volume 1 issue 9 2008 - Mobile Production Pro

volume 1 issue 9 2008 - Mobile Production Pro

volume 1 issue 9 2008 - Mobile Production Pro

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Actual Photograph2007 Mini CooperWeight: 2635 lbs. unladen weightWhat are theadvantages you ask?The first advantage:actual pass for proofingInstead of sending a soft proof andletting the customer imagine whatthe pass will look like on the foil, wecan print the actual pass on the holographicfoil and send to our customersfor approval.The second advantage:faster turnaroundGiven the desired stock in-hand, laserlaminates can be turned around in 24to 48 hours.The third advantage:flexibilityOtto can print barcodes from aspecial chart, variable data, serialnumbers, names and/or photos, righton these holographic laser laminates.Otto believes if are the only passprinters in the industry who offersthese services. Short runs are a snapwith orders as few as 25 laser laminates.Otto can also make you one ofsomething, if you want it.Introducing The Kind of Road Cases...That Others Only Dream of BuildingBORN ON THE ROADVisit us at www.stagegear.com(877) SHOWDAY - (877) 746-9329Have you ever thought a road case would be anobject of desire? Not just a portable home for yourdelicate equipment, but a cutting-edge display of moderntechnology, premium materials and unrivaleddurability. Whether you are a mobil church or thelargest world touring company, Stagegear cases aredesigned to anticipate and meet your needs over roughroads. Once you have experienced the unparalleledperformance of a Stagegear road case, you will see why ourloyal customers around the world can’t live without them.© <strong>2008</strong> StagegearThe fourth advantage:PRICEOtto can produce these holographicfoil laser full color passes for as littleas $1.95 each in a quantity of 500.One-sided or two, with names or not,in ink only, or with a second (or thirdor fourth) image in foil over the top,these new “tricked-out” laminates willadd style and flash to your tour kit,and protect your security from eagercounterfeiting fans. 5mobile production monthly 17

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