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Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmENDOSCOPYP1116. Proper Tools and Technique Improve Biliary Papillotomy: ASimulation StudyJoseph Leung, MD, MACG, FACG, Wei-Chih, David Liao, MD, WenboMeng, MD, Andrew Yen, MD, FACG, Dong Wang, MD, Yanglin Pan,MD, Hp Wang, MD, Gastroenterology, Sacramento VAMC and UCDavis Medical Center, Mather, CA, Gastroenterology, National TaiwanUniversity Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, Gastroenterology, ChanghaiHospital, Shanghai, China, Surgery, 1st Hospital of Lanzhou University,Lanzhou, China, Gastroenterology, Xijing Hospital, Xi’an, ChinaP1117. Retrospective Review of Airway Management and Complicationsin the Treatment of Esophageal Food ImpactionJose Melendez-Rosado, MD, Raul Badillo, MD, Dawn Francis, MD,Mayo Clinic, Gastroenterology, Jacksonville, FLP1118. Endoscopic Ultrasound Fine Needle Aspiration for the Evaluationof Focal Ampullary LesionsPhilip Okafor, MD, MPH, Larissa Fujii, MD, Michael Levy, MD, MayoClinic, Rochester, MNP1119. Fully Covered Self Expanding Metallic Stent as a ReversibleTreatment Option for Common Bile Duct Stricture and Post-ERCPComplicationsJustin Cochrane, DO, Providence Sacred Medical Center, Spokane, WAP1120. Retrospective Analysis of the Effectiveness of CoveredEsophageal Stents for the Management of Benign Upper GastrointestinalDisordersIsaac Cline, MD, Nitin Ahuja, MD, Andrew Wang, MD, FACG, VanessaShami, MD, Bryan Sauer, MD, MSc, Medicine, Gastroenterology,University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VAP1121. Predictors of Prolonged Withdrawal Time During ScreeningColonoscopy Among Gastroenterology FellowsHernan Lopez-Morra, MD, Juan Tejada, MD, Manhal Izzy, MD, SandarLinn, MD, Emmanuel Ofori, MD, Luis Guzman, MD, Faraj Karagoli,MD, Sury Anand, MD, Gastroenterology, The Brooklyn Hospital Center,Brooklyn, NYP1122. Impact of a Novel Mobile Device Application for EndoscopicProcedure LoggingLanre Jimoh, MD, MBA, Keith Obstein, MD, MPH, FACG, VanderbiltUniversity Medical Center, Nashville, TNP1123. Hemospray for Refractory Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Initial UnitedStates ExperienceRabia Ali, MD, David Carr-Locke, MD, FACG, Srinadh Komanduri,MD, MS, Sanjay Jagannath, MD, Toufic Kachaamy, MD, Peter Sargon,MD, Catherine Frenette, MD, Harish Gagneja, MD, FACG, DouglasHowell, MD, FACG, James Buxbaum, MD, Timothy Laurie, MD, JosephMarsano, MD, Seth Gross, MD, FACG, New York University Schoolof Medicine, New York, NY, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York,NY, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago,IL, Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore, MD, Cancer Treatment Centersof America, Phoenix, AZ, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, ParkRidge, IL, Scripps Health, San Diego, CA, Austin Gastroenterology,Austin, TX, Maine Medical Center, Portland, ME, University of SouthernCalifornia-Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CAP1124. Incidence and Outcomes of Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding inLVAD PatientsHaseeb Jabbar, MD, Ali Abbas, MD, Mustafa Mohammed Ahmed, MD,Charles T Jr Klodell, MD, Peter Draganov, MD, University of Florida,Gainesville, FLP1125. The Utility of Video Capsule Endoscopy to EvaluateGastrointestinal Bleeding in an Inpatient SettingDivya Bhatt, MD, MA, Andrew Watson, MD, Kristin McBeath, DO,Cemal Yazici, MD, Fredrik Langi, MD, Brian Boulay, MD, MPH,Russell Brown, MD, FACG, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL,NorthShore University Health System, Evanston, ILP1126. Endoscopic Mucosal Resection of Large Nonampullary DuodenalPolyps: Technical Aspects and Long Term Therapeutic OutcomesAndrew Zabolotsky, MD, C. Andrew Kistler, MD, Saad Ghumman,MBBS, Sobia Laique, MBBS, Ali Siddiqui, MD, Thomas JeffersonUniversity Hopsital, Philadelphia, PAP1127. What Is the Impact of Abdominal and Pelvic Surgery for PatientsWith Overt Obscure GI Bleed Who Undergo Retrograde Double BalloonEnteroscopy? Analysis of a Large DatabaseMichael Bartel, MD, Carlos Simons Linares, MD, Luke McCrone, MD,Mark Stark, MD, FACG, Frank Lukens, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology,Mayo Clinic, Jackonville, FLP1128. Noncompliance With Recommended Intervals for Surveillanceof Polyps Leads to Reduced Adenoma Detection RatesVishal Desai, MD, Sheena Patel, MD, John Losurdo, MD, SohrabMobarhan, MD, Joshua Melson, MD, MPH, Rush University MedicalCenter, Chicago, ILP1129. Balloon Dilation of Duodenal Strictures to Facilitate ERCP forBiliary ObstructionAmanpal Singh, MD, MS, Samrath Singh, MD, Akriti Dewanwala,MD, Andrew Bain, MD, Division of Gastroenterology, RoswellPark Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY, Department of Medicine, StateUniversity of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NYP1130. Factors Determining Residual Neoplasia After EMR of FlatSessile Colonic PolypsAbhishek Bhurwal, MBBS, Michael Bartel, MD, Massimo Raimondo,MD, FACG, Michael Wallace, MD, MPH, FACG, Timothy Woodward,MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FLP1131. Endoscopic Mucosal Resection Learning Curve for LargeColorectal Polyps: Analysis of a Large DatabaseAbhishek Bhurwal, MBBS, Michael Bartel, MD, Massimo Raimondo,MD, FACG, Michael Wallace, MD, MPH, FACG, Timothy Woodward,MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FLP1132. Nationwide Utilization of Endoscopic UltrasoundSharlene DSouza, MD, Brintha Enestvedt, MD, Brian Pavic, MD,Jennifer Holub, Sarah “Betsy” Rodriguez, MD, Gastroenterology,The Oregon Clinic-West, Portland, OR, Oregon Health and ScienceUniversity, Portland, OR, Portland VA Medical Center, Portland, ORP1133. Endoscopic Nested Y-Shaped Self-Expanding Metal StentPlacement for Advanced Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma: A Study of a NovelStent With a Unique Mesh StructureKyo-Sang Yoo, MD, PhD, Ji Yeoun Kim, MD, Jongkwan Jung, MD,Youngouk Ro, MD, Young Jae Byun, MD, Sun Min Kim, MD, Chang SooEun, MD, PhD, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Hanyang UniversityCollege of Medicine, Guri, Republic of KoreaP1134. Diagnostic Yield of Upper Endoscopy and Colonoscopy forIsolated Unintentional Weight LossOleg Shulik, MD, Andy Cuchhiara, PhD, Octavia Pickett-Blakely, MD,MHS, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PAP1135. Physician-Directed Bolus Sedation for Colonoscopy ImprovesEndoscopy Unit EfficiencyAmit Bhaskar, MD, Ziad Gellad, MD, MPH, Internal Medicine, DukeUniversity, Durham, NCP1136. Comparison of Sedation Practices in GI Endoscopy BetweenAmbulatory Endoscopy Center and GI Lab in HospitalAli Kazemi, MD, Olivia Babich, Jungmin Lee, MD, Michael Babich, MD,Allegheny General Hospital, PittsburghP1137. Yield of Capsule Endoscopy for Obscure Gastrointestinal BleedChinemerem Okwara, MD, Leon Kundrotas, MD, Raju Akriti, MD, UTSouthwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, University of Texas Healthand Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TXP1138. Minimizing Insertion Pain in Unsedated Patients by CombinedWater Exchange and Cap-Assisted ColonoscopyFelix Leung, MD, FACG, Joseph Leung, MD, FACG, Andrew Yen, MD,FACG, Medicine, Sepulveda Ambulatory Care Center, VAGLAHS andDavid Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, North Hills, CA, SacramentoVAMC and School of Medicine at UC Davis, Sacramento, CAPOSTERSMONDAY89For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

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