volume 1 issue 9 2008 - Mobile Production Pro

volume 1 issue 9 2008 - Mobile Production Pro

volume 1 issue 9 2008 - Mobile Production Pro

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SoundMIPRO ON TOUR WITHTHE SINGING COYOTESFrequency agile wireless technology never inhibits performancesCapitalizing on the fame brought to them by the 2000 release of Touchstone Pictures’ filmCoyote Ugly, the Singing Coyotes are the latest endeavor in the ever-expanding CoyoteUgly brand founded by Coyote Ugly Saloon owner and founder Liliana Lovell. Ms. Lovell took herbest entertainers/singers from the 13 Coyote Ugly saloons across the country to form this all-femalesinging and dancing group. Consisting of Brandee, Christa, Crystal, Lindsay, and Nathalie, the grouptours extensively, and wherever they go, MIPRO wireless technology—distributed throughout NorthAmerica by Avlex Corporation— helps them keep the action fresh.Nashville, TN-based Thunder Sound &Lighting, a design/build firm that handles awide range of installed and live sound projects,including sites such as Raging Watersin San Dimas, CA, was contracted to outfitthe Singing Coyotes with wireless systemsfor their performances. After meeting withthe group and its management to gain anunderstanding of their expectations, theentertainers were provided MIPRO ACT-707HM PLL synthesized handheld transmittersand three ACT 707-D dual channelreceiver systems for a total of six channels.For monitoring, the Singing Coyotes eachuse MIPRO’s MI-808 T/R in-ear monitoringsystem, which consists of the MI-808Tstereo transmitter and the MI-808R stereoreceiver.According to Steve Kimbrough, co-owner ofThunder Sound & Lighting and sound engineerfor the Coyotes, the ability to easily locateand lock in open frequencies in a crowded RFenvironment was a key factor in selecting theMIPRO wireless transmitters.“The Singing Coyotestravel a lot,” saysKimbrough, “and younever know what typeof RF environment you’regoing to find yourself in.For this reason MIPRO’sACT (Automatic ChannelTargeting) technology wasvery important to us, as theACT system makes it quiteeasy to identify and selectavailable frequencies.”“Similarly,” continued Kimbrough, “theMIPRO MI-808 in-ear monitoring systemprovides a consistent and balanced mixevery time the group performs. The SingingCoyotes perform in such a wide range ofvenues and situations, that giving them astable and consistent reference is critical.Each performer has her own custom mix.When you have 500 screaming guests in theaudience as the girls are dancing and singing,the ability to hear clearly is absolutelyessential. Without the freedom of movementand the clear fidelity provided by thecombination of their in-ear monitors andwireless mics, they could not do their show.”A recent engagement highlighted theCoyotes’ need for frequency agile wirelessequipment, as Kimbrough explained.“The Singing Coyotes recently performedfor Chet Culver, Governor of Iowa at aNASCAR sanctioned auto race in Newton,6 mobile production monthly

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