Steven Bipes - Brazil-US Business Council

Steven Bipes - Brazil-US Business Council

Steven Bipes - Brazil-US Business Council


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• Private sector organization, founded in1976 and focused on promoting the freeflow of trade and investment between<strong>Brazil</strong> and the United States• U.S. Section of the council representsmajor U.S. companies invested in<strong>Brazil</strong>• Operates under the administrative aegis of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce• <strong>Brazil</strong> Section of the council managed by the <strong>Brazil</strong>ian National Confederationof Industry (Confederação Nacional da Indústria – CNI)• Partners with the American Chamber of Commerce for <strong>Brazil</strong>(AmCham <strong>Brazil</strong>)• Partnerships enable the council to forge consensus between the two privatesectors and communicate to both governments with a unique bilateral voice

BRAZIL COUNCIL LEADERSHIPJohn FaraciChairman, U.S. SectionChairman & CEO, International PaperRobson AndradeChairman, <strong>Brazil</strong> SectionPresident, National Confederationof IndustryApple

BRAZIL - GEOGRAPHYITALYGERMANY<strong>US</strong>A SPAIN<strong>Brazil</strong> Area: 8,512,000 km 2<strong>US</strong>A lower 48: 8,080,000 km 2

BRAZIL IN NUMBERS - ECONOMYBRIC GDPs (<strong>US</strong>D $t – 2009)55.04.543.532.521.510.51.61.3 1.20China <strong>Brazil</strong> India RussiaSource: IMF

BRAZIL IN NUMBERS – DEMOGRAPHICSBRIC Populations (2008)1,6001,4001,2001,3261,1401,0008006004002001921420-200Source: World Bank

BRAZIL IN NUMBERS – DEMOGRAPHICSPopulation Growth (2008)1.60%1.40%1.20%1.46%1.26%1.00%0.80%0.60%0.58%0.40%0.20%0.00%-0.20%-0.40%-0.60%India <strong>Brazil</strong> China Russia-0.51%Source: United Nations

BRAZIL IN NUMBERS - ECONOMYBRIC per capita GDP (in <strong>US</strong>D – 2009)9,0008,614 8,3608,0007,0006,0005,0004,0003,7393,0002,0001,00001,058Russia <strong>Brazil</strong> China IndiaSource: IMF

CLOSE-UP: SÃO PAULO STATE• Population: 41.8 million• GDP: <strong>US</strong> $590 billion (33.9% of <strong>Brazil</strong>’s total)• Home to vast majority of multinational regional HQ’s

BRAZIL IN NUMBERS - ECONOMYTrade (<strong>US</strong>D $b – 2010)433945403530252019.3312726<strong>Brazil</strong>-EU1510<strong>Brazil</strong>-China50<strong>Brazil</strong>-U.S.ExportsImportsSource: <strong>Brazil</strong>ian Ministry of Devt.Industry and Trade

WHY IS BRAZIL SO HOT IN 2011?• Torrid economic growth of7.5%• Host to both the 2014 WorldCup and 2016 Olympics• <strong>US</strong> $1.3 trillion in infrastructureinvestments by 2022• Pre-Salt oil and gasdiscoveries are attractingenormous amounts of capital

NOT SO FAST: BRAZIL IS CHALLENGING!• One of the highest levels ofred tape in the world• Difficult tax system: highrates and byzantinecomplexity• Inflexible and burdensomelabor laws• Volatile regulatory and legalenvironment

LINKS<strong>Brazil</strong>-U.S. <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Council</strong>www.brazilcouncil.orgExport Green Initiativewww.brazilcouncil.org/exportgreen<strong>Council</strong> Program of Workwww.brazilcouncil.org/about/program-work

THANK YOU<strong>Steven</strong> <strong>Bipes</strong>Executive Director, U.S. Section<strong>Brazil</strong>-U.S. <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Council</strong>1615 H Street NWWashington, DC 20062(202) 463-5794sbipes@uschamber.comwww.brazilcouncil.org

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