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Annual Scientific Meeting Agenda – Tuesday, October 21breakfast i: Functional Anorectal Disease: Do Askand Do TellModerator: Amy E. Foxx-Orenstein, DO, FACGUrgency, Tenesmus and Leakage: How Can I Help?Satish S. C. Rao, MD, PhD, FACGExplain the physiology of the pelvic floor and identify risk factors fortenesmus, urgency and fecal soiling.Medical, Endoscopic and Surgical Treatments for IncontinenceMichael D. Brown, MD, FACGDiscuss evidence-based therapies for the treatment of fecal incontinence.Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: How to Diagnose and How to TreatAmy E. Foxx-Orenstein, DO, FACGIdentify the patient with pelvic floor dysfunction and construct anindividualized treatment program.breakfast j: Pushing the Envelope With NewEndoscopic TechniquesModerator: Richard I. Rothstein, MD, FACGPerforation: We Can Fix That!Louis-Michel Wong Kee Song, MDDiscuss the latest techniques and devices for closing luminal perforations.Want to Lose Weight? The Endoscopic OptionsRichard I. Rothstein, MD, FACGDescribe endoscopic management of obesity.Endoscopic Treatment of HemorrhoidsWaqar A. Qureshi, MD, FACGIdentify new endoscopic therapies for hemorrhoid treatment.breakfast l: Fatty Liver Diseases: You Can’t EscapeThemModerator: Mary E. Rinella, MD, FACGNon-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: What Is Beyond Vitamin E?Mary E. Rinella, MD, FACGEvaluate patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and identifywhich patients require a liver biopsy and which can be followed.Discuss current therapies available and those in the pipeline.One Bourbon, One Scotch and One Beer: What to Do When They AreDrinkingVijay H. Shah, MD, FACGClassify clinical spectrum of alcoholic fatty liver disease, who requirestherapy and with what, and how to apply the Lille criteria in treatment ofalcoholic hepatitis.Recognizing and Preventing Drug-induced Liver Injury in Those WithChronic Liver Disease, Including Those With Fatty LiverVictor J. Navarro, MDIdentify the different types of drug-induced liver disease, explain howthose with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, in general, are not at higherrisk of drug-induced liver injury, determine how much acetaminophen canbe administered and which populations require caution, and plan howto approach patients with chronic liver disease who require potentiallyhepatotoxic medicines.breakfast m: Medicolegal Issues in GastroenterologyModerator: Richard S. Bloomfeld, MD, FACGWhy Are Gastroenterologists Sued?Richard S. Bloomfeld, MD, FACGIdentify top reasons gastroenterologists are named in lawsuits.breakfast k: The Gastroenterologist and thePregnant PatientModerator: Sunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH, FACGGI Meds in PregnancySunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH, FACGIdentify available pharmacological therapies that are safe for treatment of GIdisorders in the pregnant patient.IBD and PregnancySonia Friedman, MD, FACGDefine strategies for a successful pregnancy outcome in the IBD patient,including fertility, preparation of the patient for pregnancy, monitoring andpostpartum issues.Liver Disease in PregnancyTram T. Tran, MDEvaluate diagnostic and management options for liver diseases inpregnancy.Documentation and Communication Tips to Prevent LawsuitsJohn Baillie, MB, ChB, FACGDescribe ways to improve documentation and communication to modifyyour risk of adverse medicolegal events.Refusing and Dismissing Problem PatientsAndrew D. Feld, MD, JD, FACGEstablish policies for handling challenging patients in your practice.6:00 am – 5:00 pm Registration (Broad Street Atrium)8:30 am – 6:15 pm Scientific Meeting8:30 am – 10:00 am SIMULTANEOUS Plenary SessionSPlenary Session 1: Endoscopy / Colorectal Cancer PreventionMODERATORS: Mark B. Pochapin, MD, FACGDavid A. Johnson, MD, MACG19. A Phase IIb Study Comparing the Safety and Efficacy ofRemimazolam and Midazolam in Colonoscopy PatientsDaniel J. Pambianco, MD, FACG, Keith Borkett, BSc, DennisRiff, MD, Peter Winkle, MD, Howard Schwartz, MD, TimothyMelson, MD, Karin Wilhelm-Ogunbiyi, MD, Charlottesville MedicalResearch, Charlottesville, VA, Paion UK Ltd., Cambridge,United Kingdom, Anaheim Clinical Trials, Anaheim, CA, MiamiResearch Institute, Miami, FL, Helen Keller Hospital, Sheffield,AL, PAION Deutschland GmbH, Anchen, GermanyANNUALMEETING29For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

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