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Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP918. A Case of Drug-Induced Cholangitis and Cholestasis FromAmoxicillin/Clavulanic Acid and LevofloxacinRafael Rojano-Marin, MD, Amir Rezk, MD, Chuan Miao, MD, MPH,MS, Nina Ahuja, MD, General Internal Medicine, Geisinger MedicalCenter, Danville, PA, Gastroenterology, Geisinger Medical Center,Danville, PAP919. Bosentan-Induced Autoimmune HepatitisAmir Taefi, MD, Suzan Ebrahimi, MD, Farzin Rashti, MD, Grishma Joy,MD, Mitesh Patel, MD, Won Cho, MD, Washington Hospital Center,Silver Spring, MDP920. An Unusual Occurrence of Granulomatous Liver Disease in Turner’sSyndrome: A Case SeriesJayakrishna Chintanaboina, MD, MPH, Pragnesh Shah, MD, ThomasRiley, MD, Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PAP921. A Case of Worsening Liver Function Due to Sitosterolemia inTurner’s SyndromeJayakrishna Chintanaboina, MD, MPH, Pragnesh Shah, MD, ThomasRiley, MD, FACG, Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PAP922. Fever and Transaminitis: Sole Manifestations of Enteric Fever in aTraveler Returning From BengladeshAmir Kalani, MD, PhD, Sonaly Patel, MD, Drexel University School ofMedicine, Division of Internal Medicine, Philadelphia, PAP923. A Case of Acute Liver Failure Associated With Synthetic CannabisUse2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardErin Spengler, MD, Douglas LaBrecque, MD, Internal Medicine,University of Iowa, Iowa City, IAP924. SBRT for Hepatocellular Carcinoma With Portal Vein InvasionFrom Palliation to a CureMohammed Eyad Yaseen Alsabbagh, MD, Carlos Romero-Marrero, MD,Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHP925. Cyanoacrylate Injection in the Treatment of Gastric Varices: ACase SeriesAnuj Sharma, MD, Nader Dbouk, MD, Satheesh Nair, MD, SanjayaSatapathy, MD, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University ofTennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN, Methodist UniversityTransplant Institute, Memphis, TNP926. Rare Presentation of Acute Liver Injury From Herpes SimplexVirus-1 Hepatitis and Concomitant Acetaminophen Toxicity in anImmunocompetent PatientHarsha Moole, MD, Daniel Martin, MD, Srinivas Puli, MD, Sonu Dhillon,MD, University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria, Peoria, ILP927. Acute Cholestatic Hepatitis Without Ductopenia: An ExtremelyRare Adverse Effect of Oral ClindamycinHarsha Moole, MD, Daniel Martin, MD, Sonu Dhillon, MD, Srinivas Puli,MD, University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria, Peoria, ILP928. Systemic Mastocytosis: A Confounder of Refractory Pruritus in aLiver Disease Patient Creating Management DilemmaJagpal Klair, MD, Mohit Girotra, MD, Johnny Jones III, MD, Aneet Kaur,MD, Farshad Aduli, MD, FACG, University of Arkansas for MedicalSciences, Little Rock, ARP929. Rare Complication of Simple Liver Cyst Necessitating PromptManagementJagpal Klair, MD, Gaurav Syal, MD, Farshad Aduli, MD, FACG,University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, ARP930. Successful Treatment of Erythropoietic Protoporphyria InducedLiver Injury With Pan-Hematin2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardNisha Shah, MD, Nicholas Fiacco, MD, John Bassett, MD, FACG,Walter Reed, Bethesda, MDP931. Acalculous Cholecystitis Associated With Acute Q Fever InfectionNisha Shah, MD, John Bassett, MD, FACG, Thomas Mellor, MD, WalterReed, Bethesda, MDCOLONP932. Ribotype 027 Strain Does Not Predict the Severity of Clostridiumdifficile Infection but Predicts Relapse and the Antimicrobial Agent UsedAnand Kumar, MD, MPH, Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia,Philadelphia, PAP933. Colonoscopy After Acute Diverticulitis: What Happens to ThoseWho Don’t Adhere to Guidelines?Josh Wilson, MD, Joseph Cristiano, MD, Michael Williford, BS, RichardBloomfeld, MD, Wake Forest, Winston Salem, NCP934. Obstacles to Donor Recruitment for Faecal MicrobiotaTransplantation: Experiences From the FOCUS StudySudarshan Paramsothy, BSc (Med), MBBS (Hon 1), Thomas Borody,MD, PhD, FACG, Enmoore Lin, BA, BSc (Hons), PhD, Sarah Finlayson,BAdvSc (Hon 1), Alissa Walsh, MBBS (Hons), Douglas Samuel, BSc(Med), MBBS (Hons) MMed, Johan van den Bogaerde, MBChB,PhD, FCP, MMed, Hazel Mitchell, BSc (Hons), Dip Ed, PhD, NadeemKaakoush, BSc (Hons), PhD, Michael Kamm, MBBS, MD, St. Vincent’sHospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia, Centre for Digestive Diseases, Sydney,NSW, Australia, Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia,Nambour General Hospital, Nambour, QLD, Australia, University of NewSouth Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne,VIC, AustraliaP935. Rescue Therapy With Fecal Microbiota Transplantation inHospitalized Patients With Severe and Severe-Complicated Clostridiumdifficile InfectionMonika Fischer, MD, MS, Gwen Cook, MS, Nicholas Rogers, MD, BrianSipe, MD, Raj Vuppalanchi, MD, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN, St. John’sHospital, Anderson, INP936. Gastrointestinal Bleeding Secondary to Sevelamer-InducedMucosal InjuryVenkata Gourineni, MD, Nicole Loo, MD, Mayra Sanchez, MD,Bridgeport Hospital, Bridgeport, CT, Yale New Haven Hospital, NewHaven, CTP937. Colonoscopy Without Insufflation: A Prospective RandomizedControlled StudySergey Kantsevoy, MD, PhD, Marianne Bitner, CRNA, Deborah Hockett,BSN, RN, Deborah Pennington, MSN, RN, Karen Chapman, RN,Kathleen Maier, BSW, RN, CGRN, April Vilches, BSN, RN, BarbaraO’Neil, RN, ADN, Mercy Medical Center, Owings Mills, MD, Universityof Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MDP938. Sedationless Colonoscopy With Visualization Balloon: FirstClinical Experience in HumansSergey Kantsevoy, MD, PhD, Marianne Bitner, CRNA, Deborah Hockett,BSN, RN, Deborah Pennington, MSN, RN, Karen Chapman, RN,Kathleen Maier, BSW, RN, CGRN, April Vilches, BSN, RN, BarbaraO’Neil, RN, ADN, Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore, MD, University ofMaryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MDP939. Safety Outcomes After Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) forC. difficile Infection (CDI)Desmond Wilson, MD, David Rahni, MD, Colleen Kelly, MD, FACG, TheAlpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, RIP940. Using Population-Based Resources to Identify Sessile SerratedPolyps in a Statewide PopulationKajsa Affolter, MD, Keith Gligorich, PhD, Noah Welker, PhD, WadeSamowitz, MD, Karen Curtin, PhD, Pathology, University of Utah, SaltLake City, UT, Huntsman Cancer Institute, Salt Lake City, UTP941. Outcomes of Fidaxomicin Treatment of Clostridium difficileInfectionClayton Spiceland, MD, Sahil Khanna, MBBS, Darrell Pardi, MD, FACG,Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MNP942. Higher Prevalence of Celiac Disease in Patients With MicroscopicColitis: Results From a Large Pathology DatabaseEugene Yen, MD, FACG, Amnon Sonnenberg, MD, FACG, RobertGenta, MD, FACG, NorthShore University HealthSystem, Evanston,IL, Portland VA Medical Center, Portland, OR, Miraca Life SciencesResearch Institute, Irving, TXFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.80

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