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Featured LecturesDavid Sun LectureThe Cloudy Future for Physicians: Reimbursement and PracticeChanges in the Post-ACA EraSaturday, October 1810:00 am – 10:30 am • Terrace BallroomThomas A. Scully, JD, has been awarded this year’s David SunLecture. Mr. Scully served as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare& Medicaid Services (CMS) from 2001-2004. In his role asAdministrator, he was instrumental in designing and passing Medicarereform and Medicare Part D legislation and in making the vast agencymore open and accountable to the public. He initiated the first publicreporting and disclosure for comparative quality among hospitals,nursing homes, home health agencies and dialysis centers.The David Sun Lecturership, held during the Annual PostgraduateCourse, was established by Mrs. Sun in memory of her husband,Dr. David Sun, an outstanding gastroenterologist and investigator.The Lecturer, wish a distinguished background in gastroenterology oran allied field, is chosen by the Course Directors of the Postgraduateprogram subject to the approval of the Educational Affairs Committeeand the Board of Trustees. All who are registered for the PostgraduateCourse are invited to attend.The American Journal of Gastroenterology LectureTreatment of IBD: Where We Are and Where We Are GoingMonday, October 203:00 pm – 3:45 pm • Terrace Ballroom 3The American Journal of Gastroenterology Lecture, “Treatment of IBD:Where We Are and Where We Are Going,” will be presented this yearby Charles N. Bernstein, MD, FACG. The AJG Lecturer was chosenby the Co-Editors of The American Journal of Gastroenterology withapproval from the ACG Educational Affairs Committee and the Boardof Trustees.Charles N. Bernstein, MD, FACG, received his MD from the Universityof Manitoba in 1985, was certified in internal medicine 1989(FRCPC and ABIM) at the University of Manitoba, and in Gastroenterologyin 1991 (FRCPC and ABIM) at UCLA. He held a facultyposition at UCLA in 1991-1993 until taking a position at the Universityof Manitoba in 1993. He is currently Professor of Medicine, Head,Section of Gastroenterology, Director of the University of ManitobaInflammatory Bowel Disease Clinical and Research Centre.J. Edward Berk Distiguished LectureGI and Endoscopic Training for the Future GastroenterologistTuesday, October 2110:00 am – 10:30 am • Terrace Ballroom 3This year’s J. Edward Berk Distinguished Lecture has been awardedto Richard A. Kozarek, MD, FACG. Awarded to individuals prominentin gastroenterology or a related area, the J. Edward Berk DistinguishedLecturer is nominated by the President and the appointmentis subject to approval by the Board of Trustees. The lectureship wasestablished in recognition of the significant contributions made by J.Edward Berk, MD, MACG, to clinical gastroenterology during his longand distinguished clinical and academic career. A nationally and internationallyrenowned physician and teacher, Dr. Berk also served asACG President from 1975-1976. All who are registered for the AnnualMeeting are encouraged to attend.Richard A. Kozarek, MD, FACG, is currently the Executive Directorof the Digestive Disease Institute at Virginia Mason, as well asClinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Washington. In acareer spanning more than 30 years, Dr. Kozarek has contributedalmost 400 scientific papers, invited reviews, editorials, and books tothe medical literature on topics ranging from therapeutic endoscopy,inflammatory bowel diseases and practice economics. A past presidentof the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE),he was the 2005 recipient of the ASGE’s highest honor, the SchindlerAward. Dr. Kozarek is the President of the Society for GastrointestinalIntervention and the President-Elect of the World GastroenterologyOrganization (OMGE).Emily Couric Memorial LectureCancer in IBD: The Colon and BeyondTuesday, October 214:30 pm – 5:00 pm • Terrace Ballroom 3Stephen B. Hanauer, MD, FACG, has been designated to deliver theEmily Couric Memorial Lecture. Dr. Hanuaer has had a distinguishedcareer in medicine. He is currently the Medical Director of the DigestiveDisease Center at Northwestern Medicine and is Professor of Medicinein the Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine. Dr. Hanauer isPresident-elect of the American College of Gastroenterology.The Emily Couric Memorial Lecture, developed by the ACG, theVirginia Gastroenterological Society and the Old Dominion Societyof Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, is in honor of VirginiaState Senator Emily Couric who died of pancreatic cancer in Octoberof 2001. Senator Couric was a strong advocate for health careissues, particularly in her instrumental work to pass the nation’s firstlegislation mandating health insurance coverage for colorectal cancerscreening. All who are registered for the Annual Scientific Meetingare encouraged to attend.David Y. Graham LectureIdiosyncratic Drug-induced Liver Injury: What Have We Learnedin the Last Decade?Wednesday, October 2210:15 am – 10:45 am • Terrace Ballroom 3Naga P. Chalasani, MD, FACG, is being honored this year as presenterof the David Y. Graham Lecture. The presenter is chosen bythe President and is subject to approval by the Board of Trustees.This named lectureship was established in 2004 in recognition ofthe many contributions to clinical gastroenterology made by David Y.Graham, MD, MACG. The lectureship was made possible through adonation by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Inc., and Meretek Diagnostics,Inc. All who are registered for the Annual Meeting are encouragedto attend.Dr. Chalasani currently serves as Professor of Medicine at IndianaUniversity School of Medicine and as the Director of its Division ofGastroenterology and Hepatology. He is a clinical hepatologist bytraining and in practice and is board certified in internal medicine,gastroenterology and hepatology, and transplant hepatology CAQ. Hehas published over 130 original manuscripts and dozens of reviewarticles and text book chapters. He serves on the editorial boardsof many scientific journals and he is one of founding PIs for theNIDDK-funded Drug Induced Liver Injury Network (DILIN) and forthe NIDDK-funded NASH Clinical Research Network. He is currentlya Trustee of the ACG.For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.4

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