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Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1204. G-EYE Colonoscopy Significantly Improves Adenoma DetectionRates: Initial Results of a Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardSeth Gross, MD, FACG, Zamir Halpern, MD, Mark Pochapin, MD,FACG, Sauid Ishaq, MD, Helmut Neumann, MD, Marek Dobosz,MD, Edi Viale, MD, Arthur Hoffman, MD, Jakob Hendel, MD, HakanSenturk, MD, Harold Jacob, MD, Ralf Kiesslich, MD, NYU LangoneMedical Center, New York, NY, The Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center,Tel Aviv, Israel, Russell’s Hall, Dudley, West Midlands, United Kingdom,University Clinic Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, Pomorskie CentrumTraumatologii w Gdansku, Gdansk, Poland, San Raffaele Hospital,Milano, Italy, St. Marienkrankenhaus, Katharina-Kasper GmbH,Frankfurt, Germany, Copenhagen University Hospital Herlev, Herlev,Denmark, Bezmi Alem University, Istanbul, Turkey, Hadassah MedicalCenter, Jerusalem, IsraelP1205. PillCam Colon for Incomplete ColonoscopySeth Gross, MD, FACG, Rabia Ali, MD, NYU Langone Medical Center,New York, NYCOLORECTAL CANCER PREVENTION -CLINICAL VIGNETTESP1206. Small and Diminutive Polyps and Risk of MalignancyAnish Patel, MD, David Padua, MD, Hartley Cohen, MD, FelixLeung, MD, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, RonaldReagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, VA West Los AngelesHealthcare Center, Los Angeles, CAENDOSCOPY VIDEO FORUMP1207. Per-Oral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) With Inverse T IncisionYufei Wang, MD, Enqiang Linghu, MD, Department of Gastroenterologyand Hepatology, the chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, ChinaP1208. Successful Endoscopic Closure of a Large DuodenalPerforation Caused by Therapeutic Endoscopic RetrogradeCholangiopancreatography (ERCP)Enqiang Linghu, MD, You Zhang, MD, Department of Gastroenterologyand Hepatology, the Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, ChinaP1209. Treatment of Hemobilia Using a Covered Metallic Stent in aPatient With a CBD Remnant Post-Bile Duct ResectionJustin Cuschieri, MD, Thomas Loughney, MD, FACG, Aline Charabaty,MD, Nadim Haddad, MD, Medstar Georgetown University Hospital,Washington, DCP1210. Guidewire-Assisted Intubation of the Ileocecal ValveHamza Abdulla, MD, Moshe Bachar, MD, Sherman Chamberlain, MD,FACG, Internal Medicine, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GAP1211. Needle-Based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (nCLE) in theEvaluation of Pancreatic CystsJennifer Maranki, MD, Kaveh Sharzehi, MD, Oleh Haluszka, MD,Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PAP1212. Gallbladder Cancer Eroding Into the Duodenum Causing GastricOutlet ObstructionNidhi Malhotra, MD, Mohamed Sultan, MD, Mark Mattar, MD, FACG,Medstar Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DCP1213. Flexible Endoscopic Zenker’s Diverticulotomy After Recurrenceof Dysphagia Following Open and Rigid Endoscopic StapledDiverticulotomies2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardLuis Lara, MD, Tolga Erim, DO, Ronnie Pimentel, MD, FACG, ClevelandClinic Florida, Weston, FLTUESDAY, October 21, 2014ESOPHAGUSP1214. An Atypical Case of Melena Caused by Esophageal PerforationJanese Laster, MD, Pooja Singhal, MD, Internal Medicine Residency,Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC, GeorgetownUniversity, Department of Gastroenterology, Washington, DCP1215. Clinical Presentation Doesn’t Predict the Need for EsophagealDilation in Patients With Eosinophilic EsophagitisRebecca Ensley, DO, Brett Partridge, MD, David You, MD,Gastroenterology, Naval Medical Center San Diego, San Diego, CAP1216. Does Preop EUS Staging Have Influence on the 5-Year SurvivalRate of Esophageal Cancer?Omar Nadhem, MD, Yasir Al Abboodi, MD, Jesse Mer, MS III, SubhasisMisra, MD, MS, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Amarillo,TXP1217. Clinical Predictors of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Evidenceon Endoscopy in Non-Cardiac Chest PainAlexandra Baumann, DO, David Wheeler, MD, PhD, Monil Patel, DO,Philip Katz, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, Albert Einstein MedicalCenter, Philadelphia, PA, Gastroenterology, Albert Einstein MedicalCenter, Philadelphia, PAP1218. The Impact of Eosinophilic Esophagitis on Body Mass IndexAmilcar Morales, MD, Manish Singla, MD, Corinne Maydonovitch,BS, Yen-Ju Chen, RN, Fouad Moawad, MD, Walter Reed NationalMilitary Medical Center, Bethesda, MDP1219. Multivariate Analysis of Clinical Predictors of SleepDisturbance Related to Frequent Nighttime Heartburn and AcidRegurgitation Symptoms in Individuals Taking Esomeprazole 20 mg orPlaceboDavid Johnson, MD, MACG, Anne LeMoigne, Jing Li, PhD,Charles Pollack, MD, PhD, Peter Nagy, MD, Gastroenterology,Eastern Virginia School of Medicine, Norfolk, VA, Pfizer ConsumerHealthcare, Madison, NJ, AstraZeneca, Molndal, SwedenP1220. Improved Accuracy of 24-Hour pH-Impedance Monitoring WithElimination of Acidic Ingestion PeriodsEyad Alakrad, MD, Yuanqing Yan, PhD, Haseeb Jabbar, MD,April Goddard, PA-C, Qing Zhang, MD, PhD, University of Florida,Gainesville, FLP1221. Surveillance of Short Segment Barrett’s Esophagus UsingUltrathin EndoscopyTakashi Kawai, MD, PhD, FACG, Masakatsu Fukuzawa, MD, PhD,Kyosuke Yanagisawa, MD, PhD, Sakiko Naito, MD, Mari Fukuzawa,MD, PhD, Hiroko Sugimoto, MD, Tetuya Yamagishi, MD, PhD, TakujiGotoda, MD, PhD, Chika Kusano, MD, PhD, Fuminori Moriyasu, MD,PhD, Kengo Tokunaga, MD, PhD, Shin’ichi Takahashi, MD, PhD, FACG,Endscopy Center, Tokyo Medical University Hospital, Tokyo, Japan,Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo,Japan, Kyorin University School of Medicine, Tokyo, JapanP1222. Comparison of High Resolution Pressure Topography and HighResolution Impedance Manometry in Patients With Non-ObstructiveDysphagiaSiegfried Yu, MD, Yeong Lee, MD, PhD, Askin Erdogan, MD, ErickSingh, MD, Arie Mack, RN, Satish Rao, MD, PhD, FACG, InternalMedicine, Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GA, School of MedicalSciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kota Bahru, MalaysiaP1223. Effects of Lifestyle Modifications on the Quality of Life for aPatient With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)Badal Shah, DO, Jonathan Foster, DO, Robert Shmuts, DO, FACG,Rowan School of Medicine, Stratford, NJP1224. Tamoxifen Is Associated With Decreased Prevalence of Barrett’sEsophagusAhmed Bolkhir, MD, Jason Mills, MD, PhD, Craig Lockhart, MD, MHS,Jean Wang, MD, PhD, Washington University, Saint Louis, MOPOSTERSTUESDAY93For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

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