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Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP726. Local Chemotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer: Potential of InjectableDrug-Loaded MicroparticlesVadim Kurbatov, BFA, Rajesh Ramachandran, MD, Laura Martello-Rooney, PhD, Raavi Gupta, MD, Frank Gress, MD, SUNY DownstateMedical Center, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Brooklyn,NY, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Department of Pathology,Brooklyn, NY, New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia UniversityDivision of Digestive Diseases, New York, NYP727. Use of Bayesian Analysis to Predict Pancreatic Fibrosis With theSecretin Endoscopic Pancreatic Function Test (ePFT): Comparisons toHistopathology Gold StandardsFeng Li, MD, Wendy Frankel, MD, Alice Hinton, PhD, Philip Hart, MD,Darwin Conwell, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, Ohio StateUniversity Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OH, Department ofPathology, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus,OH, Division of Biostatistics, College of Public Health, The Ohio StateUniversity, Columbus, OH, Section of Pancreatic Disorders, Divisionof Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Department of InternalMedicine, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OHP728. Bevacizumab-Associated Pancreatitis: Cases Reported to theAdverse Event Reporting System of the Food and Drug AdministrationMalav Parikh, MD, Eli Ehrenpreis, MD, Presence Saint Francis Hosptal,Evanston, IL, Northshore University Health System, Evanston, ILP729. Biliary Intervention After Bariatric Surgery (BRS): Inferences Froma Nationwide Population-Based StudySomashekar Krishna, MD, MPH, Alecia Blaszczak, MD, PhD, SamerEl-Dika, MD, Jeffery Groce, MD, Hisham Hussan, MD, Cheng Zhang,MD, PhD, Jeffrey Wenzke, MD, Sheetal Sharma, MD, Darwin Conwell,MD, MS, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition,The Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, OHP730. The Impact of Introduction of a New Endoscopic Ultrasound(EUS) Service on the Volume, Success, and Complexity of EndoscopicRetrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) Performed in a TertiaryReferral CenterHarathi Yandrapu, MD, MS, Sherif Elhanafi, MD, Farhanaz Chowdhury,MD, Jiayang Liu, MS, Eduardo Onate, MD, Alok Dwivedi, PhD,Mohamed Othman, MD, Texas Tech University of Health Sciences, ElPaso, TXP731. Twenty-Five Percent of Breast Cancer Patients Referred for BRCATesting Have Pancreatic Cystic Lesions on Magnetic Resonance Imagingat Time of Cancer DiagnosisAndrew Becker, AB, Yasmin Hernandez, MD, Emily Soper, MS, ClaireDavis, MS, Aimee Lucas, MD, MS, Icahn School of Medicine at MountSinai, New York, NYP732. Natural History of Patients With Indeterminate Biliary Stricture andNegative Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration (EUS-FNA)Bhavtosh Dedania, MBBS, Shounak Majumder, MBBS, Murali Dharan,MD, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT, SaintFrancis Hospital, Hartford, CTP733. Overutilization of the HIDA Scan in the Inpatient SettingKimberly Fairley, MS, DO, Kimberly Chaput, DO, Dana Christopher, DO,Alexander Kim, DO, Christopher Valente, BS, Mohsen Shabahang, MD,Christopher Pohl, MD, Ron Hollm, PhD, Barry Nazar, PhD, David Diehl,MD, Gastroenterology, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA, TempleUniversity, Philadelphia, PAP734. Serum Bilirubin Elevation Predicts Disease Severity in PatientsWith Primary Sclerosing CholangitisAbdul Haseeb, MD, MPH, Kristen Cox, MS, RN, Douglas Adler, MD,FACG, Internal Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UTP735. Role of ERCP SpyGlass ® Electrohydraulic Lithotripsy in PatientsWith Chronic Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Duct Calculi Causing DuctObstruction: A Case SeriesLaura Hamad, DO, Zubin Patel, BS, Rasha Issa, MD, Omar Majdobeh,MD, Ronya Kawji, BS, Hesam Keshmiri, DO, MS, Kamran Ayub, MD,Internal Medicine, St. James Franciscan Alliance, Oak Brook, IL, SilverCross Hospital, New Lenox, IL, Advocate Christ Hospital, Oak Lawn, ILP736. A Single-Center Experience With the Prevention of Post-ERCPPancreatitis by the Use of Rectal Indomethacin in a High-Risk PopulationJason Rubinov, MD, Matthew Kutner, DO, Arkady Broder, MD, LionelD’Souza, MD, Gil Ascunce, MD, David Carr-Locke, MD, FACG, MountSinai Beth Israel, New York, NYP737. Intravenous Antibiotics Impact on Post-ERCP PancreatitisMohamed Abdelfatah, MD, Kathleen Enriquez, MD, Maysaa El Zoghbi,MD, FACG, Martin Shill, MD, Hossam Kandil, MD, PhD, AGMC,Northeast Ohio University, Akron, OH, Department Gastroenterologyand Hepatology, AGMC, Northeast Ohio University, Akron, OH,Department Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University Hospitals,Case Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, Division of Gastroenterology andHepatology, East Carolina University, Greenville, NCP738. The Efficacy and Security of ERCP in Super-Aged PatientsEnqiang Linghu, MD, The Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, ChinaPANCREATIC/BILIARY - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP739. The Fine Line Between Right and Left: A Patient With SitusInversus Totalis Presenting With CholedocholithiasisDominic Colella, DO, Farhan Israr, DO, Rajan Narula, DO, Leena Saline,DO, Juan Sarol, MD, Javier Sobrado, MD, FACG, Michael Valladares,DO, Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine(NSU-COM), Fort Lauderdale-Davie, FL, Larkin Community Hospital,South Miami, FLP740. Acute Pancreatitis and Sickle Cell Hepatopathy in a PregnantPatientDilhana Badurdeen, MD, Kawtar Alkhalloufi, MD, Angesom Kibreab,MD, Rehana Begum, MD, Howard University College of Medicine,Washington, DCP741. Endoscopic Visualization of a Large Gastric Intramural HematomaSecondary to a Ruptured Hemorrhagic Pancreatic Pseudocyst: A CaseReportSimon Hong, MD, Akiva Marcus, MD, PhD, Alex Jow, MD, DanielBerkowitz, MD, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NYP742. Successful Management of Refractory NoninsulinomaPancreatogenous Hypoglycemia Syndrome With Gastric Bypass Reversal:A Case ReportBhavana Bhagya Rao, MD, Benjamin Click, MD, Ronald Codario,BS, MD, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, VAPittsburgh Healthcare System, University Drive Division, Pittsburgh, PAP743. Pancreatic Lipoma Masquerading as A Cystic NeoplasmKatie Agnello, MD, Lalit Gurtoo, MD, Manoj Kumar, MD, MPH, AndrewBain, MD, Amanpal Singh, MD, MS, Roswell Park Cancer Institute,Buffalo, NY, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NYP744. A Case of a “Dumbbell” Gallbladder Diagnosed by ERCPPriyanka Patel, MD, Scott Swendsen, MD, Vu Nhu Nguyen, MD,Kateryna Poole, Bachelors, Internal Medicine, Baylor Scott and White,Temple, TXP745. Tumor Necrosis Factor α (TNFα) Inhibitor Class Induced AcutePancreatitisRajat Bhalla, MD, Michele Lewis, MD, Michael Bartel, MD, Mayo Clinic,Jacksonville, FLP746. Xanthogranulomatous Cholecystitis MimickingCholangiocarcinomaBashar Mohamad, MD, Arthi Kumaravel, MD, Federico Aucejo, MD,Amit Bhatt, MD, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OHP747. Chylous Ascites Secondary to Necrotizing Pancreatitis: AFortuitous Diagnosis by ERCPAllison Yang, MD, Todd Baron, MD, FACG, Philip Hart, MD, MayoClinic, Rochester, MNP748. Case Report: Rosai-Dorfman DiseaseMirza Baig, MD, Peninsula Regional Medical Center, Salisbury, MDFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.72

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