INTERNAL MEMORANDUM - Concordia University

INTERNAL MEMORANDUM - Concordia University

INTERNAL MEMORANDUM - Concordia University

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<strong>INTERNAL</strong> <strong>MEMORANDUM</strong>TO:FROM:Dr. David GrahamProvost and Vice-President, Academic Affairs<strong>Concordia</strong> <strong>University</strong>Dr. Robin A.L. DrewDeanFaculty of Engineering and Computer ScienceDATE: September 16, 2008RE:Graduate Curriculum Proposals for the 2008-09 Academic YearFaculty of Engineering and Computer ScienceThis memo serves to confirm that both the Council of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Scienceand the Council of the School of Graduate Studies in their Meetings of September 12, 2008 andSeptember 15, 2008 respectively, reviewed and approved, as presented, the following recommendationsmade by an Ad-hoc Committee (comprised of one faculty representative from each ENCS Department)for changes to ENCS and ENGR courses from E00 and E01 topic areas. These recommendations werealso approved, with minor corrections, by both the Graduate Curriculum Committee (GCC) andAcademic Programs Committee (APC) in their Meetings of August 15, 2008 and September 4, 2008respectively.Kindly review this curriculum submission, listed under Provotrack Dossier ENCS-59, forrecommendation of its implementation for the 2008-2009 academic year, as well as for recommendationof its entry in the 2009-2010 Graduate Calendar.1. Program changes as presented in Provotrack Dossier ENCS-59:a. Reflect deletions of ENCS, 6011, 6101; ENGR 6101 from Topic Area E00Review/Make-up Courses and ENCS 6031 and 6121 from Topic Area E01Mathematical Methods.b. Reflect changes in the titles of the following courses:i. ENCS 6021 Engineering Analysisii. ENCS 6111 Numerical Methods1

2. Course changes as presented in Provotrack Dossier ENCS-59:a. Deletion of ENCS 6011 Engineering Analysis I , page D3.b. Changes to title and course description (including the removal of ENCS 6011) for ENCS6021 Engineering Analysis, page D4.c. Deletion of ENCS 6031 Engineering Analysis III, page D5.d. Deletion of ENCS 6101 Numerical Methods I, page D6.e. Removal of prerequisite ENCS 6101 or equivalent from ENCS 6111 NumericalMethods and number “II” from the course title, page D7.f. Removal of prerequisite ENCS 6101 or equivalent from ENCS 6181 OptimizationTechniques I, page D8.g. Deletion of ENGR 6101 Physical Systems (3 credits), page D9.h. Removal of prerequisite ENGR 6101 or equivalent from ENGR 6131 Linear Systems,page D10.i. Removal of prerequisite ENCS 6011 or equivalent from ENGR 6201 Fluid Mechanics,page D11.j. Removal of prerequisite ENCS 6011 or equivalent from ENGR 6301 AdvancedDynamics, page D12.k. Removal of prerequisite ENGR 6101 or equivalent from ENGR 6311 Vibrations inMachines and Structures, page D13.l. Removal of prerequisite ENCS 6011 or equivalent from ENGR 6411 RoboticManipulators I: Mechanics, page D14.m. Removal of prerequisite ENCS 6011 or equivalent from ENGR 6501 Applied Elasticity, page D15.n. Removal of prerequisite ENCS 6011 or equivalent from ENGR 6511 Matrix Analysisof Structures, page D16.o. Removal of prerequisite ENCS 6011 or equivalent from ENGR 6551 of Elastic andInelastic Stability, page D17.p. Removal of prerequisite ENCS 6011 or equivalent from ENGR 6561 Theory of Plastesand Shells, page D18.q. Removal of prerequisite ENCS 6011 or equivalent from MECH 6131 Conduction andRadiation Heat Transfer, page D19.r. Removal of prerequisite ENCS 6011 or equivalent from MECH 6151 ProcessEquipment Design, page D20.2

PROGRAM AND COURSES CHANGE FORMS FOR DOCUMENT: ENCS-59 VERSION: 4COURSE CHANGE: ENCS 6011New Course Number:Proposed [ ] Undergraduate or [X] Graduate Curriculum changesCalendar for academic year: 2009/2010Implementation Month/year: January 2009Faculty/School:Engineering and Computer ScienceDepartment:All Depts. in ENCSProgram:All graduate programs in ENCSDegree:M. Eng., M.A.Sc., Ph.D.Calendar Section/Graduate Page Number:577Type of Change:[ ] Course Number[ ] Course Description[X] Course Deletion[ ] Course Title[ ] Editorial[ ] Other - Specify:[ ] Credit Value[ ] New Course[ ] PrerequisitePresent Text (from 2008/2009) calendarProposed TextENCS 6011 Engineering Analysis I (3 credits)Theory and application of topics in mathematics. Topics include: matrix and vector analysis, functions of acomplex variable, ordinary differential equations.Rationale: This course is being deleted from the programs as it has not been offered for many years.Resource Implications: None.Other Programs within which course is listed:None.7D3

PROGRAM AND COURSES CHANGE FORMS FOR DOCUMENT: ENCS-59 VERSION: 4COURSE CHANGE: ENCS 6021New Course Number:Proposed [ ] Undergraduate or [X] Graduate Curriculum changesCalendar for academic year: 2009/2010Implementation Month/year: January 2009Faculty/School:Engineering and Computer ScienceDepartment:Electrical and Computer EngineeringProgram:Electrical and Computer EngineeringDegree:M. Eng., M.A.Sc., Ph.D.Calendar Section/Graduate Page Number:577Type of Change:[ ] Course Number[X] Course Description[ ] Course Deletion[X] Course Title[ ] Editorial[ ] Other - Specify:[ ] Credit Value[ ] New Course[X] PrerequisitePresent Text (from 2008/2009) calendarProposed TextENCS 6021 Engineering Analysis II (4 credits)Prerequisite: ENCS 6011 or equivalent.Sturm-Liouville problem; orthogonal functions; integral transforms;partial differential equations; boundary value problems;applications of above; topics in engineering problems. Project: 2hours per week.ENCS 6021 Engineering Analysis (4 credits)Sturm-Liouville problem; orthogonal functions; ordinarydifferential equations with variable coefficients and power seriessolutions; integral transforms; partial differential equations;boundary value problems; applications to engineering problems. Aproject.Rationale:Since Engineering Analysis I (ENCS 6011) is deleted, there is a need to rectify the course title to Engineering Analysis (ENCS 6021).Hence, the change of title to Engineering Analysis (ENCS 6021). The minor change in the content reflects the course material covered.Also, the prerequisite has been removed as its material is no longer required for this course (see also pages D1 and D3 forjustification of course deletion).Resource Implications: None.Other Programs within which course is listed:None.8D4

PROGRAM AND COURSES CHANGE FORMS FOR DOCUMENT: ENCS-59 VERSION: 4COURSE CHANGE: ENCS 6031New Course Number:Proposed [ ] Undergraduate or [X] Graduate Curriculum changesCalendar for academic year: 2009/2010Implementation Month/year: January 2009Faculty/School:Engineering and Computer ScienceDepartment:All Depts. in ENCSProgram:All graduate programs in ENCSDegree:M. Eng., M.A.Sc., Ph.D.Calendar Section/Graduate Page Number:577Type of Change:[ ] Course Number[ ] Course Description[X] Course Deletion[ ] Course Title[ ] Editorial[ ] Other - Specify:[ ] Credit Value[ ] New Course[ ] PrerequisitePresent Text (from 2008/2009) calendarProposed TextENCS 6031 Engineering Analysis III (4 credits)Prerequisite: ENCS 6011 or equivalent.Calculus of variations and applications; linear vector spaces; integral equations; introduction to analysis ofnon-linear problems. Project: 2 hours per week.Rationale: The course was never offered.Resource Implications: None.Other Programs within which course is listed:None.9D5

PROGRAM AND COURSES CHANGE FORMS FOR DOCUMENT: ENCS-59 VERSION: 4COURSE CHANGE: ENCS 6101New Course Number:Proposed [ ] Undergraduate or [X] Graduate Curriculum changesCalendar for academic year: 2009/2010Implementation Month/year: January 2009Faculty/School:Engineering and Computer ScienceDepartment:All Depts. in ENCSProgram:All graduate programs in ENCSDegree:M. Eng., M.A.Sc., Ph.D.Calendar Section/Graduate Page Number:577Type of Change:[ ] Course Number[ ] Course Description[X] Course Deletion[ ] Course Title[ ] Editorial[ ] Other - Specify:[ ] Credit Value[ ] New Course[ ] PrerequisitePresent Text (from 2008/2009) calendarProposed TextENCS 6101 Numerical Methods I (3 credits)Interpolation, error analysis. Numerical integration, accuracy, efficiency and error analysis. Numericaldifferentiation, error bounds. Root-finding, real and complex values, convergence and error analysis, conditionnumber and interactive improvement. Solution of systems of differential equations using single- and multi-stepmethods, accuracy and error analysis, approximation theory, orthogonal functions and series economization.Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Implementation of numerical algorithms in the IMSL library routines or equivalentpackages. Project is an integral part of the course.Rationale: This course is being deleted from the programs as it has not been offered for many years.Resource Implications: None.Other Programs within which course is listed:None.10D6

PROGRAM AND COURSES CHANGE FORMS FOR DOCUMENT: ENCS-59 VERSION: 4COURSE CHANGE: ENCS 6111New Course Number:Proposed [ ] Undergraduate or [X] Graduate Curriculum changesCalendar for academic year: 2009/2010Implementation Month/year: January 2009Faculty/School:Engineering and Computer ScienceDepartment:All Depts. in ENCSProgram:All graduate programs in ENCSDegree:M. Eng., M.A.Sc., Ph.D.Calendar Section/Graduate Page Number:578Type of Change:[ ] Course Number[X] Course Description[ ] Course Deletion[X] Course Title[ ] Editorial[ ] Other - Specify:[ ] Credit Value[ ] New Course[X] PrerequisitePresent Text (from 2008/2009) calendarProposed TextENCS 6111 Numerical Methods II (4 credits)Prerequisite: ENCS 6101 or equivalent.Numerical solution of partial differential equations; weightedresiduals techniques with emphasis on finite differences and finiteelements; convergence, stability and consistency analysis; solutionof integral equations; boundary value problems; discrete Fourierseries and fast Fourier transform. Project: 2 hours per week.ENCS 6111 Numerical Methods (4 credits)Numerical solution of partial differential equations; weightedresiduals techniques with emphasis on finite differences and finiteelements; convergence, stability and consistency analysis; solutionof integral equations; boundary value problems; discrete Fourierseries and fast Fourier transform. Project: two hours per week.Rationale: This change reflects the deletion of another higher-level course, resulting in the name change, as well as the deletion of the prerequisite ENCS 6101, which is no longerrequired for this course (see also pages D1 and D3 for justification of course deletion).Resource Implications: None.Other Programs within which course is listed:None.11D7

PROGRAM AND COURSES CHANGE FORMS FOR DOCUMENT: ENCS-59 VERSION: 4COURSE CHANGE: ENCS 6181New Course Number:Proposed [ ] Undergraduate or [X] Graduate Curriculum changesCalendar for academic year: 2009/2010Implementation Month/year: January 2009Faculty/School:Engineering and Computer ScienceDepartment:All Depts. in ENCSProgram:All graduate programs in ENCSDegree:M. Eng., M.A.Sc., Ph.D.Calendar Section/Graduate Page Number:578Type of Change:[ ] Course Number[X] Course Description[ ] Course Deletion[ ] Course Title[ ] Editorial[ ] Other - Specify:[ ] Credit Value[ ] New Course[X] PrerequisitePresent Text (from 2008/2009) calendarProposed TextENCS 6181 Optimization Techniques I (*)(4 credits)Prerequisite: ENCS 6101 or equivalent.The optimization problem;classical optimization; one dimensional search techniques;unconstrained gradient techniques; quadratically convergentminimization algorithms; constrained optimization; constrainedgradient techniques; penalty-function methods; applications.Project: 2 hours per week.ENCS 6181 Optimization Techniques I (*)(4 credits)The optimization problem; classical optimization; one dimensionalsearch techniques; unconstrained gradient techniques; quadraticallyconvergent minimization algorithms; constrained optimization;constrained gradient techniques; penalty-function methods;applications. Project: two hours per week.Rationale:This change reflects the deletion of thefor justification of course deletion).prerequisite ENCS 6101 as it is no longer required for this course (see also pages D1 and D6Resource Implications: None.Other Programs within which course is listed:None.12D8

PROGRAM AND COURSES CHANGE FORMS FOR DOCUMENT: ENCS-59 VERSION: 4COURSE CHANGE: ENGR 6101New Course Number:Proposed [ ] Undergraduate or [X] Graduate Curriculum changesCalendar for academic year: 2009/2010Implementation Month/year: January 2009Faculty/School:Engineering and Computer ScienceDepartment:All Depts. in ENCSProgram:All graduate programs in ENCSDegree:M. Eng., M.A.Sc., Ph.D.Calendar Section/Graduate Page Number:580Type of Change:[ ] Course Number[ ] Course Description[X] Course Deletion[ ] Course Title[ ] Editorial[ ] Other - Specify:[ ] Credit Value[ ] New Course[ ] PrerequisitePresent Text (from 2008/2009) calendarProposed TextENGR 6101 Physical Systems (3 credits)A study of modelling and analysis of physical systems with emphasis on similarities of systems in various media;dynamic system elements; generalized dynamic elements; formulation of system equations and transfer functions usingmatrices; signal flow graph theory; analog simulation; transient and steady state solutions; frequency responseanalysis; stability studies.Rationale: This course is being deleted from the programs as it has not been offered for many years.Resource Implications: None.Other Programs within which course is listed:None.13D9

PROGRAM AND COURSES CHANGE FORMS FOR DOCUMENT: ENCS-59 VERSION: 4COURSE CHANGE: ENGR 6131New Course Number:Proposed [ ] Undergraduate or [X] Graduate Curriculum changesCalendar for academic year: 2009/2010Implementation Month/year: January 2009Faculty/School:Engineering and Computer ScienceDepartment:All Depts. in ENCSProgram:All graduate programs in ENCSDegree:M. Eng., M.A.Sc., Ph.D.Calendar Section/Graduate Page Number:580Type of Change:[ ] Course Number[X] Course Description[ ] Course Deletion[ ] Course Title[ ] Editorial[ ] Other - Specify:[ ] Credit Value[ ] New Course[X] PrerequisitePresent Text (from 2008/2009) calendarProposed TextENGR 6131 Linear Systems (*) (4 credits)Prerequisite: ENGR 6101 or equivalent.State-space representation of dynamic systems, canonicalrealizations, solutions, modal decomposition, stability.Controllability and observability, minimal realizations, statefeedback, pole placement, observers, observerbased controllers.Introduction to optimal control, linear quadratic regulator, theKalman filter. Limitation on performance of control systems,introduction to robustness. Project: 2 hours per week.ENGR 6131 Linear Systems (*) (4 credits)State-space representation of dynamic systems, canonicalrealizations, solutions, modal decomposition, stability.Controllability and observability, minimal realizations, statefeedback, pole placement, observers, observerbased controllers.Introduction to optimal control, linear quadratic regulator, theKalman filter. Limitation on performance of control systems,introduction to robustness. Project: two hours per week.Rationale: This change reflects the deletion of the prerequisite ENGR 6101 as it is no longer required for this course (see pages D1 and D9 for justification of course deletion).Resource Implications: None.Other Programs within which course is listed:None.14D10

PROGRAM AND COURSES CHANGE FORMS FOR DOCUMENT: ENCS-59 VERSION: 4COURSE CHANGE: ENGR 6201New Course Number:Proposed [ ] Undergraduate or [X] Graduate Curriculum changesCalendar for academic year: 2009/2010Implementation Month/year: January 2009Faculty/School:Engineering and CompSciDepartment:All Depts. in ENCSProgram:All graduate programs in ENCSDegree: M. Eng, M. A. Sc., and Ph. D.Calendar Section/Graduate Page Number:581Type of Change:[ ] Course Number[ ] Course Description[ ] Course Deletion[ ] Course Title[ ] Editorial[ ] Other - Specify:[ ] Credit Value[ ] New Course[X] PrerequisitePresent Text (from 2008/2009) calendarProposed TextENGR 6201 Fluid Mechanics (4 credits)Prerequisite: ENCS 6011 or equivalent.Fundamental concepts of fluid mechanics; transport phenomena;stress-strain relation; equations of motion; exact solutions;dynamic similarity; specialized equations; laminar boundary layers;flow over immersed bodies; introduction to turbulent flow.ENGR 6201 Fluid Mechanics (4 credits)Fundamental concepts of fluid mechanics; transport phenomena;stress-strain relation; equations of motion; exact solutions;dynamic similarity; specialized equations; laminar boundary layers;flow over immersed bodies; introduction to turbulent flow.Rationale: This change reflects the deletion of the prerequisite ENCS 6011 as it is no longer required for this course (see also pages D1 and D3 for justification of course deletionfrom the program).Resource Implications: None.Other Programs within which course is listed:15D11

PROGRAM AND COURSES CHANGE FORMS FOR DOCUMENT: ENCS-59 VERSION: 4COURSE CHANGE: ENGR 6301New Course Number:Proposed [ ] Undergraduate or [X] Graduate Curriculum changesCalendar for academic year: 2009/2010Implementation Month/year: January 2009Faculty/School:Engineering and CompSciDepartment:All Depts. in ENCSProgram:All graduate programs in ENCSDegree: M. Eng, M. A. Sc., and Ph. D.Calendar Section/Graduate Page Number:583Type of Change:[ ] Course Number[ ] Course Description[ ] Course Deletion[ ] Course Title[ ] Editorial[ ] Other - Specify:[ ] Credit Value[ ] New Course[X] PrerequisitePresent Text (from 2008/2009) calendarProposed TextENGR 6301 Advanced Dynamics (4 credits)Prerequisite: ENCS 6011 or equivalent.Dynamics of rigid bodies; generalized coordinates; D’Alembert’sprinciple; Lagrange’s equations; energy methods, Hamilton's theory;Euler- Lagrange equations; variational principle of mechanics.Phase space canonical transformation. Language multipliers methods.Hamilton-Jacobe equation. Project on specific topic orapplications.ENGR 6301 Advanced Dynamics (4 credits)Dynamics of rigid bodies; generalized coordinates; D’Alembert’sprinciple; Lagrange’s equations; energy methods, Hamilton's theory;Euler- Lagrange equations; variational principle of mechanics.Phase space canonical transformation. Language multipliers methods.Hamilton-Jacobe equation. Project on specific topic orapplications.Rationale: This change reflects the deletion of the prerequisite ENCS 6011 as it is no longer required for this course (see also pages D1 and D3 for justification of course deletionfrom the program).Resource Implications: None.Other Programs within which course is listed:16D12

PROGRAM AND COURSES CHANGE FORMS FOR DOCUMENT: ENCS-59 VERSION: 4COURSE CHANGE: ENGR 6311New Course Number:Proposed [ ] Undergraduate or [X] Graduate Curriculum changesCalendar for academic year: 2009/2010Implementation Month/year: January 2009Faculty/School:Engineering and CompSciDepartment:All Depts. in ENCSProgram:All graduate programs in ENCSDegree: M. Eng, M. A. Sc., and Ph. D.Calendar Section/Graduate Page Number:583Type of Change:[ ] Course Number[ ] Course Description[ ] Course Deletion[ ] Course Title[ ] Editorial[ ] Other - Specify:[ ] Credit Value[ ] New Course[X] PrerequisitePresent Text (from 2008/2009) calendarProposed TextENGR 6311 Vibrations in Machines and Structures (*)(4 credits)Prerequisite: ENGR 6101 or equivalent.Vibrations of discrete systems: Single-Degree of Freedom (SDOF) andMulti-Degree of Freedom (MDOF) systems; continuous systems: bars,beams, membranes and plates with various boundary conditions; modesuperposition; energy methods; Rayleigh-Ritz Method; condensationtechniques; applications to machine components, rotor bearingsystems, vehicle and aerospace structures. Project on selectedtopics is an integral part of the course.ENGR 6311 Vibrations in Machines and Structures (*)(4 credits)Vibrations of discrete systems: Single-Degree of Freedom (SDOF) andMulti-Degree of Freedom (MDOF) systems; continuous systems: bars,beams, membranes and plates with various boundary conditions; modesuperposition; energy methods; Rayleigh-Ritz Method; condensationtechniques; applications to machine components, rotor bearingsystems, vehicle and aerospace structures. Project on selectedtopics is an integral part of the course.Rationale: This change reflects the deletion of the prerequisite ENGR 6101 as it is no longer required for this course (see also pages D1 and D9 for justification of the coursedeletion).Resource Implications: None.Other Programs within which course is listed:17D13

PROGRAM AND COURSES CHANGE FORMS FOR DOCUMENT: ENCS-59 VERSION: 4COURSE CHANGE: ENGR 6411New Course Number:Proposed [ ] Undergraduate or [X] Graduate Curriculum changesCalendar for academic year: 2009/2010Implementation Month/year: January 2009Faculty/School:Engineering and Computer ScienceDepartment:All Depts. in ENCSProgram:All graduate programs in ENCSDegree:M.Eng, M.A.Sc., Ph.D.Calendar Section/Graduate Page Number:583Type of Change:[ ] Course Number[ ] Course Description[ ] Course Deletion[ ] Course Title[ ] Editorial[ ] Other - Specify:[ ] Credit Value[ ] New Course[X] PrerequisitePresent Text (from 2008/2009) calendarProposed TextENGR 6411 Robotic Manipulators I: Mechanics (*) (4 credits)Prerequisite: ENCS 6011 or equivalent.Types of industrial robots and their applications. Mathematicalanalysis for robot manipulation: homogeneous transformations;definition and solution of kinematic equations governing theposition and orientation of the hand. Force analysis and staticaccuracy; forces and moments of inertia, dynamic equation ofequilibrium, differential equations of motion of robotic arms.Robotic actuators. Project on specific topic or applications.ENGR 6411 Robotic Manipulators I: Mechanics (*) (4 credits)Types of industrial robots and their applications. Mathematicalanalysis for robot manipulation: homogeneous transformations;definition and solution of kinematic equations governing theposition and orientation of the hand. Force analysis and staticaccuracy; forces and moments of inertia, dynamic equation ofequilibrium, differential equations of motion of robotic arms.Robotic actuators. Project on specific topic or applications.Rationale: This change reflects the deletion of ENCS 6011 prerequisite as it is no longer required for this course (see also pages D1 and D3 for justification of course deletion fromthe program).Resource Implications: None.Other Programs within which course is listed:None.18D14

PROGRAM AND COURSES CHANGE FORMS FOR DOCUMENT: ENCS-59 VERSION: 4COURSE CHANGE: ENGR 6501New Course Number:Proposed [ ] Undergraduate or [X] Graduate Curriculum changesCalendar for academic year: 2009/2010Implementation Month/year: January 2009Faculty/School:Engineering and CompSciDepartment:All Depts. in ENCSProgram:All graduate programs in ENCSDegree:M.Eng. M.A.Sc., Ph.D.Calendar Section/Graduate Page Number:584Type of Change:[ ] Course Number[ ] Course Description[ ] Course Deletion[ ] Course Title[ ] Editorial[ ] Other - Specify:[ ] Credit Value[ ] New Course[X] PrerequisitePresent Text (from 2008/2009) calendarProposed TextENGR 6501 Applied Elasticity(4 credits)Prerequisite: ENCS 6011 or equivalent.Plane stress and strain; analysis of stress and strain in threedimensions; Airy's stress function; solution of two-dimensionalproblems by polynomials and Fourier series; effect of small holesin bars and plates; torsion and bending of prismatic bars; Membraneanalogy; thermoelasticity; rectangular, circular, ring-shaped flatplates; applications in civil and mechanical engineering. A casestudy or a project.ENGR 6501 Applied Elasticity(4 credits)Plane stress and strain; analysis of stress and strain in threedimensions; Airy's stress function; solution of two-dimensionalproblems by polynomials and Fourier series; effect of small holesin bars and plates; torsion and bending of prismatic bars; Membraneanalogy; thermoelasticity; rectangular, circular, ring-shaped flatplates; applications in civil and mechanical engineering. A casestudy or a project.Rationale: This change reflects the deletion of the prerequisite ENCS 6011 as it is no longer required for this course (see also the rationale on pages D1 and D3 for justification ofcourse deletion from the program).Resource Implications: None.Other Programs within which course is listed:19D15

PROGRAM AND COURSES CHANGE FORMS FOR DOCUMENT: ENCS-59 VERSION: 4COURSE CHANGE: ENGR 6511New Course Number:Proposed [ ] Undergraduate or [X] Graduate Curriculum changesCalendar for academic year: 2009/2010Implementation Month/year: January 2009Faculty/School:Engineering and CompSciDepartment:All Depts. in ENCSProgram:All graduate programs in ENCSDegree: M. Eng, M. A. Sc., and Ph. D.Calendar Section/Graduate Page Number:584Type of Change:[ ] Course Number[ ] Course Description[ ] Course Deletion[ ] Course Title[ ] Editorial[ ] Other - Specify:[ ] Credit Value[ ] New Course[X] PrerequisitePresent Text (from 2008/2009) calendarProposed TextENGR 6511 Matrix Analysis of Structures (*) (4 credits)Prerequisite: ENCS 6011 or equivalent.Analysis of statically loaded framed structures by matrix methods;energy concepts in matrix form; transformation of information instructures; flexibility and stiffness methods; computerapplications. A project.ENGR 6511 Matrix Analysis of Structures (*) (4 credits)Analysis of statically loaded framed structures by matrix methods;energy concepts in matrix form; transformation of information instructures; flexibility and stiffness methods; computerapplications. A project.Rationale: This change reflects the deletion of the prerequisite ENCS 6011 as it is no longer required for this course (see also the rationale on pages D1 and D3 for justification ofcourse deletion from the program).Resource Implications: None.Other Programs within which course is listed:20D16

PROGRAM AND COURSES CHANGE FORMS FOR DOCUMENT: ENCS-59 VERSION: 4COURSE CHANGE: ENGR 6551New Course Number:Proposed [ ] Undergraduate or [X] Graduate Curriculum changesCalendar for academic year: 2009/2010Implementation Month/year: January 2009Faculty/School:Engineering and CompSciDepartment:All Depts. in ENCSProgram:All graduate programs in ENCSDegree: M. Eng, M. A. Sc., and Ph. D.Calendar Section/Graduate Page Number:585Type of Change:[ ] Course Number[ ] Course Description[ ] Course Deletion[ ] Course Title[ ] Editorial[ ] Other - Specify:[ ] Credit Value[ ] New Course[X] PrerequisitePresent Text (from 2008/2009) calendarProposed TextENGR 6551 Theory of Elastic and Inelastic Stability(4 credits)Prerequisite: ENCS 6011 or equivalent.Analysis of elastic and inelastic stability of columns; framebuckling; beam-columns, strength of plates, shear webs and shells;torsiona; flexural buckling of thin-walled, open sections;snap-through; critical discussion of current design specifications;applications to structures. A case study or a project.ENGR 6551 Theory of Elastic and Inelastic Stability(4 credits)Analysis of elastic and inelastic stability of columns; framebuckling; beam-columns, strength of plates, shear webs and shells;torsiona; flexural buckling of thin-walled, open sections;snap-through; critical discussion of current design specifications;applications to structures. A case study or a project.Rationale: This change reflects the deletion of the prerequisite ENCS 6011 as it is no longer required for this course (see also the rationale on pages D1 and D3 for justification of thecourse deletion from the program).Resource Implications: None.Other Programs within which course is listed:21D17

PROGRAM AND COURSES CHANGE FORMS FOR DOCUMENT: ENCS-59 VERSION: 4COURSE CHANGE: ENGR 6561New Course Number:Proposed [ ] Undergraduate or [X] Graduate Curriculum changesCalendar for academic year: 2009/2010Implementation Month/year: January 2009Faculty/School:Engineering and CompSciDepartment:All Depts. in ENCSProgram:All graduate programs in ENCSDegree: M. Eng, M. A. Sc., and Ph. D.Calendar Section/Graduate Page Number:585Type of Change:[ ] Course Number[ ] Course Description[ ] Course Deletion[ ] Course Title[ ] Editorial[ ] Other - Specify:[ ] Credit Value[ ] New Course[X] PrerequisitePresent Text (from 2008/2009) calendarProposed TextENGR 6561 Theory of Plates and Shells (4 credits)Prerequisite: ENCS 6011 or equivalent.Analysis of deformation and stress in plates and flat slabs undertransverse loads; various boundary conditions; numerical methods;membrane stresses and displacements in shells under variousloading; bending theory of shells; limit analysis of rotationallysymmetric plates and shells; applications to shell type structuressuch as folded plate structures; sandwich plates; shell roofs andpressure vessels. A case study or a project.ENGR 6561 Theory of Plates and Shells (4 credits)Analysis of deformation and stress in plates and flat slabs undertransverse loads; various boundary conditions; numerical methods;membrane stresses and displacements in shells under variousloading; bending theory of shells; limit analysis of rotationallysymmetric plates and shells; applications to shell type structuressuch as folded plate structures; sandwich plates; shell roofs andpressure vessels. A case study or a project.Rationale: This change reflects the deletion of the prerequisite ENCS 6011 as it is no longer required for this course (see also the rationale on pages D1 and D3 for justification ofcourse deletion from the program).Resource Implications: None.Other Programs within which course is listed:22D18

PROGRAM AND COURSES CHANGE FORMS FOR DOCUMENT: ENCS-59 VERSION: 4COURSE CHANGE: MECH 6131New Course Number:Proposed [ ] Undergraduate or [X] Graduate Curriculum changesCalendar for academic year: 2009/2010Implementation Month/year: January 2009Faculty/School:Engineering and CompSciDepartment:Mechanical & Industrial EngineeringProgram:All graduate programs in MIEDegree: M. Eng, M. A. Sc., and Ph. D.Calendar Section/Graduate Page Number:604Type of Change:[ ] Course Number[ ] Course Description[ ] Course Deletion[ ] Course Title[ ] Editorial[ ] Other - Specify:[ ] Credit Value[ ] New Course[X] PrerequisitePresent Text (from 2008/2009) calendarProposed TextMECH 6131 Conduction and Radiation Heat Transfer (4 credits)Prerequisite: ENCS 6011 or equivalent.Solutions by analytical, numerical, and analogue methods of steadyand transient temperature fields with and without heat sources;introduction to convection. Basic concepts and relations ofradiation heat transfer, radiation of strongly absorbing media, andradiation of weakly absorbing media. Project on selected topics.MECH 6131 Conduction and Radiation Heat Transfer (4 credits)Solutions by analytical, numerical, and analogue methods of steadyand transient temperature fields with and without heat sources;introduction to convection. Basic concepts and relations ofradiation heat transfer, radiation of strongly absorbing media, andradiation of weakly absorbing media. Project on selected topics.Rationale: This change reflects the deletion of the prerequisite ENCS 6011 as it is no longer required for this course (see also the rationale on pages D1 and D3 for justification ofcourse deletion from the program).Resource Implications: None.Other Programs within which course is listed:23D19

PROGRAM AND COURSES CHANGE FORMS FOR DOCUMENT: ENCS-59 VERSION: 4COURSE CHANGE: MECH 6151New Course Number:Proposed [ ] Undergraduate or [X] Graduate Curriculum changesCalendar for academic year: 2009/2010Implementation Month/year: January 2009Faculty/School:Engineering and CompSciDepartment:Mechanical & Industrial EngineeringProgram:All graduate programs in MIEDegree: M. Eng, M. A. Sc., and Ph. D.Calendar Section/Graduate Page Number:604Type of Change:[ ] Course Number[ ] Course Description[ ] Course Deletion[ ] Course Title[ ] Editorial[ ] Other - Specify:[ ] Credit Value[ ] New Course[X] PrerequisitePresent Text (from 2008/2009) calendarProposed TextMECH 6151 Process Equipment Design (4 credits)Prerequisite: ENCS 6011 or equivalent.Design of pressure vessels, towers, reactors, tanks, heat exchangepiping systems, etc., as used in the petrochemical industry, powergeneration, pulp and paper and related industries. Compliance withpertinent codes and regulation; detailed analysis of shells, formedand flat closures expansion stresses, wind and earthquake loads;application on actual problems from industry. Project on selectedtopics.MECH 6151 Process Equipment Design (4 credits)Design of pressure vessels, towers, reactors, tanks, heat exchangepiping systems, etc., as used in the petrochemical industry, powergeneration, pulp and paper and related industries. Compliance withpertinent codes and regulation; detailed analysis of shells, formedand flat closures expansion stresses, wind and earthquake loads;application on actual problems from industry. Project on selectedtopics.Rationale: This change reflects the deletion of the prerequisite ENCS 6011 as it is no longer needed for this course (see also the rationale on pages D1 and D3 for justification ofcourse deletion from the program).Resource Implications: None.Other Programs within which course is listed:24D20

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