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Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP322. Cryoglobulinemic Vasculitis Occurring With Initiation of Interferonand Sofosbuvir for Treatment of Hepatitis CTanima Jana, MD, Sanah Ali, MD, Shivang Mehta, MD, Sarah Sweeney,MD, Richard Jahan-Tigh, MD, Kevin Dasher, MD, University of TexasHealth Science Center at Houston, Houston, TXP323. All About the Medication Reconciliation: A Case of DRESSSyndrome Appearing as Primary Sclerosing CholangitisXiao Jing Wang, MD, Christian Mustroph, BS, Parit Mekaroonkamol,MD, Ryan Ford, MD, Internal Medicine, Emory University School ofMedicine, Atlanta, GA, Emory University School of Medicine, DigestiveDisease Department, Atlanta, GAP324. Shunt Myelopathy in a Non-Cirrhotic PatientNongnooch Poowanawittayakom, MD, Bhaumik Brahmbhatt, MD,Surakit Pungpapong, MD, Internal Medicine, Advocate Illinois MasonicMedical Center, Chicago, IL, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FLP325. Herpes Simplex Virus Hepatitis: A Rare Case in anImmunocompetent MaleEzechukwu Umeh, MD, Shamiq Zackria, MD, Awais Ahmed, MD,Rama Narayanan, MD, Bassel Al-Lahham, MD, Internal Medicine,Canton Medical Education Foundation, Canton, OH, Northeast OhioMedical University, Rootstown, OH, Mercy Medical Center, Departmentof Gastroenterology, Canton, OHP326. Rejection, Recurrence or Something Else?Felipe Vélez González, MD, Veroushka Ballester, MD, Rafael Pastrana,MD, Ivan Antúnez, MD, Carmen González-Keelan, MD, Esther Torres,MD, FACG, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto RicoCOLONP327. Colorectal Cancer Screening in Asymptomatic HIV-InfectedSubjects: High Rates of Mucosal AbnormalitiesSumair Ahmad, MD, Ishita Rajnish, MD, Amar Ashraf, MD, LawrenceReich, MD, Joshua Aron, MD, FACG, Icahn School of Medicine, NewYork, NYP328. Basaloid Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the SigmoidSalih Samo, MD, Muhammed Sherid, MD, Kevin Liu, MD, Leila Kia,MD, David Shapiro, MD, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, NorthwesternUniversity Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, Georgia RegentsUniversity, Augusta, GAP329. Comparison of Harefield Cleansing Scale (HCS) and BostonBowel Preparation Scale (BBPS) for Assessment of Cleansing Prior toColonoscopy: An Analysis Based on 1,865 Patients in 6 Clinical Trials2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardJonathan Belsey, MBBS, Marc Halphen, MD, Lucy Clayton, BSc,MSc, The Old Brickworks, JB Medical Ltd, Sudbury, United Kingdom,Norgine Ltd, Harefield, United KingdomP330. Pharmacodynamic and Clinical Evaluation of Low-VolumePolyethylene Glycol (PEG)-Based Bowel Cleansing Solutions (NER1006)Using Split Dosing in Healthy and Screening Colonoscopy SubjectsMarc Halphen, MD, Bola Tayo, MBBS, Stephen Flanagan, PhD, LucyClayton, MSc, Rüdiger Kornberger, MD, Norgine Ltd, Harefield, UnitedKingdom, PAREXEL International GmbH, Berlin, GermanyP331. Antibiotic-Associated Microbiome Changes in Healthy Volunteersand Corrective Impact of the Probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardToufic Kabbani, MD, MPH, Kumar Pallav, MD, Scot Dowd, PhD, RohiniVanga, MD, Javier Villafuerte-Gálvez, MD, Natalia Castillo, MD, CiaranKelly, MD, FACG, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, BIDMC,Boston, MA, MR DNA, Shallowater, TXP332. Ranolazine Blocks NaV1.5 Peak Current and Shear Sensitivity inHuman Colonic Circular Smooth MuscleLeila Neshatian, MD, MSc, Peter Strege, MSc, David Larson, MD,Robert Cima, MD, Arthur Beyder, MD, PhD, Gianrico Farrugia, MD,Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MNP333. Effect of Race, Gender and Body Position on the Prevalence andType of Dyssynergic DefecationAskin Erdogan, MD, Yeong Lee, MD, Kulthep RATTANAKOVIT,MD, Siegfried Yu, MD, Satish Rao, MD, PhD, Gastroenterology/Hepatology, Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GAP334. The Role of Prophylactic Hemoclips to Prevent Delayed Post-Polypectomy Bleeding in Patients on Chronic Anticoagulation: A LargeUniversity-Based ExperienceJoseph Marsano, MD, Andrew Antony, MD, Demetrios Tzimas, MD,Mark Pochapin, MD, Adam Goodman, MD, Seth Gross, MD, NewYork University School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine,New York, NY, New York University School of Medicine, Division ofGastroenterology, New York, NYP335. Adenoma Detection Rate (ADR) Strongly Correlates With DetectionRate of Sessile Serrated Adenomas (SSADR) Supporting ADR as aPrimary Quality Measure for Reducing Interval Colorectal CancersJason Huang, MBBS, Jerry Yu, MD, Jason Samarasena, MD, John Lee,MD, Nimisha Parekh, MD, Gregory Albers, MD, Kenneth Chang, MD,FACG, William Karnes, MD, Gastroenterology, University of CaliforniaIrvine, Irvine, CAP336. Clinical Outcomes Following Postoperative Chemotherapy forColorectal Adenocarcinoma in Patients With and Without InflammatoryBowel DiseaseMohannad Dugum, MD, Johnathon Markus, MD, Jingmei Lin, MD,PhD, Bassam Estfan, MD, Elena Manilich, PhD, Bo Shen, MD, XiuliLiu, MD, PhD, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, IndianaUniversity School of Medicine, Indianapolis, INP337. The Impact of Fellow Involvement on Patient Satisfaction andQuality Measures of Colonoscopy in Newly Established GastroenterologyFellowship ProgramYaseen Alastal, MD, Usman Ahmad, MD, Tariq Hammad, MD, FaisalSiddiqui, MD, Ramen Sakhi, MD, Shalini Gupta, ND, Nicholas Horen,MD, Dinuli Delpachitra, MD, Thomas Sodeman, MD, Osama Alaradi,MD, Ali Nawras, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, University of ToledoMedical Center, Toledo, OHP338. The Impact of a Newly Established Gastroenterology FellowshipProgram on the Colonoscopy Performance of FacultyTariq Hammad, MD, Usman Ahmad, MD, Yaseen Alastal, MD, FaisalSiddiqui, MD, Ramen Sakhi, MD, Shalini Gupta, MD, Nicholas Horen,MD, Dinuli Delpachitra, MD, Thomas Sodeman, MD, Osama Alaradi,MD, Ali Nawras, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, University of ToledoMedical Center, Toledo, OHP339. Ethnic Distribution of Microscopic ColitisAmnon Sonnenberg, MD, FACG, Kevin Turner, DO, Robert Genta, MD,FACG, Portland VA Medical Center, Portland, OR, Miraca Life SciencesResearch Institute, Irving, TXP340. Endoscopic Appearances in Predicting Colon Neoplasia inPatients With Ulcerative Colitis on Surveillance ColonoscopyRamprasad Jegadeesan, MD, Udayakumar Navaneethan, MD, NormaGutierrez, MD, Madhusudhan Sanaka, MD, Digestive Disease Institute,Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OHP341. Is Hypothyroidism a Predictor of Survival in Patients WithColorectal Cancer?Hiren Patel, MD, Abhishek Kumar, MD, Hamid Shaaban, MD, MichaelMaroules, MD, St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center, Paterson, NJ,Seton Hall University School of Health and Medical Sciences, SouthOrange, NJP342. Epidemiological and Clinical Characteristics of Colorectal Cancerin HypothyroidismHiren Patel, MD, Abhishek Kumar, MD, Anurag Sharma, MD, HamidShaaban, MD, Emma Punni, MD, Michael Maroules, MD, St. Joseph’sRegional Medical Center, Paterson, NJ, Seton Hall University School ofHealth and Medical Sciences, South Orange, NJPOSTERSSUNDAY53For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

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