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Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP491. Granulomatous Interstitial Nephritis as the PresentingManifestation of Crohn’s Disease: A Case Report and Review of LiteratureThoetchai Peeraphatdit, MD, Guru Trikudanathan, MD, Chris Shepela,MD, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Minnesota,Minneapolis, MN, Division of Gastroenterology, University of Minnesota,Minneapolis, MN, Division of Gastroenterology, Regions Hospital, SaintPaul, MNFUNCTIONAL BOWEL DISORDERSP492. Preliminary Experience With Dextranomer in Stabilized SodiumHyaluronate (Solesta ® ) Injections in Adults With Fecal IncontinenceRefractory to Medical TherapyMohammed Saadi, MD, Sherif Elhanafi, MD, Reza Hejazi, MD, EduardoOnate, MD, Richard McCallum, MD, FACG, Texas Tech University HSCDivision of Gastroenterology, El Paso, TXP493. Prevalence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Among Medical Studentsof a Medical School in Lima, PeruGeorge Vasquez, Adriana Pezua, Julio Huapaya, Luis Marcos, MD,MPH, Sushovan Guha, MD, PhD, Jorge Machicado, MD, UniversidadPeruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru, Forrest General Hospital,Hattiesburg, MS, University of Texas at Houston, Houston, TX,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PAP494. Constipation Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS-C) WithPositive Lactulose Breath Test (LBT) Can Be Treated With PolyethyleneGlycol (PEG) in lieu of AntibioticsBingru Xie, MD, Shamik Shah, MD, Dharmesh Kaswala, MD, NikolaosPyrsopoulos, MD, PhD, MBA, Zamir Brelvi, MD, PhD, The University ofMedicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark, NJP495. Translation and Validation of Enhanced Asian Rome 3Questionnaires (EAR3-Q) in Bengali Language for Diagnosis of FunctionalGastrointestinal DisordersMohammed Rahman, MBBS, MD, Uday Ghoshal, MBBS, MD, DNB,DM, FACG, Ahm Rowshon, MBBS, MD, Faruque Ahmed, MBBS, MD,Md Kibria, MBBS, MD, Mahmud Hasan, MBBS, PhD, Kok-Ann Gwee,MBBS, MMed, PhD, William Whitehead, PhD, FACG, Department ofGastroenterology, Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh, SanjayGandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India,Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh, BangladeshMedical Research Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh, National University ofSingapore, Singapore, Singapore, Center for Functional GI and MotilityDisorders, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NCP496. Chronic Dyspepsia in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus: Is There aRole for the Cholecystokinin-HIDA Scan?Sandar Linn, MD, Carmen Stanca, MD, In Seo, MD, Sury Anand,MD, The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY, Gastroenterology,The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY, Nuclear Medicine, TheBrooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NYP497. Gastric Motility Disorders: A Possible Under-Diagnosed Cause ofNon-Responsive Non-Ulcer DyspepsiaCarmen Stanca, MD, Sandar Linn, MD, Gregory Rozansky, MD, InSeo, MD, Sury Anand, MD, The Brooklyn Hospital, Brooklyn, NY,Gastroenterology, The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY, NuclearMedicine, The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NYP498. Risk of Serious Adverse Events With Alosetron Is Similar to orLess Than That Associated With Other Drugs Prescribed for Chronic GIDisordersSusan Lucak, MD, Jean Paul Nicandro, PharmD, David Earnest,MD, FACG, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, PrometheusLaboratories Inc., San Diego, CAP499. Week 2 Response Predicts Durable Response to Lubiprostone inPatients With Chronic Idiopathic ConstipationAyesha Akbar, MBChB (Hons), PhD, Taryn Losch-Beridon, BS,Martin Wang, MS, Peter Lichtlen, MD, PhD, BBA, GastroenterologyDepartment, St. Mark’s Hospital, London, United Kingdom, SucampoPharma Americas, LLC, Bethesda, MD, Sucampo AG, Zug, SwitzerlandP500. Impact of Methadone Dose and Baseline Bowel MovementFrequency on Efficacy of Lubiprostone for Opioid-Induced ConstipationByron Cryer, MD, FACG, Peter Lichtlen, MD, PhD, BBA, MartinWang, MS, Taryn Losch-Beridon, BS, University of TexasSouthwestern Medical School, Department of Internal Medicine,Digestive and Liver Diseases, and Veterans Affairs North TexasHealth Care System, Dallas, TX, Sucampo AG, Zug, Switzerland,Sucampo Pharma Americas, LLC, Bethesda, MDP501. Guanylate Cyclase-C Receptor and Ligand Expression in ColonicMucosa in Chronic ConstipationElizabeth Videlock, MD, Swapna Mahurkar-Joshi, PhD, Jill Hoffman,PhD, Wendy Shih, MS, Melissa Alberto, RN, Lin Chang, MD, FACG,David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CAP502. Patients With Diarrhea-Predominant Irritable Bowel SyndromeHave Lower Disease-Specific Quality of Life Than Constipation-Predominant Irritable Bowel SyndromePrashant Singh, MD, Kyle Staller, MD, Kenneth Barshop, BS, ElaineDai, BS, Jennifer Newman, BS, Sonia Yoon, MD, Shahar Castel, MAMS,Braden Kuo, MD, Gastroenterology, Massachusetts General Hospital,Newton, MA, Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY, University ofChicago, Chicago, ILP503. Evaluation of Alosetron Using the New FDA Composite EndpointDemonstrates Strong Treatment Effect in Females With Severe IrritableBowel Syndrome With DiarrheaMichael Camilleri, MD, FACG, Richard Krause, MD, FACG, SandyDeveze, BS, Tharak Rao, MD, David Earnest, MD, FACG, Mayo ClinicCollege of Medicine, Rochester, MN, ClinSearch, LLC, Chattanooga, TN,Prometheus Laboratories Inc., San Diego, CAP504. Characteristics of Anal Sphincter Dysfunction Using HighResolution Manometry in Patients With Fecal IncontinenceRohan Mandaliya, MBBS, Anthony DiMarino, MD, Satish Rattan, PhD,Sidney Cohen, MD, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA,Abington Memorial Hospital, Abington, PAP505. Comparison of Generic to Disease-Specific Quality-of-LifeMeasures in Patients With Irritable Bowel SyndromeSamrath Singh, MD, Gregory Gudleski, PhD, Darren Brenner, MD,Laurie Keefer, PhD, Michael Sitrin, MD, Jeffrey Lackner, PsyD,Department of Medicine, University at Buffalo School of Medicine,SUNY, Buffalo, NY, Department of Medicine, Northwestern UniversityFeinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, ILP506. Understanding Gender Differences in IBS: The Role of Stress Fromthe Social Environment2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardElyse Thakur, MA, Michael Gurtman, PhD, Gregory Gudleski, PhD,Laurie Keefer, PhD, Darren Brenner, MD, Silpa Mandava, MD, JeffreyLackner, PsyD, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, University ofWisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha, WI, University at Buffalo, SUNY, Buffalo,NY, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, ILFUNCTIONAL BOWEL DISORDERS -CLINICAL VIGNETTESP507. A Case of Short Bowel Syndrome Managed With a PrescriptionMedical Food Product, Serum-Derived Bovine Immunoglobulin/ProteinIsolate (SBI)Raouf Hilal, MD, University of Central Florida Medical School, Orlando,FLP508. Rapid Gastric Emptying: An Alternative Cause of FunctionalDyspepsiaAnna Platovsky, MD, Aaron Tokayer, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine,Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NYP509. Three Cases of Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome in a TertiaryCare SettingSamuel Kallus, MD, Pooja Singhal, MD, Caren Palese, MD, NadimHaddad, MD, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DCPOSTERSSUNDAY61For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

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