US History Syllabus (10th Grade) - SchoolPointe

US History Syllabus (10th Grade) - SchoolPointe

US History Syllabus (10th Grade) - SchoolPointe


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Chapter 14 – The Great Depression Begins★ Chapter Objective: To understand the causes and consequences of the Great Depression and the futilityof Hoover's actions to limit the damage.Chapter 15 – The New Deal★ Chapter Objective: To understand the impetus for FDR's New Deal legislations and the impact of thesepolicies on the American nation.Chapter 16 – World War Looms★ Chapter Objective: To trace the rise of dictators, the beginnings of war, and the American response in the1930s.Chapter 17 – The United States in World War II★ Chapter Objective: To understand the military campaigns, political decisions, and efforts on the home frontthat won World War II.Chapter 18 – Cold War Conflicts★ Chapter Objective: To understand the international and domestic tensions resulting from the Cold War.Chapter 19 – The Postwar Boom★ Chapter Objective: To understand the economic, social, and cultural changes that occurred in postwarAmerica.Chapter 20 – The New Frontier and the Great Society★ Chapter Objective: To understand the achievements and challenges of the Kennedy and Johnsonadministrations.Chapter 21 – Civil Rights★ Chapter Objective: To understand the African-American struggle for civil rights during the 1950s and1960s.Chapter 22 – The Vietnam War Years★ Chapter Objective: To understand the military and political events of the Vietnam War in Southeast Asiaand its impact on life in the United States.Chapter 23 – An Era of Social Change★ Chapter Objective: To understand the sweeping social protest movements of the 1960s and the quest forradical change initiated by Latinos, Native Americans, women, and young people.Chapter 24 – An Age of Limits★ Chapter Objective: To understand the political, social, and economic events of the 1970s and the NixonAdministration.Chapter 25 – The Conservative Tide★ Chapter Objective: To understand the political and social events of the 1980s and early 1990s.Chapter 26 – The United States in Todayʼs World★ Chapter Objective: To summarize the political and social events of the 1990s and early 2000s.This is a tentative schedule – it is subject to change!-4-

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