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Support for Introduction of Abortion x Party SupportTotalFianna Fail Fine Gael LabourPartyParty SupportGreen Party Sinn Fein Independent/OthersWould notvote/Don’t knowBase: 912 158 142 42 10 151 168 241% % % % % % % %Fatal AbnormalityIn favour of 76 71 72 82 75 86 74 76Opposed to 15 19 20 8 16 9 18 11Don’t know 8 8 8 4 - 6 6 12Refused 1 3 - 6 9 - 2 1Rape or incestIn favour of 70 67 63 71 91 83 70 69Opposed to 16 21 18 12 - 13 19 14Don’t know 13 10 19 11 9 4 10 17Refused 1 1 - 6 - - 1 1Q.8Q.9Would you be in favour or opposed to the introduction of abortion in Ireland in circumstances where a fatalfoetal abnormality means the baby cannot survive?Would you be in favour of or opposed to the introduction of abortion in Ireland in circumstances where thepregnancy results from rape or incest?13

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