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ACG's 2014 Postgraduate Course – Sunday, October 19Sunday, October 19, 20147:50 am – 5:00 pm7:50 am Introduction by Course Directorssession 2A: Pancreasmoderator: Scott M. Tenner, Md, MPH, JD, Facg8:00 am Acute Pancreatitis: How to Get the Best OutcomeScott M. Tenner, MD, MPH, JD, FACGDiscuss management of acute pancreatitis based on recentACG guidelines.8:20 am How to Manage the Pain and Malabsorption in ChronicPancreatitisTimothy B. Gardner, MD, MS, FACGDiscuss presentation and management options for patientspresenting with chronic pancreatitis.8:40 am Pancreatic Cyst: A Management DilemmaJohn M. DeWitt, MD, FACGApply an evidence-based approach to diagnosis andmanagement of pancreatic cysts.9:00 am Role of Endoscopy in the Management of PancreaticDisordersVanessa M. Shami, MDEvaluate options for endoscopic therapy in patients withpancreatic disorders including pseudocysts, pancreaticstrictures, and pancreatic cancer.9:20 am Panel Q & A9:40 am Breaksession 2B: Genetic Disordersmoderator: Carol A. Burke, Md, Facg10:00 am When to Send Your Patient for Genetic CounselingHeather L. Hampel, MS, CGCDetermine when to refer your patient for genetic counseling andlearn how testing is performed.10:20 am Pancreatic Cancer: The Genes You Need to KnowRandall E. Brand, MD, FACGIdentify pancreatic cancer genetic syndromes and when to test.10:40 am Liver Disorders: It’s All in the FamilyKris V. Kowdley, MD, FACGDescribe hereditary hepatic metabolic disorders and availabletesting modalities.11:00 am Hereditary Colon Cancer: How Not to Miss It in YourPatientsCarol A. Burke, MD, FACGAnalyze when to consider genetic testing in a patient presentingwith colonic polyps or colon cancer.11:20 am The Role of Genetic Testing in Celiac DiseaseAlberto Rubio-Tapia, MDExplain recent ACG guidelines and discuss screening for celiacdisease and available testing modalities.11:40 am Panel Q & A12:00 noon Break for Learning LuncheonsSunday Learning Luncheons12:20 pm – 1:35 pmCost is $75 per person/per lunch. See page 124 for more information.13. Liver Transplant Management in the CommunityMitchell L. Shiffman, MD, FACGDetermine when and how to refer your patient for livertransplantation.14. What’s Happening in Washington and the Potential Impact onYour Gastroenterology PracticeHarry E. Sarles, Jr., MD, FACGExplain recent updates from Congress regarding upcoming policiesfor gastroenterology practice.15. Doc, I’m Still Nauseous and Bloated but All My Tests AreNegative!Eamonn M.M. Quigley, MD, FACGEvaluate and treat patients with functional gastrointestinal disordersincluding functional dyspepsia, refractory nausea, and bloating.16. Fertility and Pregnancy in IBDMarla C. Dubinsky, MDChoose management strategies for the female patient with IBD whois contemplating pregnancy.17. Fluid in the Abdomen: What to Do Next?Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao, MDAnalyze updated management strategies for patients presentingwith ascites.18. The Role of Swallowing a Pill in Your Practice: Why, When,and WhereFelice Schnoll-Sussman, MD, FACGExplain the role of video capsule endoscopy for patients withesophageal, small bowel, and colonic disorders and discussindications for wireless capsule motility.19. PPIs: Do They Harm the Heart, Bones, and IntestinalFlora?Philip O. Katz, MD, FACGCite potential risks associated with PPI usage includingosteoporosis, enteric infections, and interactions withclopidogrel.20. How to Manage the Patient Who Failed AntibioticTherapy for H. pylori InfectionWilliam D. Chey, MD, FACGIdentify alternative management strategies for patients withrefractory H. pylori infection.21. Endoscopic Management of Pancreatic PseudocystsVanessa M. Shami, MDEvaluate endoscopic management strategies of pancreaticpseudocysts.22. Enteral Feeding: How To Pick Your TubeStephen A. McClave, MDIdentify options for enteral feeding and techniques for endoscopicplacement.For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.20

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