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Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1058. Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Immunogenicity, andSafety of AVX-470, an Oral, Bovine-Derived Anti-TNF Antibody, inPatients With Active Ulcerative Colitis (UC): Initial Human ExperienceBarbara Fox, PhD, Deborah Hartman, PhD, Sharon Spence, MS, SallyKennedy, MS, Theodore Ptak, MD, Ron Pruitt, MD, FACG, SéverineVermeire, MD, PhD, M. Scott Harris, MD, MS, Avaxia Biologics,Lexington, MA, Toronto Digestive Disease Associates, Toronto, ON,Canada, Nashville Medical Research Institute, Nashville, TN, UniversityHospital Gasthuisberg, Leuven, BelgiumP1059. Long-term Efficacy of Vedolizumab Therapy for Crohn’s Disease2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardStephen Hanauer, MD, FACG, Paul Rutgeerts, MD, PhD, Jing Xu, PhD,David Rubin, MD, FACG, Michael Smyth, MBA, Brihad Abhyankar,MBA, Digestive Health Center, Northwestern University Feinberg Schoolof Medicine, Chicago, IL, Department of Gastroenterology, UniversityHospital Gasthuisberg, Leuven, Belgium, Takeda PharmaceuticalsInternational Co., Cambridge, MA, Takeda Global Research andDevelopment Centre (Europe) Ltd., London, United KingdomP1060. Prevalence and Management of C. difficile Infection inInflammatory Bowel Disease Outpatient and Inpatient Setting at a TertiaryCare CenterPooja Singhal, MD, Neha Nigam, MD, Mark Mattar, MD, AlineCharabaty, MD, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DCP1061. Type 3 Muscarinic Receptors (M3R) Contribute to Expulsion ofNippostrongylus brasiliensis Through Induction of Th2 CytokinesLeon McLean, MD, MPH, Allen Smith, PhD, Lumei Cheung, PhD,Neemesh Desai, BS, Viktoriya Grinchuk, BS, Aiping Zhao, MD, RexSun, BS, Jean-Pierre Raufman, MD, Terez Shea-Donohue, PhD,University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, UnitedStates Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service,Beltsville, MDP1062. Characterization of Disease Course and Treatment in PatientsWith Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Anti-TNF Induced PsoriasisMona Liu, BA, Lisa Grandinetti, MD, Arthur Barrie, MD, PhD, MelissaSaul, MS, Miguel Regueiro, MD, FACG, Jason Swoger, MD, MPH,University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, Departmentof Dermatology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh,PA, Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh,Pittsburgh, PA, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PAP1063. Mycobacterium avium Complex: An Emerging Pathogen in IBDand Non-IBD Diarrhea: Preliminary ResultsEllen Gutkin, DO, Konika Bose, MD, Sang Kim, MD, FACG, Jean Luo,MD, Moshe Rubin, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, New York HospitalQueens, Flushing, NYP1064. Predictors of Infliximab Failure in Ulcerative ColitisDaniel Stein, MD, MPH, Brian Behm, MD, University of Virginia HealthSystems, Charlottesville, VAP1065. Providing Fellows-in-Training With Education on InflammatoryBowel Disease Health Maintenance to Improve the Quality of Care in ourHealthcare SystemAnn Lee, MD, Emely Eid, MD, University of Florida Jacksonville,Jacksonville, FLP1066. Endoscopic Surveillance Patterns of Polypoid Dysplasia AmongPatients With Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseNisha Patel, MD, Rajesh Shah, MD, Jason Hou, MD, Gastroenterology,Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TXP1067. Sexual Function in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease:Results of a Web-Based Health SurveyMatilda Hagan, MD, Guruprasad Jambaulikar, MBBS, MPH, KatherineOsche-Gauvin, MS, David Schwartz, MD, Tina Higginbotham, MPA,Ray Cross, MD, MS, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University ofMaryland, Baltimore, Baltimore, MD, Vanderbilt, Nashville, MDP1068. Predictors of Re-Admissions in Hospitalized Patients WithInflammatory Bowel Disease Treated at a Tertiary Care HospitalMatilda Hagan, MD, Guruprasad Jambaulikar, MBBS, MS,Kaci Christian, MD, Akash Gadani, MD, Ray Cross, MD, MS,Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Maryland, Baltimore,Baltimore, MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, MDP1069. Do Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients Have Difficulty Taperingoff of Oral Vancomycin?Marwa El Mourabet, MD, Claudia Ramos Rivers, MD, Marc Schwartz,MD, Miguel Regueiro, MD, Arthur Barrie, MD, PhD, Jana Hashash,MD, Leonard Baidoo, MD, Jason Swoger, MD, Michael Dunn, MD,David Binion, MD, Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PAP1070. Role of Capsule Endoscopy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: ASingle Center’s ExperienceAngela Hira, DO, Muhammad Shafqet, MD, Qasim Salimi, MD, GeoffreyYou, MD, S. Devi Rampertab, MD, FACG, Rutgers-Robert WoodJohnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJP1071. Outcomes of IBD Care Vary Across Different Healthcare DeliverySettingsKunjali Padhya, MD, Amit Singal, MD, MS, Christie Choi, MD, EzraBurstein, MD, Avegail Flores, MD, Prabhakar Swaroop, MD, TasneemAhmed, DO, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas,Dallas, TX, Parkland Health and Hospital System, Dallas, TXP1072. Compliance With Vaccination Recommendations in the IBDPopulation: The Effect of a Formal Health Maintenance ProgramStanley Pietrak, MD, Philip Sarges, MD, Neha Nigam, MD, DaliaAbdelaziz, MD, MPH, Walid Chalhoub, MD, Pooja Singhal, MD, AimeeLeStrange, FNP, Mark Mattar, MD, Aline Charabaty, MD, MedstarGeorgetown University Hospital, Washington, DCP1073. Compliance With Cervical Health Recommendations in theInflammatory Bowel Disease Population: The Effect of a Formal HealthMaintenance ProgramStanley Pietrak, MD, Dalia Abdelaziz, MD, MPH, Neha Nigam, MD,Walid Chalhoub, MD, Pooja Singhal, MD, Philip Sarges, MD, MarkMattar, MD, FACG, Aline Charabaty, MD, FACG, MedStar GeorgetownUniversity Hospital, Washington, DCP1074. Compliance With Colon Cancer Surveillance in the InflammatoryBowel Disease Population: The Effect of a Formal Health MaintenanceProgramNeha Nigam, MD, Walid Chalhoub, MD, Stanley Pietrak, MD, DaliaAbdelaziz, MD, MPH, Philip Sarges, MD, Pooja Singhal, MD, AimeeLeStrange, FNP, Mark Mattar, MD, FACG, Aline Charabaty, MD, FACG,MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DCP1075. Disease Activity as a Predictor of Long-term Outcomes ofTreatment With Certolizumab Pegol for Active Crohn’s Disease: AnAnalysis of the PRECiSE 3 StudyJennifer Choi, MD, Bincy Abraham, MD, Douglas Wolf, MD, Jean-Frederic Colombel, MD, Gordana Kosutic, MD, Marshall Spearman,MD, Jason Coarse, MS, William Sandborn, MD, University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston,TX, Atlanta Gastroenterology Associates, Atlanta, GA, Icahn Schoolof Medicine, New York, NY, UCB Pharma, Raleigh, NC, University ofCalifornia San Diego, San Diego, CAP1076. Assessment of Sexual Dysfunction Among Inflammatory BowelDisease PatientsSultan Mahmood, MD, Salman Nusrat, MD, Amber Crosby, APRN-CNP,Yan Daniel Zhao, PhD, Tauseef Ali, MD, FACG, Oklahoma UniversityHealth Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OKP1077. Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease From Isotretinoin: A Case-Control StudySusil Sivaraman, MD, Shahrooz Rashtak, MD, Susanth Sivaraman,MD, Rebecca Scherr, MD, Howard Baron, MD, Christian Stone, MD,MPH, University of Nevada Section of Gastroenterology, Las Vegas, NV,University of Nevada Department of Pediatrics, Las Vegas, NV, PediatricGastroenterology and Nutrition Associates, Las Vegas, NVFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.86

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