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Annual Scientific Meeting Agenda – Tuesday, October 2132. Health Related Quality of Life (HRQL) and Health Utilities(HU) of Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C (CH-C) Treated Withan Interferon (IFN)-Free Regimen Containing Ledipasvir (LDV)and Sofosbuvir (SOF)Zobair Younossi, MD, MPH, FACG, Maria Stepanova, PhD, PatrickMarcellin, MD, PhD, Nezam Afdhal, MD, Kris V. Kowdley, MD,FACG, Stefan Zeuzem, MD, Linda Henry, PhD, Sharon Hunt,MBA, Center for Liver Diseases, Department of Medicine, InovaFairfax Hospital, Falls Church, VA; CLDQ LLC, Washington, DC,Viral Hepatitis Research Unit in Hospital Beaujon, Clichy, France,Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, DigestiveDiseases Institute, Digestive Diseases Institute, Virginia MasonClinic, Seattle, WA, Department of Medicine, J.W. Goethe UniversityHospital, Frankfurt, Germany, Betty and Guy Beatty Centerfor Integrated Research, Inova Health System, Falls Church, VA33. Management of Hemoglobin Decrease in Patients TreatedWith ABT-450/Ritonavir/Ombitasvir and Dasabuvir With orWithout Ribavirin in HCV Genotype 1-infected PatientsVinod Rustgi, MD, FACG, David Bernstein, MD, FACG, ThomasSepe, MD, FACG, William King, MD, Moises Diago, MD, PietroAndreone, MD, Daniel Forton, PhD, Hendrik Reesink, MD, PeterFerenci, MD, Yiran Hu, MS, Jeffrey Enejosa, MD, Daniel Cohen,MD, Yan Luo, MD, PhD, Marcos Pedrosa, MD, PhD, JohnVierling, MD, Metropolitan Research, Fairfax, VA, North ShoreUniversity Hospital (BRANY), Manhasset, NY, University Gastroenterology,Providence, RI, Trial Management Associates, LLC,Wilmington, NC, Hospital Quirón de Valencia, Unidad de Hepatología,Servicio de Aparato Digestivo, Valencia, Spain, Departmentof Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Bologna,Bologna, Italy, St. George’s, University of London, London, UnitedKingdom, Academisch Medisch Centrum, Universiteit van Amsterdam,Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Amsterdam, Netherlands,Department of Internal Medicine 3, Medical University of Vienna,Vienna, Austria, AbbVie Inc., North Chicago, IL, Advanced LiverTherapies, Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center, Houston, TX34. Sex, Age and Race Are Associated With Increased Risk ofExposure to Hepatitis E in the U.S.Tyler B. Fleming, MD, Alla Y. Grigorian, MD, PhD, Bilal Aslam,MS, IV, Philip Westgate, PhD, Houssam E. Mardini, MD, MPH,University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Lexington, KY, Universityof Kentucky College of Public Health, Lexington, KY35. The Impact of Hyponatremia on the Outcomes ofWait-Listed and Transplanted Patients With Liver CirrhosisMohammed Eyad Yaseen Alsabbagh, MD, Bayan Alsuleiman, MD,Naim Alkhouri, MD, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH36. Reserved for Late Breaking Abstract10:00 am – 10:30 am J. Edward Berk DistinguishedLecture (Terrace Ballroom 3)GI and Endoscopic Training for theFuture GastroenterologistRichard A. Kozarek, MD, FACGIdentify the fundamentals of GI andendoscopic training for tomorrow’s GI.Introduced by:Harry E. Sarles, Jr., MD, FACGACG PresidentSee page 4 for more information.10:00 am – 4:30 pm Exhibit Hall Opens(Exhibit Halls DE)10:00 am – 4:30 pm Hands-on Workshop Center(Exhibit Halls DE)10:30 am – 11:30 am Break – Visit Exhibits(Exhibit Halls DE)10:30 am – 11:30 am Exhibitor theater(Exhibit Halls DE)11:30 am – 12:45 pm Simultaneous Symposia 3simultaneous symposia 3a: Quality in Colonoscopy:Here and Nowmoderator: Douglas K. Rex, MD, MACGQuality Indicators in Colonoscopy and How to Improve Them inPracticeAasma Shaukat, MD, MPH, FACGDefine current quality indicators and discuss technology and techniquesto improve them in practice.Detection and Resection of Serrated PolypsDouglas K. Rex, MD, MACGDetermine the classification, pathology variation and methods to improvedetection and resection of serrated polyps.Controversies in Surveillance GuidelinesDennis J. Ahnen, MDAnalyze surveillance guidelines for serrated polyps and other grey areas.simultaneous symposia 3b: Reading Between the Lines:The Refractory Esophageal Patient – What theGuidelines Do Not Addressmoderator: Evan S. Dellon, MD, MPHAchalasia: New Treatment ParadigmsSteven R. DeMeester, MD, FACGDescribe new treatments, including POEM, as well as patient selection forsurgical therapy and management of post-surgical complications.EoE: When Steroids FailEvan S. Dellon, MD, MPHDiscuss the reasons and treatment approaches for steroid-refractory EoEpatients, including dietary elimination and dilation.Refractory GERD: What Are the Options in 2014?Ronnie Fass, MD, FACGDescribe current treatment options for PPI-refractory GERD, optimalselection of patients for surgery and post-op complications/recurrences.12:45 pm – 2:15 pm Lunch Break(Exhibit Halls DE)12:45 pm – 2:15 pm Poster Session(Exhibit Halls DE)12:45 pm – 1:15 pm Exhibitor theater(Exhibit Halls DE)1:45 pm – 2:15 pm Exhibitor theater(Exhibit Halls DE)ANNUALMEETING31For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

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