PDF Full Warship Trainer Brochure - Transas

PDF Full Warship Trainer Brochure - Transas

PDF Full Warship Trainer Brochure - Transas

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FULL WARSHIP TRAINERAdvanced Naval Simulation Solutions

THE FULL WARSHIP TRAINERConcept is based on a joint approach of Thales and <strong>Transas</strong> Marine. Both partners combine their individual strengths tocreate a sophisticated training solution. Our approach combines scalability, flexibility and generic characteristics, whichallows to prepare for missions and drills of the whole battle watch and beyond.The system structureJoint Headquarter and War Gaming• Continuously improved Thales Naval Fleet Strategic <strong>Trainer</strong>(NFST) for War Gaming scenarios and HQ training• Flexible mission preparation on MCC, NHQ and FHQ – level• Approved by and currently in operation e.g. at TacticalCentre of German NavyFrigate <strong>Full</strong> Mission Bridge Simulator• Proven NTPro 5000 software for full mission training andassessment of bridge personnel competence includingofficers of the watch• Up to 360° visualization systems and use of real hardwarecomponents to create the most realistic trainingenvironment• DNV “Class A” statement of compliance (as per theStandards for Certification of Maritime Simulators No. 2.14,October 2007)Radio Communication Simulator• Used by several hundred schools TGS 5000 softwaresolution, fully compliant with STCW’ 2010 Code and IMOModel Course 1.25• For flexible training, certification and variouscommunication equipment compositions• DNV “class A” statement of compliance (as per Standardfor Certification of Maritime Simulators No. 2.14, October2007)Engine Room Simulator• ERS TechSim 5000 software has been specifically designedfor the education, training and assessment of enginedepartment personnel competence (both engineers incharge of a watch, senior engineering staff and ratings)• DNV “class A” statement of compliance (as per Standardfor Certification of Maritime Simulators No. 2.14, October2007)Frigate <strong>Full</strong> Mission Bridge SimulatorRadio Communication SimulatorEngine Room SimulatorJoint HeadquarteInstructor WorkPrepa

ScalableFlexibleGenericfrom Fast Patrol Boats (FPBs) to Joint Support Ships (JSSs) and Flotillasall components of the <strong>Full</strong> <strong>Warship</strong> <strong>Trainer</strong> can be used together to train a complete Battle Watch or crew, or eachcomponent can be used independently (e.g. Navigation drills or boarding operations.)the FWST is usable for all types and classes of vessels without individual surface adaptationsThe focus of the FWST concept is on procedures drill, team building and leadership skills improvement. By using state-of-the-artHLA technology, Thales´ and <strong>Transas</strong>´ FWST combines available options and opens new horizons for professional Naval Training..Helicopter/DoorGunner Simulator• Based on realistic Thales SAGITTARIUS solutionr and War Gamingplaces ExerciserationHelicopter / Door Gunner SimulatorSmall Arms SimulatorCombat Information Center (CIC)SimulatorSmall Arms & Tactics <strong>Trainer</strong>• Reliable and long-term proven Thales SAGITTARIUSsolution to train individuals and teams for boarding andland based operations• More than 140 systems are in operation around the world,e.g. in the German Armed Forces and The NetherlandsCombat Information Cell (CIC) <strong>Trainer</strong>• Use of long-term proven and continuously improvedThales Action Speed Tactical <strong>Trainer</strong> (ASTT) solution totrain individuals, procedures in teams and leadership skills• Flexible and easily extendable – from Fast Patrol Vessels toJoint Support and Command Ships, Flotillas and/or Fleets• The generic HMI approach allows to train CIC crews fromdifferent platforms• In operation around the globe, e.g. at Naval School of Operationsof the German NavyInstructor Workplaces / Exercise Preparation• Separate instructor workplaces for individual simulatorsand trainers allows joint operation as <strong>Full</strong> <strong>Warship</strong> <strong>Trainer</strong>or separate training sessions with each element (e.g.common Command Team Training with Bridge and CIC –Team)• Instructor workplaces can be configured flexibly in onecommon or in separate rooms• Instructor Workplaces are used for monitoring thegame/exercise conduction, for debriefing or for exercisepreparation.Auditorium• There is a common auditorium which is available forBriefing and Debriefing purposes. Large Screen Displays(LSD) are used for visualizing various exercise content.

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