Dr. Piotr Koczon - PolSCA

Dr. Piotr Koczon - PolSCA Dr. Piotr Koczon - PolSCA

Warsaw University of Life Sciences(WULS - SGGW)is the oldest agricultural academic school in Poland.The idea of establishing higher agricultural education in Poland was realised at the time ofthe Congressional Kingdom. On the 23rd of September 1816 the Institute of Agronomyin Marymont was founded.Institute of Agronomy in MarymontThe studies were conducted on two levels: elementary - for future qualified workers andupper - for future economists and administrators, as well as sons of landowners. AfterPoland gained independence in 1918 it became the Warsaw University of LifeSciences (WULS – SGGW).During the Second World War the University conducted underground teaching sessionsand after the war in 1945 it revived its academic activities as the first school in Warsaw.<strong>Dr</strong> hab. <strong>Piotr</strong> Koczoń, Food Chemistry Department

Structure of the UniversityFaculty of Agriculture and BiologyFaculty of Veterinary MedicineFaculty of ForestryFaculty of Horticulture and Landscape ArchitectureFaculty of Engineering and Environmental ScienceFaculty of Wood TechnologyFaculty of Animal SciencesFaculty of FoodSciencesFaculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer SciencesFaculty of Production EngineeringFaculty of Economic SciencesFaculty of HumanitiesFaculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics<strong>Dr</strong> hab. <strong>Piotr</strong> Koczoń, Food Chemistry Department

Interfaculty Studies Interfaculty Studies of Biotechnology Interfaculty Studies of Regional Planning Interfaculty Studies of Environmental ProtectionRestoration and Management of Environment Interfaculty Studies of Commodity Science Interfaculty Studies of Tourism and Recreation

EuropeanprogrammsTitleDevelopment of Improved Attractanstand Their Integration into Fruit Fly SITManagement ProgrammesAssessing the multiple Impacts of theCommon Agriculture Policies (CAP) onRural EconomiesOrganic Sensory Information SystemVoc reduction of lignin containingmaterialsInsideFood - Integrated sensing andimaging devices for designing,monitoring and cotrollingmicrostructure of foodsFacultyFaculty of Horticulture andLandscape ArchitectureFaculty of Economic SciencesFaculty of Human Nutrition andConsumer SciencesFaculty of Wood TechnologyFaculty of Food Sciences7 FP – 5 ongoing projects 6 FP – 7 ongoing projects

Faculty of Food Sciences(FFoSc)Established in 1961 as Food TechnologyDepartmentWarsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Food Sciences<strong>Dr</strong> hab. <strong>Piotr</strong> Koczoń, Food Chemistry Department

Dean of Faculty of Food Sciences Prof. dr hab. Dorota Witrowa-RajchertV-ce Deans:• for full-time studies: <strong>Dr</strong> eng. Krzysztof Leszczyński• for part-time studies: Prof. dr hab. Mirosław Słowiński• for science: Prof. dr hab. Alicja Ceglińska<strong>Dr</strong> hab. <strong>Piotr</strong> Koczoń, Food Chemistry Department

FFoSc - Your Partner for Education, Research, InnovationFaculty structure Department of Biotechnology, Microbiologyand Food Evaluation Department of Chemistry Department of Food Engineering andProcess Management Department of Food Technology<strong>Dr</strong> hab. <strong>Piotr</strong> Koczoń, Food Chemistry Department

Division of General ChemistryDivision of Organic ChemistryDivision of Food Chemistry• General Chemistry,inorganic, organic andphysical chemistryDepartment of ChemistryEducation• Organic chemistry.Chemistry of natural andbiologically activecompounds, chemistry ofliquid-crystal compounds• Chemistry: general,inorganic, analytical,physical and foodchemistry. Biologicallyactive compounds and lipidchemistry.Research• Theoretical studies onmolecular interactions andcorrelation in organicdissolvents. Molecularspectroscopy and massspectrometry of biologicallyactive compounds.• Reactions of proton transfer inbio-molecules and their modelcompounds. Synthesis ofbiologically active and liquidcrystalcompounds.• Studies on physico-chemicalproperties of plant and animalfats. Modifications of naturalfats.<strong>Dr</strong> hab. <strong>Piotr</strong> Koczoń, Food Chemistry Department

Department of Food Engineeringand Process ManagementEducationMechanical processes in food technology.Processes of heat and mass transfer. Physicalproperties of food products. Product designing.Basics of automation of manufacturing processes.<strong>Dr</strong>ying. Food marketing. Organization of distributionand food transport. Managing an enterprise.ResearchResearch on the changes of the state of water inthe material caused by technological processes(drying, osmotic dehydration, agglomeration,freezing and thawing). Optimisation of parametersof drying in the aspect of physical properties.<strong>Dr</strong> hab. <strong>Piotr</strong> Koczoń, Food Chemistry Department

Department of Food TechnologyDivision of Meat TechnologyDivision of Fruit and Vegetables TechnologyDivision of Fats & Oil and Concentrate TechnologyDivision of Cereal TechnologyEducation• Meat processing, carcassesandby products utilization, freshmeat quality evaluation.Poultry and eggs technology.• Apertization. Food freezingand storage. Technology offruits and vegetables.• Production of fats and oils.Special fats. Production offood concentrates. Functionalfood. Food additives.<strong>Dr</strong> hab. <strong>Piotr</strong> Koczoń, Food Chemistry DepartmentResearch• Technology of red and poultrymeat processing, fermentedmeat products, functionalproperties of differentadditives in meat processing.• Studies on antioxidantproperties of fruit andvegetable. Technology ofpectin preparations.• Characteristics of frying fatsandsugar bakery fats. Productionofspecial food.• Technological valueevaluation of different typesof cereals Applicability ofwheat and triticale in baking

Summary of research activitiesTo develop and/or improvenew technologies – newproducts with solidbackground in predictivesafety and quality andapplying risk – benefitanalysis.<strong>Dr</strong> hab. <strong>Piotr</strong> Koczoń, Food Chemistry Department

AchievementsPublications in internationally recognizedmagazinesCarbohydrate Polymers; Journal of Food Protection; European Food Researchand Technology; Journal of Food Engineering; <strong>Dr</strong>ying Technology; EuropeanJournal of Lipid Science and Technology; Journal of Molecular StructurePatents2008 – 151 articles2009 - 145 articlesStuff: pHD’s and Doctors ofScienceGraduatesDuring its 47-years history, the Faculty educated over 5000 graduates, withover 4000 people acquiring a master’s degree and 1000 with a degree ofengineer. The Faculty Board awarded 240 degrees of PhD and 80 degrees ofDoctor of Science in the field of technical and agricultural sciences withinfood technology.<strong>Dr</strong> hab. <strong>Piotr</strong> Koczoń, Food Chemistry Department

FFoSc - Your Partner for Education, Research, InnovationMissionMission of the Fcultty is to provide highquality education, research, innovationand consulting services in the foodsciences, technology, engineering,project management and training areas,which promote internal andinternational collaborations.<strong>Dr</strong> hab. <strong>Piotr</strong> Koczoń, Food Chemistry Department

1993 – start1998 - phD2009 – chief of FChD2010 – doctor of Science<strong>Dr</strong> hab. <strong>Piotr</strong> Koczoń, Food Chemistry DepartmentEvaluation of scientific projects Structural EU program POIG FP6 Project Proposals (Integrated Projects) BARD (Binational Agricultural Research andDevelopment Funds) The Research Promotion Foundation (RPF)of CyprusPublicatingEvaluation of scientific articlesMentoring students and PhD’sReporting on scientific grants<strong>Dr</strong> hab. <strong>Piotr</strong> Koczoń, Food Chemistry Department Bioresource Technology Food Chemistry Journal of Food Properties Journal of Food Procesingand Preservation Spectrochimica Acta Part A:Biomolecular and MolecularStructure1. P. Koczoń, J. Piekut, M. Borawska, R. Świsocka, W. Lewandowski, Spectrochim. Acta part A: Mol. Biomol.Stuct. 61/8 (2005) 1917-1922.2. P. Koczoń, J. Piekut, M. Borawska, R. Świsocka, W. Lewandowski, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 384 (2006) 302–308.3. A. Szczepkowski, D. Nicewicz, P. Koczoń, Acta Sci. Pol., Silv.Colendar. Rat. Ind. Lignar. 6(3) (2007) 77-88.4. P. Koczoń, E. Gruczyska, B. Kowalski, Am. J. Food Technol., 3(3) (2008) 154-163.5. M. P. Borawska, P. Koczoń, J. Piekut, R. Świsocka and W. Lewandowski, J. Mol. Struct., (919) 2009 (284-289).6. P. Koczoń, J. Food Prot., 72 (2009) 791-800.

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Zakończenie i ciekawostka – znalezienie dokumentów dotyczącychpowstania warszawskiegoTHANK YOUFOR YOUR ATTENTION<strong>Dr</strong> hab. <strong>Piotr</strong> Koczoń, Food Chemistry Department

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