RhizoFlo - Nulandis

RhizoFlo - Nulandis RhizoFlo - Nulandis


SOUTH AFRICANTRIAL RESULTSBethlehemMerrievale60005000Yield kg/ha5030 491725002000Yield Increase Kg21542041300025002143Yield kg/ha26012332500400Yield Increase Kg45840003000200028761500100020001500100030020018910000untreated RhizoFlo HiStick50000untreated RhizoFlo HiStick5000untreated RhizoFlo HiStick10000untreated RhizoFlo HiStickMpumalanga2000Yield kg/ha1804600Yield Increase Kg54115001263140750040010003005002001001440untreated RhizoFlo HiStick00untreated RhizoFlo HiStick®RhizoFloNon InoculatedRhizoFlo ® Non Inoculated HiStick ® Competitor

AFRICATESTIMONIALSRudi Viljoen – Nulandis Agent Standerton.He has done one of the Rhizoflo trials. The farmer added, against his recommendation, acompetitor’s molybdenum to the Rhizoflo. He still managed to get 300kg/ha more thanCompetitor’s rhizobium.Farmer: FP Hattingh.We did the trial on soyas under irrigation (1st time sojas on land). We harvested 3.4 tons witha competitor inoculant and with Becker Underwood Inoculant 3.7 tons.“Daar is 'n duidelike streep in my lande waarek die nuwe entstof gebruik het en die sojashet langer groen gebly. Ek plant definitiefnie die jaar met 'n ander enstof nie!"Gert Labuschagne14 ha sojabone geplant met competitor entstof - opbrengs - 3,5ton/ha1ha sojabone geplant met Becker Underwood Rhizoflo - 4 ton/haSelfde variteit, selfde spilpunt en plantdatum.Carl Grabowsky - Hartley Farm"It worked very well the yield was 4.4 Metric tonnes per ha, In some places in yield monitorindicated showed 6.2 Metric tonnes ha."Zuneid Ishmail/sajid - Sunrise farm''I used both RhizoFlo and HiStick, both worked well, despite bad seed issues, we managedan average 3.0 Metric tonnes which we never achieved even in the year past even when wehad better stand.”Soybean - Zambia, 2012Kembe Farms – 2012HiStick top yield of 4.7 t/ha followed by 4.5 t/ha. Lowestyield was 3.8t/ha which was on new ground for soybean.®RhizoFloCompetitorMynardt Smuts - Nulandis agentLilayi Farm – 2012HiStick yielded was 4.2 t/ha vs Competitor at 3.8t/ha

SOUTH AFRICANTRIAL RESULTSBethlehemMerrievale60005000Yield kg/ha5030 491725002000Yield Increase Kg21542041300025002143Yield kg/ha26012332500400Yield Increase Kg45840003000200028761500100020001500100030020018910000untreated <strong>RhizoFlo</strong> HiStick50000untreated <strong>RhizoFlo</strong> HiStick5000untreated <strong>RhizoFlo</strong> HiStick10000untreated <strong>RhizoFlo</strong> HiStickMpumalanga2000Yield kg/ha1804600Yield Increase Kg54115001263140750040010003005002001001440untreated <strong>RhizoFlo</strong> HiStick00untreated <strong>RhizoFlo</strong> HiStick®<strong>RhizoFlo</strong>Non Inoculated<strong>RhizoFlo</strong> ® Non Inoculated HiStick ® Competitor

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