids to have funwith something that can be somundane. I am honored to be workingwith him." – Ms. Echelle Mohn,Catholic School K–8 ComputerTeacher, Chicago Archdiocese"We use Pre-Keys in our pre-schoolprogram and kindergarten classeswith great success. The students areable to type using the correct fingerplacement at a faster speed after<strong>com</strong>pleting the basic course." – Dr.Shirley DeCorte, PreK–3 principal,Sandwich, ILItem no.Format: CD08190415: CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser)Audience : Grades K-3Price : USD 70.00PRE KEYS 3By Bill Morgan, Ph.DAligned with ISTE Standards."Teachers love this fun, exciting andcreative keyboarding method for grades3-6. Adapted for the elementary school<strong>com</strong>puter lab, Pre-Keys 3 allows theteacher to control the pacing of thelessons. The live teacher model is somuch more effective than CGI graphics!""This method works best in classroomsand labs equipped with an LCD <strong>com</strong>puterprojector so that teachers are bothmodeling and monitoring studentperformance. Re<strong>com</strong>mended software isthe Microsoft Office Suite, with Word,PowerPoint and Excel.""While most keyboarding activities arebased on Behaviorist theory, Pre-Keys 3lessons follow Constructivist philosophy,allowing students to be more creative. Getthe kids away from software that preventsthem from learning from their mistakes!"45

<strong>New</strong> features of version 3 include: Enhanced teacher manual forelementary <strong>com</strong>puter lab teachers A lily pad keyboard for your <strong>com</strong>puterdesktop wallpaper Lily pad stickers for your keyboardcover can be orderedA Sing-Along CD that reinforces<strong>com</strong>puter skills through music andmovement Excel activities that reinforcealphabetic order in Social Studies andScienceDevelopmental Keyboarding: Created with the developmentalneeds of young children in mind Starts students typing as soon as theycan recognize numbers and letters ona keyboard Has proven useful for learners of allages and at all stages to master thebasics of personal <strong>com</strong>putingBenefits: Review keyboarding skills in fun,creative ways Remediate poor keyboarding habitsstudents have already learned Raise your students' awareness ofpatterns on the keyboard Refresh your own knowledge ofeducational applications of MicrosoftOffice softwareReviews"Early instruction on the QWERTYkeyboard is the KEY to <strong>com</strong>puterliteracy" – Doc Frog"Doc Frog has been an inspiration tothe industry in getting kids to have funwith something that can be somundane. I am honored to be workingwith him." – Ms. Echelle Mohn,Catholic School K–8 ComputerTeacher, Chicago Archdiocese"We use Pre-Keys in our pre-schoolprogram and kindergarten classeswith great success. The students areable to type using the correct fingerplacement at a faster speed after<strong>com</strong>pleting the basic course." – Dr.Shirley DeCorte, PreK–3 principal,Sandwich, ILItem no. : ME08190416Format : CD-ROMAudience : Grades 3-6Price : USD 70.00KIDS AND FOODSNACK TIME...IT'S MORETHAN JUICE ANDCRACKERSThis lesson will give you ideas forproviding fun and nutritional snacks for thechildren in your care. It will show you howsnack time can be more than just a time tofill empty stomachs--it's a chance to sharefun foods and new experiences with thechildren you care for in your home.Item no. : HP26920055Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00KNOWLEDGE &LEARNINGLEARNING A LA CARTE:PRIVACY ISSUESPrivacy, and the protection of personalinformation, is be<strong>com</strong>ing a hot topic astechnology develops. Peter Quarry,psychologist, interviews Damien Smith,lawyer and Managing Director ofEnterprise Care. They explore the tensionbetween living in the modern world andmaintaining privacy, and what makes aprivacy policy is robust.Training Points The balance of privacy with securityand safety Considering if corporate privacypolicies are robust Developing an effective privacy policy Privacy policies convey confidenceand transparency Organisations must control theinformation Systems are robust - ensuringinformation is protected When a work task invades someone'sprivacy Managing profit vs. privacy.Item no. : NB02480983Format : DVDDuration : 13 minutesCopyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781921635199Price : AUD 319.00LABOR &EMPLOYMENT LAWFUTURE OF EMPLOYMENTDISCRIMINATION CLASSACTIONS AFTER THE 9THCIRCUIT'S EN BANCBDECISION IN DUKES V.WAL-MART STORES, INC.,THEOn April 26, 2010, the U.S. Court ofAppeals for the Ninth Circuit, in an enbanc opinion, affirmed class certification of500,000 to 1.5 million current and formeremployees of Wal-Mart who allege<strong>com</strong>pany-wide discrimination againstwomen, which is the largest class evercertified in an employment discriminationcase. Dukes will have a significant andlasting impact on employment law classaction practice as the case is now likelyheaded for the U.S. Supreme Court.Our expert panel, which includes lawyersfor the parties and a Supreme Courtpractitioner, will discuss the opinion's keyholdings; describe the history of thelitigation, including important discoveryevents and interlocutory rulings; providetips for conducting discovery, usingexperts, and appellate strategy in <strong>com</strong>plexemployment discrimination litigation; andspeculate about the prospects for Dukesat the Supreme Court.Item no. : SY11200069Format : 2 Audio CDsDuration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 150.00LATEST ON INDEPENDENTCONTRACTORMISCLASSIFICATION, THE:TENFORCEMENTPRIORITIES, TRENDS ANDAISSUESThe U.S. Department of Labor, the InternalRevenue Service, and many stateagencies have made the misclassificationof workers as independent contractors,rather than employees, a key enforcementpriority. The private bar has seized uponthe issue as ripe for class action litigation,achieving multimillion dollar judgments,and settlements. The issue pits workers,who have a right to minimum wage,overtime, healthcare, and other benefits,against employers who find it difficult toharmonize the myriad of standards appliedby different laws and agencies and inindustries where contract labor is thenorm.Among the topics, our expert panel alsodiscussed: Federal and state governmentenforcement initiatives; Private bar litigation trends; Varied tests under federal and statelaws and agencies; Best practices for employers to avoidmisclassification; Responding to governmentinvestigations; Cutting edge issues concerningdamages; Proposed legislation (EmployeeMisclassification Protection Act andthe Fair Playing Field Act of 2010);and Contingent workforce issues.Item no. : LN11200072Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 150.00MELTING POT OR MOSAIC:LANGUAGE AND ACCENTDISCRIMINATION IN AMULTICULTURALWORKPLACEEnglish is a second language for manyemployees in today's ethnically and46________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk

culturally diverse workplace. Someemployees would prefer to <strong>com</strong>municatein their native languages and some mayspeak English with a pronounced accent.Many employers face the prospect ofnational origin discrimination claims basedon language or accent with increasingfrequency.Listen to our panel of experts as theydiscuss: Employer best practices in amulti-lingual workplace The legality and advisability ofEnglish-only rules Litigating accent discrimination cases Recent trends in national origindiscrimination law Organizing the multi-lingual workforceItem no. : FR11200074Format : 2 Audio CDsDuration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 150.00MOVIN' ON UP: HOW TOSUCCEED AS A DIVERSEASSOCIATE AND YOUNGLAWYERClients increasingly demand diversitywithin their own ranks and from theiroutside counsel. Diverse in-house counseland outside attorneys, however, continueto be outnumbered by their majoritycounterparts. These numbers are evenmore pronounced in certain areas of legalpractice like intellectual property, labor, tax,and real estate.This program will provide advice on: how to be<strong>com</strong>e the "go to" lawyer; finding mentors in your practiceareas; seeking out challenging assignmentsin these areas; honing your business developmentskills as a young diverse attorney;and how to seek in-house opportunities.Item no. : VF11200075Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 150.00ONE YEAR LATER: ANUPDATE ON THE LILLYLEDBETTER FAIR PAY ACTAIt has been a year since the Lilly LedbetterFair Pay Act was implemented,overturning the Supreme Court inLedbetter v. Goodyear Tire and Rubberand breathing new life into many claims ofpay discrimination. Compensation equitycan be difficult to achieve, and at the sametime, discrimination can be difficult toprove. Basic assumptions about pursuingand defending employment claims havebeen changed by the Ledbetter Act.Recent Court decisions raise additionalquestions about how the Act will beapplied and interpreted. Get up to speedwith our experts who, among other things,address: Recent court decisions interpretingthe Fair Pay Act EEOC handling of charges raisingLedbetter issues Changes in employer practices toaddress the new law Definition of an "other practice"underthe Act (what does it include?) Whether the Fair Pay Act impactspension rights Other pending legislation (e.g.,Paycheck Fairness Act)Item no. : LR11200079Format : 2 Audio CDsDuration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 150.00RECENT DEVELOPMENTSUNDER THE RAILWAYLABOR ACTRecent developments under the RailwayLabor Act (RLA) are changing laborjurisprudence for practitioners under boththe RLA and the National Labor RelationsAct (NLRA). The National Mediation Board(NMB) adopted a rule in representationproceedings allowing the vote of a majorityof voters, rather than a majority of alleligible voters, to determine the out<strong>com</strong>eof union elections. Long the practice underthe NLRA, this development is new to theRLA and may open opportunities fororganizing - or at least heated litigation.Current NMB decisions have alsoexpanded the NMB's jurisdiction overemployers covered for many years by theNLRA. And the Supreme Court's decisionlast term in Union Pacific v. BLET sets newprocedural rules and jurisdiction for federalarbitration boards in the rail industry. Ourpanel of experts explained these and otherrecent developments under the RLA andtheir significance for all labor lawpractitioners.Item no. : CT11200082Format : 2 Audio CDsDuration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 150.00SOCIAL NETWORKING INTHE INTERNATIONALWORKPLACEThe phenomenal growth of socialnetworking has presented bothopportunities and challenges for<strong>com</strong>panies, employees, and labororganizations. This program discussesdeveloping trends, case law, andlegislation in the U.S. and the EUaddressing social networking issues in theworkplace. Topics include: Business applications of socialnetworking Social network use in workplace<strong>com</strong>munications, recruiting, discipline,and discharge What is happening in the U.S. and EUin response to employer use ofinformation shared in socialnetworking sites Privacy concerns about the use ofinformation obtained from socialnetworks Where data protection laws andconcerns intersect with socialnetworks How social networking issues areaddressed in collective bargainingand in works councilsWhether you represent employers,employees, or labor organizations thisprogram is a must for understanding oneof the hottest workplace issues confrontinglabor and employment lawyers on both thedomestic and international scene.Item no. : EH11200085Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 150.00TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OFEMPLOYMENTDISCRIMINATION LAW1985-2010Since the 1960s, the laws prohibitingdiscrimination in employment haveextended beyond race, color, and sex toreach such areas as religion, nationalorigin, age, disability, and genetics. Inaddition to laws passed by Congress,Executive Orders enacted by thePresident and agency regulations, thecourts (especially the United StatesSupreme Court) in a series of high profileopinions, construed and applied the lawspassed by Congress, the presidents'Executive Orders and the federalagencies' regulations to the <strong>com</strong>plexhuman experiences that arrived at thecourts' doorsteps.This program addresses the legaldevelopments that frame the volatile era ofemployment discrimination stretching from1985 to 2010. It is based on an articlewritten for the American Bar AssociationJournal of Labor and Employment Law. Ithas two objectives: one is to illuminate thisNation's <strong>com</strong>mitment to equality ofopportunity in the workplace. The other isto review the <strong>com</strong>plex interactions of thecourts, Congress, the judiciary, and theexecutive branch that brought us wherewe are today.The program panel is moderated byMichael Green, a distinguished professorin the field of labor and employment law,and is <strong>com</strong>posed of prominentpractitioners who collaborated to write thearticle on which the teleconference isbased: Adam Klein, John Quinn, CharlesWarner, and Maurice Wexler. GarySiniscalco, the fifth author of the article,________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk47

unfortunately will be unable to participate.Joyce Margulies, an in-house counsel witha Fortune 50 <strong>com</strong>pany during the 25 yearperiod covered by this program, adds her<strong>com</strong>ments about corporate responses tothese developments in the law.Item no. : HH11200090Format : 2 Audio CDsDuration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 150.00WAGE AND HOURLITIGATION: POTPOURRIOF HOT TOPICSVarious issues have consistently arisen aspart of the onslaught of wage and hourlitigation. These issues include:joint employment,decertification,hybrid class actions,fluctuating workweek in settlementdiscussions,volunteers,Section 3(o), andretaliation to name a few.In this 90-minute program, our expertfaculty will examine in-depth, significantwage and hour issues as they affect thelitigation of wage and hour cases, bothsingle plaintiff cases and class actions. Itwill also discuss the union's role innegotiating and defending Section 3(o)causes in a collective bargainingagreement.Item no. : TA11200092Format : 2 Audio CDsDuration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 150.00WHAT YOU AND YOURCLIENTS NEED TO KNOWABOUT EEOC'S NEW GINAREGULATIONSThe Equal Employment OpportunityCommission (EEOC) issued the finalregulations implementing Title II of theGenetic Information Nondiscrimination Act(GINA) that took effect in January <strong>2011</strong>.Listen to this timely webinar as well as theEEOC policy and enforcement expertsand the private defense bar about hottopics, including:What are the new rules prohibitingemployer use or acquisition of familymedical history?When is employer acquisition ofgenetic information excused as"inadvertent"?What new "safe harbor" steps mustan employer follow wheneverrequesting employee medicalinformation or administering post-offerand fitness-for-duty medical exams?Does GINA allow employers to offerfinancial incentives in connection withwellness programs that ask forgenetic information? Where is EEOC focusing itsenforcement efforts, and how canemployers avoid GINA charges andlitigation?Item no. : PT11200096Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 150.00WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOWABOUT THE NEWEXPANDED FEDERALWHISTLEBLOWERPROTECTIONS2010 saw a flurry of developments infederal whistleblower arena.In July President Obama signed theDodd-Frank Wall Street Reform andConsumer Protection Act (H.R. 4173),which made numerous amendmentsto the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002and the Securities Exchange Act of1934.The False Claims Act was amendedto protect a broader class ofwhistleblowers and to create auniform three-year statute oflimitations.The Security and Exchange (SEC)released a 181 page Notice ofProposed Rulemaking for itswhistleblower rules.The Internal Revenue Services (IRS)issued a new manual onwhistleblower claims.Our expert faculty will address thecutting-edge issues facingemployee-whistleblowers and employersresponding to claims of wrongful conductunder these new laws and regulationsincluding: The ins and outs of makingwhistleblower claims. Best practices for handling internalinvestigations. Attorney/client privilege issues. <strong>New</strong> strategies for litigatingwhistleblower claims.Item no. : BF11200097Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 150.00WHO SAYS YOU CAN'THAVE IT BOTH WAYS?Positional and issue conflicts is when alawyer or law firm takes one position inone matter and a conflicting orinconsistent position in another matter.This is an emerging area of employmentlaw ethics. As firms shed singleconstituency representation and anincreasing number of unions engage inaffirmative individual worker rightslitigation, it is often difficult for lawyers tostrike the right balance. Our panel ofemployment law and legal professionexperts discusses how to navigate thesepositional and issue conflicts in relation tolabor and employment law. The panelcovers critical areas including:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkConflict and representational issueswith respect to non-<strong>com</strong>pete clausesand executive <strong>com</strong>pensation.Positional conflict issues arising inemployment discrimination cases.Positional conflict issues arising inwage and hour cases.Conflict issues arising in duty of fairrepresentation cases.Item no. : YR11200098Format : 2 Audio CDsDuration : 87 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 150.00LABOR &EMPLOYMENT LAW,LITIGATIONLABORING OAR, THE:DISCOVERY ISSUES INLABOR & EMPLOYMENTLITIGATIONFollowing the landmark decision inZubulake, litigation pertaining to documentpreservation and electronic discovery inlabor and employment cases continues toexplode. Recently, in Pension Committeeof the University of Montreal Pension Plan,et al., v. Banc of America Securities, LLC,et al., the court expanded the attorneys'responsibilities for their clients' handling ofdocument preservation, raising morequestions and shaping how attorneys fromall constituencies interact with their clientsand draft and serve their litigationdiscovery requests, responses, andobjections. In addition to the decisionsfrom the courts, the Federal Rules of CivilProcedure were amended to includechanges to the rules governing discovery.Hear from our expert panel on thefollowing: How these decisions and theamendments to the Federal Rules ofCivil procedure have impacteddiscovery strategy in labor andemployment litigation andadministrative proceedings? How attorneys should manage theirincreasing ethical responsibilities? Will the other shoe drop: how do weexpect these issues to develop goingforward?Item no. : VR11200071Format : 2 Audio CDsDuration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 150.0048

WAGE AND HOURLITIGATION ...THE BEATGOES ON:MISCLASSIFICATIONISSUESThe Employee MisclassificationPrevention Act (H.R. 5107, S. 3254)("EMPA") is Congress' latest attempt tolimit employers' use of independentcontractors. EMPA would amend the FairLabor Standards Act ("FLSA") by requiringemployers to provide non-employeeworkers a "notice" that states: "Your rightsto wage, hour, and other labor protectionsdepend upon your proper classification asan employee or non-employee. If youhave any questions or concerns abouthow you have been classified or suspectthat you may have been misclassified,contact the U.S. Department of Labor."This program reviews the standards usedby the Department of Labor to determine ifan independent contractor relationshipexists. It examines workers in all kinds offields whose status as an independentcontractor has been challenged. Thisincludes delivery drivers, cable installers,and adult entertainers.Our expert faculty also addresses theapplication of certain exemptions whichhave been heavily litigated including:assistant managers, pharmaceuticalsalespersons, and financial servicesmanagers.Item no. : FC11200091Format : 2 Audio CDsDuration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 150.00LABOR &EMPLOYMENT LAW,LITIGATION, REALESTATE LAWADVANCED ISSUES INFMLA: A GUIDE FOR THEPERPLEXEDThe Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993,as amended, ("FMLA") balances anemployee's need for time-off to attend to aserious health condition (either his own ora close family member's), or for familyleave purposes, with the employer'sinterest in having a worker remain on thejob.Despite detailed regulations, amended asrecently as January 2009, applying the lawto actual workplace situations can be achallenge in certain circumstances.Our panel of experts explore some of themost vexing FMLA issues arising intoday's workplace.Topics include:The Military Family AmendmentsDefinitions of "Spouse" and "Parent"(In Loco Parentis)Intermittent Leave ChallengesFMLA Complications in the UnionizedWorkplacePaid Leave SubstitutionMixed Motive CasesSuspected Fraudulent Use of LeaveImpact of FMLA Leave on BonusesIntersection of FMLA and Other TypesofLeaveItem no. : GE11200067Format : 2 Audio CDsDuration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 150.00LABOR &EMPLOYMENT LAW,SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY LAWPERSONAL VS.PROFESSIONAL:HANDLING EMPLOYEEPARTICIPATION IN ONLINECOMMUNITIESThe line between personal andprofessional life is increasingly hard todiscern, and the emergence andprevalence of online <strong>com</strong>munities,including virtual worlds, social networkingsites, bulletin boards, and blogs, raisedifficult questions for employers such as:What limits should be placed onemployee participation in online<strong>com</strong>munities?Should employers consider regulatingparticipation by employees duringtheir personal time, or just when in theoffice?What actions can employers takeagainst employees who violateparticipation guidelines?Can employers ever be liable as aresult of their employees' personalonline conduct?Item no. : TH11200080Format : 2 Audio CDsDuration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 150.00LAND & WATERBUILD IT BIGGER: SOUTHAFRICAN GOLD MINEIn Johannesburg, South Africa, theMponeng mine is attempting to dig deeperthan any mine in the world. It has alreadypenetrated two and a half miles into theearth’s crust in an effort to reach six billiondollars worth of gold. Join host DannyForster as he travels down the mine shaft,digs deeper into the earth’s crust, anddiscovers the highly valuable, preciousmetal.Item no. : NA07983227Format : DVDDuration : 43 minurtesAudience : Grades 6-12Copyright : 2010Price : USD 80.00HEALING OUR TROUBLEDPLANET: VOLUME ONEExamines water's role in the biosphereand considers how water pollutionthreatens human and wildlife populations.The program explains the water cycle andnotes how plants and animals use waterfor biological processes includingrespiration and reproduction. Threecategories of water pollution are presentedwith examples of the damage waterpollution causes to living and nonlivingthings.Item no. : VG07983369Format : DVDDuration : 16 minutesAudience : Grades 3-8Copyright : 2010Price : USD 80.00HEALING OUR TROUBLEDPLANET: VOLUME THREEExamines environmental threats to theland and considers solutions to helpprotect Earth's biosphere. The programoutlines such issues as land degradation,trash disposal, and habitat destruction andsuggests new methods for reversingdamage to the environment.Item no. : HG07983370Format : DVDDuration : 18 minutesAudience : Grades 3-8Copyright : 2010Price : USD 80.00HEALING OUR TROUBLEDPLANET: VOLUME TWOExamines air's role in the biosphere andconsiders how air pollution threatenshuman and wildlife populations. Theprogram explores the carbon and nitrogencycles and studies how the processeswork in plants and animals. Fourcategories of air pollution are highlightedas well as sources of renewable energyincluding wind, solar, and geothermal.Item no. : AV07983371Format : DVDDuration : 19 minutesAudience : Grades 3-8Copyright : 2010Price : USD 80.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk49

LANGUAGE ARTSCROSSWORD COMPANIONDELUXEBy Arnie UretskyCustomize puzzles by selecting from threegraphic sizes and two different puzzlesquares (elementary or secondary).Includes full word processing features andprint options, the ability to write long orshort clues, and mix numbers and letters.Features: Automatically insert clues 17,500 word dictionary Create thematic puzzles Insert graphics backgrounds Save to the Web Poster-size printing Insert definitions, synonyms, orsentences Create picture clues using JPEG, GIF,PICT, BMP, and EP's Compatible with Teacher's ResourceCompanion Deluxe Program can run on a network serverSystem Requirements Windows: 8 MB RAM, Windows 3.1 orWindows 95/98/2000.Item no.Format: LW08190396: CD-ROM (Win, Labpack(10))Audience : Grades K-12Price : USD 200.00Item no. : LW08190395Format : CD-ROM (Win, Network)Audience : Grades K-12Price : USD 400.00Item no.Format: LW08190394: CD-ROM (Win, UnlimitedSite License)Audience : Grades K-12Price : USD 400.00KREATIVE KOMIX BUNDLE4 - SCHOOL EDITIONBy Arnie Uretskyincludes: Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerFairy Tale Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerSuper Hero Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerU.S. History Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerScience - Habitats and LifecyclesItem no.Format: WA08190400: CD-ROM (Win, Labpack(5))Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 400.00Item no.Format: WA08190398: CD-ROM (Win, UnlimitedSite)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 1500.00Item no.Format: WA08190399: CD-ROM (Win, SiteLicense)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 120.00Item no.Format: WA08190401: CD-ROM (Win, SiteLicense (25))Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 1000.00KREATIVE KOMIX BUNDLE6 - SCHOOL EDITIIONBy Arnie Uretskyincludes: Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerDinosaurs - Triassic, Jurassic &Cretaceous Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerScience Fiction Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerFairy Tale Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerSuper Hero Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerU.S. History Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerScience - Habitats and LifecyclesItem no. : AZ08190402Format : CD-ROMAudience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 160.00KREATIVE KOMIX:DINOSAURS - SCHOOLEDITIONBy Arnie UretskyA simple-to-use multimedia tool that putsfun back into your creative writing programwhile encouraging writing skills and orallanguage. You and your students cancreate animated stories that talk, or printout the <strong>com</strong>ic books and act out thestories using stick puppets.Dinosaurs – Triassic, Jurassic &CretaceousBring dinosaurs to life at home or in theclassroom. Dinosaurs from the Triassic,Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods are allrepresented. Create cross-curricularwriting with graphics, animation, andsound. Students learn about dinosaurswhile creating animated slide shows,writing stories, or even making dinosaur<strong>com</strong>ic books.Includes: Marginocephalia Marine Reptiles Ornithopoda Pterosaura Sauropodomorpha Theropoda Thyreophora Triassic Period Jurassic Perioid Cretaceous PeriodBe the director of your own animated<strong>com</strong>ic books with: Actors! Over a hundred differentcharacters from a variety of fairy talesand super heroes. Props!Use hundreds of props tocreate your own backgrounds. Action!Using the built-in Comic Playeryou can see your stories <strong>com</strong>e to lifeon your <strong>com</strong>puter. Sound!Record your own sounds oruse built-in text-to-speech with avariety of voices. Make flying carpetswhoosh by or give each of yourcharacters a unique voice. Animation!Animate characters andprops by simply clicking where youwant them to go.Encourages: Comic books Stories Animated slide shows with sound Animated Web <strong>com</strong>ics Comic book emails Stick puppets Puppet show backdrops Creativity Story Sequencing Writing SkillsSystem Requirements Windows: 64 MB RAM, (128 MB rec.),Win 98, Win 2000, ME, XP, and VistaItem no.Format: LH08190403: CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 70.00KREATIVE KOMIX: FAIRYTALE - SCHOOL EDITIONA simple-to-use multimedia writing toolthat puts fun back into your creative writingprogram while encouraging writing skillsand oral language. You and your studentscan create animated stories that talk, orprint out the <strong>com</strong>ic books and act out thestories using puppets.Create:Comic booksStoriesAnimated slide shows with soundAnimated Web <strong>com</strong>icsComic book emailsStick puppetsPuppet show backdropsEncourage:CreativityStory Sequencing________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk50

Writing SkillsOral LanguageKreative Komix: Fairy Tale: Choose fromover one hundred different charactersfrom your favorite fairy tales includingAladdin, Beauty and the Beast, SnowWhite, the Tin Soldier, Peter Pan andmany more. Better yet, create your owncharacters- from good to evil, hideous tobeautiful- to star in your own animatedproductions. Add props and backgroundsto enhance your scenes. Bring yourcharacters to life with sound- record yourown or use the program's built-in text.Make flying carpets whoosh by or giveeach of your characters their own voice.Add action to your <strong>com</strong>ic throughanimation, and then sit back and watchyour fairy tale characters <strong>com</strong>e to life righton your <strong>com</strong>puter using the built-in ComicPlayer.Animation:Actors:Action:Props:Animate characters and props bysimply clicking where you want themto go.Over one hundred different charactersfrom a variety of fairy tales.Using the built-in Comic Player youcan see your stories <strong>com</strong>e to life onyour <strong>com</strong>puter.Choose from hundreds of props,characters, and backgrounds.System RequirementsWindows: 32 MB RAM, (64 MB rec.), Win95/98, Win 2000, ME, NT.Item no.Format: ZF08190404: CD-ROM (Win, UnlimitedSite)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 600.00KREATIVE KOMIX:SCIENCE - SCHOOLEDITIONA simple-to-use multimedia writing toolthat puts fun back into your creative writingprogram while encouraging writing skillsand oral language. You and your studentscan create animated stories that talk, orprint out the <strong>com</strong>ic books and act out thestories using puppets.Create: Comic books Stories Animated slide shows with sound Animated Web <strong>com</strong>ics Comic book emails Stick puppets Puppet show backdropsEncourage: Creativity Story Sequencing Writing Skills Oral LanguageKreative Komix Science: Habitats andLifecycles: Kids won't just read aboutenvironment and lifecycles, they'll createthem with hundreds of curriculum-basedinterrelated characters, backgrounds andprops. Kreative Komix Science <strong>com</strong>es withenough art to fully explore Frog, Bean andSilkworm lifecycles and recreate Desert,Forest, Pond & Stream, Ocean, RainForest and Wetland environments. Makeone-sheet reports, animate a movie, orwrite, edit and print an entire book! Kidscan even publish their work as Email witha click of a button!Sound:Record your own sounds or usebuilt-in text to speech with a variety ofvoices.Animation:Animate characters and props bysimply clicking where you want themto go.Actors:Over one hundred different charactersfrom a variety of fairy tales.Action:Using the built-in Comic Player youcan see your stories <strong>com</strong>e to life onyour <strong>com</strong>puter.Props:Choose from hundreds of props,characters, and backgrounds.System RequirementsWindows: 64 MB RAM, (128 MB rec.), Win98, Win 2000, ME, XP, and VistaItem no.Format: HF08190405: CD-ROM (Win, UnlimitedSite)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 600.00KREATIVE KOMIX:SCIENCE FICTION -SCHOOL EDITIONBy Arnie UretskyA simple-to-use multimedia tool that putsfun back into your creative writing programwhile encouraging writing skills and orallanguage. You and your students cancreate animated stories that talk, or printout the <strong>com</strong>ic books and act out thestories using stick puppets.Amaze and terrify your friends with dozensof exciting, silly, and scary Science Fictioncharacters and backgrounds. All thebackgrounds and props you'll need tobring your creations to life are included.Be the director of your own animated<strong>com</strong>ic books with:Actors! Over a hundred different charactersfrom a variety of fairy tales and superheroes.Props! Use hundreds of props to create yourown backgrounds.Action! Using the built-in Comic Player youcan see your stories <strong>com</strong>e to life onyour <strong>com</strong>puter.Sound! Record your own sounds or usebuilt-in text-to-speech with a variety ofvoices. Make flying carpets whooshby or give each of your characters aunique voice.Animation! Animate characters and props bysimply clicking where you want themto go.includes: Comic books Stories Animated slide shows with sound Animated Web <strong>com</strong>ics Comic book emails Stick puppets Puppet show backdropsencourages:CreativityStory SequencingWriting SkillsOral LanguageSystem Requirements Windows: 64 MB RAM, (128 MB rec.),Win 98, Win 2000, ME, XP, and VistaItem no.Format: FP08190409: CD-ROM (Win, LicenseLabpack (5))Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 160.00Item no.Format: FP08190408: CD-ROM (Win, SingleLicense)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 70.00Item no.Format: FP08190406: CD-ROM (Win, UnlimitedLicense)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 600.00Item no.Format: FP08190407: CD-ROM (Win, SiteLicense (25))Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 500.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk51

KREATIVE KOMIX: SUPERHERO - SCHOOL EDITIONBring your characters to life with sound.Record your own or use the program'sbuilt-in text to speak in a variety of uniquevoices. Add action to your <strong>com</strong>ic throughanimation, and then watch your crimefighting super heroes triumph over evilright on your <strong>com</strong>puter using the built-inComic Player. You can also design stickpuppets to use in printable puppet showbackdrops, post your <strong>com</strong>ics to the Web,or Email them to friends! This dynamicprogram is not only interactive andentertaining, but encourages creativity,story sequencing, writing skills, and orallanguage. ZOOKS- it's fun!Be the director of your own animated<strong>com</strong>ic books with:Actors! Over a hundred different charactersfrom a variety of fairy tales and superheroes.Props!Use hundreds of props to create yourown backgrounds.Action! Using the built-in Comic Player youcan see your stories <strong>com</strong>e to life onyour <strong>com</strong>puter.Sound! Record your own sounds or usebuilt-in text-to-speech with a variety ofvoices. Make flying carpets whooshby or give each of your characters aunique voice.Animation! Animate characters and props bysimply clicking where you want themto go.includes: Comic books Stories Animated slide shows with sound Animated Web <strong>com</strong>ics Comic book emails Stick puppets Puppet show backdropsencourages:CreativityStory SequencingWriting SkillsOral LanguageSystem Requirements Windows: 64 MB RAM, (128 MB rec.),Win 98, Win 2000, ME, XP, and VistaItem no.Format: MB08190410: CD-ROM (Win, UnlimitedSite)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 600.00PHONICS COMPANION 3.0By Arnie Uretskyteach phonics from initial introduction ofthe skills and fun activities for practice toapplication in reading and writing. IncludesTeacher take home rights.A must for beginning reading programs.Create your posters, activity sheets andgames with Phonics Companion and doon-screen instruction with PhonicsCompanion Interactive! Together, they area <strong>com</strong>plete early reading program. Greatfor ESL and Special Education.Covers: Short vowel word families Long vowel word families Phoneme recognition Word recognition Intital and final sound blending R-controlled vowels Spelling Digraphs DiphthongsCreate: Phonics posters Initial teaching activities Flash cards Game cards Crossword puzzles Bingo Story startersSystem Requirements Windows: 16 MB RAM, Windows95/98 or higher, Vista, QuickTime 3.0Item no.Format: LU08190413: CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser)Audience : Grades K-3Price : USD 70.00ULTIMATE READING,THE/WRITINGCONNECTIONBy Arnie UretskyIncludes Writer's Companion and VocabularyCompanion 3Writer's Companion:The one program every student needs forthe entire writing process.1. Brainstorm.2. Organize3. Sequence4. Edit5. Publish3 tools in 11. Graphic organizer2. Word processor3. Desktop publisherIdeal for: Writing instruction: 2nd Grade–College/Adult Title 1-3-7 Special Education– Full keyboardaccess -Section 508 <strong>com</strong>pliant Bilingual/ELL/ESL Spanish LanguageStep by step – like having your owntutorAdd students' graphics with a clickPrepare your students for statewidewriting assessmentsWriter's Companion helps you organizeconcepts and ideas from the initial stagesthrough <strong>com</strong>pletion. Powerful, yet simple,tools guide you step by step through thewriting process. When you are finished,use Writer's Companion to publish yourwork or export to your favorite wordprocessor or page layout program.Compose in English or Spanish. IncludesSpanish dictionary, spell checker, andtext-to-speech. UK dictionary/Spellchecker also included.System Requirements Windows: 64 MB RAM, (128 MBre<strong>com</strong>mended), Win 98, ME, 2000,XPVocabulary Companion 3:All the materials you need to teach Reading Vocabulary Spelling skillsFeatures Include Over 120 objectives in phonics,spelling, and word analysis A dictionary of 17,500 words,sentences and definitions An easy interface to add your ownword listsIn Minutes Create: Initial teaching activities Seatwork Homework Center games Vocabulary postersActivities Include: Anagrams Scrambled words Definition matching Cloze activities Flash cards Game cards Color-ins Story startersCreate all the materials you need for a<strong>com</strong>plete vocabulary program in yourclassroom in minutes instead of hours.Activities range from initial instruction,guided practice, independent practice toapplication. Perfect for group orindividualized instruction. Click on anyitem to edit right on the screen.Appropriate from 1st Grade to SATpreparation. Includes full word processorwith spell check and thesaurus. A must forSpecial Education, ESL, and Basic Skillsprograms. Grades K–12System Requirements Windows: 32 MB RAM, (64 MB rec.),Windows 95/98, 2000, ME, NT, XPItem no. : WS08190420Format : 2 CD-ROMs (Win)Audience : Grade 2–College/AdultPrice : USD 80.00A <strong>com</strong>plete phonics package that allowsyou to create the materials you need toBenefits: Improve writing skills________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk52

VOCABULARY COMPANION3.0: ELEMENTARYCHILDREN'S LITERATUREBy Arnie UretskyVocabulary Companion ElementaryChildren's Literature includes words andpictures taken from 15 of the most popularelementary classroom literature books.Included in the selections are books suchas The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Where theWild Things Are, and Sara Plain and Tall.Create <strong>com</strong>plete vocabulary packetsincluding anagrams, scrambled words,cloze activities, definition matching, flashcards, game cards, story starters, andposters.System Requirements Windows: 32 MB RAM, (64 MB rec.),Windows 95/98 or higher.Item no.Format: NK08190421: CD-ROM (Win, UnlimitedLicense)Audience : Grades K-6Price : USD 600.00WRITER'S COMPANION 2.62BUILDING BYENROLLMENTBy Arnie UretskyWriter's Companion Version 2.6 helps youorganize concepts and ideas from theinitial stages through <strong>com</strong>pletion. Powerfulyet simple tools guide you step by stepthrough the writing process. When you arefinished, use Writer's Companion topublish your work or export to your favoriteword processor or page layoutprogram .Compose in English or Spanish.Includes a Spanish dictionary, spellchecker, and text-to-speech. UKdictionary/Spell checker also included.Ideal for: Writing instruction, Special Education,Bilingual/ELL/ESL and SpanishLanguage Prepares students for higherSAT/writing assessments Meets state and national writingstandards Aligned with (Texas) TEKS Meets Title 1- 3- 7 fundingrequirements Special Education - 508 <strong>com</strong>pliantGraphic Organizer ls: Cluster Time Line Venn DiagramWord processor - Edit Tool Text-to-speech Spell Checker Readability Thesaurus Dictionary Word countDesktop publisher - Graphics: Hundreds of thematic graphics Easily import graphics from the Web,cell phone, digital camera, scanner orany clip art librarySystem Requirements Windows: Windows 98 or higher(includingME/2000/XP/Vista/Windows7) with128 MB RAM (256 rec.)Item no. : HK08190428Format : CD-ROM (Win, 1000 andUp Students)Audience : Grade 2-College/AdultPrice : USD 1500.00Item no. : HK08190427Format : CD-ROM (Win, 200-499Students)Audience : Grade 2-College/AdultPrice : USD 1000.00WRITER'S COMPANION 2.62BUILDING BYENROLLMENTBy Arnie UretskyWriter's Companion Version 2.6 helps youorganize concepts and ideas from theinitial stages through <strong>com</strong>pletion. Powerfulyet simple tools guide you step by stepthrough the writing process. When you arefinished, use Writer's Companion topublish your work or export to your favoriteword processor or page layoutprogram .Compose in English or Spanish.Includes a Spanish dictionary, spellchecker, and text-to-speech. UKdictionary/Spell checker also included.Ideal for: Writing instruction, Special Education,Bilingual/ELL/ESL and SpanishLanguage Prepares students for higherSAT/writing assessments Meets state and national writingstandards Aligned with (Texas) TEKS Meets Title 1- 3- 7 fundingrequirements Special Education - 508 <strong>com</strong>pliantGraphic Organizer ls: Cluster Time Line Venn DiagramWord processor - Edit Tool Text-to-speech Spell Checker Readability Thesaurus Dictionary Word countDesktop publisher - Graphics: Hundreds of thematic graphics Easily import graphics from the Web,cell phone, digital camera, scanner orany clip art librarySystem Requirements Windows: Windows 98 or higher(includingME/2000/XP/Vista/Windows7) with128 MB RAM (256 rec.)Item no. : DB08190426Format : CD-ROM (Win, 200-499Students)Audience : Grade 2-College/AdultPrice : USD 800.00Item no. : DB08190425Format : CD-ROM (Win, 1-199Students)Audience : Grade 2-College/AdultPrice : USD 600.00WRITER'S COMPANION:BILINGUALBy Arnie UretskyWriter's Companion Version 2.6 helps youorganize concepts and ideas from theinitial stages through <strong>com</strong>pletion. Powerfulyet simple tools guide you step by stepthrough the writing process. When you arefinished, use Writer's Companion topublish your work or export to your favoriteword processor or page layoutprogram .Compose in English or Spanish.Includes a Spanish dictionary, spellchecker, and text-to-speech. UKdictionary/Spell checker also included.Ideal for: Writing instruction, Special Education,Bilingual/ELL/ESL and SpanishLanguage Prepares students for higherSAT/writing assessments Meets state and national writingstandards Aligned with (Texas) TEKS Meets Title 1- 3- 7 fundingrequirements Special Education - 508 <strong>com</strong>pliantGraphic Organizer Cluster Time Line Venn DiagramWord processor - Edit Tool Text-to-speech Spell Checker Readability Thesaurus Dictionary Word countDesktop publisher - Graphics: Hundreds of thematic graphics Easily import graphics from the Web,cell phone, digital camera, scanner orany clip art librarySystem Requirements Windows: Windows 98 or higher(includingME/2000/XP/Vista/Windows7) with128 MB RAM (256 rec.)Item no. : KB08190432Format : CD-ROM (Win, 10________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk53

stations)Audience : Grade 2-College/AdultPrice : USD 360.00WRITER'S COMPANION:BILINGUALBy Arnie UretskyWriter's Companion Version 2.6 helps youorganize concepts and ideas from theinitial stages through <strong>com</strong>pletion. Powerfulyet simple tools guide you step by stepthrough the writing process. When you arefinished, use Writer's Companion topublish your work or export to your favoriteword processor or page layoutprogram .Compose in English or Spanish.Includes a Spanish dictionary, spellchecker, and text-to-speech. UKdictionary/Spell checker also included.Ideal for: Writing instruction, Special Education,Bilingual/ELL/ESL and SpanishLanguage Prepares students for higherSAT/writing assessments Meets state and national writingstandards Aligned with (Texas) TEKS Meets Title 1- 3- 7 fundingrequirements Special Education - 508 <strong>com</strong>pliantGraphic Organizer Cluster Time Line Venn DiagramWord processor - Edit Tool Text-to-speech Spell Checker Readability Thesaurus Dictionary Word countDesktop publisher - Graphics: Hundreds of thematic graphics Easily import graphics from the Web,cell phone, digital camera, scanner orany clip art librarySystem Requirements Windows: Windows 98 or higher(includingME/2000/XP/Vista/Windows7) with128 MB RAM (256 rec.)Item no. : HN08190433Format : CD-ROM (Win, 5 stations)Audience : Grade 2-College/AdultPrice : USD 210.00WRITER'S COMPANION:BILINGUALBy Arnie UretskyWriter's Companion Version 2.6 helps youorganize concepts and ideas from theinitial stages through <strong>com</strong>pletion. Powerfulyet simple tools guide you step by stepthrough the writing process. When you arefinished, use Writer's Companion topublish your work or export to your favoriteword processor or page layoutprogram .Compose in English or Spanish.Includes a Spanish dictionary, spellchecker, and text-to-speech. UKdictionary/Spell checker also included.Ideal for: Writing instruction, Special Education,Bilingual/ELL/ESL and SpanishLanguage Prepares students for higherSAT/writing assessments Meets state and national writingstandards Aligned with (Texas) TEKS Meets Title 1- 3- 7 fundingrequirements Special Education - 508 <strong>com</strong>pliantGraphic Organizer Cluster Time Line Venn DiagramWord processor - Edit Tool Text-to-speech Spell Checker Readability Thesaurus Dictionary Word countDesktop publisher - Graphics: Hundreds of thematic graphics Easily import graphics from the Web,cell phone, digital camera, scanner orany clip art librarySystem Requirements Windows: Windows 98 or higher(includingME/2000/XP/Vista/Windows7) with128 MB RAM (256 rec.)Item no. : KB08190430Format : CD-ROM (Win, SingleUser)Audience : Grade 2-College/AdultPrice : USD 60.00Item no. : KB08190429Format : CD-ROM (Win, 25stations)Audience : Grade 2-College/AdultPrice : USD 500.00Item no. : KB08190431Format : CD-ROM (Win, Labpack(2), Teachers Edition)Audience : Grade 2-College/AdultPrice : USD 100.00LANGUAGEDEVELOPMENTAND LITERACYSKILLSBELIEVE IT OR NOT...YOUCAN BE A STORYTELLERThis lesson features techniques used bystorytellers and how child care providerscan use them. It also emphasizes whystorytelling is important for children.Item no.: HA26920031Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00LEARNING TO READBEFORE SIX???This lesson enables child care providers toidentify developmentally appropriatepractices in teaching young children toread. It will show ways in which the childcare provider can create a language-richenvironment in their program.Item no. : TM26920046Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00LAWENFORCEMENTTECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: CAMPUSPOLICE TRAINING PART 1 -ESSENTIALS ON SEXUALASSAULT & MISCONDUCTRESPONSEPrepare your campus security and policeofficers to respond appropriately toincidents of sexual misconduct. Thisextensive session prepares your frontlineto respond to first- and third-party reportsof various types of sexual misconduct.Seasoned campus police chiefs, sexualassault response specialists and legalexperts train your staff with specificexamples and interactive case studies.Topics covered: Key definitions and statistics Sensitivity without side-taking Rape Trauma Syndrome Victim's mental state duringquestioning Referrals and follow-ups Medical and emotional supportoptions The Sexual Assault Victims' Bill ofRights Working with the accused Child abuse laws Male victims Best practices for obtaining optimalreports Introduction to technology-relatedsexual misconductItem no. : DL07960109Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesPrice : USD 90.00TECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: CAMPUSPOLICE TRAINING PART 2 -TECHNOLOGY RELATED________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk54

SEXUAL ASSAULT &MISCONDUCT.Building from Campus Police Training:Part 1, we prepare your campus securityand police officers to respondappropriately to the <strong>com</strong>plicatedlandscape of technology-related incidentsof sexual misconduct.telling can change the out<strong>com</strong>es for themillions of victims, survivors, and lovedones affected by domestic violence everyday.Item no. : HC07960117Format : DVDDuration : 57 minutesPrice : USD 75.00Item no. : PW07983484Format : DVDDuration : 44 minutesAudience : Grades 3-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617080784Price : USD 70.00Campus security directors, sexual assaultresponse specialists and legal expertstrain your staff with specific examples andinteractive case studies covering thefollowing current topics: Overview of latest technologies usedby students Social media uses qualifying assexual misconduct Personally owned technology-devicesversus school-provided devices:different protocols for response? Webcams and non-consensualrecording of sexual activity Sexting Chat roulette and other potentialpornographic uses of school-providedInternet connections Illegal file sharing that is alsopornographic and/or involves minors Reporting requirements to additionalauthorities Proactive prevention and awarenesstechniques for campus crimeprevention officers Expectation of privacy on campus Pranks and practical jokes versussexual misconduct, stalking andharassment Reporting requirements and chain of<strong>com</strong>mand Appropriate techniques forconfiscating personal propertysuspected in sexual misconductpolicy violations to reduce destructionof key evidenceItem no. : TA07960110Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesPrice : USD 90.00TELLING AMY'S STORYA program that examines the eventssurrounding a domestic violencehomicide.Hosted by actress and domestic violenceadvocate, Mariska Hargitay, and told byDetective Deirdre Fishel from the StateCollege, Pennsylvania Police Department,Telling Amy's Story follows the timeline ofa domestic violence homicide thatoccurred on November 8, 2001. Thisengrossing program featuring the victim'sparents and co-workers, law enforcementofficers, and court personnel who sharetheir perspectives on what happened toAmy in the years, months and weeksleading up to her death. A discussion atthe end of the program with Hargitay andSheryl Cates of the National DomesticViolence Hotline offers more insight,resources and ways to change the systemto help victims of domestic violence beforea tragedy happens.While it is not possible to change theending to Amy's story, it is hoped that it'sLEADERSHIP &MANAGEMENTLEARNING A LA CARTE:UNDERSTANDINGFINANCIAL INFORMATIONIf you find financial information and reportsa bit difficult to understand, this is an idealprogram to gain a basic understanding of<strong>com</strong>mon terminology. Peter Quarry,psychologist, interviews Glenyce Johnson,Managing Director of PeregrineAdventures about the ten most <strong>com</strong>monlyused terms and how it relates to thebusiness.Training Points Budget Profit & Loss Statement Profit The Bottom Line Forecasts Cash Flow Assets & Liabilities Balance Sheet Debtors & Creditors KPIs - Key Performance IndicatorsItem no. : BA01140984Format : DVDDuration : 13 minutesCopyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781921635328Price : AUD 319.00LIFE SCIENCELIFE: BIRDS (EDUCATIONEDITION)Birds have one feature that no otheranimal possesses: feathers. This allowsthem to solve life's challenges in radicallydifferent ways.Item no. : WC07983483Format : DVDDuration : 44 minutesAudience : Grades 3-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617080821Price : USD 70.00LIFE: CHALLENGES OFLIFE (EDUCATION EDITION)ION)CHALLENGES OF LIFE provides anoverview of the extraordinary strategiesour planet's animals and plants havedeveloped to stay alive as individuals andas species.LIFE: CREATURES OF THETDEEP (EDUCATIONEDITION)Deep-sea marine invertebrates areextraordinarily diverse. From carnivoroussquids to giant spider crabs, and sea starsto monster worms, these animals aretough survivors despite the lack of abackbone.Item no. : CP07983485Format : DVDDuration : 44 minutesAudience : Grades 3-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617080852Price : USD 70.00LIFE: FISH (EDUCATIONEDITION)Fish are the most varied and diversebackboned creatures on the planet. Theyrange from pregnant males, to fish that fly,to those that have a top speed faster thana cheetah.Item no. : ZM07983486Format : DVDDuration : 44 minutesAudience : Grades 3-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617080814Price : USD 70.00LIFE: HUNTERS ANDHUNTED (EDUCATIONEDITION)The ability to learn from past experiencesand develop novel solutions to problemshas allowed mammals to find prey--andavoid being preyed upon--in everyenvironment on Earth.Item no. : WH07983487Format : DVDDuration : 44 minutesAudience : Grades 3-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617080845Price : USD 70.00LIFE: INSECTS(EDUCATION EDITION)Masters of adaptation, insects outnumberall other animal species put together. Inthis episode meet deadly warriors,nurturing moms, chemical experts, andmore.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk55

Item no. : EE07983488Format : DVDDuration : 44 minutesAudience : Grades 3-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617080838Price : USD 70.00LIFE: MAMMALS(EDUCATION EDITION)Mammals are found in every habitatexcept the deep ocean. Besides theirsignature physical traits of fat, fur, andwarm blood, they are unique amonganimals in the care they lavish on theiryoung.Item no. : NP07983489Format : DVDDuration : 44 minutesAudience : Grades 3-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617080807Price : USD 70.00LIFE: PLANTS (EDUCATIONEDITION)Plants are dependent on three mainelements for survival: sunlight, water, andnutrients. From carnivorous plants, tocreeping plants, to plants that surviveharsh environments, they're fiercely<strong>com</strong>petitive and cunningly opportunistic.Item no. : RT07983490Format : DVDDuration : 44 minutesAudience : Grades 3-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617080869Price : USD 70.00LIFE: PRIMATES(EDUCATION EDITION)Intelligence, adaptability, andresourcefulness have enabled primates tothrive in an incredible diversity of habitats.Primates have found extraordinary waysto improvise, especially when faced withchallenges beyond their physical means.Item no. : DH07983491Format : DVDDuration : 44 minutesAudience : Grades 3-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617080876Price : USD 70.00LIFE: REPTILES ANDAMPHIBIANS (EDUCATIONEDITION)Amphibians and reptiles are masters ofsurvival because they've devisedextraordinary tricks and strategies.Item no. : BY07983492Format : DVDDuration : 44 minutesAudience : Grades 3-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617080791Price : USD 70.00LIFE: THE MAKING OF LIFE(EDUCATION EDITION)Filmmakers went to extraordinary lengthsto bring LIFE to the screen. Find out howthey survived extreme cold, dangerousanimals, and other risks to life and limb inorder to capture some of the mostamazing wildlife footage ever filmed.Item no. : CL07983493Format : DVDDuration : 44 minutesAudience : Grades 3-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617080883Price : USD 70.00LIFE SKILLSGETTING A JOB - KEEPINGYOUR JOB SETIn a humorous, fast-paced game showformat these two videos bring viewers upto date on what employers want and whatprospective employees need to know toget and keep a job.Getting a Jobappropriate clothingcleanlinesshair stylesmakeupfiling out applicationsproper conduct during an interviewhandling difficult questionsand much more - from making backupplans for child care to preparing aresume and writing a follow-up note.Keeping Your Jobthe importance of punctualityconsistent attendancetime managementhonestyproblem solving and organizationalskills.They'll laugh at the game scenariospresenting proper and improper workattitudes and handling irritable customers.They will see the importance of gettingalong with co-workers and supervisors,setting goals, and self-discipline, and theywill find that gossip is dangerous in theworkplace.Item no. : FC15150019Format : 2 DVDs (With Guides)Duration : 44 minutesAudience : High School and AdultPrice : USD 169.00LITERACYSPRINGBOARD TOLITERACY: THE POWER OFINTEGRATING PICTUREBOOKS WITH ART ANDCOOKING ACTIVITIESBy Johanna Pomeroy-Crockett Ph.D.This DVD illustrates engaging, easy-to-doactivities that expand and enhance literacyskills. See how you can dramaticallyincrease children's literacy skills byencouraging them to represent conceptsthrough art and cooking.The interdisciplinary program includes:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkSelecting appropriate picture booksArt activities that reinforce vocabulary,promote oral language, develop eyeand hand coordination, and use thesenses of sight and touchEasy cooking activities that lead toliteracy, numeracy, science skills, andmotor skillsAssessing children's progressItem no. : WP15150050Format : DVD (With Guide)Duration : 25 minutesAudience : Professional DevelopmentPrice : USD 89.00LITIGATIONLITIGATION ESSENTIALS:S:CLOSING ARGUMENTSThrough the use of video vignettes andnarration, this CLE addresses thefundamentals of delivering effectiveClosing Arguments at trial. You will learnfrom Sandy Brook and Penny White, bothof whom are former trial and appellatejudges with extensive experience teachingtrial advocacy; together, with assistancefrom Ruth Bahe-Jachna (shareholder incharge of litigation attorney training forGreenberg Traurig, LLP), they havecreated the case study and other materialsthat <strong>com</strong>prise Litigation Essentials.Item no. : KF11200103Format : DVD (With CD-ROM)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 250.00LITIGATION ESSENTIALS:S:OPENING STATEMENTSThe ABA Section of Litigation proudlyintroduces Litigation Essentials, the<strong>com</strong>plete CLE product you need - whetherthe training is for yourself or you aretraining other lawyers in your firm or56

government office, law students, legalservices attorneys, local bar associationmembers, or others. With this uniquelypackaged CLE, you have all the flexibilityyou need to train on your time, and at areasonable cost. In addition to the DVD,an enclosed CD contains a variety ofwritten materials, including a short casesummary, instructor biographies, andteaching notes offering suggestions forconducting various drills after watching theDVD, to further enhance the learningexperience.Item no. : KR11200104Format : DVD (With CD-ROM)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 250.00STRATEGIC WITNESSPREPARATION: PROVENSTRATEGIES ANDTECHNIQUESThis 2-DVD set from nationally-recognizedlitigation consultant Jan Mills Spaeth, Ph.D,contains one DVD focused exclusively onpreparing the witness for a deposition, andanother for preparing witnesses for trial.Now you can prepare witnesses for bothdepositions and trial for the price of just afew billable hours. Preparing witnessescan take valuable time away from yourfirm, while opening the door for acatastrophic witness stand error. Makesure your witnesses are as prepared asthey can be for their testimony with thesetwo valuable DVD's than can be usedagain and again in your firm.Item no. : YY11200107Format : 2 DVDsDuration : 255 minutesCopyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781604429682Price : USD 400.00MANAGING ANDLEADINGWORKPLACE LEADERSHIPWhy are some people great leaders? Areleaders born or made? These greatquestions are explored and answered.Individuals in all sorts of situations andpositions within society can provide realleadership, provided they have theopportunity and the desire to do so. Ittakes a willingness to try and some goodsocial skills, but individuals can leadothers to action. It requires effort anddetermination but, in the rightcircumstances, great things are possible.Item no. : VW11090079Format : DVDDuration : 13 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 695.00MATHCLIP ART FOR TEACHERSBy Arnie UretskyObjective-oriented, lesson-specific clip art!Clip Art for Teachers is asubscription-based Web resource of thebest teaching clip art available anywhere.Thousands of educators have alreadyregistered with more <strong>com</strong>ing on every day!It's amazing to see what happens when agreat resource <strong>com</strong>es into alignment withnew technology and an overwhelmingneed! Clip Art for Teachers, anobjective-oriented, lesson-specific clip art,is the perfect <strong>com</strong>pliment to our popularteaching utilities Vocabulary Companion,Math Companion, and Teacher'sResource Companion. Graphic file formats:BMP or JPEG.Social Studies: Maps, famous leaders, inventors andinventions, critical historical momentsand other great original art.Science: All sciences at every grade level.Detailed graphics carefully labeled tohelp visualize difficult to understandconcepts.activities in minutes!Create all the materials you need tosupplement your math program in the areaof calculations and word problems.Activities range from initial instruction,guided practice, independent practice toapplication. Perfect for group orindividualized instruction. A must forregular classrooms, Special Education,ESL and Basic Skills programs.Features: From 3 to 64 problems per page Insert graphic hints for intial teachingand remediation Create math games Full word processing Create curricular packets Apply dozens of layout options Click on a problem and get another!Benefits: More than 100 objectives Create worksheets on single ormultiple concepts Math-rich classroom Make the connection for ALL of yourstudents Save money! Math Companion is theessential alternative to pre-mademath workbooks. Teachers andschools save hours in extrapreparation and teaching time as wellas reducing curriculum expenses.Create: Word problems Color-ins Anagrams Calculations Bingo Flash cardsUpdated objectives to meet StateStandard Exponents Expanded decimal and fractionobjectives Expanded integer objectives Number sequences Skip counting Missing parts of number sequencesSystem Requirements Windows: 128 MB RAM, Windows 98,2000, ME, XP or VistaMANAGER AND FRIEND:THE RIGHT BALANCEWorkplaces can be very social places.How do you maintain effective workingrelationships with friends, especially if oneperson manages another? It can bedifficult, but it has to be done to ensureharmonious relations contribute toproductivity. A cold, sterile environment isnot good. Nor is friction between staffmembers. Overall performance improveswhere effective relationships exist.Managers have to exercise care with theirrelationships, as there is a fine balancebetween too much and too little.Item no. : GT11090076Format : DVDDuration : 15 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 695.00Language Arts: Story starters, clustering webs.Scenes from famous literature.Math: Manipulatives, graphs, measurementtools, counters, fractions, geometry,math tools, real numbers, Romannumerals, shapes, and much more.Item no. : TK08190393Format : CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser)Price : USD 60.00MATH COMPANION 3.0:VOLUME 1 -CALCULATIONSBy Arnie UretskyThe easy-to-use publishing tool forteachers and students to create mathItem no.Format: VE08190411: CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser)Audience : Grades K-8Price : USD 70.00MATH COMPANION 3.0:VOLUME 2 - ILLUSTRATIVEMATH CONCEPTSBy Arnie UretskyMake the connection between themanipulatives you use and the rest of yourmath curriculum!________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk57

A great supplement to Math Companion 3Volume 1, Volume 2 covers the ideas inmathematics that can be illustrated.Activities range from initial instruction,guided practice, and independent practiceto application. Perfect for group orindividualized instruction. A must forSpecial Education, ESL, and Basic Skillsprograms.Updated objectives: Revised and expanded fractionobjectives.Concepts: Ten blocks Sets Money Time Counting Place value Fractions Percents Perimeter Elementary GeometryBenefits: More than 100 objectives Create worksheets on single ormultiple concepts Math-rich classroom Make the connection for ALL of yourstudents Save money! Math Companion is theessential alternative to pre-mademath workbooks. Teachers andschools save hours in extrapreparation and teaching time as wellas reducing curriculum expenses.Create: Whole group and center math games Initial teaching activities Seatwork Homework Flash cards Bingo CardsUpdated format Number linesRevised and expandedfraction Coordiante graphingSystem Requirements Windows: 128 MB RAM, Windows 98,2000, ME, XP and VistaItem no.Format: HY08190412: CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser)Audience : Grades K-8Price : USD 70.00PATH TO MATH: ONE TOONE CORRESPONDENCE;COMPARINGThis video shows activities that fosterbasic math concepts.One to One Correspondence -- Activitiesthat develop math skills: matching pairs,distributing materials, returning materialsto shelves.Comparing -- Children find relationshipsbetween two things based on specificcharacteristics (heavy/light, full/empty).Item no. : NN15150034Format : DVDDuration : 21 minutesAudience : Professional DevelopmentPrice : USD 99.00PATH TO MATH: SETS ANDACLASSIFICATION;SERIATION (ORDERING)Introduces the basic math skills of setsand classification and seriation.Sets and Classification -- Children putthings together based on a characteristic(form sets). Then they join or separatesets.Seriation -- Children <strong>com</strong>pare more thantwo things, put them in order in terms of<strong>com</strong>mon elements, learning that "three ismore than two."Item no. : YG15150035Format : DVDDuration : 31 minutesAudience : Professional DevelopmentPrice : USD 99.00TEACHER FONTS BUNDLEIncludes: School Font Collection Arithmefonts Festive FontsItem no. : YT08190419Format : CD-ROM (Win)Price : USD 60.00MATH CONCEPTSUSING MATHMANIPULATIVES FORPROBLEM SOLVING -COUNTING ON AND BACK-CHOOSING THEOPERATIONBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed.Introduce the power of math manipulativeswith these springboards for interactivelearning. Students actively particiapte asthey use manipulatives to transformabstract mathematical concepts intoexciting real world ideas.Item no. : TN15150052Format : DVD (With Guide)Audience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00USING MATHMANIPULATIVES FORPROBLEM SOLVING -INVESTIGATINGPROBABILITY - USINGLOGICAL REASONINGBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed.Introduce the power of math manipulativeswith these springboards for interactivelearning. Students actively particiapte asthey use manipulatives to transformabstract mathematical concepts intoexciting real world ideas.Item no. : NF15150053Format : DVD (With Guide)Audience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00USING MATHMANIPULATIVES FORPROBLEM SOLVING -PATTERNING/CLASSIFYINGBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed.Introduce the power of math manipulativeswith these springboards for interactivelearning. Students actively particiapte asthey use manipulatives to transformabstract mathematical concepts intoexciting real world ideas.Item no. : KK15150054Format : DVD (With Guide)Audience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00USING MATHMANIPULATIVES FORFPROBLEM SOLVING -USING A GRAPH - MAKINGTABLESBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed.Introduce the power of math manipulativeswith these springboards for interactivelearning. Students actively particiapte asthey use manipulatives to transformabstract mathematical concepts intoexciting real world ideas.Item no. : WU15150055Format : DVD (With Guide)Audience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00USING MATHMANIPULATIVES FORPROBLEM SOLVING -USING A MODEL -ESTIMATING ANDCHECKINGBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed.Introduce the power of math manipulativeswith these springboards for interactive________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk58

learning. Students actively particiapte asthey use manipulatives to transformabstract mathematical concepts intoexciting real world ideas.Item no. : HF15150056Format : DVD (With Guide)Audience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00MATH FOR YOUNGCHILDRENACTIVITIES FOR LEARNINGMATH: NUMBERS, COLORS,AND SHAPESThe best way for children to learn math isthrough play. Discover new ideas for mathlearning including low cost - no cost, funactivities. Find out ways to set up the roomfor math learning. Help parentsunderstand that math activities areeverywhere.Item no. : PY26920029Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00MATH FOR EVERY AGELearn what young children understandabout math at each age and simple mathactivities to do with infants, toddlers, andpreschoolers.Item no. : MH26920050Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00MENTAL HEALTHBORN SCHIZOPHRENICLess than one in every 50,000 children isdiagnosed with schizophrenia. Januarywas diagnosed at the age of six, but herparents saw signs as early as her firstweek after birth. Further understand thesymptoms, treatments, and lifestyle ofsomeone who is schizophrenic throughthe eyes of January and her parents.Item no. : ZV07983218Format : DVDDuration : 43 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12Copyright : 2010Price : USD 80.00TOURETTE'S UNCOVEREDIn the United States, three out of every1,000 children under the age of eighteenare diagnosed with Tourette’s syndrome.Symptoms include uncontrollable motorand vocal tics that have been present forover a year. This program follows the lifeof four children who have been diagnosedwith Tourette’s syndrome.Audience : Grades 6-12Copyright : 2010Price : USD 80.00MOTOR SKILLSFINGERPLAYS ANDFOOTPLAYSBy Henry Buzz Glass & Rosemary HallumPh.D.Immediately involve your class in funactivities that help develop coordination,concentration and listening skills. Anexciting group of adult and childrenperformers lead your students throughnine fun-filled activity songs.Two Little Blackbirds<strong>New</strong> ShoesPenguinsThe Wheels on the BusFootplayFive Little MonkeysPeanut ButterI Have Ten Little Fingers<strong>New</strong> Pease Porridge HotItem no. : PB15150017Format : DVD (With Guide)Duration : 22 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00KIDS WILL BE KIDS:MOVIN' & GROOVIN'By Frank LetoSet to the exciting sounds and rhythms ofa Steel Band, this exercise and grossmotor movement program gives children agreat workout!The program begins with a warm up(stretches for the whole body), followed bythree songs aimed at giving children acardiovascular workout. Dances, gamesand a simplified version of the limbo keepthe children moving until the focus is onbalance and coordination. A cool down torelax the body and mind concludes theactivity.Room to MoveJumping JackHere to ThereJump Jump JumpDoing the SwimZig ZagIt's Limbo TimeTightropeCool DownItem no. : GJ15150026Format : DVDDuration : 32 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00SAMMY AND OTHERSONGS FROM GETTING TOTKNOW MYSELFBy Hap PalmerSammy, has been delighting children formore than twenty years. Now Sammy andother favorites from Getting to KnowMyself <strong>com</strong>e to life in this movementparticipation DVD - featuring a rainbow ofchildren stretching, jumping discoveringthe joy of movement!Songs include:Item no. : NU07983464 Hot, Hot, HotFormat : DVD Y.M.C.A.Duration : 43 minutes Shout________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkSammyShake SomethingThe CircleLeft & RightTurn AroundFeelingsTouchThe OppositeCircle GameItem no. : YK15150042Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00MOVEMENTEDUCATIONDANCE PARTY FUN!Twelve great songs that kids will love havebeen choreographed with simple dancesteps. Perfect for ages 4 and up, includingthe whole family. Dancing can be aspringboard to learning as it promotes asense of rhythm and varied beats, as wellas coordination, and fosters socializationskills. Disney Mambo No. 5 Line Up! Peppermint Twist Who Let the Dogs Out? Splish Splash Macarena Le Freak Simon Says Shake, Rattle and Roll Monster Mash The Train WipeoutItem no. : TA15150012Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00EVERYBODY DANCE!Everybody will enjoy these easy hotdances! This product shows kids havingfun and celebrating fitness. Step-by-stepinstructions makes learning these dancesa snap!Songs include:59

La BambaThe Loco-MotionAt the Hop<strong>New</strong> York, <strong>New</strong> YorkGonna Make You Sweat (EverybodyDance Now)Achy Breaky HeartElectric Boogie (Electric Slide)Mashed PotatoMove ThisStir It UPItem no. : AN15150016Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00Come on EverybodyColorsWhat Can We Do Today?Coconut SoapYou Can Tell How I FeelLady BugTip ToeEchoes and Rhythm ExercisesI Have Two ThumbsItem no. : WN15150027Format : DVDDuration : 39 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00Kindergarten TeacherJoin an energetic group of young children,Brenda Colgate, and Silly Willy in anexhilarating workout! Upbeatcontemporary music and activities,created especially for the younger set,give children a high energy "state of theart" workout including warm up, cool down,and stretches.Item no. : TB15150046Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00FINGERPLAYS ANDFOOTPLAYSBy Henry Buzz Glass & Rosemary HallumPh.D.Immediately involve your class in funactivities that help develop coordination,concentration and listening skills. Anexciting group of adult and childrenperformers lead your students throughnine fun-filled activity songs.Two Little Blackbirds<strong>New</strong> ShoesPenguinsThe Wheels on the BusFootplayFive Little MonkeysPeanut ButterI Have Ten Little Fingers<strong>New</strong> Pease Porridge HotItem no. : PB15150017Format : DVD (With Guide)Duration : 22 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00KIDS WILL BE KIDS: MOVEYOUR DANCIN' FEETBy Frank LetoJoin the fun as Pilar Leto, a professionaldancer, leads children in in manymulticultural dances. Childrenenthsiastically follow Pilar as she guidesthem in: the Hawaiian Hula, BrazilianSamba, Jamaican Reggae, TrinidadianCalypso, Cuban Rumba, and Puerto RicanSalsa.Item no. : EW15150025Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00KIDS WILL BE KIDS:SINGIN' & LEARNIN'By Frank LetoIntroduce children to the language ofmusic in a unique way! These songs andactivities engage children. Interactivefingerplays, call and response, movementactivities, and rhythmic clapping activitiespromote learning important earlychildhood concepts.LEARNING BASIC SKILLSBy Hap PalmerA lively class learns colors, letters andnumbers with some of Hap Palmer's bestloved songs. As a special treat, Haphimself materializes playing and singingone of the numbers. Children will be eagerto participate in the lively activities.Songs include: Colors All of the Colors of the Rainbow Marching Around the Alphabet A Pocket Full of B's Count-up, Countdown Adding Sets 30 Second ChallengeItem no. : YE15150028Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00ONE VOICE FOR CHILDRENBy Jack HartmanThis joyous musical celebration of lifeexplores positive themes important topeople of all ages - Respect, Awareness,Listening, Caring, and MulticulturalSensitivity. Teachers, parents, counselorsand especially children will respond to thisupbeat musical collection that teaches allto maximize their abilities and be<strong>com</strong>esensitive to others.Songs include:One Voice for ChildrenSwim to the TopSave The WorldSpecial Songs of ThanksA Good AgePositive PowerAnd More!Item no. : HU15150029Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00SILLY WILLY WORKOUTBy Brenda Colgate, Certified PE &SING-ALONG SONGSBy Bob McGrath, "Bob on Sesame Street"Join Bob and children in a lively sing along!Bob introduces each songs with achild-centered discussion about thepossible meaning of favorites like:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkIf You're Happy and You Know ItThe Incey Wincey SpiderThis Little Light of MineBaa, Baa, Black SheepMy Dog RagsFive Little MonkeysItem no. : EC15150047Format : DVDDuration : 20 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00STEPPING OUT WITH HAPPALMERBy Hap PalmerThis DVD motivates children to exerciseas they move around to these energetictunes. Hap teaches them how to stretch,jump, jiggle and twist.Include:Wiggy Wiggy WigglesFlick-A-FlyWeekly RapRubber Band ManPercival the ParrotEverything Has a ShapeSally the Swinging SnakeStepping Out on the TownAll the Ways of Jumping Up andDownItem no. : PP15150051Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00WE SIGN - ABC'SBy Ann Perkoski and a Team of ASLInstructorsEach DVD in this fun sing-along,sign-along series will introduce students60

and teachers to the elements of AmericanSign Language.The lessons are ac<strong>com</strong>panied by<strong>com</strong>puter graphics, vocal hints andprofessional choirs, which bring thesepopular songs and nursery rhymes to life.Several viewings will enable your studentsto sign the words in the lesson as well assing and sign along with the songs.Item no. : NY15150058Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00WE SIGN - ANIMALSThe lessons are ac<strong>com</strong>panied by<strong>com</strong>puter graphics, vocal hints andprofessional choirs, which bring thesepopular songs and nursery rhymes to life.Several viewings will enable your studentsto sign the words in the lesson as well assing and sign along with the songs.Item no. : SZ15150059Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00WE SIGN - COLORSThe lessons are ac<strong>com</strong>panied by<strong>com</strong>puter graphics, vocal hints andprofessional choirs, which bring thesepopular songs and nursery rhymes to life.Several viewings will enable your studentsto sign the words in the lesson as well assing and sign along with the songs.Item no. : LC15150062Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00students to sign the words in the lesson aswell as sing and sign along with the songs.Item no. : AA15150065Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00WE SIGN - RHYMESEach DVD in this fun sing-along,sign-along series will introduce studentsand teachers to the elements of AmericanSign Language. The lessons areac<strong>com</strong>panied by <strong>com</strong>puter graphics, vocalhints and professional choirs, which bringthese popular songs and nursery rhymesto life. Several viewings will enable yourstudents to sign the words in the lesson aswell as sing and sign along with the songs.Item no. : KA15150067Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00WE SIGN - SANTA'SFAVORITE CHRISTMASSONGSThe lessons are ac<strong>com</strong>panied by<strong>com</strong>puter graphics, vocal hints andprofessional choirs, which bring thesepopular songs and nursery rhymes to life.Several viewings will enable your studentsto sign the words in the lesson as well assing and sign along with the songs.Item no. : GJ15150068Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00HOLIDAY SONGS AROUNDTHE WORLD SETBy Catherine Slonecki M.A.Join our musical tour as we set off toexplore the magic of holidays from allcorners of the globe. This fun-filledmulticultural collection introduces childrento holiday songs, customs, languages, andmovements from many countries. Somesongs are sung in their native language aswell as in English. It shows holidaycelebrations and features footage from thecountries represented.Includes these songs: This is My CountryThis Land is Your Land (USA) Chiapanecas (Mexico) No One is an Island (Canada) Dreydl Song (Israel) Feliz Navidad (Puerto Rico) Lippai (Germany) Carol of the Bells (Ukraine) Feast of Laterns (China) Kum Bay Ya (Nigeria) Psalm of Thanksgiving (DakotaIndian) This Little Light of Mine(African-American Spiritual) La Conga (Brazil) Tis Irish I Am (Ireland) Cherry Trees (Japan) Maypole Song (England) Little Gazelle (Morocco)Item no. : ET15150022Format : DVDDuration : 30 minuteAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 63.00WE SIGN - NUMBERSEach DVD in this fun sing-along,sign-along series will introduce studentsand teachers to the elements of AmericanSign Language.The lessons are ac<strong>com</strong>panied by<strong>com</strong>puter graphics, vocal hints andprofessional choirs, which bring thesepopular songs and nursery rhymes to life.Several viewings will enable your studentsto sign the words in the lesson as well assing and sign along with the songs.Item no. : SL15150064Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00WE SIGN - PATRIOTICSONGSWe Sign - Christmas Carols by AnnPeroski and a team of ASL InstructorsEach DVD in this fun sing-along,sign-along series will introduce studentsand teachers to the elements of AmericanSign Language. The lessons areac<strong>com</strong>panied by <strong>com</strong>puter graphics, vocalhints and professional choirs, which bringthese popular songs and nursery rhymesto life. Several viewings will enable yourMULTICULTURALFOR THE FAMILYBy Ella JenkinsHighlighting Ella's ability to captivate,teach, and entertain, this engaging videofocuses on developing musical skills.Songs include:Intro: You'll Sing A SongMiss Mary Mack's MusicMay-Ree Mack (Went To The River)Miss Mary MackI Know The Colors In The RainbowYou'll Sing A Song And I'll Sing ASongRed River ValleyFreight Train BluesRhythms On Rhythm BoxOn A HolidayTah-BooItem no. : CE15150018Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00ONE VOICE FOR CHILDRENBy Jack HartmanThis joyous musical celebration of lifeexplores positive themes important topeople of all ages - Respect, Awareness,Listening, Caring, and MulticulturalSensitivity. Teachers, parents, counselorsand especially children will respond to thisupbeat musical collection that teaches allto maximize their abilities and be<strong>com</strong>esensitive to others.Songs include:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkOne Voice for ChildrenSwim to the TopSave The WorldSpecial Songs of ThanksA Good AgePositive PowerAnd More!Item no. : HU15150029Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.0061

WE SIGN - ABC'SBy Ann Perkoski and a Team of ASLInstructorsEach DVD in this fun sing-along,sign-along series will introduce studentsand teachers to the elements of AmericanSign Language.The lessons are ac<strong>com</strong>panied by<strong>com</strong>puter graphics, vocal hints andprofessional choirs, which bring thesepopular songs and nursery rhymes to life.Several viewings will enable your studentsto sign the words in the lesson as well assing and sign along with the songs.Item no. : NY15150058Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00WE SIGN - ANIMALSThe lessons are ac<strong>com</strong>panied by<strong>com</strong>puter graphics, vocal hints andprofessional choirs, which bring thesepopular songs and nursery rhymes to life.Several viewings will enable your studentsto sign the words in the lesson as well assing and sign along with the songs.Item no. : SZ15150059Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00SONGSWe Sign - Christmas Carols by AnnPeroski and a team of ASL InstructorsEach DVD in this fun sing-along,sign-along series will introduce studentsand teachers to the elements of AmericanSign Language. The lessons areac<strong>com</strong>panied by <strong>com</strong>puter graphics, vocalhints and professional choirs, which bringthese popular songs and nursery rhymesto life. Several viewings will enable yourstudents to sign the words in the lesson aswell as sing and sign along with the songs.Item no. : AA15150065Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00WE SIGN - RHYMESEach DVD in this fun sing-along,sign-along series will introduce studentsand teachers to the elements of AmericanSign Language. The lessons areac<strong>com</strong>panied by <strong>com</strong>puter graphics, vocalhints and professional choirs, which bringthese popular songs and nursery rhymesto life. Several viewings will enable yourstudents to sign the words in the lesson aswell as sing and sign along with the songs.Item no. : KA15150067Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00Item no.FormatDurationAudience: PL02560672: DVD: 77 minutes: Grades 9-12, College,AdultsCopyright : 2010StdBkNo : 1594589135Price : USD 295.00MULTIMEDIATOOLSPROJECT GUIDE TOHYPERSTUDIO 4.0, AGet plugged in with HyperStudio 4! Fromthe one-<strong>com</strong>puter classroom to a large lab,this technology-rich book features aproject-based approach to learningmultimedia based on National Technologyand Curriculum Standards. Author MarkRice draws on more than 10 years ofexperience, developing national andinternational award-winning projects withstudents in grades K–12, to walk youstep-by-step through a project usingHyperStudio 4 (or HyperStudio 3.0 orhigher).The CD includes a <strong>com</strong>plete resourceabout the space program, fromNASA-based movies and images to clipart, as well as a wide range of additionalimages for use in other projects.WE SIGN - COLORSThe lessons are ac<strong>com</strong>panied by<strong>com</strong>puter graphics, vocal hints andprofessional choirs, which bring thesepopular songs and nursery rhymes to life.Several viewings will enable your studentsto sign the words in the lesson as well assing and sign along with the songs.Item no. : LC15150062Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00WE SIGN - NUMBERSEach DVD in this fun sing-along,sign-along series will introduce studentsand teachers to the elements of AmericanSign Language.The lessons are ac<strong>com</strong>panied by<strong>com</strong>puter graphics, vocal hints andprofessional choirs, which bring thesepopular songs and nursery rhymes to life.Several viewings will enable your studentsto sign the words in the lesson as well assing and sign along with the songs.Item no. : SL15150064Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00WE SIGN - PATRIOTICMULTICULTURALSTUDIESMULTIRACIAL IDENTITYExplores the social, political and religiousimpact of the multiracial movement.Multiracial people are the fastest growingdemographic in America, yet there is noofficial political recognition for mixed-racepeople. MULTIRACIAL IDENTITYexplores the social, political, and religiousimpact of the multiracial movement andthe lived experience of being multiracial.Different racial and cultural groups seemultiracialism differently. For some Whitesmultiracialism represents the pollution ofthe White race. For some Blacks itrepresents an attempt to escapeBlackness. And for some Asians, Latinos,and Arabs, multiracialism can be seen asill equipped to perpetuate culturaltraditions and therefore represents thedilution of the culture.Review "Opens up a set of honest and timelyconversations about race and mixedrace in the United States…vital in mycurrent and future course curriculum."- Andrew Jolivette, Chair, AmericanIndian Studies, San Francisco StateAward Golden Ace Award, Las Vegas FilmFestivalFeatures: Sample of a student project A <strong>com</strong>pleted project to use as a guidein developing your own projects Resource CD of NASA-based movies,images, clip art, and other images A handy guide to other programs suchas MovieWorks, Inspiration, andPhotoshop Tricks for getting information for yourmultimedia projects from the InternetItem no. : BJ08190417Format : CD-ROM (Win, Labpack(25))Price : USD 450.00MUSICEAV HISTORY OF MUSIC,THE: PART TWO-----Item no. : FY07983299Format : DVDAudience : Grades 3-5Price : USD 170.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk62

HISTORY OF MUSIC, PARTS1-4 (1ST EDITION)-----Item no. : VC07983377Format : DVDAudience : Grades 6-8Price : USD 170.00 Hand-made musical instruments Rhythm and rhyme Songs and finger plays <strong>New</strong> books Music and movement in other culturesItem no. : EN26920049Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00Item no. : TY02303729Format : DVDDuration : 27 minutesCopyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617332265Price : USD 130.00OUTDOOR PLAYLISTENING TO JAZZ-----Item no. : AD07983412Format : DVDPrice : USD 70.00MUSIC ANDMOVEMENTCURRICULUMCONNECTIONS: USINGMUSIC TO HELP CHILDRENLEARNBy Bob McGrath, "Bob on Sesame Street"& Marilyn Copeland Davidson, MusicEducatorThis video workshop gives early childhoodteachers easy and powerful teachingstrategies for using music in classes toincrease understanding of importantliteracy skills like phonemic awareness,sequencing, math concepts, and scienceskills.Viewers are treated to a sing-along withBob McGrath, the beloved music teacheron public television's "Sesame Street."Children sing along with upbeat songs thateveryone will recognize. Then, using liveclassroom footage, the "curriculumconnections" for each of several favoritefolk songs are shown. Teaching strategiesthat help educators integrate music withthe rest of the curriculum are clearlydemonstrated so that the techniques canbe adapted and applied to theirclassrooms.Developed with Marilyn CopelandDavidson, a highly regarded musiceducator and textbook author, thisprogram is full of helpful ideas andsuggestions that teachers can use toprovide valuable, memorable and funlessons for their students through music.Item no. : GK15150005Format : DVD (With Audio CD,Guide)Duration : 28 minutesAudience : Professional DevelopmentPrice : USD 99.00M SHOW, THE: MUSIC,MOVEMENT AND MATHLesson content includes : Everyday math activitiesMUSIC FOR THENON-MUSICALNeed new ideas and inspiration forincluding music in your child care program?Learn songs for the non-singer, how tomake simple musical instruments, and lotsof music and movement activities to dowith the children.Item no. : TY26920051Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00NORTH AMERICAYOSEMITE: DIVERSEHABITAT-----Item no. : SJ07983481Format : DVDPrice : USD 70.00NUTRITIONDRUGS & POISONS:AVOIDING THE DANGERSBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed.This DVD shows that eating, tasting, orsniffing unknown substances can bedangerous, if not deady.Item no. : LM15150014Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 60.00MORE FRIES WITH THAT?Obesity is a widely discussed issue, andyet one of its principal causes—fast foodconsumption—shows no sign of goingaway. This program explores thepopularity of convenience meals and thegrowing health and social concernsassociated with them. Viewers learn aboutdirect links between high-fat, high-sugar,highly processed foods and severephysiological problems as well associoeconomic challenges. In addition, thevideo investigates a number of lifestylefactors that influence diet, including longwork days or study sessions, high-techentertainment and <strong>com</strong>munication, and anoverall rise in the pace of living.Note: Only available in the US.ACTIVE PLAY: FIGHTINGOBESITY AND DIABETESAND KEEPING CHILDRENHEALTHYThe number of children with healthproblems due to obesity and diabetes isrising rapidly in America. Find out whatyou can do to start children on a fit andactive lifestyle. Learn appropriate ways tohelp children build healthy bodies.Item no. : AS26920027Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00YOUR #1 PRIORITY:KEEPING CHILDRENHEALTHY AND SAFEKeeping children healthy and safe shouldbe the top priority for all child careproviders. No one wants to see childrenget sick or hurt. How do you know that thegerms are gone or that play equipment issafe? You’ll learn the latest and best waysto keep the children in your care healthyand safe.Item no. : FA26920065Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00PARENTALINVOLVEMENTPARENTAL INVOLVEMENT -CONNECTING PARENTS TOTSCHOOLSBy Nancy Batista MorganThis program clearly shows parents HOWactivities at home can support academicgoals at school. The importance of givingchildren a home environment thatsupports learning, daily structure,responsibilities, physical and mentalactivities are demonstrated. Includesadvice to parents on how to be<strong>com</strong>e rolemodels, handle homework and TV.Important tips on <strong>com</strong>municating withteachers and preparing for parent-teachermeetings help parents be<strong>com</strong>e advocatesfor their children's education.All parents, including those who do notspeak English, will see how they can beinvolved in school activities by setting anexample, volunteering or other ways.CONNECTING PARENTS TO SCHOOLS63________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk

is part of the Teaching Your Young ChildSeries. These illustrative DVD showparents how to easily help their childrendevelop the skills that will help thembe<strong>com</strong>e successful in school. Based onresearch, this curriculum can be used withparents as part of parental educationtraining sessions or by parents at home.Parents are shown in many differentsituations, all of which use everydayactivities and materials to help theirchildren develop educationally.Your Young Child Series. These illustrativeDVD/videos show parents how to easilyhelp their children develop the skills thatwill help them be<strong>com</strong>e successful inschool. Based on research, this curriculumcan be used with parents as part ofparental education training sessions or byparents at home.Parents are shown in many differentsituations, all of which use everydayactivities and materials to help theirchildren develop educationally.lo<strong>com</strong>otion. However, he is cheerful,voluble, well-liked by friends, and is themost important source of strength to Mrs.Yeung whose friends believe that the twobabies with MPS were in fact sent fromGod because of their kind heart.Item no. : VP27560206Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00Item no. : GN15150030Format : DVD (English andSpanish)Duration : 22 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 60.00PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT -STEPS TO READINGBy Nancy Batista MorganSTEPS TO READING -- Visually stressesthe overwhelming importance of parentsreading to their children no matter whatlanguage is used or what the parents'educational level. Illustrates how speakinglistening, retelling stories and slowlypicking out words are all stepping stonesto literacy. Parents are shown how toactively build their child's ability to write.STEPS TO READING is part of theTeaching Your Young Child Series. Theseillustrative DVD/ videos show parents howto easily help their children develop theskills that will help them be<strong>com</strong>esuccessful in school. Based on research,this curriculum can be used with parentsas part of parental education trainingsessions or by parents at home.Parents are shown in many differentsituations, all of which use everydayactivities and materials to help theirchildren develop educationally.Item no. : EU15150031Format : DVD (English andSpanish)Duration : 22 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 60.00PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT-PLAY TO LEARNBy Nancy Batista MorganPLAY TO LEARN -- Explores vocabularydevelopment, counting, conceptdevelopment, critical thinking, coordination,as well as social skills, such ascooperation, listening and self-discipline.Children are shown being praised,encouraged and playing with others.PLAY TO LEARN is part of the TeachingItem no. : EH15150032Format : DVD (English andSpanish)Duration : 22 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 60.00PARENTINGGUIDING BEHAVIOR INEARLY CHILDHOODA postive Plan for Discipline & Caregiving.Despite their best moments, toddlers andpreschoolers often behave in ways thatfrustrate their parents and caregivers, andeven endanger their own safety. They arenot intentionally being "bad", but how canwe guide them in a positive way? Learnwhy misbehavior occurs, <strong>com</strong>monreactions by caregivers, ways to stop it,and how to create and enforce a plan tobring about desired behaviorItem no. : PP07960105Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesAudience : Early ChildhoodPrice : USD 109.00PARENTS' MOTTOES: ACHILD'S LAST WORDS"Suffering from this disease, we shouldcherish every one, cherish life and thedays that follow, because I don't knowwhen I'm going to leave the world andleave Mom and Dad" said Yeung Hiu-dan,forever 13 years old.The young siblings Yeung Tak Chun andYeung Hiu Dan both suffered fromMucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) Type VI.Last year they were donated freemedicines for one year frompharmaceuticals to help extend their life.Unfortunately in early 2009, the youngersister Hiu Dan died before the medicinesarrived, while the elder brother Tak Chun'shealth condition deteriorated day after dayand lost his vision as a result of thedisease. Though having lost her beloveddaughter and grief at heart, Mrs Yeungtakes care of Tak Chun's daily life as usual,and still feels her daughter by her side.At 17, Tak Chun is no more than onemetre tall, and requires wheelchair forPARENTS' MOTTOES: ASECOND CHANCE TO YOURHEARTFourteen years of age, Carla is lively,energetic, and loves sports. People mightnot realize that she caused a bigheadache for her parents when she wasyoung. Starting from primary school years,her parents received frequent <strong>com</strong>plaintsfrom Carla's teachers: not obeying therules, stubborn, failing to hand inhomework, and has problems gettingalong with classmates. Conditions failed toimprove after numerous attempts to giveher guidance. Feeling helpless, herparents resorted to scolding andsometimes beating to discipline her, andtheir relationship worsened as a result. InPrimary Five, Carla was diagnosed ashaving "attention-deficit hyperactivitydisorder", and this explained all for herpast behavior. Carla then began to receivemedical treatment while her parents alsore-examined the way they taught anddisciplined her.As Carla grows up, the influence of thedisease on her has be<strong>com</strong>e less obvious.However, it takes time to build up goodrelationship, particularly when thedaughter begins to grow into adolescence.Communication is a big challenge to theparents. Life-long learning is required toplay the role as good parents.Item no. : FZ27560208Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00PARENTS' MOTTOES: DOYOU LOVE ME, MOM?It is the wish of almost all parents for theirchildren to be<strong>com</strong>e successful in future.When children cannot memorize newvocabulary after repeated revisions, theirparents will soon lose patience, andscolding and beating follow inevitably. Thiswas what happened to Mrs. Lam when KeiLuen entered primary one, with the childcrying over the studies every day, whileparent-child relationship was strained. Itwas not until Kei Luen had undergoneevaluation that Mrs Lam realized her sonhad serious dyslexia. From initial denial toacceptance of the fact, she went through alot of struggles. At last, the Lam couplerealized parent-child relationship was mostimportant, and decided to support theirson through the ordeal. They have________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk64

changed their mindset - they no longerattach importance to academicachievements, but teach their son todifferentiate right from wrong instead.They have also learnt to appreciate theirson's slight improvements. Knowing KeiLuen is a sports lover, his parentsac<strong>com</strong>pany him to go fishing and cycling,and enable him to develop his potentialsand build up confidence. As Kei Luen'stwo younger brothers grow up, Mrs. Lambegins to realize the elder one might havethe same problem as Kei Luen. Thoughstill awaiting evaluation, with herexperience over Kei Luen, Mrs. Lamhopes that all her sons can grow upwithout tears over studies.Item no. : LT27560210Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00PARENTS' MOTTOES: IREALLY LOVE YOUWhen Elaine first held her new born sonPok-fai in her arms, she discovered awhite spot in the pupil of his eye. It was amother's intuition that prompted her todemand a medical check which revealedher son had congenital cataract."I gave birth to him and should accept himeven though he is born with a defect."Elaine did not blame God or accuse others.All she wanted was to bring up her sonwholeheartedly. When he was small,Pok-fai was a frequent visitor to thehospital. Elaine was very concerned abouther son's condition and even proposed todonate her eyes to her son, but wasdeclined by the doctor."All things in their being are good forsomething" – this is what Elaine hadalways taught her son over the years, andit had be<strong>com</strong>e Pok-fai's motto. Wheneverhe came across setbacks, he would thinkabout his mother's words asencouragement to move ahead. AsPok-fai gradually grew up, Elaine arrangedall sorts of activities for him, and even lethim travel overseas, hoping he couldbroaden his horizon. The EbenezerSchool for the Visaully Impaired wherePok-fai studied only provides courses upto Form Three. At Pok-fai's request, Elainetried hard to look for a school that providesintegrated education for him to continuehis studies. Finally, Pok-fai got what hedesired.A mother is willing to sacrifice everythingfor her son, because she deriveshappiness from her son's happiness.Item no. : HJ27560212Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00PARENTS' MOTTOES: ISTHAT MY FAULT?Both Chan Wing-hei and Cheung-waiLung are youngsters affected byAsperger's disorder, which is ahigh-functioning autism - meaning thesufferers have normal IQ or IQ higher thanthat of an average person, but havedifficulties in <strong>com</strong>munication and socialinteraction. Sufferers of autism andAsperger may develop an intense interestin a hobby such as bus routes, maps etc.In their daily lives, they would feelexceptionally disturbed and worried aboutthings unknown and unpredictable tothem.As the sufferers' mothers, both Mrs Chanand Mrs Cheung had some bitterexperiences. In a world of detachedbystanders, the two mothers have to seekout new avenues on their own for thewell-being of their children.Parents are forever worrying about thechildren as long as they live.Item no. : MH27560213Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00PARENTS' MOTTOES: NOWALL TOO HIGHOur brain started working the day we wereborn, and since that it has been working allthe time, which seems so natural to us.However, for unknown factors, somechildren would lose part of their mentalability, which poses certain hindrance totheir grow-up process. Without propercare and attention, these mentallyretarded children would not have theability to look after themselves, to<strong>com</strong>municate or learn, and their home andsocial life will be adversely affected. Lifewould be even harder for them when theyhave grown up. This episode will look attwo cases, through which it is hoped thatparents and the audience would know howto accept and take care of mentallyretarded children.Case 1: The main personage in the storyLin Suet Ching (Ching Ching) is only 8years old. She acquired the Down'ssyndrome when she was born. Childrenwith Down's syndrome tend to have lowercognitive abilities than others of the sameage, but through persistent learning, theycan also grow up happily. Ching Ching'sparents found it hard to accept when theyfirst knew about her disorder. But theysoon overcame the perplexity and madeall-out efforts to take care of their daughter.They let her participate in various outdooractivities, including skating, group tour, inthe hope that Ching Ching could live everyday of the life happily.Case 2: The main personage of this caseis Tang Sin Yee, now aged 16. People maynot be aware she is mentally retarded fromher outward appearance. Sin Yeeacquired the problem since childhood.Since her family had to work, she has allalong been taken care of by her grandma.With a strong sense of rhythm, Sin Yee'spotential was soon discovered by herteacher, who allowed her to be<strong>com</strong>e thedrummer of the School band. According toSin Yee, the care shown by both hergrandma and her school has given herconfidence to integrate into the societyand learn to take care of herself. "Thanksto grandma, and thanks to my school",says Sin Yee.Item no. : GN27560217Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00PARENTS' MOTTOES: THESEED OF LOVEMa Ho Fung is an 11-year-old primary fivestudent. At six months' old, he wasevaluated as moderately hearing-impairedin a pediatric audition test. The news haddealt a serious blow to his parents whofound it difficult to accept the fact. Anothermore serious blow was that putting onhearing aid would not help much toimprove his hearing ability. Finally, HoFung underwent an artificial cochleaimplant operation, after which Ho Fung'sparents had to take special note ofexternal influence which might cause harmto him, such as static electricity, humidityand impact to the head. After undergoinghearing and language training in specialschool, Ho Fung was able to study withnormal hearing students in ordinaryprimary school. He has the same interestas other primary students, and studies atthe same level as students of his age.Item no. : VS27560220Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 260.00PARENTS' MOTTOES: THESILENT SHOWERA baby boy born to the family wasdiagnosed as suffering from serioushearing impairment. What should theparents do?Ben Ho is now 16, a Form IV student. In aTaekwon-Do Black Belt InvitationTournament held in April, he has won thechampionship in the Juvenile Category. Inthe tournament, the audience wasenchanted by Lim Ching's Taekwon-Doskills, his punching and kicking speed andthe way he performed the patterns.Nobody noticed this youngster wassuffering from hearing impairment. Ben Hostarted wearing hearing aid and receivinghearing and language trainings in specialschool at the age of three, but studied withmainstream students in mainstreamschool in primary one. He has beenwearing short hair which exposes his________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk65

TRAINING: IMPARTINGTRAINING ANDEDUCATION TO PEERSA review of everything from RA Training:Part 1 supplemented with methods toeducate peers, including road blocks tosuccess, reaching men and social mediamethods to support outreach. Join fellowstudent leaders and national experts forthis informative training andconfidence-building session. Be<strong>com</strong>eemboldened to educate and respond toyour peers as a key member of thefrontlines of response and prevention.Item no. : LW07960113Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesPrice : USD 90.00TECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: JUDICIALBOARD TRAINING THECASE OF JENNY, MICHAELAND A WEBCAMJoin the Peer Educators from ColoradoCollege, IT expert and legal counsel forthis interactive judicial board training.Have your board listen to the livetestimonies of Jenny, Michael and others.Hear the captivating narration and theirvaried perspectives on the night inquestion.Use this mock trial to think through theintersections of sexual misconduct,alcohol and technology policies. Considerimportant issues including bystanderbehavior, inappropriate use of schoolresources, jurisdiction, questioningtechniques and convincing evidence. Ourexperts provide insight into key riskmanagement strategies, illuminating<strong>com</strong>mon problems and best practices.Item no. : HH07960114Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesPrice : USD 90.00TECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: RA TRAINING -ESSENTIALS ON SEXUALASSAULT & MISCONDUCTRESPONSELearn from dynamic peer educators andrenowned experts through a blend ofpresentation and case studies to keepeveryone engaged and actively learningessential information.Learn about the following topics: Key definitions and statistics Medical options Reporting options Emotional support and rape traumasyndrome The Sexual Assault Victims' Bill ofRights Working with the accused Childabuse laws Actual notice and failure to report Taking sides, rumor mills Male victims Characteristics of victims andperpetrators Bystanders Residence life specific issues Helpful follow-up support strategies Rape Kits and evidence collectionfrom college provided housing Introduction to technology-relatedsexual misconductItem no. : NC07960115Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesPrice : USD 90.00PERFORMANCEAPPRAISALNEW SUPERVISOR'S GUIDETO TURNING AROUNDPOOR PERFORMERS, AThis <strong>com</strong>prehensive, multimedia productis full of action-oriented tips that will teachfirst-time supervisors how to plan andexecute with confidence those sometimesun<strong>com</strong>fortable coaching and feedbacksessions. It serves dual purposes as aprogram trainers can use to conductworkshops for groups of new supervisorsand as a self-paced study course newsupervisors can take on their own.Essential Skills for the First-TimeSupervisorThis valuable tool delves into thenitty-gritty of turning around poorperformance. <strong>New</strong> supervisors will learnhow to bring out the best in everyemployee in their departments.They'll discover: Top tips for coaching employees. Language for addressing challengingemployee behavior. Why employees do the things theydo. Which types of consequences aremost effective. The most <strong>com</strong>mon performancemanagement mistakes. How to turn around bad behavior. And much more!Item no. : HZ05050066Format : DVD (With Viewer'sGuide)Duration : 21 minutesPrice : USD 287.00PERSONAL HEALTH& WELLNESSMORE FRIES WITH THAT?Obesity is a widely discussed issue, andyet one of its principal causes—fast foodconsumption—shows no sign of goingaway. This program explores thepopularity of convenience meals and thegrowing health and social concernsassociated with them. Viewers learn aboutdirect links between high-fat, high-sugar,highly processed foods and severephysiological problems as well associoeconomic challenges. In addition, thevideo investigates a number of lifestylefactors that influence diet, including longwork days or study sessions, high-techentertainment and <strong>com</strong>munication, and anoverall rise in the pace of living.Note: Only available in the US.Item no. : TY02303729Format : DVDDuration : 27 minutesCopyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617332265Price : USD 130.00PHYSICALEDUCATIONSILLY WILLY MOVESTHROUGH THE ABC'SBy Brenda Colgate, Certified PE &Kindergarten TeacherAnimation and live action captivatechildren, and fun activities like jumping,crawling, and galloping keep theminvolved. By <strong>com</strong>bining important alphabet,phonics and vocabulary skills with physicalactivities, this DVD helps kids learn in aplayful way.The children and adorable animations inthis program keep your kids moving tothese popular alphabet songs. Each letteris introduced, then followed by originalsongs that capture children's imaginationswhile developing fitness and lo<strong>com</strong>otorskills. Learning the alphabet, letter sounds,vocabulary with creative movement makethis an active learning experience!Item no. : WU15150045Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00SILLY WILLY WORKOUTBy Brenda Colgate, Certified PE &Kindergarten TeacherJoin an energetic group of young children,Brenda Colgate, and Silly Willy in anexhilarating workout! Upbeatcontemporary music and activities,created especially for the younger set,give children a high energy "state of theart" workout including warm up, cool down,and stretches.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk67

Item no. : TB15150046Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00PHYSICS &MAGNETISMHOW BIASED ARE YOU?-----Item no. : ZJ07983384Format : DVDAudience : Grades 6-8Price : USD 150.00PLACES & PLACEMAKINGADVANCEDTRANSPORTATIONPLANNINGTransportation influences where and howland will be developed. Learn the physicsand economics of urban transportationsystems and what causes congestion.Discover which policies are most useful inaddressing the effects of transportation onland use, and vice-versa. Explorestrategies for gaining political traction toinfluence solutions to land-use andtransportation problems.This training program covers portions ofthe Test Specifications or Test Outline forthe Advanced Certified TransportationPlanner Examination. Those areas of thetest specification are highlighted in theoutline below. This product does notprovide sample questions from theexamination, nor specific information onthe examination itself. Rather, thepresenters cover the leading practice forthose topics highlighted below.Item no. : HJ27360012Format : CD-ROM (Single User)Copyright : 2010Price : USD 300.00PLACES ANDPLACE MAKINGUPDATING THEZONING ORDINANCEWhen is it time to update your ordinance?Should all the work be done by aconsultant or should the project besegmented, with staff doing critical pieces?This workshop explains how to approachthe project and ensure you get what youneed. Explore how and when to involvethe planning <strong>com</strong>mission, zoning board,elected officials, and interested parties.There are many examples of models tochose from; find out how to determinewhich one is the best fit. Finally, examinecurrent trends in codes and coderevisions.Item no. : LY27360008Format : CD-ROM (Single User)Copyright : 2010Price : USD 102.00PLAN FORTRANSITIONSACTIVE TIMES - QUIETTIMES: MAKINGTRANSITIONS EASIERTo young children, transitions are oftendifficult times. It’s hard to say goodbye inthe morning and even harder to stopplaying to eat or go take a nap. Thislesson examines transitions throughoutthe day from both the child and adultviewpoints. Discover ideas for calming thechaos and learn fun activities to makeclean-up easier.Item no. : VW26920028Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00PLANNINGACUMEN DATA EXPORT-----Item no. : HR27360010Format : CD-ROM (Single User)Price : USD 60.00PLANNING WITH LARGEINSTITUTIONSHospitals, universities, and other largeinstitutions have a dramatic impact on theirhost <strong>com</strong>munities. At times the needs ofthe institution are in conflict with the<strong>com</strong>munity. In other situations, theinstitutions may be <strong>com</strong>mitted tosustaining the surrounding neighborhoodsand local planners and officials arechallenged to help guide investment anddevelopment. Learn how institutions and<strong>com</strong>munities work successfully and therole the planning <strong>com</strong>mission and otherofficials play.Item no. : WH27360081Format : CD-ROM (Single User)Copyright : 2010Price : USD 102.00RETROFITTINGCORRIDORSStreets are the building blocks of<strong>com</strong>munity. Many <strong>com</strong>munities areredesigning corridors for multiple modes oftransportation, better connections toadjacent neighborhoods, and addressingcontemporary <strong>com</strong>mercial needs. Howcan you revitalize an important asset inyour <strong>com</strong>munity and adapt successfully tochanging demands? Join urban designers,planners, and economic developers tolearn how.Item no. : LC27360090Format : CD-ROM (Single User)Copyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : USD 150.00PLANNING ISSUESREDEVELOPMENT ANDAREVITALIZATION FOR ANEW ERAThe current economy coupled with thefederal stimulus package provide newopportunities for redevelopment in many<strong>com</strong>munities. What is being funded andwhat opportunities are emerging? Willmixed use continue to be a goal ofredeveloped area? Will the desire to useresources more efficiently provide a goodmatch with planning goals. One thread willfocus on redevelopment financing such asTIF, special district financing, and jointdevelopment financing and how they areworking as tools in this economic climate.Item no. : HJ27360086Format : CD-ROM (Single User)Copyright : 2010Price : USD 150.00PLANNINGMANAGEMENT,METHODS ANDTECHNOLOGYDESIGN REVIEW FOROFFICIALSOne challenge for a <strong>com</strong>munity is how toidentify and maintain its desired character.How far should regulation and control go?When should <strong>com</strong>munities rely onvoluntary guidelines? What legalconsiderations should be taken intoaccount as <strong>com</strong>munities establish designreview processes that achieve the<strong>com</strong>munity's goals and support goodplanning?Item no. : EW27360030Format : CD-ROM (Single User)Copyright : 2010Price : USD 102.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk68

PLANNINGMOVEMENTS ANDHISTORYADVANCEDENVIRONMENTALPLANNINGLearn about selected topics covered in theup<strong>com</strong>ing Advanced Certification inEnvironmental Planning, including greeninfrastructure planning and landpreservation techniques for environmentalplanning. Other topics include: integratinggreen infrastructure and land preservationinto <strong>com</strong>prehensive planning;performance measurements; landpreservation; TDR; stormwatermanagement ordinances; LEED andLEED-ND; and low-impact development.This training program covers portions ofthe Test Specifications or Test Outline forthe Advanced Certified EnvironmentalPlanner Examination. Those areas of thetest specification are highlighted in theoutline below. This product does notprovide sample questions from theexamination, nor specific information onthe examination itself. Rather, thepresenters cover the leading practice forthose topics highlighted below.Item no. : TM27360011Format : CD-ROM (Single User)Copyright : 2010Price : USD 300.00HISTORIC PRESERVATION,SUSTAINABILITY, AND THERECENT PASTExplore the leading edge of historicpreservation planning. Examine how<strong>com</strong>munities assess and conservepost-war "recent past" properties. What ispreservation's role in green building andsustainability? How can <strong>com</strong>munitiesincrease densities in established cityneighborhoods?1. Learn about the relationship betweenhistoric preservation and sustainabledevelopment and how to incorporatehistoric preservation in sustainabilitycodes. 2. Understand conflicts involved inpreserving properties from the "recentpast." 3. Learn how to preserveneighborhood character while increasingneighborhood density and meeting otherplanning goals.they work best? And, what has been mosteffective over time? Panelists discuss boththe tools and the underlying policyobjectives. Hear about incentives, such assurcharges, fees, tax reductions, and howthey have been implemented. Speakersassess how they have fared in differentlocations. Learn what can be applied toyour circumstance.Item no. : KF27360067Format : CD-ROM (Single User)Price : USD 150.00SITE PLAN REVIEW FOROFFICIALSPlanning <strong>com</strong>missioners and officialsreview projects, but do they alwaysunderstand how to read the site plan?Learn what you need to know, how toencourage good development, and how toperform your role within the legalframework of review.1.) Understand exactly what an official'srole is in site plan review and how toinfluence the review process mosteffectively. 2.) Understand how to read siteplans and evaluate the broader context inwhich site-specific development takesplace. 3.) Learn how to put systems inplace so that knowledge can be passed onas new members join a <strong>com</strong>mission.Item no. : BZ27360092Format : CD-ROM (Single User)Price : USD 102.00PLAY AND YOUNGCHILDRENGOOD FOUR-LETTER WORD,A: PLAYThis lesson discusses learning theimportance of play and the stages of playdevelopment. Topics include how to set upage-appropriate play experiences andhow to facilitate play for all children.Item no. : YN26920038Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00ten years. Keeping children active is oneway to help fight childhood obesity. Howmuch active play time do children needeach day? Learn great active play ideasfor keeping children moving indoors andout.Item no. : MA26920037Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00HOW TO TURN GOOD PLAYINTO GREAT PLAYLearn the secrets of how to help childrenexpand their play: when to step in, when tostep out, what questions to ask, how to getthem to think. AND find out how great playreduces discipline problems.Item no. : KM26920041Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00IS BLOCK PLAY REALLYIMPORTANT?This lesson describes the characteristicsof each stage of block play for toddlers,preschoolers, and school-age children. Itshows ways that child care providers canenhance block play and how to handleproblems between children in the blockarea.Item no. : HP26920045Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00TAKING A NEW LOOK ATDRAMATIC PLAYDramatic play is an important of eachchild's day. In this unit, learn how to helpdramatic play happen, what to do when achild is left out of play, and the ages andstages in dramatic play.Item no. : MA26920058Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00Item no. : FK27360047Format : CD-ROM (Single User)Copyright : 2010Price : USD 126.00MONETIZINGSUSTAINABILITYExplore how incentives are created forsustainability. Who creates them? Towhom are they given? At what level doPLAY TYPES ANDFACILITATIONFIGHTING CHILDREN'SOBESITY THROUGHACTIVE PLAYThe percentage of children in this countrywho are overweight has doubled in the lastPOSITIVETEACHERLANGUAGETEACHER LANGUAGEPROFESSIONALDEVELOPMENT KITLanguage is one of a teacher's most________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk69

powerful teaching tools. With thismultimedia kit, teachers learn how toharness the power of positive teacherlanguage to help children feel safe,respected, appreciated, and excited aboutlearning.Following the same structure as ouraward-winning Morning MeetingProfessional Development Kit, this new kitcontains everything your facilitator needsto conduct eight highly effective,school-based study sessions using ThePower of Our Words: Teacher LanguageThat Helps Children Learn as the core text.Participants will:Participate in structured discussionson The Power of Our WordsSee and hear teachers using positivelanguage in varied classroom settingsDiscuss and reflect on new learningPlan how to introduce more positivelanguage into their own daily teachingReflect on their implementation ofpositive teacher languageItem no.Format: TG15970011: DVD (With Audio CD,CD-ROM, ResourceBooks)Copyright : 2010Price : USD 890.00PRESCHOOLPHONICS COMPANION 3.0By Arnie UretskyA <strong>com</strong>plete phonics package that allowsyou to create the materials you need toteach phonics from initial introduction ofthe skills and fun activities for practice toapplication in reading and writing. IncludesTeacher take home rights.A must for beginning reading programs.Create your posters, activity sheets andgames with Phonics Companion and doon-screen instruction with PhonicsCompanion Interactive! Together, they area <strong>com</strong>plete early reading program. Greatfor ESL and Special Education.Covers: Short vowel word families Long vowel word families Phoneme recognition Word recognition Intital and final sound blending R-controlled vowels Spelling Digraphs DiphthongsCreate: Phonics posters Initial teaching activities Flash cards Game cards Crossword puzzles Bingo Story startersSystem Requirements Windows: 16 MB RAM, Windows95/98 or higher, Vista, QuickTime 3.0Item no.Format: LU08190413: CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser)Audience : Grades K-3Price : USD 70.00PRESCHOOLEDUCATIONPRESCHOOL POWER! 1 - 4:HELP SOMEONE SMALLERPreschool Power! 1-4 "Help SomeoneSmaller" offers the first half of the full8-show series. The first four 30-minuteprograms show many of the most basicskills in their simplest form. So it's a goodplace to start for youngest viewers orthose who haven't been exposed to aMontessori program.Like the title of a favorite song on this disk,the totally natural little teachers really do:"Help Someone Smaller". Children love toteach other children, to "show them how".And these small teachers really throwthemselves into the task!At right, 4 year old Jelani wows evenhimself as he shows your child how to mixblue water with yellow water to get green.Ta dah! This is an example of one of themany "pre-science" experiments and"magic tricks" you'll find interspersed in allthe episodes. They're great fun, easy to tryat home. And they'll stimulate your littleguy's curiosity.)Item no. : HM19650003Format : DVDDuration : 120 minutesStdBkNo : 1263190238Price : USD 53.00PRESCHOOL POWER! 5 - 8: ICAN DO IT ON MY OWNThe second four-set dvd is filled with fun,jokes and original songs. There are alsotons more skills demonstrations and loadsof activity ideas. Plus you'll see exactlyhow to set them up easily andinexpensively so your child can practice athome.We're often asked if these second fourprograms are more appropriate for olderchildren. The answer is no. The first 4shows do spend more time on basic levelskill development. However, the second 4shows in the series continue the formula ofproviding a careful variety ofage-appropriate sequences.For example, a wash cloth foldingdemonstration is taught by two-year oldJeremey and later in the same program, 5year old Rhea whips up cheese biscuitsand makes a crown of maple leaves.But no matter what the skill level of thedemonstrations, all children ages two to asold as 10, actually, seem to thoroughlythrough – and again and again.Entertainment and learning rolled into one.That's the best way to learn!Item no. : PT19650004Format : DVDDuration : 120 minutesStdBkNo : 1263190238Price : USD 53.00PROFESSIONALISM ANDLEADERSHIPFAMILY CHILD CARE...IT'SA BUSINESSThis lesson focuses on appropriatebusiness practices for a family-run childcare. Emphasis is on setting fees,contracts with parents, record keeping,finances, and planning the day.Item no. : WR26920036Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00PROGRAMPLANNINGACTIVE KIDS ARELEARNING KIDSThis lesson looks at the importance ofmovement play for young children. Learnwhy children have trouble sitting for grouptimes. Visit with caregivers as they discusssand and water play with children.Item no. : PV26920026Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00NEW WAYS TO PLANACTIVITIESLearn easy steps to planning yourprogram, how to develop activities formixed aged groups, and how to keepparents happy with your program.Item no. : JC26920052Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00PSYCHOLOGYCORE STUDIES INPSYCHOLOGY: GRIFFITHS -COGNITIVE BIAS ANDGAMBLINGMark Griffiths talks about his case studyThe Role of Cognitive Bias and Skill inFruit Machine Gambling, discussing theorigins, aims and methodology of his study,enjoy watching each program all the way________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk70

as well as his findings and the implicationsof his findings for cognitive psychologyand understanding gambling addiction andrehabilitation.Item no. : FH01590047Format : DVDDuration : 15 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : AUD 300.00CORE STUDIES INPSYCHOLOGY: MAGUIRE -NAVIGATION & BRAINSTRUCTUREEleanor Maguire discusses her seminalstudy Navigation-Related StructuralChanges in the Hippocampus of TaxiDrivers, looking at its context and aims,groundbreaking methods, surprisingfindings and what they suggest aboutnavigation, memory and the plasticity ofthe human brain. Includes navigationfootage and original scans from the study.Item no. : HV01590048Format : DVDDuration : 15 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : AUD 300.00PUBLIC HEALTHDISCOVERY HEALTHCONTINUING MEDICALEDUCATION: VACCINEUPDATE - RECENT DATAAND RECOMMENDATIONSThe Centers for Disease Control andPrevention provides a look at the history ofvaccination and <strong>com</strong>mon vaccines givento children and adults today. Thepresentation explains the risks andbenefits of immunization as well as targetsmisinformation in the media. A panel ofphysicians examine barriers some peoplemay cite for not receiving vaccinations in atimely manner and the impact it has onindividuals and public health. Finally,health care providers discuss how theycan educate patients and maximizeimmunization coverage.Item no. : BS07983288Format : DVDDuration : 52 minutesAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : 2010Price : USD 80.00WHY WE LIE-----Item no. : EN07983473Format : DVDAudience : Grades 6-8Price : USD 150.00RACE AND RACISMMULTIRACIAL IDENTITYExplores the social, political and religiousimpact of the multiracial movement.Multiracial people are the fastest growingdemographic in America, yet there is noofficial political recognition for mixed-racepeople. MULTIRACIAL IDENTITYexplores the social, political, and religiousimpact of the multiracial movement andthe lived experience of being multiracial.Different racial and cultural groups seemultiracialism differently. For some Whitesmultiracialism represents the pollution ofthe White race. For some Blacks itrepresents an attempt to escapeBlackness. And for some Asians, Latinos,and Arabs, multiracialism can be seen asill equipped to perpetuate culturaltraditions and therefore represents thedilution of the culture.Review "Opens up a set of honest and timelyconversations about race and mixedrace in the United States…vital in mycurrent and future course curriculum."- Andrew Jolivette, Chair, AmericanIndian Studies, San Francisco StateAward Golden Ace Award, Las Vegas FilmFestivalItem no.FormatDurationAudience: PL02560672: DVD: 77 minutes: Grades 9-12, College,AdultsCopyright : 2010StdBkNo : 1594589135Price : USD 295.00RAPE / SEXUALASSAULTTECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: CAMPUSPOLICE TRAINING PART 1 -ESSENTIALS ON SEXUALASSAULT & MISCONDUCTRESPONSEPrepare your campus security and policeofficers to respond appropriately toincidents of sexual misconduct. Thisextensive session prepares your frontlineto respond to first- and third-party reportsof various types of sexual misconduct.Seasoned campus police chiefs, sexualassault response specialists and legalexperts train your staff with specificexamples and interactive case studies.Topics covered: Victim's mental state duringquestioning Referrals and follow-ups Medical and emotional supportoptions The Sexual Assault Victims' Bill ofRights Working with the accused Child abuse laws Male victims Best practices for obtaining optimalreports Introduction to technology-relatedsexual misconductItem no. : DL07960109Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesPrice : USD 90.00TECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: CAMPUSPOLICE TRAINING PART 2 -TECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL ASSAULT &MISCONDUCT.Building from Campus Police Training:Part 1, we prepare your campus securityand police officers to respondappropriately to the <strong>com</strong>plicatedlandscape of technology-related incidentsof sexual misconduct.Campus security directors, sexual assaultresponse specialists and legal expertstrain your staff with specific examples andinteractive case studies covering thefollowing current topics: Overview of latest technologies usedby students Social media uses qualifying assexual misconduct Personally owned technology-devicesversus school-provided devices:different protocols for response? Webcams and non-consensualrecording of sexual activity Sexting Chat roulette and other potentialpornographic uses of school-providedInternet connections Illegal file sharing that is alsopornographic and/or involves minors Reporting requirements to additionalauthorities Proactive prevention and awarenesstechniques for campus crimeprevention officers Expectation of privacy on campus Pranks and practical jokes versussexual misconduct, stalking andharassment Reporting requirements and chain of<strong>com</strong>mand Appropriate techniques forconfiscating personal propertysuspected in sexual misconductpolicy violations to reduce destructionof key evidence Key definitions and statisticsItem no. : TA07960110 Sensitivity without side-takingFormat : DVD (With Study Guide) Rape Trauma SyndromeDuration : 60 minutes________________________________________________________________________________________________________71Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk

Price : USD 90.00TECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: COMMUNITY &2-YEAR COLLEGESAlthough non-residential colleges havetraditionally avoided sexual misconductissues, students engaging incyber-stalking, sexual harassment,sexually inappropriate video and photoexchanges and other problems force allcolleges to look at their response andprevention strategies surroundingtechnology-related sexual misconduct.Join national sexual violence and policyexpert, Katie Koestner, for this timelysession on how non-residential collegescan best address these issues. Ms.Koestner is joined by law and policyexperts to provide insights andre<strong>com</strong>mendations.Topics covered include: Key definitions and statisticsregarding sexual misconduct Introduction to technology-relatedsexual misconductSocial media use that crosses over tosexual misconduct Personally owned technologicaldevices versus school-provideddevices: different protocols forresponse? Web-cams, sexting, Chatroulette andpornographic uses of school-providedInternet Illegal file sharing that is alsopornographic and/or involves minorsReporting requirementsProactive prevention and awarenesstechniques Confiscating personal propertysuspected in sexual misconductpolicy violationsItem no. : DT07960111Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesPrice : USD 90.00TECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: JUDICIALBOARD TRAINING THECASE OF JENNY, MICHAELAND A WEBCAMJoin the Peer Educators from ColoradoCollege, IT expert and legal counsel forthis interactive judicial board training.Have your board listen to the livetestimonies of Jenny, Michael and others.Hear the captivating narration and theirvaried perspectives on the night inquestion.Use this mock trial to think through theintersections of sexual misconduct,alcohol and technology policies. Considerimportant issues including bystanderbehavior, inappropriate use of schoolresources, jurisdiction, questioningtechniques and convincing evidence. Ourexperts provide insight into key riskmanagement strategies, illuminating<strong>com</strong>mon problems and best practices.Item no. : HH07960114Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesPrice : USD 90.00TECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: RA TRAINING -ESSENTIALS ON SEXUALASSAULT & MISCONDUCTRESPONSELearn from dynamic peer educators andrenowned experts through a blend ofpresentation and case studies to keepeveryone engaged and actively learningessential information.Learn about the following topics: Key definitions and statistics Medical options Reporting options Emotional support and rape traumasyndrome The Sexual Assault Victims' Bill ofRights Working with the accused Childabuse laws Actual notice and failure to report Taking sides, rumor mills Male victims Characteristics of victims andperpetrators Bystanders Residence life specific issues Helpful follow-up support strategies Rape Kits and evidence collectionfrom college provided housing Introduction to technology-relatedsexual misconductItem no. : NC07960115Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesPrice : USD 90.00REFERENCESTRATEGIC WITNESSPREPARATION: PROVENSTRATEGIES ANDTECHNIQUESThis 2-DVD set from nationally-recognizedlitigation consultant Jan Mills Spaeth, Ph.D,contains one DVD focused exclusively onpreparing the witness for a deposition, andanother for preparing witnesses for trial.Now you can prepare witnesses for bothdepositions and trial for the price of just afew billable hours. Preparing witnessescan take valuable time away from yourfirm, while opening the door for acatastrophic witness stand error. Makesure your witnesses are as prepared asthey can be for their testimony with thesetwo valuable DVD's than can be usedagain and again in your firm.Item no. : YY11200107Format : 2 DVDsDuration : 255 minutesCopyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781604429682Price : USD 400.00RELATIONSHIPSPARENT-TEACHERTEACHERCONFERENCESRESOLVING CONFLICTS-----Item no. : NC07983444Format : DVDAudience : Professional DevelopmentPrice : USD 79.00RELIGIOUSSTUDIESPRIESTLY VOCATION, THETWhat does it mean to be a priest? Howdoes a man discern such a calling?The priestly vocation is a counter-culturalone. Through the stories of priests ofvarying backgrounds, in this powerful newDVD, see firsthand how their lives of loveand self-sacrifice are more fulfilled thanyou imagine.The Priestly Vocation shows you: The priest as bridge builder—aconnector between God and thepeople.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkWays to know that you are beingcalled; what questions to ask ofyourself, and of others. Personal experiences of prieststalking about how they discerned theircalls.The many facets of what it means tobe a priest, including teachers, artists,chaplains, social activists, reconcilers,monks, and preachers.The wonderful ways that God usespriests today to be Christ in theworld—in ordinary and extraordinaryways.The Priestly Vocation is essential for thelending library of every parish priest,religious <strong>com</strong>munity, as well as diocesanvocation directors.Item no. : PD02540087Format : DVDDuration : 70 minutesCopyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781557257000Price : USD 35.0072

SCHOOLS ANDDISTRICTSTEACHER LANGUAGEPROFESSIONALDEVELOPMENT KITLanguage is one of a teacher's mostpowerful teaching tools. With thismultimedia kit, teachers learn how toharness the power of positive teacherlanguage to help children feel safe,respected, appreciated, and excited aboutlearning.Following the same structure as ouraward-winning Morning MeetingProfessional Development Kit, this new kitcontains everything your facilitator needsto conduct eight highly effective,school-based study sessions using ThePower of Our Words: Teacher LanguageThat Helps Children Learn as the core text.Participants will:Participate in structured discussionson The Power of Our WordsSee and hear teachers using positivelanguage in varied classroom settingsDiscuss and reflect on new learningPlan how to introduce more positivelanguage into their own daily teachingReflect on their implementation ofpositive teacher languageItem no.Format: TG15970011: DVD (With Audio CD,CD-ROM, ResourceBooks)Copyright : 2010Price : USD 890.00SCIENCEBUILD IT BIGGER: NEWORLEANS SURGE BARRIERFive years after Hurricane Katrina, <strong>New</strong>Orleans is reinventing hurricane protection,with the largest public works project in U.S.history. The centerpiece of the project--amassive two-mile long, twenty-six-foothigh storm surge barrier--is designed todefend against the fiercest storms onearth. Actor Brad Pitt's Make It RightFoundation is also pitching in to helprebuild, constructing 150 of the mosthurricane-resistant homes in the world, in<strong>New</strong> Orleans' most devastatedneighborhood. But with hurricane seasonlooming, engineers have just eighteenmonths to protect the Big Easy before thenext hurricane hits.Item no. : KV07983224Format : DVDDuration : 43 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617082290Price : USD 80.00COPING WITHCHALLENGING BEHAVIORIllustrates how to use positive guidanceand other appropriate techniques fordealing with challenging behavior.Teachers discuss how they help childrenlearn problem-solving techniques asalternatives to challenging behavior. Alsoaddresses the issue of "time-out" and itsuse. Participants consider balancingindividual vs. group needs.Item no. : TM15150011Format : DVDDuration : 29 minutesAudience : Professional DevelopmentPrice : USD 99.00CURRICULUMCONNECTIONS: USINGMUSIC TO HELP CHILDRENLEARNBy Bob McGrath, "Bob on Sesame Street"& Marilyn Copeland Davidson, MusicEducatorThis video workshop gives early childhoodteachers easy and powerful teachingstrategies for using music in classes toincrease understanding of importantliteracy skills like phonemic awareness,sequencing, math concepts, and scienceskills.Viewers are treated to a sing-along withBob McGrath, the beloved music teacheron public television's "Sesame Street."Children sing along with upbeat songs thateveryone will recognize. Then, using liveclassroom footage, the "curriculumconnections" for each of several favoritefolk songs are shown. Teaching strategiesthat help educators integrate music withthe rest of the curriculum are clearlydemonstrated so that the techniques canbe adapted and applied to theirclassrooms.Developed with Marilyn CopelandDavidson, a highly regarded musiceducator and textbook author, thisprogram is full of helpful ideas andsuggestions that teachers can use toprovide valuable, memorable and funlessons for their students through music.Item no. : GK15150005Format : DVD (With Audio CD,Guide)Duration : 28 minutesAudience : Professional DevelopmentPrice : USD 99.00DEAN OF INTERVENTION:FORWARD MOTIONFollows inventor Dean Kamen andcorrespondent Joanne Colan as theyexplore the emerging technologies beingdeveloped to tackle the most dauntingglobal challenges of today. Innovativeengineers and builders are ready toredesign not just what we drive, but howwe live. The program explores what ittakes for Americans to find a way to makethe needs of tomorrow fit with our need formobility.Item no. : KT07983237Format : DVDDuration : 21 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617082580Price : USD 80.00DEAN OF INVENTION:BUILDING THE BIONICBODYFollows inventor Dean Kamen andcorrespondent Joanne Colan as theyexplore the emerging technologies beingdeveloped to tackle the most dauntingglobal challenges of today. Now more thanever, there is a great need for limbreplacement. More than a thousandsoldiers have returned home from Iraq andAfghanistan missing an arm or a leg—ahigher percentage than in any previousconflict. But new advancements inprosthetics are changing the definition ofwhat it means to be disabled.Item no. : WA07983239Format : DVDDuration : 21 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617082627Price : USD 80.00DEAN OF INVENTION:FUTURE FLIGHTFollows inventor Dean Kamen andcorrespondent Joanne Colan as theyexplore the emerging technologies beingdeveloped to tackle the most dauntingglobal challenges of today. As theAmerican population soars, congestion intransportation systems will continue to getworse and worse, slowing down all meansof transport. Just as the automobilereplaced the horse and carriage andfundamentally changed the world, theadvent of a new age of aviation could bethe catalyst for a new generation of growthin the U.S.Item no. : SC07983240Format : DVDDuration : 21 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617082573Price : USD 80.00DEAN OF INVENTION:GONZO FOR GUANOFollows inventor Dean Kamen andcorrespondent Joanne Colan as theyexplore the emerging technologies beingdeveloped to tackle the most dauntingglobal challenges of today. If you could________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk73

take just one day’s excrement from all thehumans and cows in the world andharness the energy locked inside, you’dhave enough electricity to power <strong>New</strong> YorkCity for seven years. Until recently, all thatwaste was just going to waste. Theprogram unveils how the race is on todevelop processing plants that canharness this previously pooh-poohedwaste into power.Item no. : HK07983241Format : DVDDuration : 21 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617082597Price : USD 80.00DEAN OF INVENTION:MEET THE MICROBOTSInventor Dean Kamen explores a new ageof medicine that is upon us, an era of tinyrobots with enormous power, including“nanobots” that are able to enter thebloodstream, find cancerous cells withoutanyone’s guidance and kill them. Nosurgeon, no surgery, no cancer. Exactlywhat it might mean no one knows for sure.But one thing is certain: Medicine as weknow it is about to change irrevocably.Item no. : EN07983242Format : DVDDuration : 21 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617082610Price : USD 80.00DEAN OF INVENTION:ROBOT REVOLUTIONFollows inventor Dean Kamen andcorrespondent Joanne Colan as theyexplore the emerging technologies beingdeveloped to tackle the most dauntingglobal challenges of today. After years ofbeing relegated to characters in fantasyand science fiction, robots are finallybe<strong>com</strong>ing crucial players in solvingreal-life problems. The twist is that theywon’t be our peers. They’ll last longer.They’ll be stronger. And they’ll meetchallenges human beings simply can’t.The program meets three robots that defyconventional ideas of robots as hulkingautomatons.Item no. : VK07983244Format : DVDDuration : 21 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617082603Price : USD 80.00DEAN OF INVENTION:WIRED BRAINFollows inventor Dean Kamen andcorrespondent Joanne Colan as theyexplore the emerging technologies beingdeveloped to tackle the most dauntingglobal challenges of today. The programstudies brain-<strong>com</strong>puter interface (BCI)technology, whereby the intentions anddesires of the human mind can beread—and translated into action. BCI hasthe potential to unlock vast new potentialpowers for humankind.Item no. : LN07983245Format : DVDDuration : 21 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617082634Price : USD 80.00DRUGS & POISONS:AVOIDING THE DANGERSBy Ann R. Edson M.Ed.This DVD shows that eating, tasting, orsniffing unknown substances can bedangerous, if not deady.Item no. : LM15150014Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 60.00EARTH/SPACE SCIENCE:THE EARTH (3-5)Defines and explains core sciencevocabulary for upper-elementary studentsand English language learners. Theprogram uses colorful animation and clear,paced narration to define such key termsas igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic,sediment, fault, tectonic, atmosphere, river,lake, and air.Item no. : VJ07983295Format : DVDDuration : 78 minutesAudience : Grades 3-5Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617082283Price : USD 110.00EARTH/SPACE SCIENCE:THE EARTH (K-2)Defines and explains core sciencevocabulary for early elementary studentsand English language learners. Theprogram uses colorful animation and clear,paced narration to define such key termsas Earth, universe, continent, ocean, gas,atmosphere, magma, core, mantle, crust,fault, and tectonic plate.Item no. : KS07983296Format : DVDDuration : 48 minutesAudience : Grades K-2Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617082252Price : USD 110.00HEAD RUSH: BED OF NAILSSee what happens when Kari Byronpushes a weighted balloon onto a bed ofnails. Find out how a Mars Explorersurvives a martian atmosphere. Kari andthe MythBusters answer weird questions,like what makes a frog levitate? What isdark matter? And why can't you use a cellphone on an airplane?Item no. : HW07983339Format : DVDDuration : 59 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083259Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: BUBBLEPOWERDiscover how Kari Byron blows a bubbleinside a bubble. How high are termiteskyscrapers? And how does a trike bikekeep on trucking? Check out thetarantula-attacking hawk wasp and seewhat happens when you stick a quarterinto a block of dry ice. MythBusters Adamand Jamie test if it's possible to shatterglass with the human voice.Item no. : MA07983340Format : DVDDuration : 59 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083129Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: BURNINGCASHWatch as host Kari Byron explores howbig a prairie dog colony can be and wherein the world you can find meteorites. Whathappens to molten glass in a microwave?Then check out a cool anti-gravity deviceyou can make in your own home!MythBusters Adam and Jamie raise asunken ship with table tennis balls whilethe build crew tries to lift a four-year-oldgirl using helium-filled balloons.Item no. : HB07983341Format : DVDDuration : 59 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083143Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: CLOUDS IN ABOTTLEKari Byron creates a cloud in a bottle,checks out a snake that bites when it'sdead, and discovers what causesphantom traffic jams. Plus, check outsurviving in space and a robot fish with aworking swim bladder. MythBusters Adamand Jamie build a chicken cannon and testthe destructive power of washingmachines.Item no.FormatDuration: PZ07983342: DVD: 60 minutes________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk74

Audience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083266Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH:DISAPPEARING GLASSUncover the power of refraction as Karimakes a glass beaker disappear andwitness the impact of gravity on humanheight. MythBusters Adam and Jamie testforce and inertia with a boom lift and findout if it's more fuel efficient to drive withthe air conditioning on or with the windowsdown.Item no. : ED07983343Format : DVDDuration : 59 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083105Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH:RDISAPPEARING WATERCheck out bizarre science as Kari Byronmakes water disappear, see origami thatfolds all by itself, and make your ownvortex in a soda bottle. Why do kangarooshave short front legs? What organismsmake fossil fuels? MythBusters Adam andJamie rebuild their dummy Buster andreminisce about his greatestac<strong>com</strong>plishments--and explosions.Item no. : PW07983344Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083235Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: REGGSHELLPHYSICSKari Byron check outs one of nature'sengineering marvels, the eggshell. See adog kennel-shaped satellite and x-raysfrom adhesive tape. Find out how fastescape velocity is, how to dye your clothes,and how hibernating bears maintainmuscle tone. The MythBusters team testholiday myths with deadly frozen turkeysand a Rube Goldberg Christmas machine.Item no. : AE07983345Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083280Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: EXPLODINGDRINKING GLASSStrap yourself in as Kari Byron fromMythBusters puts firecrackers into stemglasses, sees just how far the humanstomach can stretch, and finds out howmuch clouds weigh. Then, discover whathappens when you put an egg into vinegar,and why golf balls have dimples. HeadMythBusters Jamie and Adam investigatewater skiing behind row boats and bacteriaon your toothbrush.Item no. : WH07983346Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083006Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: FIRESANDWICHCheck out extreme experiments as KariByron makes a fire sandwich and createsinstant snow. Figure out how long starsburn, how spiders engineer their webs,and the physics of trick shots on the pooltable. MythBusters Adam and Jamie wantto find out if Christmas lights can generateenough heat to start a fire while Kari, Tory,and Grant investigate antigravitymachines.Item no. : DU07983347Format : DVDDuration : 59 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083228Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: FLAMINGBALANCING ACTJoin Kari Byron as she finds footprints withprinter toner, gives a decorator crab a newwardrobe, and tells a real diamond from asynthetic one. MythBusters Adam andJamie test car myths and see if it'spossible for a scuba diver to be sucked upby firefighting helicopter.Item no. : PC07983348Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083044Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: FLAMINGTORNADOKari Byron turns a regular fire into aflaming tornado and makes a motor with abattery and wire. Discover what happensto a bubble in zero gravity and how anelephant nose fish finds its lunch.MythBusters Adam and Jamie investigatethe power of pressurized air tanks whilethe build team tries to design an enginethat runs on gun powder.Item no. : PS07983349Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083204Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH:GAS-POWERED FOUNTAINWhat makes an ammonia-poweredfountain gush? Find out as Kari Byronchecks out cool chemistry. How hot areskater's blades? And how can your veinsbe<strong>com</strong>e a security device? Where doesspace junk <strong>com</strong>e from and how does askunk hit its target? MythBusters Adamand Jamie want to know if they can build aworking jet pack based on plans theybought on the Internet.Item no. : TP07983350Format : DVDDuration : 58 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083150Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: GELATINFIBER OPTICSWatch as Kari Byron demonstrates fiberoptics with gelatin, finds the wavelength ofchocolate, and "vacuums" a marshmallow.Then check out robot butterflies, a marbletube on a downhill run, and how to survivein a falling elevator. The MythBustersrevisit their favorite myths inspired byHollywood, including ice bullets,dangerous body paint, and exploding gastanks.Item no. : VV07983351Format : DVDDuration : 59 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083181Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH:GRAVITY-DEFYING FLUIDPrepare to be amazed as Kari Byrondiscovers a gravity-defying liquid. Find outhow dragonflies resist high g-forces andhow skateboarders use gravity for theiroutrageous stunts. Then discover how totell the age of fish and explore how tomake super glue with only water. TheMythBusters team try to crack differentalarm systems, including a fingerprintscanner and a thermal motion sensor.Item no. : JA07983352Format : DVDDuration : 46 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083211Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: HOTBALLOONGet out your safety goggles as Kari Byron<strong>com</strong>bines packing peanuts and acetone,uses maggots to solve a murder, andspooks diamondback rattlesnakes. TheMythBusters investigate a myth about a________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk75

tunneling alarm system used in ancientChina.Item no. : FA07983353Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083099Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: HUMANCONDUCTORSWatch as Kari Byron be<strong>com</strong>es a humanelectricity conductor, a water-filledtrashcan is totally destroyed, and a steelwool pad is popped into a microwave oven.Discover the secret to repelling sharks andmeet the world's slimiest fish! MythBustersAdam and Jamie try to build a workingsteam cannon based on a design byArchimedes.Item no. : VP07983354Format : DVDDuration : 54 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083198Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: KARATECHALLENGEPut your genius on the line as Kari Byronposes the big questions: why does heliumgive you a chipmunk voice? What's thebest way to stick spoons to your nose?Discover how to chop wood in karate andfind out why flamingos stand on one leg.MythBusters Adam and Jamie <strong>com</strong>pete forthe title of Ultimate MythBuster withbuilding, strength, memory, and fear tests.Item no. : PV07983355Format : DVDDuration : 53 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083297Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: LEAF BLOWERBALANCINGKari Byron finds out why sparklers don'tburn your hands, how hair dye solvescrimes, and why some flaming cratersnever go out. Then, test the laws ofphysics with a leaf blower, volleyball, anda string of lightbulbs. Adam and Jamiefrom MythBusters test if a box of tissuescan really kill someone in a high-speed carcollision.HEAD RUSH: LIQUIDNITROGEN BALLOONMythBusters host Kari Byron spooksTennessee meat goats, plunges balloonsinto liquid nitrogen, takes a wild360-degree spin on a swing, stretchesDNA to the limit, super-slows water,watches a monkey control a <strong>com</strong>puter withits mind, and turns the spotlight on sunspots. Adam and Jamie investigatemicrowave myths and falling pennies.Item no. : CV07983357Format : DVDDuration : 57 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083068Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: MAGNETICBOATSCheck out cool science demos as KariByron makes a magnet-powered boat andpunches a drinking straw into a potato.See how hydrofoils work and find out whatgives natural silk its awesome sheen. TheMythBusters make another attempt at thefamous Archimedes solar ray, this timewith designs submitted by MythBustersviewers.Item no. : TY07983358Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083242Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: MONSTERTOOTHPASTECheck out cool chemistry as Kari Byronmakes "monster toothpaste" fromhydrogen peroxide and other householdingredients. Discover tricks to revealingfingerprints and creating a vacuum with aballoon. Find out how an octopus mateswith its arms and what bizarre nutrientsare in your cereal. MythBusters Adam andJamie test if ocean whirlpools are strongenough to sink ships.Item no. : NH07983359Format : DVDDuration : 59 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083174Price : USD 80.00good for you. Fellow MythBusters Adamand Jamie test the myth of Archimedesancient death ray.Item no. : VL07983360Format : DVDDuration : 59 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083075Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: SHRIMPS ONOTREADMILLSKari Byron makes cornstarch move to rockmusic and shows how boomerangs fly inspace. Shrimps hit the treadmill and whipscrack at supersonic speed. Find out what itmeans to fall from an airplane at terminalvelocity, and poke pencils into water.Jamie and Adam from MythBusters findout if a duck's quack really echoes and ifthe average hospital is in the mind-controlbusiness.Item no. : TR07983361Format : DVDDuration : 35 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083037Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: SINGINGGLASSCheck out the power of sound as KariByron makes two stemmed glasses sing.Find out how maggots can save your lifeand how flies defeat fire ants in a battleroyale. Discover what happens when youpop a potato chip bag in a microwaveoven. MythBusters Adam and Jamie wantto know if a toy car can travel faster than arace car and if yawning really iscontagious.Item no. : MB07983362Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083136Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: SPINNINGLIGHT SHOWJump into the lab with Kari Byron to learnabout meteorites, gribbles, and counterfeitmoney. MythBusters Adam and Jamieinvestigate the myth of the explodingjawbreaker and test if it's possible to turn aPVC pipe into a static electricity cannon.Item no. : SU07983356Format : DVDDuration : 38 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083013Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: SAUERKRAUTCLOCKKari Byron powers up a digital clock with acan of sauerkraut and explores thescience of sound with rock group Metallica.Find out what chopped liver and hydrogenperoxide can do, and how rust can beItem no. : GP07983363Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083082Price : USD 80.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk76

HEAD RUSH: STRENGTH OFOSALTDiscover the awesome strength of salt asKari Byron pushes crystals to the limit.Find out why the archer fish is nature'sdead shot, why methane is a greenhousegas, and how you can survive athousand-degree flame. MythBustersAdam and Jamie want to know if a piece ofplywood can help you survive a sixty-footfall and if it's possible for a speeding car tobeat a police officer's radar.Item no. : RH07983364Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083112Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: SUPER WINDBAGSSee the truly bizarre as super-longwindbags inflate with a single puff andboats appear to float on air. How dofirewalkers walk on hot coals, how dospiders walk on water, and how do solartowers prevent pollution? TheMythBusters test the myth of the MingDynasty astronaut and test designs thatclaim to produce free energy.Item no. : NV07983365Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083273Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: TEST TUBETRICKERYDiscover what happens when you put atest tube in a test tube and turn it upsidedown. Kari Byron reveals how snakesslither and how a wood frog survives anAlaskan winter. Do planets in our solarsystem spin the same way? And Why doraisins float in club soda? Kari'sMythBuster friends Adam and Jamie test ifit's possible to build a working glider out ofconcrete.Item no. : PA07983366Format : DVDDuration : 59 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083167Price : USD 80.00HEAD RUSH: ULTIMATESMOKE RINGSCrank up the brain cells as Kari Byronshows how to make the perfect smoke ring,puts termites through their paces, andhurls a watermelon from a four-storybuilding. Also, see human projectiles flythrough the air, and find out how to dryyour cell phone. MythBusters Adam andJamie want to know if a jet engine canblow a car off a runway and if the daddylonglegs is the world's most venomousspider.Item no. : PZ07983367Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesAudience : Grades 6-8Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617083020Price : USD 80.00KREATIVE KOMIX BUNDLE4 - SCHOOL EDITIONBy Arnie Uretskyincludes: Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerFairy Tale Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerSuper Hero Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerU.S. History Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerScience - Habitats and LifecyclesItem no.Format: WA08190399: CD-ROM (Win, SiteLicense)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 120.00KREATIVE KOMIX BUNDLE6 - SCHOOL EDITIIONBy Arnie Uretskyincludes: Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerDinosaurs - Triassic, Jurassic &Cretaceous Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerScience Fiction Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerFairy Tale Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerSuper Hero Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerU.S. History Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerScience - Habitats and LifecyclesItem no. : AZ08190402Format : CD-ROMAudience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 160.00KREATIVE KOMIX:SCIENCE - SCHOOLEDITIONA simple-to-use multimedia writing toolthat puts fun back into your creative writingprogram while encouraging writing skillsand oral language. You and your studentscan create animated stories that talk, orprint out the <strong>com</strong>ic books and act out thestories using puppets.Create: Comic books Stories________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkAnimated slide shows with soundAnimated Web <strong>com</strong>icsComic book emailsStick puppetsPuppet show backdropsEncourage: Creativity Story Sequencing Writing Skills Oral LanguageKreative Komix Science: Habitats andLifecycles: Kids won't just read aboutenvironment and lifecycles, they'll createthem with hundreds of curriculum-basedinterrelated characters, backgrounds andprops. Kreative Komix Science <strong>com</strong>es withenough art to fully explore Frog, Bean andSilkworm lifecycles and recreate Desert,Forest, Pond & Stream, Ocean, RainForest and Wetland environments. Makeone-sheet reports, animate a movie, orwrite, edit and print an entire book! Kidscan even publish their work as Email witha click of a button!Sound:Record your own sounds or usebuilt-in text to speech with a variety ofvoices.Animation: Animate characters and props bysimply clicking where you want themto go.Actors:Over one hundred different charactersfrom a variety of fairy tales.Action:Using the built-in Comic Player youcan see your stories <strong>com</strong>e to life onyour <strong>com</strong>puter.Props:Choose from hundreds of props,characters, and backgrounds.System RequirementsWindows: 64 MB RAM, (128 MB rec.), Win98, Win 2000, ME, XP, and VistaItem no.Format: HF08190405: CD-ROM (Win, UnlimitedSite)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 600.00LANGUAGE OF SCIENCE,THE: EARTH/SPACESCIENCE - THE EARTH (3-5)Defines and explains core sciencevocabulary for upper-elementary studentsand English language learners. Theprogram uses colorful animation and clear,paced narration to define such key termsas igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic,sediment, fault, tectonic, atmosphere, river,lake, and air.Item no.: TB0798340777

Format : DVDDuration : 39 minutesAudience : Grades 3-5Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617082269Price : USD 80.00LANGUAGE OF SCIENCE,THE: EARTH/SPACESCIENCE - THE EARTH (K-2)Defines and explains core sciencevocabulary for early elementary studentsand English language learners. Theprogram uses colorful animation and clear,paced narration to define such key termsas Earth, universe, continent, ocean, gas,atmosphere, magma, core, mantle, crust,fault, and tectonic plate.Item no. : HB07983408Format : DVDDuration : 24 minutesAudience : Grades K-2Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617082238Price : USD 80.00MYTHBUSTERS: THEPRESIDENT'S CHALLENGEAdam and Jamie tackle a request from thehighest ranking viewer of all: the Presidentof the United States. President Obamatells Adam and Jamie that he'd like themto retest the myth of the Archimedes SolarRay--this time with more manpower. Themyth, which says that Greek scientistArchimedes set fire to an invading fleetusing only mirrors and the sun, has beentested by MythBusters twice before (andbusted). After developing a unique mirroraiming system, Adam and Jamie use thePresident's STEM connections and enlist500 student volunteers ready to light a firefor science!Item no. : YW07983430Format : DVDDuration : 49 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617082177Price : USD 80.00SCIENCE ANYTIME,ANYPLACE: ANIMALSTeachers describe how caring forclassroom pets, nature walks, and otheractivities lead to discoveries aboutanimals.Item no. : LJ15150043Format : DVDDuration : 22 minutesAudience : Professional DevelopmentPrice : USD 99.00SCIENCE ANYTIME,ANYPLACE: PLANTSExploration of plants by <strong>com</strong>paring seeds,planting seeds, and observing their growth.Also illustrates how tasting and <strong>com</strong>paringraw and cooked fruit and vegetables canhelp children learn about them.Item no. : TB15150044Format : DVDDuration : 28 minutesAudience : Professional DevelopmentPrice : USD 89.00SEXUALHARASSMENTTECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: ESPECIALLYFOR PK-12 SCHOOLSThis session focuses on concernsapplicable to school environments withminors. and reviews legal issues, reportingrequirements, event mitigation, and bestpractices surrounding policies, protocolsand procedures appropriation for workingwith this age group. Combine this sessionwith others in the series for<strong>com</strong>prehensive training.Use this <strong>com</strong>prehensive DVD (RequiresWindows Media Player) Training Series toprepare your school <strong>com</strong>munity torespond appropriately to reports of sexualmisconduct, especially situations involvingtechnology.Item no. : AZ07960112Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesAudience : Grades K-12Price : USD 90.00TECHNOLOGY RELATEDSEXUAL MISCONDUCTTRAINING: TECHNOLOGY& SEXUAL MISCONDUCTESSENTIALS & RESPONSETRAININGEnsure your leaders are prepared for thenew era of sexual misconduct. Reviewessential statistics, definitions andresponses in the first ten minutes. Delveinto technology-related sexual misconductissues, including video phones, sexts,inappropriate sexual content accessed inacademic and employment settings,sexual activity filmed non-consensually,rape, exploitation and more.This <strong>com</strong>prehensive session expands yourknowledge base with legal updates andreal-life scenarios that prepare you torespond to reports of various forms ofsexual misconduct. Learn to better informthose you supervise and provideappropriate assistance to studentsinvolved in these situations. Understand <strong>com</strong>mon missteps intraining and response: Actual notice and deliberateindifference Failure to act through disbelief Allegiance to inaction and informalresolutions Failure to understand thetechnological issues Small <strong>com</strong>munity Confidentiality limitations and privacyexpectations Retaliation and mitigation of furtherharmItem no. : AV07960116Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 60 minutesPrice : USD 90.00SOCIAL ANDETHICAL ISSUESDATA: ETHICAL USE ANDSTORAGEMore than 800 billion gigabytes ofinformation is used globally every year.This inconceivably large volume of datamust all be stored, retrieved, displayedand used. Featuring case studies ofnational job search website Seek and thedevelopment of a standardised datamanagement system for the Australianaviation industry, this program provides a<strong>com</strong>prehensive examination of the<strong>com</strong>plex issues surrounding ethicalstorage and use of data. It discussescritical issues surrounding: data collectionand accuracy of data entry, regulationsand privacy concerns, the importance ofbackups, the emerging trend towardscloud <strong>com</strong>puting, transmission and display,and interpretation and use of data.Please contact us for primary andsecondary schools pricing.Item no. : AT08691758Format : DVDDuration : 22 minutesCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>Price : AUD 235.00SOCIAL STUDIESATLAS 4D: GREAT RIFTVALLEYThe Great Rift Valley stretches 3,500 milesfrom Ethiopia to Mozambique and is over35 million years old. It was formed whenextreme heat and pressure forced a 1,000mile-wide bubble of molten lava to thesurface. Today, the Great Valley Riftprovides a surplus of pure sodium chlorideto the Afar people, nutrient-rich grass toherbivores and Masai cattle-herders, aswell as mineral infused hot springs andwater for its inhabitants. It is the birthplaceof Ardi and the cause of curses onEuropean settlers looking to exploit the________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk78

land’s riches.Item no. : HT07983204Format : DVDDuration : 43 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617082528Price : USD 80.00ATLAS 4D: HAWAIIThe Hawaiian Islands formed over amillion years ago from a hotspot in theearth’s crust. Over time, molten lava fromthe hotspot continued to grow and formeda chain of islands that are four times theheight of Mount Everest. The oncedesolate islands gave birth to life from theohia lehua plant and fruit flies, and wereinhabited by Polynesian islanders whofollowed the migration of the pacific goldenplover. Today, Hawaii is one of the mostculturally diverse places in the world andhome to some of the rarest types ofspecies.Item no.Format: WA08190400: CD-ROM (Win, Labpack(5))Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 400.00Item no.Format: WA08190401: CD-ROM (Win, SiteLicense (25))Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 1000.00Item no.Format: WA08190399: CD-ROM (Win, SiteLicense)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 120.00SPECIALEDUCATIONELLA JENKINS LIVE! ATATHE SMITHSONIANElla -- live at the Early Enrichment Centerof the Smithsonian Institution.Songs include:HelloOnce There Was A KingMoshi MoshiDid You Feed My CowWho Fed The Chickens?One Two Buckle My ShoeAnd One And TwoPlay Your Instruments And Make APretty SoundStop And GoMiss Mary MackShake Hands With FriendsItem no. : TH07983205Format : DVDDuration : 43 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617082535Price : USD 80.00ATLAS 4D:MEDITERRANEANThe Mediterranean once was a vast, drybasin until 5.3 million years ago whenpressure from the Atlantic Ocean brokethe strait of Gibraltar, creating the largestwaterfall in the history of the Earth. Thearea filled with water and nurtured life,introduced agriculture, erected ancientempires, and introduced the three majorreligions of the world.Item no. : BG07983206Format : DVDDuration : 43 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12Copyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781617082542Price : USD 80.00KREATIVE KOMIX BUNDLE4 - SCHOOL EDITIONBy Arnie Uretskyincludes: Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerFairy Tale Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerSuper Hero Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerU.S. History Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerScience - Habitats and LifecyclesItem no. : WA08190398Format : CD-ROM (Win, UnlimitedSite)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 1500.00KREATIVE KOMIX BUNDLE6 - SCHOOL EDITIIONBy Arnie Uretskyincludes: Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerDinosaurs - Triassic, Jurassic &Cretaceous Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerScience Fiction Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerFairy Tale Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerSuper Hero Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerU.S. History Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerScience - Habitats and LifecyclesItem no. : AZ08190402Format : CD-ROMAudience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 160.00SOCIAL STUDIESAND YOUNGCHILDRENI WANT! I WANT!! I WANANT!!!:BUILDING GOODCONSUMERSThis lesson takes a hard look atadvertising and consumer culture and itseffects on young children and their families.Early childhood educators will lookcarefully at their own programs andpractices to identify ways they can reducethe effects of media on the children in theircare.Item no. : ZA26920043Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00Item no. : HJ15150015Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00FOR THE FAMILYBy Ella JenkinsHighlighting Ella's ability to captivate,teach, and entertain, this engaging videofocuses on developing musical skills.Songs include:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkIntro: You'll Sing A SongMiss Mary Mack's MusicMay-Ree Mack (Went To The River)Miss Mary MackI Know The Colors In The RainbowYou'll Sing A Song And I'll Sing ASongRed River ValleyFreight Train BluesRhythms On Rhythm BoxOn A HolidayTah-BooItem no. : CE15150018Format : DVDAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00GETTING A JOB - KEEPINGYOUR JOB SETIn a humorous, fast-paced game showformat these two videos bring viewers upto date on what employers want and whatprospective employees need to know toget and keep a job.Getting a Jobappropriate clothingcleanlinesshair stylesmakeup79

filing out applicationsproper conduct during an interviewhandling difficult questionsand much more - from making backupplans for child care to preparing aresume and writing a follow-up note.Keeping Your Jobthe importance of punctualityconsistent attendancetime managementhonestyproblem solving and organizationalskills.They'll laugh at the game scenariospresenting proper and improper workattitudes and handling irritable customers.They will see the importance of gettingalong with co-workers and supervisors,setting goals, and self-discipline, and theywill find that gossip is dangerous in theworkplace.Item no. : FC15150019Format : 2 DVDs (With Guides)Duration : 44 minutesAudience : High School and AdultPrice : USD 169.00KREATIVE KOMIX BUNDLE4 - SCHOOL EDITIONBy Arnie Uretskyincludes: Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerFairy Tale Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerSuper Hero Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerU.S. History Kreative Komix Comic Book MakerScience - Habitats and LifecyclesItem no.Format: WA08190398: CD-ROM (Win, UnlimitedSite)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 1500.00Item no.Format: WA08190400: CD-ROM (Win, Labpack(5))Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 400.00Item no.Format: WA08190401: CD-ROM (Win, SiteLicense (25))Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 1000.00KREATIVE KOMIX:DINOSAURS - SCHOOLEDITIONBy Arnie UretskyA simple-to-use multimedia tool that putsfun back into your creative writing programwhile encouraging writing skills and orallanguage. You and your students cancreate animated stories that talk, or printout the <strong>com</strong>ic books and act out thestories using stick puppets.Dinosaurs – Triassic, Jurassic &CretaceousBring dinosaurs to life at home or in theclassroom. Dinosaurs from the Triassic,Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods are allrepresented. Create cross-curricularwriting with graphics, animation, andsound. Students learn about dinosaurswhile creating animated slide shows,writing stories, or even making dinosaur<strong>com</strong>ic books.Includes: Marginocephalia Marine Reptiles Ornithopoda Pterosaura Sauropodomorpha Theropoda Thyreophora Triassic Period Jurassic Perioid Cretaceous PeriodBe the director of your own animated<strong>com</strong>ic books with: Actors! Over a hundred differentcharacters from a variety of fairy talesand super heroes. Props!Use hundreds of props tocreate your own backgrounds. Action!Using the built-in Comic Playeryou can see your stories <strong>com</strong>e to lifeon your <strong>com</strong>puter. Sound!Record your own sounds oruse built-in text-to-speech with avariety of voices. Make flying carpetswhoosh by or give each of yourcharacters a unique voice. Animation!Animate characters andprops by simply clicking where youwant them to go.Encourages: Comic books Stories Animated slide shows with sound Animated Web <strong>com</strong>ics Comic book emails Stick puppets Puppet show backdrops Creativity Story Sequencing Writing SkillsSystem Requirements Windows: 64 MB RAM, (128 MB rec.),Win 98, Win 2000, ME, XP, and VistaItem no.Format: LH08190403: CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 70.00KREATIVE KOMIX: FAIRYTALE - SCHOOL EDITIONA simple-to-use multimedia writing toolthat puts fun back into your creative writingprogram while encouraging writing skillsand oral language. You and your studentscan create animated stories that talk, orprint out the <strong>com</strong>ic books and act out thestories using puppets.Create:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkComic booksStoriesAnimated slide shows with soundAnimated Web <strong>com</strong>icsComic book emailsStick puppetsPuppet show backdropsEncourage:CreativityStory SequencingWriting SkillsOral LanguageKreative Komix: Fairy Tale: Choose fromover one hundred different charactersfrom your favorite fairy tales includingAladdin, Beauty and the Beast, SnowWhite, the Tin Soldier, Peter Pan andmany more. Better yet, create your owncharacters- from good to evil, hideous tobeautiful- to star in your own animatedproductions. Add props and backgroundsto enhance your scenes. Bring yourcharacters to life with sound- record yourown or use the program's built-in text.Make flying carpets whoosh by or giveeach of your characters their own voice.Add action to your <strong>com</strong>ic throughanimation, and then sit back and watchyour fairy tale characters <strong>com</strong>e to life righton your <strong>com</strong>puter using the built-in ComicPlayer.Animation:Actors:Action:Props:Animate characters and props bysimply clicking where you want themto go.Over one hundred different charactersfrom a variety of fairy tales.Using the built-in Comic Player youcan see your stories <strong>com</strong>e to life onyour <strong>com</strong>puter.Choose from hundreds of props,characters, and backgrounds.System RequirementsWindows: 32 MB RAM, (64 MB rec.), Win95/98, Win 2000, ME, NT.Item no.Format: ZF08190404: CD-ROM (Win, UnlimitedSite)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 600.00KREATIVE KOMIX:SCIENCE - SCHOOLEDITIONA simple-to-use multimedia writing toolthat puts fun back into your creative writing80

program while encouraging writing skillsand oral language. You and your studentscan create animated stories that talk, orprint out the <strong>com</strong>ic books and act out thestories using puppets.Create: Comic books Stories Animated slide shows with sound Animated Web <strong>com</strong>ics Comic book emails Stick puppets Puppet show backdropsEncourage: Creativity Story Sequencing Writing Skills Oral LanguageKreative Komix Science: Habitats andLifecycles: Kids won't just read aboutenvironment and lifecycles, they'll createthem with hundreds of curriculum-basedinterrelated characters, backgrounds andprops. Kreative Komix Science <strong>com</strong>es withenough art to fully explore Frog, Bean andSilkworm lifecycles and recreate Desert,Forest, Pond & Stream, Ocean, RainForest and Wetland environments. Makeone-sheet reports, animate a movie, orwrite, edit and print an entire book! Kidscan even publish their work as Email witha click of a button!Sound:Record your own sounds or usebuilt-in text to speech with a variety ofvoices.Animation:Animate characters and props bysimply clicking where you want themto go.Actors:Over one hundred different charactersfrom a variety of fairy tales.Action:Using the built-in Comic Player youcan see your stories <strong>com</strong>e to life onyour <strong>com</strong>puter.Props:Choose from hundreds of props,characters, and backgrounds.System RequirementsWindows: 64 MB RAM, (128 MB rec.), Win98, Win 2000, ME, XP, and VistaItem no.Format: HF08190405: CD-ROM (Win, UnlimitedSite)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 600.00KREATIVE KOMIX:SCIENCE FICTION -SCHOOL EDITIONBy Arnie UretskyA simple-to-use multimedia tool that putsfun back into your creative writing programwhile encouraging writing skills and orallanguage. You and your students cancreate animated stories that talk, or printout the <strong>com</strong>ic books and act out thestories using stick puppets.Amaze and terrify your friends with dozensof exciting, silly, and scary Science Fictioncharacters and backgrounds. All thebackgrounds and props you'll need tobring your creations to life are included.Be the director of your own animated<strong>com</strong>ic books with:Actors! Over a hundred different charactersfrom a variety of fairy tales and superheroes.Props! Use hundreds of props to create yourown backgrounds.Action! Using the built-in Comic Player youcan see your stories <strong>com</strong>e to life onyour <strong>com</strong>puter.Sound! Record your own sounds or usebuilt-in text-to-speech with a variety ofvoices. Make flying carpets whooshby or give each of your characters aunique voice.Animation! Animate characters and props bysimply clicking where you want themto go.includes: Comic books Stories Animated slide shows with sound Animated Web <strong>com</strong>ics Comic book emails Stick puppets Puppet show backdropsencourages:CreativityStory SequencingWriting SkillsOral LanguageSystem Requirements Windows: 64 MB RAM, (128 MB rec.),Win 98, Win 2000, ME, XP, and VistaItem no.Format: FP08190406: CD-ROM (Win, UnlimitedLicense)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 600.00Item no.Format: FP08190408: CD-ROM (Win, SingleLicense)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 70.00Item no.Format: FP08190409: CD-ROM (Win, LicenseLabpack (5))Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 160.00Item no.Format: FP08190407: CD-ROM (Win, SiteLicense (25))Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 500.00KREATIVE KOMIX: SUPERHERO - SCHOOL EDITIONBring your characters to life with sound.Record your own or use the program'sbuilt-in text to speak in a variety of uniquevoices. Add action to your <strong>com</strong>ic throughanimation, and then watch your crimefighting super heroes triumph over evilright on your <strong>com</strong>puter using the built-inComic Player. You can also design stickpuppets to use in printable puppet showbackdrops, post your <strong>com</strong>ics to the Web,or Email them to friends! This dynamicprogram is not only interactive andentertaining, but encourages creativity,story sequencing, writing skills, and orallanguage. ZOOKS- it's fun!Be the director of your own animated<strong>com</strong>ic books with:Actors! Over a hundred different charactersfrom a variety of fairy tales and superheroes.Props!Use hundreds of props to create yourown backgrounds.Action! Using the built-in Comic Player youcan see your stories <strong>com</strong>e to life onyour <strong>com</strong>puter.Sound! Record your own sounds or usebuilt-in text-to-speech with a variety ofvoices. Make flying carpets whooshby or give each of your characters aunique voice.Animation! Animate characters and props bysimply clicking where you want themto go.includes: Comic books Stories Animated slide shows with sound Animated Web <strong>com</strong>ics Comic book emails Stick puppets Puppet show backdropsencourages:CreativityStory SequencingWriting SkillsOral Language________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk81

System Requirements Windows: 64 MB RAM, (128 MB rec.),Win 98, Win 2000, ME, XP, and VistaItem no.Format: MB08190410: CD-ROM (Win, UnlimitedSite)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 600.00LEARNING BASIC SKILLSBy Hap PalmerA lively class learns colors, letters andnumbers with some of Hap Palmer's bestloved songs. As a special treat, Haphimself materializes playing and singingone of the numbers. Children will be eagerto participate in the lively activities.Songs include:ColorsAll of the Colors of the RainbowMarching Around the AlphabetA Pocket Full of B'sCount-up, CountdownAdding Sets30 Second ChallengeItem no. : YE15150028Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00MATH COMPANION 3.0:VOLUME 2 - ILLUSTRATIVEMATH CONCEPTSBy Arnie UretskyMake the connection between themanipulatives you use and the rest of yourmath curriculum!A great supplement to Math Companion 3Volume 1, Volume 2 covers the ideas inmathematics that can be illustrated.Activities range from initial instruction,guided practice, and independent practiceto application. Perfect for group orindividualized instruction. A must forSpecial Education, ESL, and Basic Skillsprograms.Updated objectives: Revised and expanded fractionobjectives.Concepts: Ten blocks Sets Money Time Counting Place value Fractions Percents Perimeter Elementary GeometryBenefits: More than 100 objectives Create worksheets on single ormultiple conceptsMath-rich classroomMake the connection for ALL of yourstudentsSave money! Math Companion is theessential alternative to pre-mademath workbooks. Teachers andschools save hours in extrapreparation and teaching time as wellas reducing curriculum expenses.Create: Whole group and center math games Initial teaching activities Seatwork Homework Flash cards Bingo CardsUpdated format Number linesRevised and expandedfraction Coordiante graphingSystem Requirements Windows: 128 MB RAM, Windows 98,2000, ME, XP and VistaItem no.Format: HY08190412: CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser)Audience : Grades K-8Price : USD 70.00SAMMY AND OTHERSONGS FROM GETTING TOTKNOW MYSELFBy Hap PalmerSammy, has been delighting children formore than twenty years. Now Sammy andother favorites from Getting to KnowMyself <strong>com</strong>e to life in this movementparticipation DVD - featuring a rainbow ofchildren stretching, jumping discoveringthe joy of movement!Songs include:SammyShake SomethingThe CircleLeft & RightTurn AroundFeelingsTouchThe OppositeCircle GameItem no. : YK15150042Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00SOMETHING SPECIALFast-moving animation, expressivechildren, and colorful art bring these HapPalmer favorites to life! Selections fromthe popular "Walter the Waltzing Worm"and "Sally the Swinging Snake" helpstudents increase vocabulary while havingfun. Key words are highlighted andreinforced. It's a delightful way ofimproving basic movement skills whileacquiring new vocabulary.Songs include:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkSomething SpecialUp and Down a MountainMuddy Water PuddleWhen the Bell RingsWhat a Miracle!Ride and SwingSong About Fast, Song About SlowItem no. : EN15150048Format : DVDDuration : 25 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00STEPPING OUT WITH HAPPALMERBy Hap PalmerThis DVD motivates children to exerciseas they move around to these energetictunes. Hap teaches them how to stretch,jump, jiggle and twist.Include:Wiggy Wiggy WigglesFlick-A-FlyWeekly RapRubber Band ManPercival the ParrotEverything Has a ShapeSally the Swinging SnakeStepping Out on the TownAll the Ways of Jumping Up andDownItem no. : PP15150051Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesAudience : Early Childhood K-3Price : USD 50.00STRATEGICPLANNING & THEFUTURELEARNING A LA CARTE:BUILDING STRATEGICALLIANCESMore and more organisations arediscovering the value in building strategicalliances with other organisations. To findout more about how to do this successfully,psychologist Peter Quarry, interviewsGlenyce Johnson, Managing Director ofPeregrine Adventures. They explore thenature and benefits of a strategic allianceand how to find a suitable partner for astrategic alliance.Training Points Defining a strategic alliance and thebenefits How to start a strategic alliance andchoose a partner How to negotiate the alliance andavoid pitfalls82

Managing if something goes wrongwith the alliance Working with different managementstyles and cultures Three key tips for a good strategicalliance1. Be clear with your strategy and the fit2. Their business must be sound3. Ensure you can work together and meetexpectationItem no. : GN02480980Format : DVDDuration : 9 minutesCopyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781921635175Price : AUD 319.00STRESSMANAGEMENTHOW TO TAKE THE STRESSSSOUT OF CAREGIVINGThis lesson is about caregiver stress andwhat can be done to handle it. Recognizethe signs and symptoms of stress and howit might affect the children in your care.Features many ways to help you takegood care of yourself.Item no. : RD26920040Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00STRUCTURESBUILD IT BIGGER:GOTTHARD BASE TUNNELTravel to the world's longest worksite,where Switzerland's government isspending $18 billion to revolutionizeEuropean transit with the Gotthard BaseTunnel. The program observes the world'slargest Tunnel Boring Machine drillingthrough granite to finish the tunnel, whichwill connect southern Germany to northernItaly. The GBT will circumvent the windingmountain passes that serve as the currenttransit system, getting people and goodsacross the Alps up to three times faster,and safer than ever before.Item no. : GP07983223Format : DVDDuration : 43 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12Copyright : 2010Price : USD 80.00BUILD IT BIGGER: SANFRANCISCO BAY BRIDGEAfter almost a decade, California isnearing the crucial end of what hasbe<strong>com</strong>e its most expensive public worksproject ever, the $6 billion dollar rebuildingand earthquake-proofing of the Bay Bridge.This massive overhaul involves buildingan entirely new approach into SanFrancisco, retrofitting the 4.5-mile doublesuspension bridge with more than 17million pounds of structural steel and<strong>com</strong>pletely replacing the 2.2-milecantilever bridge with a self-anchoredsuspension bridge, a skyway, and newtouchdown into Oakland. The programexamines current construction methodsand goals as well as how the citymaintains the current bridge until the newstructure is <strong>com</strong>pleteItem no. : HN07983226Format : DVDDuration : 43 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12Copyright : 2010Price : USD 80.00SUBSTANCE ABUSEADDICTED: ALISSAFollows interventionist Kristina Wandzilakas she helps young men and womenaddicted to drugs and alcohol take theirfirst steps toward recovery and asubstance-free life. A sixteen-year veteranof heroin and methamphetamines, Alissa'sentire life--and the life of herfamily--revolves around addiction.Supported financially by herseventy-year-old father Rodger, Alissaspends her days in a heroin-induced hazethat has be<strong>com</strong>e her only <strong>com</strong>fort. Kristinahas her work cut out for her with Alissaand her family, as they stubbornly dig intheir heels and fight against the possibilityof change.Item no. : AD07983182Format : DVDDuration : 41 minutesAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : 2010Price : USD 80.00ADDICTED: AMANDAFollows interventionist Kristina Wandzilakas she helps young men and womenaddicted to drugs and alcohol take theirfirst steps toward recovery and asubstance-free life. Amanda is athirty-one-year-old alcoholic and heroinaddict. She is jobless, homeless, and onprobation. At their wits end and with nowhere else to turn, Amanda's parentscontact Kristina for help in getting theirdaughter's life back on track.Item no. : EH07983183Format : DVDDuration : 41 minutesAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : 2010Price : USD 80.00ADDICTED: ANNE ANDMICHAELFollows interventionist Kristina Wandzilakas she helps young men and womenaddicted to drugs and alcohol take theirfirst steps toward recovery and asubstance-free life. Annie and Mike areco-dependent speedballers whoseaddictions have taken them, and theirfamilies, to the depths of despair. Aftermeeting one another in a twelve-stepprogram, Mike and Annie fell in love andinto a drug relapse that forced Annie tosquander her promising up-and-<strong>com</strong>ingart career and Mike to give up hisrelationship with his three-year-old son.Their only chance at regaining their lives isthrough a dual intervention performed byKristina and a treatment plan that aims toseparate them.Item no. : MG07983184Format : DVDDuration : 41 minutesAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : 2010Price : USD 80.00ADDICTED: JEREMYFollows interventionist Kristina Wandzilakas she helps young men and womenaddicted to drugs and alcohol take theirfirst steps toward recovery and sober living.Jeremy is a twenty-one-year-oldOxyContin addict whose family history hasbeen devastated by numerous addictions.Having lost his father, his uncle, and hisaunt due to their own dependencies,Jeremy is now on an equally dangerouspath.Item no. : PE07983185Format : DVDDuration : 41 minutesAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : 2010Price : USD 80.00ADDICTED: KEVINFollows interventionist Kristina Wandzilakas she helps young men and womenaddicted to drugs and alcohol take theirfirst steps toward recovery and asubstance-free life. Kevin is atwenty-six-year-old alcoholic who hasalienated his friends and family with hisdownward spiral of drinking. In addition tohis alcoholism, Kevin is also a diabetic,making his addiction all the moredangerous.Item no. : TU07983186Format : DVDDuration : 41 minutesAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : 2010Price : USD 80.00ADDICTED: KLEAFollows interventionist Kristina Wandzilakas she helps young men and womenaddicted to drugs and alcohol take theirfirst steps toward recovery and asubstance-free life. Klea is anineteen-year-old methamphetamineaddict who has turned to prostitution inorder to support her habit. With Kristina'shelp, Klea must face the demons in her________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk83

past and escape her downward spiralbefore it ends in <strong>com</strong>plete self-destruction.Item no. : ZC07983187Format : DVDDuration : 40 minutesAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : 2010Price : USD 80.00SUICIDEPREVENTIONJOURNEY THROUGH THESHADOWS: HOPE FORHEALING AFTER SOMEONEYOU LOVE HASCOMMITTED SUICIDESuicide deeply affects the lives of thosewho are left behind by the one who hasdied. With so much pain and sorrow it isdifficult to know how to navigate thesechanges. This DVD offers encouragementand support to survivors who are bothgrieving the death of a loved one tosuicide, and wondering why it happened atall. Advice from experts and familymembers who have walked this path<strong>com</strong>bines with resources that teachfriends how they can help.Item no. : DR02540081Format : DVDCopyright : <strong>2011</strong>StdBkNo : 9781557259264Price : USD 60.00SUPPORTINGPOSITIVEBEHAVIORHOW TO WORK WITHACTIVE CHILDRENWhat's the current thinking on very activechildren? Are they hyperactive or is thisnormal behavior? Learn more about veryactive children and what you can do tohelp them fit into your program.Item no. : SA26920042Format : DVDPrice : USD 39.00TEACHERRESOURCESPATH TO MATH: ONE TOONE CORRESPONDENCE;COMPARINGThis video shows activities that fosterbasic math concepts.One to One Correspondence -- Activitiesthat develop math skills: matching pairs,distributing materials, returning materialsto shelves.Comparing -- Children find relationshipsbetween two things based on specificcharacteristics (heavy/light, full/empty).Item no. : NN15150034Format : DVDDuration : 21 minutesAudience : Professional DevelopmentPrice : USD 99.00PATH TO MATH: SETS ANDACLASSIFICATION;SERIATION (ORDERING)Introduces the basic math skills of setsand classification and seriation.Sets and Classification -- Children putthings together based on a characteristic(form sets). Then they join or separatesets.Seriation -- Children <strong>com</strong>pare more thantwo things, put them in order in terms of<strong>com</strong>mon elements, learning that "three ismore than two."Item no. : YG15150035Format : DVDDuration : 31 minutesAudience : Professional DevelopmentPrice : USD 99.00SCIENCE ANYTIME,ANYPLACE: ANIMALSTeachers describe how caring forclassroom pets, nature walks, and otheractivities lead to discoveries aboutanimals.Item no. : LJ15150043Format : DVDDuration : 22 minutesAudience : Professional DevelopmentPrice : USD 99.00SCIENCE ANYTIME,ANYPLACE: PLANTSExploration of plants by <strong>com</strong>paring seeds,planting seeds, and observing their growth.Also illustrates how tasting and <strong>com</strong>paringraw and cooked fruit and vegetables canhelp children learn about them.Item no. : TB15150044Format : DVDDuration : 28 minutesAudience : Professional DevelopmentPrice : USD 89.00SPRINGBOARD TOLITERACY: THE POWER OFINTEGRATING PICTUREBOOKS WITH ART ANDCOOKING ACTIVITIESBy Johanna Pomeroy-Crockett Ph.D.This DVD illustrates engaging, easy-to-doactivities that expand and enhance literacyskills. See how you can dramaticallyincrease children's literacy skills byencouraging them to represent conceptsthrough art and cooking.The interdisciplinary program includes:Selecting appropriate picture booksArt activities that reinforce vocabulary,promote oral language, develop eyeand hand coordination, and use thesenses of sight and touchEasy cooking activities that lead toliteracy, numeracy, science skills, andmotor skillsAssessing children's progressItem no. : WP15150050Format : DVD (With Guide)Duration : 25 minutesAudience : Professional DevelopmentPrice : USD 89.00TEACHER TOOLSCLIP ART FOR TEACHERSBy Arnie UretskyObjective-oriented, lesson-specific clip art!Clip Art for Teachers is asubscription-based Web resource of thebest teaching clip art available anywhere.Thousands of educators have alreadyregistered with more <strong>com</strong>ing on every day!It's amazing to see what happens when agreat resource <strong>com</strong>es into alignment withnew technology and an overwhelmingneed! Clip Art for Teachers, anobjective-oriented, lesson-specific clip art,is the perfect <strong>com</strong>pliment to our popularteaching utilities Vocabulary Companion,Math Companion, and Teacher'sResource Companion. Graphic file formats:BMP or JPEG.Social Studies: Maps, famous leaders, inventors andinventions, critical historical momentsand other great original art.Science: All sciences at every grade level.Detailed graphics carefully labeled tohelp visualize difficult to understandconcepts.Language Arts: Story starters, clustering webs.Scenes from famous literature.Math: Manipulatives, graphs, measurementtools, counters, fractions, geometry,math tools, real numbers, Romannumerals, shapes, and much more.Item no. : TK08190393Format : CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser)Price : USD 60.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk84

FESTIVE FONTSEncourage children's creative writing skillswhile they have fun! Using Festive Fonts isa fun way to enhance your child'simaginative abilities! Educatorsagree--children learn best when they arehappy and interested. Watch theircreativity flow as Festive Fonts inspirestories and art projects. Children loveusing characters as inspiration!Use Festive Fonts to: Make up stories with Dracula, Aladdin,and other favorites Print your own invitations, storybooks,and coloring booksMake special holiday cardsDiscover the meaning of ancientEgyptian hieroglyphicsItem no.Format: SK08190397: CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser)Audience : Grades K-12Price : USD 60.00KREATIVE KOMIX:DINOSAURS - SCHOOLEDITIONBy Arnie UretskyA simple-to-use multimedia tool that putsfun back into your creative writing programwhile encouraging writing skills and orallanguage. You and your students cancreate animated stories that talk, or printout the <strong>com</strong>ic books and act out thestories using stick puppets.Dinosaurs – Triassic, Jurassic &CretaceousBring dinosaurs to life at home or in theclassroom. Dinosaurs from the Triassic,Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods are allrepresented. Create cross-curricularwriting with graphics, animation, andsound. Students learn about dinosaurswhile creating animated slide shows,writing stories, or even making dinosaur<strong>com</strong>ic books.Includes: Marginocephalia Marine Reptiles Ornithopoda Pterosaura Sauropodomorpha Theropoda Thyreophora Triassic Period Jurassic Perioid Cretaceous PeriodBe the director of your own animated<strong>com</strong>ic books with: Actors! Over a hundred differentcharacters from a variety of fairy talesand super heroes. Props!Use hundreds of props tocreate your own backgrounds. Action!Using the built-in Comic Playeryou can see your stories <strong>com</strong>e to lifeon your <strong>com</strong>puter. Sound!Record your own sounds oruse built-in text-to-speech with avariety of voices. Make flying carpetswhoosh by or give each of yourcharacters a unique voice.Animation!Animate characters andprops by simply clicking where youwant them to go.Encourages: Comic books Stories Animated slide shows with sound Animated Web <strong>com</strong>ics Comic book emails Stick puppets Puppet show backdrops Creativity Story Sequencing Writing SkillsSystem Requirements Windows: 64 MB RAM, (128 MB rec.),Win 98, Win 2000, ME, XP, and VistaItem no.Format: LH08190403: CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 70.00KREATIVE KOMIX: FAIRYTALE - SCHOOL EDITIONA simple-to-use multimedia writing toolthat puts fun back into your creative writingprogram while encouraging writing skillsand oral language. You and your studentscan create animated stories that talk, orprint out the <strong>com</strong>ic books and act out thestories using puppets.Create:Comic booksStoriesAnimated slide shows with soundAnimated Web <strong>com</strong>icsComic book emailsStick puppetsPuppet show backdropsEncourage:CreativityStory SequencingWriting SkillsOral LanguageKreative Komix: Fairy Tale: Choose fromover one hundred different charactersfrom your favorite fairy tales includingAladdin, Beauty and the Beast, SnowWhite, the Tin Soldier, Peter Pan andmany more. Better yet, create your owncharacters- from good to evil, hideous tobeautiful- to star in your own animatedproductions. Add props and backgroundsto enhance your scenes. Bring yourcharacters to life with sound- record yourown or use the program's built-in text.Make flying carpets whoosh by or giveeach of your characters their own voice.Add action to your <strong>com</strong>ic throughanimation, and then sit back and watchyour fairy tale characters <strong>com</strong>e to life righton your <strong>com</strong>puter using the built-in ComicPlayer.Animation:Actors:Action:Props:Animate characters and props bysimply clicking where you want themto go.Over one hundred different charactersfrom a variety of fairy tales.Using the built-in Comic Player youcan see your stories <strong>com</strong>e to life onyour <strong>com</strong>puter.Choose from hundreds of props,characters, and backgrounds.System RequirementsWindows: 32 MB RAM, (64 MB rec.), Win95/98, Win 2000, ME, NT.Item no.Format: ZF08190404: CD-ROM (Win, UnlimitedSite)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 600.00KREATIVE KOMIX:SCIENCE FICTION -SCHOOL EDITIONBy Arnie UretskyA simple-to-use multimedia tool that putsfun back into your creative writing programwhile encouraging writing skills and orallanguage. You and your students cancreate animated stories that talk, or printout the <strong>com</strong>ic books and act out thestories using stick puppets.Amaze and terrify your friends with dozensof exciting, silly, and scary Science Fictioncharacters and backgrounds. All thebackgrounds and props you'll need tobring your creations to life are included.Be the director of your own animated<strong>com</strong>ic books with:Actors! Over a hundred different charactersfrom a variety of fairy tales and superheroes.Props! Use hundreds of props to create yourown backgrounds.Action! Using the built-in Comic Player youcan see your stories <strong>com</strong>e to life onyour <strong>com</strong>puter.Sound! Record your own sounds or usebuilt-in text-to-speech with a variety ofvoices. Make flying carpets whooshby or give each of your characters aunique voice.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk85

Animation! Animate characters and props bysimply clicking where you want themto go.includes: Comic books Stories Animated slide shows with sound Animated Web <strong>com</strong>ics Comic book emails Stick puppets Puppet show backdropsencourages:CreativityStory SequencingWriting SkillsOral LanguageSystem Requirements Windows: 64 MB RAM, (128 MB rec.),Win 98, Win 2000, ME, XP, and VistaItem no.Format: FP08190409: CD-ROM (Win, LicenseLabpack (5))Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 160.00Item no.Format: FP08190407: CD-ROM (Win, SiteLicense (25))Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 500.00Item no.Format: FP08190406: CD-ROM (Win, UnlimitedLicense)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 600.00Be the director of your own animated<strong>com</strong>ic books with:Actors! Over a hundred different charactersfrom a variety of fairy tales and superheroes.Props!Use hundreds of props to create yourown backgrounds.Action! Using the built-in Comic Player youcan see your stories <strong>com</strong>e to life onyour <strong>com</strong>puter.Sound! Record your own sounds or usebuilt-in text-to-speech with a variety ofvoices. Make flying carpets whooshby or give each of your characters aunique voice.Animation! Animate characters and props bysimply clicking where you want themto go.includes: Comic books Stories Animated slide shows with sound Animated Web <strong>com</strong>ics Comic book emails Stick puppets Puppet show backdropsencourages:CreativityStory SequencingWriting SkillsOral LanguageSystem Requirements Windows: 64 MB RAM, (128 MB rec.),Win 98, Win 2000, ME, XP, and VistaFull word processingCreate curricular packetsApply dozens of layout optionsClick on a problem and get another!Benefits: More than 100 objectives Create worksheets on single ormultiple concepts Math-rich classroom Make the connection for ALL of yourstudents Save money! Math Companion is theessential alternative to pre-mademath workbooks. Teachers andschools save hours in extrapreparation and teaching time as wellas reducing curriculum expenses.Create: Word problems Color-ins Anagrams Calculations Bingo Flash cardsUpdated objectives to meet StateStandard Exponents Expanded decimal and fractionobjectives Expanded integer objectives Number sequences Skip counting Missing parts of number sequencesSystem Requirements Windows: 128 MB RAM, Windows 98,2000, ME, XP or VistaItem no.Format: VE08190411: CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser)Audience : Grades K-8Price : USD 70.00Item no.Format: FP08190408: CD-ROM (Win, SingleLicense)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 70.00KREATIVE KOMIX: SUPERHERO - SCHOOL EDITIONBring your characters to life with sound.Record your own or use the program'sbuilt-in text to speak in a variety of uniquevoices. Add action to your <strong>com</strong>ic throughanimation, and then watch your crimefighting super heroes triumph over evilright on your <strong>com</strong>puter using the built-inComic Player. You can also design stickpuppets to use in printable puppet showbackdrops, post your <strong>com</strong>ics to the Web,or Email them to friends! This dynamicprogram is not only interactive andentertaining, but encourages creativity,story sequencing, writing skills, and orallanguage. ZOOKS- it's fun!Item no.Format: MB08190410: CD-ROM (Win, UnlimitedSite)Audience : Ages 6-60Price : USD 600.00MATH COMPANION 3.0:VOLUME 1 -CALCULATIONSBy Arnie UretskyThe easy-to-use publishing tool forteachers and students to create mathactivities in minutes!Create all the materials you need tosupplement your math program in the areaof calculations and word problems.Activities range from initial instruction,guided practice, independent practice toapplication. Perfect for group orindividualized instruction. A must forregular classrooms, Special Education,ESL and Basic Skills programs.Features: From 3 to 64 problems per page Insert graphic hints for intial teachingand remediation Create math gamesMATH COMPANION 3.0:VOLUME 2 - ILLUSTRATIVEMATH CONCEPTSBy Arnie UretskyMake the connection between themanipulatives you use and the rest of yourmath curriculum!A great supplement to Math Companion 3Volume 1, Volume 2 covers the ideas inmathematics that can be illustrated.Activities range from initial instruction,guided practice, and independent practiceto application. Perfect for group orindividualized instruction. A must forSpecial Education, ESL, and Basic Skillsprograms.Updated objectives: Revised and expanded fractionobjectives.Concepts: Ten blocks Sets Money Time Counting Place value Fractions________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk86

PercentsPerimeterElementary GeometryBenefits: More than 100 objectives Create worksheets on single ormultiple concepts Math-rich classroom Make the connection for ALL of yourstudents Save money! Math Companion is theessential alternative to pre-mademath workbooks. Teachers andschools save hours in extrapreparation and teaching time as wellas reducing curriculum expenses.Create: Whole group and center math games Initial teaching activities Seatwork Homework Flash cards Bingo CardsUpdated format Number linesRevised and expandedfraction Coordiante graphingSystem Requirements Windows: 128 MB RAM, Windows 98,2000, ME, XP and VistaItem no.Format: HY08190412: CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser)Audience : Grades K-8Price : USD 70.00PORTFOLIO BUILDER 2FOR POWERPOINTBy Arnie Abrams Ph.D.The easiest and best method fordeveloping digital portfolios.This all-new version now includes over 70templates for creating digital portfolios!You've heard all about the benefits ofelectronic portfolios but are uncertain howto actually create one. If you know how touse PowerPoint, you know how to create adigital portfolio with the Portfolio Builder.For those who don't know PowerPoint,there's a tutorial that teaches PowerPointwhile you learn to use the Portfolio Builder.These e-portfolios can be used forauthentic assessment, as an electronicresume, or as a digital scrapbook.Students can simply insert their ownprojects into the appropriate template, orcan change the template to their own lookand form. Portfolios can easily be alignedto local, state, and national standards.Some templates include lists of nationalstandards for a variety of subjects as wellas links to web sites for standards."We teach our digital portfoliodevelopment workshops using ThePortfolio Builder because it is so easy tolearn to use, yet quite flexible andpowerful." - Professional in-serviceworkshop leadersTemplates include:Elementary and Secondary: One subject Multiple subjects One year Multi-year SpanishIn Addition: Pre-service and in-service teacher College Student Career portfolio (digital resume) Artwork or Photos gallery Community Service work Extra-curricular-sports or clubs Technology proficienciesUse the multimedia capabilities toinclude: Digital Photos Video Clips Audio Clips Audio NarrationUse e-portfolios for: Authentic assessments Electronic Resume Digital ScrapbooksPowerPoint software not included.Item no. : WF08190414Format : CD-ROM (Win, 25Station)Price : USD 450.00PRE KEYS 2By Bill Morgan Ph.D.Preparing Students for "Home Row"Keyboarding.Pre-Keys 2 is a multi-sensory method forintroducing young students to the<strong>com</strong>puter keyboard BEFORE theyestablish poor keyboarding habits!Pre-Keys kids start on the number row anddance on Pre-Keys Lily Pads beforemoving their finger froggies to thetraditional keyboard.Much like the effects of music lessons,students who learn to type are betterreaders, better writers . . . And betterstudents! However, students who beginusing <strong>com</strong>puters before they are formallytrained develop poor typing habits that aredifficult to change later in life.Developmental Keyboarding: Created with the developmentalneeds of young children in mind. Starts students typing as soon as theycan recognize numbers and letters ona keyboard. Has proven useful for learners of allages and at all stages to master thebasics of personal <strong>com</strong>puting.Benefits: Prevent poor keyboarding habitsbefore they start Present your keyboard practice in fun,creative ways Pre-made, student-friendly teacheractivities and songs Prepare your pre-schoolers to learn<strong>com</strong>puter skills12 Engaging Lessons: Lesson 1 - Introducing the NumberRow Lesson 2 - Repeating Numbers Lesson 3 - Learning Hand and BodyPositions Lesson 4 - Making NumberCombinations Lesson 5 - Introducing the QWERTYRow Lesson 6 - Practicing the QWERTYRow Lesson 7 - Introducing theHome Row Lesson 8 - Practicing the Home Row Lesson 9 - Combining the QWERTYand Home Rows Lesson 10 - Introducing the Z Row Lesson 11 - Practicing the Z Row Lesson 12 - Words that Start withVowelsApplication Activities: Activity A - Left Hand Letters from A toG Activity B - Right Hand Letters from Hto P Activity C - Both Hands on letters fromQ to Z Activity D - Vocabulary BuildersActivity E - Extra Credit Ideas Activity F - Sing Along with QWERTYSong Sheets Pre-Keys Progress Chart Certificate of CompletionTeacher Edition includes: 12 lesson plans that correspond toapplication activities. A template CD with samples of eachactivity.Student Edition includes: Copies of activities for students.Reviews "Doc Frog has been an inspiration tothe industry in getting kids to have funwith something that can be somundane. I am honored to be workingwith him." – Ms. Echelle Mohn,Catholic School K–8 ComputerTeacher, Chicago Archdiocese________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk"We use Pre-Keys in our pre-schoolprogram and kindergarten classeswith great success. The students areable to type using the correct fingerplacement at a faster speed after<strong>com</strong>pleting the basic course." – Dr.Shirley DeCorte, PreK–3 principal,Sandwich, ILItem no.Format: CD08190415: CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser)Audience : Grades K-3Price : USD 70.00PRE KEYS 3By Bill Morgan, Ph.DAligned with ISTE Standards.87

"Teachers love this fun, exciting andcreative keyboarding method for grades3-6. Adapted for the elementary school<strong>com</strong>puter lab, Pre-Keys 3 allows theteacher to control the pacing of thelessons. The live teacher model is somuch more effective than CGI graphics!""This method works best in classroomsand labs equipped with an LCD <strong>com</strong>puterprojector so that teachers are bothmodeling and monitoring studentperformance. Re<strong>com</strong>mended software isthe Microsoft Office Suite, with Word,PowerPoint and Excel.""While most keyboarding activities arebased on Behaviorist theory, Pre-Keys 3lessons follow Constructivist philosophy,allowing students to be more creative. Getthe kids away from software that preventsthem from learning from their mistakes!"<strong>New</strong> features of version 3 include: Enhanced teacher manual forelementary <strong>com</strong>puter lab teachers A lily pad keyboard for your <strong>com</strong>puterdesktop wallpaper Lily pad stickers for your keyboardcover can be orderedA Sing-Along CD that reinforces<strong>com</strong>puter skills through music andmovement Excel activities that reinforcealphabetic order in Social Studies andScienceDevelopmental Keyboarding: Created with the developmentalneeds of young children in mind Starts students typing as soon as theycan recognize numbers and letters ona keyboard Has proven useful for learners of allages and at all stages to master thebasics of personal <strong>com</strong>putingBenefits: Review keyboarding skills in fun,creative ways Remediate poor keyboarding habitsstudents have already learned Raise your students' awareness ofpatterns on the keyboard Refresh your own knowledge ofeducational applications of MicrosoftOffice softwareReviews"Early instruction on the QWERTYkeyboard is the KEY to <strong>com</strong>puterliteracy" – Doc Frog"Doc Frog has been an inspiration tothe industry in getting kids to have funwith something that can be somundane. I am honored to be workingwith him." – Ms. Echelle Mohn,Catholic School K–8 ComputerTeacher, Chicago Archdiocese"We use Pre-Keys in our pre-schoolprogram and kindergarten classeswith great success. The students areable to type using the correct fingerplacement at a faster speed after<strong>com</strong>pleting the basic course." – Dr.Shirley DeCorte, PreK–3 principal,Sandwich, ILItem no. : ME08190416Format : CD-ROMAudience : Grades 3-6Price : USD 70.00VOCABULARY COMPANION3.0: ELEMENTARYCHILDREN'S LITERATUREBy Arnie UretskyVocabulary Companion ElementaryChildren's Literature includes words andpictures taken from 15 of the most popularelementary classroom literature books.Included in the selections are books suchas The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Where theWild Things Are, and Sara Plain and Tall.Create <strong>com</strong>plete vocabulary packetsincluding anagrams, scrambled words,cloze activities, definition matching, flashcards, game cards, story starters, andposters.System Requirements Windows: 32 MB RAM, (64 MB rec.),Windows 95/98 or higher.Item no.Format: NK08190421: CD-ROM (Win, UnlimitedLicense)Audience : Grades K-6Price : USD 600.00TEAM EXCELLENCELEARNING A LA CARTE:MAKING COMMITTEESMORE EFFECTIVEThis program examines how to make<strong>com</strong>mittees more effective. PsychologistPeter Quarry interviews Damien Smith, alawyer and Managing Director ofEnterprise Care, a consulting firm thatworks with senior executives to improvegovernance and performance. Theydiscuss the characteristics of an effective<strong>com</strong>mittee, inducting new members,issues for the chair and how the teammust work together.Training Points Characteristics of an effective<strong>com</strong>mittee1. Clear terms of reference and objectives2. Appropriate <strong>com</strong>position of <strong>com</strong>mittee3. Works within given timeline4. Good chair who leads group Induction of new <strong>com</strong>mittee members Accountability issues Changes to charter need approval by'authority giver' Agendas, objectives and records Functions of the chairItem no. : ED02370982Format : DVDDuration : 13 minutesCopyright : 2010StdBkNo : 9781921635182Price : AUD 319.00TRAUMA/PTSDPTSD IN CHILDREN: MOVEIN THE RHYTHM OF THECHILDBy Frank OchbergLearn about symptoms, circumstancesand therapeutic techniques for childrenwith acute post-traumatic stress disorder.This DVD is an excellent teaching tool forall individuals whose lives are dedicated tothe resolution of traumatic experience.Specifically, therapists, social workers,school personnel, health professionals,and all members of <strong>com</strong>munity "criticalincident" teams would benefit from viewingthis presentation.By watching this video, you will: learn how to recognize the symptoms________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkof PTSD in childrenunderstand the various stages oftreatment, from first-aid to initialassessment, to brief therapy andlong-term treatment. through the voice of therapistsrecounting their experiences, hearabout various treatment issues thatmay arise when treating traumatizedchildrenItem no. : TP07620149Format : DVDDuration : Approx. 59 minutesStdBkNo : 1601242565Price : USD 167.00WHEN HELPING HURTS:SUSTAINING TRAUMAWORKERSBy Charles FigleySix noted therapists and experts offer theirstories and advice on dealing withCompassion Fatigue, and discuss ways ofrecognizing and addressing this conditionin yourself and others.Produced for trauma workers, reliefworkers and those exposed to trauma dueto their profession or work as volunteers,this DVD addresses the issue ofSecondary Traumatization andCompassion Fatigue. These conditionsare a hazard to the helping professionalsthat deal with traumatic events andthrough the voice of six therapists andexperts, this DVD heightens awareness ofsymptoms and risks, and provides newinformation about prevention, resilienceand treatment. Specific strategies onawareness, lifestyle balance andconnecting with others are given to assisttrauma workers. You will hear personalstories and advice from Frank Ochberg,MD, Charles Figley, PhD, John Wilson,PhD, Carl Bell, MD, Atle Dyregrov, PhD,and Angie Panos, PhD. This DVD is usedby the US Army as part of their SexualAssault Prevention and Response88

Program.This DVD features a Full Version (52 min)and an Abbreviated version (17 min) whichcan be used in workshops, training andclassrooms.Item no. : SC07620151Format : DVDDuration : 69 minutesStdBkNo : 1601242441Price : USD 167.00TRIAL ADVOCACYLITIGATION ESSENTIALS:S:CLOSING ARGUMENTSAThrough the use of video vignettes andnarration, this CLE addresses thefundamentals of delivering effectiveClosing Arguments at trial. You will learnfrom Sandy Brook and Penny White, bothof whom are former trial and appellatejudges with extensive experience teachingtrial advocacy; together, with assistancefrom Ruth Bahe-Jachna (shareholder incharge of litigation attorney training forGreenberg Traurig, LLP), they havecreated the case study and other materialsthat <strong>com</strong>prise Litigation Essentials.Item no. : KF11200103Format : DVD (With CD-ROM)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 250.00PARKINGMANAGEMENTINNOVATIONSTraditional approaches of maximizing theavailability of free parking arecounterproductive. Good parkingmanagement consists of policies andprograms that result in more efficiency andproduce significant environmental,economic, and social benefits.Item no. : GK27360006Format : CD-ROM (Single User)Copyright : 2010Price : USD 150.00PERFORMANCEMEASUREMENT INTRANSPORTATIONPLANNINGHow can <strong>com</strong>munities measure livability orfind a balance between speed-basedmeasures, such as Levels of Service andmeasures of good urban form that supportnon-automotive modes? Learn theappropriate way to measure performancefor a corridor study where redevelopmentis balanced with mobility. Planning needsgood performance indicators to helpofficials and the public understand theimplications of decisions. Whether you areworking on local plans and the relationshipto CIP, on state transportation plans, orregional scenario planning, this programprovides answers.TO PREVENT SEXUAL &DATING VIOLENCEA program that helps men play a role inpreventing sexual and dating violence.Use Your Strength: Mobilizing Young Mento Prevent Sexual and Dating Violence,introduces Men Can Stop Rape's (MCSR)award-winning youth developmentprograms to those interested in learninghow young men can join with women asallies to prevent sexual and datingviolence. In contrast to traditional effortsthat address men as "the problem,"MCSR's pioneering work embraces themas vital allies with the will and character tomake healthy choices and foster safe,equitable relationships.Through this dynamic and entertainingvideo, educators and youth-servingprofessionals will visit Men of Strength andChange meetings to learn how dominantstories and counter stories of masculinitycan help young men play a role inconstructing a world free of violenceagainst women and girls - a world that willbenefit us all.Item no. : HC07960118Format : DVD (With Study Guide)Duration : 34 minutesPrice : USD 189.00VIOLENCEPREVENTIONLITIGATION ESSENTIALS:S:OPENING STATEMENTSThe ABA Section of Litigation proudlyintroduces Litigation Essentials, the<strong>com</strong>plete CLE product you need - whetherthe training is for yourself or you aretraining other lawyers in your firm orgovernment office, law students, legalservices attorneys, local bar associationmembers, or others. With this uniquelypackaged CLE, you have all the flexibilityyou need to train on your time, and at areasonable cost. In addition to the DVD,an enclosed CD contains a variety ofwritten materials, including a short casesummary, instructor biographies, andteaching notes offering suggestions forconducting various drills after watching theDVD, to further enhance the learningexperience.Item no. : KR11200104Format : DVD (With CD-ROM)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 250.00TYPES OF PLANSItem no. : HE27360072Format : CD-ROM (Single User)Copyright : 2010Price : USD 150.00VIOLENCEEDUCATIONBULLY MAGICA bullying prevenion program targetingelementary school children.A boy decides to get a bully off his back byconsulting the neighborhood magician. Helearns he has the power within himself tofend off the bully that has been making hislife totally miserable! This program,designed for children (Grades 1 through 3)weaves live action, puppetry andanimation to open a door to discussion,self awareness and critical thinking.Item no. : ZF07960103Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesAudience : Grades K-12Price : USD 99.00USE YOUR STRENGTH:MOBILIZING YOUNG MENVIOLENCE RISKASSESSMENT-----Item no. : KL07983469Format : DVDAudience : Professional DevelopmentPrice : USD 79.00WOMEN'S STUDIESAMERICAN GRINDHOUSEDirector: Elijah DrennerThe salacious and uproarious AMERICANGRINDHOUSE explores the hiddenhistory of the exploitation film, thosepopular purveyors of cheap sex andviolence. It emerged from the tents ofcarnie sideshows into features like Freaks,and mutated from there to change with thetimes. There were the rebellious teenflicks and "Nudie Cuties" of theEisenhower 50s, bloody gore-fests anddrug movies of the turbulent 60s, and theBlaxploitation boom in the 70s, echoingthe Black Power movement. AMERICANGRINDHOUSE takes a fascinating look atthe films, filmmakers, shysters, andhustlers who made it all happen. Narratedby Academy Award winner Robert Forster,and boasting exclusive interviews withfilmmakers, actors and critics HerschellGordon Lewis, Joe Dante, Larry Cohen,________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk89

John Landis, Fred Williamson, KimMorgan and many more, and featuringover 200 clips from some of the mostoutrageous movies ever made,AMERICAN GRINDHOUSE is the most<strong>com</strong>prehensive documentary ever madeon these masterpieces of the lowbrow.Review American Grindhouse is an energeticand fun tribute to the crassest sort ofcinematic schlock. - Re<strong>com</strong>mended -Video LibrarianItem no. : HA11990005Format : DVD (Color)Duration : 82 minutesCopyright : 2010Price : USD 249.00WORK SHEETGENERATORSMATH COMPANION 3.0:VOLUME 1 -CALCULATIONSBy Arnie UretskyThe easy-to-use publishing tool forteachers and students to create mathactivities in minutes!Create all the materials you need tosupplement your math program in the areaof calculations and word problems.Activities range from initial instruction,guided practice, independent practice toapplication. Perfect for group orindividualized instruction. A must forregular classrooms, Special Education,ESL and Basic Skills programs.Features: From 3 to 64 problems per page Insert graphic hints for intial teachingand remediation Create math games Full word processing Create curricular packets Apply dozens of layout options Click on a problem and get another!Benefits: More than 100 objectives Create worksheets on single ormultiple concepts Math-rich classroom Make the connection for ALL of yourstudents Save money! Math Companion is theessential alternative to pre-mademath workbooks. Teachers andschools save hours in extrapreparation and teaching time as wellas reducing curriculum expenses.Create: Word problems Color-ins Anagrams Calculations BingoStandard Exponents Expanded decimal and fractionobjectives Expanded integer objectives Number sequences Skip counting Missing parts of number sequencesSystem Requirements Windows: 128 MB RAM, Windows 98,2000, ME, XP or VistaItem no.Format: VE08190411: CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser)Audience : Grades K-8Price : USD 70.00WORD SEARCHCOMPANIONBy Arnie UretskyWord Search Companion's easy-to-useinterface allows access to the program'sextensive database of 17,000 words,definitions, sentences, synonyms, andpictures to create fun and dynamicthematic word search and crosswordpuzzles in minutes!Use the built-in Spell Checker andThesaurus to check the puzzle beforeprinting in standard, poster, or greetingcard size. Change the font, style and sizeof your clues in one click. Create wordsearch puzzles for a Web site; save apuzzle as a graphic in Pict or Bmp formatand use it in desktop publishing.System Requirements Windows: 8 MB RAM, Windows 3.1 orWindows 95/98.Item no.Format: VL08190422: CD-ROM (Win, UnlimitedSite License)Audience : Grades K-12Price : USD 400.00WORKSHEET GENERATORBUNDLE DELUXEBy Arnie Uretskyincludes: Crossword Companion Deluxe Teacher Resource CompanionDeluxe Graphics Companion Deluxe Math Companion 3 Volume 1 Math Companion 3 Volume 2 Vocabulary Companion 3Item no. : TB08190424Format : CD-ROMAudience : Grades K-12Price : USD 200.00百 家韑 講 壇赤 : 三 言借 二 拍 (BAI JIAJIANG TAN: SAN YAN EREPAI)主 講 人 : 韓 田 鹿 教 授它 是 千 百 年 來 口 口 相 傳 的 數 百 個鞄 傳 奇 故 事的 集 錦 , 經操 由 兩 個鞄 天 才 作伿 家韑 的 潤 色 而 震责 爍 古今 。它 演躽 繹 了 從 通 俗 走倥 向 經操 典 的 完侖 美 傳 奇 , 它 是解攕 讀 民 族 文 化 心 理 高珉 不 可 及 的 範 本 。它 永 遠狚 被 模 仿 , 從 未 被 超 越 。 它 就 是 明 代 白話攠 短 篇 小 說狄 集 《 三 言借 二 拍 》。一 奇 書頟 出 世二 玞 富 與犕 命 運跮三 家韑 產 與犕 兄 弟侩四 斷 案頥 與犕 解攕 謎五 皇 帝 與犕 無 賴六 市 民 與犕 精 英七 智 者 的 叮 嚀八 成 功 與犕 負 心九 理 性 與犕 激趦 情十 愛 情 與犕 金 錢十 — 好 人 一 生 平 安Item no. : WP07491403Format : 5 DVDs (Mandarin, WithChinese Subtitles)Price : USD 450.00百 家韑 講 壇赤 : 大 明 嘉蹏 靖 往 事 (BAIJIA JIANG TAN: DA MINGJIA JING WANG SHI)主 講 人 : 方 志侰 遠狚 教 授在 明 朝 眾 多 的 皇 帝 中 , 嘉蹏 靖 皇 帝 是 最 獨趸 特顠 的一 個鞄 , 他 有 天 上 掉 餡 餅 的 好 運跮 氣頾 , 更俐 有 揣 著明 白 裝攏 糊 塗 的 權 力 手 段 ,他 一 生 與犕 大 臣 鬥珊 智 鬥珊 勇 , 贏 得 了 尊 嚴 , 卻 輸了 民 心 。 也 正 因 為 嘉蹏 靖 皇 帝 的 個鞄 性 , 開 創 了一 個鞄 別低 具 特顠 色 的 “ 嘉蹏 靖 時頗 代 ”, 讓 海顊 瑞撎 、 戚 繼 光 、 嚴 嵩 等 明 朝 最 著 名 的 人物 有 了 各 自 的 舞犗 臺犔 。在 這 個鞄 表 面 風靨 輕狗 云 淡 , 其 實蹴 卻 暗搽 流 湧 動珩 的 時頗代 , 儒赉 家韑 傳 統 文 化 中 的 精 華 與犕 桎 梏 在 此 刻 迸环發 , 君佦 與犕 臣 的 博 弈 , 忠 與犕奸 的 對蹹 峙 , 在 朝 在 野 的 文 化 人 , 士 農跭 工 商珲 ?凡 夫 俗 子 , 莫 不 在 這 一 朝 遇跶 到 了 最 好 的 夥蹣 伴和 對蹹 手 。第 一 集 天 上 掉 餡 餅第 二 集 名 不 正 言借 不 順第 三 集 天 無 絕 人 之 路跡第 四 集 “ 禮 ” 是 打 出 來 的第 五 集 睚 眥 必 報第 六 集 宮韓 女 謀 殺 皇 帝第 七 集 皇 帝 也 差韤 錢第 八 集 文 死 諫第 九 集 長 使 英 雄 淚 滿軈 襟第 十 集 倭鞉 寇 的 剋 星第 十 一 集 要 算牨 就 算牨 政 治 賨第 十 二 集 “ 奸 臣 ” 三 部 曲第 十 三 集 忠 臣 是 怎 樣 鑄 成 的第 十 四 集 幕蹿 後 的 推 手第 十 五 集 嘉蹏 靖 嘉蹏 靖 家韑 家韑 乾珍 凈 Flash cards百 科Item no. : NH07491400Format : 7 DVDs (Mandarin, WithUpdated objectives to meet StateChinese Subtitles)________________________________________________________________________________________________________90Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk

Price : USD 420.00百 家韑 講 壇赤 : 末 代 皇 帝 溥摨 儀猙 (BAIJIA JIANG TAN: MO DAIHUANG DI PU YI)主 講 人 : 喻 大 華 教 授愛 新搼 覺 羅 ‧ 溥摨 儀猙 , 清 朝 最 後 一 位 皇 帝 , 生 於1906 年 , 卒 於 1967 年 , 在 一 個鞄 花 甲 的 輪贁 回中 , 他 擁赸 有 了 非 凡 傳 奇 的 人 生 經操 歷趜 : 登 極摌 、退玩 位 、 傀 儡 ; 皇 帝 、 戰赶 犯 、 公 民 。 榮躪 辱玥 沉俥 浮顏 、幾 度 起玠 落擬 , 每俟 一 個鞄 他 都 很 不 尋 常 。因 為 溥摨 儀猙 的 特顠 殊頻 , 所 以 人 們靽 關 注 他 , 希侣 望 瞭解攕 他 , 他 曾 出 版 個鞄 人 自 傳 《 我侷 的 前 半 生 》,數 十 年 來 風靨 行 於 世 , 他 的 人 生 經操 歷趜 更俐 被 拍 成多 部 影 視 作伿 品 , 蜚 聲 國 際狽 、 廣 為 流 傳 。皇 帝 離 我侷 們靽 很 遠狚 , 他 離 我侷 們靽 很 近 。第 一 集 慈 禧 的 “ 算牨 盤 ”第 二 集 兩 宮韓 駕贶 崩第 三 集 攝 政 王 的 苦 惱第 四 集 罷 黜 袁玌 世 凱第 五 集 六 歲摚 退玩 位第 六 集 風靨 雲 突 變第 七 集 振頄 翅獏 欲 飛革第 八 集 少 年 夫 妻第 九 集 被 逐 出 宮韓第 十 集 東 陵 浩顒 劫体第 十 一 集 津 門 彷侬 徨第 十 二 集 潛 往 東 北第 十 三 集 粉猽 墨赇 登 場第 十 四 集 傀 儡 抗侹 主第 十 五 集 關 東 軍 的 高珉 壓第 十 六 集 政 治 聯 姻第 十 七 集 忍侱 辱玥 偷珜 生第 十 八 集 偽珏 皇 退玩 位第 十 九 集 瀋 陽 被 俘第 二 十 集 引 渡 回 國第 二 十 一 集 走倥 向 新搼 生Item no. : KS07271402Format : 10 DVDs (Mandarin, WithChinese Subtitles)Price : USD 600.00百 家韑 講 壇赤 : 抗侹 倭鞉 英 雄 - 戚 繼 光(BAI JIA JIANG TAN: KANGWO YING XIONG - QI JIGUANG)主 講 人 : 眉 酈 波 副珥 敦 授這 是 大 明 王 朝 的 一 段 恥韰 辱玥 與犕 傷 痛 , 人 數 弄侨 不眾 多 的 倭鞉 寇 , 竟 然 可 以 在 中 國 東 南 沿 海顊 燒趯 殺搶 掠 , 宄 竟 是 什 ? 讓 大 明 王 朝 的 百 萬撻 軍 隊 屢蹺戰赶 屢蹺 敗 ?這 是 一 員鞬 經操 歷趜 傳 奇 的 大 明 猛 將 , 他 橫趐 刀 立 馬珇的 身倧 影 躍 然 史 書頟 之 上 , 茂 約 一 個鞄 民 族 千 百 年稱牟 頌踨 的 抗侹 倭鞉 英 雄 , 他 宄 覓 有 著 怎 樣 的 獨趸 門 絕招 , 可 以 讓 橫趐 掃 東 南 不 可 一 世 的 倭鞉 寇 聞犉 風靨 喪膽 ?這 是 一 聲 來 自 歷趜 史 深 處 的 嘆蹎 息韵 , 征 戰赶 一 生 的大 明 獎 軍 戚 繼 光 , 晚 年 卻 是 妻 離 子 散 、 孤 獨趸死 去 , 究倏 竟 又 是 什 ?? 這 個鞄 戎 馬珇 一 生 的 老 將軍 晚 景 悲 涼 ?第 一 集 一 鳴猒 驚 人第 二 集 少 年 壯侄 志侰 不 言借 愁第 三 集 特顠 殊頻 的 考 試攙第 四 集 首靫 戰赶 告佨 敗第 五 集 尋 找俁 戚 家韑 軍第 六 集 士 兵佋 突 擊第 七 集 夫 人 出 馬珇第 八 集 怒 戰赶 花 街第 九 集 台 州 大 捷第 十 集 勇 闖 奪蹦 命 島韡第 十 一 集 血 戰赶 林 墩猽第 十 二 集 平 息韵 海顊 疆第 十 三 集 血 肉 長 城第 十 四 集 將 星 隕 落擬Item no. : PC07761401Format : 7 DVDs (Mandarin, WithChinese Subtitles)Price : USD 420.00百 家韑 講 壇赤 : 唐鞡 宋侗 八 大 家韑 - 歐 陽 修鞈曾 鞏质 (BAI JIA JIANG TAN:TANG SONG BA DA JIA -OU YANG XIU ZENG GONG)G)主 講 人 : 康 震责 教 授歐 陽 修鞈 是 北 宋侗 時頗 期 當撔 之 無 愧 的 文 壇赤 領猅 袖 和重 要 的 政 治 家韑 , 曾 鞏质 是 北 宋侗 時頗 期 著 名 的 散 文家韑 。 那倴 麼猕 , 在 一 千 年 前 的 北 宋侗 政 壇赤 , 歐 陽 修鞈究倏 竟 上 演躽 了 一 場 怎 樣 波 瀾 起玠 伏 的 人 生 ? 一篇 篇 膾 炙 人 口 的 美 文 佳 作伿 到 底 如 何 橫趐 空 出世 ? 而 得 到 歐 陽 修鞈 極摌 力 推 崇 的 文 學赩 奇 才 曾鞏质 , 為 什 麼猕 是 ( 唐鞡 宋侗 八 大 家韑 ) 中 最 令 我侷 們靽 當撔代 人 感 到 陌 生 的 一 位 ?這 其 中 巨 大 的 反 差韤 , 究倏 竟 隱 藏 著 怎 樣 的 秘猷密 ?歐 陽 修鞈第 一 集 醉贏 翁獐 之 意 在 哪鞯 里倷第 二 集 偏珝 向 虎 山 行第 三 集 他 動珩 了 誰 的 乳 酪踀第 四 集 提 前 開 始 的 決俩 戰赶第 五 集 清 醒 的 醉贏 翁獐第 六 集 費 力 反 而 不 討玒 好第 七 集 忠 臣 反 被 忠 臣 害韐第 八 集 科 舉 文 章 怎 麼猕 寫第 九 集 後 浪顄 如 何 推 前 浪顄第 十 集 力 斷 皇 帝 家韑 務珧 事第 十 一 集 花 甲 之 年 惹 緋 聞犉第 十 二 集 《 賣 油 翁獐 》 的 境蹜 界第 十 三 集 六 一 居 士 的 六 個鞄 一第 十 四 集 退玩 而 未 休 名 千 古曾 鞏质第 一 集 非 常 七 加 一第 二 集 不 經操 風靨 雨 , 怎 見倝 彩 虹第 三 集 身倧 處 鄉 野 , 名 比 天 高珉Item no. : VN07271405Format : 8 DVDs (Mandarin, WithChinese Subtitles)Price : USD 480.00百 家韑 講 壇赤 : 唐鞡 宋侗 八 大 家韑 - 韓 愈 柳宗 元 (I JIA JIANG TAN:TANG SONG BA DA JIA -HAN YU LIU ZONG YUAN)主 講 人 : 康 震责 教 授說狄 到 唐鞡 詩攚 宋侗 詞 , 我侷 們靽 自 然 會摅 想 到 李俒 白 、 杜俖甫倆 、 蘇 軾跪 、 李俒 清 照摺 ; 而 要 說狄 到 唐鞡 宋侗 散 文 , 我侷們靽 自 然 就 會摅 想 到 “ 唐鞡 宋侗 八 大 家韑 ”。他 們靽 那倴 一 篇 篇 洋 洋 灑 灑 如 行 云 流 水 般獭 的 文章 , 宛 如 一 望 無 垠 黃 燦 燦 的 麥 田 , 成 熟 而 富於 生 機趙 。 讀 八 大 家韑 之 文 , 就 是 在 讀 八 大 家韑 的人 生 與犕 智 慧 。而 在 “ 唐鞡 宋侗 八 大 家韑 ” 中 , 韓 愈 和 柳 宗 元 有 著特顠 殊頻 的 地 位 , 是 他 們靽 豎 起玠 了 古 文 運跮 動珩 的 大旗躡 , 在 中 國 文 學赩 史 上 留猈 下 了 不 可磨跊 滅摧 的 玟 獻 。 韓 愈 , 一 個鞄 倔鞀 強 的 儒赉 家韑 道跰 統 的倡鞃 導赫 者 , 是 什 ? 樣 的 人 生 與犕 經操 歷趜 鑄 就 了 他 這樣 偉珕 大 的 文 學赩 成 就 呢 ? 內 容韕 提 要韓 愈 和 柳 宗 元 是 唐鞡 代 最 出 色 的 兩 大 散 文家韑 、 思 想 家韑 。 唐鞡 代 “ 古 文 運跮 動珩 ” 的 開 創 者 和領猅 導赫 者 , 被 人 們靽 並 稱牟 為 “ 韓 柳 ”。 那倴?, 韓 愈 為 什 ? 位 居 “ 唐鞡 宋侗 八 大 家韑 ” 之 首靫 ? 一介 書頟 生 的 他 , 如 何 會摅 在 戰赶 場 上 一 展韙 風靨 採 ? 少年 得 志侰 的 柳 宗 元 , 為 什 ? 在 事 業摇達跲 到 頂 峰韠 的 時頗 候鞅 卻 突 然 被 貶 , 並 最 後 客 死 他鄉 ? 韓 愈 與犕 柳 宗 元 之 間 , 又 有 著 怎 樣 鮮 為 人知 的 交 往 ?韓 愈 :第 一 集 考 試攙 進 行 時頗第 二 集 理 想 照摺 亮 現 實蹴第 三 集 敢 問 路跡 在 何 方第 四 集 沙俢 場 初 點 兵佋第 五 集 敢 向 皇 帝 說狄 不第 六 集 一 介 書頟 生 單 刀 赴 會摅柳 宗 元 :第 一 集 一 步俞 登 天 還 是 一 步俞 登 空第 二 集 朋 友 一 生 一 起玠 走倥第 三 集 世 家韑 子 弟侩 的 難 言借 之 隱第 四 集 破猡 解攕 一 道跰 無 解攕 之 題第 五 集 動珩 物 開 口 會摅 講 話攠第 六 集 小 人 物 大 道跰 理第 七 集 與犕 大 自 然 對蹹 話攠Item no. : SC07761404Format : 6 DVDs (Mandarin, WithChinese Subtitles)Price : USD 360.00百 家韑 講 壇赤 : 曾 仕 強 點 評 三 國 之 道跰 第一 部 - 桃頵 園 三 結 義擗 (BAI JIAJIANG TAN: ZENG SHIQIANG DIAN PING SANGUO ZHI DAO DI YI BU -TAO YUAN SAN JIE YI)《 曾 仕 強 點 評 三 國 之 道跰 》 系倐 列 片 以 經操 典 電踝 視劇猢 《 三 國 演躽 義擗 》 為 案頥 例 素獂 材俔 , 採 用 劇猢 情 展韙 示和 問 題 解攕 析 相 互 結 合 的 全 新搼 製犸 作伿 模 式 , 運跮 用《 易 經操 》 象 、 數 、 理 的 視 角倞 , 根頨 據赼 跌 宕 起玠 伏的 情 節擆 發 展韙 , 設 置擓 和 點 評 問 題 要 點 4000 多個鞄 。劉猤 備 本 是 個鞄 沒俯 落擬 的 漢軇 室 宗 親 , 以 賣 草獵 席韥 為生 , 但伽 為 了 實蹴 現 匡 扶侼 漢軇 室 的 理 想 , 他 善 於 隱忍侱 , 注 重 資攮 源摤 整超 合 和 樹趒 立 自 己 的 仁 德 形侫 象 ,從 白 手 起玠 家韑 到 最 終 成 為 三 國 時頗 期 不 可 小 ? 的________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk91

一 股 勢 力 ; 而 曹 操趀 更俐 是 雄 心 勃 勃 , 有 著 統 一天 下 的 野 心 , 他 知 人 善 用 並 心 狠 手 辣狙 , 後 來又 挾頃 天 子 以 令 天 下 , 很 快侳 從 眾 諸 侯 中 脫 跐 而出 ……曾 仕 強 教 授 深 入 剖鞖 析 劇猢 中 人 物 , 提 煉摹 出 值靹 得我侷 們靽 借靺 鑒 的 經操 驗 與犕 應 攗 吸佫 取 的 教 訓玗 , 帶 領猅 我侷們靽 共 同 品 評 《 桃頵 園 三 結 義擗 》。第 一 集 不 打 不 相 識 ( 上 下 )第 二 集 內 亂 招 外 患 ( 上 下 )第 三 集 惡 人 怕 得 勢 ( 上 下 )第 四 集 誑狈 言借 害韐 自 己 ( 上 下 )第 五 集 團蹘 結 是 力 量 ( 上 下 )第 六 集 弱韪 女 挑 重 擔趃 ( 上 下 )第 七 集 全 憑赮 動珩 腦擧 筋 ( 上 下 )第 八 集 推 不 掉 才 要 ( 上 下 )第 九 集 無 用 換 無 用 ( 上 下 )第 十 集 解攕 鬥珊 不 好 鬥珊 ( 上 下 )第 十 一 集 人 頭 也 能獢 借靺 ( 上 下 )第 十 二 集 內 鬼珌 通 外 神 ( 上 下 )第 十 三 集 不 義擗 必 自 斃 ( 上 下 )第 十 四 集 有 人 捧 才 好 ( 上 下 )第 十 五 集 痛 ? 能獢 治 病猊 ( 上 下 )第 十 六 集 降 漢軇 不 降 曹 ( 上 下 )第 十 七 集 來 去 要 光 明 ( 上 下 )第 十 八 集 千 里倷 走倥 單 騎 ( 上 下 )第 十 九 集 兄 弟侩 喜 重 適贅 ( 上 下 )第 二 十 集 父 子 ? 命 運跮 ( 上 下 )第 二 十 一 集 最 怕 用 錯 人 ( 上 下 )第 二 十 二 集 少 數 勝 大 軍 ( 上 下 )Item no. : PV07761497Format : 11 DVD9s (Mandarin,With Chinese Subtitles)Price : USD 495.00百 家韑 講 壇赤 : 傳 奇 - 王 陽 明 (BAIJIA JIANG TAN: CHUAN QI- WANG YANG MING)主 講 人 : 浙顋 江 大 學赩 董擷 平 教 授他 從 歷趜 史 的 燈趰 影 裏 走倥 來 , 帶 著 無 數 傳 奇 ;身倧 陷 詔 獄牁 , 被 錦 衣 衛 追玭 殺 , 他 居 然 死 裏 逃玬生 ;文 弱韪 書頟 生 , 面 對蹹 十 萬撻 精 兵佋 , 卻 最 終 大 獲 全勝 ;另 類 青 年 , 卻 被 尊 為 聖據 賢 , 竟 和 孔 孟 朱 熹趲 齊猗名 ;設 帳 授 徒韫 , 傳 播 心 學赩 思 想 , 卻 又 立 下 蓋犡 世 奇功 ……王 陽 明 , 大 明 王 朝 的 實蹴 際狽 挽頌 救 者 , 他 身倧 上 有太 多 的 對蹹 立 和 謎 團蹘 ;王 陽 明 , 中 國 古 代 的 全 能獢 大 儒赉 , 一 段 你佀 不 能獢不 知 道跰 的 傳 奇 。第 一 集 神 奇 少 年第 二 集 另 類 青 年第 三 集 挺頊 身倧 鬥珊 虎第 四 集 錦 衣 衛 的 追玭 殺第 五 集 龍 場 悟韷 道跰第 六 集 王 陽 明 升 職 記玐第 七 集 臨 危 受 命第 八 集 深 山 剿 匪鞛第 九 集 隻珅 身倧 平 叛第 十 集 攻俍 心 奇 謀第 十 一 集 荒獰 唐鞡 皇 帝第 十 二 集 忍侱 辱玥 負 重第 十 三 集 良候 知 之 教第 十 四 集 此 心 光 明Item no. : RG07271399Format : 7 DVDs (Mandarin, WithChinese Subtitles)Price : USD 420.00百 家韑 講 壇赤 : 新搼 說狄 水 滸 - 宋侗 江 系倐 列(BAI JIA JIANG TAN: XINSHUO SHUI HU - SONGJIANG XI LIE)主 講 人 : 鮑 鵬 山 教 授一 介 書頟 生 宋侗 江 , 究倏 竟 憑赮 藉 著 怎 樣 的 能獢 耐 , 竟然 可 以 讓 一 群擙 武 藝 高珉 強 的 江 湖 精 英 , 拜 倒靼 在他 的 膝 下 ?《 水 滸 》 靈 魂猑 宋侗 江 , 他 究倏 竟 有 著 怎 樣 未 曾 發現 的 內 心 隱 秘猷 , 竟 然 讓 鮑 鵬 山 老 師韦 對蹹 宋侗 江 別低有 一 番 評 說狄 ? 梁 山 頭 領猅 宋侗 江 , 究倏 竟 出 於 何 種牞動珩 機趙 , 竟 然 在 梁 山 水 泊 鼎踳 盛 之 時頗 , 選 擇赾 了 莫名 其 妙例 的 招 安 之 路跡 ?第 一 集 “ 顢狹 ” 義擗 江 湖第 二 集 禍牝 起玠 紅 顏第 三 集 誰 識 法 度第 四 集 籠 絡 英 雄 第 五 集 梟 雄 本 色第 六 集 江 湖 串 聯第 七 集 潛 伏 爪 牙第 八 集 反 上 梁 山第 九 集 誰 是 領猅 袖第 十 集 做珔 大 梁 山第 十 一 集 遺 言借 危 機趙第 十 二 集 牢俿 籠 英 雄第 十 三 集 老 大 歸 位第 十 四 集 梁 山 大 結 局侚Item no. : EV07491406Format : 7 DVDs (Mandarin, WithChinese Subtitles)Price : USD 420.00走倥 近 科 學赩 : 地 理 ‧ 中 國 選 輯(ZOU JIN KE XUE: DI LI .ZHONG GUO XUAN JI)《 地 理 ‧ 中 國 》—— 以 地 質賭 科 考 為 線 索獃 , 以普 及 地 理 學赩 知 識 為 宗 旨 , 介 紹 地 理 學赩 新搼 發現 、 新搼 成 果 、 新搼 探 索獃 ,展韙 示 丰 富 多 彩 的 地 貌狍 資攮 源摤 , 領猅 略 大 自 然 新搼 、奇 、 特顠 、 險 的 神 奇 景 觀 , 揭 示 星 移 斗 轉 、 滄摰海顊 桑頯 田 的 演躽 繹 , 喚醒 綿牾 延 ? 古 、 珍 愛 自 然 的 回 響 , 激趦 發 跨跠 越 山河 、 回 蕩 天 地 的 愛 國 之 情 。《 地 理 ‧ 中 國 》—— 行 進 式 拍 攝 , 演躽 播 室 解攕讀 。 攝 製犸 組 與犕 科 考 隊 同 行 , 紀 錄 科 考 生 活 ,展韙 示 推 理 過跸 程 , 講述 地 貌狍 成 因 , 普 及 科 學赩 知 識 。柴頱 河 地 質賭 探 秘猷巨 洞 之 謎鄱贍 陽 湖 的 奧 秘猷解攕 密 遠狚 古 之 花 ( 上 )解攕 密 遠狚 古 之 花 ( 下 )黃 土 中 的 秘猷 密太 行 山 中 的 奇 觀石 林 傳 奇赤値 水 觀 瀑黃 龍 的 訴 說狄沙俢 海顊 的 奧 秘猷嵩 山 探 秘猷山 中 奇 境蹜洞 穴 奇 觀 ( 上 )洞 穴 奇 觀 ( 下 )Item no. : SB07761591Format : 5 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 450.00探 索獃 發 現 : 天 行 健珖 - 關 中 民 俗 藝術 博 物 院玽 (TAN SUO FA XIAN:TIAN XING JIAN - GUANZHONG MIN SU YI SHU BOWU YUAN)《 天 行 健珖 : 關 中 民 俗 藝 術 》 講 述 了 關 中 民 俗藝 術 博 物 院玽 , 有 一 處 令 人 震责 撼赻 的 奇 觀 。 八 千六 百 多 根頨 古 老 石 樁 巍 然 聳 立 , 造 型 拙 朴 雄渾 。 獨趸 具 民 俗 文 化 神 韻 的 石 雕 文 物 被 學赩 者 們靽譽 為 “ 地 上 兵佋 馬珇 俑 ”。 奇 特顠 的 石 樁 究倏 竟 是 何人 所 造 ? 又 有 著 怎 樣 的 用 途 ? 關 中 民 俗 藝術 博 物 院玽 , 還 將 四 十 多 座韩 渭 北 古 民 居 遷贉 移 復建 , 形侫 成 明 清 街 區珮 , 原鞝 汁 原鞝 味 , 鄉 風靨 濃趡 郁 ,堪 稱牟 陝珁 西 古 民 居 珍 貴 標 本 。 博 物 院玽 內 收 藏 的三 萬撻 多 件 民 俗 器赛 物 , 備 受 社 會摅 各 界 讚 譽 , 成為 眾 多 文 化 學赩 者 關 注 的 焦 點 。Item no. : GN07491589Format : DVD (Mandarin)Price : USD 90.00探 索獃 發 現 : 路跡 易 · 艾 黎赆 (TAN SUOFA XIAN: LU YI . AI LI)《 路跡 易 · 艾 黎赆 》 運跮 用 國 際狽 視 角倞 , 通 過跸 大 量 珍 貴翔 實蹴 的 歷趜 史 素獂 材俔 和 第 一 手 獨趸 家韑 資攮 料頔 全 方 位展韙 現 了 路跡 易 · 艾 黎赆 先 生 的 玟獻 和 他 在 中 國 的 傳 奇 一 生 。 由 中 新搼 兩 國 製犸 作伿人 員鞬 共 同 組 成 的 聯 合 攝 製犸 組 歷趜 時頗 7 個鞄 月 , 足倦跡攵 遍跹 布 那倴 些 太 平 洋 兩 岸 新搼 西蘭 和 中 國 艾 黎赆 先 生 曾 經操 成 長 、 生 活 和 戰赶 鬥珊 過跸的 地 方 , 拍 攝 了 大 量 一 手 素獂 材俔 , 採 訪 了 多 位艾 黎赆 先 生 的 親 屬 、 同 事 、 朋友 以 及 研 究倏 艾 黎赆 先 生 生 平 的 中 外 專 家韑 , 全 方位 地 展韙 現 了 路跡 易 · 艾 黎赆 的 成 長 軌 跡攵 、 奮赦 鬥珊 經操 歷趜和 為 中 新搼 兩 國 人 民 友 誼 所做珔 出 的 玟 獻 。五 集 紀 錄 片 分 別低 介 紹 了 路跡 易 艾 黎赆 一 生 最 重要 的 五 個鞄 階 段 , 重 現 了 艾 黎赆 先 生 早 年 在 新搼 西蘭 度 過跸 的 快侳 樂 童 年 和 青 年時頗 期 在 新搼 西 蘭 山 中 牧 場 的 艱 辛倩 勞 作伿 , 來 到 中國 後 思 想 和 觀 念 的 轉 變 , 創 建 “ 工 合 ” 組 織和 “ 培 黎赆 技侻 術 學赩 校頣 ”, 直 至解攕 放 後 為 參珰 與犕 新搼 中 國 建 設 的 全 過跸 程 , 讓 觀 眾充 分 了 解攕 這 位 被 鄧贌 小 平 譽 為 “ 中 國 人 民 的老 戰赶 友 、 老 朋 友 和 老 同 志侰 ” 的國 際狽 友 人 。Item no. : RV07271579Format : 2 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 180.00科 普 教 育倘________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk92

大 家韑 系倐 列 : 文 物 鑒 定 家韑1、 馬珇 承 源摤 青 銅独 器赛 鑒 定 專 家韑2、 朱 家韑 溍 文 物 專 家韑 、 明 清 史 及 戲 曲 研 究倏 專家韑3、 楊摏 仁 愷 著 名 書頟 畫 鑒 定 家韑4、 史 樹趒 青 著 名 學赩 者 、 史 學赩 家韑 、 文 物 鑒 定 家韑5、 楊摏 新搼 著 名 書頟 畫 家韑 、 鑒 定 家韑6、 耿獗 寶 昌 著 名 陶 瓷 鑒 定 家韑7、 杜俖 迺玪 鬆 著 名 青 銅独 器赛 鑒 定 專 家韑8、 王 世 襄 著 名 文 物 收 藏 家韑 、 鑒 賞 家韑Item no. : TE00390672Format : 8 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 480.00大 家韑 系倐 列 : 考 古 奇 緣1. 袁玌 仲 一 著 名 考 古 學赩 家韑 , 兵佋 馬珇 俑 研 究倏 專 家韑2. 張 頷 著 名 古 文 字 學赩 家韑 、 考 古 學赩 家韑3. 鄭贋 振頄 香靬 河 南 安 陽 殷頽 墟猸 婦 好 墓蹝 的 發 掘 者4. 盧跄 兆 蔭 河 北 滿軈 城 漢軇 墓蹝 的 考 古 發 掘 者5. 熊軜 傳 薪 馬珇 王 堆 漢軇 墓蹝 的 發 掘 者6. 劉猤 慶 柱 中 國 古 代 都 城 、 陵 寢蹶 及 秦猵 漢軇 考 古學赩 研 究倏 者7. 譚 維犁 四 曾 侯 乙 墓蹝 考 古 發 掘 者8. 王 愷 徐韭 州 獅撇 子 山 楚摈 王 墓蹝 的 發 掘 者9. 仇 士 華 “ 夏鞼 商珲 周 斷 代 工 程 ” 首靫 席韥 專 家韑Item no. : KL00390671Format : 9 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 540.00朱 經操 武 世 界 著 名 物 理 學赩 家韑Item no. : NH00390673Format : 3 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 270.00大 家韑 系倐 列 : 國 家韑 最 高珉 科 技侻 獎 獲 得 者( 一 )1、 王 選 中 國 科 學赩 院玽 院玽 士 、 中 國 工 程 院玽 院玽士 , 漢軇 字 激趦 光 照摺 排 係 統 的 創 始 人2、 劉猤 東 生 中 國 科 學赩 院玽 院玽 士 , 地 質賭 學赩 家韑3、 吳佣 文 俊 中 國 科 學赩 院玽 院玽 士 , 著 名 數 學赩 家韑4、 吳佣 孟 超 中 國 科 學赩 院玽 院玽 士 , 肝倔 膽 外 科 專 家韑5、 李俒 振頄 聲 中 國 科 學赩 院玽 院玽 士 , 小 麥 育倘 種牞 專 家韑Item no. : SU00390667Format : 5 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 450.00大 家韑 系倐 列 : 國 家韑 最 高珉 科 技侻 獎 獲 得 者( 二 )1、 黃 昆 中 國 科 學赩 院玽 院玽 士 , 世 界 著 名 固 體 物理 學赩 家韑2、 葉擱 篤跘 正 中 國 科 學赩 院玽 院玽 士 , 氣頾 象 學赩 家韑3、 徐韭 光 憲赭 中 國 科 學赩 院玽 院玽 士 , 化 學赩 家韑4、 袁玌 隆 平 中 國 工 程 院玽 院玽 士 , 雜 交 水 稻 之 父5、 王 永 誌犽 中 國 工 程 院玽 院玽 士 , 載跩 人 航獪 天 工 程總 設 計 師韦6、 王 忠 誠攟 中 國 工 程 院玽 院玽 士 , 神 經操 外 科 專 家韑Item no. : ND00390666Format : 6 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 360.002、 許 麟 廬 著 名 畫 家韑 、 書頟 法 家韑3、 尼 瑪牅 澤趢 仁 畫 家韑4、 力 群擙 著 名 畫 家韑 , 擅起 長 版 畫 、 中 國 畫5、 彥 涵 著 名 畫 家韑6、 周 令 釗玹 著 名 畫 家韑7、 晏頙 濟 元 畫 家韑Item no. : AY00390668Format : 7 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 420.00百 科 探 秘猷 系倐 列 - 2007 重 返 可 哥鞥 西裏 收跟 蹤 報 導赫可 可 西 裏 , 中 國 境蹜 內 最 大 的 一 片 無 人 區珮 , 最後 一 塊 保 留猈 著 原鞝 始 狀 態躊 的 自 然 之 地 。可 可 西 裏 是 蒙犝 語犾 叫 法 的 譯 音靦 , 意 思 是 青 色 的山 樑 , 既 被 稱牟 為 人 類 生 命 的 禁撺 區珮 , 又 被 譽 為美 麗 的 少 女 , 那倴 裡攐 平 均佾 海顊 拔 5300 米 , 氣頾 候鞅寒 冷位 , 空 氣頾 中 的 氧頿 氣頾 祗猯 有 低佂 海顊 拔 地 區珮 的 一半 , 燒趯 開 水 的 沸 點 祗猯 有 60 多 度 。2007 年 10 月 , 一 隻珅 60 人 的 科 考 隊 伍 再 次深 入 可 可 西 裏 , 是 什 ? 讓 他 們靽 如 此 痴撝 迷玨 這 片土 地 ? 是 什 ? 支 撐 他 們靽 度 過跸 40 天 的 嚴 寒 與犕寂 寞蹰 ? 在 千 里倷 無 人 區珮 , 他 們靽 怎 樣 保 持 與犕 外 界的 聯 繫 ? 可 可 西 裏 究倏 竟 是 人 類 的 禁撺 區珮 , 還 是生 命 的 天 堂 ?精 靈 般獭 的 藏 羚 羊 , 湛 藍 的 湖 水 , 極摌 度 的 嚴寒 , 人 類 極摌 限 的 考 驗 。 影 片 用 真猙 實蹴 的 鏡頭 —— 記玐 錄 , 把便 一 個鞄 浪顄 漫軐 、 神 秘猷 、 遙狞 遠狚 的 世界 展韙 示 在 我侷 們靽 面 前 , 面 對蹹 這 是 一 般獭 的 畫 面 ,聆 聽 著 大 自 然 的 聲 音靦 , 讓 我侷 們靽 深 深 地 感 動珩 於這 自 然 的 神 秘猷 和 生 命 的 偉珕 大 。Item no. : TP00390665Format : DVD (Mandarin)Price : USD 90.00大 家韑 系倐 列 : 季 羨擘 林季 羨擘 林 , 著 名 語犾 言借 學赩 家韑 。1930 年 入 清 華 大學赩 西 洋 文 學赩 系倐 。1935 年 赴 德 國 留猈 學赩 。 曾 師韦從 印 度 學赩 家韑 E. 瓦 軟爾 特顠 施 密 特顠 研 究倏 古 代 印 度語犾 言借 。1941 年 獲 哥鞥 廷侧 根頨 大 學赩 哲鞦 學赩 博 士 學赩位 。 後 曾 師韦 從 語犾 言借 學赩 家韑 E. 西 克佉 研 究倏 吐 火 羅語犾 。1946 年 回 國 , 被 北 京 大 學赩 聘擛 為 東 方 語犾言借 文 學赩 系倐 教 授 、 系倐 主 任 。 曾 任 中 國 科 學赩 院玽 哲鞦學赩 社 會摅 科 學赩 部 學赩 部 委 員鞬 、 北 京 大 學赩 副珥 校頣 長 、中 國 社 科 院玽 南 亞 研 究倏 所 所 長 。本 片 是 季 羨擘 林 先 生 的 一 次 人 生 漫軐 談 : 關 於 成功 、 關 於 快侳 樂 、 關 於 做珔 人 、 關 於 出 國 、 關 於玄 鞾 ……。Item no. : EC00390670Format : DVD (Mandarin)Price : USD 90.00大 家韑 系倐 列 : 香靬 江 傳 奇饒 宗 頤 國 學赩 大 師韦金 庸 著 名 作伿 家韑大 家韑 系倐 列 : 畫 者 的 世 界 ( 一 )1、 吳佣 冠 中 畫 家韑 、 美 術 教 育倘 家韑2、 朱 德 群擙 旅頖 法 畫 家韑 、 法 蘭 西 藝 術 學赩 院玽 院玽 士3、 黃 永 玉 畫 家韑4、 侯 一 民 美 術 家韑 、 美 術 教 育倘 家韑5、 丁 聰 著 名 漫軐 畫 家韑6、 張 仃 著 名 畫 家韑7、 華 君佦 武 著 名 漫軐 畫 家韑8、 靳 尚 誼 著 名 油 畫 家韑Item no. : SB00390669Format : 8 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 480.00大 家韑 系倐 列 : 畫 者 的 世 界 ( 二 )1、 方 成 著 名 漫軐 畫 家韑百 科 探 秘猷 系倐 列 - 大 秦猵 帝 國戰赶 國 後 期 , 中 華 大 地 烽 煙摶 四 起玠 , 秦猵 齊猗 楚摈 燕趱 趙狒韓 魏 , 七 國 之 間 你佀 爭 我侷 奪蹦 。 為 什 ? 秦猵 能獢 憑赮 藉一 次 變 法 迅倭 速 崛 起玠 ? 在 同 樣 強 大 的 七 個鞄 諸侯 國 中 , 秦猵 國 為 什 ? 能獢 夠 力 戰赶 群擙 雄 , 成 為 最終 的 贏 家韑 ? 創 造 歷趜 史 奇 跡攵 的 秦猵 軍 卻 又 在 秦猵始 皇 死 後 不 到 三 年 不 可 思 議 地 迅倭 速 敗 亡 , 百萬撻 秦猵 軍 究倏 竟 怎 麼猕 了 ? 本 系倐 列 帶 您 追玭 尋 歷趜 史的 謎 蹤 , 揭 秘猷 真猙 實蹴 歷趜 史 中 鮮 為 人 知 的 秘猷 密 。?《 大 秦猵 帝 國 · 一 法 興 國 》《 大 秦猵 帝 國 · 一 對蹹 六 的 戰赶 略 智 謀 》《 大 秦猵 帝 國 · 大 戰赶 裏 的 小 戰赶 術 》?《 大 秦猵 帝 國 · 最 後 的 秦猵 軍 》( 上 )《 大 秦猵 帝 國 · 最 後 的 秦猵 軍 》( 下 )《 秦猵 始 皇 : 自 卑 的 帝 王 》?《 秦猵 始 皇 : 暴 君佦 的 心 病猊 》《 阿 房 宮韓 消顆 失 之 謎 》( 上 )《 阿 房 宮韓 消顆 失 之 謎 》( 下 )?《 復 活 的 軍 團蹘 · 王 者 之 師韦 》________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk93

《 復 活 的 軍 團蹘 · 血 色 青 銅独 》《 復 活 的 軍 團蹘 · 死 生 之 地 》?《 復 活 的 軍 團蹘 · 關 山 飛革 渡 》《 復 活 的 軍 團蹘 · 舉 國 之 戰赶 》《 復 活 的 軍 團蹘 · 與犕 子 同 仇 》Item no. : EP00390654Format : 5 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 450.00百 科 探 秘猷 系倐 列 - 女 子 防倸 身倧 秘猷 笈女 性 單 獨趸 在 電踝 梯 中 突 然 遇跶 到 危 險 , 她 能獢 夠 逃玬脫 犯 罪擕 分 子 的 魔 爪 麼猕 ? 路跡 上 尾依 隨 , 背 後 襲 擊 ,一 個鞄 個鞄 突 如 其 來 的 危 險 , 單 身倧 女 性 將 如 何 從預踣 防倸 開 始 保 護 自 己 。 如 果 單 獨趸 一 人 身倧 處 顢狹 小空 間 如 : 廁 所 、 浴顑 室 , 面 對蹹 突 然 出 現 的 危 險究倏 竟 怎 樣 讓 自 己 化 險 為 夷 。 究倏 竟 怎 樣 判住 斷 是否佞 被 收跟 蹤 , 怎 樣 擺 脫 壞 人 的 糾 纏 ?從 如 何 避 免佊 開 始 講 述 , 從 如 何 保 護 開 始 做珔起玠 。 特顠 邀 公 安 大 學赩 教 授 王 大 偉珕 , 現 場 根頨 據赼 案頥例 分 析 , 講 解攕 防倸 身倧 知 識 , 女 子 防倸 身倧 術 教 練 蔣璐 霞 現 場 拆 招 , 幫 助佔 女 孩 學赩 會摅 學赩 會摅 擺 脫 險境蹜 。Item no. : TR00390659Format : DVD (Mandarin)Price : USD 90.00百 科 探 秘猷 系倐 列 - 中 國 記玐 憶赲《 中 國 記玐 憶赲 》 是 我侷 國 首靫 開 紀 錄 、 第 一 次 大 規模 瀕 危 非 物 質賭 文 化 遺 產 調 查 實蹴 錄 , 節擆 目 涉顎 及音靦 樂 、 舞犗 蹈 、 戲 曲 、 手 工 藝 、 武 術 、 醫 藥 、風靨 俗 、 體 育倘 競 技侻 等 多 個鞄 方 面 的 非 物 質賭 文 化 遺產 , 拍 攝 足倦 跡攵 遍跹 布 全 國 17 余佄 個鞄 省 市 自 治區珮 , 首靫 次 原鞝 生 態躊 地 呈佤 現 了 一 批係 原鞝 始 神 秘猷 的 民俗 事 象 和 民 間 絕 技侻 , 是 中 國 非 物 質賭 文 化 遺 產保 護 的 最 生 動珩 的 形侫 象 檔 案頥 , 為 中 國 , 為 世 界留猈 下 了 真猙 實蹴 的 “ 中 國 記玐 憶赲 ”。《 中 國 記玐 憶赲 》 系倐 列 分 為 三 個鞄 部 分 , 即佘 《 中 國記玐 憶赲 —— 民 間 習 俗 》、《 中 國 記玐 憶赲 —— 民 間 絕技侻 》、《 中 國 記玐 憶赲 —— 民 間 表 演躽 藝 術 》Item no. : NA00390652Format : 7 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 420.00百 科 探 秘猷 系倐 列 - 史 話攠 中 國 II上 下 五 千 年 的 厚 重 文 化 滋 養 著 一 代 又 一 代的 中 華 兒 女 , 古 老 的 文 明 在 這 塊 神 奇 的 土 地上 傳 承 、 壯侄 大 和 發 展韙 。 本 系倐 列 片 通 過跸 大 量 真猙實蹴 、 生 動珩 的 影 像踽 資攮 料頔 , 為 您 展韙 現 一 幅 中 華 文明 發 展韙 的 全 景 圖蹙 。 您 將 驚 訝 於 片 中 古 人 所 表現 出 來 的 生 活 智 慧 , 感 嘆蹎 青 銅独 器赛 的 華 麗 精美 、 死 文 字 的 神 奇 、 天 文 奇 觀 的 變 幻 莫 測 ,又 為 古 老 的 四 大 文 明 和 帝 王 的 傳 奇 故 事 所深 深 折俆 服 。遊路 歷趜 其 中 , 您 將 對蹹 整超 個鞄 中 華 文 明 建 立 起玠 生 動珩而 立 體 的 全 貌狍 概摎 念 , 是 一 部 極摌 具 觀 賞 價猜 值靹 的收 藏 價猜 值靹 的 文 化 精 品 。1、 《 尋 找俁 失 落擬 的 年 代 ( 文 獻 篇 )》《 尋 找俁 失 落擬的 年 代 ( 文 獻 篇 )》《 尋 找俁 失 落擬 的 年 代 ( 青 銅独 器赛篇 )》《 尋 找俁 失 落擬 的 年 代 ( 考 古 篇 )》《 尋 找俁 失 落擬的 年 代 ( 結 論 篇 )》2、 《 青 銅独 時頗 代 》《 漫軐 話攠 古 代 橋趖 樑 》《 天 塹蹟 變通 途 》《 一 寸 光 陰 —— 古 人 如 何 計 時頗 》《 流 水年 華 —— 水 運跮 儀猙 象 臺犔 》3、 《 破猡 解攕 死 文 字 : 怯 盧跄 文 》《 破猡 解攕 死 文 字 :西 夏鞼 文 》《 破猡 解攕 死 文 字 : 女 真猙 文 》4、 《 遙狞 遠狚 的 王 朝 — 高珉 原鞝 上 的 崛 起玠 》《 遙狞 遠狚的 王 朝 — 天 地 間 的 家韑 園 》《 遙狞 遠狚 的 王 朝 — 牆壁赢 上 的 藝 術 》《 遙狞 遠狚 的 王 朝 — 城 堡 裏 的 殺 機趙 》《 遙狞 遠狚 的 王 朝 — 陽 光 下 的 消顆 失 》5、 《 秦猵 軍 秘猷 史 : 消顆 亡 之 謎 》《 都 江 堰 修鞈 建者 之 謎 》《 明 朝 抗侹 倭鞉 》6、 《 秦猵 始 皇 : 自 卑 的 帝 王 》《 秦猵 始 皇 : 暴君佦 的 心 病猊 》《 武 則 天 : 女 皇 的 心 路跡 》《 武 則 天 :天 生 管牤 理 者 》《 搶 救 乾珍 隆 秘猷 齋 — 命 懸 於 紙獊 》Item no. : WU00390651Format : 6 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 360.00百 科 探 秘猷 系倐 列 - 成 長 啟 示孩 子 是 家韑 庭韨 的 未 來 , 孩 子 能獢 否佞 的 健珖 康 成 長 在很 大 程 度 上 取 決俩 於 家韑 長 對蹹 孩 子 的 影 響 和 教育倘 。 社 會摅 、 老 師韦 、 家韑 長 僅 僅 重 視 文 化 專 業摇 知識 的 教 育倘 是 不 夠 的 , 還 要 讓 孩 子 們靽 具 備 健珖 康的 心 態躊 和 良候 好 的 心 理 素獂 質賭 。本 系倐 列 通 過跸 真猙 實蹴 案頥 例 、 現 場 講 解攕 、 專 家韑 分 析等 方 式 , 介 紹 了 教 育倘 、 心 理 、 為 人 處 事 等 青少 年 成 長 或 將 經操 歷趜 的 多 個鞄 方 面 , 勢 將 為 青 少年 健珖 康 成 長 提 供 啟 示 。《 成 長 啟 示 》 通 過跸 在 成 長 過跸 程 中 各 個鞄 時頗 期 所經操 歷趜 的 典 型 事 例 , 剖鞖 析 原鞝 因 、 分 享 經操 驗 , 為您 講 述 小 事 情 背 後 隱 藏 的 大 道跰 理 , 和 您 分 享非 一 般獭 的 成 長 經操 驗 。?《 校頣 園 裏 的 攝 像踽 頭 》《 一 報 定 終 生 ?》《 填 報 志侰 願 攻俍 略 》?《 你佀 的 孩 子 “ 網牺 癮 ” 了 嗎 》《 走倥 出 網牺 癮 》《 一 個鞄 和 五 個鞄 》?《30 人 31 條 腿犑 》《 漢軇 語犾 是 怎 樣 “ 煉摹 ” 成 的 》《 虛 擬 的 誘狇 惑 》?《 寶 寶 壯侄 壯侄 》《 愛 說狄 話攠 的 小 孩 》《 家韑 長 裏 短 話攠 遊路 戲 》?《 她 懷 上 了 五 胞 胎 》《 心 心 相 印 五 胞 胎 》《 輪贁 胎 寶 寶 》《 胖 兒 的 煩摷 惱 》?《 養 蛇 的 小 孩 》《 感 動珩 童 心 》《“ 籃 球 女 孩 ” 的 游 泳 夢蹤 》《 牽 手 孤 獨趸 》Item no. : GL00390653Format : 6 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 360.00百 科 探 秘猷 系倐 列 - 南 極摌 探 秘猷 之 旅頖2009 年 是 中 國 南 極摌 長 城 站猺 建 立 25 週 年 、 中國 南 極摌 科 考 25 週 年 , 科 學赩 家韑 在 這 值靹 得 紀 念的 年 份 又 一 次 踏賶 上 了 南 極摌 科 考 的 徵 程 。《 風靨 雨 長 城 站猺 》科 考 途 中 , 天 氣頾 突 然 變 壞 , 大 雨 伴 隨 著 狂倃風靨 , 海顊 上 也 升 起玠 了 大 霧 。 隊 員鞬 們靽 是 如 何 避 險的 ? 越 野 車倨 陷 入 泥 潭 中 , 國 際狽 間 的 救 助佔 如 何完侖 成 ?《 極摌 地 號擽 遇跶 險 記玐 》執 行 建 造 中 國 在 南 極摌 的 第 二 座韩 常 年 攷 察蹸 站猺中 山 站猺 任 務珧 的 抗侹 冰 船 —— 極摌 地 號擽 的 船 長 魏文 良候 與犕 大 家韑 一 起玠 重 溫摬 那倴 段 險 象 環 生 的 探 秘猷之 旅頖 。《 勇 闖 格頴 羅 夫 山 》格頴 羅 夫 山 是 中 國 南 極摌 攷 察蹸 含佳 金 量 最 大 的 成果 之 一 ,4 次 攷 察蹸 後 共 收 穫 9834 顆 隕 石 ,相 隔 10 年 , 兩 位 親 歷趜 者 重 溫摬 那倴 段 激趦 動珩 人 心的 探 險 歷趜 程 , 揭 秘猷 他 們靽 的 隕 石 尋 找俁 之 路跡 。《 生 死 三 分 鐘 》第 24 次 南 極摌 攷 察蹸 中 山 站猺 站猺 長 、 高珉 級獇 機趙 械 工程 師韦 —— 徐韭 霞 興 , 講 述 在 海顊 冰 上 工 作伿 時頗 連 人帶 車倨 墜猻 入 冰 海顊 中 並 成 功 脫 險 的 那倴 決俩 定 生 與犕死 的 三 分 鐘 。《 極摌 地 崑 侖 》2008 年 ,28 名 隊 員鞬 在 有 著 “ 南 極摌 的 青 藏 高珉原鞝 ” 之 稱牟 的 南 極摌 內 陸 冰 蓋犡 最 高珉 點 —— 冰 穹A, 修鞈 建 中 國 第 一 個鞄 南 極摌 內 陸 攷 察蹸 站猺 ——“ 崑 侖 站猺 ”。 在 此 之 前 , 從 未 有 人 從 地 ? 進入 , 那倴 裡攐 到 底 是 什 ? 模 樣 ? 為 什 ? 會摅 選 擇赾 這 樣一 處 險 地 作伿 為 中 國 的 內 陸 攷 察蹸 基 地 ?Item no. : NZ00390658Format : 2 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 180.00百 科 探 秘猷 系倐 列 - 科 技侻 創 新搼 與犕 生 活在 20 年 前 , 我侷 們靽 現 在 的 生 活 或 許 還 祗猯 是 存在 於 那倴 時頗 人 們靽 的 幻 想 中 , 可 如 今 已 經操 成 為 了現 實蹴 …… 科 技侻 發 展韙 日 新搼 月 異 , 嶄蹻 新搼 的 科 技侻 成果 迅倭 速 得 到 了 廣 泛 應 用 。 未 來 的 新搼 技侻 術 又 會摅給 我侷 們靽 的 生 活 帶 來 什 ? 樣 的 變 化 呢 ?本 系倐 列 不 但伽 向 您 介 紹 我侷 們靽 身倧 邊 現 已 得 到 應用 的 嶄蹻 新搼 科 技侻 , 更俐 透 過跸 影 像踽 展韙 現 一 下 人 類 未來 的 生 活 , 給 您 直 觀 的 認狀 識 與犕 強 烈顝 的 震责 撼赻 。做珔 好 準摮 備 迎 接 未 來 科 技侻 帶 給 我侷 們靽 的 方 便 與犕快侳 捷 。《 創 新搼 五 年 : 揭 秘猷 “ 龍 芯 ” 計 劃蹄 ( 上 )》《 創 新搼 五 年 : 揭 秘猷 “ 龍 芯 ” 計 劃蹄 ( 下 )》《 創 新搼 五 年 : 發 現 四 翼 恐韱 龍 》《 創 新搼 五 年 : 喝 水 的 汽俰 車倨 》《 創 新搼 五 年 : 中 國 第 二 大 氣頾 田 的 發 現 》《 創 新搼 五 年 : 挺頊 進 不 可 接 近 之 極摌 》《 創 新搼 五 年 : 為 了 治 療 乙 肝倔 的 奮赦 鬥珊 》《 創 新搼 五 年 :“ 博 弈 ” 互 聯 網牺 》《 數 字 電踝 視 大 本 營 探 秘猷 》《 變 著 花 樣 看 奧 運跮 ( 上 )》《 變 著 花 樣 看 奧 運跮 ( 下 )》《 沒俯 有 軌 道跰 的 地 鐵 》《 電踝 視 隨 身倧 看 》《 機趙 器赛 亦 有 情 》《 變 異 殺 手 》《 災俽 難 襲 來 》________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk94

《 魔 鞋货 》《 人 體 改俌 造 》《 另 類 荷 軟爾 蒙犝 》《 遨贇 游 太 空 的 菌 種牞 》《 會摅 做珔 飯 的 機趙 器赛 人 》《 能獢 健珖 身倧 的 洗 衣 機趙 》《“ 電踝 腦擧 導赫 航獪 ” 創 奇 跡攵 》《 沒俯 有 人 的 地 球 》《 未 來 人 》《 人 造 飛革 碟牖 》Item no. : KC00390656Format : 8 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 480.00百 科 探 秘猷 系倐 列 - 食靪 物 相 克佉 法 則食靪 物 相 剋 ! 這 件 事 您 聽 說狄 過跸 嗎 ? 一 旦 食靪 物搭 配玵 不 當撔 就 可 能獢 引 發 中 毒 、 生 病猊 , 嚴 重 的 甚至 還 會摅 死 亡 。 每俟 天 入 口 的 那倴 些 食靪 物 會摅 讓 我侷 們靽真猙 的 生 病猊 嗎 ? 某 些 食靪 物 相 互 搭 配玵 在 一 起玠 吃時頗 真猙 的 會摅 導赫 致 死 亡 嗎 ? 從 未 有 人 科 學赩 驗 證過跸 這 些 流 傳 已 久 的 食靪 物 相 剋 法 則 的 真猙 假珑 , 但伽它 又 和 生 命 安 全 密 切 相 關 ! 中 國 疾猉 病猊 預踣 防倸控 制 中 心 營 養 與犕 食靪 品 安 全 研 究倏 所 的 研 究倏 員鞬來 為 您 首靫 次 科 學赩 揭 示 食靪 物 相 剋 法 則 的 真猙相 , 到 底 什 ? 樣 的 搭 配玵 最 危 險 ? 錯 誤狃 的 搭 配玵會摅 帶 來 什 ? 樣 的 結 果 ?《 殺 人 菜 譜 》《 相 剋 法 則 揭 秘猷 》《1+1= 結 石 ?》Item no. : PR00390661Format : DVD (Mandarin)Price : USD 90.00百 科 探 秘猷 系倐 列 - 神 秘猷 生 物 調 查我侷 們靽 生 活 的 地 球 還 有 多 少 種牞 人 類 尚 未 知 曉趇的 神 秘猷 生 物 ? 在 我侷 國 南 部 的 叢 林 中 發 現 的似 人 非 人 的 怪 物 是 否佞 就 是 傳 說狄 中 的 野 人 ?新搼 疆 喀 納獉 斯 發 現 的 白 色 怪 熊軜 會摅 不 會摅 就 是 北極摌 熊軜 呢 ? 喀 納獉 斯 湖 怪 究倏 竟 是 什 ? 呢 ? 遠狚 古 巨猿撈 真猙 的 已 經操 滅摧 絕 了 嗎 ? 神 秘猷 黑 暗搽 的 海顊 底 世界 , 真猙 的 會摅 有 體 型 巨 大 的 動珩 物 嗎 ?…… 調 查的 結 果 會摅 是 怎 麼猕 樣 的 呢 ? 謎 團蹘 能獢 否佞 就 此 解攕開 ? 本 系倐 列 片 帶 您 一 起玠 分 析 經操 過跸 , 了 解攕 神 秘猷生 物 的 謎 樣 故 事 。《 異 形侫 之 謎 》《 魅贽 影 迷玨 蹤 》《 遭贈 遇跶 喀 納獉 斯 怪 熊軜 》《 追玭 蹤 喀 納獉 斯 湖 怪 》《 遠狚 古 巨 猿撈 》《 尋 找俁 巨 猿撈 後 代 》《 海顊 底 巨 獸 》《 神 秘猷 的 “ 怪 肉 ”》( 上 )《 神 秘猷 的 “ 怪 肉 ”》( 下 )《 揭 秘猷 見倝 血 封 喉 》《 霸 主 的 殞 滅摧 》《 未 亡 的 恐韱 龍 》《 巨 龍 發 掘 記玐 》Item no. : TH00390660Format : 4 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 360.00百 科 探 秘猷 系倐 列 - 野 性 的 呼 喚 : 中國 瀕 危 野 生 動珩 物 報 告佨野 生 動珩 物 及 其 棲 息韵 環 境蹜 是 大 自 然 賦 予 人 類最 為 寶 貴 的 可 持 續 資攮 源摤 。 動珩 物 的 生 存 秘猷 密 正在 被 人 類 更俐 為 深 刻 的 認狀 知 , 人 們靽 希侣 望 通 過跸 這些 認狀 知 能獢 夠 更俐 好 的 幫 助佔 和 挽頌 救 人 類 身倧 邊 的動珩 物 朋 友 。 大 型 自 然 紀 錄 片 《 野 性 的 呼 喚 》記玐 錄 野 生 動珩 物 的 生 態躊 行 為 , 破猡 解攕 動珩 物 世 界 的奧 秘猷 。 幫 助佔 公 眾 了 解攕 中 國 野 生 動珩 物 的 生 存 現狀 , 喚 起玠 公 眾 的 野 生 動珩 物 保 護 意 識 , 傳 遞狟 野生 動珩 物 保 護 最 新搼 理 念 。《 勝 者 為 王 》《 動珩 物 愛 情 》《 成 長 之 路跡 》《 生 存 武 裝攏 》《 舐獩 犢 之 情 》《 兇 案頥 現 場 》( 上 )《 兇 案頥 現 場 》( 下 )《 回 歸 自 然 》( 上 )《 回 歸 自 然 》( 下 )《 倖靷 存 之 謎 》Item no. : JT00390664Format : 3 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 270.00百 科 探 秘猷 系倐 列 - 絡 病猊 探 秘猷心 腦擧 血 管牤 病猊 變 , 號擽 稱牟 人 類 健珖 康 的 第 一 殺 手 ,是 目 前 世 界 上 致 死 率 最 多 的 疾猉 病猊 。 面 對蹹 遍跹 布人 體 錯 綜牴 複 雜 的 血 管牤 係 統 病猊 變 , 現 代 西 醫 在治 療 這 類 疾猉 病猊 上 也 是 捉頉 襟 見倝 肘倕 , 侷 限 很 大 。那倴 ?, 素獂 以 係 統 、 辯 證 治 療 的 中 醫 能獢 有 什 ?作伿 為 嗎 ?吳佣 以 嶺 是 國 家韑 973 項 目 “ 絡 病猊 理 論 及 其 血管牤 病猊 變 防倸 治 研 究倏 ” 的 首靫 席韥 科 學赩 家韑 。 那倴 ? 什 ?是 “ 絡 病猊 ”? 中 醫 的 絡 病猊 與犕 西 醫 的 心 腦擧 血管牤 病猊 有 什 ? 聯 繫 ? 中 醫 描 述 的 絡 是 否佞 就 是 現代 ? 剖鞖 醫 學赩 的 血 管牤 係 統 ? 吳佣 以 嶺 潛 心 探 索獃20 餘 年 的 中 醫 絡 病猊 理 論 在 治 療 心 腦擧 血 管牤 病猊方 面 有 什 ? 突 破猡 ? 本 片 將 為 您 攘 細 解攕 答 。Item no. : MD00390657Format : DVD (Mandarin)Price : USD 90.00百 科 探 秘猷 系倐 列 - 精 密 武 器赛 與犕 軍 事戰赶 爭戰赶 爭 裝攏 備 的 先 進 與犕 否佞 往 往 在 戰赶 爭 中 起玠 著 重要 的 作伿 用 , 有 時頗 甚 至 能獢 決俩 定 一 場 戰赶 爭 的 結局侚 。 本 系倐 列 片 通 過跸 大 量 真猙 實蹴 生 動珩 的 影 響 鏡頭 , 為 您 再 現 一 個鞄 個鞄 驚 心 動珩 魄贾 的 戰赶 爭 場 面 ,解攕 讀 那倴 些 鮮 為 人 知 的 軍 事 計 劃蹄 與犕 秘猷 密 武器赛 , 攘 細 講 述 各 種牞 武 器赛 來 源摤 、 歷趜 史 、 在 戰赶 爭中 起玠 到 的 何 種牞 作伿 用 , 以 及 幾 種牞 新搼 式 裝攏 備 在 現代 和 未 來 戰赶 爭 中 究倏 竟 扮俇 演躽 著 何 種牞 角倞 色 , 發 揮著 怎 樣 的 作伿 用 ? 相 信 通 過跸 這 本 系倐 列 片 的 講解攕 會摅 讓 您 對蹹 各 類 裝攏 備 有 更俐 直 觀 的 了 解攕 。《 勇 敢 者 的 武 器赛 》《 火 箭 筒 的 始 祖猬 》《 鐵 拳響 的 威 脅獛 》《RPG 火 箭 筒 傳 奇 》《 鷹 眼 幽 靈 》《 肩 扛 式 導赫 彈 》《 直 升 機趙 的 “ 墓蹝 地 ?”》《F-117“ 下 課 ”》《 影 響 歷趜 史 的 武 器赛 - 飛革 機趙 》《 影 響 歷趜 史 的 武 器赛 - 坦 克佉 》《 潛 水 航獪 母 》《 會摅 飛革 的 坦 克佉 》《 永 不 降 落擬 的 飛革 機趙 》《 旋 風靨 大 砲猧 復 原鞝 記玐 》《 揭 秘猷 紅 旗躡 行 動珩 》( 上 )《 揭 秘猷 紅 旗躡 行 動珩 》( 下 )《 兵佋 棋 上 的 海顊 灣 戰赶 爭 》( 上 )《 兵佋 棋 上 的 海顊 灣 戰赶 爭 》( 下 )解攕 密 亮 劍猥 :《 擊 斃 “ 名 將 之 花 ”》解攕 密 亮 劍猥 :《 殲 滅摧 “ 觀 戰赶 團蹘 ”》解攕 密 亮 劍猥 :《 喬 裝攏 打 扮俇 的 日 軍 》解攕 密 亮 劍猥 :《 抗侹 戰赶 的 炮 聲 》Item no. : TS00390655Format : 7 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 420.00百 科 探 秘猷 系倐 列 - 養 生 保 健珖 Ⅱ: 健珖康 生 活 遠狚 離 疾猉 病猊本 系倐 列 片 通 過跸 一 系倐 列 真猙 實蹴 、 典 型 的 治 療 案頥例 , 以 科 學赩 的 態躊 度 和 關 懷 的 視 角倞 揭 示 了 損 害韐人 體 健珖 康 的 許 多 潛 在 危 險 因 素獂 , 以 及 很 多 由繁 忙 的 工 作伿 和 繁 重 的 壓 力 所 引 起玠 的 現 代 病猊症猋 , 介 紹 了 科 技侻 飛革 速 進 步俞 後 戰赶 勝 疾猉 病猊 的 新搼 形侫勢 和 新搼 條 件 , 幫 助佔 您 用 樂 觀 的 態躊 度 正 視 疾猉病猊 , 用 堅 強 的 意 志侰 戰赶 勝 疾猉 病猊 , 逐 步俞 形侫 成 跏極摌 、 健珖 康 向 上 的 生 活 方 式 。Item no. : DH00390662Format : 6 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 360.00百 科 探 秘猷 系倐 列 - 養 生 保 健珖 Ⅲ: 重塑 形侫 象 美 容韕 秘猷 笈美 麗 任 何 時頗 代 都 是 永 恆 不 老 的 話攠 題 , 無 論 男倇女 都 不 斷 追玭 尋 著 使 自 己 更俐 具 魅贽 力 的 方 法 。 從穿 衣 戴 帽 到 美 容韕 養 顏 、 從 健珖 身倧 塑 形侫 到 護 膚 保健珖 、 從 化 妝來 美 髮贺 到 瘦 身倧 減 肥 , 這 些 無 一 不 受到 人 們靽 的 關 注 。《 養 生 · 保 健珖 Ⅲ—— 重 塑 形侫 象 , 美 容韕 秘猷 笈 》 系倐列 中 細 緻 的 演躽 示 了 化 妝來 、 美 容韕 、 瘦 身倧 、 著 裝攏等 多 個鞄 方 面 的 內 容韕 , 告佨 訴 你佀 日 常 美 容韕 的 簡 單而 實蹴 用 的 技侻 巧 , 幫 你佀 打 造 時頗 尚 完侖 美 的 新搼 形侫象 , 定 能獢 使 您 魅贽 力 無 限 , 光 彩 照摺 人 。Item no. : AP00390663Format : 6 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 360.00走倥 近 科 學赩 系倐 列 : 天 價猜 之 謎隨 著 經操 濟 實蹴 力 的 提 升 , 文 化 素獂 質賭 的 提 高珉 , 人們靽 的 眼 光 越 來 越 開 闊 , 投俈 資攮 與犕 收 藏 的 意 識 也________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk95

越 來 越 強 烈顝 , 所 有 具 備 投俈 資攮 與犕 收 藏 的 物 品 都成 為 大 家韑 關 注 的 焦 點 、 熱 點 。 然 而 , 讓 人 迷玨惑 不 解攕 的 是 , 有 些 物 品 的 價猜 格頴 卻 高珉 的 驚 人 ,出 現 大 量 不 可 思 議 的 天 價猜 現 象 , 為 何 會摅 出 現這 種牞 現 象 呢 ? 是 物 有 所 值靹 ? 還 是 其 中 另 有不 為 人 知 的 奧 秘猷 ?本 系倐 列 通 過跸 對蹹 幾 種牞 典 型 天 價猜 物 的 深 入 調查 , 以 冷位 靜 的 思 考 、 客 觀 的 視 角倞 撥 開 天 價猜 物品 的 面 紗猿 , 解攕 讀 隱 藏 在 天 價猜 蘭 花 、 普 洱 茶獻 、黃 花 梨 、 和 田 玉 、 犇 犆 背 後 的 秘猷 密 。《 天 價猜 之 謎 ( 一 ) 下 山 蘭 的 陷 阱债 》《 天 價猜 之 謎 ( 二 ) 能獢 喝 的 古 董擷 》《 天 價猜 之 謎 ( 三 ) 最 後 的 花 梨 》?《 天 價猜 之 謎 ( 四 ) 賩 玉 傳 奇 》《 天 價猜 之 謎 ( 五 ) 天 工 開 犆 》Item no. : DR00390675Format : 2 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 180.00走倥 進 中 國 博 物 館博 物 館 可 以 讓 你佀 在 一 天 之 內 看 完侖 歷趜 代 的 滄摰桑頯 之 變 , 尋 找俁 輝購 煌摾 文 明 的 蹤 跡攵 , 可 你佀 又 怎 能獢在 一 天 之 內 瀏 覽 完侖 眾 多 的 博 物 館 呢 ?本 系倐 列 所 精 選 出 的 博 物 館 , 從 古 代 到 現 代 、從 自 然 到 人 文 , 航獪 空 、 古 玉 、 錢 幣蹾 、 燕趱 都 遺址佼 、 文 學赩 與犕 藝 術 、 地 質賭 與犕 古 生 物 ….. 航獪 空 博物 館 中 有 哪鞯 些 動珩 人 故 事 ? 源摤 遠狚 流 長 的 中 國文 明 如 何 傳 世 ? 錢 幣蹾 是 怎 樣 變 遷贉 的 ? 斷 代工 藝 是 如 何 復 興 的 ?….. 燦 爛 文 明 、 悠 久 歷趜史 藝 術 精 品 , 定 讓 你佀 駐贲 足倦 流 連 , 其 中 的 研 究倏與犕 講 解攕 更俐 是 你佀 不 可 錯 過跸 的 。Item no. : JC00390676Format : 5 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 450.00發 現 之 旅頖 系倐 列 : 潛 伏 的 英 雄 世 紀特顠 工一 個鞄 特顠 殊頻 的 年 代 , 對蹹 於 生 活 在 這 個鞄 時頗 代 中 的每俟 個鞄 人 , 都 不 能獢 預踣 料頔 未 來 的 一 天 , 誰 將 會摅 主宰韏 這 個鞄 國 家韑 的 沉俥 浮顏 命 運跮 ……“ 潛 伏 者 ” 們靽 因 特顠 殊頻 的 工 作伿 性 質賭 , 隱 姓 埋鞹名 , 做珔 著 默 默 無 聞犉 的 無 名 英 雄 。 他 們靽 功 勛卓 ?, 與犕 敵 人 鬥珊 心 鬥珊 智 , 在 隱 蔽 戰赶 線 中 蒐犥 集到 準摮 確 而 極摌 具 價猜 值靹 的 情 報 。本 系倐 列 以 大 量 鮮 為 人 知 的 、 罕們 見倝 的 歷趜 史 資攮料頔 , 逼跳 真猙 的 鏡 頭 , 還 原鞝 了 隱 蔽 戰赶 線 中 最 為 著名 的 龍 潭 三 傑 、 閻 寶 航獪 等 人 的 “ 潛 伏 ” 戰赶 鬥珊原鞝 貌狍 , 如 實蹴 再 現 了 二 十 世 紀 著 名 的 間 諜 案頥例 。 在 隱 蔽 鬥珊 爭 中 帶 您 走倥 入 那倴 個鞄 特顠 殊頻 的 年代 ……《 世 紀 間 諜 —— 核頤 網牺 諜 影 》( 上 )《 世 紀 間 諜 —— 核頤 網牺 諜 影 》( 下 )《 世 紀 間 諜 —— 抗侹 日 情 報 戰赶 》Item no. : RN00390674Format : 4 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 360.00電踝 視 紀 錄 片 - 人 文藝 術 人 生 - 士 兵佋 突 擊一 部 記玐 載跩 普 通 士 兵佋 的 心 路跡 歷趜 程 , 講 述 一 個鞄 中國 軍 人 的 傳 奇 故 事 ——《 士 兵佋 突 擊 》 用 純獄 粹牯的 故 事 和 人 物 , 在 一 個鞄 沒俯 有 女 性 的 空 間 中 完侖全 展韙 現 出 了 意 氣頾 飛革 揚 的 軍 旅頖 生 涯 和 生 死 與犕共 的 成 長 歲摚 月 ……這 部 “ 沒俯 有 明 星 大 腕 、 沒俯 有 情 愛 套 路跡 、 沒俯 有炒 作伿 宣 傳 ” 的 電踝 視 劇猢 , 在 各 地 電踝 視 臺犔 迅倭 速 熱播 , 掀 起玠 了 時頗 下 年 輕狗 人 有 關 人 生 目 標 、 做珔 人原鞝 則 、 親 情 友 情 這 些 話攠 題 的 討玒 論 。《 士 兵佋 突擊 》 劇猢 組 原鞝 班狾 人 馬珇 齊猗 聚犊 《 藝 術 人 生 》 演躽 播 現場 , 揭 秘猷 不 為 人 知 的 幕蹿 後 故 事 , 分 享 人 生 旅頖途 中 遭贈 遇跶 的 機趙 遇跶 與犕 困佷 惑 。主 演躽 精 彩 開 場 獎 項 各 歸 其 位當撔 劇猢 中 個鞄 性 迥 異 的 士 兵佋 們靽 分 別低 說狄 著 獨趸 屬 於自 己 的 個鞄 性 臺犔 詞 登 上 舞犗 臺犔 時頗 , 立 即佘 激趦 發 了 現場 “ 粉猽 絲 ” 的 追玭 逐 熱 情 , 他 們靽 用 自 己 獨趸 特顠 的方 式 為 心 中 的 偶珗 像踽 頒踧 發 了 “ 最 佳 吃 苦 耐 勞獎 、 最 佳 迷玨 途 知 返 獎 、 最 佳 玟 獻 獎 、 最 佳 美好 夢蹤 想 獎 、 最 佳 意 氣頾 風靨 發 獎 、 最 佳 純獄 老 爺撄 們靽兒 獎 ……導赫 演躽 編 劇猢 講 述 《 士 兵佋 突 擊 》 不 為 人 知 的 坎使 坷創 作伿當撔 康 洪 雷踜 看 完侖 話攠 劇猢 《 艾 軟爾 那倴 突 擊 》 後 , 內 心創 作伿 一 部 軍 事 題 材俔 作伿 品 的 願 望 終 於 再 次 被點 燃趶 。“ 我侷 突 然 發 現 在 我侷 們靽 個鞄 性 張 揚 、 隨 意跳跢 槽 的 一 個鞄 時頗 代 , 還 有 這 ? 一 群擙 年 輕狗 人 , 因為 他 們靽 穿 軍 裝攏 , 他 們靽 必 須 服 從 大 的 紀 律 , 不管牤 有 天 大 的 才 華 , 紀 律 面 前 人 人 平 等 。”士 兵佋 們靽 分 別低 講 述 “ 我侷 和 《 士 兵佋 突 擊 》 不 得 不說狄 的 幕蹿 後 故 事 ”《 士 兵佋 突 擊 》 的 兩 位 主 演躽 許 三 多 、 李俒 成 才 ;劇猢 中 “ 四 巨 頭 ” 袁玌 朗頢 、 史 今 、 伍 六 一 、 高珉 城 ,六 位 主 要 演躽 員鞬 , 輪贁 番 講 述 了 自 己 和 《 士 兵佋 突擊 》 不 得 不 說狄 的 幕蹿 後 故 事 。Item no. : SC07492365Format : DVD (Mandarin)Price : USD 90.00《 隱 蔽 戰赶 線 —— 龍 潭 三 傑 》( 上 )《 隱 蔽 戰赶 線 —— 龍 潭 三 傑 》( 下 )《 閻 寶 航獪 》( 上 )《 閻 寶 航獪 》( 中 )《 閻 寶 航獪 》( 下 )《 世 紀 間 諜 —— 挽頌 救 莫 斯 科 》________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk96

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