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Pop QuizGrocott’s Mail Tuesday, 18 May 2010NewsAmakhala partners withInternational Labour11Cathy GushUNDER CONSTRUCTION...The three new residences currently being built at Rhodes University should be ready by the end ofthe year. Photo: Sandhira ChettyNew residences to go greenSandhira ChettyThree residences currentlyunder constructionat Rhodes Universitywill be the first togo green. The new houseswill have an alternative watersystem installed in aninitiative undertaken by theuniversity to become moreenvironmentally friendly.“Instead of the boilerswhich current residences areusing, these new ones willhave heat pumps,” said thedirector of the ResidentialOperations Division, Dr IainL’Ange. Drawing from thetechnology of air conditioners,the heat pumps use hot air toheat water. “In the long runthis would result in a saving ofup to 80% for the university,”said L’Ange.The heat pumps were thesecond option in the plan togo green. “We also looked atsolar paneling, but with furtheranalysis we found thatthe heat pumps would delivera better result.The topography of theland was not suitable for solarFESTIVAL SUPPLEMENT22 June 2010Deadline:Monday14 Junepanelling.” The costs of theair conditioning technologyhad to be considered as well.“Green technology costs arevery expensive. The GreenFund was established todeal with projects such asthis one.”This organisation wasproposed by the environmentalscience student projects tosupport initiatives that couldcontribute to Rhodes Universityreducing its carbon emissionsand becoming a moreenvironment-friendly institution.Although it is still new,the Green Fund is a fundraisinginitiative which will helpimplement green initiativesacross campus.In addition to the heatpumps, 5 000 litre rainwatertanks will become standardat all residences as a watersavingtactic. There will alsobe a change in the landscaping.“The plan is to make thevegetation far more indigenousso that we stay awayfrom water-hungry plants;just to keep a lawn greenmeans an enormous amountof water is consumed.”For SPECIALadvertising rates contactSivuyile orBongani on046-622 residences willalso become more environmentallyfriendly according toL’Ange.“As the boilers of the oldhouses age, we will replacethem with the heat pumps. Weare still experimenting withthese new residences.”“Going green is a must,”said L’Ange. “We need to bemore aware of our landscaping,it’s beautiful to havethese plants, but we needto save water, especially inlight of the water crisis inGrahamstown.”Construction is expectedto be complete by Decemberthis year.Amakhala Game Reserve in the Eastern Cape has signed agroundbreaking partnership agreement with the International LabourOrganisation (ILO). They are one of only two game reservesin South Africa that have been selected as a pilot project for theindustry. The pilot project will involve developing and demonstratinggood conservation and workplace management practiceswithin a game lodge environment. This will then serve as a modelto be rolled out more generally once the pilot phase has beencompleted. Amakhala and Madikwe Game Reserves were selectedin terms of the ILO criteria that looked for viable game lodgeoperations located in a rural setting and linked to vulnerablecommunities.The three main focus areas are:• The development of sustainable small businesses within thelocal community that will develop skills, create employment andprovide products to lodges.• Development of a workable conservation management planthat facilitates the synergy between a commercial operation andsustainable conservation and energy practices;• Human Resource and workplace management issues;• Empowering staff to understand and increase the efficiency ofthe processes involved in running a game lodge.The ILO is funding the project for two years. The first year islargely taken up by the research and preparatory phase, whilethe second year is for implementation. Experts from the ILO willbe working hand in hand with owners, management and staff atAmakhala to address the relevant issues.

12 Grocott’s Mail Tuesday, 18 May 2010Send your Applause pictures to the editor, or hand deliver them to Grocott’s Mail, 40 High Street.HAPPY STARS... Shooting Stars Playschool recently launched their new school t-shirts to tiein with the Hospice Go-Yellow day. Pictured here are, from top left: Nicholas McKeown, MikaDavies, Mairi Reardon, Jonathan Pretorius, Vuyokazi Tata (assistant). From bottom left: ZaraBenn, Devon Britz, Lana Pretorius (teacher), Zoë Halse, and Olivia Barker. Photo: SuppliedGOING STRONG... Jeff Grocott, staff and friends celebrate the 140th anniversary of Grocott’sMail. The first edition hit the streets on 11 May 1870. Photo: Stephen PenneySLEEP TIGHT... Kingswood recently raised R5 000 for the Nompumelelo Pre-School to buymattresses for the children. Photo: SuppliedTOP AGENT... MonikaGaybba of IndependentProperty Consults recentlywas named top agent outof all their franchises andbranches and was awardeda diamond for her brooch.Photo: SuppliedECO-CONSCIOUS... DSG has become part of the Eco-SchoolsProgramme which began in South Africa in 2003. The missionof the Eco-Schools Programme is to promote public participationin caring for the Earth. Here Shelley Frayne (headmistressof DSG) and Brittany Barrowcliffe are seen with theEco-School flag. Photo: SuppliedHOCKEY STARS... Vuyo Zondani and Mary Roji from Victoria Primary School were selectedto represent the Albany U13 hockey team. Photo: SuppliedWEDDING BELLS... Braden King and Monika van Duuren gotmarried at Hoërskool PJ Olivier recently. Monika is a MathsLiteracy and physical science teacher at PJ Oliver andBraden is a lecturer at East Cape Midlands College as wellas a web designer. Photo: SuppliedWELL DONE... SiyabongaFaxa has completed hisMicrosoft excel 2007 Level1 Course which he did withCreative Minds. Photo: Supplied

12 Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Tuesday, 18 May 2010Send your Applause pictures to the editor, or hand deliver them to Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong>, 40 High Street.HAPPY STARS... Shooting Stars Playschool recently launched their new school t-shirts to tiein with the Hospice Go-Yellow day. Pictured here are, from top left: Nicholas McKeown, MikaDavies, Mairi Reardon, Jonathan Pretorius, Vuyokazi Tata (assistant). From bottom left: ZaraBenn, Devon Britz, Lana Pretorius (teacher), Zoë Halse, and Olivia Barker. Photo: SuppliedGOING STRONG... Jeff Grocott, staff and friends celebrate the 140th anniversary of Grocott’s<strong>Mail</strong>. The first edition hit the streets on 11 May 1870. Photo: Stephen PenneySLEEP TIGHT... Kingswood recently raised R5 000 for the Nompumelelo Pre-School to buymattresses for the children. Photo: SuppliedTOP AGENT... MonikaGaybba of IndependentProperty Consults recentlywas named top agent outof all their franchises andbranches and was awardeda diamond for her brooch.Photo: SuppliedECO-CONSCIOUS... DSG has become part of the Eco-SchoolsProgramme which began in South Africa in 2003. The missionof the Eco-Schools Programme is to promote public participationin caring for the Earth. Here Shelley Frayne (headmistressof DSG) and Brittany Barrowcliffe are seen with theEco-School flag. Photo: SuppliedHOCKEY STARS... Vuyo Zondani and Mary Roji from Victoria Primary School were selectedto represent the Albany U13 hockey team. Photo: SuppliedWEDDING BELLS... Braden King and Monika van Duuren gotmarried at Hoërskool PJ Olivier recently. Monika is a MathsLiteracy and physical science teacher at PJ Oliver andBraden is a lecturer at East Cape Midlands College as wellas a web designer. Photo: SuppliedWELL DONE... SiyabongaFaxa has completed hisMicrosoft excel 2007 Level1 Course which he did withCreative Minds. Photo: Supplied

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