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Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP869. Diagnostic Performance of Magnetic Resonance Elastographyfor the Staging of Liver Fibrosis: A Systematic Review and CollaborativeIndividual Participant Data Meta-analysisSiddharth Singh, MD, Sudhakar Venkatesh, MD, Zhen Wang, PhD,Frank Miller, MD, Utaroh Motosugi, MD, Russell Low, MD, TarekHassanein, MD, FACG, Patrick Asbach, MD, Edmund Godfrey, MD,Meng Yin, PhD, Jun Chen, PhD, Andrew Keaveny, MD, Anneloes Bohte,MD, Mohammad Murad, MD, MS, Jay Talwalkar, MD, MPH, FACG,Richard Ehman, MD, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic,Rochester, MN, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine,Chicago, IL, University of Yamanashi, Chuo-shi, Yamanashi, Japan,Sharp and Children’s MRI Center, San Diego, CA, Liver Centers ofSouthern California, San Diego, CA, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin,Charité Campus Mitte, Berlin, Germany, St. James’ Hospital, BeckettStreet, Leeds, United Kingdom, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, AcademicMedical Center, Amsterdam, NetherlandsP870. Influence of Race on Hepatocellular Cancer Surveillance Rates inPatients With Chronic Hepatitis C: The VA ExperienceDavid Wan, MD, Jennifer Maratt, MD, Luba Greeder, MD, AlexanderJow, MD, Tao Xu, MD, Craig Tenner, MD, Fritz Francois, MD, FACG,New York-Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY, Manhattan VeteransAffairs Medical Center, New York, NY, New York University LangoneMedical Center, New York, NYP871. Volatile Organic Compounds in the Exhaled Breath as Biomarkersof Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in Obese ChildrenVera Okwu, MD, Ammar Matloob, MD, David Grove, PhD, LipingTian, BS, Sara Lappe, MD, Rocio Lopez, MS, Raed Dweik, MD,Naim Alkhouri, MD, Cleveland Clinic - Department of PediatricGastroenterology, Cleveland, OH, Cleveland Clinic - Departmentof Pediatrics, Cleveland, OH, Cleveland Clinic - Department ofPathobiology, Cleveland, OH, Cleveland Clinic - Respiratory Institute,Cleveland, OHP872. Decreased Muscle Attenuation Predicts Mortality in AlcoholicHepatitis PatientsMohamed Shoreibah, MD, David Arrington, MD, Derek DuBay, MD,Stephen Gray, MD, James Roy, Ashwani Singal, MD, GI and Hepatology,University of Alabama at Birmingham, BirminghamP873. The Relationship of Normal Hepatic Synthetic Function andPlatelets With Advanced Fibrosis or CirrhosisMohamed Shoreibah, MD, Shabnam Sarker, MD, Ashwani Singal, MD,GI and Hepatology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, BirminghamP874. Are Cardiac Event and Cirrhosis Development Two DifferentPathways in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?Mohamed Shoreibah, MD, Paul Fitzmorris, MD, Yong-Fang Kuo,PhD, Joseph Bloomer, MD, Ashwani Singal, MD, GI and Hepatology,University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, The University ofTexas Medical Branch at Galveston, Galveston, TXP875. Hepatitis C Virus Is Not Associated With an Increased Riskof Colorectal Polyps in Cirrhotic Patients Undergoing ScreeningColonoscopyBirju Bhatt, MD, Thresiamma Lukose, Pharm.D, Robert Brown, MD,MPH, Elizabeth Verna, MD, MS, Columbia University, New York, NYP876. Risk Factors for Readmissions Among Patients With CirrhosisSangeeta Agrawal, MD, FACG, Paras Kumar, Student, Kriti Agrawal,Student, Adrienne Stolfi, MSPH, Dayton VA Medical Center, Dayton, OH,Wright State University, Dayton, OH, University of California, Berkeley,CAP877. Translational Bioenergetics: A Promising Biomarker With Potentialto Personalize Treatment in Patients With Alcoholic Liver DiseaseAshwani Singal, MD, MSc, Philip Kramer, PhD, Saranya Ravi, PhD,Balu Chacko, PhD, Degui Zhi, PhD, Victor Darley-Usmar, PhD,Gastroenterology and Hepatology, UAB, Birmingham, ALP878. Serum Cytokeratin-18 Fragment Levels Predict Development ofType 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Adult Patients With Non-Alcoholic Fatty LiverDiseaseSajan Jiv Singh Nagpal, MD, Rocio Lopez, MS, MPH, Ariel Feldstein,MD, Naim Alkhouri, MD, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHP879. Sonic Hedgehog Signaling Pathway in HepatocellularCarcinoma and Its Association With Tumor Recurrence Following LiverTransplantation: A Pilot StudyMohannad Dugum, MD, Ibrahim Hanouneh, MD, Thomas McIntyre,PhD, Rish Pai, MD, PhD, Nizar Zein, MD, Cleveland Clinic Foundation,Cleveland, OHP880. Functional Status of Patients With Cirrhosis Does Not Differ AmongEtiologies of Cirrhosis Based on the Six-Minute Walk Test (6MWT)Jeffrey Juneau, MD, Sudha Kodali, MD, MPH, Talha Malik, MD,MPH, Winnie Tsai, BS, Daniel Booth, BS, Brendan McGuire, MD, MS,University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, ALP881. Pre-Transplant Characteristics in Patients Evaluated for OrthotopicLiver Transplant (OLT) Associated With Positive Stress TestFeng Li, MD, Bryan Lee, MD, Kyle Porter, MAS, Nicole O’Bleness, BS,RN, Scott Lilly, MD, PhD, A. James Hanje, MD, Department of InternalMedicine, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus,OH, Division of Biostatistics, College of Public Health, The Ohio StateUniversity, Columbus, OH, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine,Department of Internal Medicine, Ohio State University Wexner MedicalCenter, Columbus, OH, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology andNutrition, Department of Internal Medicine, Ohio State UniversityWexner Medical Center, Columbus, OHP882. Hepatic Steatosis Is Independently Associated With CoronaryAtherosclerosisAnusha Shirwaikar Thomas, MD, Kongkiat Chaikriangkrai, MD,Sharleen Botero, BS, Su Min Chang, MD, Houston Methodist Hospital,Houston, TXP883. Multiple Liver Abscesses From Fusobacterium InfectionVenkata Gourineni, MD, Joyce George, MD, JayakrishnanKrishnakurup, MD, Andrew Bedford, MD, FACG, Gregory Soloway, MD,Gastroenterology, Bridgeport Hospital, Milford, CTP884. Are Patients Hospitalized With Cirrhosis and Ascites ReceivingAppropriate Diagnostic Paracentesis?Harith Baharith, MD, Marco Puglia, MD, McMaster University,Hamilton, ON, CanadaP885. Reevaluation of the Upper Limit of Normal for Outpatient AlanineAminotransferase (ALT) Levels at a Large United States Urban MedicalCenterAdarsh Varma, MD, Stuart Gordon, MD, Richard Krajenta, BS, LoisLamerato, PhD, Veronica Luzzi, PhD, Kimberly Brown, MD, AshishZalawadia, MD, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Henry Ford Hospital,Detroit, MIP886. Utility of Liver Biopsies in Patients Undergoing Left VentricularAssist Device ImplantationHesam Keshmiri, DO, MS, Burhan Mohamedali, MD, Gardner Yost,BSc, Geetha Bhat, MD, University of Illinois/Advocate Christ MedicalCenter, Chicago, ILP887. Clopidogrel-Induced Severe Cholestatic HepatitisHesam Keshmiri, DO, MS, Anuj Behal, MD, Rasha Issa, MD, ShawnShroff, MD, Kamran Ayub, MD, Charles Berkelhammer, MD, UIC/Advocate Christ Medical Center, Chicago, ILP888. IPH With Gait Disturbances: Is It a New Congenital Syndrome?Nongnooch Poowanawittayakom, MD, Michael Flicker, MD, BhaumikBrahmbhatt, MD, Surakit Pungpapong, MD, Internal Medicine,Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago, IL, Mayo Clinic,Jacksonville, FLFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.78

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