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Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP454. Outcomes of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for C. difficileInfection in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardMonika Fischer, MD, MS, Colleen Kelly, MD, Dina Kao, MD, AishwaryaKuchipudi, MD, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, MD, Mark Blumenkehl, MD,Douglas Rex, MD, Mark Mellow, MD, Nirmal Kaur, MD, Harry Sokol,MD, PhD, Gwen Cook, MS, Emmalee Phelps, BA, Brian Sipe, MD,Medicine/Gastroenterology, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN, Alpert School ofMedicine of Brown University, Providence, RI, University of Alberta,Edmonton, AB, Canada, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, IntegrisDigestive Health Center, Oklahoma City, OK, Hospital Saint-Antoine,Paris, France, St. John’s Hospital, Anderson, INP455. Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia: Another Cancer to Screen andVaccinate for in Crohn’s DiseaseMubarak Sayyar, MD, Tarek Sawas, MD, Mitesh Patel, MD, FACG,Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DCP456. Quantifying Fecal Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) in Active IBDCompared to Other Forms of Enterocolitis: A Prospective StudyMelvin Bullock, MD, Ravi Kottoor, MD, Candace Aureleus, MD,University of Florida, Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FLP457. Non-Adherence to Topical Mesalamine in Patients With UlcerativeColitisAmanda Ting, BSc, Adam Cheifetz, MD, FACG, Alan Moss, MD, FACG,Gastroenterology, BIDMC, Boston, MAP458. Physicians’ Perspective Regarding Adherence to SystemicTherapies for IBD and Other Immune-Mediated Inflammatory DiseasesAla Sharara, MD, FACG, Alfred Alfred Ammoury, MD, Jad Okais, MD,Raymond Sayegh, MD, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon,USJ, Beirut, Lebanon, Balamand University, Beirut, Lebanon, LebaneseUniversity, Beirut, LebanonP459. Segmental Sigmoid Polyposis as a Colonoscopic Indicator ofan Ileo-Sigmoid Fistula (ISF) in Crohn’s Disease: A Newly RecognizedPrognostic EntityRaja Taunk, MD, Vivek Kesar, MBBS, Burton Korelitz, MD, MACG,FACG, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City, NYP460. SP-333, a Guanylate Cyclase C Agonist, Is Safe and Well-Tolerated, Locally Acting Drug Candidate for Treatment of GastrointestinalDisorders and DiseasesLaura Barrow, PharmD, John Foss, PhD, Stephen Comiskey, PhD,Rong Feng, PhD, Gary Jacob, PhD, Kunwar Shailubhai, PhD, MBA,R&D, Synergy Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Doylestown, PAP461. Food Avoidance and Use of Dietary Supplements Among PatientsWith Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseTien-Chun Chen, MD, Guillermina Cruz, MD, Joseph Sellin, MD, JasonHou, MD, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, Baylor Collegeof Medicine; Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center,Houston, TX, Baylor College of Medicine; Center for Innovations inQuality, Effectiveness and Safety (IQuESt); Michael E. DeBakey VeteransAffairs Medical Center, Houston, TXP462. Risk Factors for Campylobacter jejuni Infection and Impact on theDisease Course in Patients With Ulcerative ColitisZubin Arora, MD, Xianrui Wu, MD, Saurabh Mukewar, MD, Bo Shen,MD, FACG, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OHP463. Role of Colonic Expression of Wnt Inhibitory Factor-1 in UlcerativeColitisJayakrishna Chintanaboina, MD, MPH, Brittany Lippert, BS, DeepPatel, BS, Amanda Tracy, BS, Price Kimberly, BS, Alexander Lalos, MD,Bharat Patel, MD, Edward Sherwin, MD, Christopher Barbarevech, MD,David Rutta, MD, Matthew Haner, PhD, Linda Gutierrez, MD, Medicine,Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Hummelstown, PA, WilkesUniversity, Wilkes-Barre, PA, GI Consultants of Northeast Pennsylvania,Scranton, PA, Mansfield University, Mansfield, PAP464. Endoscopic Balloon Dilation in Crohn’s Disease: The RealImpact on Clinical Disease BehaviorSusana Lopes, MD, Patrícia Andrade, MD, Eduardo Rodrigues-Pinto,MD, Filipe Vilas-Boas, MD, Fernando Magro, MD, PhD, GuilhermeMacedo, MD, PhD, FACG, Gastroenterology, Centro Hospitalar SãoJoão, Porto, PortugalP465. Endoscopic Recurrence After Ileocolectomy in Crohn’s DiseaseSusana Lopes, MD, Patrícia Andrade, MD, Eduardo Rodrigues-Pinto,MD, Filipe Vilas-Boas, MD, Fernando Magro, MD, PhD, GuilhermeMacedo, MD, PhD, FACG, Gastroenterology, Centro Hospitalar SãoJoão, Porto, PortugalP466. POSTER WITHDRAWNP467. Budesonide Foam for Ulcerative Proctitis (UP) and UlcerativeProctosigmoiditis (UPS): Subgroup Analyses of 2 Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Phase 3 StudiesBrian Bosworth, MD, FACG, William Sandborn, MD, FACG, DavidRubin, MD, FACG, Jing Yu, PhD, Andrew Barrett, PhD, Enoch Bortey,PhD, William Forbes, PharmD, New York-Presbyterian Hospital/WeillCornell MedicalCollege, New York, NY, University of California SanDiego, La Jolla, CA, University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, IL, SalixPharmaceuticals, Inc., Raleigh, NCP468. Diet Compliance and Its Measurement in a Clinical Trial of Crohn’sDiseaseGayatri Sanku, BS, Prachi Chakradeo, MS, Susan Mikolaitis, MS, RDN,Ali Keshavarzian, MD, FACG, Shahriar Sedghi, MD, Louis Fogg, PhD,Ece Mutlu, MD, MBA, MS, FACG, Rush University Medical Center,Chicago, IL, Mercer University, Macon, GAP469. Prebiotic Compliance and Its Measurement in a Clinical Trial ofCrohn’s DiseaseGayatri Sanku, BS, Prachi Chakradeo, MS, Susan Mikolaitis, MS, RDN,Ali Keshavarzian, MD, FACG, Shahriar Sedghi, MD, Louis Fogg, PhD,Ece Mutlu, MD, MBA, MS, FACG, Rush University Medical Center,Chicago, IL, Mercer University, Macon, GAP470. Efficacy and Tolerability of Budesonide Foam With or WithoutBaseline 5-Aminosalicylic Acid Use in Patients With Ulcerative Proctitis(UP) or Ulcerative Proctosigmoiditis (UPS): Results of 2 Randomized,Placebo-Controlled, Phase 3 StudiesWilliam Sandborn, MD, FACG, Brian Bosworth, MD, FACG, DavidRubin, MD, FACG, Jing Yu, PhD, Andrew Barrett, PhD, Craig Paterson,MD, William Forbes, PharmD, University of California San Diego, LaJolla, CA, New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical College,New York, NY, University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, IL, SalixPharmaceuticals, Inc., Raleigh, NCP471. Characterization of Mucosal Healing With Adalimumab Treatmentin Patients With Moderately to Severely Active Crohn’s Disease FromEXTENDWalter Reinisch, MD, Jean-Frederic Colombel, MD, Geert D’Haens,MD, William Sandborn, MD, Paul Rutgeerts, MD, Joel Petersson, MD,Samantha Eichner, MD, Qian Zhou, PhD, Annalisa Iezzi, MD, RoopalThakkar, MD, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, IcahnSchool of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, Academic MedicalCenter, Amsterdam, Netherlands, University of California San Diego,La Jolla, CA, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, AbbVie Inc, NorthChicago, ILP472. Different Methodologies for Determining Mayo Score in ClinicalStudies Can Influence Disease Activity Assessments in Ulcerative ColitisSubrata Ghosh, MD, William Sandborn, MD, Julian Panés, MD, GeertD’Haens, MD, Nattanan Reilly, MD, Andreas Lazar, MD, Bidan Huang,PhD, Anne Robinson, MD, Roopal Thakkar, MD, University of Calgary,Calgary, AB, Canada, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA,Hospital Clinic University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, AcademicMedical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, AbbVie Inc, North Chicago,IL, AbbVie Deutschland GmbH and Co, KG, Ludwigshafen, GermanyPOSTERSSUNDAY59For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

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