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Annual Scientific Meeting Agenda – Monday, October 2010:00 am – 4:30 pm Exhibit Hall Opens(Exhibit Halls DE)10:00 am – 4:30 pm Hands-on Workshop Center(Exhibit Halls DE)10:30 am – 11:30 am Break – Visit Exhibits(Exhibit Halls DE)10:30 am – 11:30 am Exhibitor theater(Exhibit Halls DE)11:30 am – 12:45 pm Simultaneous Symposia 1simultaneous symposia 1a: Choosing and MonitoringBiologic Therapy for IBDmoderator: David T. Rubin, MD, FACGPositioning Biologics in Ulcerative ColitisBruce E. Sands, MD, FACGDescribe how timing and selection factor into the implementation of biologictherapy for UC.Positioning Biologics in Crohn’s DiseaseDavid T. Rubin, MD, FACGDescribe how timing and selection factor into the implementation of biologictherapy for Crohn’s disease.Appropriate Use and Interpretation of Drug LevelsMarla C. Dubinsky, MDIncorporate a rational approach to therapeutic drug monitoring in IBD.simultaneous symposia 1b: Hepatitis C: The Future HasArrivedmoderator: Stanley M. Cohen, MDEvaluating Your Patient for Therapy Using All Oral TherapiesStanley M. Cohen, MDUse elastography to identify patients with hepatitis C (including fibrosisassessment).Genotype 1 Treatment OptionsMitchell L. Shiffman, MD, FACGApply recent phase 3 treatment options for genotype 1 infected individualswho are treatment naïve and non-responders to previous therapy.Genotype 2/3 Other PopulationsAndrew J. Muir, MD, MHSApply treatment options for genotype 2/3 infected individuals including nonrespondinggenotype 3 cirrhotic patients, implement treatment strategies inspecial populations including those who are (a) HCV/HIV infected and (b)awaiting liver transplant, and explain post-transplant outcomes.12:45 pm – 1:30 pm Exhibitor Theater(Exhibit Halls DE)12:45 pm – 2:15 pm Lunch Break – vISIT EXHIBITS(Exhibit Halls DE)2:15 pm – 3:00 pm Simultaneous Plenary SessionsPlenary Session 1: Functional Bowel Disorder/PediatricsMODERATORS: Brian E. Lacy, MD, PhD, FACGSamra Sarigol-Blanchard, MD11. Linaclotide Efficacy on Dyspepsia Symptoms Using NepeanDyspepsia Index (NDI) in a Phase 3B Trial of CIC Patients WithBloatingAnthony Lembo, MD, Nicholas J. Talley, MD, PhD, FACG, StevenJ. Shiff, MD, Bernard J. Lavins, MD, Robyn T. Carson, MPH, RickBlakesley, PhD, Xinming Hao, PhD, Mark G. Currie, PhD, CarolineKurtz, PhD, Jeffrey M. Johnston, MD, University of Newcastle,Callaghan, New South Wales, Australia, Forest Laboratories, JerseyCity, NJ, Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge, MA12. Analysis of Exhaled Volatile Organic Compounds RevealsNew Biomarkers for Irritable Bowel Syndrome2014 ACG Fellow AwardSophia A. Patel, MD, Nishaben Patel, MD, Vera Okwu, MD, AmmarMatloob, MD, David Grove, PhD, Ellen Rome, MD, Raed Dweik,MD, Naim Alkhouri, MD, Pediatric GI, Cleveland Clinic Children’s,Cleveland, OH; Cleveland Clinic Respiratory Institute, Cleveland,OH; Cleveland Clinic Pediatric Department, Cleveland, OH13. Urgency as a Measure of Treatment Effect Due toEluxadolineAnthony Lembo, MD, David Andrae, MD, Scott Dove, MD, PaulCovington, MD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston,MA, Furiex Pharmaceuticals, Morrisville, NC14. Plecanatide, a Novel Uroguanylin Analog: A 12-week, Randomized,Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Dose-Ranging Trialto Evaluate Efficacy and Safety in Patients With Irritable BowelSyndrome With Constipation (IBS-C)Philip B. Miner, MD, FACG, Robert DeLuca, MD, Marianela D. LaPortilla, MD, Eveline Padila, MD, William Koltun, MD, Othon H.Wiltz, MD, Kunwar Shailubhai, PhD, MBA, Gary S. Jacob, PhD,Patrick Griffin, MD, Laura M. Barrow, PharmD, R&D, SynergyPharmaceuticals, Inc., Doylestown, PA, Genoma Research Group,Miami, FL, Columbus Clinical Services, Miami, FL, Medical Centerfor Clinical Research, San Diego, CA, Oklahoma Center for ClinicalResearch, Oklahoma City, OK, Medical Research Unlimited, Hialeah,FL, South Medical Research Center, Miami, FLPlenary Session 2: IBDMODERATORS: Uma Mahadevan, MD, FACGSunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH, FACG15. Infliximab or Cyclosporine as Rescue Therapy inPatients With Severe Ulcerative Colitis Refractory to Steroids:A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisNeeraj Narula, MD, John K. Marshall, MD, Jean-FredericColombel, MD, PhD, Grigorios I. Leontiadis, MD, Zack Muqtadir,MD, Walter Reinisch, MD, PhD, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York,NY, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada12:45 pm – 2:15 pm Poster Session(Exhibit Halls DE)1:45 pm – 2:15 pm exhibitor theater(Exhibit Halls DE)For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.26

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