volume 1 issue 9 2008 - Mobile Production Pro

volume 1 issue 9 2008 - Mobile Production Pro

volume 1 issue 9 2008 - Mobile Production Pro

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FROM THE PublisherLarry SmithWow, what a topsy-turvy summer. This has been one of the strangestseasons I can remember in all of my years of involvement in this business.The spike in fuel prices has forced many tours to re-tool and scale downtheir plans. However, while this may seem to be a problem, there is alwaysa silver-lining for those of us who are the eternal optimists. This situationshould actually be a boost for the industry in several areas.First, tours might start using regional production companies more than inyears past for production support. The companies that have been carvingout a living on local events will now be able to do more work with nationaltours and thus be in a position to capitalize on the investment they havemade in equipment and may even afford to upgrade. This is another plus for the manufacturers.The market will be ripe for equipment sales to these companies.Second, the national touring companies may have to position equipment regionally to supporttheir national tours rather than transporting them the way they have in the past. Again, thisshould encourage more equipment sales to these companies that may have to increase theirinventories to some extent.Third, the mid-size venues should profit from more shows scaling down their productions. Ashow may stay in a location for two or three shows in a smaller house to play the same cities.This is another boost to the hotels servicing the tours.Finally, even the transportation companies (coaches and trucking) could benefit, because insteadof tours utilizing the bulk of the available units in a few shows, more shows will be out, usingthe same amount of equipment but in higher numbers.So, for those pessimists who always find doom and gloom in everything that shakes the normalway business flows, I suggest that adversity only presents new opportunities. We are a businessof entrepreneurs and problem solvers. Those in our industry who survive long-term are theones who have the vision and drive to take advantage of opportunity and find innovation insteadof stagnation. It is time for innovation and new solutions, not hand-wringing and despair. Takeheart, readers. Everything changes, ultimately, but change is not always a bad thing.tourlinkconference.comHOME OFFICE STAFFph: 615.256.7006 • f: 615.256.7004email: info@tourguidemag.comtourguidemag.com750 Cowan St • Nashville, TN • USA 37207Publisher: Larry Smithlsmith@mobileproductionpro.comEditor: Chris Cogswellccogswell@mobileproductionpro.comAdvertising Coordinator / Contributing Writer: Deslee Gonzalesdgonzales@mobileproductionpro.comChief Writer/ Photographer: Michael A. Beckgrockit@comast.netContributing Writer: Mike Whartonwharton8317@bellsouth.netContributing Writer: Bill Abnerbigolbill@comcast.netContributing Writer: Jessi Wallacejwallace@mobileproductionpro.comArt Director / Graphic Designer: Kristin Searcykristin.tourguide@gmail.comksearcy@mobileproductionpro.comWebmaster: Michael Stalcupmstalcup@mobileproductionpro.comTOUR LINK BOARD OF ADVISORSBenny Collins, Nick Gold, Jon Nevins, Stuart Ross,Bobby Schneider, Jay Sendyk, Seth Sheck,Nicki Goldstein, Chuck Randall, Michael Waddelltourlinkconference.comADVERTISING SALES OFFICEJessi Wallace • Nashvillejwallace@mobileproductionpro.comph: 615.256.7006 • f: 615.256.7004PUBLISHED BYAnvil <strong><strong>Pro</strong>duction</strong>s, LLCph: 615.256.7006 • f: 615.256.7004info@tourguidemag.comWe understand your needs“TSO has used Potenza Enterprizes since their first tour.They’ve grown with us from 2 trucks to 26 . Their attentionto detail, the caliber of their drivers & equipment is thereason we use them and will continue to do so. They arepart of the TSO family”. Elliot Saltzman,Tour Director -Trans-Siberian Orchestra.TouringTransportationSpecialists !!!©<strong>2008</strong> Anvil <strong><strong>Pro</strong>duction</strong>s, LLC. Nothing may be reproduced without writtenpermission of the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to edit any andall editorial content included in this publication. The publisher has made everyattempt to insure accuracy and consistency of this publication. However,some listings & information may be incomplete due to a lack of informationprovided by various companies listed. Please send any inquiries to theattention of the publisher. All advertising appears at the paid solicitation ofthe advertiser. Anvil <strong><strong>Pro</strong>duction</strong>s, LLC, can not be held liable for any errors,omissions or inaccuracies appearing in this journal in the form of editorials,listings or advertising.Member of:Toll free 1.877.832.5546potenzaent@on.aibn.comwww.potenzaenterprizesinc.com4 mobile production monthly

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